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Household utensils contain things using in everyday life. The names given to these things shape an active and great part of the languages» lexicon. İn the thesis «Turkic lexical loan words in several Caucasus languages system» the author... more
Household utensils contain things using in everyday life. The names given to these things shape an active and great part
of the languages» lexicon. İn the thesis «Turkic lexical loan words in several Caucasus languages system» the author
Abdumnapovna [34] comes to a conclusion that the great part of names with concrete semantics contains household, cattlebreeding,
dish, clothing, footclothing names. And author notes that this lexicon could be entered to the speech in the result of
economic-agricultural and cultural relations.
Lüğətlər tarixi, coğrafi, etnoqrafik, o cümlədən linqvistik informasiya ehtiva etmələri baxımından çox dəyərli mənbələrdir. Lüğətlər həm fiziki cəhətlərinə görə, həm də sözlərin tərtib olunduğu əlifba növləri və prinsipləri, lüğət... more
Lüğətlər tarixi, coğrafi, etnoqrafik, o cümlədən linqvistik informasiya ehtiva etmələri baxımından çox dəyərli mənbələrdir. Lüğətlər həm fiziki cəhətlərinə görə, həm də sözlərin tərtib olunduğu əlifba növləri və prinsipləri, lüğət bəndlərinin izah olunması və bir çox digər baxımlardan dəyərli mənbə rolunu oynayırlar. Klassik dilçiliklə bağlı məlumat məhdud olduğundan, qədim lüğətlər klassik dilçilik üçün xüsusi əhəmiyyət daşıyır. Lüğətlər məhz bu baxımdan çoxcəhətli zəngin məlumat daşıdıqları üçün klassik dilçiliyin əsas sütunlarından hesab olunurlar. Məqalədə orta əsrlər farsdilli lüğətlərdə yer alan dil vahidləri müəyyən kateqoriyalara ayrılmış və onların klassik dilçilik aspektindən təhlili aparılmışdır.
The words that related to the formation and development of historical events and national culture exist in each language. Such words belong to the representatives of that nation, reflect their national morality and are called realia. As... more
The words that related to the formation and development of historical events
and national culture exist in each language. Such words belong to the representatives
of that nation, reflect their national morality and are called realia. As reflecting all
the features of the language they belong, realias are often understood only by native
speakers. Therefore, it is not always possible to give equivalent of the realias, and
certain problems arise during translation. It is not possible to give a complete
classification of realias, due to the internal laws of languages, realias belonging to
different categories can take place in those languages. However they are classified
into a number of groups that are common to all languages. The only way to convey
the realias to the reader in the translation process is to explain them. This process is
different in written and oral translation.
The term of "realia" has been used in Azerbaijani linguistics in recent years.
Geographical and ethnographic, folklore and mythological realias, household realias,
socio-historical realias are part of such a classification. One of the busiest groups of
realias is the names of government agencies. It should be noted that the names of
state-owned enterprises, as in all countries, are unique in Iran and more clearly
demonstrate the country's internal discipline and existing rules. The realias
expressing the food names help to create an image of the people to whom they
Filologiya məsələləri, № 8, 2022
– 107 –
belong. The realias expressing the food names in Iran also show the diversity of its
cuisine. Mythological names are one of the oldest groups of realias. The origin of
mythology was with the formation of human language and cognition. First of all, the
mythological names mentioned in Firdovsi's "Shahnameh" have been included here.
The article deals with the development of the above mentioned words
belonging to the realia groups in the Iranian languages and compares the expression
of their correspondence.
