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Agile Indicators: Start with
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10
What metrics or indicators do you currently
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
This is NOT a talk about giving you the answer!
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
Managers who don’t know
how to measure what they
want settle for wanting to
measure what they can
-Russell Ackoff
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
Measure what they want! Measure what they can!
What do managers (or
leaders) want to measure?
What can managers (or
leaders) actually measure?
Time: 5 minutes
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
● The problem with metrics
○ Why do some love metrics and others hate them?
● Why do we need metrics?
● A different perspective
● What are Agile indicators?
○ Are we going in the right direction?
○ How fast are we going?
■ (Underlying question: When are going to get there?)
● Start with Questions!
● Staying Curious!
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
I love metrics because...
I hate metrics because...
Love / Hate relationship with metrics...
I constantly feel evaluated or judged
they convey that we are not good enough
(managers usually look for the negative!)
they can help us learn and improve...
they could highlight bottlenecks
they offer some level of confidence
they don’t tell the whole story
they almost always miss the context!
managers use them to measure productivity
I can use them to forecast what might happen
I can use them to tell whether our project will
be on budget, time, scope, etc.
they usually confirm our biases!
they can easily be gamed!
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
Metrics translator...
When managers or leaders ask... Team hears...
Why are you not going faster? What have you been busy doing?
Can you get this issue resolved? Can you give me an answer now?
What is your velocity? (story points delivered per sprint) How busy are you?
When are you going to deliver this feature? (Date) Are you sure you are going to be on time?
What is your estimate? Can you deliver by this date?
But some questions are more equal than others…!!!
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
What we usually do?
What data do we currently
have or can we get from
our Agile tools? (ex: Jira,
Version One, etc.)
Metrics / Reports
What metrics or reports can
we give management or
leadership to keep them
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
Start with Questions!
What questions do we
want to answer?
What indicators help us
answer these questions?
What structure support
these indicators?
What data do we
currently have? What
data do we need to
What indicators help us
answer these questions?
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
In reality, it looks like this...
Structure / Data
What structure support these
What data do we currently have?
What data do we need to have?
Question (Start here!)
What questions do we need
to answer?
What indicators help us answer
these questions?
Agile Indicators
Start with Questions!
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
What are Agile Indicators?
Based on our observation and experience, Agile
indicators boil down to 3 main questions:
● Are we going in the right direction?
● How sooner are we going will we get there?
● How fast can we adjust? (Response)
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
Shifting from judger to learner mindset
Source: https://inquiryinstitute.com/CM.pdf
Used with permission
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
Imagine if...
We aligned on the questions and the indicators with the teams from the get go!
“For instance, at Amazon, metrics are established in advance of
every activity and specify what actions are expected to happen in
ways that can be measured in real-time. If the metrics show that
activity is not having the impact that was expected, action is
-Stephen Denning. Forbes: Why Agile
Often Fails: No Agreed Metrics
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
Start with Questions!
● What do we want?
● How will we know when we get it?
● How will we know that we build it right?
Agile Indicators preferably measure
outcomes and impact over output
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
What questions come to your mind?
Team A
Team B
How is team A getting
more work done than
team B?What’s the team
How many stories are
we completing every
Where are we seeing
What can team A learn from
team B and vice versa?
Where do we see opportunities
for improvement?
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
What questions come to your mind?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
When can we deliver all
When can we deliver all
What is our “release” goal?
How likely are we going to
meet our goal (based on this
What can we deliver by
Sprint 11?
What cause the scope
What are we noticing? What
insights can we take from
Can we deliver all stories by
Sprint 12?
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
What questions come to your mind?
Why are we not
meeting our
What obstacles are
we running into?
What are the common
obstacles we run into?
How long does it
usually take to resolve
these obstacles?
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators
Tweetable Take-aways
● Start with Questions!
● When looking at indicators, ask, am I asking a judger
question or a learner question?
● Be Curious and Stay curious
Agile Indicators: Start with
@selleithy @TheHappyGuy10

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Agile DC 2019: Agile Indicators: Start with Questions!

