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سفر عارف قزوینی در سال 1306 شمسی به همدان آغاز دوران تبعید او تلقی شد و بسیارانی گمان کردند «شاعر ملی ایران» به دلیل مواضع و مشیِ سیاسی‌اش هدفِ خشمِ شخصِ نخستِ مملکت قرار گرفته، یا دست‌کم به دسایس یکی یا گروهی از ارباب قدرت، در فرجامی... more
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      PoetryLiteraurePersian Language and LiteratureAref Qazvini
روایت داستانی می¬تواند هم با زبان متن و هم با زبان تصویر بازگو شود. اگر روایت با زبان تصویر بیان شود به آن «کمیک استریپ» یا «داستان مصوّر دنباله¬دار» می¬گویند. کمیک استریپ یکی از شیو¬های بیان بصری است که یک روایت یا داستان را با زبان... more
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      Iranian StudiesPersian Language and LiteratureIranian Islamic ArtPersian Painting
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    • Persian Language and Literature
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      Persian Language and LiteraturePersian Painting
ناصرالدین‌ شاه از مهم‌ترین و تأثیرگذارترین شاهان تاریخ ایران است که وقایع و خاطرات روزانه سال‌های بسیاری از عمر خود را در قالب چند آلبوم ثبت کرده است. یکی از ویژگی‌های او دانستن زبان فرانسه است و یادداشت‌هایش منبع ارزشمندی برای اطلاع از... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksPersian LanguageCritical Discourse AnalysisQajar Dynasty
در نوشته‌ی پیشِ رو به بررسیِ چاپِ انتشاراتِ مولی از دانشنامه‌ی علاییِ ابنِ سینا می‌پردازم. در این راستا می‌کوشم به کوتاهی از ویژگی‌های ساختاریِ دانشنامه و جایگاهِ آن در میانِ نوشته‌های ابنِ سینا سخن بگویم. هم‌هنگام با این هدف، افزون بر... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyPersian LanguageIbn SinaAvicenna
Кулешов Вяч. С. Северная окраина тюркского мира в отражении персидского географического трактата X в. «Худуд ал-‘алам» // Древние и средневековые культуры Центральной Азии (становление, развитие и взаимодействие урбанизированных и... more
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      Old TurkicSiberian Turkic languagesPersian Language and LiteratureAncient Turks
قصّه¬های عامیانه در دوره قاجار در میان مردم محبوبیّت و شیوع بیشتری یافت. ظهور چاپ سنگی در این دوره به نشر و گسترش این داستان¬ها کمک شایانی کرد، به ویژه چاپ¬های سنگی مصوّر که داستان¬ها را با زبان تصویر و با جذابیّت بیشتری برای مردم بیان... more
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      Iranian StudiesPersian Language and LiteraturePersian PaintingPersian Manuscript Painting
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      Persian Language and LiteraturePersian Painting
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      Iranian StudiesPersian LitretureIranian LiteratureSadegh Hedayat
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian Language and Literature
Det allt större intresset för persiskan i Sverige ställer krav på en modern handbok som beskriver hur språket används i de länder där det talas: Iran, Afghanistan och Tadzjikistan. Modern persisk grammatik är avsedd för universitetsnivå... more
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      Persian LanguagePersian/farsi Language and LiteraturePersian Language and LiteratureTeaching Persian as a Second Language
This study pays particular attention to Malay-Indonesian manuscripts which has not been examined [precisely] so far. The manuscripts examined in this article are kept in the Leiden University Library whose content or origin remained... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsPersian LanguageManuscript StudiesSoutheast Asia
Jorge Luis Borges cita en uno de sus sonetos una sentencia que atribuye a Omar Jayyām, pero que proviene realmente de una de las libertades tomadas, consciente o inconscientemente, por Edward FitzGerald en su traducción inglesa de las... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJorge Luis BorgesOmar KhayyamSpanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature
طبق نظریۀ بیش¬متنیّت ژنت، شاهنامه یک پیش¬متن است و نگاره¬های شاهنامه که بر مبنای آن تولید شده و برای روایت متنیِ شاهنامه یک روایت تصویری خلق کرده¬است، بیش¬متن به شمار می¬آید. حال پرسش این است که بیش¬متن نگاره¬ها در چه مواردی مطابق با... more
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      Epic poetryShahnamehPersian Miniature PaintingPersian Language and Literature
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LanguagePersian Language and Literature
Introducing the Persian Language Program of the Harvard University
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      Iranian StudiesPersian Language and LiteratureIranian languages and literaturesکرسی زبان فارسی خارج از ایران
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    • Persian Language and Literature
The great Persian lyric poet Hafiz was first translated into English by Sir William Jones in the 1780s. In the course of the nineteenth century many further translations would appear, initially intended for the use of oriental scholars... more
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      Victorian LiteratureVictorian poetryTranslation and literatureTranslation
The immensity of the corpus and diversity of genres of Classical New Persian in Judeo-Persian garb is remarkable, comprising a wide-ranging multitude of genres from translations of the Tanakh and rabbinic works to chronicles,... more
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      Persian LiteratureJudeo-PersianJudeo-Iranian languages; Persian classical literature; medieval history of Central AsiaPersian manuscripts
Defended (2018) and published (2019) Phd Thesis. The book deals with turkic origin words, hybrid words with turkic elements, also turkic suffixes stated in medieval Persian dictionaries from X-XI centuries till XIX. Phonetical and... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsIranian StudiesPersian Language
Bashiri discusses the  evolution of Hedayat's style from his short stories to The Blind Owl and asserts that he is a regional writer despite his experimental slyle.
