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Agile Basics
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Managing Partner
Enabling organizational agility and
enhancing team capabilities
salah@sparkagility.com 410.262.5550@selleithy
Agile Coach & Learning
Certified Trainer in
Training from the
Back of the Room
Masters in Info systems
and financial management
! To discover what makes agility an
essential ingredient not only to
survive but to thrive.
! Understand the agile mindset.
! Recognize the difference between
doing agile and being agile.
Learning Objectives
•  As a participant:
–  I will do my best to be on time so that I don’t miss any portion of the
–  I will be present physically and mentally so that I can retain more of what
is covered
–  I will do my best to maintain my focus on learning and participate so that I
can get the most out of the session
–  I will respect all participants thoughts and opinions so that I can benefit
from others’ experience
Pledge of Learning
Uses that apply to different initiatives are: Ground Rules, Working
agreements, Training Alliance and Team Charter.
Learning Backlog
Warm up
activities for
the group
Speed introduction
Traditional vs.
Agile approach
Explain the origins
of Agile & the Agile
manifesto (values
and principles)
Challenges to
enabling Agility
Stages of
Understand the
Agile Mindset
Developing soft
skills and
and practices
Scrum in
teams (It’s not
what you think)
Defining Agility,
Traditional vs.
Agility is the ability to both create and
respond to change in order to profit
in a turbulent business environment.
- Jim Highsmith
Agility is the flexibility to navigate the constraints of your
project to get the most VALUE as quickly as possible.
- Ahmed Sidky
(aka Dr. Agile)
Why Agile?
Reasons for Agile Adoption
Benefits of being Agile
Leading causes of failed Agile projects
Gulf of Evaluation
IKIWISI (I’ll know it when I see it)
Source: Standish Group CHAOS Manifesto 2013
Success Factors
1994 2011 2012 - 2013
1 User Involvement Executive management
2 Executive Management Support Executive management
User Involvement
3 Clear Statement of Requirements Clear business
4 Proper Planning Emotional maturity Skilled resources
5 Realistic Expectations Optimization Project management
6 Smaller Project Milestones Agile process Agile Process
7 Competent Staff Project management
Clear Business
8 Ownership Skilled resources Emotional Maturity
9 Clear Vision & Objectives Execution Execution
10 Hard-working, Focused staff Tools & Infrastructure Tools & Infrastructure
Experts /
Subject Matter
Users /
Business Stakeholders
Project Managers
Credit: Dr. Ahmed Sidky
Analysts Developers Testers
“Pre-Agile” Organizational Structure
"  Coordinate work across
different groups.
"  Monitor progress and
identify risks.
"  Report project status to
sponsors and stakeholders.
"  Implement strategies to
avoid project failure.
Domain Experts /
Subject Matter
Users /
Business Stakeholders
Project Managers
Credit: Dr. Ahmed Sidky
Analysts Developers Testers
“Pre-Agile” Project Team (The Matrix)
"  Coordinate work across
different groups.
"  Monitor team progress and
identify risks
"  Report project status to
sponsors and stakeholders.
"  Implement strategies to
avoid project failure.
Meet the ‘Agile Project Team’
Credit: Dr. Ahmed Sidky
Stakeholders IT
The Value Team
Value Facilitator
[Product Owner -
Domain Experts
The Delivery Team
Delivery Facilitator
[Scrum Master -
Facilitation is the art of leading people through
processes toward agreed-upon outcomes in a
manner that encourages participation,
ownership and creativity of all involved.
- The Grove Consultants International
Effective facilitation skills are critical to help the team
have effective and collaborative meetings.
Team Facilitators
Origins of Agile
& the Agile
(values &
Walter Shewhart,
a quality expert at
Bell Labs who
a series of short
act” (PDSA)
cycles for quality
Quality guru W.
Deming began
promoting PDSA.
Source: Larmen & Basili. Iterative and Incremental Development. A brief History
NASA’s Project
Mercury applied
IID in Software
and ran with
very short half-
day iterations
that were time-
Winston Royce,
wrote an article
called ‘Managing
the Development
of Large
Systems’ on what
would become
known as the
waterfall model.
TRW applied IID in a
major project – the
$100 million TRW/
Army Site Defense
software project for
balistic missile
Barry Boehm, the
originator of the IID
spiral model in the
mid-1980s, was chief
scientist at TRW.
Light Airborne
System, part of the
US Navy’s
weapon system used
IID. A four year 200-
person-year effort
involving millions of
lines of code, LAMPS
was incrementally
delivered in 45 time-
boxed iterations (one
month per iteration).
Tom Gilb, published
Software metrics
coining the term, in
which he addressed
his IID practice-
evolutionary project
introduced the terms
“evolution” and
“evolutionary” to the
process lexicon.
System Development
Corp. project build an
air defense system in
1977 and finished in
1980 using
Barry Boehm,
published “A Spiral
Model of Software
Development and
Fredrick Brooks,
a prominent
thought leader
published the
classic, “No Silver
Bullet” extolling
the advantages of
Ken Schwaber and
Jeff Sutherland,
started applying what
would become known
as the Scrum method.
The method took
inspiration from a
Japanese IID
approach used for
non-software products
at Honda, Canon, and
Fujitsu in the 1980s ;
from Sashimi (“slices”
or iterations) and from
a version of Scrum
described in 1986.
In February 2001, a group
of 17 process experts-
representing DSDM, XP,
Scrum, FDD and others-
interested in promoting
modern, simple IID
methods and principles
met in Utah to discuss
common ground. From this
meeting came the Agile
Alliance and the now
popular catch phrase “agile
methods”, all of which
apply IID
Kent Beck joined
Chrysler C3 payroll
project. It was in this
context that the full set
of XP practices
matured, with some
collaboration by Ron
Jefferies and
inspiration from earlier
1980s work with Ward
Alistair Cockburn
wrote, The Oath of
non allegiance, I
promise not to
exclude from
consideration any
idea based on its
source, but to
consider ideas
across schools
and heritages in
order to find the
ones that best suit
the current
Beyond Agile
Source: Dr. Winston W. Royce
“I believe in this concept,
but the implementation
described above is risky
and invites failure.”