  • 1. Agile Indicators: Start with Questions! @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10
  • 2. What metrics or indicators do you currently use?
  • 3. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators This is NOT a talk about giving you the answer!
  • 4. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Managers who don’t know how to measure what they want settle for wanting to measure what they can measure. -Russell Ackoff
  • 5. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Discussion Measure what they want! Measure what they can! What do managers (or leaders) want to measure? What can managers (or leaders) actually measure? Time: 5 minutes
  • 6. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Agenda ● The problem with metrics ○ Why do some love metrics and others hate them? ● Why do we need metrics? ● A different perspective ● What are Agile indicators? ○ Are we going in the right direction? ○ How fast are we going? ■ (Underlying question: When are going to get there?) ● Start with Questions! ● Staying Curious!
  • 7. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators I love metrics because... I hate metrics because... Love / Hate relationship with metrics... I constantly feel evaluated or judged they convey that we are not good enough (managers usually look for the negative!) they can help us learn and improve... they could highlight bottlenecks they offer some level of confidence they don’t tell the whole story they almost always miss the context! managers use them to measure productivity I can use them to forecast what might happen I can use them to tell whether our project will be on budget, time, scope, etc. they usually confirm our biases! they can easily be gamed!
  • 8. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Metrics translator... When managers or leaders ask... Team hears... Why are you not going faster? What have you been busy doing? Can you get this issue resolved? Can you give me an answer now? What is your velocity? (story points delivered per sprint) How busy are you? When are you going to deliver this feature? (Date) Are you sure you are going to be on time? What is your estimate? Can you deliver by this date? But some questions are more equal than others…!!!
  • 9. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators What we usually do? Data What data do we currently have or can we get from our Agile tools? (ex: Jira, Version One, etc.) Metrics / Reports What metrics or reports can we give management or leadership to keep them happy?
  • 10. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Start with Questions! Question What questions do we want to answer? Indicator What indicators help us answer these questions? Structure What structure support these indicators? Data What data do we currently have? What data do we need to have? Indicator What indicators help us answer these questions?
  • 11. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators In reality, it looks like this... Structure / Data What structure support these indicators? What data do we currently have? What data do we need to have? Question (Start here!) What questions do we need to answer? Indicator What indicators help us answer these questions? Agile Indicators Start with Questions!
  • 12. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators What are Agile Indicators? Based on our observation and experience, Agile indicators boil down to 3 main questions: ● Are we going in the right direction? (Compass) ● How sooner are we going will we get there? (Speed) ● How fast can we adjust? (Response)
  • 13. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Shifting from judger to learner mindset Source: https://inquiryinstitute.com/CM.pdf Used with permission
  • 14. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Imagine if... We aligned on the questions and the indicators with the teams from the get go! “For instance, at Amazon, metrics are established in advance of every activity and specify what actions are expected to happen in ways that can be measured in real-time. If the metrics show that activity is not having the impact that was expected, action is required.” -Stephen Denning. Forbes: Why Agile Often Fails: No Agreed Metrics
  • 16. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Start with Questions! ● What do we want? ● How will we know when we get it? ● How will we know that we build it right? Agile Indicators preferably measure outcomes and impact over output
  • 17. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators What questions come to your mind? Team A Team B How is team A getting more work done than team B?What’s the team velocity? How many stories are we completing every sprint? Where are we seeing bottlenecks? What can team A learn from team B and vice versa? Where do we see opportunities for improvement?
  • 18. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators What questions come to your mind? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 When can we deliver all stories? When can we deliver all stories? What is our “release” goal? How likely are we going to meet our goal (based on this chart/trend)? What can we deliver by Sprint 11? What cause the scope change? What are we noticing? What insights can we take from this? Can we deliver all stories by Sprint 12?
  • 19. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators What questions come to your mind? Why are we not meeting our commitment? What obstacles are we running into? What are the common obstacles we run into? How long does it usually take to resolve these obstacles?
  • 20. @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10 #AgileDC #AgileIndicators Tweetable Take-aways ● Start with Questions! ● When looking at indicators, ask, am I asking a judger question or a learner question? ● Be Curious and Stay curious
  • 21. Agile Indicators: Start with Questions! @selleithy @TheHappyGuy10

Editor's Notes

  1. Most teams hate the idea of tracking or sharing metrics with managers or leaders. When the teams are asked to share metrics like velocity, burn down and other output driven metrics, teams hear what are you "busy" doing? So, the team starts to focus on showing how busy they are which drives the wrong behavior and stifles their opportunity for learning and growing and using metrics for good. Since, the essence of agility is continuous improvement via inspect and adapt. We want to reframe the conversation around Agile indicators that start with questions! What questions are you asking your team? How are you helping them to learn and grow? What indicators are you looking at? In this session, we will be providing insights around using Agile indications with questions in order to embrace a different mindset. A mindset that encourages more learning, growing and less judgment. A curiosity mindset that encourages organizations to move from “busy work” or output focused metrics to outcomes focused using questions.
  2. Use a piece of paper and split into half (write down measure what they want in one half of the paper and write down measure what they can in the other half of the paper (What do managers (or leaders) want to measure? Vs. what can managers (or leaders) actually measure? Turn to the person next to you
  3. The problem with metrics Why do some love metrics and others hate them? Why do we need metrics? A different perspective
  4. A different perspective
  5. A different perspective...
  6. A different perspective...
  7. A different perspective...
  8. What are Agile indicators? Are we going in the right direction? How fast are we going? (Underlying question: When are going to get there?)
  9. Staying Curious! Understand the difference between the learner mindset vs. the judger mindset Adopt a curious/learners mindset using choice maps
  10. Possibly introduce Q-storming / Q-prep
  11. Understand the difference between the learner mindset vs. the judger mindset Adopt a curious/learners mindset using choice maps Opinion: Use the questions from earlier slide
  12. Possibly introduce Intent-based leadership by David Marquet
  13. Judger Questions Why is team A getting more work done than team B? What’s the team velocity? How many stories are we completing every sprint? Learner Questions What can team A learn from team B and vice versa? Where are we seeing bottlenecks? Where do we see opportunities for improvement?
  14. These stories are for a specific feature and these teams are working on more than 1 feature any given sprint. When can we deliver all stories? (Fixed scope) What can we deliver by Sprint 12? (Fixed Date) Can we deliver all stories by Sprint 12? (Fixed Scope and Date) Learner Questions What is our “release” goal? How likely are we going to meet our goal (based on this chart/trend)? What are we noticing? What insights can we take from this? What is our biggest takeaway here? What cause the scope change?
  15. If we think of our stories as experiments (because we don’t know what we don’t know yet). Story about a lead saying that the team is horrible and failed our sprint (basing it on one data point) Judger questions: Why are we not meeting our commitment? (most teams will commit to less work so they can meet their commitment so that they can look good.) Learner questions What obstacles are we running into? How long does it usually take to resolve these obstacles? What are the common obstacles we run into?