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Building and Sharing  Knowledge Base with Wikis November 23, 2007 Presenter: Newton Vivor
Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources Review of Sharing Methods Introduction to Wikis The WAHO Blindness Prevention Wiki Getting Started  Training and Practice Session Next Steps Wiki Development
Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources eMail Very common, fast, cheap and easy to use Allows quick group or 1-to-1 communications Disadvantage: Is not a sustainable method for sharing information Resources are on individual computers, neither organized nor accessible to others Wiki Development
Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources Websites A good means to store and access knowledge and information resources Is semi-permanent Disadvantage: Is difficult to use for those with low bandwidth connections It can be difficult to find what you need It is structured and maintained by a single person or organization Wiki Development
Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources Websites (continued) Websites give those working in the development sector access to large amounts of helpful resources Wiki Development
Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources An Important Trend Web 2.0 Giving more opportunities and control to users of the internet to publish their own content: documents, files, research, knowledge, etc. Examples Blogs Wikis Wiki Development
What's a blog? A  blog  is an easy-to-use web site, where individuals can quickly post thoughts, articles, pictures, interact with people, and more…   Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources
Wiki Development
Introduction to Wikis - Wikispaces Wikis Content management system Allows people to collaboratively develop a Web site without any prior training Wikis do not have a single author or editor, but many – perhaps thousands Wiki = quick (in Hawaiian) Wiki Development
Introduction to Wikis Wikis & Knowledge-Information Resources Wikis are an ideal tool to organize and store a permanent knowledge base – online – for others to use and contribute to Professionals can easily contribute their expertise to a shared knowledge base Wiki Development
Wiki Structure All wikis start off as a single blank page Pages are created and connected by hyperlinks No ownership of pages; anyone can change the work of others
Wiki Components Pages community members can add to or edit  Discussion area for each page List of all of the changes made to a particular page (version control) List of all changes made to all pages.
Principles Advantages of Wikis Easy to use Web-based Free  Anyone can make changes (edit other  people’s work) Flexible and extensible No one owns content Good for collaborative group work
Introduction to Wikis Wikis in the International Development Sector Ministries, NGOs and Funders are beginning to understand the power of wikis, and pilot sites and experiments are beginning to appear  Wikis can be a valuable tool to enhance our professional knowledge and effectiveness The technology is simple, but behavior change is often required Wiki Development
Planning and Designing a Wiki Page A wiki page must have: -  Good presentation -  Must be legible -  Multiple pages linked Guidelines Wiki Development
Getting Started Wiki Development
Practice Session Setting up a Wikispace member account: Membership  by invitation  Activate the link in the email to access the account creation page Provide your  username, password and email address to sign up Wiki Development
Practice Session Sign Up Fill in all spaces and click Join to submit
View your Page Once you have created your account you need to sign in You will see this screen Practice Session Wiki Development
Wiki Development
Opening Page Left side is your navigation New page Recent changes Manage space Search &Home -----Picture---- Practice Session Wiki Development
Opening Page Top area are your page tools Edit Page History Notify me Discussion -----Picture---- Practice Session Wiki Development
Opening Page The center area is where your message will go Practice Session Wiki Development
Editing your page Click on the word Edit You will see this toolbar: Practice Session Wiki Development It works just like a word processor You can add lines, links, pictures, media sources, tables and special characters
Editing your page Type in some information Use the bold, underline, etc to see what happens Practice Session Wiki Development
To add a hyperlink Type in either a website name – such as  www.ooas.org  or www.cnn.com Highlight the text and click on the WORLD icon (the first world on the toolbar) Practice Session Wiki Development
To add a hyperlink You will see this window Practice Session Wiki Development If you wish to link within wiki, you would use the wiki link- that is how you can link from page to page within your wiki Try using the external link you wish to go to once you click on the text
Save Your Page Once you have added text to your page make  sure you SAV E your page Practice Session Wiki Development
Working with your Wiki The lift side tools allows you to  work through your page If you wish to create a New page just click on New page. All editing, etc stays the same on each page Recent changes is a great way to track what is added to your page Manage your space gives you control  over your page. Practice Session Wiki Development
Recent Changes -  Great Tool This tool allows you to track WHO has added data your wiki -Let’s pretend that your are using wiki within your class and you invite each student to join -  with a nickname of course And you assign a question to be answered on the  wiki for homework - This tool allows you to see WHO has posted and when Practice Session Wiki Development
Embedding Slides, Video and Audio  Embedding Photo Slides Hands On: Signup and upload pictures to flickr.com  Use  http ://slideflickr.com   to get the embedded code for the wiki site  by entering your flickr.com account name Paste  code into the wiki page
Embedding Slides, video and audio  Embedding PowerPoint Slides Hands On: Signup and upload slides to www.slideshare.net Use  www.slideshare.net  to get the embedded code for the wiki site  by entering your slideshare.net  account name Paste  code into the wiki page
Practice Session To upload / insert pictures Type in word  or sentence for identifying document or picture such as list of  PRESENTATIONS Click on the PICTURE icon Upload the document or picture Position the cursor at the end of  PRESENTATIONS  and double click the uploaded document or picture The document or picture is then inserted into the wiki page
Some Thoughts Wikispaces also has some Tour you might wish to take at  https://www.wikispaces.com/  (it has audio) Don’t worry if you make mistakes on your WIKI – you can also Edit/Undo or just save Check out the help option if you get stuck or drop me an email Practice Session Wiki Development
Questions? Comments?
