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Are you feelingAre you feeling sleepy…sleepy…
 A 60-year-old surgeon dreamt that he was
attacked "by criminals, terrorists, and
monsters who always tried to kill [him]"
and fighting against them in the sleep,
he was actually punching and kicking his
wife who slept in the same bed. Name the
Sleep is brother of
 How do we sleep.
 Why do we sleep.
 How much time we have to sleep.
 why we feel sleep after food intake.
 Is there any relation between sleep and
 What happen after we sleep.
 What happens if we don’t sleep.
 Will a blind person dreams.
 Will sleeping position determines our
 Why we snore during sleep.
 How to maintain sound sleep.
 Dreams occur in color or in black and
 Why elders say to drink milk before sleep.
 Why some people walk in sleep.
 Will sleep deprivation causes Diabetes
 Are sleep deprived persons are more
prone to obesity.
 Can dreams predict the future.
 This is a question that has had
scientists puzzled for centuries. The
answer: no one really knows for
1. Ecological theory: back in the day, darkness meant
death, those that slept did not go out, thus did not
die. Sleep protects us.
 Sleep also helps in memory
especially for consolidation.
Sleep deprivation is FATAL than Starving
Sleep deprivation can lead
 Chronic tiredness
 Mood changes
 Frustration
 Difficulty controlling emotions
 Inability to think abstractly
 Absenteeism
 Snoozing in class will shortens attention span, reduces
motor skills, and brain power = BAD GRADES
 Needing alarm clock
 Trouble getting out of bed in the morning
 Falling asleep within 5 minutes
 Napping
 Irritability
 can get up easily, no alarm clock
 fall asleep after 10-15 minutes
 do not nap
 don't get irritated easily
 36% of 18 – 29 year olds have difficulty
getting up in the morning
 22% are late to school or work due to
 40% sleep at school or work at least two
days a week
According to the International Sleep
 60% of 18 – 29 year olds have
driven while drowsy
 According to the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration “Drowsiness has
been the cause of 100,000 traffic crashes each
year, killing more than 1500 Americans and
injuring another 71000
 According to Mandukya Upanishad sleep is of
four stages.
 Wakefulness
 Dreamless sleep
 Dream sleep
 The fourth stage is super consciousness that is
knowledge, a state of ineffable pleasure.
 O Arjuna, the science of uniting
the individual consciousness with
ultimate consciousness
(knowledge) never occurs for one
who eats too much or who eats
too little, nor also for who
sleeps too much or sleeps
too little.
 Urmila Devi wife of Lord Laxmana
slept for 14 years without waking
 Kumbakarna brother of Raavana
used to sleep continuously for 6
 Sleep is a miracle that is created by Allah.
 The word sleep is used 9 times .
 God gives sleep to whom he loves.
 The word sleep is used 107 times.
Great eaters and great
sleepers are incapable of
doing anything that is
William Shakespeare
“Henry IV”
 The record for the longest period
without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40
minutes during a rocking chair
marathon. The record holder reported
hallucinations, blurred vision, slurred
speech and memory and
concentration lapses.
 Longest sleeping mammal koalas 22hrs a day.
 Shortest sleeping animal giraffe 1.9 hours a day.
 The average human will spend 1/3 of their life
sleeping, which equates to about 20 - 25 years over
75 Year life span
 Napoleon, Florence Nightingale and Margaret
Thatcher slept four hours a day.
 Elephants sleep standing up during non-REM sleep,
but lie down for REM sleep.
 When you are snoring, you are not dreaming.
Sleep is altered state of
consciousness where some
of the body functions are
depressed and some are
How Much Sleep?
National Sleep Foundation
1. Newborns : 16 to 18 hours
2. By age 1 : 13 to 14 hours
3. Teenagers : 9 ½ hours
4. Adults : 8 hours
5. Elders : 8 hours
Optimum Sleep Required
The bigger the animal, the less sleep needed
Jerome M. Siegel: Why We Sleep
Scientific American, November, 2003
 More than 40 % of adults have sleep
 25 % women & 16 % men
 1 Complaint: Feeling unrested
 2 Complaint: Difficulty Falling Asleep
Among college students 71 % had sleep
complaints in 2009 compared to 24 % in
 College Students:
 1980s reported 7-7.5 hrs
 2002 reported 6-6.9 hrs
 2009 reported 5-5.6 hrs
 Going to bed later is the culprit
 Bedtime is 1-2 hrs later
than it was 25 yrs ago
Sleep &
 30-50 % of students nap
 Nappers have delayed bedtime of >1 hr
 Mostly late afternoon naps
Sleep &
Sleep & Depression
 Sleep disturbance > 2 wks is a risk factor for
the development of depression
 Sleep abnormalities are common symptoms of
depression: >80% patients
Sleep &
 Incidence is 2 times greater than general
 Often goes undiagnosed and untreated
 Increasing risk of another episode
Sleep &
 Before we sleep we will pass through two stages
that is
 Relaxed wakefulness
 Relaxed drowsiness
NREM sleep/ slow wave sleep REM sleep/ fast wave sleep
 Decreased heart rate,
respiratory rate.
