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Why a lot of employees are a
little unethical at work, and
what to do about it?
Group 3
Susan-Lynn Romeo
What is Job Performance?
● Job performance is defined as
“the set of values and employee
behaviors that contribute either
positively or negatively to
organizational goal and
● An excellent job performer fulfills
all tasks and citizenship
behaviors that are positive
contributions to the organization.
● Counterproductive behaviors
are things employees do that
have a negative impact on the
company. (Colquitt, LePine,
Wesson, 2011)
Unethical Workplace Behavior
We are all guilty of it...
—Cell phone use.
—Internet use for personal matters.
—Extended breaks.
—Chatting with co-workers about social issues rather
than work.
—Personal telephone calls.
Facts on Unethical Behavior
● 86.6% of employees had ignored or snubbed someone at work at least once and nearly
16% of employees were actively rude to colleagues sometimes or more frequently.
● Over half of employees (55.3%) had taken things from work at least once.
● 21.4% of employees had ignored HR policies or procedures ranging from occasionally to
more frequently.
●22.1% of employees had sometimes or more frequently taken a sick day when they were
well enough to work.
● The 31-40 age group for women was a high risk for counterproductive work behaviors
(CWBs), probably because many were under enormous pressure to balance family and
work commitments.
● Men were more likely to infringe against their coworkers, while women were more likely to
infringe against the organization.
Personal Internet Usage: Our
Biggest Challenge
● 77% of people check their Facebook
account on work computers.
● 20% of men admit to viewing
pornography at work.
● 4% of men spend 1-2 hours per day
gambling at work.
● 56% of people spend 30 minutes
each day researching office betting
● Employers lose $6.5 billion due to
fantasy football.
● 77% of brides-to-be admit to using
work hours to plan their wedding.
● 49% of people shop online while at
work during the holiday season.
What’s so wrong with unethical
It is counter productive.
● This employee behavior
intentionally undermines the
organizational goals or
 It can create conflict,
causing a hostile work
 It can hinder the client
 It can cause a decline in
Often times, this behavior can
spread from one individual to
others causing more frequent
patterns in…
 Absenteeism or Lateness
 Significant decrease in
 Bullying and physical or
mental abuse to others
 More frequent, inappropriate
use of company time such
as extensive internet
Impact of Unethical Behaviors for
a Company
● Counterproductive behavior in
the workplace can take many
● It affects productivity and
profitability of a business and
the overall quality of the
workplace culture.
● Inability to manage activities.
● Corporate liability.
● Damaged reputation.
● Declining customer and
employee base.
● Quick turnover of employees.
These are all complications an
organization may face as a result of
unethical behaviors.
Your Role as a Manager
● Create ethical and moral value
● Discuss ethics to the employees
during reviews.
● Reinforce good ethical behavior.
● Retain good ethical employees.
● Make ethics a priority when hiring.
● Make yourself present and visible.
Give a nudge.
As Dan has explained in his TED talk
● Some studies have shown that having
employees sign an honesty statement
compelled them to adhere to being
significantly more honest compared to the
employees that did not sign the statement.
● Reinforce Specific Leadership Behaviors to
Encourage Ethical Behavior
● Transparency, communication, and
accountability around ethical behaviors
are a few of the leadership behaviors
commonly suggested to leaders.
● The behavior scientists can provide
focuses on education and coaching on
these behaviors to enable leaders to
demonstrate critical behaviors, which
demonstrate a focus on ethics and
being ethical.
Ways to Tackle Unwanted Internet
● Implement a policy to address Internet use.
● Written employee policies should lay out acceptable and unacceptable
use of Internet.
● Train employees to know what is and is not allowed.
● You cannot expect employees to automatically know what you want
from them. You must tell them.
● Monitor or restrict use of the Internet.
● Programs that block certain social websites are available and can be
put in place on a company’s network.
 Provide opportunities at certain times of the day for employees to use the
Can counter-productivity be
Stuart Sidle, the Author of the Academy of Management Perspectives,
discussed a study performed involving individuals in the workplace facing
unjust behavior and how it could be transposed as a benefit
 There were two forms of CWBs that were focused on
 Production Deviance
 Withdrawal
 With both forms of CWB, individuals were able to escape the unpleasant
environment and decrease their mental exhaustion (preventing burn out)
Productivity from
Production Deviance (Sidle)
 performing tasks in a manner that is inappropriate
whether or incorrect or at a slow pace
 Individuals who participated in this behavior were seen to
be less exhausted emotionally
 This lessened the hostility in regard to the unjust
environment to an extent
Withdrawal (Sidle)
 avoiding work by taking excessive breaks, arriving late,
or leaving early
 Those who participated in these behaviors were seen to
escape unjust environments and “replenish their
emotional resources” more easily.
Wrapping up
Some counterproductive behaviors can serve as
employee coping mechanisms in a stressful work
environment by way of withdraw.
Managers should try to understand why these
behaviors are occurring and address the issues that
Managers would be wise to remember that their
employees are human beings with needs that may be
able to be addressed by a 5 minute time out at work,
rather than taking a day off of work to deal with these
● Brimecombe, M. (n.d.). How to Reduce Counterproductive Employee
Behaviors - Athletic Business. Retrieved April 25, 2016, from
● CyberLoaf, CyberSlack, GoldBrick… Workplace Realities: The Impact of
Personal Internet Usage at Work…. (2014). Retrieved April 25, 2016, from
● Colquitt, J., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2011). Organizational
behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. New
York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
● Hartley, D. (2009, August). Three Ways to Stop Employees From Misusing
the Internet at Work. Retrieved April 25, 2016, from
● Rodriguez, M. (2015). The 5 Most Common Unethical Workplace
Behaviors – Behavioral... Retrieved April 25, 2016, from
● Scuderi, R. (2012). Top Employee Time-Wasters and How to Prevent
Them. Retrieved April 25, 2016, from
● Sidle, S. D.. (2010). Counterproductive Work Behavior: Can It Sometimes
Be Good to Be Bad?. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(3), 101–
103. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/29764979
 TEDEducation. (2013). Our buggy moral code - Dan Ariely. Retrieved April
27, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gomg-

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Why a lot of employees are a little unethical at work, and what to do about it?

  • 1. Why a lot of employees are a little unethical at work, and what to do about it? Group 3 Susan-Lynn Romeo
  • 2. What is Job Performance? ● Job performance is defined as “the set of values and employee behaviors that contribute either positively or negatively to organizational goal and accomplishment.” ● An excellent job performer fulfills all tasks and citizenship behaviors that are positive contributions to the organization. ● Counterproductive behaviors are things employees do that have a negative impact on the company. (Colquitt, LePine, Wesson, 2011)
  • 3. Unethical Workplace Behavior We are all guilty of it... —Cell phone use. —Internet use for personal matters. —Extended breaks. —Chatting with co-workers about social issues rather than work. —Personal telephone calls.
  • 4. Facts on Unethical Behavior ● 86.6% of employees had ignored or snubbed someone at work at least once and nearly 16% of employees were actively rude to colleagues sometimes or more frequently. ● Over half of employees (55.3%) had taken things from work at least once. ● 21.4% of employees had ignored HR policies or procedures ranging from occasionally to more frequently. ●22.1% of employees had sometimes or more frequently taken a sick day when they were well enough to work. ● The 31-40 age group for women was a high risk for counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs), probably because many were under enormous pressure to balance family and work commitments. ● Men were more likely to infringe against their coworkers, while women were more likely to infringe against the organization.
  • 5. Personal Internet Usage: Our Biggest Challenge ● 77% of people check their Facebook account on work computers. ● 20% of men admit to viewing pornography at work. ● 4% of men spend 1-2 hours per day gambling at work. ● 56% of people spend 30 minutes each day researching office betting pools. ● Employers lose $6.5 billion due to fantasy football. ● 77% of brides-to-be admit to using work hours to plan their wedding. ● 49% of people shop online while at work during the holiday season.
  • 6. What’s so wrong with unethical behavior? It is counter productive. ● This employee behavior intentionally undermines the organizational goals or accomplishments  It can create conflict, causing a hostile work environment  It can hinder the client base  It can cause a decline in morale Often times, this behavior can spread from one individual to others causing more frequent patterns in…  Absenteeism or Lateness  Significant decrease in production.  Bullying and physical or mental abuse to others  More frequent, inappropriate use of company time such as extensive internet browsing
  • 7. Impact of Unethical Behaviors for a Company ● Counterproductive behavior in the workplace can take many forms. ● It affects productivity and profitability of a business and the overall quality of the workplace culture. ● Inability to manage activities. ● Corporate liability. ● Damaged reputation. ● Declining customer and employee base. ● Quick turnover of employees. These are all complications an organization may face as a result of unethical behaviors.