Conclusion Wiki is an essential tool for information management and sharing among friends, families, colleagues and Institutions Wiki is highly useful for Best Practice dissemination Wikis are free to use Wikis are easy to create and use - They do not require special web development knowledge

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Wikispace Presentation

  • 1. Building and Sharing Knowledge Base with Wikis November 23, 2007 Presenter: Newton Vivor
  • 2. Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources Review of Sharing Methods Introduction to Wikis The WAHO Blindness Prevention Wiki Getting Started Training and Practice Session Next Steps Wiki Development
  • 3. Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources eMail Very common, fast, cheap and easy to use Allows quick group or 1-to-1 communications Disadvantage: Is not a sustainable method for sharing information Resources are on individual computers, neither organized nor accessible to others Wiki Development
  • 4. Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources Websites A good means to store and access knowledge and information resources Is semi-permanent Disadvantage: Is difficult to use for those with low bandwidth connections It can be difficult to find what you need It is structured and maintained by a single person or organization Wiki Development
  • 5. Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources Websites (continued) Websites give those working in the development sector access to large amounts of helpful resources Wiki Development
  • 6. Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources An Important Trend Web 2.0 Giving more opportunities and control to users of the internet to publish their own content: documents, files, research, knowledge, etc. Examples Blogs Wikis Wiki Development
  • 7. What's a blog? A blog is an easy-to-use web site, where individuals can quickly post thoughts, articles, pictures, interact with people, and more…   Sharing Knowledge, Information and Resources
  • 9. Introduction to Wikis - Wikispaces Wikis Content management system Allows people to collaboratively develop a Web site without any prior training Wikis do not have a single author or editor, but many – perhaps thousands Wiki = quick (in Hawaiian) Wiki Development
  • 10. Introduction to Wikis Wikis & Knowledge-Information Resources Wikis are an ideal tool to organize and store a permanent knowledge base – online – for others to use and contribute to Professionals can easily contribute their expertise to a shared knowledge base Wiki Development
  • 11. Wiki Structure All wikis start off as a single blank page Pages are created and connected by hyperlinks No ownership of pages; anyone can change the work of others
  • 12. Wiki Components Pages community members can add to or edit Discussion area for each page List of all of the changes made to a particular page (version control) List of all changes made to all pages.
  • 13. Principles Advantages of Wikis Easy to use Web-based Free Anyone can make changes (edit other people’s work) Flexible and extensible No one owns content Good for collaborative group work
  • 14. Introduction to Wikis Wikis in the International Development Sector Ministries, NGOs and Funders are beginning to understand the power of wikis, and pilot sites and experiments are beginning to appear Wikis can be a valuable tool to enhance our professional knowledge and effectiveness The technology is simple, but behavior change is often required Wiki Development
  • 15. Planning and Designing a Wiki Page A wiki page must have: - Good presentation - Must be legible - Multiple pages linked Guidelines Wiki Development
  • 16. Getting Started Wiki Development
  • 17. Practice Session Setting up a Wikispace member account: Membership by invitation Activate the link in the email to access the account creation page Provide your username, password and email address to sign up Wiki Development
  • 18. Practice Session Sign Up Fill in all spaces and click Join to submit
  • 19. View your Page Once you have created your account you need to sign in You will see this screen Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 21. Opening Page Left side is your navigation New page Recent changes Manage space Search &Home -----Picture---- Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 22. Opening Page Top area are your page tools Edit Page History Notify me Discussion -----Picture---- Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 23. Opening Page The center area is where your message will go Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 24. Editing your page Click on the word Edit You will see this toolbar: Practice Session Wiki Development It works just like a word processor You can add lines, links, pictures, media sources, tables and special characters
  • 25. Editing your page Type in some information Use the bold, underline, etc to see what happens Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 26. To add a hyperlink Type in either a website name – such as www.ooas.org or www.cnn.com Highlight the text and click on the WORLD icon (the first world on the toolbar) Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 27. To add a hyperlink You will see this window Practice Session Wiki Development If you wish to link within wiki, you would use the wiki link- that is how you can link from page to page within your wiki Try using the external link you wish to go to once you click on the text
  • 28. Save Your Page Once you have added text to your page make sure you SAV E your page Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 29. Working with your Wiki The lift side tools allows you to work through your page If you wish to create a New page just click on New page. All editing, etc stays the same on each page Recent changes is a great way to track what is added to your page Manage your space gives you control over your page. Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 30. Recent Changes - Great Tool This tool allows you to track WHO has added data your wiki -Let’s pretend that your are using wiki within your class and you invite each student to join - with a nickname of course And you assign a question to be answered on the wiki for homework - This tool allows you to see WHO has posted and when Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 31. Embedding Slides, Video and Audio Embedding Photo Slides Hands On: Signup and upload pictures to flickr.com Use http ://slideflickr.com to get the embedded code for the wiki site by entering your flickr.com account name Paste code into the wiki page
  • 32. Embedding Slides, video and audio Embedding PowerPoint Slides Hands On: Signup and upload slides to www.slideshare.net Use www.slideshare.net to get the embedded code for the wiki site by entering your slideshare.net account name Paste code into the wiki page
  • 33. Practice Session To upload / insert pictures Type in word or sentence for identifying document or picture such as list of PRESENTATIONS Click on the PICTURE icon Upload the document or picture Position the cursor at the end of PRESENTATIONS and double click the uploaded document or picture The document or picture is then inserted into the wiki page
  • 34. Some Thoughts Wikispaces also has some Tour you might wish to take at https://www.wikispaces.com/ (it has audio) Don’t worry if you make mistakes on your WIKI – you can also Edit/Undo or just save Check out the help option if you get stuck or drop me an email Practice Session Wiki Development
  • 36. Conclusion Wiki is an essential tool for information management and sharing among friends, families, colleagues and Institutions Wiki is highly useful for Best Practice dissemination Wikis are free to use Wikis are easy to create and use - They do not require special web development knowledge