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serv 724, professor Robert Bau

Lauren Peters
MFA Design for Service Innovation
September 20, 2012

The Holistic Healthcare Industry

With the absense of innovation in the Holistic Healthcare
realm, industries such as “Hospitals” and “Retail Clinics”
have been observed.

Hospitals are begining to offer holistic health services with
no huge emphasis on its benefits compared to traditional
medicine. Retail clinics are also important for their relevance
in today’s changing healthcare market.

Who are the major players?

Hospital Industry (#621399)        Retail Clinic Industry (#446100)

•	Massachusetts General Hospital   •	Walgreens Co - Take Care Clinic
•	The Mayo Clinic                  •	CVS - MinuiteClinic
•	John Hopkins Hospital            •	Walmart - The Clinic
•	The Cleveland Clinic             •	Target - Clinic

What are the most common business models?
Strategic Choices


                Operational                 Customer
                Excellence                  Intimacy

What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years?
Innovation Matrix

                    Strategic Platform   Service Package   Delivery System   Branding & Comms

What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years?
Innovation Matrix

                    Strategic Platform          Service Package        Delivery System         Branding & Comms

                                         Mayo Clinic is the only
                                         hospital with an internal
                                         innovation group.           Delivery
                                                                     Mayo Clinic is the only
                                                                     hospital that closely         Comms.
                                                                     focuses on customer
                                                                                                   Mayo Clinic is a leader
                                                                                                   in communication

What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years?
Innovation Matrix

                    Strategic Platform        Service Package       Delivery System   Branding & Comms

                    Like its competitors,
                    Johns Hopkins strives
                    to offer the best
                    technology and talent.
                                             Johns Hopkins is a
                                             leader in University

What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years?
Innovation Matrix

                    Strategic Platform         Service Package     Delivery System         Branding & Comms

                                                                  Offers easy accessible
                                                                  and affordable dcare
                                                                  just like competitors.

                       Target optimized
                       fully packaged retail
                                                                 Branding & Comms

                       pharmacy and clinic
                                                                 Among the many who
                                                                 have optimized 21st
                                                                 Century branding and
                                                                 comm opportunities.

What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years?
Growth Matrix

                                              New clinic                                                    Accessible
  Retail Clinics                             experiences        Home healthcare                            Retail clinics

  Both Industries                                           Outsourcing            New
                                                             product                                            education
  Private Practices                          Luxury
                                             rehab                                 New
                                            facilities                          treatments             Rx & medical

                                                         Slow introduction of
                                                           holistic services
                                                                                             Medical         Online holistic
                                                                                             tablets           services
                                                          Hospital process                                    directories

                                                                                         Holistic Healthcare

                                                                                         New product        medical records
                                               Waiting room                                design
                                               optimization                                (fitbit)

                                                          Existing                                       New
                                                                     Customer Group                                            9
The Hospital Industry
(in relation to Holistic Healthcare)

Hospital Holistic Health - Business Model Canvas
PARTNERS                          PROCESSES                      OFFERINGS                               RELATIONSHIPS                  CUSTOMERS
                                                Resources              Facility for                                                         The sick
   IT Company                      Patient                              the sick
                                  Services                                                                         Personal
                                                                                      Prevention                  Assistance
     Other                                     Logistics                               services
    hospitals                                                          Diagnosis                                                                Family & Friends
                     Fire                                                                                      Dedicated                          of the sick
                     Dept           Emergency &                                 Rehabilitation                  Personal
                                   Hospital Intake                                services                     Assistance
  Police                                                                                                                                Doctors, nurses,
  Dept                                                                                                                                  techs, other staff
                Local MD
               Specialists        RESOURCES                                                              CHANNELS
                                                                                                                                            People with
                                                                BENEFITS                                                     Websites        insurance
    Ambulance                                    Tech (IT)                         Learning about
     Service                      Hospital      Equipment                          their conditions      Hospital & Clinic
                                   Staff                                                                    Facilities                       Medical students
                                                                Emotional                                                                      (Residents)
   Medical                                      Medical                                Family                         Other offsite
  University                                   Equipment                              stability                         facilities
                                      Patient                                                            Applications
                                                                        Comfort with                                                               Volunteers
   National & Local                 Management                          hospital staff
   Fundraising Orgs                  Systems                                                                       TV Commercials

