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12. ve 13. yüzyıllar, dünya tarihinin en hareketli dönemlerindendir. Çok büyük coğrafyalara etki eden savaşlar gerçekleşmiş, devletler yıkılmış ve yenileri kurulmuştur. Aynı zamanda bu dönem, büyük savaşların gerçekleşmesi hasebiyle çok... more
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      Islamic StudiesMongolsOrtaçağ TarihiMongols and Mamluks
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      Mongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsHistory of MongoliaHistory of the Mongol Empire
Ismeretes, hogy az Ujgur Birodalom bukását követően, az ujgurok egy része, az uralkodó-család a Yaγlaqar vezetésével a Selyemút egy kritikus szakaszán, a Kanszu-folyosó középső részén talált új otthonra. Az ujgurok történetét, Kínával... more
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaUyghursMongolia
In 2020, the doctor of historical sciences V. V. Trepavlov turns 60 years old. The article describes the biography and career path of the scientist. Interest in the history of Eurasian nomads appeared in V. V. Trepavlov in his school and... more
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      MongolsLife of Genghis KhanHistory of Golden HordeTurks
Hint kıtasında yaklaşık sekiz asır süren Müslüman Türk hâkimiyeti döneminde, Hindu toplumuna yön veren düşünürler, kendi perspektiflerinden İslâm’ı ve müntesiplerini tahlil edip konumlandırmaya çalışmışlardır. Kimisi ötekileştirici bir... more
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      HinduismHistory of IndiaIndian studiesSocial Interaction
This booklet is by the late Professor/Dr Kwei-Sun Wei. FOREWORD With the posthumous publication of "THE MOGHULS, Chingizid and Timurid: Connections and Differences" by Professor Wei Kwei-Sun, the Society pays tribute to the scholarly... more
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      Mongolian StudiesYuan DynastyHistory of the Mongol EmpireYuan and Ming Dynasty China
This is the preface and first chapter of Making Mongol History, Rashid al-Din and the Jami` al-Tawarikh (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019). The full book is available from EUP:... more
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      HistoriographyIranian StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesMongolian Studies
Elinizdeki kitabın temel iddiası da, en eski tarihî devirlerden ortaçağlara ve modern döneme, Türkler ve İskitlerin aynı halklar olduğudur. Bu iddia, atlı-savaşçı Türk-İskitlerin konar-göçer yaşam tarzı unsurları ve eklemeli dilleri... more
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      Turkish HistoryScythiansTurksih Traditions and CustomsScythian History
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      PoetryCentral Asian StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam
Köklü ve eski bir Güneydoğu Anadolu kenti olan Adıyaman bu özelliğine rağmen üzerinde az araştırmalar yapılmış şehirlerden birisidir. Adıyaman şehri cumhuriyet döneminde 1954 yılında bugünkü ilçeleri ile birlikte Malatya ilinden ayrılarak... more
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      Armenian StudiesIslam in TurkeySelçuklu TarihiIran Armenian Studies
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      CossacksHistory of Turks and Mongols
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      Song DynastyHistory of the Mongol EmpireChinese Military HistoryMedieval China
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    • History of Turks and Mongols
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      TurksHistory of Turks and Mongols
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      History of the MongolsHistory of Turks and Mongols
Монография представляет собой опыт исследования воп-росов исторической географии и этнической истории Внутренней Азии и Сибири на основе совокупности сведений письменных, этнографических, лингвистических и фольклорных материалов.... more
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      Historical GeographyInner Asian StudiesOnomasticsMongolian Studies
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      GeneticsPopulation GeneticsMongolian StudiesHistory of the Mongol Empire
This book tells a story of serendipity. Two Christian monks left China about 1274, headed to Jerusalem. Travelling on an itinerary similar to that of Marco Polo, they reached Iran, ruled by a Mongol dynasty, the Ilkhans. There, what they... more
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      Middle East StudiesCrusadesHistory of the Mongol EmpireSyriac Studies
Regarding the context of the titles Qaghan (Khaqan) and Khan, and their relations with each other, a consensus has not been reached until now among scholars studying the organization of Turkic and Mongol polities. Some scholars are of the... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesInner Asian HistoryCentral Asia
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMedieval HistoryCentral Asian Studies
Anadolu coğrafyasının merkezî denilebilecek ancak dağlarla etrafı çevrelenmiş bir yerleşim yeri olan Ermenek’in tarihi Eski Çağ’a kadar uzanır. Stratejik konum açısından önemli bir yerde bulunan Ermenek tarih boyunca Asurluların,... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMongolian StudiesMedieval Islam
In Turkistan the two century period following the Mongol invasion was a time of ferment, crucial for the future of Islam in the region for, the immediate consequences of the Mongol conquests had been the displacement of Islam as the state... more
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      Central Asian StudiesTatarsHistory of Turks and Mongols
Concise Encyclopedia on the archaeology, history and culture of Xiongnu (3rd c. BCE - 2nd c. CE), the first empire in Mongolia.
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaInner Asian History
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      Mamluk StudiesSlave TradeEthnic IdentitiesMongols
Mongolian campaign histories were used to justify the distribution of appanages (nuntuq) among the descendants of Chinggis Khan. The notably lackluster record of Jochi, Chinggis Khan's eldest son, as seen in many of the standard accounts... more
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of the Mongol EmpireHistory of KazakhstanHistory of Golden Horde
Türkmenlerin ilk olarak Anadolu’ya yerleşmeleri tartışmalı bir konudur. Fakat bugün XI. yüzyıl olduğuna dair ortak bir noktada toplanma girişimleri de artmaktadır. Bununla beraber, Anadolu’nun bu tarihte dağınık bir imparatorluk bakiyesi... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMongolian StudiesIslamic Studies
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesIslamic PhilosophyPersian Language
Türklerin İslâmiyete geçişleri ve bunun nedenleri konusunda farklı görüşler bulunmaktadır. Bu konuda öne sürülen görüşlerden birine göre, eski Türk inançları ile İslâmiyet arasında, özellikle de Teŋri ve Allah kavramlarında benzerlikler... more
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      History of ReligionReligious ConversionTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish History
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      Persian LiteratureIndian studiesPersian LanguageMughal History
The nomadic people of Central Asia, including Mongols, lived in the vast area covering the forest-steppe zone and the desert for hundreds of years, engaged in nomadic cattle breeding. They have created a very special suit, adapted to the... more
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
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      Central AsiaSelçuklularHistory of Turks and Mongols
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      Eurasian NomadsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyTurkish and Middle East StudiesCultural Anthropology, Anthropology of Nomadic Societies; Oral Cultures
Göktürk Kağanlığı'nın siyasî tarihini ele alan bazı araştırmacılar, bu devletin Doğu ve Batı Kağanlıkları olarak ikiye ayrılmasının 581'de yaşandığını, Batı Göktürk Kağanlığı'nın bu yılda Tardu Ḳaġan tarafından kurulduğunu, devletin... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkic Speaking PeoplesTurkic StudiesTurks
Chengis Khan's portrait has never been that of a benevolent emperor and that has especially not been the case with Minhaj who presents an anti-Mongol account and criticizes them throughout his writings. The account captures with great... more
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      Central Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesCentral Asia (History)History of the Mongol Empire
На основе детального анализа целого комплекса письменных и изобразительных источников, рассматриваются причины, цели, условия создания книжных миниатюр в венгерских хрониках XIV-XV вв., содержащих сцены монгольского нашествия на... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval StudiesMongolian Studies
This PhD dissertation is accessible via the link below. ABSTRACT There are arguably two ways of understanding the fundamental processes of military history. One emphasizes unchanging principles in warfare and that conduct of war is... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades
Kültür, bir milletin ortak yaşam tarzıdır. Kültürün en önemli unsurları, gelenek, görenek ve inançlardır. Her milletin sahip olduğu gelenek, görenek ve inançların sosyal yaşama yansıyan yüzü ise bayramlardır. Milletler tarihsel süreç... more
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      Turkic Speaking PeoplesTurkish LiteratureOld TurkicOld Turkic Culture
Bu Çalışmada; İslam’ın ilk ortaya çıktığı Yakın Doğu coğrafyasın da XIII. Yüzyıl’a gelindiğinde, Doğu’da; önünde hiçbir gücün duramadığı ve geçtiği her toprakta baş üstünde baş taş üstünde taş bırakmayan Moğolların adeta İslam’ı ilk... more
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      HistoryNear Eastern StudiesMedieval HistoryAnatolian Studies
Öz Hızır inancı farklı şekillerde de olsa birçok toplumda görülmektedir. İslam toplumlarında bu düşüncenin kabul görmesinde nasların doğrudan katkısı olmuştur. Türk halk inancında önemli karşılığı olan bu inanç Alevi-Bektaşi düşüncesine... more
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      Islamic sectsShia studiesAlawitesHistory of Turks and Mongols
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      Traditional Marking SystemsHistory of Turks and Mongols
Karakoyunlu kabilesinin adı, totemlerinin koyun olması ile alakalı sayılıyorsa da, eski Türklerde olduğu gibi totem olarak kabul edilen hayvanın etinin yenmesi yasak olduğundan, bu adın onlara ait sürülerin rengi ile ilgili olması daha... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryHistory of Turks and MongolsAkkoyunlus and Karakoyunlus
A törökségnek arra a korai korszakára vonatkozóan, amikor a tételes vallások még nem terjedtek el széles körben, egyetlen olyan belső keletkezésű (ótörök nyelvű) forráscsoport áll rendelkezésünkre, amely alapján a korabeli vallásos... more
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      History of ReligionShamanismHistory of Turks and MongolsTengri
Review of a book on evolution of the Qazaqliq social practice and institution in Eurasian steeps and the formation of Qazaq (Kazakh) people.(In English)
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      Eurasian NomadsEurasiaCentral Eurasian StudiesTurks
The identification of the various peoples who lived on the medieval Eurasian Steppe has always been an engaging problem among scholars of the early history of this territory. The Arabs came into contact with Central Asian peoples from... more
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      Eurasian NomadsEthnonymsHungarian Conquest PeriodHistory of Turks and Mongols
The role of the Oirat Khoshuts people in the history of Tibet in the middle 17th – first third of the 18th centuries is known: due to their military support, the Dalai Lama has taken power thus finishing multiyear competition of various... more
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      History of Buddhism in China and TibetOirat HistoryHistory of Turks and Mongols
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesMongolian Studies
The problems of working with data of such historical source as “Wèi Shū” 魏書 (The [Official] History of the Wèi [Dynasty]) are well known because the original version of the work was lost. The reconstructed version was largely based on the... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsCentral Asia (History)Inner Asian History
Pakistan tribes
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      AfghanistanMongolian StudiesPakistanTimurids (Islamic History)
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      OnomasticsHistory of IranTurkish LanguageTürkish Onomastic
Сул и Чола – два топонима из разных историографических традиций. Среди ис-следователей средневековой истории Кавказской Албании и ее взаимоотношений с кочевниками практически нет разногласий по поводу того, что эти термины являются... more
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      Sassanian PersiaHistory of AzerbaijanSouth Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) in PrehistorySouth Caucasus