 Muscle tone decreases.
 Brain activity decreases.
 Dreamless sleep.
 No eye ball movements.
 Increased heart rate and
respiratory rate.
 Muscle tone almost
 Brain is active.
 Dream sleep.
 Rapid eye ball
Beta: 14-20 Hz (alert and awake)
Alpha: 8-13 Hz (physically and
mentally rest)
Theta: 4-7 Hz (light sleep)
Delta: less than 4 Hz (deep sleep)
 Parodoxical sleep ……… why?
 Deep sleep.
 Dream sleep.
 It can compensate deprivation.
 Experiment
Wish fulfillment theory.
 Dreams are an attempt to satisfy prohibited/
restricted desires that we cannot satisfy when we
are awake.
 Activation-Synthesis Theory
 Dreams as Problem-Solving
 Mental Housekeeping Theory
Dreams occur in colour or in
black and white?
Will a blind person dream?
 People who become blind after birth can see
images in their dreams.
 People who are born blind do not see any images,
but have dreams equally vivid involving their other
senses of sound, smell, touch and emotion.
 One of the most striking experiences was
submitted by the parents of a 10-year-old child
who perished in the tragedy. The day before the
landslide their daughter described dreaming about
trying to go to school, but said that there was "no
school there" because "something black had
come down all over it".
 Circadian Rhythm(sleep-wake cycle)
 Acts through retino- hypothalamic tract.
 It causes release of melatonin from pineal gland.
 Mammoth cave experiment…. Kleithman.
 Siffre (1975) Spent 6 months inside a cave and found
that his natural Circadian rhythm was just over 24hrs.
There were no external cues such as natural light or
sounds. He had no idea what time it was. He had food
and drink and so on. His behaviour such as when he
slept/woke and when he ate his meals was monitored.
From this study it was concluded our internal clock
must have a 25 hr cycle and that our external cues must
reset the clock to our usual 24-hr day.
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
 There are three rhythms ‘
 Circadian
 Infradian
 Ultradian rhythms.
 Circadian rhythms:
 (circa = approx & diem = day) go over 24hrs.
 Example ; sleep-wake cycle.
 Ultradian rhythms:
 (Meaning less than one day)
 Example; Sleep cycle (90 minutes.)
 Infradian rhythm:
 (meaning more than 1 day)
 Example ; woman's menstrual cycle which lasts for
28 days.
 We need doctors, nurses, policeman etc..so how
do they cope?
 What happens to their cycle when it is disrupted
by shift work?
 Hawkins and Armstrong-Esther(1978)
studied 11 nurses during a 7 night rotation of
their duty. Performance was significantly
impaired on the first night but improved
through the week.
 Kliethman’s theory
 Fatigue theory
 Bremer’s experiment
 Moruzzi and magoun experiment
 Pavlov dog experiment
 Monotonous stimulus theory
 Recent theories
 Raphe nucleus.
 Nucleus of solitary tract.
 Diencephalon sleep zone in posterior
 Intra laminar and anterior thalamic nuclei.
 Medullary synchronizing zone in reticular
formation of medulla.
 Basal fore brain sleep zone.
 Suprachiasmatic nucleus.
 Snoring is vibration of respiratory structures and
resulting sound due to obstructed air movement
during breathing while sleeping.
 Sound may be loud/ soft.
 Throat weakness
 Fat gathering in and around the throat
 Tongue dropping to the back of the mouth
 Enlarged tonsils
Pierson experiment.
 Melatonin
 Muramyl dipeptide (bacterial cell wall component)
 Delta sleep inducing peptide
 Interleukin 1
 Factor s.
Sleep Disorders
• habitual sleeplessness
• possible causes: excessive noise, stress, drugs, medications, pain,
uncomfortable temperature, sleep apnea,
• Three forms: onset, maintenance, termination
• Frequent, unexpected periods of sleepiness during the day
• affects about 1 in 1000 people
• symptoms: extreme daytime sleepiness
Sleep Disorders
Sleep Walking (SOMNAMBULISM)
• occurs mostly in children
• expressed early in the night during stage 3 and 4 sleep
• occur during NREM sleep
Nightmares are frightening dreams that usually
awaken the sleeper from REM sleep.
They occurs in REM sleep
 Nocturnal enuresis:
uncontrolled urination at night.
 It is more frequent in boys than girls.
 Occurs in slow wave sleep
 Sleep apnoeaSleep apnoea::
 Difficulty in breathing during sleepDifficulty in breathing during sleep
 Restless legs syndrome
 Bruxism
 REM sleep disorder
Take our Sleep Survey
How likely are you to fall
asleep during the following
1. Sitting and reading1. Sitting and reading
never (0) slight (1) moderate (2)
2.Watching TV2.Watching TV
never (0) slight (1) moderate (2)
3. Sitting, in a place (theater, school, meeting)3. Sitting, in a place (theater, school, meeting)
never (0) slight (1) moderate (2)
4. As a passenger in a car for an hour4. As a passenger in a car for an hour
never (0) slight (1) moderate (2)
5.5. Lying down to rest in the afternoonLying down to rest in the afternoon
never (0) slight (1) moderate (2)
6. Sitting and talking to someone on the phone6. Sitting and talking to someone on the phone
never (0) slight (1) moderate (2)
7. Sitting quietly after lunch7. Sitting quietly after lunch
never (0) slight (1) moderate (2)
8. In a car while stopped for a few minutes in8. In a car while stopped for a few minutes in
never (0) slight (1) moderate (2)
0-4: Good
Keep it up.
6-11: OK
Not too bad, but try and go to bed ½ hour earlier.
You will be surprised what that will do.
You are about to enter the Danger Zone. Catch up
on those zzz’ s. A good night’s sleep is essential
for good health.
You have entered the danger zone. You are
running on empty. Take a sleep vacation before
you get sick!
 If you knew more sleep would improve your health
and memory, would you change your sleep
Yes No
 Education about Sleep
 Education about Depression
 Clearly identify Biological & Familial Risks
 Early Intervention
 Relax and wind down
before sleep, such as
reading a book, listening
to music, or taking a bath.
 Avoid using your bed for
anything other than sleep
 Maintain sleeping hours
regularly. ( Try to go to
sleep at the same time
each night and get up at
the same time each
morning. )
 Don’t nap in day time. Avoid Studying in Bed
 Make your sleeping place comfortable. Be sure
that it is dark, quiet, and not too warm or too
cold. If light is a problem, try a sleeping mask.
If noise is a problem, try earplugs.
 Eliminate TV and computer use later in the
 Bed time snacks helps for sleep.
 Dairy products: cheese, milk.
 apple pie and ice cream. (my favourite)
 whole-grain cereal with milk
 oatmeal and cookies, and a glass of milk
 peanut butter sandwich.
Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before
sleep. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants
and can keep you away from falling asleep.
Alcohol can cause waking in the night and
interferes with sleep quality.
 Get regular exercise. Try not to exercise
close to bedtime because it may stimulate
you and make it hard to fall asleep. Experts
suggest not exercising for 3
hours before the time you go to sleep.
See a doctor if
sleeping problems
 Suppression of slow-wave sleep in healthy young
adults significantly decreases their ability to
regulate blood-sugar levels and increases the risk
of type 2 diabetes, report researchers at the
University of Chicago Medical Center.
www.Journal sleep.org
 It was found that sleep restriction reduced the
hormone leptin, which suppresses appetite, by
18%. It also increased the hormone ghrelin, which
increases appetite, by 28%.
www.Journal sleep.org
Asst. professor ,
LIMSAR, Angamaly.
(‘Little Flower’)

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  • 2. Are you feelingAre you feeling sleepy…sleepy… sleepy…sleepy… sleepy… sleepy… sleepy… sleepy…
  • 3.  A 60-year-old surgeon dreamt that he was attacked "by criminals, terrorists, and monsters who always tried to kill [him]" and fighting against them in the sleep, he was actually punching and kicking his wife who slept in the same bed. Name the disorder?
