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Overview What are your customers, clients or stakeholders doing? How is the Internet changing the role of advertising and public relations? What are the coolest sites and technologies? What can you do to improve your visibility online?
Web 1.0 – 2.0 How we use the web Access issues The Evolving Web
The evolving web Web 1.0 A small number of writers create web pages for a large number of readers. A  one-to-many  broadcast approach. Web 1.5 Personal publishing catches on and goes mainstream. Communities  of users form. Web 2.0 Information is broken up into  microcontent  units that can be distributed over dozens of domains.  The web of documents morphs into a web of data.   Content becomes part of a unified whole - an  ecosystem  - not an island.
How we’re using the web today News and information Entertainment E-commerce, multichannel retail E-Learning Politics Personal media sharing (photos, videos, blogs) Business research, marketing, sales Keeping in touch with friends and family
What they are Bookmarking Tagging Social Networks
Social Networks Internet applications that help connect friends, business partners or other individuals together using a variety of interactive tools.
Wikipedia:  Flickr is a photo sharing website, a web services suite and an online community platform www.flickr.com
Bookmarks & Tagging People-powered metadata Share bookmarked websites with others See what other people have bookmarked Classify information with user-defined labels or “tags” Implications for information architecture, social software and interface design
Wikipedia:  del.icio.us is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering  web bookmarks http://del.icio.us
Bookmarking goes mainstream Blue Dot  BookmarkSync  Digg  Diigo  Furl  GiveALink.org  My Web  Netvouz  Newsvine  Reddit  Simpy  SiteBar  StumbleUpon  Thoof
Google’s Universal Search
Concepts Tag clouds  provide a visual alternative to traditional web navigation Users can control labeling – but most popular tags often obscure less frequently used ones LibraryThing offers “Tagmash” using + and – keys to add and filter out keywords Geotagging  combines tags with geographic data: marker, latitude and longitude YouTube videos’ tags can be embedded in blogs
Things to consider Can users tag your content? Could you post informational videos on YouTube? Could you post geo-tagged photos on Flickr? Do you provide bookmarks or link to RSS? How might you create a community or social network around your product, service or content? Do you have a LinkedIn profile, or a MySpace page?
Second Life 3-D virtual world Imagined and created by its residents Navigate the space as an avatar Currency - Linden Dollars Individuals, businesses, schools and non-profits welcome Brands build virtual stores, hotels, sell products Used for preliminary interviews
How the world has changed Domestic search vs international search Search engine-friendly marketing The Importance of Search
How the world has changed In eleven years, the Internet has transformed into a truly  multilingual  environment 75% English 25% English 25% Non-English 75% Non-English
Internet Users InternetWorld Stats 2007
International search To attract users from outside the U.S., your website must be visible on local search engines Many international users speak English as a second language, but… … perform searches in their native languages  on local search engines Understanding differences between search engines in international markets is critical
Gaining international visibility It is  not  necessary to have your entire website translated, but…  You  do  need to have at least one page translated, optimized with keywords and meta tags
Visibility Tactics Search-optimized press releases Article submissions User-Generated Content Blogs and blog marketing Wikis and Squidoo lenses
Search Engine-Optimized P.R. Match what you offer with what users are searching for Develop keywords and key phrases  Build key phrases into releases Provide hyperlinks to deep content Leverage online press release distribution methods for maximum reach
Search Engine-Optimized P.R.
Article Submissions Write keyword and content-rich articles Post content in “article junctions” online Target sites that accept  HTML  format, so you can include hyperlinks back to your site Search engines like to index fresh content Post frequently to increase links to your site
Article Submissions
User-Generated Content Institute for Business Value Consumer Survey, Zoomerang.com 2007
Blog Marketing
Blogging Informal wins over formal Raise awareness about your product or service Drive qualified traffic to a relevant page on your website Generate “buzz” online Promote and strengthen your brand image Consider blog networks for sponsored posts
Wikis and Squidoo www.wikipedia.org www.squidoo.com
Universal Search Google results include not just text links, but also maps, images, news and video Results are aggregated on the main search page Universal search is having a major impact on natural and paid search results
Google’s Universal Search London joggers who took place in the Nike-sponsored 10K run could search runs by postcode, distance, or type of run; create a new run by clicking various points on the map; or save a list of their preferred routes.
