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The Book is a graphic montage piece, where comments, thoughts and short accounts from Ou Ning’s travels to Bishan are intertwined with drawings, clippings, color-coded text, handwritten notes, pictures and quotes. The forefathers of the... more
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      Utopian StudiesAnarchismAnarchist StudiesActivism
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryUtopian StudiesUrban Planning
A critical, comparative analysis of the exhibition project Utopia Station, mounted by Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Molly Nesbit, and Rirkrit Tiravanija at the 2003 Venice Biennale, against Hardt and Negri's 2000 treatise, Empire. This essay was... more
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      GlobalizationPolitical TheoryContemporary ArtUtopian Studies
Este trabajo aborda aspectos del trabajo intelectual llevado a cabo en colaboración entre los escritores Adolfo Bioy Casares y Jorge Luis Borges. Esta tarea de intelección compartida gira alrededor de algunos temas referidos tanto a... more
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      Utopian StudiesArgentine LiteratureUtopiaLiteratura argentina
Ou Ning, “You’re Too Shy to Talk about Utopia”, Moments, publication of IFFTI2015- Momenting the Memento, edited by Linda Loppa, published by Skira Editore, Milan, 2016.
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      Utopian StudiesUtopianismUtopiaRural Develoment
Ütopya gerçekte var olmayan ancak tasarlanmış bir yeni dünyayı, Platoncu anlamda ideal toplum yapısı ve devlet düzenini temsil eder. Yunanca "var olmayan", "ideal olan" ve "konum, yer" kavramlarından türemiş, felsefe, edebiyat, sinema ve... more
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      UtopiaIllusionIdeal SocietyDistopia
A brief analysis of the work "We" written by Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin in 1921 is presented. Corresponding to the science fiction genre, the work is recognized as one of the fundamental texts in the descriptive approach of social... more
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      UtopiaNovelsYevgeny ZamyatinDystopia
CEZARY WAS (University of Wroclaw) / The Tannhäuser Gate. Architecture in science fiction films of the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century as a component of utopian and dystopian projections of the future The... more
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      20th CenturyUtopiaDystopiaScience Fiction Films
Les expositions universelles, une utopie touristique toujours d’actualité ? World’s Fair, The Renew of Touristic Utopia? ¿Exposiciones universales, una utopía turística siempre de actualidad? À travers les expositions universelles... more
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      MarketingGlobalizationMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationUtopian Studies
Pensar en el desempleo como una categoría de análisis para el estudio de la realidad contemporánea conlleva una atracción, arriesgada y pertinente, para repensar la historia de la humanidad a través de las tensiones que subyacen a la idea... more
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      UtopiaPensamiento CríticoJuventudDesempleo
Este ensaio procura a atualidade na História do Futuro de Padre António Vieira. Como é que uma obra escrita há mais de três séculos pode falar tanto dos desafios que hoje atravessamos? Propomos um percurso eminentemente ontológico.... more
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      ApocalypticismAlfred North WhiteheadGabriel TardeFiction
Taking as its starting point the argument that obsession with Utopia has begun to decline, this paper considers what might replace the concept in the twenty-first century. The paper continues by drawing on the important work of Peter... more
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      EthnographyHeterotopiaPeter SloterdijkLeisure
The study of the religions and cults of the Late Antiquity was based mostly by the Theological Schools on the characteristics of Gods, the theological teachings, the rituals or the ethnic tradition. Those elements werent always helpful... more
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      History of ReligionDiasporasLate AntiquityUtopia
A radikálisan decentralizált szerveződésű kriptovaluták sikerei a 2010-es években felkeltették a politikai szféra érdeklődését is. Jelen tanulmány keretei között azt tételezzük fel, hogy a kriptovaluta mint technológia egy eredendően... more
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      Political TheoryUtopian StudiesAnarchismHistory of Anarchism
How to cope with the end of utopia? How to move from making history on a day-to-day basis to capitalizing on a legend? That is the dilemma Russian veterans of the Donbas insurgency have faced since the exalting atmosphere of Novorossiya... more
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      LiteratureWar StudiesPolitical ScienceMultidisciplinary
Автор книги рассматривает проблемы быстрой автоматизации производства и кризиса капитализма. Он исследует пространство возможностей и размышляет о видении будущего, представляя две утопии и две антиутопии. The author of the book raises... more
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      Future StudiesCapitalismUtopiaAutomation
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      NihilismHumanismBruno LatourUtopia
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      Animal StudiesUtopian StudiesAnimals and AnimalityUtopian Literature
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      Utopian StudiesHistory of CartographyUtopiaThomas more, Utopia, Humanism
Read the works of Jules Verne (1828-1905) allows the reader to get in touch with a world model in scientific development and discovery, an ideal model designed by European evolutionists and technicist of the nineteenth century. Therefore,... more
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      ArtDramaturgyPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Situationist International
Як уявляти феміністичну утопію з позиції марксистського фемінізму?