  • 6.  How do we sleep.  Why do we sleep.  How much time we have to sleep.  why we feel sleep after food intake.  Is there any relation between sleep and yawn.  What happen after we sleep.  What happens if we don’t sleep.  Will a blind person dreams.  Will sleeping position determines our personality.
  • 7.  Why we snore during sleep.  How to maintain sound sleep.  Dreams occur in color or in black and white.  Why elders say to drink milk before sleep.  Why some people walk in sleep.  Will sleep deprivation causes Diabetes mellitus.  Are sleep deprived persons are more prone to obesity.  Can dreams predict the future.
  • 8.  This is a question that has had scientists puzzled for centuries. The answer: no one really knows for sure!.
  • 9. 1. Ecological theory: back in the day, darkness meant death, those that slept did not go out, thus did not die. Sleep protects us.
  • 11.  Sleep also helps in memory especially for consolidation.
  • 12. Sleep deprivation is FATAL than Starving
  • 13. Sleep deprivation can lead to:  Chronic tiredness  Mood changes  Frustration  Difficulty controlling emotions  Inability to think abstractly  Absenteeism
  • 14.  Snoozing in class will shortens attention span, reduces motor skills, and brain power = BAD GRADES  SNOOZING AT THE WHEEL= CAR ACCIDEN  Depression = COULD RESULT IN SUICIDE  Annoyed & Angry= FAMILY AND FRIEND PROBLEMS
  • 15.  Needing alarm clock  Trouble getting out of bed in the morning  Falling asleep within 5 minutes  Napping  Irritability
  • 16.  can get up easily, no alarm clock  fall asleep after 10-15 minutes  do not nap  don't get irritated easily
  • 17.  36% of 18 – 29 year olds have difficulty getting up in the morning  22% are late to school or work due to sleepiness  40% sleep at school or work at least two days a week According to the International Sleep Foundation
  • 18.  60% of 18 – 29 year olds have driven while drowsy
  • 19.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration “Drowsiness has been the cause of 100,000 traffic crashes each year, killing more than 1500 Americans and injuring another 71000
  • 20.  According to Mandukya Upanishad sleep is of four stages.  Wakefulness  Dreamless sleep  Dream sleep  The fourth stage is super consciousness that is knowledge, a state of ineffable pleasure.
  • 21.  O Arjuna, the science of uniting the individual consciousness with ultimate consciousness (knowledge) never occurs for one who eats too much or who eats too little, nor also for who sleeps too much or sleeps too little.
  • 22.  Urmila Devi wife of Lord Laxmana slept for 14 years without waking up.  Kumbakarna brother of Raavana used to sleep continuously for 6 months.
  • 23.  Sleep is a miracle that is created by Allah.  The word sleep is used 9 times .
  • 24.  God gives sleep to whom he loves.  The word sleep is used 107 times.
  • 25. Great eaters and great sleepers are incapable of doing anything that is great. William Shakespeare “Henry IV”
  • 26.  The record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes during a rocking chair marathon. The record holder reported hallucinations, blurred vision, slurred speech and memory and concentration lapses.
  • 27.  Longest sleeping mammal koalas 22hrs a day.  Shortest sleeping animal giraffe 1.9 hours a day.
  • 28.  The average human will spend 1/3 of their life sleeping, which equates to about 20 - 25 years over 75 Year life span  Napoleon, Florence Nightingale and Margaret Thatcher slept four hours a day.  Elephants sleep standing up during non-REM sleep, but lie down for REM sleep.  When you are snoring, you are not dreaming.
  • 29. Sleep is altered state of consciousness where some of the body functions are depressed and some are activated.
  • 31. How Much Sleep? National Sleep Foundation 1. Newborns : 16 to 18 hours 2. By age 1 : 13 to 14 hours 3. Teenagers : 9 ½ hours 4. Adults : 8 hours 5. Elders : 8 hours
  • 32. Optimum Sleep Required The bigger the animal, the less sleep needed
  • 33. Jerome M. Siegel: Why We Sleep Scientific American, November, 2003
  • 34.  More than 40 % of adults have sleep complaints  25 % women & 16 % men  1 Complaint: Feeling unrested  2 Complaint: Difficulty Falling Asleep Among college students 71 % had sleep complaints in 2009 compared to 24 % in 1978
  • 35.  College Students:  1980s reported 7-7.5 hrs  2002 reported 6-6.9 hrs  2009 reported 5-5.6 hrs  Going to bed later is the culprit  Bedtime is 1-2 hrs later than it was 25 yrs ago M Sleep & Chronophysiology Laboratory
  • 36.  30-50 % of students nap  Nappers have delayed bedtime of >1 hr  Mostly late afternoon naps M Sleep & Chronophysiology Laboratory
  • 37. Sleep & Depression  Sleep disturbance > 2 wks is a risk factor for the development of depression  Sleep abnormalities are common symptoms of depression: >80% patients M Sleep & Chronophysiology Laboratory
  • 38.  Incidence is 2 times greater than general population  Often goes undiagnosed and untreated  Increasing risk of another episode M Sleep & Chronophysiology Laboratory
  • 39.  Before we sleep we will pass through two stages that is  Relaxed wakefulness  Relaxed drowsiness
  • 45. NREM sleep/ slow wave sleep REM sleep/ fast wave sleep  Decreased heart rate, respiratory rate.  Muscle tone decreases.  Brain activity decreases.  Dreamless sleep.  No eye ball movements.  Increased heart rate and respiratory rate.  Muscle tone almost absent.  Brain is active.  Dream sleep.  Rapid eye ball movements.
  • 47. EEG Beta: 14-20 Hz (alert and awake) Alpha: 8-13 Hz (physically and mentally rest) Theta: 4-7 Hz (light sleep) Delta: less than 4 Hz (deep sleep)
  • 49.  Parodoxical sleep ……… why?  Deep sleep.  Dream sleep.  It can compensate deprivation.  Experiment
  • 51. Sleep
  • 53.  Dreams are an attempt to satisfy prohibited/ restricted desires that we cannot satisfy when we are awake.
  • 54.  Activation-Synthesis Theory  Dreams as Problem-Solving  Mental Housekeeping Theory
  • 55. Dreams occur in colour or in black and white?
  • 56. Will a blind person dream?
  • 57.  People who become blind after birth can see images in their dreams.  People who are born blind do not see any images, but have dreams equally vivid involving their other senses of sound, smell, touch and emotion.
  • 58.  One of the most striking experiences was submitted by the parents of a 10-year-old child who perished in the tragedy. The day before the landslide their daughter described dreaming about trying to go to school, but said that there was "no school there" because "something black had come down all over it".
  • 60.  Circadian Rhythm(sleep-wake cycle)  Acts through retino- hypothalamic tract.  It causes release of melatonin from pineal gland.  Mammoth cave experiment…. Kleithman.
  • 63.  Siffre (1975) Spent 6 months inside a cave and found that his natural Circadian rhythm was just over 24hrs. There were no external cues such as natural light or sounds. He had no idea what time it was. He had food and drink and so on. His behaviour such as when he slept/woke and when he ate his meals was monitored. From this study it was concluded our internal clock must have a 25 hr cycle and that our external cues must reset the clock to our usual 24-hr day.
  • 67.  There are three rhythms ‘  Circadian  Infradian  Ultradian rhythms.
  • 68.  Circadian rhythms:  (circa = approx & diem = day) go over 24hrs.  Example ; sleep-wake cycle.  Ultradian rhythms:  (Meaning less than one day)  Example; Sleep cycle (90 minutes.)
  • 69.  Infradian rhythm:  (meaning more than 1 day)  Example ; woman's menstrual cycle which lasts for 28 days.
  • 70.  We need doctors, nurses, policeman etc..so how do they cope?  What happens to their cycle when it is disrupted by shift work?
  • 71.  Hawkins and Armstrong-Esther(1978) studied 11 nurses during a 7 night rotation of their duty. Performance was significantly impaired on the first night but improved through the week.
  • 72.  Kliethman’s theory  Fatigue theory  Bremer’s experiment  Moruzzi and magoun experiment  Pavlov dog experiment  Monotonous stimulus theory  Recent theories
  • 74.  Raphe nucleus.  Nucleus of solitary tract.  Diencephalon sleep zone in posterior hypothalamus.  Intra laminar and anterior thalamic nuclei.  Medullary synchronizing zone in reticular formation of medulla.  Basal fore brain sleep zone.  Suprachiasmatic nucleus.
  • 79.  Snoring is vibration of respiratory structures and resulting sound due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping.  Sound may be loud/ soft. causes  Throat weakness  Fat gathering in and around the throat  Tongue dropping to the back of the mouth  Enlarged tonsils
  • 81.  Melatonin  Muramyl dipeptide (bacterial cell wall component)  Delta sleep inducing peptide  Interleukin 1  Factor s.
