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Iskandar Beg Munshi (Persian: اسکندربیگ منشی), a.k.a. Iskandar Beg Turkman (اسکندربیگ ترکمان) (c. 1560 – c. 1632), was a Persian historian of Turkmen origin of the Safavid emperor Shah Abbas I. Iskandar Beg began as an accountant in the... more
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      Irish StudiesSafavids (Islamic History)Turkish StudiesSafavid Empire
The Fotuhat-i Gitisitan was composed in verse three years before the fall of the Safavid monarchy. A rich historical epic, its focus is on the battles of the most famous kings of the dynasty and provided valuable information in regards... more
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      SafavidsHistorical EpicShah AbbasConquests of Gitistan
Shah Abbas Safavid period can be known as the golden age of textile industry-art in Iran. During his government, he provided the necessities for growth and development of textile in Iran more than ever by supporting the artists and also... more
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      Textile Artشاه عباسهنر نساجی غیاث‌الدین نقشبند
The Shah Abbas travelogues provide an account of the process of accepting ambassadors to the Shah Abbas court, reflecting the power relations and mechanisms of its use in Iran. In fact, in the face of the king with ambassadors, many of... more
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      AmbassadorsTraveloguesExercise of PowerShah Abbas