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SlideShare a Scribd company logo
 creating useful &
profitable products
        Presented by

     richard banfield

                        1 /50
2 /50
3 /50
4 /50
same performance
but significant price difference

                                  5 /50
what we’ll learn today
                 product design is hard
                unless you have an awesome team with a plan

  Customer         Research &             Best Practice         Execution
   know how           Analysis                & More             & Planning

The Emotional     The Behavioral          The Empirical       The Roadmap to
   Animal            Science                Evidence             Success

                                                                               6 /50

 why is a biologist
  teaching user
experience design?

                      7 /50
your customer
  The Emotional Animal

                         9 /50

Some behavioral

                          Another useless

                                            10 /50

Are we really in
control of our

                   11 /50
the same but different

                         12 /50
data is not enough

                     13 /50
data is not enough

                     14 /50
data is not enough

                     15 /50
data is not enough

                     16 /50

   people remember
 stories that have an
emotional connection

                        17 /50

  people are more
   likely to make
decisions when happy

                       18 /50
making happy

Make it motivating

                            Make it easy

                                           19 /50
Information is not enough, and...

  Emotions drive decision making

  Emotions are often irrational

  Happiness leads to better decisions

  Happiness can be manufactured

...this means...

 Significantly more work for product designers

  But, higher adoption and deeper loyalty

                                                20 /50
     The Behavioral Science

                              21 /50

  let’s start with how
emotions lead to action

                          22 /50

“persuasion requires...

...motivation, ability and
        a trigger.”

          BJ Fogg

                             23 /50

         In other words...

  successful product design
    meets our goals, our
expectations and is easy to use

                                  24 /50

Acceptance   Rejection

 Pleasure      Pain

  Hope         Fear

                         25 /50
double duty

High Motivation
                     Make it
Low Motivation

                                  Make it
                                 easy to do

                  Hard to Do              Easy to Do

                                                       26 /50

High Motivation
Low Motivation

                  Hard to Do   Easy to Do

                                            27 /50
starting point

   the 5 whys

                 28 /50
starting point
               geoff’s story
        Geoff wants to join a gym to get fit but he’s intimidated by
          the other gym members, who all seem to be fitter and
             stronger. How can he improve his experience?

  What if Geoff could work out at home with all of the
      benefits of a personal trainer at the gym?

       Geoff feels if he could track his progress and communicate
       with a trainer without having to go to the gym he’d be able
                to reach his fitness goals with less stress.

What other tools will Geoff need to accomplish this goal?
   Are these tools reducing the stress Geoff feels?

                                                                      29 /50
who else looking for a solution to their problem?

     jane               Steve           sarah
     smith            hollister         chang
     Business Owner    Retired Lawyer   Single Mom

                                                     30 /50

           31 /50
3d matrix
                                Who: What type of customer?



                                    MONEY MINDER

                                IMMATURE CREDIT

           Home (desktop/laptop)                 Financial Advice Online

        OFFICE (desktop/laptop)                          home making

         CC/ LOAN (MOBILE)                               Financial repairs

   CAR DEALERSHIP (MOBILE)                                 Financial planning

   OPEN HOUSE (MOBILE)                                        insight / education

Where: In which places                                         What: Why are people
do they access their information?                              accessing their information?
                                                                                              32 /50
2D matrix
           Aspiring                         Recovering                      Money Minder                    Novice / Immature

      Credit Report Card                  Credit Report Card
                                                                           Credit Report Card                Credit Report Card
         Best Matches                        Best Matches
                                                                               Fraud Risk                   Educational Articles
     Educational Articles                Educational Articles

 Want to get a handle on their      Credit is in bad shape - need to   Want to keep an eye on their
                                                                                                      Needs to be educated on credit and
credit to plan out next financial   see their current situation and    credit to make sure they are
                                                                                                              how it effects them             Triggers
              steps                       seeking help to fix it         secure going forward

         Home page                           Home page                          Home page                       Home page
     Educational articles               Educational articles            Products for Good Credit           Products for Students              Content
                                                                                                                                           (top traffic pages)
         Find a Loan                   Products for Bad Credit          Identity Theft Protection        Products for No/Low Credit

       lifestyle articles                                                      CRC widget                      partner offers
                                       topical partner articles
      expert blog articles                                                    forum widget                       crc widget
  estimators and calculators
                                        Educational articles
                                                                           expert blog articles                planning tools
                                                                                                                                            Tech Tools
                                            planning tools
     product comparisons                                               estimators and calculators           product comparisons

                                        Cards for Bad Credit
    Home Loans/Mortgages                                                                                       Student Cards
    Cards for Good Credit
                                       Balance Transfer Cards          Cards for Excellent Credit
                                                                                                           Cards for No/Low Credit
                                           Personal Loans

                                                                                                                                                     33 /50
goals:                              goals:                        goals:
1. find out credit score              1. reduce debt quickly       1. monitor good credit
2. find qualified products             2. improve credit score      2. prevent new risks
3. understand their credit           3. control debt and credit   3. find high-reward products
bottom line:                        bottom line:                  bottom line:
get started and learn how to        move from managing debt       maintain the status quo and
stay in control                     to eliminating debt           finish strong

novice                               aspiring                      money minder


1. manageable level of debt
2. improve credit score
3. find lower interest products
bottom line:
get in control of finances, debt and credit

                                                                                                34 /50
Current FLOW
                         Home Page

Signup Process

                  Step One           Step Two       Step Three



                                                                 35 /50
                            Home Page

Signup Process

   Signup steps are          Step 1-3
 combined into a single
modal to reduce bounces

Tools now function as the
dashboard with fraud risk
   features integrated          &

                                         36 /50
user journeys
                              article     widget

  Money Minder                                       Credit Card Vendor

        Goals:                                                 Goals:
   Monitor good credit        forum                   Pre-qualify low-risk client
    Prevent new risks                                  Develop brand loyalty
Find high-reward products                              Reduce cost of service



                                                                         37 /50

            38 /50

             39 /50

          40 /50

                  41 /50
good design matters

      Humans make emotional decisions

      Humans are irrational

      Humans prefer happiness

      Happiness drives better decisions

      Good design leads to happiness

                                          42 /50
connecting dots

how do we connect our ideas
  with what really works?

                              43 /50
best practice

Imagery with
creates higher

                                   44 /50
best practice

Use of specific
personas and
situation further
personal story

                                      45 /50
best practice

Context relays the
bigger picture
without the need
for explanation

                                    46 /50
best practice
                    product positioning

‘How to’ imagery
or video reduces
the need for
lengthy text and
additional pages

                                          47 /50
Execution &
return on investment

                       48 /50
                                           CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING

                                        Iterative Design                                       Responsive Design
                                       Short cycles of high impact                              Delivers the best UX for the
                                         improvements to brand                                 appropriate device & browser


        User Centric Design                                            Progressive                                             Version n
        Relationship and trust drive                                  Enhancement
        experience design decisions
                                                                 Allows for accessibility across
                                                                 all browsers and connections.

                                                                                                                                49 /50

 design                    wireframing                          visual                      front-end
                                                                                                                            qa / testing
planning                     & flows                            design                     development
Research and planning      Map user stories to flows       Design exploration / concepts   Code HTML5/CSS3 templates        QA and internal testing on
                                                                                                                            target browsers / devices
Features and               Validate user interactions      Present, review and iterate     Include interaction demos with
functionality                                                                              jQuery/JS
                           Hand off detailed wireframes    Ongoing stylistic refinement
User characteristics &                                                                     Start QA and browser testing
stories                                                    Creation of high-fidelity
SWOT analysis (internal)
User journeys & flows

                                                                                                                                         50 /50
where we are

                             We Are Here

 design                    wireframing              visual                      front-end
                                                                                                                qa / testing
planning                     & flows                design                     development
Research and planning      Map user stories    Design exploration / concepts   Code HTML5/CSS3 templates        QA and internal testing on
                                                                                                                target browsers / devices
Features and               to flows            Present, review and iterate     Include interaction demos with
functionality                                                                  jQuery/JS
                                               Ongoing stylistic refinement
User characteristics &     Validate user                                       Start QA and browser testing
                                               Creation of high-fidelity
stories                    interactions        assets
SWOT analysis (internal)
                           Hand off detailed
User journeys & flows

                                                                                                                             51 /50
  We Are Here

                wireframing & flows
                Map user stories to flows
                Validate user interactions
                Hand off detailed wireframes

                                               52 /50
real world
case study

             53 /50
apparent problem: Need to loose weight

actual problem: feeling lonely & scared

jane               Steve           sarah
smith            hollister         chang
Business Owner    Retired Lawyer   Single Mom

                                                54 /50
3d matrix
                                Who: What type of customer?