DƏLİLİK SƏHRASI Madness Desert MƏHƏMMƏDƏLİ CAMALZADƏ ÇEVİREN: GÜNEL ORUCOVA Xülasə Seyid Məhəmmədəli Camalzadə İranın böyük yazıçılarından biri olmaqla yanaşı, elmi tədqiqat, tərcümə, tarix, tənqid və bir çox digər sahələrdə qələmini... more
Xülasə Seyid Məhəmmədəli Camalzadə İranın böyük yazıçılarından biri olmaqla yanaşı, elmi tədqiqat, tərcümə, tarix, tənqid və bir çox digər sahələrdə qələmini sınamışdır. O, " ‫یکی‬ ‫و‬ ‫بود‬ ‫یکی‬ ‫"نبود‬ hekayəsi ilə fars ədəbiyyatında və hekayə janrında yeni üslubun və yeni məktəbin bünövrəsini qoymuşdur. Onu yeni fars nəsrinin yaradıcısı hesab edirlər. Məhsuldar fəaliyyət dövrü ərzində bir çox əsərlərin müəllifi olsa da, bir neçə on illər bu əsərlər çap olunmamışdır. Sonrakı illər Tehran Universitetinin və bir sıra alimlərin səyi nəticəsində Seyid Məhəmmədəli Camalzadənin əsərləri kitab halına salınır və çap olunur. "Dəlilik səhrası" ‫جنون(‬ ‫)دشت‬ 2010-cu ildə Əli Dehbaşinin hazırladığı "Məhəmmədəli Camalzadənin seçilmiş əsərləri" adlı topluda müəllifdən təqdim olunan iki romandan biri şəklində yer almışdır və ilk dəfədir Azərbaycan dilinə tərcümə olunur. "Dəlilik səhrası" psixoloji roman hesab oluna bilər. Oxucuya yazıçının insan ruhuna nə dərəcədə bələd olması dərhal bəlli olur. Müxtəlif insan taleləri, cəmiyyətdəki bərabərsizlik, haqsızlıq kimi motivlərin xüsusi vurğulandığı fonda təqdim olunur, bu çətinliklər qarşısında insan ruhunun necə əzildiyi və yox olduğu son dərəcədə gözəl üslubla çatdırılır. Roman həm də Camalzadənin dilçilik, ədəbiyyat, sosiologiya ilə bağlı dərin biliklərini nümayiş etdirir.
XÜLASƏ Orta əsrlər farsdilli lüğətlər dünyanın müxtəlif dilçilik məktəbləri və müxtəlif alimləri tərəfindən araşdırılmışdır. Hər məktəbin bu məsələni tədqiq etmə tarixi müxtəlif vaxta təsadüf etdiyi kimi, tədqiq üsulları da özünəməxsus... more
XÜLASƏ Orta əsrlər farsdilli lüğətlər dünyanın müxtəlif dilçilik məktəbləri və müxtəlif alimləri tərəfindən araşdırılmışdır. Hər məktəbin bu məsələni tədqiq etmə tarixi müxtəlif vaxta təsadüf etdiyi kimi, tədqiq üsulları da özünəməxsus olmuşdur. Avropa alimlərinin fars dilçiliyini, o cümlədən farsdilli lüğətləri tədqiq etməsi XIX əsrdən başlayır. Bu proses eyni zamanda müxtəlif Avropa dilləri ilə fars dilinin tərcümə lüğətlərinin hazırlanması ilə paralel getmişdir. Müəlliflərin əsərləri əsasən, farsdilli lüğətlərin tərtibi məsələlərinə, lüğətlər və tərtibçilər barədə məlumatlara həsr olunmuşdur. Bu istiqamətdə atılan ilk addım dünyanın müxtəlif mərkəz və kitabxanalarında saxlanılan əlyazmaların kataloqlarını hazırlamaqdan ibarət olmuşdur. Ümumiyyətlə isə, Avropada farsdilli lüğətlərin araşdırılmasında ilk təşəbbüskar H. Bloçman hesab olunur. Açar sözlər: orta əsrlər, farsdilli lüğətlər, Avropa məktəbi. MEDİEVAL PERSİAN DİCTİONARİES İN EUROPEAN SCİNETİSTS' WORKS SUMMARY Medieval persian dictionaries were researched by different linguistic schools and scholars. The history of investigation of each linguistic school occurs in different period, as well as their research methods. European scholars began to research Persian linguistics, including Persian dictionaries in XIX century. This process was carrying out simultaniously with the compiling of translation dictionaries of European languages from or to persian. The authors' works were basically devoted to compilation problems of persian dictionaries and informing about the dictionaries and compilers as well. First attempt was preparing the catalogues of glossaries existing in different centres and libraries of the world. Generally, the first step in exploring of persian dicionaries in Europe was taken by H. Blochman.