“Hopefully, the iterative
interaction between the
various phases is confined
to successive steps.”
Individuals and interactions
Working software
Customer collaboration
Responding to change
Processes and tools
Comprehensive documentation
Contract negotiation
Following a plan
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do
it. Through this work we have come to value:
Agile Manifesto
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
Timebox: 2 minutes
Process and
to Change
Following a plan
Exercise: Where do you fall?
Agile Principles
Source: agilemanifesto.org
1. Our highest priority
is to satisfy the
customer through early
and continuous
delivery of valuable
5. Build projects
around motivated
individuals. Give them
the environment and
support they need,
and trust them to get
the job done.
2. Welcome changing
requirements, even late
in development. Agile
processes harness
change for the
customer’s competitive
6. The most efficient and
effective method of
conveying information to
and within a
development team is
3. Deliver working
software frequently,
from a couple of weeks
to a couple of months,
with a preference to
the shorter timescale.
4. Business people and
developers work
together throughout
the project.
Agile Principles
Source: agilemanifesto.org
10. Simplicity--the art
of maximizing the
amount of work not
done--is essential.
11. The best
requirements, and
designs emerge from
self-organizing teams.
12. At regular intervals,
the team reflects on how
to become more
effective, then tunes
and adjusts its
behavior accordingly.
9. Continuous
attention to technical
excellence and good
design enhances agility.
7. Working software
is the primary measure
of progress.
8. Agile processes
promote sustainable
development. The
sponsors, developers,
and users should be able
to maintain a constant
pace indefinitely.
Declaration of Interdependence (DOI)
Source: pmdoi.org
We are a community of project leaders that are highly successful at delivering results.
To achieve these results:
We increase return on
investment by making
continuous flow of
value our focus.
We deliver reliable
results by engaging
customers in frequent
interactions and
shared ownership.
We expect uncertainty
and manage for it
through iterations,
anticipation, and
We unleash creativity
and innovation by
recognizing that
individuals are the
ultimate source of value,
and creating an
environment where they
can make a difference.
We boost performance
through group
accountability for results
and share responsibility
for team effectiveness.
We improve
effectiveness and
reliability through
situationally specific
strategies, processes
and practices.
Challenges to
Why do we resist change?
Credit: Based loosely on Jim Highsmith. Adaptive leadership: Accelerating Enterprise Agility.
Inability to see the “Big Picture”
Focusing on one while neglecting the others may lead to subpar results.
Define desired outcomes
(What are we trying to accomplish? And how
do we know when we are there?)
Measure results
(Collect data at regular intervals and make it
transparent and visible)
Adjust the process
(Based on data and feedback from
Unwillingness to adjust the process
Underestimating the magnitude of change
(Teach, Facilitate,
Mentor, Coach)
(Structure / Incentives)
Establishing a
framework based
on the company’s
context with a set of
practices that align
with the company
Evaluating current
structure and
incentives to
support the desired
the situational
Leadership Process
Stages of
(Shu Ha Ri)
Follow the
Shu Ha Ri
Break the
Be the Rule
Stages of Learning
SHU (Follow the Rule “Obey”)
• Follow the rules
exactly without
• May not
understand the
intent behind the
Stages of Learning
HA (Break the Rule “Detach”)
• Know more
techniques and
can shift between
• Have some
understanding of
the intent behind
the rules.
Stages of Learning
RI (Be the Rule “Separate”)
• Know the
techniques and
apply them
• Understand the
intent behind the
rules and what
impact if modified
or eliminated.
the Agile
Characteristic Fixed Growth
Avoid Failure ☐	
Continuous Learning ☐	
Exert effort to learn ☐	
Embrace challenges ☐	
Ask for feedback ☐	
Criticism is personal ☐	
Look smart ☐	
Stick to what I know ☐	
Not afraid to fail ☐	
Criticism is about capabilities ☐	
Failure means lack of talent ☐	
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
Characteristic Fixed Growth
Avoid Failure #	
Continuous Learning ☐	
Exert effort to learn ☐	
Embrace challenges ☐	
Ask for feedback ☐	
Criticism is personal #	
Look smart #	
Stick to what I know #	
Not afraid to fail ☐	
Criticism is about capabilities ☐	
Failure means lack of talent #	
Inherent and static Can grow
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
“Are you sure you can do this,
maybe I don’t have the talent.”
“What if I fail – I’ll be a failure.”
“If I don’t try, I can protect myself
and keep my dignity.”
“This would have been a snap if I
really had talent.”
“It’s not my fault. It was something
or someone else’s fault.”
“I’m not sure I can do it now but I think I
can learn to with time and effort.”
“Most successful people had failures along
the way.”
“If I don’t try, I automatically fail. Where’s
the dignity in that?”
“That is so wrong. Basketball wasn’t easy
for Michael Jordan and science wasn’t
easy for Thomas Edison. They had a
passion and put in tons of effort.”
“If you don’t take responsibility, you can’t
fix it. My advise is to listen – however
painful it is – and learn whatever you
How can we PROMOTE?
Exercise: What’s driving this behavior?
Timebox: 3 minutes
How can we CHANGE?
What is Agile?
A mindset is an established
set of habits and
attitudes about how we
accomplish work.
Agile is a MINDSET
Established through
Guided by
Daily meetings
Kanban Board
Definition of Done
Three Questions
Story Mapping
User Stories
Burndown chart
Unit tests
Acceptance tests
Definition of Ready
Being Agile
Doing Agile
Values and
The How?
The What?
