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Workplace Civility Matters ©
So What Can Managers Do About It?
An Overview By
“Dr Tina”
Dr Martina Carroll-Garrison, ICF Certified Executive Leadership Coach
MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Naming And Quantifying The Beast
Among thousands of employees surveyed across various industries
and job levels
• 99% witnessed workplace incivility
• 96% reported firsthand experience
• 80% of employees wasted work effort worrying about the incident
• 78% reported reduced organizational dedication
• 63% wasted effort by avoiding the instigator
• 48% reduced work effort
• 47% decreased work attendance
• 38% purposely decreased work quality
• 12% changed jobs
MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Challenges In Todays Workplace…..
• Recognizing employee’s personal lives and work lives
are no longer mutually exclusive; the work environment
has become an extension of prevalent attitudes and
behaviors found in the larger society.
• The dynamic nature of the early part of 21st century
work environment also contributes to the avalanche of
workplace incivility.
• Global competition, dwindling markets, corporate
outsourcing, and rise of temporary and term employees have
introduced a greater element of uncertainty into the modern
3MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Body Of Work Behind Dr Tina’s
Workplace Civility Matters ©
Coaching And Training Strategy
• Doctoral Dissertation: An exploration of managers' awareness and
reaction to workplace incivility: A grounded theory study by Carroll-
Garrison, Martina M., D.M., UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX, 2012,
• Workplace Incivility Is Bad For Business: What Managers Need To
Know Toward Eradicating Incivility, Creating a Civil Workplace, and
Improving the Bottom Line (Paperback) 2014
• How To Promote Civility In The Workplace ©: Civil Behavior at Work:
What You Can Do to Stop Incivility and Reclaim Joy In The Workplace
(Workplace Improvement) [Kindle Edition] 2014
• How To Stop The Bully At Your Workplace ©: Your Bully at Work: What
To Do to Stop The Bully And Return to Workplace Joy (Workplace
Behavior) [Kindle Edition] 2014
• Workplace Civility Matters© - So What Can Managers Do About It?
Kindle Edition] Release expected May 2015
4MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
LinkedIn Articles By Dr Tina Supporting The
Workplace Civility Matters ©
Coaching And Training Strategy
No Pig Wrestling At
The Power of
A cautionary tale about
succumbing to bad
behavior in the
An insight to the power
of acknowledgment and
decency (civility) in the
Time For A New
Contract With The
Workplace Bully!
Hey JERK! Are You A
Horrible Boss?
A strategy to help
counteract deviant
workplace behaviors and
take back your power
A questionnaire to
assess whether you are
the JERK in your
5MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Typology Of Deviant Workplace Behavior
(Robinson, S. L., & Bennett, R. J. (1995). A Typology Of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional
Scaling Study. Academy Of Management Journal, 38(2), 555–572. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.2307/256693)
Two Centers Of Deviant Workplace Behavior
• (i) production deviance- such as leaving early, taking excessive breaks,
intentionally working slow, and wasting resources
• (ii) property deviance- such as sabotaging equipment, accepting kickbacks,
lying about hours worked, and stealing from organization
• Under INTERPERSONAL focus:
• (i) political deviance -such as favoritism, gossiping about co-workers,
blaming coworkers, and competing non-beneficially; and
• (ii) personal aggression -such as sexual harassment, verbal abuse, stealing
from co-workers, and endangering coworkers.
6MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
The Theoretical Framework For
Workplace Incivility
The framework - as a subset of organizational behavior –
includes four key points:
• (a) the perspective of the target,
• (b) the potential for reciprocal counter-incivility,
• (c) escalation in response to perceived deviation from
norms for mutual respect, and
• (d) the tipping point wherein workplace incivility evolves to
other less ambiguous and more direct forms of deviant
behaviors, such as violence.
7MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Workplace Civility Matters ©
Program Objectives
1. Provide an overview of civility and incivility in the
workplace and in your worklife
2. Uncover the “how” and the “why” in which workplace
participants, including leaders, managers, and line
staff, contribute to workplace incivility
3. Understand the role of leadership – executives and
managers – in creating and imbuing civility and
positive cultural norms within your organization
4. Apply a variety of proven strategies and tactics to
• Mitigate existing workplace incivility, and
• Promote workplace civility throughout your organization
5. Understand how to recognize and measure
increased civility in the workplace
8MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Workplace Civility Matters ©
Presentations & Workshops Are Designed For Adult
• Interactive
• Group Discussion
• Collaborative Learning
• Peer Learning
• Story Telling
• Case Studies
• Sharing Experiences
9MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Adult Learning And Coaching Around
Workplace Civility
• The theoretical framework of incivility research includes the broad spectrum of
counterproductive and deviant workplace behavior. Dr Tina’s Academic
Research into leaders and managers’ awareness of and reaction to the
phenomenon of workplace incivility fits within several research fields, including
health care management, education administration, workplace culture,
international cultures, workplace organizations, change management,
transformation, cost management, and performance loss.
• As a Georgetown University trained, and International Coaching Federation
Certified (ICF) Executive Coach, Dr. Tina’s coaching philosophy recognizes that
gentle humor creates an optimal learning environment, builds a culture of trust,
and maximizes the capacity of individuals for effective communication.
• Having earned a Doctorate in Management and Organizational Leadership, Dr
Tina embraces the belief that, from a theoretical perspective, humor in learning
(1) captures the attentional center of the brain, (2) plants information into the
long-term memory, and (3) reduces learner stress.
10MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
• Rude behavior or language: rude or impolite
behavior or language - Bing Dictionary
• An uncivil or discourteous act - Free Online
• The quality or state of being uncivil - Free Merriam-
Webster Dictionary
• The word "incivility" is derived from the Latin
incivilis, meaning "not of a citizen“ - Wikipedia
MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Contemporary Definitions Of Incivility
Workplace Civility Matters ©
Definition Of Workplace Incivility
• Workplace InCivility disregards another's’ basic humanity and our respective duty to care
• Workplace InCivility has three parts
• Being disrespectful,
• Being paltry,
• Being mistrustful,
• Workplace InCivility is a disrespectful, paltry, and mistrustful interaction with fellow
workplace and worklife participants
• The instigator may intentionally or unintentionally obfuscate the nature of incivility,
specifically with the intention to cause harm to the target
• Stated another way an uncivil person may act uncivilly out of ignorance or a lack of self
awareness, or they may act uncivilly with a purposeful intent to harm the target.
12MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Workplace Civility Matters ©
Definition Of Workplace Civility
• Workplace Civility is the opposite of confrontational attitudes
and deviant behaviors such as an projecting an intimidating
manner, being quarrelsome, and being obstinate…..
• Workplace Civility has three parts
• Being respectful, even in the face of disagreement….
• Being generous, even where there is a cost to doing so ….
• Being trusting, even when there is a risk to being so ….
• Workplace Civility is a respectful, generous, and trusting
interaction with fellow workplace and worklife participants
13MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
The Spectrum Of
Poor Workplace Behaviors
• Several of the key words associated with poor workplace
behaviors include: abuse – aggression – bullying –
communication – conflict, control – coping – crisis –
destructive – emotional intelligence – exclusionary
behavior – hostility – ethics – humiliation – incivility –
injustice – interpersonal conflicts – justice – leader –
leadership – management – mentoring – mobbing –
morale – performance – social support – spreading
rumors tolerance – trust.
• The spectrum of poor workplace behavior is broad, yet it is
recognized along the continuum that leads to destruction of
property, physical aggression, violence and even murder.
14MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
The Ambiguity Of Incivility
• There are several beneficially ambiguous characteristic of workplace incivility
• Which serve as a means for bullies and other hostile instigators to
perpetuate malfeasance, just below the radar of an organization’s
response mechanism.
• Typically, individual acts of incivility are not bad enough to invoke adverse
management actions
• However, the vagueness component of incivility, the inherent ambiguity,
is part of what makes the phenomenon so insidious.
• However, the actors in the drama of workplace incivility are never vague
• And every organization can easily name the protagonists - even if
there are no formal complaints made against them
15MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Who Are The Players?
• Research shows that incivility spirals create a
complex and negative effect upon employees,
work units, and within the enterprise in which
organizations operate.