The article deals with the phonetical changes of the turkic lexicon recorded in the medieval persian dictionaries. Medieval persian dictionaries are one of the valuable sources with reliable material for linguistics. This material paves... more
The article deals with the phonetical changes of the turkic lexicon
recorded in the medieval persian dictionaries. Medieval persian dictionaries are one of the
valuable sources with reliable material for linguistics. This material paves the way for us to
analyze dictionary articles from phonetical, morphological and many other aspects. Phonetic
structures and their linguistic features played the role of a phonetic norm in the definition of
turkic words. Phonetical multivariables, observed in dictionaries, allow to get rich information
about historical phonetics of persian and turkic languages. Though invariance creates a
number of problems in researching the mutual influence of languages, it also plays role in
following this process.
Özet Türk-fars dil ilişkilerinin tarihi eramızın ilk yüzyıllarına dayanmaktadır. Bu dil ilişkilerinin araştırılması, bir-birine tarih boyu karşılıklı etkileşim göstermiş her iki dilin bir çok konularının aydınlık kazanması açısından son... more
Türk-fars dil ilişkilerinin tarihi eramızın ilk yüzyıllarına dayanmaktadır. Bu dil ilişkilerinin araştırılması, bir-birine tarih boyu karşılıklı etkileşim göstermiş her iki dilin bir çok konularının aydınlık kazanması açısından son derece önem taşımaktadır. Türk dilleri ile yakın ilişkide bulunmuş herhangi bir dilde belli değişiklikler gözlemleniyor. Fars ve Türk dillerinde bu etki ikitaraflı olarak hayata geçmiştir. Farsçaya geçmiş Türkçe kökenli sözcüklerde de aynı zamanda semantik anlamda bir çok değişiklikler ortaya çıkmıştır.

Anahtar kelimeler: Fars dili, Türk dili, Dil ilişkileri, Dil Karşılaştırması, Dil Etkileşimi
The history of turkic-persian language relations is based on the early centuries of our era. The research of these language relations is very important in order gaining clarity of many subjects in both languages interacting throughout the history. Certain changes are observed in any language being closely related with turkic languages. In persian and turkic languages this effect was mutual. In turkic origin borrowed words of persian language was also emerged semantical diversity.

Key words: Persian language, Turkic language, Language relations, Semantical diversity
ریشۀ روابط زبانهای ترکی و فارسی به اوایل قرن ما برمی گردد. تحقیقات این روابط از جهت روشنیابی خیلی مسایل مربوط به هر دو زبان اهمیت فاحشی دارد. در تمام زبان ها یی که با زبان های ترکی روابط داشته اند، دگرگونی های معینی مشاهده می شود.در زبان های فارسی و ترکی این تاثیر دوجانبه ای بوده است. در کلمات ترکیریشۀ زبان فارسی دگرگونی های معنایی در عین حال مشاهده می شود.
واژگان کلیدی: بزبان فارسی، زبانهای ترکی، روابط زبان ها، تاثیر متقابل زبان ها
Dictionaries are valuable sources reflecting the lexical fund of any language and show mutual relationships between languages. Persian and Turkic languages have been in long-term mutual interaction continuing till today. But investigation... more
Dictionaries are valuable sources reflecting the lexical fund of any language and show mutual relationships between languages. Persian and Turkic languages have been in long-term mutual interaction continuing till today. But investigation of these connections more accurate complicates and even fails in some cases. This article deals with offering some variants in order to make easier these moments.
Nizami Ganjavi’s works including the time collapse they compiled were followed by his simultaneouses and his style, writings were consulted and a range of imitative poems were also written. The Khamsah consisting of 5 romances considered... more
Nizami Ganjavi’s works including the time collapse they compiled were followed by his simultaneouses and his style, writings were consulted and a range of imitative poems were also written. The Khamsah consisting of 5 romances considered to be
among the most popular and worthwhile works in world literature. Khosrow and Shirin,
the second romance of Khamsah, is prominent not only for the main theme, language, but
also by referring to the happenings in historical sources of early ages. The most taking attention scene in the romance is altercation of Khosrow and Farhad, one of the most beautiful episodes. The altercation genre Nizami successfully used in Khosrow and Shirin was used
by other litterateurs afterwards. Amir Khosrow Dehlavi, the indian scholar who lived in
XIII century, wrote an imitative poem Shirin and Khosrow to Nizami’s Khosrow and
Shirin. Dehlavi has enlarged the altercation scene of Khosrow and Farhad. Another poet
of the same time period was Khwaju Kermani who kept alive Nizami’s traditions in his
works. Humay and Humayun and Gul and Nowruz were the two beautiful romances
partially modeled on Nizami’s earlier Khamsah and were written in mutakaip and hazach
behers of poetry. Abdurrahman Jami who was the second and the lastest representator of
classical Persian poetry also compiled Haft Awrang as an imitative masnavi poem of
Nizami’s Khamsah. Khosrow and Shirin is not among the modeled Works, we just meet
the stories about Khosrow and Shirin in Herednameh-e Eskandari and that stories took
place in other sources earlier. One of the most important scenes in Khosrow and Shirin
was modeled in a range of works afterwards and inherently it has been subjected to
change. These changings base on the wording, wit and fantasy of the compiler. Generally,
scholars noted taking Nizami as an example with a sense of pride.
