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Social Networking
and the Job Search

© April 2010
David Swinney, Social Media Specialist
Who is David Swinney?
 30-year veteran of Texas Instruments
 15 years in Information Technology
    ◦   Web design and content management
    ◦   Software provisioning and project management
    ◦   Vendor relationship management
    ◦   Social media
   Skills and Interests
    ◦ Social networking / social media
    ◦ Web technologies
    ◦ Windows 7, Office 2007, and Office 2010
What is Social Networking?

―Social networking is the practice of
  expanding the number of one's business
  and/or social contacts by making
  connections through individuals.‖

                        Source: Whatis.com
Social Networking Architecture
 Profile – tell the world about yourself
 Friends / Connections – trusted members
  of network
 Groups – members with common interests
 Discussions – interaction between group
 Blogs – keep members informed as to
 Widgets – customize your network to reflect
  your personality
Using Social Networking in the Job Search
Why Social Networking must be
part of your job search strategy
Who is using Social Networking to
Find Jobs?

Social Networks Provide Visibility
 Unlimited access to
  professionals within
  your targeted
 Niche ―groups‖
  make finding your
  audience that much
    ◦   LinkedIn
    ◦   Meetup
    ◦   Ning
    ◦   YouTube
Social Networks Provide
   One of two key elements
    to success in social
   Being open about your goals
    allows you to connect with
    others on common ground
   First step in the process of
    ―Know, Like, Trust.‖
Social Networks Help You
―Give to Get‖
   Second key to success
    in social networking
   Help others to get them
    to help you and discover
    who can help you
   Start by simply asking
    ―How can I help you?‖
   Ask for a third-party
    endorsement or
Social Networks Allow Nobodies to
Become Somebodies
   You don’t know who can help you.
   You don’t know who knows someone else
    who may help you.
   An avid networker you have never met or
    heard of is a better resource than a ―celebrity.‖
Social Networks Are Being Used by
Corporations and Professionals
   Corporations are connecting with
    prospects, customers, vendors, and other
   Business professionals are doing the same
   It makes sense to take your job search
    there as well
Social Networks Are Revolutionizing
World of Recruiting

 Better   recruits

 Better   ROI

 Cheaper

 Faster
Social Networks Are Being Used by
Recruiters and Hiring Managers
   72% of recruiters
    plan to spend more
    time recruiting via
    social media this
   Half expect to spend
    less time on job
   66% Have
    successfully hired a
    candidate through an
    online social
   Only 24% of
    candidates disclose
    social networking

          Source: Jobvite.com survey of 440 HR professionals
Recruiters are Saying …
   ―Those who embrace and exploit these newer
    technologies will gain a significant advantage over their
    colleagues who are restricting themselves to established
    job search methods‖
       Joel Cheesman, recruitment issues blogger @ cheezehead.com

   Gaining a significant web presence is crucial in a job
    ◦ ―Some recruiters who won’t call you unless you have a presence
      and significant Google visibility.‖
       Martin Buckland, recruiter

   ―Make sure you have your work history, a little bit
    about yourself, and ways you can be reached (create
    a new Gmail or hotmail or whatever if you want to keep
    your personal one private)‖
       Marin K. Burns, Recruiting Manager, Gardner Resources
Executives Too?
   Number of online job postings has declined.
   Large numbers of recruiters maintain a presence
    on Linkedin.
   Recruiters search online for candidates instead of
    advertising on job boards.
   Executive recruiters search the Internet for
    information on executive candidates.
   Executives seeking employment CANNOT
    AFFORD to not participate in social
How do you find a job via Social
Start by adopting a ―FIA‖ approach:
  ◦ Find. Identify people and/or companies for whom
    you would like to work.

  ◦ Interact. Connect with those people via social
    networks and through private contact. Demonstrate
    your knowledge and be helpful to them.

  ◦ Ask. Ask (directly or indirectly) if those people can
    help you get a job, or if they can put you in contact
    with someone who can.
Social Networking tools for the
job search
Google Reader

 Keep up to date with industry
  trends and news.
 Subscribe to job listings by
  keyword and position.
 Clean up your e-mail inbox.
Google Reader
How to Use Google Reader
   Monitoring Your Brand With
    Google Reader
    ◦ http://www.slideshare.net/davidswinney/monitoring
Google Alerts

 Subscribe to job search topics
  or targeted companies by
 Choose between delivery via e-
  mail or review in Google
Google Alerts
The Big 3 Social Networks
Big 3 Usage Comparison
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 24 million experienced
professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Compete.com Monthly Normalized Metrics (February 2010)

 Your profile is more than your online resume
 Build a meaningful, professional network
 Establish yourself as an authority
 Find new opportunities
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service. In
countries all around the world, people follow the sources most relevant
to them and access information via Twitter as it happens—from breaking
world news to updates from friends.