  • 84. Sleep Disorders Insomnia • habitual sleeplessness • possible causes: excessive noise, stress, drugs, medications, pain, uncomfortable temperature, sleep apnea, • Three forms: onset, maintenance, termination Narcolepsy • Frequent, unexpected periods of sleepiness during the day • affects about 1 in 1000 people • symptoms: extreme daytime sleepiness
  • 85. Sleep Disorders Sleep Walking (SOMNAMBULISM) • occurs mostly in children • expressed early in the night during stage 3 and 4 sleep • occur during NREM sleep
  • 86. Nightmares Nightmares are frightening dreams that usually awaken the sleeper from REM sleep. They occurs in REM sleep
  • 87.  Nocturnal enuresis: uncontrolled urination at night.  It is more frequent in boys than girls.  Occurs in slow wave sleep  Sleep apnoeaSleep apnoea::  Difficulty in breathing during sleepDifficulty in breathing during sleep
  • 88.  Restless legs syndrome  Bruxism  REM sleep disorder
  • 89. Take our Sleep Survey
  • 90.  MEASURING YOUR SLEEP DEBT. How likely are you to fall asleep during the following situations?
  • 91. 1. Sitting and reading1. Sitting and reading never (0) slight (1) moderate (2) high(3) 2.Watching TV2.Watching TV never (0) slight (1) moderate (2) high(3) 3. Sitting, in a place (theater, school, meeting)3. Sitting, in a place (theater, school, meeting) never (0) slight (1) moderate (2) high(3) 4. As a passenger in a car for an hour4. As a passenger in a car for an hour never (0) slight (1) moderate (2) high(3)
  • 92. 5.5. Lying down to rest in the afternoonLying down to rest in the afternoon never (0) slight (1) moderate (2) high(3) 6. Sitting and talking to someone on the phone6. Sitting and talking to someone on the phone never (0) slight (1) moderate (2) high(3) 7. Sitting quietly after lunch7. Sitting quietly after lunch never (0) slight (1) moderate (2) high(3) 8. In a car while stopped for a few minutes in8. In a car while stopped for a few minutes in traffictraffic never (0) slight (1) moderate (2) high(3)
  • 93. : EXCELLENT 0-4: Good Keep it up. 6-11: OK Not too bad, but try and go to bed ½ hour earlier. You will be surprised what that will do. 12-17:WARNING You are about to enter the Danger Zone. Catch up on those zzz’ s. A good night’s sleep is essential for good health. 18+ :DANGER You have entered the danger zone. You are running on empty. Take a sleep vacation before you get sick!
  • 94.  If you knew more sleep would improve your health and memory, would you change your sleep habits? Yes No
  • 95.  Education about Sleep  Education about Depression  Clearly identify Biological & Familial Risks  Early Intervention
  • 96.  Relax and wind down before sleep, such as reading a book, listening to music, or taking a bath.  Avoid using your bed for anything other than sleep  Maintain sleeping hours regularly. ( Try to go to sleep at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning. )  Don’t nap in day time. Avoid Studying in Bed
  • 97.  Make your sleeping place comfortable. Be sure that it is dark, quiet, and not too warm or too cold. If light is a problem, try a sleeping mask. If noise is a problem, try earplugs.  Eliminate TV and computer use later in the evening.  Bed time snacks helps for sleep.
  • 98.  Dairy products: cheese, milk.  apple pie and ice cream. (my favourite)  whole-grain cereal with milk  oatmeal and cookies, and a glass of milk  peanut butter sandwich.
  • 99. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before sleep. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and can keep you away from falling asleep. Alcohol can cause waking in the night and interferes with sleep quality.
  • 100.  Get regular exercise. Try not to exercise close to bedtime because it may stimulate you and make it hard to fall asleep. Experts suggest not exercising for 3 hours before the time you go to sleep.
  • 101. See a doctor if sleeping problems continue.
  • 103.  Suppression of slow-wave sleep in healthy young adults significantly decreases their ability to regulate blood-sugar levels and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, report researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center. www.Journal sleep.org
  • 104.  It was found that sleep restriction reduced the hormone leptin, which suppresses appetite, by 18%. It also increased the hormone ghrelin, which increases appetite, by 28%. www.Journal sleep.org
  • 106. Sailesh.G Asst. professor , LIMSAR, Angamaly. ST. LITTLE THERESA (‘Little Flower’)