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Learning Objectives of this topic know the concept of self esteem. Learn the Importance of healthy self esteem. Be able to Identify the signs of low self esteem . Understand the foundations of self esteem. Learn some techniques to increase self esteem
Just answer TRUE or FALSE to each question  T  F   I am able to discuss my good points, skills, abilities, achievements, and successes with others.    T  F   I assert myself with someone whom I believe is violating or ignoring my rights.    T  F   I am content with who I am, how I act, and what I do in life.              T  F   I am not bothered by feelings of insecurity or anxiety when I meet people for the first time.  
T  F   My life is balanced between work, family life, social life, recreation/leisure, and spiritual life.    T  F   I am aware of the roles I play in my family . T  F   I am bonded with the significant others in my environment at home, work, school, at play, or in the community.  
T  F   I am able to perform the developmental tasks necessary to ensure my ongoing healthy self-esteem.    T  F   I am satisfied with my level of achievement at school, work, home, and in the community.    T  F   I am a good problem solver; my thinking is not clouded by irrational beliefs or fears.    T  F   I am willing to experience conflict, if necessary to protect my rights.
If you circled F for three or more of the preceding questions, you probably need to work at increasing your self-esteem.
WHAT IS SELF ESTEEM ? Self esteem is a particular way of experiencing the self. It is a way of thinking and acting and feeling. It is your tendency to experience yourself as being capable of coping with  life challenges  and of being  worthy  of  happiness and love
Positive self-esteem is the immune system of the spirit, helping an individual face life problems and bounce back from adversity
Where Does Self-Esteem Come From? Our self-esteem develops and evolves throughout our lives as we build an image of ourselves through our experiences with different people and activities.  Experiences during our childhood play a particularly large role in the shaping of our basic self-esteem.
When we were growing up, our successes (and failures) and how we were treated by the members of our immediate family, by our teachers,  religious authorities, and by our peers, all contributed to the creation of our basic self-esteem.
Our past experiences, even the things we don't usually think about, are all alive and active in our daily life in the form of an  Inner Voice .  For people with  healthy self-esteem  the messages of the inner voice are positive and reassuring .
For people with  low self-esteem , the inner voice becomes a harsh inner critic, constantly criticizing, punishing, and belittling their accomplishments.
What are the signs of low self-esteem?   Persons with low self-esteem:   Consider themselves lost, unworthy of being cared for.  Are poor risk takers.  Are typically unassertive in their behavior with others.
Are fearful of conflict with others.  Are hungry for the approval of others.  Are poor problem solvers.  Have a tendency to think irrationally.  Are susceptible to all kinds of fears.
Have a tendency to become emotionally stuck and immobilized.  Have a poor &quot;track record&quot; in school or on the job; conversely, they sometimes over compensate and become over-achievers.  Are unable to affirm or to reinforce themselves positively.
Are unable to make an honest assessment of their strengths, qualities, and good points; they find it difficult to accept compliments or recognition from others.  Have poorly defined self-identities  Are insecure, anxious, and nervous when they are with others.
Often become overcome with anger about their status in life and are likely to have chronic hostility or chronic depression.  Are easily overcome with despair and depression when they experience a setback or loss in their lives.  
Have a tendency to overreact and become de-energized by resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge  Fulfill roles in their families that are counter-productive and maladaptive.  These roles carry over into their adult lives.
Are vulnerable to mental health problems and have a propensity to use addictive behavior to medicate their hurt and pain.  Such addictive behavior can  include alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping, smoking, workaholism, or the search for excitement, truth, wisdom, and a guru with an easy guide to the achievement of happiness.
People with self-esteem: Have a productive personality; they  achieve success to the best of their ability in school, work, and society.   Have a healthy self-concept.  Their perception of themselves is harmonized with the picture of themselves they project to others.
Are capable of being creative, imaginative problem solvers; of being  risk takers, optimistic in their approach to life and in the attainment of their personal goals.   Are able to state clearly who they are, what their future potential is, and to what they are committed in life.  They are able to declare what they deserve to receive in their lifetime
Are able to accept the responsibility for and consequences of their actions.  They do not resort to shifting the blame or using others as scapegoats for actions that have resulted in a negative outcome .
Are leaders and are skillful in dealing with people.  They are neither too independent nor too dependent on others.