COST STRUCTURE                                                                         REVENUE STREAM
                                                           Uninsured                                                                        Accepting cash
                                  Hospital                  patients                                              Charging insurance         for services
    Hospital                     maintanence                                               Non-profit                for services
   equipiment                                                                             Tax Benefits

                                                               Salaries &                          Fundraising           Accepting grants              Accepting
                   Marketing/           Hospital Food                                                events                for research
                   Advertising                                  Training                                                                               Donations

Hospital Holistic Health
SWOT Analysis

Stregths                          Weaknesses                       Opportunities                   Threats
•	 Strong process protocol        •	 Too many silos to             •	 Take advantage of placing    •	 Over-complicated
                                  accomodate protocol to           services within the retail      operations may one day
•	 Partnerships with                                               industry                        implode from the inside out or
universities keeps talent fresh   •	 Too large to make any                                         become completely irrelevant
                                  innovative changes               •	 Study independant holistic   in our future society
•	 Most hospitals compete                                          health practices to innovate
through product leadership,       •	 With so much product          within                          •	 Does not allow ogranization
providing the best and            innovation, unable to focus                                      to step back and innovate in
brightest research and talent     on the rise of social needs of   •	 Take advantage and start     other centers of the BMC
with high patient success rates   consumers and patients           a voice for the sustainbility
                                                                   movement in regards to          •	 Focusing on only product
•	 Have made necessary            •	 Do not have enough time       health and wellness             leadership makes them blind
steps to create calming           to focus on innovating for                                       and slow to adapt to society
environments for patient          customer intimacy                                                changes (insurance policies,
rooms and waiting rooms                                                                            social needs of patients)
                                  •	 They feel they can ‘get
                                  by’ by continuously offering                                     •	 If they do not adapt more
                                  excellent products                                               quickly to mobile technology
                                                                                                   and social changes, they
                                                                                                   will become irrelevant
                                                                                                   organizations, while newer
                                                                                                   and better services/private
                                                                                                   practices pop-up
Hospital Holistic Health
Four Action Framework

	Remove                              	Reduce                       	Raise                              	Add
•	 Irrelevant partnerships           •	 The complexity of inter-   •	 The culture of the hospitals     •	 An internal innovation group
•	 Ancient rules and protocol        department relationships      brand promise                       •	 More customer groups to the
                                                                   •	 The transparency of who          offerings
                                                                   people are, processes, and prices   •	 Smarter ways to increase
                                                                   •	 The importance and training of   revenue
                         Business Model Canvas                     volunteer services

Hospital Holistic Health
What if?

•	 What if we expanded services to      •	 What if we had one stramlined
the poor, uninsured?                    electronic system to keep track of
•	 What if we hired consultancies to
re-evaluate all of our protocol?        •	 What if we created our own
                                        partners from previous customer
•	 What if we co-created this service   relationships?
with our patients?
                                        •	 What if we provided inexpensive
•	 What if we created community         premiums or subscription plans
outlets for our services?               for our services?

•	 What if we designed our logistics    •	 What if we were more
to be more resilient to STEEP           transparent about these
change? (social, technological,         premiums?
economical, environmental, political)
                                        •	 What if we offered more
•	 What if our services benefit the     education on grass-roots
patients in a holistic way without      healthcare?
transfering them to other silos?
                                        •	 What if we provided
                                        transparency and education of
                                        performing our services?

The Retail Clinic Industry

Retail Clinics - Business Model Canvas
 PARTNERS                   PROCESSES                     OFFERINGS                         RELATIONSHIPS                     CUSTOMERS

                                                             Facility for
                              Patient                        acute care
    Drug Store
                                        Doctor/nurse                                                  Personal                           The sick
                                         interaction                        Prevention               Assistance

          Warehouse               Logistics
          Superstore                                          Diagnosis
                                                                                                                                     All ranges
                                                                                                                                     of income