Compete.com Monthly Normalized Metrics (February 2010)

 Create a targeted, professional profile
 Build a meaningful network
 Establish yourself as an authority by adding
 Find new opportunities
How companies are using Twitter to
find candidates
   Many big companies now list job openings on
   Cheaper and less-crowded alternative to job
   Allows them to
    ◦ target social media-savvy job hunters, and
    ◦ convey an innovative image.
How candidates are using Twitter to
find jobs
   Follow feeds that aggregate jobs from multiple
   Use Twitter search to research prospective
   Connect with individuals who work at targeted
   Chance to interact directly with companies'
   Can be more convenient than job boards.
    Partnership announced in November 2009
    When you set your status on LinkedIn you can now
     tweet it as well
     ◦ amplifies it to your followers
     ◦ amplifies it to real-time search services like Twitter
       Search, Google, and Bing
    When you tweet, you can send that message to your
     LinkedIn connections as well from any Twitter service
     or tool
     ◦ Add #in or #li hashtag to tweets to update LinkedIn

How to Use Twitter
   Twitter and the Job Search
    ◦ http://www.slideshare.net/davidswinney/twitter-
Facebook is a social utility that helps people communicate more
efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers.

   Compete.com Monthly Normalized Metrics (February 2010)

 Make a decision whether to keep Facebook
  social or expand your use.
 If you decide to use Facebook for professional
  ◦ take a close look at your Profile and
  ◦ decide what you want business contacts or
     prospective employers to see - and what you
 Create a simple profile (or clean up with your
  existing one) with minimal graphics and
 Limit the photos you post.
 Post content relevant to your job search or
 Use Facebook email to build relationships with
  your Friends.
 Choose your Friends wisely.
How it can work for people who know
how to use Social Networking Sites
                         Noticed an old friend got a new job. Commented on his status. Led to lunch. He suggests a
                            job opportunity not available on job boards.
       218 connections
                         A connection of a connection notices my profile (online bio), sent me a message & wants to
                             collaborate on business, coffee meeting is next week.
                         Headhunter found my profile, called me for a job not posted on a board
                         I answered a question, person who asked it liked my answer and wants to stay connected based
                             on subject matter expertise

                                   Friends with my university pals. One of them needs freelance help on a large quote
                                       to the government. Asked for my resume.
                 124 friends       Staying connected with ex-IBMers. One of which passed a contract to me, and
                                       another passed this speaking opportunity.

                                  Nothing yet – but reconnected with people I worked with but didn’t have a huge
                 235 followers       relationship with.
                                  Meeting people all over the world. Global connections.
And more…
There is no magic bullet
 It is important to note that these are tools not
 Not a replacement for traditional techniques,
  but they do extend and amplify them.
 Make the process more efficient and easier to
Mistakes to avoid in the social
networking job search
Ramifications of Social Networking in
the job search
   Good news
    ◦ Potential employers can review your digital
      footprint and use it to determine whether you are
      a viable candidate for the job

   Bad news
    ◦ Potential employers can review your digital
      footprint and use it to determine whether you are
      a viable candidate for the job
Reasons why companies hire potential
     Profile provided a good feel for the candidate’s personality
      and fit
     Profile supported candidate’s professional qualifications
     Candidate was creative
     Candidate showed solid communication skills
     Candidate was well-rounded
     Other people posted good references about the candidate
     Candidate received awards and accolades

Source: CareerBuilder.com survey of 2600 employers; 45% of which research candidates on social
networking sites
Reasons why companies do not hire
potential candidates
     Candidate posted provocative or inappropriate
      photographs or information
     Candidate posted content about them drinking or using
     Candidate bad-mouthed their previous employer, co-
      workers or clients
     Candidate showed poor communication skills
     Candidate made discriminatory comments
     Candidate lied about qualifications
     Candidate shared confidential information from previous
Source: CareerBuilder.com survey of 2600 employers; 45% of which research candidates on social
networking sites
Do’s and Don’ts In Social Networking
Job Search
 Do Google yourself.
 Do be professional.
 Do be authentic.
 Do create profiles that include keywords which
  make it easy to be found.
 Do connect your various social presences with
  each other (e.g., links, widgets, etc.)
 Do introduce your friends and connections to
  each other.
Do’s and Don'ts In Social Networking
Job Search
   Don’t use industry jargon and acronyms with
    those not in the industry.