Pages: 133-134
Numerous turkic words have been specified in the medieval period Persian-language dictionaries and a group of them especially draws attention. These words express "governess, servitor, old servant" and actually they are the words... more
Numerous turkic words have been specified in the medieval period Persian-language dictionaries and a group of them especially draws attention. These words express "governess, servitor, old servant" and actually they are the words concerning the names of people, family members. One of such words is ‫دادو‬ (dadu) adapted to Persian. This word was mainly defined as "old servant, servitor, regulator". H. Zarinazadeh states that the above mentioned word is used in two ways: "regulator, governess of the Safavid princes" and "maid". Except the meaning "father" there are other meanings-"master, master ashug" in the semantics of the word "dadu". At the same time calling master ashugs "dadu" among the people express appointment of an old title: in the family and in the society, as well as in the state. Hence the meanings of wisdom, generosity, giving advice for the "dadu". apprentice caused it using as anthroponyms. It is possible to assume that the meaning of "servant" defined in the Persian sources was formed later. Another word expressing "turk servitor" was also determined in the dictionary "Farhang-i Rashidi" compiled in the XVII century: 5 ‫وشاق‬ (vashag). At "Burhan-i Gate" it is stated that this word means the same as 5 ‫اوشاق‬ and refers to poor servicemen, dervishes. ‫کاکا‬ means "brother", however it is elucidated as "servitor, governess" in the dictionaries. The word kaka stored in the Persian dialects carry different meanings. In the Shiraz dialect the word means "brother" and in Tehran it expresses "thanksgiving, gratitude". Jamalzadeh states that this word is not only used to justify the meaning of gratitude, nevertheless the word kaka can be used in this sense in order to please the other party at certain circumstances. For instance, when someone doubts whether the money is enough for certain work, the 3rd person informed about it says: "of course, enough, he/she will take and will say kaka as well, i.e. he/she will be grateful to you" (p. 427). The word kaka is repeatedly used in the famous work "Dash Akol" by S. Hedayet.
This conference material deals with scientifical thoughts in Omar Khayyam's works
Research Interests:
Mazhar ut-Turki was written by the 18th century Azerbaijani scholar Abdurrahim Ardabili Shirvani, 270 years ago during the reign of Nadir Shah Afshar in order to teach Qizilbash Turkish to non-Turks. It is being translated into... more
Mazhar ut-Turki was written by the 18th century Azerbaijani scholar Abdurrahim Ardabili Shirvani, 270 years ago during the reign of Nadir Shah Afshar in order to teach Qizilbash Turkish to non-Turks. It is being translated into Azerbaijani for the first time
Research Interests:
Mazhar ut-Turki was written by the 18th century Azerbaijani scholar Abdurrahim Ardabili Shirvani, 270 years ago during the reign of Nadir Shah Afshar in order to teach Qizilbash Turkish to non-Turks. It is being translated into... more
Mazhar ut-Turki was written by the 18th century Azerbaijani scholar Abdurrahim Ardabili Shirvani, 270 years ago during the reign of Nadir Shah Afshar in order to teach Qizilbash Turkish to non-Turks. It is being  translated into Azerbaijani for the first time.
Defended (2018) and published (2019) Phd Thesis. The book deals with turkic origin words, hybrid words with turkic elements, also turkic suffixes stated in medieval Persian dictionaries from X-XI centuries till XIX. Phonetical and... more
Defended (2018) and published (2019) Phd Thesis.

The book deals with turkic origin words, hybrid words with turkic elements, also turkic suffixes stated in medieval Persian dictionaries from X-XI centuries till XIX. Phonetical and morphological varities of the researched words also have been studied.
Research Interests: