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Dream to Learn    Sleep Cycle REM Sleep (dream stage) Studies on Dreaming & Learning Sleep Disorders:  Insomnia & Narcolepsy Night Terrors & Nightmares Sleep Paralysis & Sleepwalking Dream Incubation Lucid Dreaming (controlling one’s dreams)    
Sleep Cycle Overview
Stage 1 Light Sleep Easily Awakened Eyes move slowly & muscle activity slows.
Stage 1 THETA Waves transition state between sleep and wakefulness  eyes begin to roll slightly  consists mostly of  theta  waves (high amplitude, low frequency (slow))  brief periods of  alpha  waves, similar to those present while awake  lasts only for a few minutes before moving on to next stage  Source:  Metamorphosis  --- http://consciousevolution.com/metamorphosis/0306/frequency0306.htm Dream Views:  http://www.dreamviews.com/sleepstages.php
Stage 2   THETA Waves with Spindles & K Complexes Eye movements stop Brain waves become slower but will often produce occasional bursts of rapid waves called spindles peaks of brain waves become higher and higher ( sleep spindles )  k-complexes  (peaks suddenly drastically descend and then pick back up) follow spindles  again, only lasts for a few minutes  Source:  Psychology World  - http://web.umr.edu/~psyworld/sleep_stages.htm#2 Dream Views:  http://www.dreamviews.com/sleepstages.php
Stage 3 Extremely slow brain waves called delta waves begin to appear interspersed with smaller, faster waves.
Stage 4 Deep Sleep difficult to wake someone from this stage very slow brain waves, called  delta waves  (lower frequency than theta waves)  last of the sleep stages before Dreaming
Stage  3 & 4   DELTA Waves also called  delta sleep  or  deep sleep   very slow brain waves, called  delta waves  (lower frequency than theta waves)  last (and deepest) of the sleep stages before REM (dream) sleep  Source:  Metamorphosis  --- http://consciousevolution.com/metamorphosis/0306/frequency0306.htm Dream Views:  http://www.dreamviews.com/sleepstages.php
Rapid Eye Movement - REM Breathing becomes rapid, irregular, and shallow. Eyes jerk rapidly in various directions. Limb muscles are temporarily paralyzed. Heart rate increases. Blood pressure arises. Dreams usually occur. 1 st  REM phase happens about 70 to 90 minutes after we fall asleep Typically we spend 2 hours dreaming usually just during REM sleep
REM  (Rapid Eye Movement) Dream Sleep beta waves  have a high frequency and occur when the brain is quite active, both in REM sleep and while awake  frequent bursts of rapid eye movement, along with occasional muscular twitches  heart may beat faster and breathing may become shallow and rapid  Muscles are locked, blocking movement most vivid & detailed dreaming occurs during this stage
Stages of Sleep  - Cycles
What does sleep do for us? Necessary for our nervous system. Too little affects our ability to concentrate. Impaired memory & physical performance. Failure to carry out math calculations. Some researchers believe that sleep gives neurons used while awake a chance to shut down and repair themselves. Boosts Immune System’s Response
Sleep Deprivation  -- Effects First study in this conducted by Dement in 1960 In People: Irritability Aggression Difficulty concentrating  Difficulty making decisions Loss of short-term memory Paranoia Hyperactive behavior often observed in children* *“ In fact, sleep deprivation is often misdiagnosed as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  (ADHD)” Source  --  National Sleep Foundation In Studies on Rats: Sleep Deprivation can lead to Death
How much sleep do we need? Most adults find that 7 to 8 hours is the best. Some people may need only 5 or as much as 10 hours of sleep each day. Getting too little sleep creates “sleep debt”.
Source:  http://www.npi.ucla.edu/sleepresearch/science/1058full.html
Dreaming the Periodic Table - Dmitri Mendeleyev – 1869 “I saw in a dream where all the elements fell into place as required.”
Sledding at the Speed of Light Einstein attributed his lifelong studies to an inspirational dream held as a teen. “ His sled traveled faster and faster, until it approached the speed of light. At that speed, the stars and night sky were transformed into a dazzling spectrum of colors.”  Source:  http://www.science-spirit.org/article_detail.php?article_id=286
AMAZing Rats Brain waves while running maze  Identical to Brain  waves  during  REM  sleep
More Rat Studies Two groups learned trick  Group A allowed to sleep uninterrupted Group B’s sleep interrupted during REM Group A could perform trick upon waking Group B had to relearn trick  Can you recall any dreams where you relearned material earlier in the day?
Tetris in Your Dreams
Babies & Sleep Recent UA Study by UA Psychology Dept. Researchers: Rebecca Gomez, Richard Bootzin and Lynn Nadel Taught babies a nonsense language Experiment Group tested after napping Control Group tested without a nap Control Group able to recognize phrases But Experiment Group showed stronger responses, demonstrating ability to predict patterns of new phrases Conclusions:  REM supports abstract learning & babies must sleep within 4 to 8 hours after receiving new info. in order to retain the data
Study Then Sleep Harvard Univ. study on 100 college students Students told to memorize several lists Morning group studied at 9am & tested 12 hrs later Night group studied at 9pm & tested 12 hrs later (after they got a chance to sleep) Night Group remembered more words Night Group also recalled words not on lists
Dream Incubation Dream incubation  – the process of planting a subject in one’s mind before sleeping in order to dream about it Harvard Medical School study conducted by Dr. Deidre Barrett with students in a Psychology class Students were introduced to techniques for directing their dreams & instructed to try to create a solution to one of their problems through dreaming More than half of the participants reported dreaming about their problem 1/3 reported having dreamed of a solution
Sleep Cycle Disruptions Caffeine Diet Drugs Some Pain relievers Some sedatives Nicotine Alcohol * Extreme temperatures * * Alcohol (night cap) does help many people fall asleep but it keeps the sleeper in the lighter stages of sleep & robs one of uninterrupted REM and the deeper, more restorative stages of sleep. * Extreme temperatures (body does NOT have strong control over body’s thermostat during REM)
Some Common Sleep Disorders Insomnia Sleep Apnea Narcolepsy Sleepwalking Nightmares Night terrors
If You suffer from insomnia Exercise regularly,  but not before bedtime Avoid alcohol & caffeine Avoid napping  Go to sleep and wake at the same time every day  Save your worries for daytime  Tip:  Try keeping a Worry Journal by the bed  Establish a relaxing bedtime ritual  like a hot bath or calm music.  Do not eat or drink too much before bedtime Create a sleep-promoting environment  quiet, dark, cool comfortable.  When to See a Doctor If sleep problems persist, it may be time to seek professional help. Your doctor can help determine how to treat your problem and may refer you to a sleep specialist.  Source – National Sleep Foundation
Sleep Apnea Disorder of interrupted breathing during sleep  Two Causes:  Brain signal interruption or  Windpipe collapse  Airflow blocked for 10 to >60 seconds Blood oxygen drops, and your brain wakes you up enough to let you breathe. Symptoms:  Snoring Excessive daytime sleepiness High Blood Pressure Treatment:: machine that forces air down the windpipe during sleeping hours
Narcolepsy Excessive daytime sleepiness uncontrollable daytime sleep attacks Instant Fall Into REM sleep stage Causes still under investigation, recent research points to the possibility of a gene mutation that controls hypocretins, which regulate REM sleep Most common age group for initial onset: 15-21 Treatment may include schedule napping & prescribed stimulants such as Ritalin
Night Terrors Occurs in Deep Sleep, not REM May be trapped between sleep stages Sleeper awakens in Terror  (heart pounding, sweating) Often awakens screaming (may even physically react to this by running around room or be paralyzed by fear)  Very little imagery recalled (not dreaming) Imagery may be that of creepy, crawly things
Night Terror Subjects Most Commonly affected age group:  2 – 6 yrs. Old, affects 15% of children  -- rare in adults May be genetic May suffer from Sleep Apnea May be linked to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) Adults who suffer frequent night terrors likely to be passive individuals with self-directed anger, held back aggression, &  repressed memories (similar to victims of abuse)
Sleep Paralysis Sleeper suddenly awakens during REM sleep Body movement still restricted resulting in feeling of paralysis May be accompanied by hallucinations (result of still being in dream state) Causes great fear  Theories suggest that sleep paralysis may be the root experience behind folklore (across many cultures) about supernatural attacks involving an evil spirit trying to suffocate the sleeping victim   Fuseli:   The Nightmare ,  1781, Detroit, Institute of Arts
Nightmares Rare in adults, more common in children due to developing  emotions & understanding of  reality Avg 1 per year 1 person in 500 has them as  often as 1/week Hard to capture in a sleep lab,  1 in 3000 nights of studied sleep “ The Scream” by Edvard Munch
Causes of Nightmares Stress Drugs/Medications – effects of or withdrawls Illness Traumatic Events Loss of loved ones Sensitivity (“thin boundaries”)
Frequent Nightmares - adults Occurs more often in people with  “thin  boundaries”  between reality and fantasy,  between themselves and others (unusually  sensitive, able to identify with others’  stories and to empathize) Occurs more often in people who are genetically vulnerable to Schizophrenia (Having relatives who have it) “ thin boundaries” often leading to artistic lives, poets, musicians, artists, etc.  (Nightmares were inspiration behind  Frankenstein  &  Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde ) Study published in 1984 based on 50 people who frequently experienced nightmares  -- Study conducted by Dr. Ernest Hartmann & Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk
Interpreting Nightmares Nightmares represent urgent messages from our unconscious minds Steps to interpretation: Identify current changes or concerns in life and/or past traumas Look for symbols and puns --  Symbolic meanings may derive from universal concepts and stories or from personal, contextual knowledge
Common Nightmares & Meanings Chase (Monsters & Demons & Bears, Oh, My) Monster = Some unwanted part of self  -- may involve an unresolved problem or conflict Intruder = an new insight about oneself that is breaking into the conscious   appears frightening due to its unknown qualities  Disaster = Change or crisis (not always negative) http://www.stanford.edu/~corelli/nightmares.html Richard J. Corelli, M.D., Stanford University
Car out of Control – Often result of hectic life – Navigation dreams involving directional changes in life Trapped – stuck in same position in life, needing to explore options and other directions http://www.dreams.ca/nightmares.htm The Dream Foundation
Controlling Nightmares Lucid Dreaming   -  Awareness of being in    the dream state Confronting “the Monster” Recognizing that you have nothing  to fear Recognizing that you are in control Changing the scenery or the threat Questioning the threat’s meaning or symbolism
Controlling Nightmares Imagery Rehearsal Therapy  (treatment for recurrent nightmares) Write out the Nightmare Change the Ending to a more peaceful or happy outcome Rehearse the New Version before sleeping Do a relaxation exercise before sleeping
Controlling Nightmares Imagery Rehearsal Therapy example  “A woman had been raped. She had a recurring nightmare of being pursued by a dark figure. In the nightmare, she ran and ran, and, each each time the nightmare recurred, she always woke up, sweating and gasping for breath, at the same point. So she decided, as a new ending, to stop running and confront the figure. In a subsequent dream, when the pursuing figure appeared, she turned to him and said, “Who are you and what do you want?” And here’s where her unconscious surprised her. The man replied, very politely, “You dropped this, and I have been trying to give it back to you.” He handed her a package. She asked what it was. “It’s your faith in human goodness,” he said. She woke up. And the nightmare never returned.” Source:  GuidetoPsychology. Com   Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D
SleepWalking Occurs in Deep Sleep Eyes Open, pupils dilated, glassy stare Occurs more often in kids, ages 3-7, esp. ones who wet the bed Good to awaken sleep walker In adults, sometimes induced by sedatives or stress Linked to Sleep Apnea
Sleepwalking Prevention Avoid alcohol  Avoid sedatives or other drugs Set a regular sleep schedule to avoid fatigue or insomnia Reduce stress, conflict, and anxiety http://www.medicinenet.com/sleepwalking/page2.htm#tocf
Sleepwalking Behavior Most Common: Everyday tasks:  cleaning, cooking, eating, dressing, and even… Driving! Sometimes… Act out a violent dream Eyes Wide Open: The Sleepwalking Story Drgreene.com
Sleepwalking as Murder Defense? Cases Early 80s in Arizona, Steven Steinberg– killed his wife, found innocent by temp. insanity 1992, Canada, Kenneth Parks acquitted of murder of mother-in-law & stabbing of father-in-law after driving 14 miles to kill them in sleep 1997, Arizona, Scott Falater, stabbed wife & threw her body in pool  Story --http://www.cnn.com/US/9905/25/sleepwalk.defense/  -- Guilty Verdict, sentenced to life without parole 2004, Stephen Reitz, Calif.  -- hit wife with flowerpot & stabbed her on weekend getaway, found guilty and sentenced to 26 year term
Sleep Labs Comprehensive Sleep Solutions   5671 E. Grant 885-4671 American Sleep Diagnostics (claims to be Largest Sleep Lab in Arizona) 1951 N. Wilmot – 722-3210 Or  215 W. Giaconda Way -  219-1781 Also has 3 locations in Phoenix Sleep Disorders Center – UMC 1501 North Campbell Avenue Tucson, AZ 85724-0001 Phone: (520) 694-6112
Further Information Lucid Dreaming Techniques: http://www.dreams.ca/lucid_techniques.htm Clinical Steps to Psychological Dream Interpretation: http://www.guidetopsychology.com/dreams.htm The Universal Dream Key  by Patricia Garfield Preview available through Google Book Search (books.google.com)
Sources  Articles: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9903E3D61439F930A15753C1A962948260&sec=health&spon=&pagewanted=1 http://www.lucidity.com/EWLD10.html http://www.macalester.edu/psychology/whathap/UBNRP/nightmares/tdreams.htm http://sleep-medicine.advanceweb.com/Article/Once-a-Nightmare-Always-a-Nightmare.aspx?CD=633353760000000000,633353760000000000,633353760000000000,633353760000000000
More Sources http://www.intuitive-connections.net/2003/dreamincubation.htm Sleep Foundation – nightmares http://www.sleepfoundation.org/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=huIXKjM0IxF&b=2450839&ct=3501387 Sleep Cycles http://www.sleepfoundation.org/site/c.huIXKjM0IxF/b.2419159/k.A817/What_Happens_When_You_Sleep.htm
More Sources Narcolepsy http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Courses/genomics/2005/Kiley/assignment1.html Sleep Stage Chart: http://blog.dreamsanalyst.com/dream-research/dream-research-dreaming-and-the-brain/ http://uanews.org/node/30205 http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2574630&page=1

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Dream to learn

  • 1. Dream to Learn    Sleep Cycle REM Sleep (dream stage) Studies on Dreaming & Learning Sleep Disorders: Insomnia & Narcolepsy Night Terrors & Nightmares Sleep Paralysis & Sleepwalking Dream Incubation Lucid Dreaming (controlling one’s dreams)    
  • 3. Stage 1 Light Sleep Easily Awakened Eyes move slowly & muscle activity slows.
  • 4. Stage 1 THETA Waves transition state between sleep and wakefulness eyes begin to roll slightly consists mostly of theta waves (high amplitude, low frequency (slow)) brief periods of alpha waves, similar to those present while awake lasts only for a few minutes before moving on to next stage Source: Metamorphosis --- http://consciousevolution.com/metamorphosis/0306/frequency0306.htm Dream Views: http://www.dreamviews.com/sleepstages.php
  • 5. Stage 2 THETA Waves with Spindles & K Complexes Eye movements stop Brain waves become slower but will often produce occasional bursts of rapid waves called spindles peaks of brain waves become higher and higher ( sleep spindles ) k-complexes (peaks suddenly drastically descend and then pick back up) follow spindles again, only lasts for a few minutes Source: Psychology World - http://web.umr.edu/~psyworld/sleep_stages.htm#2 Dream Views: http://www.dreamviews.com/sleepstages.php
  • 6. Stage 3 Extremely slow brain waves called delta waves begin to appear interspersed with smaller, faster waves.
  • 7. Stage 4 Deep Sleep difficult to wake someone from this stage very slow brain waves, called delta waves (lower frequency than theta waves) last of the sleep stages before Dreaming
  • 8. Stage 3 & 4 DELTA Waves also called delta sleep or deep sleep very slow brain waves, called delta waves (lower frequency than theta waves) last (and deepest) of the sleep stages before REM (dream) sleep Source: Metamorphosis --- http://consciousevolution.com/metamorphosis/0306/frequency0306.htm Dream Views: http://www.dreamviews.com/sleepstages.php
  • 9. Rapid Eye Movement - REM Breathing becomes rapid, irregular, and shallow. Eyes jerk rapidly in various directions. Limb muscles are temporarily paralyzed. Heart rate increases. Blood pressure arises. Dreams usually occur. 1 st REM phase happens about 70 to 90 minutes after we fall asleep Typically we spend 2 hours dreaming usually just during REM sleep
  • 10. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Dream Sleep beta waves have a high frequency and occur when the brain is quite active, both in REM sleep and while awake frequent bursts of rapid eye movement, along with occasional muscular twitches heart may beat faster and breathing may become shallow and rapid Muscles are locked, blocking movement most vivid & detailed dreaming occurs during this stage
  • 11. Stages of Sleep - Cycles
  • 12. What does sleep do for us? Necessary for our nervous system. Too little affects our ability to concentrate. Impaired memory & physical performance. Failure to carry out math calculations. Some researchers believe that sleep gives neurons used while awake a chance to shut down and repair themselves. Boosts Immune System’s Response
  • 13. Sleep Deprivation -- Effects First study in this conducted by Dement in 1960 In People: Irritability Aggression Difficulty concentrating Difficulty making decisions Loss of short-term memory Paranoia Hyperactive behavior often observed in children* *“ In fact, sleep deprivation is often misdiagnosed as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” Source -- National Sleep Foundation In Studies on Rats: Sleep Deprivation can lead to Death
  • 14. How much sleep do we need? Most adults find that 7 to 8 hours is the best. Some people may need only 5 or as much as 10 hours of sleep each day. Getting too little sleep creates “sleep debt”.
  • 16. Dreaming the Periodic Table - Dmitri Mendeleyev – 1869 “I saw in a dream where all the elements fell into place as required.”
  • 17. Sledding at the Speed of Light Einstein attributed his lifelong studies to an inspirational dream held as a teen. “ His sled traveled faster and faster, until it approached the speed of light. At that speed, the stars and night sky were transformed into a dazzling spectrum of colors.” Source: http://www.science-spirit.org/article_detail.php?article_id=286
  • 18. AMAZing Rats Brain waves while running maze Identical to Brain waves during REM sleep
  • 19. More Rat Studies Two groups learned trick Group A allowed to sleep uninterrupted Group B’s sleep interrupted during REM Group A could perform trick upon waking Group B had to relearn trick Can you recall any dreams where you relearned material earlier in the day?
  • 20. Tetris in Your Dreams
  • 21. Babies & Sleep Recent UA Study by UA Psychology Dept. Researchers: Rebecca Gomez, Richard Bootzin and Lynn Nadel Taught babies a nonsense language Experiment Group tested after napping Control Group tested without a nap Control Group able to recognize phrases But Experiment Group showed stronger responses, demonstrating ability to predict patterns of new phrases Conclusions: REM supports abstract learning & babies must sleep within 4 to 8 hours after receiving new info. in order to retain the data
  • 22. Study Then Sleep Harvard Univ. study on 100 college students Students told to memorize several lists Morning group studied at 9am & tested 12 hrs later Night group studied at 9pm & tested 12 hrs later (after they got a chance to sleep) Night Group remembered more words Night Group also recalled words not on lists
  • 23. Dream Incubation Dream incubation – the process of planting a subject in one’s mind before sleeping in order to dream about it Harvard Medical School study conducted by Dr. Deidre Barrett with students in a Psychology class Students were introduced to techniques for directing their dreams & instructed to try to create a solution to one of their problems through dreaming More than half of the participants reported dreaming about their problem 1/3 reported having dreamed of a solution
  • 24. Sleep Cycle Disruptions Caffeine Diet Drugs Some Pain relievers Some sedatives Nicotine Alcohol * Extreme temperatures * * Alcohol (night cap) does help many people fall asleep but it keeps the sleeper in the lighter stages of sleep & robs one of uninterrupted REM and the deeper, more restorative stages of sleep. * Extreme temperatures (body does NOT have strong control over body’s thermostat during REM)
  • 25. Some Common Sleep Disorders Insomnia Sleep Apnea Narcolepsy Sleepwalking Nightmares Night terrors
  • 26. If You suffer from insomnia Exercise regularly, but not before bedtime Avoid alcohol & caffeine Avoid napping Go to sleep and wake at the same time every day Save your worries for daytime Tip: Try keeping a Worry Journal by the bed Establish a relaxing bedtime ritual like a hot bath or calm music. Do not eat or drink too much before bedtime Create a sleep-promoting environment quiet, dark, cool comfortable. When to See a Doctor If sleep problems persist, it may be time to seek professional help. Your doctor can help determine how to treat your problem and may refer you to a sleep specialist. Source – National Sleep Foundation
  • 27. Sleep Apnea Disorder of interrupted breathing during sleep Two Causes: Brain signal interruption or Windpipe collapse Airflow blocked for 10 to >60 seconds Blood oxygen drops, and your brain wakes you up enough to let you breathe. Symptoms: Snoring Excessive daytime sleepiness High Blood Pressure Treatment:: machine that forces air down the windpipe during sleeping hours
  • 28. Narcolepsy Excessive daytime sleepiness uncontrollable daytime sleep attacks Instant Fall Into REM sleep stage Causes still under investigation, recent research points to the possibility of a gene mutation that controls hypocretins, which regulate REM sleep Most common age group for initial onset: 15-21 Treatment may include schedule napping & prescribed stimulants such as Ritalin
  • 29. Night Terrors Occurs in Deep Sleep, not REM May be trapped between sleep stages Sleeper awakens in Terror (heart pounding, sweating) Often awakens screaming (may even physically react to this by running around room or be paralyzed by fear) Very little imagery recalled (not dreaming) Imagery may be that of creepy, crawly things
  • 30. Night Terror Subjects Most Commonly affected age group: 2 – 6 yrs. Old, affects 15% of children -- rare in adults May be genetic May suffer from Sleep Apnea May be linked to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) Adults who suffer frequent night terrors likely to be passive individuals with self-directed anger, held back aggression, & repressed memories (similar to victims of abuse)
  • 31. Sleep Paralysis Sleeper suddenly awakens during REM sleep Body movement still restricted resulting in feeling of paralysis May be accompanied by hallucinations (result of still being in dream state) Causes great fear Theories suggest that sleep paralysis may be the root experience behind folklore (across many cultures) about supernatural attacks involving an evil spirit trying to suffocate the sleeping victim   Fuseli: The Nightmare , 1781, Detroit, Institute of Arts
  • 32. Nightmares Rare in adults, more common in children due to developing emotions & understanding of reality Avg 1 per year 1 person in 500 has them as often as 1/week Hard to capture in a sleep lab, 1 in 3000 nights of studied sleep “ The Scream” by Edvard Munch
  • 33. Causes of Nightmares Stress Drugs/Medications – effects of or withdrawls Illness Traumatic Events Loss of loved ones Sensitivity (“thin boundaries”)
  • 34. Frequent Nightmares - adults Occurs more often in people with “thin boundaries” between reality and fantasy, between themselves and others (unusually sensitive, able to identify with others’ stories and to empathize) Occurs more often in people who are genetically vulnerable to Schizophrenia (Having relatives who have it) “ thin boundaries” often leading to artistic lives, poets, musicians, artists, etc. (Nightmares were inspiration behind Frankenstein & Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde ) Study published in 1984 based on 50 people who frequently experienced nightmares -- Study conducted by Dr. Ernest Hartmann & Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk
  • 35. Interpreting Nightmares Nightmares represent urgent messages from our unconscious minds Steps to interpretation: Identify current changes or concerns in life and/or past traumas Look for symbols and puns -- Symbolic meanings may derive from universal concepts and stories or from personal, contextual knowledge
  • 36. Common Nightmares & Meanings Chase (Monsters & Demons & Bears, Oh, My) Monster = Some unwanted part of self -- may involve an unresolved problem or conflict Intruder = an new insight about oneself that is breaking into the conscious appears frightening due to its unknown qualities Disaster = Change or crisis (not always negative) http://www.stanford.edu/~corelli/nightmares.html Richard J. Corelli, M.D., Stanford University
  • 37. Car out of Control – Often result of hectic life – Navigation dreams involving directional changes in life Trapped – stuck in same position in life, needing to explore options and other directions http://www.dreams.ca/nightmares.htm The Dream Foundation
  • 38. Controlling Nightmares Lucid Dreaming - Awareness of being in the dream state Confronting “the Monster” Recognizing that you have nothing to fear Recognizing that you are in control Changing the scenery or the threat Questioning the threat’s meaning or symbolism
  • 39. Controlling Nightmares Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (treatment for recurrent nightmares) Write out the Nightmare Change the Ending to a more peaceful or happy outcome Rehearse the New Version before sleeping Do a relaxation exercise before sleeping
  • 40. Controlling Nightmares Imagery Rehearsal Therapy example “A woman had been raped. She had a recurring nightmare of being pursued by a dark figure. In the nightmare, she ran and ran, and, each each time the nightmare recurred, she always woke up, sweating and gasping for breath, at the same point. So she decided, as a new ending, to stop running and confront the figure. In a subsequent dream, when the pursuing figure appeared, she turned to him and said, “Who are you and what do you want?” And here’s where her unconscious surprised her. The man replied, very politely, “You dropped this, and I have been trying to give it back to you.” He handed her a package. She asked what it was. “It’s your faith in human goodness,” he said. She woke up. And the nightmare never returned.” Source: GuidetoPsychology. Com Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D