   Don’t forget that networking socially is as
    important as social networking.
Resources for Executives
   Best of C-Level Executive Job Search Strategies
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/top-10-best-of-c-level-executive-
   Best of Personal Branding Strategies, Lessons, and News
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/10-best-of-personal-branding-
   Best of Online Brand Identity and Social Media
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/15-best-of-online-brand-identity-
   Best of Executive Job Interviewing
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/best-of-executive-job-interviewing/
   Best of Executive Resume Branding Tactics and Advice
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/12-best-of-executive-resume-
Resources for Executives
   Best of LinkedIn Tips and Resources
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/my-best-of-linkedin-tips-
   Best of Twitter for C-level Personal Branding and
    Executive Job Search
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/best-of-twitter-for-
   Best of Blogging for Brand Visibility and Credibility
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/best-of-blogging-tips-and-
   Best FREE E-Books on Personal Branding, Job
    Search, Social Media, Career Marketing
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/best-free-e-books-on-
Resources for Executives
   Is Executive Career Reinvention in Your Future?
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/is-executive-career-
   16 Mistakes That Will Sabotage Your Executive Job
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/16-mistakes-that-will-
   Does Your Social Media Footprint Scream "Hire
    ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/does-your-social-media-
   Stalled Executive Job Search? Get Busy on Twitter
    and LinkedIn
    ◦ http://executivecareerbrand.com/stalled-executive-job-search-
Using Social Networking in the Job Search
Thank You
David Swinney
Social Media Specialist

Presentation available for download from www.slideshare.net


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Using Social Networking in the Job Search

