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Performance Optimization
   for the Mobile Web
       Tuesday, October 23, 2012
             Boston, MA

● Brief Overview of the Mobile Web

● Testing, Measuring and Debugging

● Mobile Web Performance Optimization Areas

● Future of the Mobile Web
Mobile Web is Still...

Mobile Web Users...

Mobile RAGE is UP!!!
      Mobile Rage: How People React to Slow Load Times

                             23%          Curse at their phone

                                          Scream at their phones

                                          Throw their phones

                                          Behave less or more normally


Mobile web is slow because...

We are doing it WRONG!
It's Complicated...
Mobile web varies by:
Mobile web varies by:
Mobile web varies by:
Mobile web varies by:
It's all about...

Testing, Measuring & Debugging
Ways to Test, Measure & Debug:

                REAL DEVICES


                REMOTE LABS
■ Good for first testing
■ Many different types --over 150+ (most are free)
■ www.mobilexweb.com/emulators
■ Can use a resized desktop browser
■ Emulators are not reliable

■ BrowserStack.com
              ■ DeviceAnywhere.com
              ■ PerfectoMobile.com

REMOTE LABS   ■ Remove test lab (samsung) - free
              ■ Remote device access (nokia) - free
■ Opera Mobile with DragonFly
■ Blackberry Browser for Playbook
■ Mobile Chrome Developer Tools (via usb)
■ Mobile FireFox Developer Tools (via usb)
■ Very few remote browser tools available

■ Proxies on wifi: charles proxy, fiddler
■ Remote JavaScript tools: weinre, adobe shadow
■ Proxies on the device: mobitest
■ hybrids / pseudo-browsers: mobitest
■ JavaScript utility libs: jconsole, watchr
                                              REAL DEVICES
■ network sniffers: pcapperf
■ server-side sniffers
Areas of Optimization & Mobile Web's
    Performance Happy Friend:
Load Mobile Pages Faster

● Place stylesheets at top & scripts at the bottom

● JavaScript blocks parallel downloading (increasing load time)
Load Mobile Pages Faster (cont'd)

● Use multiple domains to overcome parallel download limitations
Load Mobile Pages Faster (cont'd)

● Minify JavaScript & CSS
● Defer loading of non-essential JavaScript
● GZIP components
● Reduce http requests (10x's slower than desktop)
● Deliver the mobile site directly --avoid redirects
● Use Local Storage & Application Cache (HTML5)
USE: Mobile HTML5

●   Use simple, semantic mark-up:
    ○   Complex DOM == WRONG
    ○   Use Doctype: <!DOCTYPE HTML>
    ○   Do not use insane attributes <script type?>
    ○   Nested elements slow down rendering, animation & event handling
    ○   Avoid devitis: use article, section, nav...etc...
    ○   Leverage HTML5/CSS3 rules & tags where possible
    ○   HTML5 & CSS3 degrade gracefully --don't worry about compatibility

●   Make your site mobile friendly:
    ○   Use mobile meta tags & viewport
    ○   Use responsive design approach
USE New Markup & Semantics

<details> / <summary>

<details open="open">
 <p>If your browser supports this element, it should allow
 you to expand and collapse these details.</p>


If your browser supports this element, it should allow
you to expand and collapse these details.
USE New Markup & Semantics

Semantically highlight parts of your text:

Lorem ipsum dolor, <mark>consectetur</mark> adipiscing...
USE New Markup & Semantics


<form oninput="result.value=a.valueAsNumber + b.valueAsNumber">
0<input type="range" name="b">100 +<input type="number" name="a"> =
<output name="result"></output>
USE: CSS & Image Techniques

●   Use data URI's (inline images)


USE: CSS & Image Techniques

●   Text paths using the SVG DOM
USE: CSS & Image Techniques

●   Use inline SVG for charts and shape-based images
USE: CSS & Image Techniques (cont'd)

● Use online image optimizers to optimize images
● Use PNG over GIF
● Use CSS for animations & images whenever possible
● Use image transforms that force hardware graphic
  acceleration and smoother rendering:
Mozilla, Google, and Opera are working very hard toward
making the web competitive with mobile native frameworks!

Promising Features Include:
●   WebRTC
●   WebAudio
●   WebVideo
●   PeerConnection
●   emscripten & porting w/ new JS features

What We've Covered:

● Brief Overview of the Mobile Web

● Testing, Measuring and Debugging

● Mobile Web Performance Optimization Areas

● Future of the Mobile Web

FORGET                       LEARN
○   Static Designs           ○   Responsive Design
○   Desktop Web Frameworks   ○   Progressive Enhancement
    (okay, not always)       ○   Mobile First Design Approach
○   Unlimited Power          ○   Latest HTML5, CSS3, and JS
○   Pixels                   ○   JS Optimization Patterns
○   Screen Consistency       ○   SVG, Canvas, and webGL
○   Always Connected         ○   New Web API's

1.   http://mobilehtml5.org - HTML5 Compatibility on Mobile & Tablet Browsers

2.   http://caniuse.com - Campatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS4, SVG, and more in

     desktop & mobile browsers

3.   http://www.onbile.com/info/the-most-popular-mobile-browsers

4.   http://thenounproject.com/

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Performance Optimization for Mobile Web | Fresh Tilled Soil

  • 1. Performance Optimization for the Mobile Web Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Boston, MA
  • 2. Agenda ● Brief Overview of the Mobile Web ● Testing, Measuring and Debugging ● Mobile Web Performance Optimization Areas ● Future of the Mobile Web
  • 3. Mobile Web is Still... SLOW!
  • 4. Mobile Web Users... ARE FED UP!
  • 5. Mobile RAGE is UP!!! Mobile Rage: How People React to Slow Load Times 23% Curse at their phone Scream at their phones Throw their phones Behave less or more normally 11% 62% 4%
  • 8. Mobile web is slow because... We are doing it WRONG!
  • 14. :(
  • 15. :)
  • 16. ;)
  • 18. Testing, Measuring & Debugging
  • 20. ■ Good for first testing ■ Many different types --over 150+ (most are free) ■ www.mobilexweb.com/emulators ■ Can use a resized desktop browser ■ Emulators are not reliable EMULATORS
  • 21. ■ BrowserStack.com ■ DeviceAnywhere.com ■ PerfectoMobile.com REMOTE LABS ■ Remove test lab (samsung) - free ■ Remote device access (nokia) - free
  • 22. ■ Opera Mobile with DragonFly ■ Blackberry Browser for Playbook ■ Mobile Chrome Developer Tools (via usb) ■ Mobile FireFox Developer Tools (via usb) ■ Very few remote browser tools available REMOTE BROWSER TOOLS
  • 23. ■ Proxies on wifi: charles proxy, fiddler ■ Remote JavaScript tools: weinre, adobe shadow ■ Proxies on the device: mobitest ■ hybrids / pseudo-browsers: mobitest ■ JavaScript utility libs: jconsole, watchr REAL DEVICES ■ network sniffers: pcapperf ■ server-side sniffers
  • 24. Areas of Optimization & Mobile Web's Performance Happy Friend:
  • 25. Load Mobile Pages Faster ● Place stylesheets at top & scripts at the bottom ● JavaScript blocks parallel downloading (increasing load time)
  • 26. Load Mobile Pages Faster (cont'd) ● Use multiple domains to overcome parallel download limitations
  • 27. Load Mobile Pages Faster (cont'd) ● Minify JavaScript & CSS ● Defer loading of non-essential JavaScript ● GZIP components ● Reduce http requests (10x's slower than desktop) ● Deliver the mobile site directly --avoid redirects ● Use Local Storage & Application Cache (HTML5)
  • 28. USE: Mobile HTML5 ● Use simple, semantic mark-up: ○ Complex DOM == WRONG ○ Use Doctype: <!DOCTYPE HTML> ○ Do not use insane attributes <script type?> ○ Nested elements slow down rendering, animation & event handling ○ Avoid devitis: use article, section, nav...etc... ○ Leverage HTML5/CSS3 rules & tags where possible ○ HTML5 & CSS3 degrade gracefully --don't worry about compatibility ● Make your site mobile friendly: ○ Use mobile meta tags & viewport ○ Use responsive design approach
  • 29. USE New Markup & Semantics <details> / <summary> <details open="open"> <summary>Information</summary> <p>If your browser supports this element, it should allow you to expand and collapse these details.</p> </details> Information If your browser supports this element, it should allow you to expand and collapse these details.
  • 30. USE New Markup & Semantics <mark> Semantically highlight parts of your text: Lorem ipsum dolor, <mark>consectetur</mark> adipiscing...
  • 31. USE New Markup & Semantics <output> <form oninput="result.value=a.valueAsNumber + b.valueAsNumber"> 0<input type="range" name="b">100 +<input type="number" name="a"> = <output name="result"></output> </form>
  • 32. USE: CSS & Image Techniques ● Use data URI's (inline images) HTML CSS
  • 33. USE: CSS & Image Techniques ● Text paths using the SVG DOM
  • 34. USE: CSS & Image Techniques ● Use inline SVG for charts and shape-based images
  • 35. USE: CSS & Image Techniques (cont'd) ● Use online image optimizers to optimize images ● Use PNG over GIF ● Use CSS for animations & images whenever possible ● Use image transforms that force hardware graphic acceleration and smoother rendering:
  • 36. THE FUTURE OF MOBILE Mozilla, Google, and Opera are working very hard toward making the web competitive with mobile native frameworks! Promising Features Include: ● WebRTC ● WebAudio ● WebVideo ● PeerConnection ● emscripten & porting w/ new JS features http://AreWeMobileYet.com https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI http://webrtc.org
  • 37. What We've Covered: ● Brief Overview of the Mobile Web ● Testing, Measuring and Debugging ● Mobile Web Performance Optimization Areas ● Future of the Mobile Web
  • 38. LOVE TO EVOLVE FORGET LEARN ○ Static Designs ○ Responsive Design ○ Desktop Web Frameworks ○ Progressive Enhancement (okay, not always) ○ Mobile First Design Approach ○ Unlimited Power ○ Latest HTML5, CSS3, and JS ○ Pixels ○ JS Optimization Patterns ○ Screen Consistency ○ SVG, Canvas, and webGL ○ Always Connected ○ New Web API's TAKE WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED AND CREATE LOTS OF COOL MOBILE & POWERFUL MOBILE WEBSITES
  • 39. REFERENCE LINKS 1. http://mobilehtml5.org - HTML5 Compatibility on Mobile & Tablet Browsers 2. http://caniuse.com - Campatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS4, SVG, and more in desktop & mobile browsers 3. http://www.onbile.com/info/the-most-popular-mobile-browsers 4. http://thenounproject.com/