• Employees subjected to workplace incivility
(the target or the observer) are acutely
affected on multiple emotional and physical
levels. The preponderance of employees
queried admitted to a reciprocal action against
the organization, as opposed to the instigator,
to balance out perceived injustice.
Hello – I’m an
Hello –
I’m a
Hello – I’m
16MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Impact Of Incivility
• Research indicates that 90% of those surveyed deemed incivility a
serious workplace difficulty, which can spiral into violence and wear
away at the organization’s ethical standards.
• Any incivility event can cascade, instigating secondary incivility spirals,
which magnify the effect on the organization.
• Organizational performance, outcomes, and the bottom-line suffer
• Incivility is more than a personal issue, but a personnel issue, which
unsettles the workplace and reduces target and observer efficacy.
• Workplace incivility may become the introductory step in workplace
deviant behavior that compels the targets and instigator to more overt
acts of hostility.
17MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Incivility And Poor Behavior Has Many Faces
–However The Results Are Usually The Same!
18MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Avoiding Workplace Incivility Does Not
• That the workplace and worklife relationships cannot entertain vigorous and healthy discourse
and debate
• Rather Civil Discourse, Debate and Engagement can increase
• Critical Thinking
• Intellectual Curiosity
• Problem-solving
• Worklife Engagement
• Accountability
• Responsibility
• Performance Output
• Customer Satisfaction
19MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
A Preemptive Strike
(Create Awareness Through Discussion)
 Provide an overview of civility and incivility in the workplace and in your
 Explore the “how” and the “why” in which workplace participants contribute
to workplace incivility
 Explore the role of leadership in creating and imbuing civility and positive
cultural norms
 Introduce a variety of proven strategies and tactics to
 Mitigate existing workplace incivility, and
 Promote workplace civility throughout your organization
 Explore how to recognize and measure increased civility in the workplace
20MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Cultivating Civility
Within Your Organization
1. Weed out incivility through effective hiring
2. Leaders must take the lead in shaping employees attitude
regarding incivility
3. Train team by endorsing civil behavior
4. Train team by exploring rude and disrespectful behavior
5. Train team to be cognizant of how employees’ personality traits
affect both job performance, and perception of incivility
6. Train team in establishing awareness of destructive emotions in
others, such as envy and jealousy
7. Train Managers to moderate their own behavior!
21MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Leaders And Managers
• Leaders and Managers want to work in a civil workplace and
seek out organizations that satisfy such professional
• however, leaders and managers do not always possess skills to
improve organizational civility within a suboptimal organization.
• Leaders and Managers generally embrace the Golden Rule
regarding treating others as they themselves would want to
be treated;
• however, leaders and managers do not always possess the skills
to direct or imbue the concept of the Golden Rule across the
22MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
How Leaders And Managers Choose
To Act Civil – Successfully!
1. Reflect upon your own behavior regularly
2. Model civil behavior
3. Treat others as you would want to be treated
4. Applaud civil behavior in others
5. Rebuke uncivil behavior in others
6. Rebuke uncivil behavior in others civilly.
23MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
As Your
Workplace Civility Matters ©
• Dr. Tina –offers a warm and engaging style of
coaching/facilitation. Her demeanor is specifically
designed to be non-threatening and inclusive, however
she creates the opportunity for each participant to
engage in and be heard through the session (s).
• Inherent in her facilitation approach, is the explicit
intention for each participants to have fun, be relaxed,
and enjoy both the learning experience and the
socializing aspect of the engagement, which significantly
contributes to the desired learning outcome.
24MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
Contact Information….