  • 1. Social Networking and the Job Search © April 2010 David Swinney, Social Media Specialist
  • 2. Who is David Swinney?  30-year veteran of Texas Instruments  15 years in Information Technology ◦ Web design and content management ◦ Software provisioning and project management ◦ Vendor relationship management ◦ Social media  Skills and Interests ◦ Social networking / social media ◦ Web technologies ◦ Windows 7, Office 2007, and Office 2010
  • 3. What is Social Networking? ―Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals.‖ Source: Whatis.com
  • 4. Social Networking Architecture  Profile – tell the world about yourself  Friends / Connections – trusted members of network  Groups – members with common interests  Discussions – interaction between group members  Blogs – keep members informed as to activities  Widgets – customize your network to reflect your personality
  • 6. Why Social Networking must be part of your job search strategy
  • 7. Who is using Social Networking to Find Jobs? http://www.pewinternet.org/Infographics/Generational-differences-in-online-activities.aspx
  • 8. Social Networks Provide Visibility  Unlimited access to professionals within your targeted audience  Niche ―groups‖ make finding your audience that much easier ◦ LinkedIn ◦ Meetup ◦ Ning ◦ YouTube
  • 9. Social Networks Provide Transparency  One of two key elements to success in social networking  Being open about your goals allows you to connect with others on common ground  First step in the process of ―Know, Like, Trust.‖
  • 10. Social Networks Help You ―Give to Get‖  Second key to success in social networking  Help others to get them to help you and discover who can help you  Start by simply asking ―How can I help you?‖  Ask for a third-party endorsement or recommendation
  • 11. Social Networks Allow Nobodies to Become Somebodies  You don’t know who can help you.  You don’t know who knows someone else who may help you.  An avid networker you have never met or heard of is a better resource than a ―celebrity.‖
  • 12. Social Networks Are Being Used by Corporations and Professionals  Corporations are connecting with prospects, customers, vendors, and other stakeholders  Business professionals are doing the same  It makes sense to take your job search there as well
  • 13. Social Networks Are Revolutionizing World of Recruiting  Better recruits  Better ROI  Cheaper  Faster
  • 14. Social Networks Are Being Used by Recruiters and Hiring Managers  72% of recruiters plan to spend more time recruiting via social media this year  Half expect to spend less time on job boards  66% Have successfully hired a candidate through an online social network  Only 24% of candidates disclose social networking presence Source: Jobvite.com survey of 440 HR professionals
  • 15. Recruiters are Saying …  ―Those who embrace and exploit these newer technologies will gain a significant advantage over their colleagues who are restricting themselves to established job search methods‖  Joel Cheesman, recruitment issues blogger @ cheezehead.com  Gaining a significant web presence is crucial in a job search ◦ ―Some recruiters who won’t call you unless you have a presence and significant Google visibility.‖  Martin Buckland, recruiter  ―Make sure you have your work history, a little bit about yourself, and ways you can be reached (create a new Gmail or hotmail or whatever if you want to keep your personal one private)‖  Marin K. Burns, Recruiting Manager, Gardner Resources
  • 16. Executives Too?  Number of online job postings has declined.  Large numbers of recruiters maintain a presence on Linkedin.  Recruiters search online for candidates instead of advertising on job boards.  Executive recruiters search the Internet for information on executive candidates.  Executives seeking employment CANNOT AFFORD to not participate in social networks.
  • 17. How do you find a job via Social Networking? Start by adopting a ―FIA‖ approach: ◦ Find. Identify people and/or companies for whom you would like to work. ◦ Interact. Connect with those people via social networks and through private contact. Demonstrate your knowledge and be helpful to them. ◦ Ask. Ask (directly or indirectly) if those people can help you get a job, or if they can put you in contact with someone who can.
  • 18. Social Networking tools for the job search
  • 19. Google Reader  Keep up to date with industry trends and news.  Subscribe to job listings by keyword and position.  Clean up your e-mail inbox.
  • 21. How to Use Google Reader  Monitoring Your Brand With Google Reader ◦ http://www.slideshare.net/davidswinney/monitoring -your-personal-brand-using-google-reader
  • 22. Google Alerts  Subscribe to job search topics or targeted companies by keyword.  Choose between delivery via e- mail or review in Google Reader.
  • 24. The Big 3 Social Networks
  • 25. Big 3 Usage Comparison
  • 26. LinkedIn is an online network of more than 24 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries. Compete.com Monthly Normalized Metrics (February 2010) http://www.linkedin.com/
  • 27. LinkedIn  Your profile is more than your online resume  Build a meaningful, professional network  Establish yourself as an authority  Find new opportunities
  • 28. Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service. In countries all around the world, people follow the sources most relevant to them and access information via Twitter as it happens—from breaking world news to updates from friends. Compete.com Monthly Normalized Metrics (February 2010) http://www.twitter.com/
  • 29. Twitter  Create a targeted, professional profile  Build a meaningful network  Establish yourself as an authority by adding value  Find new opportunities
  • 30. How companies are using Twitter to find candidates  Many big companies now list job openings on Twitter.  Cheaper and less-crowded alternative to job boards.  Allows them to ◦ target social media-savvy job hunters, and ◦ convey an innovative image.
  • 31. How candidates are using Twitter to find jobs  Follow feeds that aggregate jobs from multiple companies.  Use Twitter search to research prospective employers.  Connect with individuals who work at targeted companies.  Chance to interact directly with companies' recruiters.  Can be more convenient than job boards.
  • 32. Partnership announced in November 2009  When you set your status on LinkedIn you can now tweet it as well ◦ amplifies it to your followers ◦ amplifies it to real-time search services like Twitter Search, Google, and Bing  When you tweet, you can send that message to your LinkedIn connections as well from any Twitter service or tool ◦ Add #in or #li hashtag to tweets to update LinkedIn status http://blog.linkedin.com/2009/11/09/allen-blue-twitter-and-linkedin-go-together-like-peanut-butter-and- chocolate/
