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Call Fo r Pap e rs MAMEIS 2 0 18 An n u al Co n fe re n ce “The Middle East and Islam in War and Peace” The Midwest Association for Middle East and Islam ic Studies and Lewis University are pleased to announce a call for papers for the MAMEIS Annual Conference at Lewis University in Rom eoville, IL, (greater Chicago) Ap ril 14 , 2 0 18 . We welcom e subm issions from scholars based in the Midwest (broadly conceived) on this year’s them e “The Middle East and Islam in War an d Peace”. With the centennial of the official end of the First World War, which had a profound effect on the m odern Middle East and the Islam ic World, this year’s conference seeks papers around this them e, but also war and peace in the Middle East and the Islam ic World in any period. Topics unrelated to this year’s them e are also welcom e. The conference will explore how warfare effects society; the way in which peace and peacem aking processes develop; how warfare has shaped the Middle East and the Islam ic World; how the state, civil society, an d people endure war and work for peace; an d how Islam ic civilization conceptualizes war and peace. We welcom e papers and panels from a variety of disciplines, including, but not lim ited to: History, Geography, Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, Com parative Literature, Religious Studies, and Cultural Studies. MAMEIS Midwest Association for Middle East and Islam ic Studies-is a non-profit organization which prom otes and fosters com m unity am ong the m any scholars of Middle East and Islam ic Studies based at institutions throughout the Midwest. MAMEIS is concerned with prom oting the study of the Middle East and Islam ic world and does not subscribe to any particular religious or political viewpoints or agenda. Our aim is to develop an open forum for discussion of scholarly issues, share news and inform ation about regional events, and support collegial ties am ong our m em bers. Please subm it a on e page prospectus along with your nam e, title, and affiliation by Ma rch 16 , 2 0 18 to: J am es N. Tallon, President MAMEIS, tallon1453@gm ail.com Twitter: @m idwestm ideastMAMEIS.org Facebook:https:/ / www.facebook.com / m idwestm ideastAcadem ia:https:/ / independent.academ i a.edu/ MidwestAssociationofMiddleEasternandIslam icStudiesMAMEIS