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      Feminist EconomicsIntersectionality and Social InequalityFeminism and Social JusticeMarxist and Materialist Feminism
This compilation is based on the original report on a clinical survey conducted in Brussels (1905-1906) by Josephine Joteyko and Varia Kipiani with 43 vegetarians. Having advanced expertise in physiology and experimentalism, Joteyko (with... more
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      History of MedicineVegetarianismSocial History of MedicineUtopianism
Part of the Panel on "Regenerative Play in Utopia" at the Worlding Science Fiction Conference in Graz, 2018
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      Game TheoryGame studiesDystopian LiteraturePostcolonial Studies
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un breve recorrido por los principales ejes del pensamiento político anarquista, a través de analizar su influencia en ideas ligadas al pensamiento crítico contemporáneo, expresadas en las... more
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      Utopian StudiesAnarchismUtopiaAnarchy
Utopija počinje zamišlju svijeta koji je drugačiji a onda i bolji od našega. Vizije boljih svjetova okupiraju čovjeka već tisućljećima, neovisno o tome imaju li one pritom religijski ili sekularni, politički ili književni oblik zbog čega... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentUtopianismUtopiaUtopia/dystopia
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The notion of utopia which is came from ancient to the present day in a historical perspective as an unreal place and which is intended to reach to perfection by the effect of social realities could not provide the critical environment... more
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      Sex and GenderHeterotopiaUtopiaDialectical Contradiction
As opposed to traditional nomads, backpackers, or tourists, digital nomads are defined as Internet-enabled remote workers, who maintain a focus on connectivity and productivity even in leisure. This essay discusses the relationship... more
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Resumen En este documento se expondrá el crucial y necesario papel que el conflicto ha tenido a lo largo de la evolución histórica colombiana, lo cual llega a ser pertinente para destacar las con-secuencias de hechos conflictivos,... more
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      ColombiaUtopiaConflictos SocialesConflicto armado
Taking up the challenges by literary heroes may be varied in nature and involve a variety of experiences. One of them, which places extraordinary demands before the individual, is the experience of limits, called - after Karl Jaspers -... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureBorder StudiesUtopian StudiesUtopianism
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      NostalgiaUtopiaUtopia and Science FictionTheme Parks
A SER PUBLICADO EM: SILVA, Denival; BIZZOTTO, Alexandre. Quotidianus II: Guerra às Drogas. São Paulo, Intelecto, 2020. Resumo: O artigo desenvolve uma reflexão crítica que, desprendida do senso comum teórico dos juristas, analisa a... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawUtopian StudiesDireito Processual Penal
This is an unusual book. Combining social science fiction, utopianism, pragmatism, sober analysis, and innovative social theory, the authors address one of the biggest dilemmas of our age – how to solve the problems arising from mass... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySocial SciencesRefugee Studies
Compte rendu de l'exposition 'Rouge Art et utopie au pays des Soviets" (Grand Palais, 20 mars –1er juillet 2019) dans Histoire&politique, N° 37, Janvier-avril 2019.... more
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      Soviet HistoryVsevold MeyerholdSoviet Union (History)Russian & Soviet Art
Ponencia sobre la noción de utopía como crítica a la ideología en la obra "Ideología y Utopía" de Paul Ricouer.
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      UtopiaPaul Ricouer
Conférence dans le cadre du séminaire "De quoi demain sera-t-il fait ?", organisé par la Fondation Gabriel Péri et par l'association Espaces Marx Paris, 23 janvier 2014
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryUtopian StudiesMichel Foucault
El destino de Occidente se juega en su compromiso con las exigencias de la razón. La Academia, cuyo fruto más poderoso ha sido la Universidad, es el espacio donde la Razón puede desplegar todo su potencial. Sin embargo, esta potencia... more
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      Political PhilosophyCritical ThinkingAcademic WritingDeconstruction
Resumo Apresentamos a tradução de Wolfaria, publicada em 1521 por Johann Eberlin von Günzburg, teólogo alemão que, no mesmo ano, havia abdicado o catolicismo e a Ordem Franciscana. O texto, composto no início da Reforma, trata de um mundo... more
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In 'Vloeibare tijden. Leven in een eeuw van onzekerheid' (2007) drukt Zygmunt Bauman een productie- en een houdbaarheidsdatum op de droom van Andersland: ‘Utopieën werden samen met de moderniteit geboren en alleen in de sfeer van de... more
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      Utopian StudiesUtopian LiteratureGated CommunitiesUtopia
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      UtopiaTeatr Alternatywny
El artículo ofrece una reflexión acerca del lugar y las modalidades de la práctica docente en contextos de formación. La intención es articular notas de índole crítica que puedan abrirnos a otras acciones en los trayectos de formación de... more
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      HeterotopiaMichel FoucaultFoucault and educationUtopia
Conversation between artist Claire Pentecost and Sofia Victorino, Daskalopoulos Head of Education & Public Programmes, Whitechapel Gallery
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      MicrobiologyResearch MethodologyEnvironmental Soil ScienceVisual Arts
The essay attempts to discuss the main interpretations of the Hegelian philosophy of history from the viewpoint of its utopian potential. Although it can be revealed in a conceptual, lexicological manner, it can be regarded by means of a... more
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      Utopian StudiesHegelUtopiaHegelian Dialectic
Aunque política y ciencia constituyen hoy en día ramas casi antagónicas del conocimiento humano-acaso com-binables en ámbitos ficcionales como el cine y la litera-tura-, la relación entre filosofía política y astronomía es una constante... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryLiterature
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      German StudiesComparative LiteratureGerman LiteratureReception Studies
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsSpiritualityFuture