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The Science of Going
without Food
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but rather
a dieting pattern.
• it’s making a conscious decision to skip certain
meals on purpose.
• generally means that you consume your
calories during a specific window of the day,
and choose not to eat food for a larger
window of time.
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Brad Pilon,Martin Berkhan or Ori Hofmekler
(Popularized it not invented)
• a reference leading back to the early 200’s AD
• the philosopher Plotinus (born in 205 AD) advised
one of his students Rogatianus, (a member of the
Roman senate) to only eat every second day
• Rogatianus regained his health and was cured of
his gout.
• IF should be viewed as a rediscovered way of
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Fasting for 16 hours and then only eating
within a specific 8-hour window
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
The 5:2 Diet: Fast for 2 days per week.
• The 5:2 diet involves eating normally 5 days of
the week, while restricting calories to 500-600
on two days of the week.
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Skipping two meals one day, where one is taking 24 hours off from
eating. For example, eating on a normal schedule (finishing dinner at 8PM)
and then not eating again until 8PM the following day
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
Alternate-Day Fasting: Fast every
other day.
• Most of the lab studies showing health
benefits of intermittent fasting used some
version of this.
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Our genome was selected in the late Paleo lithio
era (50,000-10,000 BC) and it was selected on the
basis of fluctuations between the periods of feast
and famine which ensured survival in the
environment. 3
• Today, our lifestyle -direct contrast to this with
abundant food available all the time and
decrease in physical activity
• This may predispose our genes to misexpress
metabolic proteins resulting in chronic diseases
like Type 2 diabetes
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Overfeeding and fault in energy balance lead
• Obesity
• Diabetes Mellitus
• Degenerative diseases
• Other chronic metabolic disorders
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and Metabolism
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
Increases amount of circulating corticosterone-
Positive effect
decreases the activity of glucocorticoid
receptors and maintains minerelocorticoid
receptors in neurons- protects against neuronal
damage and death
during intermittent fasting the periods of
anabolism and catabolism are altered -help in
increasing cellular stress resistance and in the
repairing of the damaged proteins and cells
intermittent fasting shows increase
resistance to oxidative, metabolic stresses
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Working of IF
• Ketone bodies ( Beta-hydroxybutyrate) –
increased resistance to seizures and epilepsy
• it has been proved that fasting results in
increase in the ketone bodies and especially
intermittent fasting results in twice the
increase of fasting serum levels of beta-
hydroxy butyrate.1
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
Working of IF
• organs especially CNS requires adequate
amount of glucose as a form of energy to work
on optimal levels.
reduces the
amount of
circulating insulin
better glucose
mobilization and
increased insulin
maintaining steady
supply of glucose to
vital organs
especially CNS. 1
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
intermittent fasting is effective in the
process of “browning”.
White fat
store the excess energy
and releases lipids
whenever body
demands energy.
this fat is related with
obesity and Type 2
Brown Fat
burns energy
it has been suggested
that it can be used to
treat obesity and other
related metabolic
diseasesMs. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Recent studies have shown that by process of
‘browning’ white fat can be converted to brown
(beige) fat
• Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) plays
major role in White Adipose Tissue (WAT)
• Sufficient vascularization is important for adipose
tissue development and function.
• IF causes increase in vascularization by increasing
adipose vegf a gene expression.14
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• intermittent fasting promotes white adipose browning
by shaping gut bacteria.19
• Fasting deviation of fermented products like
acetate and lactate to selective upregulation of
monocarboxylate transporter 1 expression in beige
• mice with depleted micro biota resistant to beiging
• whereas when micro biota from mice on intermittent
fasting were transferred in depleted mice it activated
beiging and metabolic homeostasis was improved.
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF group
Glucose metabolism
more stable
weighed significantly
Lower % White Fat more
converted to brown fat
Less fat build up
Healthier liver
Insulin sensitivity
During fasting vascular growth factor increased
formation of blood vessels and trigger anti-inflammatory
macrophages fat cells to burn fat stores and create
heat reduces inflammation.11
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Early humans were hunter-gatherers who like
wolves alternated between periods of fasting
and feasting yet their brains still performed at
optimal levels
• The study says that there is a ‘metabolic
switch’ during fasting 15
• Body, instead of using glucose and sugar for
energy switches to fatty acids and their
byproducts- ketones.