  • 41. SleepWalking Occurs in Deep Sleep Eyes Open, pupils dilated, glassy stare Occurs more often in kids, ages 3-7, esp. ones who wet the bed Good to awaken sleep walker In adults, sometimes induced by sedatives or stress Linked to Sleep Apnea
  • 42. Sleepwalking Prevention Avoid alcohol Avoid sedatives or other drugs Set a regular sleep schedule to avoid fatigue or insomnia Reduce stress, conflict, and anxiety http://www.medicinenet.com/sleepwalking/page2.htm#tocf
  • 43. Sleepwalking Behavior Most Common: Everyday tasks: cleaning, cooking, eating, dressing, and even… Driving! Sometimes… Act out a violent dream Eyes Wide Open: The Sleepwalking Story Drgreene.com
  • 44. Sleepwalking as Murder Defense? Cases Early 80s in Arizona, Steven Steinberg– killed his wife, found innocent by temp. insanity 1992, Canada, Kenneth Parks acquitted of murder of mother-in-law & stabbing of father-in-law after driving 14 miles to kill them in sleep 1997, Arizona, Scott Falater, stabbed wife & threw her body in pool Story --http://www.cnn.com/US/9905/25/sleepwalk.defense/ -- Guilty Verdict, sentenced to life without parole 2004, Stephen Reitz, Calif. -- hit wife with flowerpot & stabbed her on weekend getaway, found guilty and sentenced to 26 year term
  • 45. Sleep Labs Comprehensive Sleep Solutions 5671 E. Grant 885-4671 American Sleep Diagnostics (claims to be Largest Sleep Lab in Arizona) 1951 N. Wilmot – 722-3210 Or 215 W. Giaconda Way - 219-1781 Also has 3 locations in Phoenix Sleep Disorders Center – UMC 1501 North Campbell Avenue Tucson, AZ 85724-0001 Phone: (520) 694-6112
  • 46. Further Information Lucid Dreaming Techniques: http://www.dreams.ca/lucid_techniques.htm Clinical Steps to Psychological Dream Interpretation: http://www.guidetopsychology.com/dreams.htm The Universal Dream Key by Patricia Garfield Preview available through Google Book Search (books.google.com)
  • 47. Sources Articles: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9903E3D61439F930A15753C1A962948260&sec=health&spon=&pagewanted=1 http://www.lucidity.com/EWLD10.html http://www.macalester.edu/psychology/whathap/UBNRP/nightmares/tdreams.htm http://sleep-medicine.advanceweb.com/Article/Once-a-Nightmare-Always-a-Nightmare.aspx?CD=633353760000000000,633353760000000000,633353760000000000,633353760000000000
  • 48. More Sources http://www.intuitive-connections.net/2003/dreamincubation.htm Sleep Foundation – nightmares http://www.sleepfoundation.org/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=huIXKjM0IxF&b=2450839&ct=3501387 Sleep Cycles http://www.sleepfoundation.org/site/c.huIXKjM0IxF/b.2419159/k.A817/What_Happens_When_You_Sleep.htm
  • 49. More Sources Narcolepsy http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Courses/genomics/2005/Kiley/assignment1.html Sleep Stage Chart: http://blog.dreamsanalyst.com/dream-research/dream-research-dreaming-and-the-brain/ http://uanews.org/node/30205 http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2574630&page=1

Editor's Notes

  1. In a study where lab rats’ brain waves were monitored while running a maze and immediately afterwards while they dreamed, the waves’ pattern turned out to be identical. Researchers believe the study suggests that the rats were dreaming about running the maze. For more info. on this study, consult the following article: &amp;quot;Mammalian Dreaming.&amp;quot; Science 2 Feb. 2001: 291. :823- . University of Arizona Library . 21 Dec. 2005 &lt;http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/291/5505/823a&gt;. Available on the University of Arizona library database
  2. In a recent study research participants learned to play Tetris. Later, the participants were awakened during their dream cycle. The majority of the participants were dreaming about falling blocks. (see Sleep Links for more details on this study.)
  3. If you suspect that you have major sleeping disorder, consult a sleep lab. Here are a few in the Tucson area.