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The most trafficked social media site in the world!
Facebook is a social utility for connecting people with those around them – friends, family, coworkers, or simply others with similar interests.
Facebook allows users to connect and share information in a variety of ways.
An effective and low-cost way of social marketing. What is Facebook?
About FacebookFacebook started in 2004 as a closed community for college students (requiring users to sign up with a valid university email address) but has since expanded beyond that to high schools, corporations, regional networks, or any user across the world.Statistics from Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics):More than 500 million active users 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day Average user has 130 friends People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook There are over 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages) Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month. http://www.kenburbary.com/2010/01/dispelling-the-youth-myth-five-useful-facebook-demographic-statistics/#
Facebook is where the action is really hapenning!The average American spent 7 hours on Facebook in January 2010, a 10% increase.
People are spending more than 4 hours extra on Facebook compared to leading sites like Yahoo and Google.
Facebook has surpassed Yahoo, now taking it’s place as the #2 most popular site in the U.S.
Facebook drew in nearly 134 million unique visitors in January 2010.
In January, 11.6% of all time spent online was spent on Facebook, compared to 4.25% for Yahoo and 4.1% for Google.Facebook = 44%	             Yahoo = 18%Twitter = 29%                        My Space = 9%
It’s FREE!!!
Get found by people who are searching for your products or services
Connect and engage with current and potential customers

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Facebook Workshop

  • 1. The most trafficked social media site in the world!
  • 2. Facebook is a social utility for connecting people with those around them – friends, family, coworkers, or simply others with similar interests.
  • 3. Facebook allows users to connect and share information in a variety of ways.
  • 4. An effective and low-cost way of social marketing. What is Facebook?
  • 5. About FacebookFacebook started in 2004 as a closed community for college students (requiring users to sign up with a valid university email address) but has since expanded beyond that to high schools, corporations, regional networks, or any user across the world.Statistics from Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics):More than 500 million active users 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day Average user has 130 friends People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook There are over 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages) Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month. http://www.kenburbary.com/2010/01/dispelling-the-youth-myth-five-useful-facebook-demographic-statistics/#
  • 6. Facebook is where the action is really hapenning!The average American spent 7 hours on Facebook in January 2010, a 10% increase.
  • 7. People are spending more than 4 hours extra on Facebook compared to leading sites like Yahoo and Google.
  • 8. Facebook has surpassed Yahoo, now taking it’s place as the #2 most popular site in the U.S.
  • 9. Facebook drew in nearly 134 million unique visitors in January 2010.
  • 10. In January, 11.6% of all time spent online was spent on Facebook, compared to 4.25% for Yahoo and 4.1% for Google.Facebook = 44% Yahoo = 18%Twitter = 29% My Space = 9%
  • 12. Get found by people who are searching for your products or services
  • 13. Connect and engage with current and potential customers
  • 14. Create a community around your business
  • 15. Promote other content you create, including webinars, blog articles, or other resources
  • 16. It can also be used for recruiting employees, seeking partners and looking for customers by meeting friends of friends who increase your contacts.
  • 17. A great tool for visualizing new business and competitors.
  • 18. Users can access your profile and Facebook Pages from Google which increases the presence of your business on the web. How Facebook can lend a hand to your business
  • 19. Business accounts are designed for individuals who only want to use the site to administer Pages and their ad campaigns. For this reason, business accounts do not have the same functionality as personal accounts.
  • 20. Business accounts have limited access to information on the site. An individual with a business account can view all the Pages and Social Ads that they have created, however they will not be able to view the profiles of users on the site or other content on the site that does not live on the Pages they administer.
  • 21. In addition, business accounts cannot be found in search and cannot send or receive friend requests.*You may create a business account if you don't already have a standard Facebook account. Maintaining multiple accounts, regardless of the purpose, is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use. If you already have a personal account, they will not allow you to create business accounts for any reason. You can manage all the Pages and Socials Ads that you create on your personal account.*
  • 23. GroupCan only be seen by registered Facebook users.
  • 24. As long as a group is under 5,000 members, group administrators can send messages to the group members that will appear in their inboxes.
  • 25. Groups are set up for more personal interaction.
  • 26. They offer far more control over who gets to participate. Administrators can restrict access to a group, so that new members have to be approved. Page You will gain more exposure because the Page can be seen by unregistered users.
  • 27. When you send a message to Facebook Page members, they will only receive an update notification.
  • 28. There is no limit on how many fans you may send an update to, or how many total fans a Page can have.
  • 29. Access to a Page can only be restricted by certain ages and locations. Facebook Pages of Two Local Businesses http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Pembroke-ON/Hotpress-Boutique-and-Gorr-Records/108925581690?ref=search&sid=509623314.3689461306..1http://www.facebook.com/album.php?profile=1&id=115256081827811#!/pages/Petawawa-ON/THE-TOY-NOOK/115256081827811
  • 30. Analyze market research through opinion and mini-surveys to review business target and share the data to gain credibilty. Publish and share pictures to give an active profile image of your company. Obtain a Facebook vanity URL so that people can find you easily.Add your Facebook URL to your email signature and any marketing collateral.Post business updates on your wall.Share useful articles and valuable resources that interest customers and prospects on your wall to establish credibility.Research prospects before meeting or contacting them.Before traveling, check contact locations so you can meet with those in the city where you’re heading. Use Find Friends for suggestions of other people you may know to expand your network even further. Look for mutual contacts on you contact’s friends lists.
  • 31. 11. Market your products by posting discounts and package deals.12. Join network, industry and alumni groups related to your business.13. Update your page or group on a regular basis with helpful information and answers to questions. 14. Post upcoming events including webinars, conferences and other programs where you or someone from your company will be present. 15. Add basic information to the group or fan page such as links to the company site, address, newsletter subscription information, etc. 16. Suggest Friends to clients and colleagues – by helping them, you establish trust. 17. Advertise new products or services in your business group or page.18. Be unique – Invest time and resources into a great group or page. 19. Advertise Contests every once in a while. 20. Tag fans in photos – Adds a nice social hook to your group or page.Keep at it to ensure your page or group is always up to date and it helps to keep people interested in your business or product!
  • 32. Facebook ApplicationsFacebook AdvertisementsQuickly create image and text-based ads.Advertise your own web page or something on Facebook like a Page or an Event.Choose to pay per click (CPC) or impression (CPM) in your local currency.Facebook offers tens of thousands of applications and a lot of them are suitable for professional use. Examples of professionalApplications: iPromote for advertising an event.
  • 33. Friend Wheel to detect who are friends with whom.
  • 34. Business Cards and Professional Profile
  • 36. Web Link to insert a screenshot of your professional website on your profileIt is one of the most popular and fastest growing social networks, with the aim to enrol more members which can be very beneficial for your business. You need to start promoting your business where the customers are and where the action is happening by creating a Facebook Page or a Group. Facebook = A Valuable Business Tool

Editor's Notes

  1. marketers have an opportunity to use Facebook to expand their online footprint and engage with customers directly
  2. Yahoo is in second place, but with only 2 hours 28 minutes per month. http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/5-new-studies-show-facebook-a-marketing-powerhouse/- Results of the Top 10
  3. Share of Social Sharing on the web:Facebook: 44%Twitter: 29%Yahoo: 18%MySpace: 9%Share of authentication via news sites: Facebook 31%Google 30%Yahoo 25%Entertainment sites:Facebook 52%Google 17%Yahoo 15%Twitter 11%
  4. Google displays pages of profiles and Facebook members. Users searching for your company on Google, may access your Facebook page or profile.
  5. Groups are directly connected to the people who administer them, meaning that activities that go on there could reflect on you personally. Facebook considers groups to be an extension of you personal actions. When you post something as a group administrator, it appears to be coming from you and is attached to your personal profile. Groups don’t support applications; therefore, it’s not as interactive and it doesn’t make as strong of an impact.
  6. Curret customers or even potential customers can becomes fans of your page and by doing so this allows them to follow you and receive any updates that you post to your page. You can use your Facebook Page to not only share your company information, but you can also use it to post photos, videos, applications and messages. Any activity that you perform on your Facebook Page is the broadcast into the mini-feeds of your followers. The great thing about Facebook Pages is that every time someone becomes a fan of your page all of their friends see that they have become a “fan”, which often attracts other followers as well as creates buzz regarding your business and of course your Facebook Page.