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
source of energy for
brain during fasting
periods and exercise
cleaner source of energy
than glucose, proteins or
produce fewer ‘metabolic
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Intermittent fasting taps into this fasting and
feasting state
• IF activates adaptive cellular stress
response signaling pathways enhance
mitochondrial health, DNA repair and
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
rise in alertness level
and mental acuity
elevation of
adiponectin levels
glucose levels are
maintained in the
normal range
glycogen stores
are depleted
fatty acids are
reduction of
circulating leptin
generation of
it is this metabolic shift to ketone utilization and the
adaptive responses of brain and ANS to non-
availability of food that help in keeping diseases at bay
and promote fitness and health.16
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and Brain.2
• In another study mice were fed with high fat diet
and were kept on intermittent fasting for 11
months and then their learning, memory, brain
structural changes were studied.
• Also, brain oxidative stress was studied.
• Overall results showed that the learning and
memory of these mice were improved.
• Intermittent fasting decreased
HNE(hydroxynonenal) and nitrotyrosine
containing proteins in the cerebral cortex which
are two oxidative stress indicators
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and Brain
• stress is directly related to brain aging,
• so this shows that maybe this mechanism was
responsible for improved brain function and
structure in mice.
• This study also saw that the hippocampus
related learning and memory was also
improved in those mice that were on
intermittent fasting.2
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF can help protect brain from neurogenerative diseases like
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and improve memory and mood. 13
during fasting brain responds by activating adaptive stress
responses that help it cope with diseases.
fasting helps improve neural connections in the hippocampus
and protects neurons from the accumulation of amyloid
plaques- a protein found in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
when we eat continuously glycogen is always available to the
body but during fasting, glycogen stores are depleted after 10-
Then the body starts using fat which are converted to high
energy ketone bodies which are acidic chemicals
These ketones promote beneficial changes in the structure of
synapses which are imperative for learning, memory and brain
healthGada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and Seizures
• In this one study it was shown that ketone
bodies like beta-hydroxybutyrate protect
against seizures and this is directly increased
during intermittent fasting. 5
• This could be possible mechanism by which
intermittent fasting helps in controlling
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF 4
lower plasma
glucose and
insulin levels
increase insulin
sensitivity by
and increasing
fatty acid oxidation
reduction in size
of adipocytes of
visceral and
subcutaneous fat
and lipogenesis)
and catabolism (
reduces heart
rate and blood
pressure to
some extent.
increase in
e action
All these help in managing symptoms of CVD
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
In one study obese women
who were the subjects of the
study showed decrease in
plasma glucose and insulin
levels, adinokines like leptin,
weight loss, and reduction in
abdominal fat, LDL
cholesterol, trigycerides and
homocysteine.7 All this factors
help in lowering the risk of
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and CVD
• There was one more study where the results
were similar supporting that the subjects on
intermittent fasting for 3 months lost 2.6 kg,
had lower blood pressure, body fat and waist
• The researchers concluded that intermittent
fasting helped in controlling diabetes, blood
glucose levels and cholesterol.20
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and CVD
• Other study supported the fact that
intermittent fasting increased the insulin
sensitivity approximately seven times and
decreased the occulence of diabetes.
• It was also found that plasma glucose levels
were decreased after the 20 hours fasting.3
• Hence IF has positive effects on diabetes thus
contributing in reducing the risk of CVD.
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• These findings show that there are favourable changes in
lipid profile which in turn help in reducing waist
circumference and reducing pro-atherogenic adipokines
• Reduction in circulating TNF-alpha may also be related to
reduction in triglycerides
• The above results show that intermittent fasting may help
in improvement in CHD by modulating various risk factors
especially adipokines.6
total and
levels were
levels of
leptin were
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and Obesity
• When energy intake is greater than energy
• IF helps in obesity control as each day an entire
meal is cut so we consume fewer calories per
week even if the two meals eaten per day are a
little bigger than before.
• Also, our bodies react to consumption of food
with insulin production, the body is most
sensitive to insulin following a period of fasting.
This can help in weight loss.8
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and Resistance trained individual12
reduced body
muscle mass
reduced anabolic
hormones like
testosterone and
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• There was decrease in fat mass increase in
adiponectin acts on brain causes
increase in energy expenditure weight loss
• there was decrease in testosterone and IGF-1,
it did not cause any major changes in body
composition or compromise muscular
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Increase in adiponectin positively related with
insulin sensitivity IF reduces blood glucose
levels and insulin
• IF could improve health-related biomarkers
and decrease fat mass which can help achieve
athletes their main goal of maintaining muscle
mass while reducing fat mass.12
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• IF calorie depletion a mild oxidative
stress activates genes responsible for
mechanisms of cell repairing and protection
shift of energy derivation from ketones
exert protective properties and control the
expression of genes that cause autophagy
beneficial to preserve muscle mass.17
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
IF and Reproduction
• When animals are under metabolic stress and
there is less energy available, they invest
energy for their survival rather than
reproduction, even the puberty is delayed and
ovarian and estrous cycles are suppressed
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
serum LH
levels were
ovaries showed
large sized
corpora lutea and
fibrous tissues
and the corpora
lutea was
levels in
levels in
female rats
lowered in
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• The reproductive changes were observed more in
females as compared to males.
• That maybe because reproduction requires
higher energy expenditure in female animals than
• The study suggests that when there is caloric
restriction the reproduction maybe adversely
affected and this may also help us to understand
nutritional infertility seen in patients.9
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Fasting leads to weakness, diarrhea, delirium,
headaches, fainting, dehydration and hunger
• Excessive fasting can also lead to malnutrition,
eating disorders and susceptibility to
infectious diseases.
• But intermittent fasting is a systemic form of
fasting and hence it does not show these side
effects in potent forms.18
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• IF has positive impact on cardiovascular health
and can be used as a lifestyle modification to
prevent as well as treat various cardiovascular
disorders and related risk factors like diabetes
mellitus 2, obesity, hypercholesterolemia,
glucose intolerance, insulin sensitivity.
• .It has shown positive effects on neurological
diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s
disease, Epilepsy and Seizures.
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• Intermittent fasting could be beneficial tool
for resistance trained individuals to improve
health-related biomarkers, decrease fat mass,
and at least maintain muscle mass.
• This kind of regimen can be adopted by
athletes during maintenance phases of
training in which the goal is to maintain
muscle mass while reducing fat mass
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• The only negative effect seen is on the
reproductive health.
• IF causes disturbance of estrous cycle in female
mice and decreased serum testosterone in male
• This may help to understand the clinical basis of
nutritional infertility observed in patients of
anorexia nervosa and hypothalamic amenorrhea
due to metabolic stress, excessive exercise,
undernutrition etc
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
• However, most of these studies have been
conducted on mice and human studies of
intermittent fasting mainly have been short-term,
and involved small groups of selected subjects.
• These studies do not inform about any potential
longer-term adaptations and effects on disease
and health with longer-term intermittent fasting
that may occur.
• Longer-term studies on efficiency and safety of
intermittent fasting are required in obese,
overweight, and normal-weight subjects.
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
1. Martin B, Mattson MP, Maudsley S. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting: Two potential diets for
successful brain aging. Ageing research reviews. 2006;5(3):332-353. doi:10.1016/j.arr.2006.04.002.
2. Li L, Wang Z, Zuo Z. Chronic Intermittent Fasting Improves Cognitive Functions and Brain Structures in Mice. Xie Z,
ed. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(6):e66069. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066069.
3. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2005 Dec; 99(6):2128-36. Epub 2005 Jul 28.Effect of intermittent fasting and refeeding on
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fasting on metabolism in men.Azevedo FR (1), Ikeoka D, Caramelli B.