• In addition to creating the Workplace Civility Matters © platform, Dr Martina Carroll-
Garrison serves as an Executive Leadership Coach, Adjunct Leadership Faculty,
Board Adviser, Strategic Planning & Organizational Consultant, Radio/TV Show Host
of The Job Talk - where she helps individuals and organizations help themselves to
solve workplace and worklife problems
• Visit her website at MCG Consulting Group, LLC at www.MCGConsultingGroup.com
• Visit The Job Talk platform at www.TheJobTalkRadioShow.com
• E-mail INFO@MCGConsultingGroup.com
25MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©

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Workplace Civility Matters ©

  • 1. Workplace Civility Matters © So What Can Managers Do About It? An Overview By “Dr Tina” Dr Martina Carroll-Garrison, ICF Certified Executive Leadership Coach MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 2. Naming And Quantifying The Beast 2 Among thousands of employees surveyed across various industries and job levels • 99% witnessed workplace incivility • 96% reported firsthand experience • 80% of employees wasted work effort worrying about the incident • 78% reported reduced organizational dedication • 63% wasted effort by avoiding the instigator • 48% reduced work effort • 47% decreased work attendance • 38% purposely decreased work quality • 12% changed jobs MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 3. Challenges In Todays Workplace….. • Recognizing employee’s personal lives and work lives are no longer mutually exclusive; the work environment has become an extension of prevalent attitudes and behaviors found in the larger society. • The dynamic nature of the early part of 21st century work environment also contributes to the avalanche of workplace incivility. • Global competition, dwindling markets, corporate outsourcing, and rise of temporary and term employees have introduced a greater element of uncertainty into the modern workplace. 3MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 4. Body Of Work Behind Dr Tina’s Workplace Civility Matters © Coaching And Training Strategy • Doctoral Dissertation: An exploration of managers' awareness and reaction to workplace incivility: A grounded theory study by Carroll- Garrison, Martina M., D.M., UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX, 2012, • Workplace Incivility Is Bad For Business: What Managers Need To Know Toward Eradicating Incivility, Creating a Civil Workplace, and Improving the Bottom Line (Paperback) 2014 • How To Promote Civility In The Workplace ©: Civil Behavior at Work: What You Can Do to Stop Incivility and Reclaim Joy In The Workplace (Workplace Improvement) [Kindle Edition] 2014 • How To Stop The Bully At Your Workplace ©: Your Bully at Work: What To Do to Stop The Bully And Return to Workplace Joy (Workplace Behavior) [Kindle Edition] 2014 • Workplace Civility Matters© - So What Can Managers Do About It? Kindle Edition] Release expected May 2015 4MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 5. LinkedIn Articles By Dr Tina Supporting The Workplace Civility Matters © Coaching And Training Strategy No Pig Wrestling At Work 2015 The Power of Acknowledgment 2015 A cautionary tale about succumbing to bad behavior in the workplace An insight to the power of acknowledgment and decency (civility) in the workplace Time For A New Contract With The Workplace Bully! 2014 Hey JERK! Are You A Horrible Boss? 2014 A strategy to help counteract deviant workplace behaviors and take back your power A questionnaire to assess whether you are the JERK in your workplace! 5MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 6. Typology Of Deviant Workplace Behavior (Robinson, S. L., & Bennett, R. J. (1995). A Typology Of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study. Academy Of Management Journal, 38(2), 555–572. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.2307/256693) Two Centers Of Deviant Workplace Behavior • Under ORGANIZATIONAL focus; • (i) production deviance- such as leaving early, taking excessive breaks, intentionally working slow, and wasting resources • (ii) property deviance- such as sabotaging equipment, accepting kickbacks, lying about hours worked, and stealing from organization • Under INTERPERSONAL focus: • (i) political deviance -such as favoritism, gossiping about co-workers, blaming coworkers, and competing non-beneficially; and • (ii) personal aggression -such as sexual harassment, verbal abuse, stealing from co-workers, and endangering coworkers. 6MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 7. The Theoretical Framework For Workplace Incivility The framework - as a subset of organizational behavior – includes four key points: • (a) the perspective of the target, • (b) the potential for reciprocal counter-incivility, • (c) escalation in response to perceived deviation from norms for mutual respect, and • (d) the tipping point wherein workplace incivility evolves to other less ambiguous and more direct forms of deviant behaviors, such as violence. 7MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 8. Workplace Civility Matters © Program Objectives 1. Provide an overview of civility and incivility in the workplace and in your worklife 2. Uncover the “how” and the “why” in which workplace participants, including leaders, managers, and line staff, contribute to workplace incivility 3. Understand the role of leadership – executives and managers – in creating and imbuing civility and positive cultural norms within your organization 4. Apply a variety of proven strategies and tactics to • Mitigate existing workplace incivility, and • Promote workplace civility throughout your organization 5. Understand how to recognize and measure increased civility in the workplace 8MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 9. Workplace Civility Matters © Presentations & Workshops Are Designed For Adult Learners • Interactive • Group Discussion • Collaborative Learning • Peer Learning • Story Telling • Case Studies • Sharing Experiences 9MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 10. Adult Learning And Coaching Around Workplace Civility • The theoretical framework of incivility research includes the broad spectrum of counterproductive and deviant workplace behavior. Dr Tina’s Academic Research into leaders and managers’ awareness of and reaction to the phenomenon of workplace incivility fits within several research fields, including health care management, education administration, workplace culture, international cultures, workplace organizations, change management, transformation, cost management, and performance loss. • As a Georgetown University trained, and International Coaching Federation Certified (ICF) Executive Coach, Dr. Tina’s coaching philosophy recognizes that gentle humor creates an optimal learning environment, builds a culture of trust, and maximizes the capacity of individuals for effective communication. • Having earned a Doctorate in Management and Organizational Leadership, Dr Tina embraces the belief that, from a theoretical perspective, humor in learning (1) captures the attentional center of the brain, (2) plants information into the long-term memory, and (3) reduces learner stress. 10MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 11. 11 • Rude behavior or language: rude or impolite behavior or language - Bing Dictionary • An uncivil or discourteous act - Free Online Dictionary • The quality or state of being uncivil - Free Merriam- Webster Dictionary • The word "incivility" is derived from the Latin incivilis, meaning "not of a citizen“ - Wikipedia MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 © Contemporary Definitions Of Incivility
  • 12. Workplace Civility Matters © Definition Of Workplace Incivility • Workplace InCivility disregards another's’ basic humanity and our respective duty to care • Workplace InCivility has three parts • Being disrespectful, • Being paltry, • Being mistrustful, • Workplace InCivility is a disrespectful, paltry, and mistrustful interaction with fellow workplace and worklife participants • The instigator may intentionally or unintentionally obfuscate the nature of incivility, specifically with the intention to cause harm to the target • Stated another way an uncivil person may act uncivilly out of ignorance or a lack of self awareness, or they may act uncivilly with a purposeful intent to harm the target. 12MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 13. Workplace Civility Matters © Definition Of Workplace Civility • Workplace Civility is the opposite of confrontational attitudes and deviant behaviors such as an projecting an intimidating manner, being quarrelsome, and being obstinate….. • Workplace Civility has three parts • Being respectful, even in the face of disagreement…. • Being generous, even where there is a cost to doing so …. • Being trusting, even when there is a risk to being so …. • Workplace Civility is a respectful, generous, and trusting interaction with fellow workplace and worklife participants 13MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 14. The Spectrum Of Poor Workplace Behaviors • Several of the key words associated with poor workplace behaviors include: abuse – aggression – bullying – communication – conflict, control – coping – crisis – destructive – emotional intelligence – exclusionary behavior – hostility – ethics – humiliation – incivility – injustice – interpersonal conflicts – justice – leader – leadership – management – mentoring – mobbing – morale – performance – social support – spreading rumors tolerance – trust. • The spectrum of poor workplace behavior is broad, yet it is recognized along the continuum that leads to destruction of property, physical aggression, violence and even murder. 14MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 15. The Ambiguity Of Incivility • There are several beneficially ambiguous characteristic of workplace incivility • Which serve as a means for bullies and other hostile instigators to perpetuate malfeasance, just below the radar of an organization’s response mechanism. • Typically, individual acts of incivility are not bad enough to invoke adverse management actions • However, the vagueness component of incivility, the inherent ambiguity, is part of what makes the phenomenon so insidious. • However, the actors in the drama of workplace incivility are never vague • And every organization can easily name the protagonists - even if there are no formal complaints made against them 15MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 16. Who Are The Players? • Research shows that incivility spirals create a