  • 33. How to Use Twitter  Twitter and the Job Search ◦ http://www.slideshare.net/davidswinney/twitter- and-the-job-search
  • 34. Facebook is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers. Compete.com Monthly Normalized Metrics (February 2010) http://www.facebook.com/
  • 35. Facebook  Make a decision whether to keep Facebook social or expand your use.  If you decide to use Facebook for professional networking, ◦ take a close look at your Profile and ◦ decide what you want business contacts or prospective employers to see - and what you don't.  Create a simple profile (or clean up with your existing one) with minimal graphics and widgets.
  • 36. Facebook  Limit the photos you post.  Post content relevant to your job search or career.  Use Facebook email to build relationships with your Friends.  Choose your Friends wisely.
  • 37. How it can work for people who know how to use Social Networking Sites Noticed an old friend got a new job. Commented on his status. Led to lunch. He suggests a job opportunity not available on job boards. 218 connections A connection of a connection notices my profile (online bio), sent me a message & wants to collaborate on business, coffee meeting is next week. Headhunter found my profile, called me for a job not posted on a board I answered a question, person who asked it liked my answer and wants to stay connected based on subject matter expertise Friends with my university pals. One of them needs freelance help on a large quote to the government. Asked for my resume. 124 friends Staying connected with ex-IBMers. One of which passed a contract to me, and another passed this speaking opportunity. Nothing yet – but reconnected with people I worked with but didn’t have a huge 235 followers relationship with. Meeting people all over the world. Global connections. And more…
  • 38. There is no magic bullet  It is important to note that these are tools not solutions.  Not a replacement for traditional techniques, but they do extend and amplify them.  Make the process more efficient and easier to manage.
  • 39. Mistakes to avoid in the social networking job search
  • 40. Ramifications of Social Networking in the job search  Good news ◦ Potential employers can review your digital footprint and use it to determine whether you are a viable candidate for the job  Bad news ◦ Potential employers can review your digital footprint and use it to determine whether you are a viable candidate for the job
  • 41. Reasons why companies hire potential candidates  Profile provided a good feel for the candidate’s personality and fit  Profile supported candidate’s professional qualifications  Candidate was creative  Candidate showed solid communication skills  Candidate was well-rounded  Other people posted good references about the candidate  Candidate received awards and accolades Source: CareerBuilder.com survey of 2600 employers; 45% of which research candidates on social networking sites
  • 42. Reasons why companies do not hire potential candidates  Candidate posted provocative or inappropriate photographs or information  Candidate posted content about them drinking or using drugs  Candidate bad-mouthed their previous employer, co- workers or clients  Candidate showed poor communication skills  Candidate made discriminatory comments  Candidate lied about qualifications  Candidate shared confidential information from previous employer Source: CareerBuilder.com survey of 2600 employers; 45% of which research candidates on social networking sites
  • 43. Do’s and Don’ts In Social Networking Job Search  Do Google yourself.  Do be professional.  Do be authentic.  Do create profiles that include keywords which make it easy to be found.  Do connect your various social presences with each other (e.g., links, widgets, etc.)  Do introduce your friends and connections to each other.
  • 44. Do’s and Don'ts In Social Networking Job Search  Don’t use industry jargon and acronyms with those not in the industry.  Don’t forget that networking socially is as important as social networking.
  • 45. Resources for Executives  Best of C-Level Executive Job Search Strategies ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/top-10-best-of-c-level-executive- job-search-strategies/  Best of Personal Branding Strategies, Lessons, and News ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/10-best-of-personal-branding- strategies-lessons-and-news/  Best of Online Brand Identity and Social Media ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/15-best-of-online-brand-identity- and-social-media/  Best of Executive Job Interviewing ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/best-of-executive-job-interviewing/  Best of Executive Resume Branding Tactics and Advice ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/12-best-of-executive-resume- branding-tactics-and-advice/
  • 46. Resources for Executives  Best of LinkedIn Tips and Resources ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/my-best-of-linkedin-tips- and-resources/  Best of Twitter for C-level Personal Branding and Executive Job Search ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/best-of-twitter-for- personal-branding-and-executive-job-search/  Best of Blogging for Brand Visibility and Credibility ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/best-of-blogging-tips-and- strategies/  Best FREE E-Books on Personal Branding, Job Search, Social Media, Career Marketing ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/best-free-e-books-on- personal-branding-job-search-social-media-career-marketing/
  • 47. Resources for Executives  Is Executive Career Reinvention in Your Future? ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/is-executive-career- reinvention-in-your-future/  16 Mistakes That Will Sabotage Your Executive Job Search ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/16-mistakes-that-will- sabotage-your-executive-job-search/  Does Your Social Media Footprint Scream "Hire Me"? ◦ http://executiveresumebranding.com/does-your-social-media- footprint-scream-hire-me/  Stalled Executive Job Search? Get Busy on Twitter and LinkedIn ◦ http://executivecareerbrand.com/stalled-executive-job-search- get-busy-on-linkedin-and-twitter/
  • 49. Thank You David Swinney Social Media Specialist david.swinney@gmail.com http://davidswinney.com http://twitter.com/davidswinney http://linkedin.com/in/davidswinney Presentation available for download from www.slideshare.net 214-233-5678