Your Agile
Credit: Dr. Ahmed Sidky
The BIG Picture
Manifested through many different
Developing Soft
Skills and
Individuals and interactions
Working software
Customer collaboration
Responding to change
Processes and tools
Comprehensive documentation
Contract negotiation
Following a plan
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do
it. Through this work we have come to value:
Agile Manifesto
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
Source: Daniel Goleman
Accurate self-assessment
Understanding others
Developing others
Service Orientation
Political awareness
Conflict management
Change catalyst Building bonds
Collaboration Team abilities
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
! Identify the top 5 soft skills
that are most important to
the success of your team
! Prioritize them from most
important to least important
! Define 2 action items to
improve the identified skills
Exercise: Soft Skills
Timebox: 3 minutes 58	
Source: Peter Bregman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuPfbTAVBP4#t=15
Soft Skills
Servant Leadership
Exercise: Communication Barriers
! Identify a list of
the most
! With your table
group, prioritize
the list from high
to low
Timebox: 3 minutes 60	
The Art of Listening
Level 1:
(Not really
listening at all)
Level 2:
(Yeah, uh-
huh, right)
Level 3:
(Hearing only
Level 4:
and paying
attention to
the words)
Source: The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey
Level 5:
the other
paradigm and
how they feel)
We evaluate:
we agree or
We probe:
ask questions
from our own
frame of
We advise:
give counsel
based on our
We interpret:
try to figure people
out, explain their
motives, based on
our own paradigm
Barriers to Listening
Source: The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey
Effective Communication
Credit: Dr. Alistair Cockburn
and practices
Frameworks and Practices
•  Project charter
•  Team charter
•  Backlog
•  User Stories
•  Definition of Ready
•  Story Mapping
•  Kanban Board
•  Daily Stand-ups
•  Three questions
•  Definition of Done
•  Facilitation
•  Timebox
•  Iterations
Exercise: Define your Practices
Agile Practices (Non-Technical) Your Practices
Need Work Delivery
Plan-driven Delivery
The goal is to Finish (“Meet the Plan”).
The goal is to Learn (“Deliver Value”).
Value-driven Delivery
Plan-driven Delivery vs. Value-driven Delivery
Plan-driven delivery
Value-driven delivery
Time is up
There is value that
can be delivered to
the customer.
There is no value to
be delivered to the
When can
we deliver
the product?
Building a bit at a time “Incrementing”
We build to finish
Build a rough version, validates it, bit at a time “Iterating”
We build to learn
Where do
we deliver
Where does
Source: Jeff Patton
Incremental vs. Iterative
Where does the maximum learning happen?
Slicing value
Product Backlog
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature 1
has to satisfy
who has
Goals and Needs
User Story 1
Iteration Backlog
User Story 4 User Story 5 User Story 6
User Story 3User Story 2
to buyrealized by
broken into
All we doing is looking at
the time line, from the
moment the customer
gives us an order to
the point when we
collect the cash. And
we are reducing the
time line by reducing
the non-value adding
wastes. –Taiichi Ohno. Father of TPS
Receiving Value
In Manufacturing In Knowledge work
In-Process Inventory Partially Done Work
Extra Processing Extra Processes
Overproduction Extra Features
Transportation Handoffs
Waiting Delays
Motion Task Switching
Defects Defects (Errors)
Source: 7 wastes in software. Mary and Tom Poppendieck
Prioritizing Value
To Do Doing Done
Minimally Marketable Features (MMF)
To Do Doing Done
Minimally Marketable Features (MMF)
Bells and whistles
•  Pair up and share a few
facts that you have
learned about agile so
•  Take notes to share
what you discussed with
another team member
who is not here today
Exercise: Quick Review
Timebox: 3 minutes 79	
# How are we doing?
(Project, team and
process health)
# What’s preventing us
from making progress?
# What’s our planned vs.
estimated pace?
Agile Metrics
Burndown Chart
Burn Up Chart
Agility Enablers
• Assess agility enablers
• Provides indicators on how the organization are
following their own practices
in Brief
Image Credit: Mike Cohn. Mountain Goat Software
Scrum Framework
•  3 roles
–  Product Owner
–  Scrum Master
–  The Team
•  4 Ceremonies
–  Sprint Planning
–  Sprint Review
–  Sprint Retrospective
–  Daily scrum meeting
•  3 Artifacts:
–  Product backlog
–  Sprint backlog
–  Burndown charts
(It’s now what
you think)
Agile Principles
# Agile Principle #5: Build
projects around motivated
individuals. Give them the
environment and support they
need, and trust them to get the
job done.
# Agile Principle #11: The
best architecture,
requirements, and designs
emerge from self-organizing
Source: agilemanifesto.org/principles.html
Daniel Pink in his book ‘Drive: the
surprising truth about what
motivates us’ explains that we
are motivated by 3 simple
–  Autonomy (wanting to direct our
own lives)
–  Mastery (wanting to be good at
–  Purpose (wanting to make a
What motivates us?
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc
Self-organizing teams
Creating a self-organizing
team entails:
# Getting the right people
# Articulating the product
vision, boundaries and
team roles
# Encouraging collaboration
# Insisting on accountability
# Fostering self-discipline
# Steering rather than
Source: Jim Highsmith
Generalist Specialist Generalizing Specialist
Pro: Has one or more
technical specialties
(Java, Project
Management, Business
Con: Lack of
knowledge in a specific
area may create an
Pro: Has a deep
knowledge in one
domain area
Con: True specialists
may create bottlenecks
by focusing too much
on their area and
missing the bigger
Pro: has a dispersed
knowledge over a wide
array of areas
Con: May not be able
to help the team in a
specific area
Where does Agile teams fall?
# Think of how you
would use agile in
your current role
# Pair up with
someone and
How would Agile benefit you?