                                    MONEY MINDER

                                IMMATURE CREDIT

           Home (desktop/laptop)                 Financial Advice Online

        OFFICE (desktop/laptop)                          home making

         CC/ LOAN (MOBILE)                               Financial repairs

   CAR DEALERSHIP (MOBILE)                                 Financial planning

   OPEN HOUSE (MOBILE)                                        insight / education

Where: In which places                                         What: Why are people
do they access their information?                              accessing their information?
                                                                                              55 /50
2D matrix
           Aspiring                         Recovering                      Money Minder                    Novice / Immature

      Credit Report Card                  Credit Report Card
                                                                           Credit Report Card                Credit Report Card
         Best Matches                        Best Matches
                                                                               Fraud Risk                   Educational Articles
     Educational Articles                Educational Articles

 Want to get a handle on their      Credit is in bad shape - need to   Want to keep an eye on their
                                                                                                      Needs to be educated on credit and
credit to plan out next financial   see their current situation and    credit to make sure they are
                                                                                                              how it effects them             Triggers
              steps                       seeking help to fix it         secure going forward

         Home page                           Home page                          Home page                       Home page
     Educational articles               Educational articles            Products for Good Credit           Products for Students              Content
                                                                                                                                           (top traffic pages)
         Find a Loan                   Products for Bad Credit          Identity Theft Protection        Products for No/Low Credit

       lifestyle articles                                                      CRC widget                      partner offers
                                       topical partner articles
      expert blog articles                                                    forum widget                       crc widget
  estimators and calculators
                                        Educational articles
                                                                           expert blog articles                planning tools
                                                                                                                                            Tech Tools
                                            planning tools
     product comparisons                                               estimators and calculators           product comparisons

                                        Cards for Bad Credit
    Home Loans/Mortgages                                                                                       Student Cards
    Cards for Good Credit
                                       Balance Transfer Cards          Cards for Excellent Credit
                                                                                                           Cards for No/Low Credit
                                           Personal Loans

                                                                                                                                                     56 /50
matrix TO Flow
                              article     widget

  Money Minder                                       Credit Card Vendor

        Goals:                                                 Goals:
   Monitor good credit        forum                   Pre-qualify low-risk client
    Prevent new risks                                  Develop brand loyalty
Find high-reward products                              Reduce cost of service



                                                                         57 /50

          58 /50

steve jobs greatest success
wasn’t designing products, it
    was designing apple

                                59 /50

         60 /50

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Designing Revenue | Fresh Tilled Soil