The wild, wild west Google Earth
Google Earth Content International Flights Animation Geologic Atlas of the U.S. UNESCO Sites in Germany Rising Sea Level Animation Global Language Audio Virtual Tourism Videos Webcams Zakouma Ivory Wars in Chad City of London Timeline
Things to consider Have you staked your claim to some Google Earth real estate? Could you use layers and fly-bys to show off your office or retail locations? How could you add a third dimension to your location and directions map? Is your address information correct on Google?
Usability Testing Analytics Eye-Tracing Finding out what works
Usability Testing Test with 6-7 participants Captures 85-95% of issues Before/during design Avoids fixing mistakes later Software tools for remote testing with audio and video Define audience’s goals Remove obstacles www.usabilityprofessionals.org
Analytics Google Analytics Measure site statistics KPIs = goals Use in-built A/B testing Optimizer tool Test, refine and improve Javascript vs log files www.google.com/analytics/
Eye Tracking Eye-flow tracking + click data =  Heatmaps Test existing pages, prototype mock-ups  47% lift  in sponsorship ad click-throughs  10x  increase in home page click-throughs  www.cloudburstconsulting.com
Migration away from TV Advertising everywhere Online and offline integration Advertising and PR are changing
Future advertising trends No more “spray and pray” cluster bombs of advertising (hoping that some of it sticks) Online media planning  is pivotal Forget measuring eyeballs, measure  engagement More product placement, viral campaigns, and sponsorships “ Advertising won’t go away – it will go everywhere”
Online and offline meet: Motorby Internet sign-up Mini owners in Chicago, New York, Miami and San Francisco receive RFID  key fob Interactive digital billboards respond to RFID…
Billboards that know you by name www.nytimes.com/2007/01/29/business/media/29cooper.html
Thank You! Sign up for our free monthly  e-newsletter at:  www.CloudBurstConsulting.com For more information: E:  [email_address] T:  (407) 557-2380

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Cool and Crucial Online Marketing Tactics

  • 1. COOL AND CRUCIAL ONLINE MARKETING TACTICS Adrian Tennant [email_address]
  • 2. Overview What are your customers, clients or stakeholders doing? How is the Internet changing the role of advertising and public relations? What are the coolest sites and technologies? What can you do to improve your visibility online?
  • 3. Web 1.0 – 2.0 How we use the web Access issues The Evolving Web
  • 4. The evolving web Web 1.0 A small number of writers create web pages for a large number of readers. A one-to-many broadcast approach. Web 1.5 Personal publishing catches on and goes mainstream. Communities of users form. Web 2.0 Information is broken up into microcontent units that can be distributed over dozens of domains. The web of documents morphs into a web of data. Content becomes part of a unified whole - an ecosystem - not an island.
  • 5. How we’re using the web today News and information Entertainment E-commerce, multichannel retail E-Learning Politics Personal media sharing (photos, videos, blogs) Business research, marketing, sales Keeping in touch with friends and family
  • 6. What they are Bookmarking Tagging Social Networks
  • 7. Social Networks Internet applications that help connect friends, business partners or other individuals together using a variety of interactive tools.
  • 8. Wikipedia: Flickr is a photo sharing website, a web services suite and an online community platform www.flickr.com
  • 9. Bookmarks & Tagging People-powered metadata Share bookmarked websites with others See what other people have bookmarked Classify information with user-defined labels or “tags” Implications for information architecture, social software and interface design
  • 10. Wikipedia: del.icio.us is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks http://del.icio.us
  • 11. Bookmarking goes mainstream Blue Dot BookmarkSync Digg Diigo Furl GiveALink.org My Web Netvouz Newsvine Reddit Simpy SiteBar StumbleUpon Thoof
  • 14. Concepts Tag clouds provide a visual alternative to traditional web navigation Users can control labeling – but most popular tags often obscure less frequently used ones LibraryThing offers “Tagmash” using + and – keys to add and filter out keywords Geotagging combines tags with geographic data: marker, latitude and longitude YouTube videos’ tags can be embedded in blogs
  • 15. Things to consider Can users tag your content? Could you post informational videos on YouTube? Could you post geo-tagged photos on Flickr? Do you provide bookmarks or link to RSS? How might you create a community or social network around your product, service or content? Do you have a LinkedIn profile, or a MySpace page?