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      Persian LanguagePersian CultureSadegh HedayatSadeq Hedayat
Sultan Veled, Mevlânâ Celaleddin Rumî'nin oğlu ve onun maddi ve manevi varisiydi. Mevlânâ'dan sonra Mevlevî yolu, Sultan Veled tarafından şekillendirilerek kurumsallaştırıldı. Selçuklular döneminde Anadolu'da ve daha sonra tüm Osmanlı... more
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      Persian LanguageTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish LiteratureTurkish Studies
This Monograph had been carried out according to The State Scientific Grant of Shota Rustaveli National Foundation Awarded to the Winner Corresponding Project and according to Ilia State University and G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental... more
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      Persian LiteraturePersian LanguagePersian CulturePersian
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      Persian LanguagePersian/farsi Language and LiteratureIrish languagePersian Language and Literature
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      Persian LiteratureIranian LiteratureMiddle Persian literature and languageSadegh Hedayat
This paper investigates premodern conceptions of spaces of otherness, particularly within the context of Persian Sufi poetry. Abbasid-era travel literature describing monasteries, as well as real hostilities between Muslims and... more
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranSufismIranian History
A solid background in Persian literature is useful for anyone who wants a better understanding of Asia and the Middle East. With the presumption that through literatures, we can visit cultures and times impossible for us to experience... more
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian Language and Literature
Beholding Beauty: Sa'di of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry - chapter 3: The Obscene Revisited From the Sexual Reification of the Body to its Spiritual Fetishization
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyPersian LiteratureIranian Studies
ادبيات تعليمي آثاري را عرضه مي‌كند كه روشنگر مسائل اخلاقي ، مذهبي ، فلسفي ، كلامي و به طور كلي دانش‌هاي عملي و نظري باشد؛ بدين ترتيب عرصة كاربرد اصطلاح ادب تعليمي بسيار وسيع است، يعني هر اثر تعليمي مطلبي را با هدف رساندن نتيجه آن اثر به... more
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    • Persian Language and Literature
Author: Domenico Ingenito Beholding Beauty: Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry explores the relationship between sexuality, politics, and spirituality in the lyrics of Saʿdi Shirazi (d. 1292 CE), one... more
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      Medieval LiteraturePersian LiteratureIranian StudiesIslamic Philosophy
An eagle reaching the end of his life seeks the advice of a crow regarding how to elongate his life. What he hears is not what he expects to hear. So they part. See On Academia: or... more
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      Persian LiteraturePersian LanguagePersian CulturePersian
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LitretureIranian Literature
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      Persian/farsi Language and LiteratureDivan EdebiyatıFelsefeAtasözleri
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      classical Persian literaturePersian Language and Literature
While listing out the sources (Chronicles or travelogues) for reconstructing the history of Delhi Sultanate, one might note out important sources like Kitab-ul-Kamini, Tarikh-ul-hind, Tabaqat-i-Nasiri, Tarikh-i-Ferozshahi, and... more
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      Mughal HistoryDelhi SultanatePersian Language and Literature
Franklin Lewis, "A Book of Kings as the King of Books: The Shahnameh of Ferdowsi,” commissioned article for A Companion to World Literature, edited by Ken Seigneurie, with Susan Andrade, Chris Lupke, B. Venkat Mani, Wen-chin Ouyang,... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval Studies
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      Linguistic PolitenessPersian LanguagePersian Language and LiteraturePoliteness strategies
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      Islamic StudiesIslam in IndiaIndo-PersianPersian Language and Literature
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      Islamic LawIranian StudiesIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LanguageIranian History
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      Iranian StudiesPersian LanguageIndo-Iranian LinguisticsIndo-Iranian Languages
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      Persian LanguageOld AvestanAvestan (Languages And Linguistics)Ancient Persia
The OpenITI team—building on the foundational open-source OCR work of the Leipzig University’s (LU) Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Digital Humanities—has achieved Optical Character Recognition (OCR) accuracy rates for classical... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsPersian Language
KIMIĀ-YE SAʿĀDAT (Alchemy of happiness), a composition (taṣnif) of Abu Ḥāmed Moḥammad Ḡazāli (q.v.; 450-505/1058-1111), a scholar of the Sha ʿite school of law and a prominent Persian thinker of medieval Islam. The Kimiā-ye saʿādat was... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic StudiesSufismSeljuks (Islamic History)
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      Persian Language and LiteraturePersian Painting