  • 1. designing revenue creating useful & profitable products Presented by richard banfield 1 /50
  • 5. same performance but significant price difference 25% 5 /50
  • 6. what we’ll learn today product design is hard unless you have an awesome team with a plan Customer Research & Best Practice Execution know how Analysis & More & Planning The Emotional The Behavioral The Empirical The Roadmap to Animal Science Evidence Success 6 /50
  • 7. introduction why is a biologist teaching user experience design? 7 /50
  • 8. /50
  • 9. your customer The Emotional Animal 9 /50
  • 10. homo-sapiens Some behavioral measurement Another useless measurement 10 /50
  • 11. irrational Are we really in control of our decisions? 11 /50
  • 12. the same but different 12 /50
  • 13. information data is not enough 13 /50
  • 14. information data is not enough 14 /50
  • 15. information data is not enough 15 /50
  • 16. information data is not enough 16 /50
  • 17. storytelling people remember stories that have an emotional connection 17 /50
  • 18. happiness people are more likely to make decisions when happy 18 /50
  • 19. making happy Make it motivating Make it easy 19 /50
  • 20. emotions Information is not enough, and... Emotions drive decision making Emotions are often irrational Happiness leads to better decisions Happiness can be manufactured ...this means... Significantly more work for product designers But, higher adoption and deeper loyalty 20 /50
  • 21. RESEARCH & ANALYSIS The Behavioral Science 21 /50
  • 22. persuasion let’s start with how emotions lead to action 22 /50
  • 24. persuasion In other words... successful product design meets our goals, our expectations and is easy to use 24 /50
  • 25. triggers Acceptance Rejection Pleasure Pain Hope Fear 25 /50
  • 26. double duty High Motivation Make it motivating Low Motivation Make it easy to do Hard to Do Easy to Do 26 /50
  • 27. pathways High Motivation Low Motivation Hard to Do Easy to Do 27 /50
  • 28. starting point storytelling scenarios storyboards personas interviews prototypes the 5 whys 28 /50
  • 29. starting point geoff’s story Geoff wants to join a gym to get fit but he’s intimidated by the other gym members, who all seem to be fitter and stronger. How can he improve his experience? What if Geoff could work out at home with all of the benefits of a personal trainer at the gym? Geoff feels if he could track his progress and communicate with a trainer without having to go to the gym he’d be able to reach his fitness goals with less stress. What other tools will Geoff need to accomplish this goal? Are these tools reducing the stress Geoff feels? 29 /50
  • 30. audience who else looking for a solution to their problem? jane Steve sarah smith hollister chang Business Owner Retired Lawyer Single Mom 30 /50
  • 31. audience 31 /50
  • 32. 3d matrix Who: What type of customer? ASPIRING RECOVERING MONEY MINDER IMMATURE CREDIT Home (desktop/laptop) Financial Advice Online OFFICE (desktop/laptop) home making CC/ LOAN (MOBILE) Financial repairs CAR DEALERSHIP (MOBILE) Financial planning OPEN HOUSE (MOBILE) insight / education Where: In which places What: Why are people do they access their information? accessing their information? 32 /50
  • 33. 2D matrix Aspiring Recovering Money Minder Novice / Immature Credit Report Card Credit Report Card Credit Report Card Credit Report Card Best Matches Best Matches Fraud Risk Educational Articles Products Educational Articles Educational Articles Want to get a handle on their Credit is in bad shape - need to Want to keep an eye on their Needs to be educated on credit and credit to plan out next financial see their current situation and credit to make sure they are how it effects them Triggers steps seeking help to fix it secure going forward Home page Home page Home page Home page Educational articles Educational articles Products for Good Credit Products for Students Content (top traffic pages) Find a Loan Products for Bad Credit Identity Theft Protection Products for No/Low Credit lifestyle articles CRC widget partner offers topical partner articles expert blog articles forum widget crc widget estimators and calculators Educational articles expert blog articles planning tools Tech Tools planning tools product comparisons estimators and calculators product comparisons Cards for Bad Credit Home Loans/Mortgages Student Cards Cards for Good Credit Balance Transfer Cards Cards for Excellent Credit Cards for No/Low Credit Partners Personal Loans 33 /50
  • 34. mobility goals: goals: goals: 1. find out credit score 1. reduce debt quickly 1. monitor good credit 2. find qualified products 2. improve credit score 2. prevent new risks 3. understand their credit 3. control debt and credit 3. find high-reward products bottom line: bottom line: bottom line: get started and learn how to move from managing debt maintain the status quo and stay in control to eliminating debt finish strong novice aspiring money minder recovering goals: 1. manageable level of debt 2. improve credit score 3. find lower interest products bottom line: get in control of finances, debt and credit 34 /50
  • 35. Current FLOW Home Page Signup Process Step One Step Two Step Three Dashboard tools 35 /50