Timebox: 3 minutes 95	
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
– Helen Keller
Collaborate: to work
together especially in some
literacy, artistic or scientific
undertaking [1]; to work
jointly with others or
together especially in an
intellectual endeavor. [2]
[1] Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language
[2] Merriam Webster Online Dictionary
Source: Jean Tabaka. Collaboration Explained
Collaboration Culture
Source: Christopher Avery. The Responsibility Process
Owning your ability
and power to create,
choose and attract
Doing what you have
to instead of what you
want to
Laying blame onto
oneself (often felt as
Using excuses for
things being the way
they are
Holding others at
fault for causing
Giving up to avoid
the pain of Shame
and Obligation
Giving up to avoid
the pain of Shame
and Obligation
# Pick a number between
10 and 20
# Come up with <X>
characteristics of a high
performing team
Exercise: Characteristics of High Performing Teams
Timebox: 3 minutes 100	
# What are the most
important values to us
as individuals and as a
# What do we need to do
to succeed as a team?
# How do we want to
resolve conflicts?
# How do we create a
safe space for
Working Agreement
1.  Why would people show up
to the meeting? (Purpose)
2.  How will we run our
meeting? (Process)
3.  What are the desired
outcomes of the meeting?
4.  What are the action items
and who own them?
(Action items)
5.  When do we reconvene for
follow up? (Follow
Structured Meetings
! If you were on a team,
what would the
working agreement
look like?
! Write it down on the
flip chart
Exercise: What’s your team working agreement?
Timebox: 3 minutes 103	
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but
those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.
–Alvin Toffler
Recognize an
opportunity and
plan a change
Test the change.
Carry out a small
scale study
The Deming Cycle
Source: ASQ.org
Take action based on
what you’ve learned
in the study
Review the test,
analyze the results
and identify what
you’ve learned
Agile Principle # 12: At regular intervals, the team
reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes
and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Image credit: growingagile.co.za
Adapting over Conforming
! Delivering great products
requires exploration, not
tracking against a plan.
! Have the courage to explore
into the unknown and the
humility to recognize mistakes
and adapt to the situation.
Source: Jim Highsmith
At regular
(Usually at the
end of each
The team
Reflect on how to
become more effective,
then tune and adjusts
its behavior
Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that
everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the
time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the
situation at hand.
- Retrospective Prime Directive. Norm Kerth
Conducting a Retro
•  Establish purpose/focus of the retrospective.
•  Share the plan for the meeting.Set the Stage
•  Create a shared pool of data (based on the focus/purpose).
•  Ground the retrospective in facts, not opinions.Gather Data
•  Observe patterns.
•  Build shared awareness.Generate Insights
•  Move from discussion to ACTION.
•  Focus on what the team can accomplish not what’s important (1-2
Decide What to Do
•  Reiterate actions and follow up.
•  Appreciate contributions.
Close the
Source: Esther Derby
Team members identify
specific things that the
team should:
-  Start doing
-  Stop doing
-  Continue doing
Another variation may
-  Do more of
-  Do less of
Retrospective Techniques
A Good Retrospective
•  Discuss any personal, team or
process issues openly.
•  Discuss what worked and what
needs to change.
•  Agree on top action items to be
addressed and fixed.
•  Review these action items at the
beginning of the next
•  Change it up (Innovation
•  Add the “Appreciation” game
every now and then.
Where to go from here?
•  Assess where your team
•  Train the team.
•  Identify projects that fit the
Agile profile
•  Raise awareness through
lunch and learn sessions.
•  Form a group of like-
minded practitioners or join
a meet-up in your area.
•  Find a mentor or a coach to
Claim code: PMIBC0214
ICAgile Roadmap Learning Objectives
Q & A
“The important
thing is not to stop
Curiosity has its
own reason for
References and Resources
•  The International Consortium of Agile (ICAgile). www.icagile.com
•  Iterative and Incremental Development: A brief history. Carmen &
•  Managing the Development of Large Software Systems. Dr. Winston
•  Agile Manifesto. www.agilemanifesto.org
•  Project Management Declaration of Interdependence. pmdoi.org
•  Adaptive Leadership: Accelerating Enterprise Agility. Jim Highsmith
•  ShuHaRi. Alistair Cockburn
•  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Dr. Carol Dweck.
•  The Agile Mindset. Dr. Ahmed Sidky
•  Guide to Agile Practices. Agile Alliance.
•  Peter Bregman.
•  Scrum Image Credit: Mountain Goat Software. Mike Cohn.
References and Resources	
•  Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman.
•  Effective Communication. Dr. Alistair Cockburn.
•  Agile Product Design. Jeff Patton
•  7 Wastes in Software Development. Mary and Tom Poppendieck.
•  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Dr. Stephen Covey.
•  ReadyforAgile Assessment. readyforagile.com
•  Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Daniel Pink.
•  Collaboration Explained. Jean Tabaka.
•  The Responsibility Process. Dr. Christopher Avery.
•  Plan-Do-Check-Act Image Credit: Asq.org.
•  Inspect & Adapt Image Credit: growingagile.ca.za.
•  Agile Project Management. Jim Highsmith.
