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Mythological interpretations of Nowruz have been developed in accordance with the dominant discourses of varied historical periods. By interpretation of Nowruz, we mean the great historical and trans-historical events of each tradition... more
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A presente monografia de conclusão de curso teve como objetivo compreender as relações entre discurso político e retórica em Portugal durante os séculos XVI e XVII (1564 – 1612). O recorte do trabalho foi tomado a partir do período de... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEstado da IndiaPolitical History
Osmanlı Safevi İlişkileri ve Şah İsmail ile Yavuz Sultan Selim İlişkilerine girmeden önce 16. yy. başlarında Osmanlı Devleti’nin sınırları ve komşuları ile Safevilerin kurucusu Erdebili Tarikatı ve onun temsilcilerinin yaşadıkları... more
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      Safavids (Islamic History)Ottoman-Safavid RelationsSafevi Devleti
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    • Sociology
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    • Osmanlı Araştırmaları
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      muhyi gülşenimuhyi-i gülşeni
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    • Estado da India
This paper examines the life, career, and patronage of the great statesman and historian, Ġeyās̱ al-Dīn Ḫ v āndamīr. Ḫ v āndamīr lived and worked during a dynamic period of early modern Islamic history, marking the terminus of the great... more
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      Safavids (Islamic History)Timurids (Islamic History)Mughal IndiaMongol and Timurid Period In the History of Iran
1500-1920 yılları arasında hüküm süren Buhara Hanlığı, Osmanlı Devleti’nden sonra en uzun süre yaşayan Türk-İslam Devleti’dir. Mâverâünnehr merkezli kurulan hanlığın yayıldığı topraklardan birisi de, bugünkü Kuzey Afganistan’dır.... more
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      AfghanistanSafavidsAfganistanBukhara Khanate
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryOttoman HistoryState Formation and Sovereignty in Middle East
We know of Martin Luther and his ideas that developed into Protestantism. In Islam, there were also critics of the religion, with one of them being a man named Kabiz. After much study and contemplation of the Qur'ān, the Christian... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIslam
O processo de composição e as peculiaridades do discurso historiográfico de Diogo do Couto (1542-1616) estão na base do presente artigo. Com ele, visamos suscitar uma reflexão em torno dos desafios colocados ao editor dos textos de Couto,... more
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Literature from the Safavid era suggests that issues of female fertility, sterility, and sexuality were controlled by a well-entrenched patriarchy. Muslim women placed trust in the learned hakim or male “healersâ€- believing that they... more
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    • Safavids (Islamic History)
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    • Historiografia
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      Türk KadınıAkkoyunlus and KarakoyunlusAkkoyunlularOsmanlı-Akkoyunlu
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      HistoryAsian StudiesMultidisciplinary
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      Political ScienceCold WarEnergy SecurityIndian Politics
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-Onur YILDIZ - 2018
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      Safavids (Islamic History)Woman StudiesBektashi StudiesAlevi Studies
Problem statement: "Tongborie" is one of the dependent elements of architecture in the Safavid Iran and Mughal India eras. Safavids and Mughals cultural and political relations have had a significant role in art influence between two... more
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    • Safavidi
Sharh e Tajguzari e Shah Sulaiman Safavi va Vaqaye' e Do Saal e Ba'd -

Jean Chardin (Farsi Tarjuma)
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranSafavids (Islamic History)Azerbaijan
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      Ottoman HistoryIranian StudiesSafavids (Islamic History)
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      Safavids (Islamic History)History of AzerbaijanAkkoyunlus and KarakoyunlusAkkoyunlular
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      Safavids (Islamic History)Safavid PersiaHistory of AzerbaijanAkkoyunlus and Karakoyunlus
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Persian trans. of "The Idea of Iran in the Safavid Period"
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      Identity (Culture)Safavid IranSafavids
Published in Venice in the middle of the sixteenth century, the three volumes of Delle Navigationi et Viaggi, compiled, translated into Italian and annotated by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, gather in a single bibliographic monument a wide... more
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This article examines the life and work of 13th century scholar, polymath and politician Nasir al-Din Tusi, as well as a comparative analysis of his philosophical views on public administration issues of the peripatetic philosopher... more
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    • Political Views and Stories
Are you tripping over your own feet, incapable of advancing even a single meter, when it comes to understanding the technicalities of the feet and meters of pre-modern Islamicate poetry? Then you should probably not consult Nevāʾī’s Meter... more
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      RhetoricIslamic StudiesChaghatay Turkic literatureTurkic Studies
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Summary During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in XVIth century, England became a powerful state. In this period, poetry, literature, agriculture, industry and trade reached a fairly high degree. While the British were generally... more
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The scripts' final word is generally known as the ending, the completion, the ‎signature, and the word "Anjameh." This section's significance is because it provides a brief overview of the author, version features, time, location, and... more
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The Fotuhat-i Gitisitan was composed in verse three years before the fall of the Safavid monarchy. A rich historical epic, its focus is on the battles of the most famous kings of the dynasty and provided valuable information in regards... more
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      SafavidsHistorical EpicShah AbbasConquests of Gitistan
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    • Safavid Persia