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      PhilosophySadeq Hedayat
Despite previous references to the themes of disability and bodily nonnormativity in Sadeq Hedayat’s fiction, it has yet to be extensively re-read from this viewpoint. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, and particularly by employing... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGender StudiesGender StudiesPersian Literature
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      Iranian StudiesPersian LitretureIranian LiteratureSadegh Hedayat
Sadeq Hedayat (1903-1951) is one of Iran's preeminent writers of short works of fiction. This article is about the role that subtext plays in his works, in general, and in his Blind Owl, in particular. The main reasons for writing the... more
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      BuddhismComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteraturePersian Literature
Sadeq Hedayat is widely known for his harsh criticism of societal norms he regarded as inappropriate, and objection to problems of women and the view of society toward them. Abji Khanom is not exempted from this generalization. It is a... more
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      LiteratureFeminismSadegh HedayatSadeq Hedayat
Hedayat's life with emphasis on how he structured the themes of his stories, especially The Blind Owl.
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      Persian LiteratureLiteratureTibetan BuddhismIndian Literature
If we interpret The Blind Owl according to its Buddhist subtext, we can summarize the storyline therein as follows. In India, before the Mongol invasion, one of two identical twin brothers, who had converted to the religion of the Linga,... more
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      BuddhismPersian LiteratureBuddhist StudiesIranian Studies
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      OntologyPersian LiteratureIranian StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Bashiri discusses the  evolution of Hedayat's style from his short stories to The Blind Owl and asserts that he is a regional writer despite his experimental slyle.
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      Persian LanguagePersian CultureSadegh HedayatSadeq Hedayat
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      Persian LiteratureIranian LiteratureMiddle Persian literature and languageSadegh Hedayat
This book explores Henri Bergson's notions of Simultaneity and Duree in Sadeq Hedayat's The Blind Owl and William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, two prominent modernist narratives in contemporary Iranian and American literature. This... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyPhenomenologyHenri Bergson
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      IntertextualitySadegh HedayatSadeq HedayatThe Blind Owl
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LitretureIranian Literature
زندگی صادق هدایت با تاکید بر چگونگی کار برد مفهوم ضمنی در بوف کور
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      Persian LiteratureTibetan BuddhismIranian LiteraturePersian Culture
"The Necklace of the Pleiades is a volume on Persian literature, culture and religion by Persian scholars from around the world. This book reflects the state of the field of Persian literary studies and will be of substantial interest not... more
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      Baha'i studiesLiterary CriticismLiterary StylisticsPersian Language
Iran and Turkey witnessed deep and broad social changes in an effort to Modernization in the first half of 20th century. The social changes had wide-ranging consequences, including personal and psychological effects. The purpose of this... more
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      Literary CriticismSocial CriticismSadeq Hedayatنقد ادبی
اگر بوف کور را بر اساس مفھوم ضمنی بودائی آن بررسی کنیم می توانیم داستان را این طور خلاصه کنیم: در اعصار قبل از حمله مغول، در ھندوستان، یکی از دو برادر دو قلو که دارای یک قیافه و یک اخلاق ھستند دین لینگا را می پذیرد و با دختر رقاصه ای... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyPersian LiteratureTibetan Studies
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      Persian LiteraturePersian LanguageDesirePersian Culture
Satire by Sadeq Hedayat on the socio-political and religious situation in Iran in the 1940s.
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      Persian LanguagePersian LitreturePersianSadegh Hedayat
This article aims to explore Henri Bergson’s notions of durée and simultaneity in Sadeq Hedayat’s The Blind Owl (1937), a prominent Modernist narrative in contemporary Iranian literature. Bergson refutes the logical and linear sequence of... more
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      PhenomenologyNarratologyHenri BergsonModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
this is a general study and evaluation of Hedayat's life and works
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      Persian LiteratureSadeq HedayatThe Blind Owl
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      Persian LiteratureSadeq HedayatModren Persian Prose
In the not so well known short story ‘Katiya’, the Austrian engineer tells the narrator: You know, it’s always women who must approach me. I never approach a woman. Because if I did that I’d feel that she’s not accepted me for my own... more
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      Sadeq HedayatModern Persian Literature
Stream of consciousness, first introduced by William James, is a literary technique employed to evince subjective as well as objective reality. In this process, the feelings, sensations, wishes, hopes, memories and thoughts in... more
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      Comparative LiteratureNarratologyIntertextualityStructuralism/Post-Structuralism
In the essay, Bashiri argues that The Blind Owl should not be considered a novel and he traces the Buddhist sources of the work.
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      Persian LiteratureSadegh HedayatSadeq HedayatPersian Language and Literature
This paper aims to explore an ontological and structural study of Sadeq Hedayat"s The Blind Owl through application of binary oppositions of Time/Timeless, Modern/Postmodern Narratology, Theosophical Mythology/ Historical... more
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      OntologyPersian LiteratureIranian StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
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      Iranian StudiesSadegh HedayatSadeq HedayatModern Persian Literature
Volumen que recopila los trabajos expuestos en el congreso, que versan sobre temas diversos relacionados con el mundo iranio: Misticismo, filosofía, arqueología, historia, literatura y política.
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      Achaemenid PersiaMedieval Islamic HistoryElamiteAncient Iranian Religion
A new antagonistic discourse has been formed among intellectuals, in the intellectual history of the world. Some anti-British, and after September 1941 anti-American activities are evident among Iranian intellectuals under the rule of... more
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      Sadeq HedayatJalal Al-e Ahmadصادق هدایتغلامحسین ساعدی
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyOthering ProcessSadeq Hedayat
This article examines how the desire to authenticate modernity influenced the mutual perception of religious and secular intellectuals in Egypt and Iran in the first half of the twentieth century. I shift the focus to the East – East... more
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      Sadeq HedayatIranian NationalismEgyptian nationalismMiddle Eastern modernity
Co-authors / Co-compilers: K. Pagava, I. Duduchava, I. Paghava
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      Persian LiteratureBibliographyAzerbaijani CultureShahnama of Firdosi
Editorial essay for the artist book "and then we went to search of somewhere to stay the night", in collaboration with Azin Feizabadi and Sohrab Mohebbi, commissioned by Sharjah Biennial 10 as part of the "Manuals for Treason" series (2011)
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      Contemporary ArtHistory of IranWalter BenjaminFranz Kafka