•  Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great. Esther Derby and Diana
•  agileweekends.com

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Similar to Agile Basics Slides PMIBC - Feb 2015

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Agile Basics Slides PMIBC - Feb 2015

  • 3. Please do not distribute this materials without a verbal or written consent from SparkAgility. Disclaimer 3  
  • 4. 15years Managing Partner Enabling organizational agility and enhancing team capabilities salah@sparkagility.com 410.262.5550@selleithy Agile Coach & Learning Facilitator Certified Trainer in Training from the Back of the Room Masters in Info systems and financial management 4  
  • 5. ! To discover what makes agility an essential ingredient not only to survive but to thrive. ! Understand the agile mindset. ! Recognize the difference between doing agile and being agile. Learning Objectives 5  
  • 7. •  As a participant: –  I will do my best to be on time so that I don’t miss any portion of the session –  I will be present physically and mentally so that I can retain more of what is covered –  I will do my best to maintain my focus on learning and participate so that I can get the most out of the session –  I will respect all participants thoughts and opinions so that I can benefit from others’ experience Pledge of Learning Uses that apply to different initiatives are: Ground Rules, Working agreements, Training Alliance and Team Charter. 7  
  • 8. Learning Backlog Warm up activities for the group Speed introduction Defining Agility, Traditional vs. Agile approach Explain the origins of Agile & the Agile manifesto (values and principles) Challenges to enabling Agility Stages of Learning Understand the Agile Mindset Developing soft skills and understanding communication barriers Agile methodologies (frameworks) and practices Value-driven Delivery Tracking Progress Scrum in brief Self-organizing teams (It’s not what you think) Collaboration Techniques Continuous Improvement Retrospectives 8  
  • 10. Agility is the ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit in a turbulent business environment. - Jim Highsmith 10  
  • 11. is   Agility is the flexibility to navigate the constraints of your project to get the most VALUE as quickly as possible. - Ahmed Sidky (aka Dr. Agile) 11  
  • 15. Source:  VersionOne  7th  Annual  State  of  Agile  Development  Survey     Reasons for Agile Adoption 16  
  • 16. Source:  VersionOne  7th  Annual  State  of  Agile  Development  Survey     Benefits of being Agile 17  
  • 17. Source:  VersionOne  7th  Annual  State  of  Agile  Development  Survey     Leading causes of failed Agile projects 18  
  • 19. 20  
  • 20. Gulf of Evaluation IKIWISI (I’ll know it when I see it) EXPERIENCE 21  
  • 21. Source: Standish Group CHAOS Manifesto 2013 Success Factors 1994 2011 2012 - 2013 1 User Involvement Executive management support 2 Executive Management Support Executive management support User Involvement 3 Clear Statement of Requirements Clear business objectives Optimization 4 Proper Planning Emotional maturity Skilled resources 5 Realistic Expectations Optimization Project management expertise 6 Smaller Project Milestones Agile process Agile Process 7 Competent Staff Project management expertise Clear Business Objectives 8 Ownership Skilled resources Emotional Maturity 9 Clear Vision & Objectives Execution Execution 10 Hard-working, Focused staff Tools & Infrastructure Tools & Infrastructure 22  
  • 22. Domain Experts / Subject Matter Experts Users / Customers Governance Business Stakeholders Project Managers IT Credit: Dr. Ahmed Sidky Analysts Developers Testers “Pre-Agile” Organizational Structure "  Coordinate work across different groups. "  Monitor progress and identify risks. "  Report project status to sponsors and stakeholders. "  Implement strategies to avoid project failure. 23  
  • 23. Domain Experts / Subject Matter Experts Users / Customers Governance Business Stakeholders Project Managers IT Credit: Dr. Ahmed Sidky Analysts Developers Testers “Pre-Agile” Project Team (The Matrix) "  Coordinate work across different groups. "  Monitor team progress and identify risks "  Report project status to sponsors and stakeholders. "  Implement strategies to avoid project failure. 24  
  • 24. Meet the ‘Agile Project Team’ Credit: Dr. Ahmed Sidky Stakeholders IT The Value Team Value Facilitator [Product Owner - SCRUM] Domain Experts The Delivery Team Governance Delivery Facilitator [Scrum Master - SCRUM] Users/Customers TestersDevelopersAnalysts 25  
  • 25. Facilitation is the art of leading people through processes toward agreed-upon outcomes in a manner that encourages participation, ownership and creativity of all involved. - The Grove Consultants International Effective facilitation skills are critical to help the team have effective and collaborative meetings. Credit:  Dr.  Ahmed  Sidky   Team Facilitators 26  
  • 26. Origins of Agile & the Agile Manifesto (values & principles) 27  
  • 27. 28 1930 Walter Shewhart, a quality expert at Bell Labs who proposed a series of short “plan-do-study- act” (PDSA) cycles for quality improvement. Quality guru W. Edwards Deming began vigorously promoting PDSA. Source: Larmen & Basili. Iterative and Incremental Development. A brief History 1960 NASA’s Project Mercury applied IID in Software and ran with very short half- day iterations that were time- boxed. Winston Royce, wrote an article called ‘Managing the Development of Large Software Systems’ on what would become known as the waterfall model. 1970 1972 TRW applied IID in a major project – the $100 million TRW/ Army Site Defense software project for balistic missile defense. Barry Boehm, the originator of the IID spiral model in the mid-1980s, was chief scientist at TRW. mid-1970 Light Airborne Multipurpose System, part of the US Navy’s helicopter-to-ship weapon system used IID. A four year 200- person-year effort involving millions of lines of code, LAMPS was incrementally delivered in 45 time- boxed iterations (one month per iteration). 1976 Tom Gilb, published Software metrics coining the term, in which he addressed his IID practice- evolutionary project management-and introduced the terms “evolution” and “evolutionary” to the process lexicon. 1984 System Development Corp. project build an air defense system in 1977 and finished in 1980 using incremental development. 1985 Barry Boehm, published “A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement”. 1986 Fredrick Brooks, a prominent software engineering thought leader published the classic, “No Silver Bullet” extolling the advantages of IID. 1990s Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, started applying what would become known as the Scrum method. The method took inspiration from a Japanese IID approach used for non-software products at Honda, Canon, and Fujitsu in the 1980s ; from Sashimi (“slices” or iterations) and from a version of Scrum described in 1986. 2001 In February 2001, a group of 17 process experts- representing DSDM, XP, Scrum, FDD and others- interested in promoting modern, simple IID methods and principles met in Utah to discuss common ground. From this meeting came the Agile Alliance and the now popular catch phrase “agile methods”, all of which apply IID 1996 Kent Beck joined Chrysler C3 payroll project. It was in this context that the full set of XP practices matured, with some collaboration by Ron Jefferies and inspiration from earlier 1980s work with Ward Cunningham. 2010 Alistair Cockburn wrote, The Oath of non allegiance, I promise not to exclude from consideration any idea based on its source, but to consider ideas across schools and heritages in order to find the ones that best suit the current situation. Beyond Agile
  • 28. Source: Dr. Winston W. Royce “I believe in this concept, but the implementation described above is risky and invites failure.” 29
  • 29. Source:  Managing  the  development  of  large  SoIware  System,  Dr.  Winston  W.  Royce       hNp://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2003/cmsc838p/Process/waterfall.pdf   “Hopefully, the iterative interaction between the various phases is confined to successive steps.” 30  
  • 30. Individuals and interactions Working software Customer collaboration Responding to change Processes and tools Comprehensive documentation Contract negotiation Following a plan We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Agile Manifesto That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
  • 31. Timebox: 2 minutes Individuals and interactions Process and tools Responding to Change Following a plan Working software Comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration Contract negotiation Exercise: Where do you fall? 32  
  • 32. Agile Principles 33 Source: agilemanifesto.org 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage. 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. 4. Business people and developers work together throughout the project.
  • 33. Agile Principles 34 Source: agilemanifesto.org 10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential. 11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress. 8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
  • 34. Declaration of Interdependence (DOI) Source: pmdoi.org 35 We are a community of project leaders that are highly successful at delivering results. To achieve these results: We increase return on investment by making continuous flow of value our focus. We deliver reliable results by engaging customers in frequent interactions and shared ownership. We expect uncertainty and manage for it through iterations, anticipation, and adaptation. We unleash creativity and innovation by recognizing that individuals are the ultimate source of value, and creating an environment where they can make a difference. We boost performance through group accountability for results and share responsibility for team effectiveness. We improve effectiveness and reliability through situationally specific strategies, processes and practices. 35  
  • 36. 37  
  • 37. Why do we resist change? 38  
  • 38. Why Agile? (Purpose) Learning Agile (Being) Practicing Agile (Doing) Credit: Based loosely on Jim Highsmith. Adaptive leadership: Accelerating Enterprise Agility. Inability to see the “Big Picture” Focusing on one while neglecting the others may lead to subpar results. 39  
  • 39. Define desired outcomes (What are we trying to accomplish? And how do we know when we are there?) Measure results (Collect data at regular intervals and make it transparent and visible) Adjust the process (Based on data and feedback from teams) Unwillingness to adjust the process 40  
  • 40. Underestimating the magnitude of change Guide (Teach, Facilitate, Mentor, Coach) Example (Frameworks/ Practices) Relationships (Structure / Incentives) Establishing a framework based on the company’s context with a set of practices that align with the company environment. Evaluating current structure and incentives to support the desired outcomes. Understanding the situational leadership. Leadership Process People 41  
  • 42. SHU Follow the Rule “Obey” Shu Ha Ri HA Break the Rule “Detach” RI Be the Rule “Separate” Credit:  Alistair  Cockburn   43  
  • 43. Stages of Learning SHU (Follow the Rule “Obey”) • Follow the rules exactly without modifications. • May not necessarily understand the intent behind the rules. 44  
  • 44. Stages of Learning HA (Break the Rule “Detach”) • Know more techniques and can shift between them. • Have some understanding of the intent behind the rules. 45  
  • 45. Stages of Learning RI (Be the Rule “Separate”) • Know the techniques and apply them unconsciously. • Understand the intent behind the rules and what impact if modified or eliminated. 46  
  • 47. Characteristic Fixed Growth Avoid Failure ☐   ☐   Continuous Learning ☐   ☐   Exert effort to learn ☐   ☐   Embrace challenges ☐   ☐   Ask for feedback ☐   ☐   Criticism is personal ☐   ☐   Look smart ☐   ☐   Stick to what I know ☐   ☐   Not afraid to fail ☐   ☐   Criticism is about capabilities ☐   ☐   Failure means lack of talent ☐   ☐   Ability Growth vs. Fixed Mindset 48  
  • 48. Characteristic Fixed Growth Avoid Failure #   ☐   Continuous Learning ☐   #   Exert effort to learn ☐   #   Embrace challenges ☐   #   Ask for feedback ☐   #   Criticism is personal #   ☐   Look smart #   ☐   Stick to what I know #   ☐   Not afraid to fail ☐   #   Criticism is about capabilities ☐   #   Failure means lack of talent #   ☐   Ability Inherent and static Can grow Growth vs. Fixed Mindset 49  
  • 49. “Are you sure you can do this, maybe I don’t have the talent.” “What if I fail – I’ll be a failure.” “If I don’t try, I can protect myself and keep my dignity.” “This would have been a snap if I really had talent.” “It’s not my fault. It was something or someone else’s fault.” “I’m not sure I can do it now but I think I can learn to with time and effort.” “Most successful people had failures along the way.” “If I don’t try, I automatically fail. Where’s the dignity in that?” “That is so wrong. Basketball wasn’t easy for Michael Jordan and science wasn’t easy for Thomas Edison. They had a passion and put in tons of effort.” “If you don’t take responsibility, you can’t fix it. My advise is to listen – however painful it is – and learn whatever you can.” How can we PROMOTE? Exercise: What’s driving this behavior? Timebox: 3 minutes How can we CHANGE? 50  
  • 51. A mindset is an established set of habits and attitudes about how we accomplish work. Agile is a MINDSET 52  
  • 52. Established through 4 VALUES Guided by 12 PRINCIPLES SCRUM Daily meetings Kanban Board Definition of Done Three Questions Iterations Story Mapping Retrospectives User Stories Burndown chart Backlog Unit tests Acceptance tests Definition of Ready Being Agile Doing Agile MINDSET Practices and Techniques Values and Principles The How? The What? eXtreme Programming Your Agile Process Credit: Dr. Ahmed Sidky The BIG Picture Manifested through many different PRACTICES 53  
  • 55. Individuals and interactions Working software Customer collaboration Responding to change Processes and tools Comprehensive documentation Contract negotiation Following a plan We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Agile Manifesto That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
  • 56. Source: Daniel Goleman Self Awareness Self Management Social Awareness Relationship Management EmotionalIntelligence SocialIntelligence Emotional awareness Accurate self-assessment Self-confidence Self-Control Trustworthiness Ownership Adaptability Innovation Understanding others Developing others Service Orientation Leveraging diversity Political awareness Influence Communication Leadership Conflict management Change catalyst Building bonds Collaboration Team abilities Emotional Intelligence (EQ) 57  
  • 57. ! Identify the top 5 soft skills that are most important to the success of your team ! Prioritize them from most important to least important ! Define 2 action items to improve the identified skills Exercise: Soft Skills Timebox: 3 minutes 58  
  • 58. Responsibility Source: Peter Bregman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuPfbTAVBP4#t=15 OwnershipCommitment Trust Morale Community Attitude Courage Soft Skills Servant Leadership Collaboration 59  
  • 59. Exercise: Communication Barriers ! Identify a list of the most common communication barriers ! With your table group, prioritize the list from high to low Timebox: 3 minutes 60  
  • 60. The Art of Listening Level 1: Ignoring (Not really listening at all) Level 2: Pretending (Yeah, uh- huh, right) Level 3: Selective Listening (Hearing only parts) Level 4: Attentive Listening (Focusing and paying attention to the words) Source: The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey Level 5: Empathic Listening (Understand the other person’s paradigm and how they feel) 61  
  • 61. We evaluate: we agree or disagree We probe: ask questions from our own frame of reference We advise: give counsel based on our experience We interpret: try to figure people out, explain their motives, based on our own paradigm Barriers to Listening Source: The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey 62  
  • 62. Effective Communication Credit: Dr. Alistair Cockburn 63  
  • 64. Source:  Guide  to  Agile  PracSces.  Agile  Alliance,hNp://guide.agilealliance.org/subway.html   Frameworks and Practices 65  
  • 65. •  Project charter •  Team charter •  Backlog •  User Stories •  Definition of Ready •  Story Mapping •  Kanban Board •  Daily Stand-ups •  Three questions •  Definition of Done •  Facilitation •  Timebox •  Iterations Exercise: Define your Practices Agile Practices (Non-Technical) Your Practices 66
  • 67. Need Work Delivery Plan-driven Delivery The goal is to Finish (“Meet the Plan”). 68  
  • 68. Need   Work Need   Work Need   Work Need   Work The goal is to Learn (“Deliver Value”). Value-driven Delivery 69  
  • 69. Plan-driven Delivery vs. Value-driven Delivery Value Time Plan-driven delivery Value-driven delivery Time is up There is value that can be delivered to the customer. There is no value to be delivered to the customer. 72  
  • 70. When can we deliver the product? Building a bit at a time “Incrementing” We build to finish Build a rough version, validates it, bit at a time “Iterating” We build to learn Throughout Where do we deliver value faster? Where does the maximum value happen? Source: Jeff Patton Here Incremental vs. Iterative Where does the maximum learning happen? 73  
  • 71. Slicing value Vision Desired Outcomes Product Backlog Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 has to satisfy who has pay Goals and Needs User Story 1 Iteration Backlog User Story 4 User Story 5 User Story 6 User Story 3User Story 2 to buyrealized by broken into 74  
  • 72. All we doing is looking at the time line, from the moment the customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing the time line by reducing the non-value adding wastes. –Taiichi Ohno. Father of TPS Receiving Value Idea Usage 75  
  • 73. Waste In Manufacturing In Knowledge work In-Process Inventory Partially Done Work Extra Processing Extra Processes Overproduction Extra Features Transportation Handoffs Waiting Delays Motion Task Switching Defects Defects (Errors) Source: 7 wastes in software. Mary and Tom Poppendieck 76  
  • 75. M Minimally Marketable Features (MMF) S C W BusinessValue High Low To Do Doing Done Minimally Marketable Features (MMF) MUST HAVE Bells and whistles NICE TO HAVE 78  
  • 76. •  Pair up and share a few facts that you have learned about agile so far •  Take notes to share what you discussed with another team member who is not here today Exercise: Quick Review Timebox: 3 minutes 79  
  • 78. # How are we doing? (Project, team and process health) # What’s preventing us from making progress? # What’s our planned vs. estimated pace? Agile Metrics 81  
  • 79. What  happened  here?   Burndown Chart 82  
  • 80. Burn Up Chart What  happened  here?   83  
  • 81. Agility Enablers • Assess agility enablers • Provides indicators on how the organization are following their own practices Source:  ReadyforAgile   100  80  60  40  20  0   86  
  • 83. Image Credit: Mike Cohn. Mountain Goat Software 88  
  • 84. Scrum Framework •  3 roles –  Product Owner –  Scrum Master –  The Team •  4 Ceremonies –  Sprint Planning –  Sprint Review –  Sprint Retrospective –  Daily scrum meeting •  3 Artifacts: –  Product backlog –  Sprint backlog –  Burndown charts 89  
  • 86. Agile Principles # Agile Principle #5: Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. # Agile Principle #11: The best architecture, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. Source: agilemanifesto.org/principles.html 91  
  • 87. Daniel Pink in his book ‘Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us’ explains that we are motivated by 3 simple things: –  Autonomy (wanting to direct our own lives) –  Mastery (wanting to be good at something) –  Purpose (wanting to make a difference) What motivates us? Source: youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc 92  
  • 88. Self-organizing teams Creating a self-organizing team entails: # Getting the right people # Articulating the product vision, boundaries and team roles # Encouraging collaboration # Insisting on accountability # Fostering self-discipline # Steering rather than control Source: Jim Highsmith 93  
  • 89. Roles Generalist Specialist Generalizing Specialist Pro: Has one or more technical specialties (Java, Project Management, Business analysis) Con: Lack of knowledge in a specific area may create an impediment Pro: Has a deep knowledge in one domain area Con: True specialists may create bottlenecks by focusing too much on their area and missing the bigger picture Pro: has a dispersed knowledge over a wide array of areas Con: May not be able to help the team in a specific area Where does Agile teams fall? 94  
  • 90. # Think of how you would use agile in your current role # Pair up with someone and discuss How would Agile benefit you? Timebox: 3 minutes 95  