Are altruistic.  They have a legitimate concern for the  welfare of others.  They are not self-centered or egotistical in their outlook on life.
Have healthy coping skills.  They are able to handle the stresses in their lives in a productive way.  They have a good sense of humor and are able to keep a balance of work and fun in their lives.
They are goal-oriented with a sense of balance in working toward their goals.  They know from where they have come, where they are now, and where they are going.
Components of Self Esteem SE has two basic components. 1.Self efficacy:  Confidence in the ability to cope with life challenges. it leads to a sense of control over one’s life.
2.Self respect:  Experience oneself as deserving of happiness, achievement and love. Self respect makes possible a sense of community with others.
Pillars of Self Esteem Self esteem is a a consequence of following fundamental internal practices that require an ongoing commitment to self examination. 1. Self Acceptance : To be self accepting is to own and experience, without denial or disowning, the reality of, our thoughts , emotions and actions,
To be respectful and compassionate toward ourselves even, when we do not admire or enjoy some of our feelings or decisions; To refuse to be in an adversarial or rejecting relationship to ourselves.
2. Living Consciously: To live consciously is to be present to what we are doing: Facing facts that might be uncomfortable or threatening; To be aware of the world external to self and also to world within.
3. Self Responsibility: To be self responsible is to recognize that we are the author of our choices and actions; That we must be the ultimate source of our own fulfillment; That no one is coming to make our life right for us ,or Make us happy, or Give us self esteem.
4. Self Assertiveness: The willingness to express appropriately , our thoughts, values, and feelings.  To stand up for ourselves, To  speak and act from our deepest convictions.
5. Living purposefully: Setting goals and working to achieve them, rather than , living at the mercy of chance and outside forces. Developing self discipline.
6. Integrity: Acting in congruence with what we believe is right. To keep our promises and honor our commitments.
Increasing self esteem Attack your self destructive beliefs Engage in self affirmation Seek out nourishing people Work on projects that will result in Success

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Session 5 self esteem ( SMS )

  • 1.  
  • 2. Learning Objectives of this topic know the concept of self esteem. Learn the Importance of healthy self esteem. Be able to Identify the signs of low self esteem . Understand the foundations of self esteem. Learn some techniques to increase self esteem
  • 3. Just answer TRUE or FALSE to each question T  F I am able to discuss my good points, skills, abilities, achievements, and successes with others.   T F I assert myself with someone whom I believe is violating or ignoring my rights.   T F I am content with who I am, how I act, and what I do in life.             T  F I am not bothered by feelings of insecurity or anxiety when I meet people for the first time.  
  • 4. T  F My life is balanced between work, family life, social life, recreation/leisure, and spiritual life.   T  F I am aware of the roles I play in my family . T  F I am bonded with the significant others in my environment at home, work, school, at play, or in the community.  
  • 5. T F I am able to perform the developmental tasks necessary to ensure my ongoing healthy self-esteem.   T  F I am satisfied with my level of achievement at school, work, home, and in the community.   T F I am a good problem solver; my thinking is not clouded by irrational beliefs or fears.   T F I am willing to experience conflict, if necessary to protect my rights.
  • 6. If you circled F for three or more of the preceding questions, you probably need to work at increasing your self-esteem.
  • 9. WHAT IS SELF ESTEEM ? Self esteem is a particular way of experiencing the self. It is a way of thinking and acting and feeling. It is your tendency to experience yourself as being capable of coping with life challenges and of being worthy of happiness and love
  • 10. Positive self-esteem is the immune system of the spirit, helping an individual face life problems and bounce back from adversity
  • 11. Where Does Self-Esteem Come From? Our self-esteem develops and evolves throughout our lives as we build an image of ourselves through our experiences with different people and activities. Experiences during our childhood play a particularly large role in the shaping of our basic self-esteem.
  • 12. When we were growing up, our successes (and failures) and how we were treated by the members of our immediate family, by our teachers, religious authorities, and by our peers, all contributed to the creation of our basic self-esteem.
  • 13. Our past experiences, even the things we don't usually think about, are all alive and active in our daily life in the form of an Inner Voice . For people with healthy self-esteem the messages of the inner voice are positive and reassuring .
  • 14. For people with low self-esteem , the inner voice becomes a harsh inner critic, constantly criticizing, punishing, and belittling their accomplishments.
