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      PersiaViaggiatori italianiSafavidiItalian travellers
Persian trans. of "The Idea of Iran in the Safavid Period"
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      Identity (Culture)Safavid IranSafavids
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      SafavidsHalvetiUzun HasanAqqoyunlu State
The geography of Iran and Azerbaijan became the homeland of Turk-Turkmen tribes after the Seljukids. The positions of these tribes were strong before Safavids, in the period of states of Hulagu, Karakoyunlu and Akkoyunlu. Their position... more
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    • Safavids
The socio-political situation of Azerbaijani Safavid state in the middle of the XVI century (According to the “Relazione di Persia” by Venetian envoy Michele Membre). ISBN 9789952347012, Library of Congress control no. 2012498734.
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      Safavids (Islamic History)Ottoman-Safavid RelationsTurco-Iranian WorldSafavid Period
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      Persian LiteraturePersian LanguageHistory of IranIranian History
Özet III. Murad'ın emriyle 1578'de gerçekleştirilen İran seferinde ve Tatar şehzadesi Adil Giray'ın Safevîler tarafından katledilmesi meselesinde ismi öne çıkan şahsiyetlerden biri de Hayrünnisa Begüm'dür. Safevî tarihinin en güçlü ve en... more
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      Ottoman EmpireIranian Modern HistoryOttoman-Safavid RelationsAnthropology of Alevism
Safavid History book  - Tarix-i aləm aray-i Abbasi
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranOttoman StudiesTabriz
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The Fotuhat-i Gitisitan was composed in verse three years before the fall of the Safavid monarchy. A rich historical epic, its focus is on the battles of the most famous kings of the dynasty and provided valuable information in regards... more
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      SafavidsHistorical EpicShah AbbasConquests of Gitistan
Sharh e Tajguzari e Shah Sulaiman Safavi va Vaqaye' e Do Saal e Ba'd -

Jean Chardin (Farsi Tarjuma)
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranSafavids (Islamic History)Azerbaijan
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      SafavidsCircassians and North Caucasus historyCrimean Khanate history
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      Safavids (Islamic History)Safavids

-Onur YILDIZ - 2018
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      Safavids (Islamic History)Woman StudiesBektashi StudiesAlevi Studies
Öz 1500-1920 yılları arasında hüküm süren Buhara Hanlığı, Osmanlı Devleti’nden sonra en uzun süre yaşayan Türk-İslam Devleti’dir. Mâverâünnehr merkezli kurulan hanlığın yayıldığı topraklardan birisi de, bugünkü Kuzey Afganistan’dır.... more
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The scripts' final word is generally known as the ending, the completion, the ‎signature, and the word "Anjameh." This section's significance is because it provides a brief overview of the author, version features, time, location, and... more
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Mulla Sadra, as the founder of the Transcendental Philosophy, has special viewpoints on society. Unlike those who believe that Mulla Sadra ignored society and paid his mere attention to the spiritual issues, he cared about the social... more
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      UtopiaMulla SadraملاصدراSafavids
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval IslamEarly Modern Europe
چکیده دوران شکوهمند صفویه از مهم ترین اعصار تاریخی ایران است. هنر صفویه نه تنها دارای عظمت و شکوه فراوانی است بلکه بازتابی از اعتقادات و شرایط اجتماعی و سیاسی آن دوران می باشد، در واقع بخشی از اطلاعات تاریخی صفویان در خلال کتیبه های... more
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesHistory of IranSafavids (Islamic History)
Call for Papers for the MAMEIS Conference April 14, 2018
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesMiddle East Studies
in Caucasus ,Ottoman safevi quarrels
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      Ottoman HistoryCaucasusSafavidsQizilbash
In the Safavid state the sharing of responsibilities among governors and managed being displayed in traditional form. If the governors of the Safavid state and the shah structure were beys of the Turkish clans, the clerks and... more
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      SafavidsSafavids and Ottomans History and Literature