  • 16. Second Life 3-D virtual world Imagined and created by its residents Navigate the space as an avatar Currency - Linden Dollars Individuals, businesses, schools and non-profits welcome Brands build virtual stores, hotels, sell products Used for preliminary interviews
  • 18. How the world has changed Domestic search vs international search Search engine-friendly marketing The Importance of Search
  • 19. How the world has changed In eleven years, the Internet has transformed into a truly multilingual environment 75% English 25% English 25% Non-English 75% Non-English
  • 21. International search To attract users from outside the U.S., your website must be visible on local search engines Many international users speak English as a second language, but… … perform searches in their native languages on local search engines Understanding differences between search engines in international markets is critical
  • 22. Gaining international visibility It is not necessary to have your entire website translated, but… You do need to have at least one page translated, optimized with keywords and meta tags
  • 23. Visibility Tactics Search-optimized press releases Article submissions User-Generated Content Blogs and blog marketing Wikis and Squidoo lenses
  • 24. Search Engine-Optimized P.R. Match what you offer with what users are searching for Develop keywords and key phrases Build key phrases into releases Provide hyperlinks to deep content Leverage online press release distribution methods for maximum reach
  • 26. Article Submissions Write keyword and content-rich articles Post content in “article junctions” online Target sites that accept HTML format, so you can include hyperlinks back to your site Search engines like to index fresh content Post frequently to increase links to your site
  • 28. User-Generated Content Institute for Business Value Consumer Survey, Zoomerang.com 2007
  • 30. Blogging Informal wins over formal Raise awareness about your product or service Drive qualified traffic to a relevant page on your website Generate “buzz” online Promote and strengthen your brand image Consider blog networks for sponsored posts
  • 31. Wikis and Squidoo www.wikipedia.org www.squidoo.com
  • 32. Universal Search Google results include not just text links, but also maps, images, news and video Results are aggregated on the main search page Universal search is having a major impact on natural and paid search results
  • 33. Google’s Universal Search London joggers who took place in the Nike-sponsored 10K run could search runs by postcode, distance, or type of run; create a new run by clicking various points on the map; or save a list of their preferred routes.
  • 34.  
  • 35. The wild, wild west Google Earth
  • 36.  
  • 37.  
  • 38. Google Earth Content International Flights Animation Geologic Atlas of the U.S. UNESCO Sites in Germany Rising Sea Level Animation Global Language Audio Virtual Tourism Videos Webcams Zakouma Ivory Wars in Chad City of London Timeline
  • 39. Things to consider Have you staked your claim to some Google Earth real estate? Could you use layers and fly-bys to show off your office or retail locations? How could you add a third dimension to your location and directions map? Is your address information correct on Google?
  • 40. Usability Testing Analytics Eye-Tracing Finding out what works
  • 41. Usability Testing Test with 6-7 participants Captures 85-95% of issues Before/during design Avoids fixing mistakes later Software tools for remote testing with audio and video Define audience’s goals Remove obstacles www.usabilityprofessionals.org
  • 42. Analytics Google Analytics Measure site statistics KPIs = goals Use in-built A/B testing Optimizer tool Test, refine and improve Javascript vs log files www.google.com/analytics/
  • 43. Eye Tracking Eye-flow tracking + click data = Heatmaps Test existing pages, prototype mock-ups 47% lift in sponsorship ad click-throughs 10x increase in home page click-throughs www.cloudburstconsulting.com
  • 44. Migration away from TV Advertising everywhere Online and offline integration Advertising and PR are changing
  • 45. Future advertising trends No more “spray and pray” cluster bombs of advertising (hoping that some of it sticks) Online media planning is pivotal Forget measuring eyeballs, measure engagement More product placement, viral campaigns, and sponsorships “ Advertising won’t go away – it will go everywhere”
  • 46. Online and offline meet: Motorby Internet sign-up Mini owners in Chicago, New York, Miami and San Francisco receive RFID key fob Interactive digital billboards respond to RFID…
  • 47. Billboards that know you by name www.nytimes.com/2007/01/29/business/media/29cooper.html
  • 48. Thank You! Sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter at: www.CloudBurstConsulting.com For more information: E: [email_address] T: (407) 557-2380

Editor's Notes

  1. http://www.cloudburstconsulting.com/img/generic/g_clouds.jpg CloudBurstConsulting.com March 2008 Cool and Crucial Online Marketing Tactics