  • 8. Your Role as a Manager ● Create ethical and moral value statements. ● Discuss ethics to the employees during reviews. ● Reinforce good ethical behavior. ● Retain good ethical employees. ● Make ethics a priority when hiring. ● Make yourself present and visible.
  • 9. Give a nudge. As Dan has explained in his TED talk ● Some studies have shown that having employees sign an honesty statement compelled them to adhere to being significantly more honest compared to the employees that did not sign the statement. ● Reinforce Specific Leadership Behaviors to Encourage Ethical Behavior ● Transparency, communication, and accountability around ethical behaviors are a few of the leadership behaviors commonly suggested to leaders. ● The behavior scientists can provide focuses on education and coaching on these behaviors to enable leaders to demonstrate critical behaviors, which demonstrate a focus on ethics and being ethical.
  • 10. Ways to Tackle Unwanted Internet Use ● Implement a policy to address Internet use. ● Written employee policies should lay out acceptable and unacceptable use of Internet. ● Train employees to know what is and is not allowed. ● You cannot expect employees to automatically know what you want from them. You must tell them. ● Monitor or restrict use of the Internet. ● Programs that block certain social websites are available and can be put in place on a company’s network.  Provide opportunities at certain times of the day for employees to use the internet.
  • 11. Can counter-productivity be productive? Stuart Sidle, the Author of the Academy of Management Perspectives, discussed a study performed involving individuals in the workplace facing unjust behavior and how it could be transposed as a benefit  There were two forms of CWBs that were focused on  Production Deviance  Withdrawal  With both forms of CWB, individuals were able to escape the unpleasant environment and decrease their mental exhaustion (preventing burn out)
  • 12. Productivity from Counter-productivity Production Deviance (Sidle)  performing tasks in a manner that is inappropriate whether or incorrect or at a slow pace  Individuals who participated in this behavior were seen to be less exhausted emotionally  This lessened the hostility in regard to the unjust environment to an extent Withdrawal (Sidle)  avoiding work by taking excessive breaks, arriving late, or leaving early  Those who participated in these behaviors were seen to escape unjust environments and “replenish their emotional resources” more easily.
  • 13. Wrapping up Some counterproductive behaviors can serve as employee coping mechanisms in a stressful work environment by way of withdraw. Managers should try to understand why these behaviors are occurring and address the issues that arise. Managers would be wise to remember that their employees are human beings with needs that may be able to be addressed by a 5 minute time out at work, rather than taking a day off of work to deal with these issues.
  • 14. Bibliography ● Brimecombe, M. (n.d.). How to Reduce Counterproductive Employee Behaviors - Athletic Business. Retrieved April 25, 2016, from http://www.athleticbusiness.com/staffing/how-to-reduce- counterproductive-employee-behaviors.html ● CyberLoaf, CyberSlack, GoldBrick… Workplace Realities: The Impact of Personal Internet Usage at Work…. (2014). Retrieved April 25, 2016, from http://bizshifts-trends.com/2014/11/05/cyberloafing-cyberslacking- goldbricking-modern-workplace-phenomenon-impact-personal-internet- usage-workplace/ ● Colquitt, J., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2011). Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ● Hartley, D. (2009, August). Three Ways to Stop Employees From Misusing the Internet at Work. Retrieved April 25, 2016, from http://www.talentmgt.com/articles/three_ways_to_stop_employees_from_ misusing_the_internet_at_work_
  • 15. Continued… ● Rodriguez, M. (2015). The 5 Most Common Unethical Workplace Behaviors – Behavioral... Retrieved April 25, 2016, from http://www.bsci21.org/the-5-most-common-unethical-workplace-behaviors/ ● Scuderi, R. (2012). Top Employee Time-Wasters and How to Prevent Them. Retrieved April 25, 2016, from https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small- business/openforum/articles/top-employee-time-wasters-and-how-to- prevent-them/ ● Sidle, S. D.. (2010). Counterproductive Work Behavior: Can It Sometimes Be Good to Be Bad?. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(3), 101– 103. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/29764979  TEDEducation. (2013). Our buggy moral code - Dan Ariely. Retrieved April 27, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gomg- PrQUTk#action=share