  • 36. RECOMMENDED FLOW Home Page Signup Process Signup steps are Step 1-3 combined into a single modal to reduce bounces Tools now function as the dashboard with fraud risk Dashboard features integrated & tools 36 /50
  • 37. user journeys article widget Money Minder Credit Card Vendor Goals: Goals: Monitor good credit forum Pre-qualify low-risk client Prevent new risks Develop brand loyalty Find high-reward products Reduce cost of service credit signup estimator product Dashboard offers 37 /50
  • 38. sketching 38 /50
  • 39. wireframes 39 /50
  • 40. designs 40 /50
  • 41. BEST PRACTICE & connections 41 /50
  • 42. good design matters Humans make emotional decisions Humans are irrational Humans prefer happiness Happiness drives better decisions Good design leads to happiness 42 /50
  • 43. connecting dots how do we connect our ideas with what really works? 43 /50
  • 44. best practice humanization Imagery with human-focused interactions creates higher emotional connections 44 /50
  • 45. best practice humanization Use of specific personas and situation further emphasizes personal story 45 /50
  • 46. best practice humanization Context relays the bigger picture without the need for explanation 46 /50
  • 47. best practice product positioning ‘How to’ imagery or video reduces the need for lengthy text and additional pages 47 /50
  • 48. Execution & return on investment 48 /50
  • 49. DESIGN PRINCIPLES CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING Iterative Design Responsive Design Short cycles of high impact Delivers the best UX for the improvements to brand appropriate device & browser UX/UI User Centric Design Progressive Version n Relationship and trust drive Enhancement experience design decisions Allows for accessibility across all browsers and connections. 49 /50
  • 50. process design wireframing visual front-end qa / testing planning & flows design development Research and planning Map user stories to flows Design exploration / concepts Code HTML5/CSS3 templates QA and internal testing on target browsers / devices Features and Validate user interactions Present, review and iterate Include interaction demos with functionality jQuery/JS Hand off detailed wireframes Ongoing stylistic refinement User characteristics & Start QA and browser testing stories Creation of high-fidelity assets SWOT analysis (internal) User journeys & flows 50 /50
  • 51. where we are We Are Here design wireframing visual front-end qa / testing planning & flows design development Research and planning Map user stories Design exploration / concepts Code HTML5/CSS3 templates QA and internal testing on target browsers / devices Features and to flows Present, review and iterate Include interaction demos with functionality jQuery/JS Ongoing stylistic refinement User characteristics & Validate user Start QA and browser testing Creation of high-fidelity stories interactions assets SWOT analysis (internal) Hand off detailed User journeys & flows wireframes 51 /50
  • 52. schedule We Are Here wireframing & flows Map user stories to flows Validate user interactions Hand off detailed wireframes 52 /50
  • 54. audience apparent problem: Need to loose weight actual problem: feeling lonely & scared jane Steve sarah smith hollister chang Business Owner Retired Lawyer Single Mom 54 /50
  • 55. 3d matrix Who: What type of customer? ASPIRING RECOVERING MONEY MINDER IMMATURE CREDIT Home (desktop/laptop) Financial Advice Online OFFICE (desktop/laptop) home making CC/ LOAN (MOBILE) Financial repairs CAR DEALERSHIP (MOBILE) Financial planning OPEN HOUSE (MOBILE) insight / education Where: In which places What: Why are people do they access their information? accessing their information? 55 /50
  • 56. 2D matrix Aspiring Recovering Money Minder Novice / Immature Credit Report Card Credit Report Card Credit Report Card Credit Report Card Best Matches Best Matches Fraud Risk Educational Articles Products Educational Articles Educational Articles Want to get a handle on their Credit is in bad shape - need to Want to keep an eye on their Needs to be educated on credit and credit to plan out next financial see their current situation and credit to make sure they are how it effects them Triggers steps seeking help to fix it secure going forward Home page Home page Home page Home page Educational articles Educational articles Products for Good Credit Products for Students Content (top traffic pages) Find a Loan Products for Bad Credit Identity Theft Protection Products for No/Low Credit lifestyle articles CRC widget partner offers topical partner articles expert blog articles forum widget crc widget estimators and calculators Educational articles expert blog articles planning tools Tech Tools planning tools product comparisons estimators and calculators product comparisons Cards for Bad Credit Home Loans/Mortgages Student Cards Cards for Good Credit Balance Transfer Cards Cards for Excellent Credit Cards for No/Low Credit Partners Personal Loans 56 /50
  • 57. matrix TO Flow article widget Money Minder Credit Card Vendor Goals: Goals: Monitor good credit forum Pre-qualify low-risk client Prevent new risks Develop brand loyalty Find high-reward products Reduce cost of service credit signup estimator product Dashboard offers 57 /50
  • 58. finally 58 /50
  • 59. designing steve jobs greatest success wasn’t designing products, it was designing apple 59 /50
  • 60. Thanks 60 /50