  • 15. What are the signs of low self-esteem? Persons with low self-esteem: Consider themselves lost, unworthy of being cared for. Are poor risk takers. Are typically unassertive in their behavior with others.
  • 16. Are fearful of conflict with others. Are hungry for the approval of others. Are poor problem solvers. Have a tendency to think irrationally. Are susceptible to all kinds of fears.
  • 17. Have a tendency to become emotionally stuck and immobilized. Have a poor &quot;track record&quot; in school or on the job; conversely, they sometimes over compensate and become over-achievers. Are unable to affirm or to reinforce themselves positively.
  • 18. Are unable to make an honest assessment of their strengths, qualities, and good points; they find it difficult to accept compliments or recognition from others. Have poorly defined self-identities Are insecure, anxious, and nervous when they are with others.
  • 19. Often become overcome with anger about their status in life and are likely to have chronic hostility or chronic depression. Are easily overcome with despair and depression when they experience a setback or loss in their lives.  
  • 20. Have a tendency to overreact and become de-energized by resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge Fulfill roles in their families that are counter-productive and maladaptive. These roles carry over into their adult lives.
  • 21. Are vulnerable to mental health problems and have a propensity to use addictive behavior to medicate their hurt and pain. Such addictive behavior can include alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping, smoking, workaholism, or the search for excitement, truth, wisdom, and a guru with an easy guide to the achievement of happiness.
  • 22. People with self-esteem: Have a productive personality; they achieve success to the best of their ability in school, work, and society. Have a healthy self-concept. Their perception of themselves is harmonized with the picture of themselves they project to others.
  • 23. Are capable of being creative, imaginative problem solvers; of being risk takers, optimistic in their approach to life and in the attainment of their personal goals. Are able to state clearly who they are, what their future potential is, and to what they are committed in life. They are able to declare what they deserve to receive in their lifetime
  • 24. Are able to accept the responsibility for and consequences of their actions. They do not resort to shifting the blame or using others as scapegoats for actions that have resulted in a negative outcome .
  • 25. Are leaders and are skillful in dealing with people. They are neither too independent nor too dependent on others.
  • 26. Are altruistic. They have a legitimate concern for the  welfare of others. They are not self-centered or egotistical in their outlook on life.
  • 27. Have healthy coping skills. They are able to handle the stresses in their lives in a productive way. They have a good sense of humor and are able to keep a balance of work and fun in their lives.
  • 28. They are goal-oriented with a sense of balance in working toward their goals. They know from where they have come, where they are now, and where they are going.
  • 29. Components of Self Esteem SE has two basic components. 1.Self efficacy: Confidence in the ability to cope with life challenges. it leads to a sense of control over one’s life.
  • 30. 2.Self respect: Experience oneself as deserving of happiness, achievement and love. Self respect makes possible a sense of community with others.
  • 31. Pillars of Self Esteem Self esteem is a a consequence of following fundamental internal practices that require an ongoing commitment to self examination. 1. Self Acceptance : To be self accepting is to own and experience, without denial or disowning, the reality of, our thoughts , emotions and actions,
  • 32. To be respectful and compassionate toward ourselves even, when we do not admire or enjoy some of our feelings or decisions; To refuse to be in an adversarial or rejecting relationship to ourselves.
  • 33. 2. Living Consciously: To live consciously is to be present to what we are doing: Facing facts that might be uncomfortable or threatening; To be aware of the world external to self and also to world within.
  • 34. 3. Self Responsibility: To be self responsible is to recognize that we are the author of our choices and actions; That we must be the ultimate source of our own fulfillment; That no one is coming to make our life right for us ,or Make us happy, or Give us self esteem.
  • 35. 4. Self Assertiveness: The willingness to express appropriately , our thoughts, values, and feelings. To stand up for ourselves, To speak and act from our deepest convictions.
  • 36. 5. Living purposefully: Setting goals and working to achieve them, rather than , living at the mercy of chance and outside forces. Developing self discipline.
  • 37. 6. Integrity: Acting in congruence with what we believe is right. To keep our promises and honor our commitments.
  • 38. Increasing self esteem Attack your self destructive beliefs Engage in self affirmation Seek out nourishing people Work on projects that will result in Success