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@selleithy @sparkagility
Goals-Driven	Delivery	with	
Impact	Mapping	
Salah	Elleithy
@selleithy @sparkagility
What	keeps	me	going	
is	goals.		
Image	source:	boxrec.com		
Muhammad	Ali
@selleithy @sparkagility
You	start	working	with	a	new	team.	After	many	
meetings	and	maybe	several	weeks	or	months	
later,	you	finally	have	a	“list	of	stuff”	to	do.		
As	the	team	continues	to	work,	they	come	to	
the	realization	that	we	are	not	aligned	on	the	
goals	or	the	goals	are	not	clear	or	visible.	
What	do	we	do	now?
@selleithy @sparkagility
Doing	Busywork	with	no	clear	goals!
@selleithy @sparkagility
What	makes	Goals	important?	
“Cat:	Where	are	you	going?	
Alice:	Which	way	should	I	go?	
Cat:	That	depends	on	where	you	are	
Alice:	I	don’t	know.	
Cat:	Then	it	doesn’t	matter	which	way	
you	go.”		
You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are
going, because you might not get there.
Yogi Berra
Lewis	Carroll,	Alice	in	Wonderland
@selleithy @sparkagility
•  Define	what	Impact	Mapping	is	
•  Create	your	first	Impact	Map	
•  Introduce	Impact	Mapping	to	your	team	
What	we	will	cover…
@selleithy @sparkagility
Thought	experiment	
•  Think	of	a	goal	you	want	to	
•  Now	think	of	the	actor(s)	affected	
by	this	goal.	Who	might	help	you?	
Who	could	discourage	you?	
•  Think	of	the	impact	you	want	to	
have	by	accomplishing	this	goal	
•  Now	think	of	the	deliverable	you	
need	to	do	to	make	this	impact
@selleithy @sparkagility
What	is	an	Impact	Map?	
It	is	simply	a	structured	mind	map…	
It	is	a	visualization	of	scope	and	underlying	
assumptions,	created	collaboratively	by	the	
technical	and	business	people.		
It	mainly	answers	the	why,	who,	how	and	what.	
It	quickly	uncovers	our	assumptions.
@selleithy @sparkagility
@selleithy @sparkagility
Impact	Map	Example	
Source:	Godjko	Adzick
@selleithy @sparkagility
Another	example	
Source:	Godjko	Adzick
@selleithy @sparkagility
Create	your	Impact	Map	
Increase	attendance	
for	PMI	WDC	
university	talk	
Source:	Godjko	Adzick
@selleithy @sparkagility
How	to	introduce	to	your	team?	
1.  Introduce	it	to	at	least	one	person	next	week	
and	get	their	thoughts	or	feedback	
2.  Conduct	a	lunch	and	learn	session	with	your	
team	and	brainstorm	on	how	you	might	
apply	impact	mapping	in	your	context	
3.  Look	at	your	project	and	use	it	to	connect	
the	dots	on	your	project	(why,	who,	how	and	
@selleithy @sparkagility
More	reading	
@selleithy @sparkagility
Salah	Elleithy	

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