complex and negative effect upon employees, work units, and within the enterprise in which organizations operate. • Employees subjected to workplace incivility (the target or the observer) are acutely affected on multiple emotional and physical levels. The preponderance of employees queried admitted to a reciprocal action against the organization, as opposed to the instigator, to balance out perceived injustice. Hello – I’m an INSTIGATOR Hello – I’m a TARGET Hello – I’m an OBSERVER 16MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 17. Impact Of Incivility • Research indicates that 90% of those surveyed deemed incivility a serious workplace difficulty, which can spiral into violence and wear away at the organization’s ethical standards. • Any incivility event can cascade, instigating secondary incivility spirals, which magnify the effect on the organization. • Organizational performance, outcomes, and the bottom-line suffer • Incivility is more than a personal issue, but a personnel issue, which unsettles the workplace and reduces target and observer efficacy. • Workplace incivility may become the introductory step in workplace deviant behavior that compels the targets and instigator to more overt acts of hostility. 17MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 18. Incivility And Poor Behavior Has Many Faces –However The Results Are Usually The Same! 18MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 19. Avoiding Workplace Incivility Does Not Mean….. • That the workplace and worklife relationships cannot entertain vigorous and healthy discourse and debate • Rather Civil Discourse, Debate and Engagement can increase • Critical Thinking • Intellectual Curiosity • Problem-solving • Worklife Engagement • Accountability • Responsibility • Performance Output • Customer Satisfaction 19MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 20. A Preemptive Strike (Create Awareness Through Discussion)  Provide an overview of civility and incivility in the workplace and in your worklife  Explore the “how” and the “why” in which workplace participants contribute to workplace incivility  Explore the role of leadership in creating and imbuing civility and positive cultural norms  Introduce a variety of proven strategies and tactics to  Mitigate existing workplace incivility, and  Promote workplace civility throughout your organization  Explore how to recognize and measure increased civility in the workplace 20MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 21. Cultivating Civility Within Your Organization 1. Weed out incivility through effective hiring 2. Leaders must take the lead in shaping employees attitude regarding incivility 3. Train team by endorsing civil behavior 4. Train team by exploring rude and disrespectful behavior 5. Train team to be cognizant of how employees’ personality traits affect both job performance, and perception of incivility 6. Train team in establishing awareness of destructive emotions in others, such as envy and jealousy 7. Train Managers to moderate their own behavior! 21MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 22. Leaders And Managers • Leaders and Managers want to work in a civil workplace and seek out organizations that satisfy such professional aspirations • however, leaders and managers do not always possess skills to improve organizational civility within a suboptimal organization. • Leaders and Managers generally embrace the Golden Rule regarding treating others as they themselves would want to be treated; • however, leaders and managers do not always possess the skills to direct or imbue the concept of the Golden Rule across the organization. 22MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 23. How Leaders And Managers Choose To Act Civil – Successfully! 1. Reflect upon your own behavior regularly 2. Model civil behavior 3. Treat others as you would want to be treated 4. Applaud civil behavior in others 5. Rebuke uncivil behavior in others 6. Rebuke uncivil behavior in others civilly. 23MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 24. As Your Workplace Civility Matters © Facilitator…. • Dr. Tina –offers a warm and engaging style of coaching/facilitation. Her demeanor is specifically designed to be non-threatening and inclusive, however she creates the opportunity for each participant to engage in and be heard through the session (s). • Inherent in her facilitation approach, is the explicit intention for each participants to have fun, be relaxed, and enjoy both the learning experience and the socializing aspect of the engagement, which significantly contributes to the desired learning outcome. 24MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©
  • 25. Contact Information…. • In addition to creating the Workplace Civility Matters © platform, Dr Martina Carroll- Garrison serves as an Executive Leadership Coach, Adjunct Leadership Faculty, Board Adviser, Strategic Planning & Organizational Consultant, Radio/TV Show Host of The Job Talk - where she helps individuals and organizations help themselves to solve workplace and worklife problems • Visit her website at MCG Consulting Group, LLC at www.MCGConsultingGroup.com • Visit The Job Talk platform at www.TheJobTalkRadioShow.com • E-mail INFO@MCGConsultingGroup.com 25MCG Consulting Group, LLC www.MCGConsultingGroup.com 2015 ©