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Fernando Camacho Padilla, Fernando Escribano Martín, Nadereh Farzamnia Hajardovom y José Luis Neila Hernández, coords. 2021. Miradas de Irán: historia y cultura. Madrid: Catarata. 284 pp. ISBN 9788413522333
Jorge Luis Borges cita en uno de sus sonetos una sentencia que atribuye a Omar Jayyām, pero que proviene realmente de una de las libertades tomadas, consciente o inconscientemente, por Edward FitzGerald en su traducción inglesa de las... more
Jorge Luis Borges cita en uno de sus sonetos una sentencia que atribuye a Omar Jayyām, pero que proviene realmente de una de las libertades tomadas, consciente o inconscientemente, por Edward FitzGerald en su traducción inglesa de las cuartetas del persa. Después de analizar minuciosamente el sentido de la cuarteta original, demostramos en este estudio que la traducción de FitzGerald, así como, en menor medida, la francesa de Nicholas, pesa sobre muchas traducciones al español y a otras lenguas europeas. Con nuestro estudio de la transmisión de una sola cuarteta en cuestión en Occidente, concretamos e ilustramos los problemas que conlleva la transmisión y recepción de la poesía de Jayyām en general.
The neglect of the rhetoric of literary texts from the fifth century onwards has been one of the factors that prevented the traditional Persian-Arabic rhetoric of progress and ignored the innovations of poets and writers. An example of... more
The neglect of the rhetoric of literary texts from the fifth century onwards has been one of the factors that prevented the traditional Persian-Arabic rhetoric of progress and ignored the innovations of poets and writers. An example of these creations is Organic Composition of the literary arts, which, regardless of the traditional methods, has been referred to temporarily and systematically by some traditional or contemporary scholars as the accompaniment or combination of literary arrays. But in this study, using the theory of the combined structure emphasizing the interrelationship and dependence of elements of a structure, which was proposed by the structuralists of Prague circle as well as the new critics, we tried to systematize this literary truth and focus on the metaphor, We have sampled it in the Panj ganj of Nezami Ganjawi. First, we introduce all the foundations, with the necessary examples and descriptions, and divided them into two or more dimensional structures. Then, through the table, we show the frequency of their use in each of the five scriptures in order to systematically determine the capabilities of this literary truth as well as the quantity and quality of its use in Nezami poetry. As can be seen in this study, in this type of combination, metaphors with different innovative arrays have unified and created structures, the most important achievement of which in relation to poetic language is Defamiliarization with the Literary arrays that are due to use. They have become too familiar with the process of getting acquainted.
The book "The Literary Mind" by Mark Turner, first published in 1996 at the Oxford Publishers Collection, was followed by numerous publications. The book, which has been considered and received by various experts from various branches of... more
The book "The Literary Mind" by Mark Turner, first published in 1996 at the Oxford Publishers Collection, was followed by numerous publications. The book, which has been considered and received by various experts from various branches of cognitive science, linguistics, literature, neurology, and philosophy, has come to light and deep in 208 pages and eight chapters on the subject of literary thought, and in particular the story and the parabolic story on the basis of language and thought. The author has shed light on the role and necessity of literature as a vital element. Despite the general opinion that the literary mind is considered secondary and something special to of the experts of literature, in fact, the main theme of the book is that the activity of mind is essentially literary.This book argues in a revolutionary way that the central theme of cognitive science is the nature of the literary mind.
Adopting a new historicist methodological approach, this paper examines the representation of the various classes in 7th-century Iranian society in Sa'di's Golestan against the background of contemporary conflicting discourses about... more
Adopting a new historicist methodological approach, this paper examines the representation of the various classes in 7th-century Iranian society in Sa'di's Golestan against the background of contemporary conflicting discourses about social class. It connects the disruption of contemporary notions concerning social order, as well as the attribution of new meanings to existing signifiers, with the displacement of the center of power in the 7th century AH. The paper also suggests that Golestan's resistance to certain discourses and groups indicates the emergence of new centers of power and new discourses in society. On the other hand, in line with the principles of new historicism, the paper shows how the lower strata and silenced minorities in society appear in Golestan and rise from objecthood to subject status and sometimes actually use the same ideology that places them at the bottom of the social ladder to resist their leaders. Due to the intertextual approach in this article, other texts are also used for comparison and analysis. The method adopted is, moreover, based on Foucault's theory of power and resistance.