  • 91. Collaboration Techniques Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen Keller 96  
  • 92. Collaborate: to work together especially in some literacy, artistic or scientific undertaking [1]; to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor. [2] [1] Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language [2] Merriam Webster Online Dictionary Collaboration Source: Jean Tabaka. Collaboration Explained 97  
  • 94. Source: Christopher Avery. The Responsibility Process Owning your ability and power to create, choose and attract Doing what you have to instead of what you want to Laying blame onto oneself (often felt as guilt) Using excuses for things being the way they are Holding others at fault for causing something Giving up to avoid the pain of Shame and Obligation Giving up to avoid the pain of Shame and Obligation 99  
  • 95. # Pick a number between 10 and 20 # Come up with <X> characteristics of a high performing team Exercise: Characteristics of High Performing Teams Timebox: 3 minutes 100  
  • 96. # What are the most important values to us as individuals and as a team? # What do we need to do to succeed as a team? # How do we want to resolve conflicts? # How do we create a safe space for everyone? Working Agreement 101  
  • 97. 1.  Why would people show up to the meeting? (Purpose) 2.  How will we run our meeting? (Process) 3.  What are the desired outcomes of the meeting? (Outcomes) 4.  What are the action items and who own them? (Action items) 5.  When do we reconvene for follow up? (Follow through) Structured Meetings 102  
  • 98. ! If you were on a team, what would the working agreement look like? ! Write it down on the flip chart Exercise: What’s your team working agreement? Timebox: 3 minutes 103  
  • 99. Continuous Improvement The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. –Alvin Toffler 104  
  • 100. Recognize an opportunity and plan a change Plan-Do-Check-Act Test the change. Carry out a small scale study The Deming Cycle Source: ASQ.org Take action based on what you’ve learned in the study Review the test, analyze the results and identify what you’ve learned 105  
  • 101. Agile Principle # 12: At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. Image credit: growingagile.co.za Inspect and Adapt 106  
  • 102. Adapting over Conforming ! Delivering great products requires exploration, not tracking against a plan. ! Have the courage to explore into the unknown and the humility to recognize mistakes and adapt to the situation. Source: Jim Highsmith 107  
  • 104. When: At regular intervals (Usually at the end of each sprint) Retrospectives Who: The team Why: Reflect on how to become more effective, then tune and adjusts its behavior accordingly Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. - Retrospective Prime Directive. Norm Kerth 109  
  • 105. Conducting a Retro •  Establish purpose/focus of the retrospective. •  Share the plan for the meeting.Set the Stage •  Create a shared pool of data (based on the focus/purpose). •  Ground the retrospective in facts, not opinions.Gather Data •  Observe patterns. •  Build shared awareness.Generate Insights •  Move from discussion to ACTION. •  Focus on what the team can accomplish not what’s important (1-2 actions) Decide What to Do •  Reiterate actions and follow up. •  Appreciate contributions. Close the Retrospective Source: Esther Derby 110  
  • 106. Team members identify specific things that the team should: -  Start doing -  Stop doing -  Continue doing Another variation may add: -  Do more of -  Do less of Retrospective Techniques 111  
  • 107. A Good Retrospective •  Discuss any personal, team or process issues openly. •  Discuss what worked and what needs to change. •  Agree on top action items to be addressed and fixed. •  Review these action items at the beginning of the next retrospective. •  Change it up (Innovation games). •  Add the “Appreciation” game every now and then. 112  
  • 108. Where to go from here? •  Assess where your team stand. •  Train the team. •  Identify projects that fit the Agile profile •  Raise awareness through lunch and learn sessions. •  Form a group of like- minded practitioners or join a meet-up in your area. •  Find a mentor or a coach to help 113  
  • 109. Roadmap 114   Explore  knowledge  &  competency  based  cer)fica)ons  
  • 110. Claim code: PMIBC0214 ICAgile Roadmap Learning Objectives 115
  • 111. 116  
  • 112. Q & A 117  
  • 113. “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” Albert  Einstein   118  
  • 114. References and Resources •  The International Consortium of Agile (ICAgile). www.icagile.com •  Iterative and Incremental Development: A brief history. Carmen & Basil. •  Managing the Development of Large Software Systems. Dr. Winston Royce. •  Agile Manifesto. www.agilemanifesto.org •  Project Management Declaration of Interdependence. pmdoi.org •  Adaptive Leadership: Accelerating Enterprise Agility. Jim Highsmith •  ShuHaRi. Alistair Cockburn •  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Dr. Carol Dweck. •  The Agile Mindset. Dr. Ahmed Sidky •  Guide to Agile Practices. Agile Alliance. •  Peter Bregman. •  Scrum Image Credit: Mountain Goat Software. Mike Cohn. 119  
  • 115. References and Resources   •  Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman. •  Effective Communication. Dr. Alistair Cockburn. •  Agile Product Design. Jeff Patton •  7 Wastes in Software Development. Mary and Tom Poppendieck. •  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Dr. Stephen Covey. •  ReadyforAgile Assessment. readyforagile.com •  Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Daniel Pink. •  Collaboration Explained. Jean Tabaka. •  The Responsibility Process. Dr. Christopher Avery. •  Plan-Do-Check-Act Image Credit: Asq.org. •  Inspect & Adapt Image Credit: growingagile.ca.za. •  Agile Project Management. Jim Highsmith. •  Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great. Esther Derby and Diana Larsen. •  agileweekends.com 120  
  • 116. 121