                            RESOURCES                                                       CHANNELS
                                          Tech (IT)                       They can afford     Clinic Facilities
    Local Hospitals           Clinic     Equipment                          their care
                              Staff                       Short waiting                                           Website
                                                             times                                                                   Nurses and
                                         Medical                             They know            Mobile                             other staff
                                        Equipment                           what they are       Applications
                                                                             paying for
         Local Nursing          Patient
            Homes             Management                      The hospital                            TV Commercials
                               Systems                     is close to home

 COST STRUCTURE                                                               REVENUE STREAM
       Clinic                                                                                                           Accepting cash
                                                       Salaries &                           Charging insurance           for services
     equipiment                                                                                for services
                         Marketing/                     Training

Retail Clinics
SWOT Analysis

Stregths                           Weaknesses                           Opportunities                     Threats
•	 Small enough to handle          •	 Slow process to adjust to         •	 Still a new industry, can      •	 The competition is high
simplified process protocol        STEEP changes, have to go            continue testing service ideas    since retail clinics are so
                                   through approval process from                                          easy to implement, must
•	 More of an opportunity to       retail store first                   •	 Offer different types of       continue to innovate
adjust to STEEP changes                                                 healthcare rather than just the
                                   •	 All retail clinics and services   normal acute care services        •	 It will be easy for another
•	 Still a new industry, lots of   seem the same, hard for              (ex: Holistic Health)             clinic to quickly stand out
opportunity to stand out           patients to differentiate                                              among the rest because the
                                   between them                         •	 Provide educational            playing field is so similar
•	 Small environment allows                                             services for self-help and/
for close provider/patient         •	 Current facilities are very       or educational services for       •	 It will be easy for another
relationships                      small and do not allow for           prevention                        clinic to quickly stand out
                                   expansion                                                              among the rest because the
•	 Location allows clinic to                                            •	 Connect to the community       playing field is so similar
serve all levels of income         •	 Current revenue stream is         needs outside the retail store
                                   too minimal for such a service

Retail Clinics
Four Action Framework

	    Remove                  	Reduce                           	Raise                              	Add
•	 n/a                       •	 Ambiguity in clinic services   •	 Specialization to the promise    •	 Opportunity for patients to
                             •	 Opportunity to use once-and-   of the clinic’s brand               have a voice in improving the
                             a-while                           •	 Importance of a customized       service
                                                               patient experience                  •	 More social channels for
                                                               •	 Opportunity to create long       patients to spread the word
                 Business Model Canvas                         lasting relationships w/ patients

Retail Clinics
What if?

•	 What if we created our           •	 What if our services benefit the
own partners from previous          patients in a holistic way rather
customer relationships?             than just treating symptoms?

•	 What if we only accepted cash    •	 What if our patients became
and not insurance for payment       advocates by creating their own
of services?                        social campaigns for us?

•	 What if we provided              •	 What if we could hire
subscriptions or membership         volunteers and/or students to
options for payment?                help with services?

•	 What if we provided dedicated    •	 What if we could serve local
personal assistance to build        students who were interested
trust and ensure the best patient   in applying their education to
services?                           practice?

•	 What if we created a
suggestion channel to improve
our services?

serv 724, professor Robert Bau

Lauren Peters
MFA Design for Service Innovation
September 20, 2012

(pre-assignment options)

Assignment 1 / Option A

                                                                                 The Rise of
                                                                                 the Nones

Google                            Dating & Escort Services                  Trend

Google is not afraid to apprach   Current dating services are mainly only   The nones are highly spiritual
new industry sectors to conduct   online; could be introduced as brick &    people, yet they reject traditional
their business.                   mortar services.                          and organized religion.

They are ahead of the             Current dating services are based on      Is there a similarity in their overall
curve in services offered:        traiditional models of online dating.     thinking to reject traditional ways
including capabilities in                                                   of seeing things: including politics,
technology,marketing, and         Current dating services may be based      technology, consuming, social
interaction design.               on traditional ways of dating, “Can we    behavior, etc.
                                  innovate the act of Dating?”

                                  Naics code: 729903
Assignment 1 / Option B

                                                                                      Your Head is
                                                                                      in the Cloud

Disney                               Credit Unions                                 Trend

Disney is one of the most magical    As a consumer, I’m noticing iconic            “We are becoming symbiotic with
places in the world.                 banks battling for customer service.          our computer tools.”
                                     Their rebrands and new marketing
The “Imagineers” are known for       ploys are interesting, yet I feel no one is   There’s nothing more terrible than
strategically thinking through all   still doing it right.                         having our computers fail us. Then
of their service touchpoints, and                                                  what will we do?
provide endless amusement for        Everything is becoming automted in
all ages.                            the banking industry; can we reverse          Our culture is having a ‘balance’ war
                                     this and still save money?                    with everything we are consuming.
                                                                                   This includes how much tech is too
                                     Naics code: 522130                            much, how much nature is too little.
                                                                                   Do you dig it?
Assignment 1 / Option C

                                                                                      Nature is

Walmart                              Holistic Health Care                     Trend

Whole Foods is one of the largest    Holistic health includes all aspects     “It is no longer us against ‘Nature.’
grossing organic grocery stores in   of people’s needs: psychological,        Instead, it’s we who decide what
the nation and have a strong brand   physical, social and spiritual, and      nature is and what it will be.“
promise throughout their service     should all be seen as a whole.
touchpoints.                                                                  If there is no longer a balance
                                     I have a personal liking to holistic     between nature and human-made,
Unfortunately, their current         health initiatives and feel that these   what is the balance of our new-
channels (website, social media,     services are uneccessarily siloed and/   found domination?
blog, advertising/marketing) do      or priced too high for the everyday
not do their brand justice.          pereson to access.

                                     Naics code: 621399
Option A       Option B      Option C

The Rise of    Your Head is   Nature Is
the Nones      in the Cloud    Over


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BMC Holistic Health &amp; Retail Clinics