In this study, based on Saadi’s Bustan, we have raised the question of how the peasantry gained power in the social structure. According to the hegemony and power approach, whose experts are Antonio Gramsci and Michel Foucault, and using... more
In this study, based on Saadi’s Bustan, we have raised the question of how the peasantry gained power in the social structure. According to the hegemony and power approach, whose experts are Antonio Gramsci and Michel Foucault, and using the methods of critical discourse analysis and intertextuality, we examined power and resistance, which are the circles of interaction between community participants.Considering the multifaceted function of discourse in the seventh century texts, the research findings showed that along with Sufis and Zaheds and various social groups that used their own mechanisms to gain power, the subordinate class and the peasants also gained new power.By combining the ideas with the religious, mystical and customary beliefs in the society, which at the same time caused their own obedience and subjugation, they developed a mechanism that by reproducing and applying it,forced the most powerful individuals to surrender.Thus, with a deconstructive reading of texts, complex action and interaction between actors replaces the diminishing notion of one-sided interaction between socially active groups.
Jorge Luis Borges cita en uno de sus sonetos una sentencia que atribuye a Omar Jayyām, pero que proviene realmente de una de las libertades tomadas, consciente o inconscientemente, por Edward FitzGerald en su traducción inglesa de las... more
Jorge Luis Borges cita en uno de sus sonetos una sentencia que
atribuye a Omar Jayyām, pero que proviene realmente de una de las libertades tomadas, consciente o inconscientemente, por Edward FitzGerald en su traducción inglesa de las cuartetas del persa. Después de analizar minuciosamente el sentido de la cuarteta original, demostramos en este estudio que la traducción de FitzGerald, así como, en menor medida, la francesa de Nicholas, pesa sobre muchas traducciones al español y a otras lenguas europeas. Con nuestro estudio
de la transmisión de una sola cuarteta en cuestión en Occidente, concretamos e ilustramos los problemas que conlleva la transmisión y recepción de la poesía de Jayyām en general.
Este curso de verano tiene dos objetivos. Por un lado, ofrecer las principales características políticas, culturales, literarias, religiosas y artísticas a lo largo de los distintos periodos de la historia de Irán. Por otro lado, mostrar... more
Este curso de verano tiene dos objetivos. Por un lado, ofrecer las principales características políticas, culturales, literarias, religiosas y artísticas a lo largo de los distintos periodos de la historia de Irán. Por otro lado, mostrar a los asistentes una imagen global sobre la cultura iraní desde la Antigüedad hasta el presente, incidiendo en sus relaciones históricas con España. Para ello, se cuenta con la participación de especialistas españoles y extranjeros de la iranología.

La iniciativa proviene del Grupo de Estudios sobre Pueblos Pérsicos creado en el presente año con el objetivo de formalizar un equipo de investigación en España integrado por académicos interesados en el mundo iranio, pero que viene realizando actividades culturales y de extensión universitaria desde 2015. Se debe destacar que la UAM fue el primer centro académico del país en ofrecer cursos de lengua y cultura persa, los cuales comenzaron en el año 1975 y han continuado de manera ininterrumpida hasta la actualidad.

Más informacion en:
Miradas de Irán, como anuncia su título, hace una revisión del país desde diferentes perspectivas, con base en cuestiones de di- versa índole que atañen tanto a España en sus relaciones con Irán como a Irán de modo independiente. El... more
Miradas de Irán, como anuncia su título, hace una revisión del
país desde diferentes perspectivas, con base en cuestiones de di-
versa índole que atañen tanto a España en sus relaciones con
Irán como a Irán de modo independiente. El libro contiene
una colección de 14 capítulos repartidos en tres partes con una
extensión total de 284 páginas.