5. Hartman AL, Rubenstein JE, Kossoff EH. Intermittent fasting: A “new” historical strategy for controlling
seizures? Epilepsy research. 2013; 104(3):275-279. doi:10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2012.10.011.
6. Cynthia M Kroege, Monica C Klempel, Surabhi Bhutani, John F Trepanowski, Christine C Tangney and
Krista A Varady. Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/calorie
restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations. Nutrition & Metabolism20129:98
7. Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese
women.Monica C Klempel, Cynthia M Kroeger, Surabhi Bhutani,John F Trepanowski andKrista A Varady.Nutrition
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga
8. Wilson RA, Deasy W, Stathis CG, Hayes A, Cooke MB. Intermittent Fasting with or without Exercise
Prevents Weight Gain and Improves Lipids in Diet-Induced Obese Mice. Nutrients. 2018; 10(3):346. Doi:
9. Kumar S, Kaur G. Intermittent fasting dietary restriction regimen negatively influences reproduction in
young rats: a study of hypothalamo-hypophysial-gonadal axis. PLoS One. 2013; 8(1):e52416. doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.0052416. Epub 2013 Jan 29. PubMed PMID: 23382817; PubMed Central PMCID:
10. Patterson RE, Sears DD. Metabolic Effects of Intermittent Fasting. Annual Review of Nutrition 2017 Aug 21;
37:371-393. doi: 10.1146/annurev-nutr-071816-064634. Epub 2017 Jul 17. Review. PubMed PMID:
11. Tim Newman.How intermittent fasting can increase weight loss. Medical News Today. Published Thursday
19 October 2017.
12. Effects of eight weeks of time-restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximal strength, body
composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors in resistance-trained males. Tatiana Moro
Grant Tinsley, Antonino Bianco, Giuseppe Marcolin, Quirico Francesco Pacelli, Giuseppe Battaglia,
Antonio Palma, Paulo Gentil, Marco Neri and Antonio Paoli Journal of Translational Medicine201614:290
13. Johns Hopkins Health Review. Spring/summer 2016 Volume 3 Issue 1.Are There Any Proven Benefits to
Fasting? Joe Sugarman
14. Kim, K.-H., Kim, Y. H., Son, J. E., Lee, J. H., Kim, S., Choe, M. S., Sung, H.-K. (2017). Intermittent fasting
promotes adipose thermogenesis and metabolic homeostasis via VEGF-mediated alternative activation of
macrophage. Cell Research, 27(11), 1309–1326. doi:10.1038/cr.2017.126
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
15. Intermittent fasting leads to significant weight loss, slows aging, UF research review finds.Published: Apr
26, 2018. Bill Levesque.
16. Mattson MP, Longo VD, Harvie M. Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes. Ageing
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17. Caramoci, Adela & Mitoiu, Brandusa & Pop, Mirela & Mazilu, Virgil & Vasilescu, Mirela & Ionescu, Anca &
Rosulescu, Eugenia. (2017). Is intermittent fasting a scientifically-based dietary method? Medicina
Sportiva. Journal of the Romanian Sports Medicine Society. XII. 2747-2755.
18. Horne BD, Muhlestein JB, Anderson JL. Health effects of intermittent fasting: hormesis or harm? A
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19. Li G, Xie C, Lu S, Nichols RG, Tian Y, Li L, Patel D, Ma Y, Brocker CN, Yan T, Krausz KW, Xiang R, Gavrilova O,
Patterson AD, Gonzalez FJ. Intermittent Fasting Promotes White Adipose Browning and Decreases Obesity
by Shaping the Gut Microbiota. Cell Metabolism. 2017 Oct 3; 26(4):672-685.e4. doi:
10.1016/j.cmet.2017.08.019. Epub 2017 Sep 14. PubMed PMID: 28918936; PubMed Central PMCID:
20. Five-day fasting diet could fight disease, slow aging. Mitch Leslie. Science .Feb. 15, 2017.
6i0IDdAhVSfisKHZfaCJQQ_AUICygC&biw=1360&bih=631#imgrc=XW0GTKcjYaCcoM: Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. Colleg
Science, Matunga
Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
Science, Matunga

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  • 1. INTERMITTENT FASTING: The Science of Going without Food Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 2. INTERMITTENT FASTING • Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but rather a dieting pattern. • it’s making a conscious decision to skip certain meals on purpose. • generally means that you consume your calories during a specific window of the day, and choose not to eat food for a larger window of time. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 3. HISTORY OF INTERMITTENT FASTING • Brad Pilon,Martin Berkhan or Ori Hofmekler (Popularized it not invented) • a reference leading back to the early 200’s AD • the philosopher Plotinus (born in 205 AD) advised one of his students Rogatianus, (a member of the Roman senate) to only eat every second day • Rogatianus regained his health and was cured of his gout. • IF should be viewed as a rediscovered way of eating. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 4. 16/8 PROTOCOL • Fasting for 16 hours and then only eating within a specific 8-hour window Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
  • 5. The 5:2 Diet: Fast for 2 days per week. • The 5:2 diet involves eating normally 5 days of the week, while restricting calories to 500-600 on two days of the week. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 6. 24 HOUR PROTOCOL:EAT STOP EAT • Skipping two meals one day, where one is taking 24 hours off from eating. For example, eating on a normal schedule (finishing dinner at 8PM) and then not eating again until 8PM the following day Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 7. Alternate-Day Fasting: Fast every other day. • Most of the lab studies showing health benefits of intermittent fasting used some version of this. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 8. • Our genome was selected in the late Paleo lithio era (50,000-10,000 BC) and it was selected on the basis of fluctuations between the periods of feast and famine which ensured survival in the environment. 3 • Today, our lifestyle -direct contrast to this with abundant food available all the time and decrease in physical activity • This may predispose our genes to misexpress metabolic proteins resulting in chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 9. • Overfeeding and fault in energy balance lead to: • Obesity • Diabetes Mellitus • Degenerative diseases • CVD • Other chronic metabolic disorders Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 10. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 11. IF and Metabolism Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 12. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 13. Increases amount of circulating corticosterone- Positive effect decreases the activity of glucocorticoid receptors and maintains minerelocorticoid receptors in neurons- protects against neuronal damage and death during intermittent fasting the periods of anabolism and catabolism are altered -help in increasing cellular stress resistance and in the repairing of the damaged proteins and cells intermittent fasting shows increase resistance to oxidative, metabolic stresses Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home
  • 14. Working of IF • Ketone bodies ( Beta-hydroxybutyrate) – increased resistance to seizures and epilepsy • it has been proved that fasting results in increase in the ketone bodies and especially intermittent fasting results in twice the increase of fasting serum levels of beta- hydroxy butyrate.1 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 15. Working of IF • organs especially CNS requires adequate amount of glucose as a form of energy to work on optimal levels. reduces the amount of circulating insulin better glucose mobilization and increased insulin sensitivity maintaining steady supply of glucose to vital organs especially CNS. 1 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 16. intermittent fasting is effective in the process of “browning”. White fat cells store the excess energy and releases lipids whenever body demands energy. this fat is related with obesity and Type 2 diabetes.11 Brown Fat cells burns energy it has been suggested that it can be used to treat obesity and other related metabolic diseasesMs. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 17. • Recent studies have shown that by process of ‘browning’ white fat can be converted to brown (beige) fat • Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) plays major role in White Adipose Tissue (WAT) browning • Sufficient vascularization is important for adipose tissue development and function. • IF causes increase in vascularization by increasing adipose vegf a gene expression.14 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 18. • intermittent fasting promotes white adipose browning by shaping gut bacteria.19 • Fasting deviation of fermented products like acetate and lactate to selective upregulation of monocarboxylate transporter 1 expression in beige cells • mice with depleted micro biota resistant to beiging • whereas when micro biota from mice on intermittent fasting were transferred in depleted mice it activated beiging and metabolic homeostasis was improved. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 19. IF group mice Glucose metabolism more stable weighed significantly less Lower % White Fat more converted to brown fat Less fat build up Healthier liver Insulin sensitivity increased During fasting vascular growth factor increased formation of blood vessels and trigger anti-inflammatory macrophages fat cells to burn fat stores and create heat reduces inflammation.11 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 20. • Early humans were hunter-gatherers who like wolves alternated between periods of fasting and feasting yet their brains still performed at optimal levels • The study says that there is a ‘metabolic switch’ during fasting 15 • Body, instead of using glucose and sugar for energy switches to fatty acids and their byproducts- ketones. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 21. KETONES source of energy for brain during fasting periods and exercise cleaner source of energy than glucose, proteins or carbohydrates produce fewer ‘metabolic disrupters’ Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 22. • Intermittent fasting taps into this fasting and feasting state • IF activates adaptive cellular stress response signaling pathways enhance mitochondrial health, DNA repair and autophagy Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 23. Fasting rise in alertness level and mental acuity elevation of adiponectin levels glucose levels are maintained in the normal range glycogen stores are depleted fatty acids are mobilized reduction of circulating leptin generation of ketones it is this metabolic shift to ketone utilization and the adaptive responses of brain and ANS to non- availability of food that help in keeping diseases at bay and promote fitness and health.16 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 24. IF and Brain.2 • In another study mice were fed with high fat diet and were kept on intermittent fasting for 11 months and then their learning, memory, brain structural changes were studied. • Also, brain oxidative stress was studied. • Overall results showed that the learning and memory of these mice were improved. • Intermittent fasting decreased HNE(hydroxynonenal) and nitrotyrosine containing proteins in the cerebral cortex which are two oxidative stress indicators Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 25. IF and Brain • stress is directly related to brain aging, • so this shows that maybe this mechanism was responsible for improved brain function and structure in mice. • This study also saw that the hippocampus related learning and memory was also improved in those mice that were on intermittent fasting.2 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 26. IF can help protect brain from neurogenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and improve memory and mood. 13 during fasting brain responds by activating adaptive stress responses that help it cope with diseases. fasting helps improve neural connections in the hippocampus and protects neurons from the accumulation of amyloid plaques- a protein found in people with Alzheimer’s disease. when we eat continuously glycogen is always available to the body but during fasting, glycogen stores are depleted after 10- 12hrs Then the body starts using fat which are converted to high energy ketone bodies which are acidic chemicals These ketones promote beneficial changes in the structure of synapses which are imperative for learning, memory and brain healthGada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 27. IF and Seizures • In this one study it was shown that ketone bodies like beta-hydroxybutyrate protect against seizures and this is directly increased during intermittent fasting. 5 • This could be possible mechanism by which intermittent fasting helps in controlling seizures Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 28. 4 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 29. IF 4 lower plasma glucose and insulin levels increase insulin sensitivity by suppressing gluconeogenesis and increasing fatty acid oxidation reduction in size of adipocytes of visceral and subcutaneous fat oscillation between anabolism (gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis) and catabolism ( lipolysis). reduces heart rate and blood pressure to some extent. increase in adiponectin levels- cardioprotectiv e action All these help in managing symptoms of CVD Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 30. 77 In one study obese women who were the subjects of the study showed decrease in plasma glucose and insulin levels, adinokines like leptin, weight loss, and reduction in abdominal fat, LDL cholesterol, trigycerides and homocysteine.7 All this factors help in lowering the risk of CVD’s. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 31. IF and CVD • There was one more study where the results were similar supporting that the subjects on intermittent fasting for 3 months lost 2.6 kg, had lower blood pressure, body fat and waist size. • The researchers concluded that intermittent fasting helped in controlling diabetes, blood glucose levels and cholesterol.20 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 32. IF and CVD • Other study supported the fact that intermittent fasting increased the insulin sensitivity approximately seven times and decreased the occulence of diabetes. • It was also found that plasma glucose levels were decreased after the 20 hours fasting.3 • Hence IF has positive effects on diabetes thus contributing in reducing the risk of CVD. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 33. • These findings show that there are favourable changes in lipid profile which in turn help in reducing waist circumference and reducing pro-atherogenic adipokines • Reduction in circulating TNF-alpha may also be related to reduction in triglycerides • The above results show that intermittent fasting may help in improvement in CHD by modulating various risk factors especially adipokines.6 IF TNF-alpha concentrations decrease total and LDL cholesterol levels were reduced levels of leptin were decreased Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 34. IF and Obesity • When energy intake is greater than energy expenditure-Obesity • IF helps in obesity control as each day an entire meal is cut so we consume fewer calories per week even if the two meals eaten per day are a little bigger than before. • Also, our bodies react to consumption of food with insulin production, the body is most sensitive to insulin following a period of fasting. This can help in weight loss.8 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 35. IF and Resistance trained individual12 IF reduced inflammation reduced body fat maintained muscle mass reduced anabolic hormones like testosterone and IGF-1 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 36. • There was decrease in fat mass increase in adiponectin acts on brain causes increase in energy expenditure weight loss • there was decrease in testosterone and IGF-1, it did not cause any major changes in body composition or compromise muscular strength. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 37. • Increase in adiponectin positively related with insulin sensitivity IF reduces blood glucose levels and insulin • IF could improve health-related biomarkers and decrease fat mass which can help achieve athletes their main goal of maintaining muscle mass while reducing fat mass.12 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 38. • IF calorie depletion a mild oxidative stress activates genes responsible for mechanisms of cell repairing and protection shift of energy derivation from ketones exert protective properties and control the expression of genes that cause autophagy beneficial to preserve muscle mass.17 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 39. IF and Reproduction • When animals are under metabolic stress and there is less energy available, they invest energy for their survival rather than reproduction, even the puberty is delayed and ovarian and estrous cycles are suppressed Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 40. IF serum LH levels were decreased ovaries showed large sized corpora lutea and fibrous tissues and the corpora lutea was degenerated disrupted estrous cycle increased the estradiol levels in females leptin levels in female rats were reduced serum testosterone levels lowered in males Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 41. • The reproductive changes were observed more in females as compared to males. • That maybe because reproduction requires higher energy expenditure in female animals than males. • The study suggests that when there is caloric restriction the reproduction maybe adversely affected and this may also help us to understand nutritional infertility seen in patients.9 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 42. • Fasting leads to weakness, diarrhea, delirium, headaches, fainting, dehydration and hunger pangs. • Excessive fasting can also lead to malnutrition, eating disorders and susceptibility to infectious diseases. • But intermittent fasting is a systemic form of fasting and hence it does not show these side effects in potent forms.18 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 43. CONCLUSION 21 Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 44. • IF has positive impact on cardiovascular health and can be used as a lifestyle modification to prevent as well as treat various cardiovascular disorders and related risk factors like diabetes mellitus 2, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, glucose intolerance, insulin sensitivity. • .It has shown positive effects on neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Epilepsy and Seizures. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 45. • Intermittent fasting could be beneficial tool for resistance trained individuals to improve health-related biomarkers, decrease fat mass, and at least maintain muscle mass. • This kind of regimen can be adopted by athletes during maintenance phases of training in which the goal is to maintain muscle mass while reducing fat mass Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 46. • The only negative effect seen is on the reproductive health. • IF causes disturbance of estrous cycle in female mice and decreased serum testosterone in male mice. • This may help to understand the clinical basis of nutritional infertility observed in patients of anorexia nervosa and hypothalamic amenorrhea due to metabolic stress, excessive exercise, undernutrition etc Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
  • 47. • However, most of these studies have been conducted on mice and human studies of intermittent fasting mainly have been short-term, and involved small groups of selected subjects. • These studies do not inform about any potential longer-term adaptations and effects on disease and health with longer-term intermittent fasting that may occur. • Longer-term studies on efficiency and safety of intermittent fasting are required in obese, overweight, and normal-weight subjects. Ms. Disha Gada Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Matunga
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