  • 1. THE BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS serv 724, professor Robert Bau Lauren Peters MFA Design for Service Innovation September 20, 2012 1
  • 2. The Holistic Healthcare Industry With the absense of innovation in the Holistic Healthcare realm, industries such as “Hospitals” and “Retail Clinics” have been observed. Hospitals are begining to offer holistic health services with no huge emphasis on its benefits compared to traditional medicine. Retail clinics are also important for their relevance in today’s changing healthcare market. 2
  • 3. Who are the major players? Hospital Industry (#621399) Retail Clinic Industry (#446100) • Massachusetts General Hospital • Walgreens Co - Take Care Clinic • The Mayo Clinic • CVS - MinuiteClinic • John Hopkins Hospital • Walmart - The Clinic • The Cleveland Clinic • Target - Clinic 3
  • 4. What are the most common business models? Strategic Choices Product Leadership Operational Customer Excellence Intimacy 4
  • 5. What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years? Innovation Matrix Strategic Platform Service Package Delivery System Branding & Comms Transformation Optimization 5
  • 6. What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years? Innovation Matrix Strategic Platform Service Package Delivery System Branding & Comms Transformation Innovation Mayo Clinic is the only hospital with an internal innovation group. Delivery Mayo Clinic is the only hospital that closely Comms. focuses on customer Mayo Clinic is a leader intimacy. in communication transparency. Optimization 6
  • 7. What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years? Innovation Matrix Strategic Platform Service Package Delivery System Branding & Comms Transformation Strategy Like its competitors, Johns Hopkins strives to offer the best Offerings technology and talent. Johns Hopkins is a leader in University collaboration. Optimization 7
  • 8. What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years? Innovation Matrix Strategic Platform Service Package Delivery System Branding & Comms Transformation Experiences Offers easy accessible and affordable dcare just like competitors. Services Target optimized fully packaged retail Branding & Comms Optimization pharmacy and clinic Among the many who services. have optimized 21st Century branding and comm opportunities. 8
  • 9. What are the key innovations in the last 5-10 years? Growth Matrix New clinic Accessible Retail Clinics experiences Home healthcare Retail clinics Self-help products Hospitals Self-help New Both Industries Outsourcing New product education procedures design Private Practices Luxury rehab New facilities treatments Rx & medical apps Offering Slow introduction of holistic services Medical Online holistic tablets services Hospital process directories protocol optimization Existing Holistic Healthcare Organizations Electronic New product medical records Waiting room design optimization (fitbit) Existing New Customer Group 9
  • 10. The Hospital Industry (in relation to Holistic Healthcare) 10
  • 11. Hospital Holistic Health - Business Model Canvas PARTNERS PROCESSES OFFERINGS RELATIONSHIPS CUSTOMERS Human Resources Facility for The sick IT Company Patient the sick Services Personal Prevention Assistance Other Logistics services hospitals Diagnosis Family & Friends Fire Dedicated of the sick Dept Emergency & Rehabilitation Personal Hospital Intake services Assistance Police Doctors, nurses, Dept techs, other staff Transportation Local MD Specialists RESOURCES CHANNELS People with BENEFITS Websites insurance Ambulance Tech (IT) Learning about Service Hospital Equipment their conditions Hospital & Clinic Staff Facilities Medical students Emotional (Residents) stability Medical Medical Family Other offsite University Equipment stability facilities Mobile Patient Applications Comfort with Volunteers National & Local Management hospital staff Fundraising Orgs Systems TV Commercials COST STRUCTURE REVENUE STREAM Uninsured Accepting cash Hospital patients Charging insurance for services Hospital maintanence Non-profit for services equipiment Tax Benefits Salaries & Fundraising Accepting grants Accepting Marketing/ Hospital Food events for research Advertising Training Donations 11
  • 12. Hospital Holistic Health SWOT Analysis Stregths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats • Strong process protocol • Too many silos to • Take advantage of placing • Over-complicated accomodate protocol to services within the retail operations may one day • Partnerships with industry implode from the inside out or universities keeps talent fresh • Too large to make any become completely irrelevant innovative changes • Study independant holistic in our future society • Most hospitals compete health practices to innovate through product leadership, • With so much product within • Does not allow ogranization providing the best and innovation, unable to focus to step back and innovate in brightest research and talent on the rise of social needs of • Take advantage and start other centers of the BMC with high patient success rates consumers and patients a voice for the sustainbility movement in regards to • Focusing on only product • Have made necessary • Do not have enough time health and wellness leadership makes them blind steps to create calming to focus on innovating for and slow to adapt to society environments for patient customer intimacy changes (insurance policies, rooms and waiting rooms social needs of patients) • They feel they can ‘get by’ by continuously offering • If they do not adapt more excellent products quickly to mobile technology and social changes, they will become irrelevant organizations, while newer and better services/private practices pop-up 12
  • 13. Hospital Holistic Health Four Action Framework Remove Reduce Raise Add • Irrelevant partnerships • The complexity of inter- • The culture of the hospitals • An internal innovation group • Ancient rules and protocol department relationships brand promise • More customer groups to the • The transparency of who offerings people are, processes, and prices • Smarter ways to increase • The importance and training of revenue Business Model Canvas volunteer services 13
  • 14. Hospital Holistic Health What if? • What if we expanded services to • What if we had one stramlined the poor, uninsured? electronic system to keep track of records? • What if we hired consultancies to re-evaluate all of our protocol? • What if we created our own partners from previous customer • What if we co-created this service relationships? with our patients? • What if we provided inexpensive • What if we created community premiums or subscription plans outlets for our services? for our services? • What if we designed our logistics • What if we were more to be more resilient to STEEP transparent about these change? (social, technological, premiums? economical, environmental, political) • What if we offered more • What if our services benefit the education on grass-roots patients in a holistic way without healthcare? transfering them to other silos? • What if we provided transparency and education of performing our services? 14
  • 15. The Retail Clinic Industry 15
  • 16. Retail Clinics - Business Model Canvas PARTNERS PROCESSES OFFERINGS RELATIONSHIPS CUSTOMERS Facility for Patient acute care Services Drug Store Doctor/nurse Personal The sick interaction Prevention Assistance education Warehouse Logistics Superstore Diagnosis All ranges of income RESOURCES CHANNELS BENEFITS Tech (IT) They can afford Clinic Facilities Local Hospitals Clinic Equipment their care Staff Short waiting Website times Nurses and Medical They know Mobile other staff Equipment what they are Applications paying for Local Nursing Patient Homes Management The hospital TV Commercials Systems is close to home COST STRUCTURE REVENUE STREAM Clinic maintanence Clinic Accepting cash Salaries & Charging insurance for services equipiment for services Marketing/ Training Advertising 16
  • 17. Retail Clinics SWOT Analysis Stregths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats • Small enough to handle • Slow process to adjust to • Still a new industry, can • The competition is high simplified process protocol STEEP changes, have to go continue testing service ideas since retail clinics are so through approval process from easy to implement, must • More of an opportunity to retail store first • Offer different types of continue to innovate adjust to STEEP changes healthcare rather than just the • All retail clinics and services normal acute care services • It will be easy for another • Still a new industry, lots of seem the same, hard for (ex: Holistic Health) clinic to quickly stand out opportunity to stand out patients to differentiate among the rest because the between them • Provide educational playing field is so similar • Small environment allows services for self-help and/ for close provider/patient • Current facilities are very or educational services for • It will be easy for another relationships small and do not allow for prevention clinic to quickly stand out expansion among the rest because the • Location allows clinic to • Connect to the community playing field is so similar serve all levels of income • Current revenue stream is needs outside the retail store too minimal for such a service 17
  • 18. Retail Clinics Four Action Framework Remove Reduce Raise Add • n/a • Ambiguity in clinic services • Specialization to the promise • Opportunity for patients to • Opportunity to use once-and- of the clinic’s brand have a voice in improving the a-while • Importance of a customized service patient experience • More social channels for • Opportunity to create long patients to spread the word Business Model Canvas lasting relationships w/ patients 18
  • 19. Retail Clinics What if? • What if we created our • What if our services benefit the own partners from previous patients in a holistic way rather customer relationships? than just treating symptoms? • What if we only accepted cash • What if our patients became and not insurance for payment advocates by creating their own of services? social campaigns for us? • What if we provided • What if we could hire subscriptions or membership volunteers and/or students to options for payment? help with services? • What if we provided dedicated • What if we could serve local personal assistance to build students who were interested trust and ensure the best patient in applying their education to services? practice? • What if we created a suggestion channel to improve our services? 19
  • 20. THANK YOU serv 724, professor Robert Bau Lauren Peters MFA Design for Service Innovation September 20, 2012 20
  • 22. Assignment 1 / Option A The Rise of the Nones Google Dating & Escort Services Trend Google is not afraid to apprach Current dating services are mainly only The nones are highly spiritual new industry sectors to conduct online; could be introduced as brick & people, yet they reject traditional their business. mortar services. and organized religion. They are ahead of the Current dating services are based on Is there a similarity in their overall curve in services offered: traiditional models of online dating. thinking to reject traditional ways including capabilities in of seeing things: including politics, technology,marketing, and Current dating services may be based technology, consuming, social interaction design. on traditional ways of dating, “Can we behavior, etc. innovate the act of Dating?” Naics code: 729903 22
  • 23. Assignment 1 / Option B Your Head is in the Cloud Disney Credit Unions Trend Disney is one of the most magical As a consumer, I’m noticing iconic “We are becoming symbiotic with places in the world. banks battling for customer service. our computer tools.” Their rebrands and new marketing The “Imagineers” are known for ploys are interesting, yet I feel no one is There’s nothing more terrible than strategically thinking through all still doing it right. having our computers fail us. Then of their service touchpoints, and what will we do? provide endless amusement for Everything is becoming automted in all ages. the banking industry; can we reverse Our culture is having a ‘balance’ war this and still save money? with everything we are consuming. This includes how much tech is too Naics code: 522130 much, how much nature is too little. Do you dig it? 23
  • 24. Assignment 1 / Option C Nature is Over Walmart Holistic Health Care Trend Whole Foods is one of the largest Holistic health includes all aspects “It is no longer us against ‘Nature.’ grossing organic grocery stores in of people’s needs: psychological, Instead, it’s we who decide what the nation and have a strong brand physical, social and spiritual, and nature is and what it will be.“ promise throughout their service should all be seen as a whole. touchpoints. If there is no longer a balance I have a personal liking to holistic between nature and human-made, Unfortunately, their current health initiatives and feel that these what is the balance of our new- channels (website, social media, services are uneccessarily siloed and/ found domination? blog, advertising/marketing) do or priced too high for the everyday not do their brand justice. pereson to access. Naics code: 621399 24
  • 25. Option A Option B Option C The Rise of Your Head is Nature Is the Nones in the Cloud Over 25