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Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory
     Department of General Engineering
     University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
     Urbana, IL 61801.

Searle, Intentionality, and the
Future of Classifier Systems
                    David E. Goldberg
     Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory
   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
                Urbana, IL 61801
1980 v. Now
    Remember thinking how cool LCSs

    Just apply them to gas pipelines

    and voila, all AI problems of
    Western Civilization would be
    Started to ask John for examples

    of successful application.
    Found out that I was in the

    middle of an interesting idea, not
    a working computer program.
                                         John H. Holland (b. 1929)
    Are we happy with LCSs?

    What’s Searle got to do with it.

    Revisiting the Chinese room.

    Art Burkes had it right.

    Designing a conscious computer.

    Searlean program for LCSs:

        Computational consciousness not impossible.
        From consciousness to intentionality.
        Intentionality and beyond.

    What are we missing?

    What should we do?
Are We Happy With LCSs?
    Have made progress:

        Increasingly competent, solve hard problems
        quickly reliably and accurately.
        Principled manner.

    But don’t seem very intelligent:

        Do what we tell them.

        Not autonomous in any serious sense.

        Our discussions are largely technical.

        Are we focused on right problems?
What’s Searle Got to Do With It?
     Mill Prof of Philosophy of Berkeley.
     Philosopher of language and mind.

     Early work took off from Austin’s work on
     speech acts.
     Searle is Darth Vader of artificial
     Notorious Chinese Room argument has
     always puzzled me.
     In many ways, Searle is high philosophical
     priest of emergence.
                                                  John R. Searle (b. 1932)
     Rejects dualism & materialism.
     Couldn’t understand how he could miss
     possibility of more than mere systactical
The Chinese Room Argument

    Strong AI is not possible on a computer.

    Monolingual English speaker in a room with

        Chinese writing (story)

        2nd Chinese symbols (questions)

        Instructions in English for relating first set of symbols
        to second.
        3rd set of Chinese symbols (answers)

    English speaker does not understand Chinese even

    if answers are indistinguishable from those of
    Chinese speaker.
Cracks in the Chinese Room

    Mind, Language & Society,
    Basic Books, 1998, p. 53.
    “When I say that the brain
    is a biological organ and
    consciousness a biological
    process, I do not, of course,
    say or imply that it would
    be impossible to produce an
    artificial brain out of
    nonbiological materials.”
More Searle

    “The heart is also a biological organ, and the

    pumping of blood a biological process, but it is
    possible to build an artificial heart that pumps
    blood. There is no reason, in principle, why we
    could not similarly make an artificial brain that
    causes consciousness.”
    Searle was complaining about direct approach to

    Without consciousness and intentionality there

    cannot be intelligence.
    How do we create an intelligent, conscious being?
Arthur Burks Had Interesting Take

      Robots and Free
      Minds, University of
      Michigan, 1986.
      “Tonight I will
      advocate the thesis: A
Chapter 5: Evolution and Intentionality

      “The course of biological evolution from cells
      to Homo sapiens has been a gradual
      development of intentional systems from
      direct-response systems.”
      “The [intentional] system contains a model of
      its present status in relation to its goal and
      regularly updates that model on the basis of
      the information it receives. Finally, it decides
      what to do after consulting a strategy, which
      has value assessments attached in to various
      alternative courses of action.”
CS-1 Had Bio/Psycho Roots
    CS-1 had reservoirs for
    hunger and thirst (Holland
    & Reitman, 1978).
    Schemata processors
    paper had reservoirs, too
    (Holland, 1971).
    CS-1 worked in maze
    running task.
    But design was Lockean.

    Tabula rasa for everything
    except rule firing,
    apportionment of credit,
    and rule discovery.
    Is this enough?
    Thesis: Can’t take shortcut
    around consciousness and
So You Want a Conscious Computer

      What does this mean?

      Consciousness is complex, emergent
      How can we design it?

      Don’t throw pieces together and hope for
      the best.
      My experience: Emergent phenomena
      emerge when (a) key elements are present
      and (b) system tuned properly.
      Consider more Searle.
Shooting for C Not Crazy

    Shooting for GA competence was crazy.

    Have accomplished.


        Considered essential elements.

        Built qual/quant theories of how they worked.

        Designed until limits of performance achieved.

    Can do the same for
Searle’s Greatest Hits

    Mind as biological phenomenon.

    Function of consciousness.

    Features of consciousness.

    How the mind works: Intentionality.

    The good stuff comes from intentionality:
    Language & other institutional fact.
    What are we missing?
Mind as Biology
    Consciousness is the primary feature of
    3 features of consciousness:
        Inner: in body and in sequence of events.
        Qualitative: certain way they feel.
        Subjective: first person ontology (does not
        preclude objective epistemology).
    Enormous variety of consciousness: smell a
    rose, worry about income taxes, sudden
    rage about driver, etc.
Functions of Consciousness
    What does it do? What is survival value?

    What doesn’t it do for our species?

    Consciousness is central to our survival.

    All actions a result of conscious thought
    followed by action.
Consciousness, Intentionality, & Causation

      Represent world, and act on representations.

      Intentional causation: Not billiard ball causation.

      Not all consciousness intentionally causal, but much
      Should be best understood; are we not in touch
      with it always? Descartes’s error.
      Yet difficult to describe: Can describe objects,
      moods, thoughts, but not C itself.

          Not itself an object of observation (consciousness
          observes but is not observed).
          Tradition of separating mind/body: dualism.
Features of C
      Ontological subjectivity.

      C comes in unified form. Thinking and feeling go on

      at same time in same field of C: Vertical & horizontal.
      C connects us to world (Tie to intentionality).

      C states come in moods.

      Always structured.

      Varying degrees of attention.

      C is situated.

      Varying degrees of familiarity.

      Refer to other things

      Always pleasurable or unpleasurable
How the Mind Works: Intentionality

      Primary evolutionary role of C is to relate
      us to environment.
      Cannot eliminate intentionality of mind by
      appealing to language; already
      intentionality of the mind.
      Searle: Urge to reduce it to something else
      is faulty.
      DEG: As designers we need to reduce it to
      something and then find conditions of
      emergence among those things.
Intentionality as Biology

    Thirst, hunger as basic, causing desire to
    drink or eat.
    Once this granted, camel nose under the
    tent, intentions based on other sensory.
    Isn’t reality “confirmed” by our “success” in
    achieving intentional goals over and over
Structure of Intentional States

    Intentionality as way mental states are directed at
    objects & states of affairs.
    Can be directed at things that don’t exist?

    How can this be?

    Distinguish between type of intentional state and
    Content: rain; Types: hope, believe, fear rain.

    Structural features:

        Direction of fit
        Conditions of satisfaction
Direction of Fit
    Term: from Austin, foreshadowed by Wittgenstein,

    examples Anscombe.
    Anscombe’s lists:

        Shopping list: Beer, butter, bacon. Husband matches
        world to list.
        Detective’s list: Follows shopper, “beer, butter,
        bacon,” matches list to world.
    Not all intentional states like this: e.g. when you

    are sorry, assume match between mind and world.
    Intentional state is null.
Conditions of Satisfaction
    Beliefs can be true or false.

    Goals can be achieved or not.

    Easier to understand in terms of speech acts.

    Have 5 illocutionary points or types:

         Assertive: commit to the truth.

         Directive: direct hearer to do something.

         Commissive: speaker promises to do something.

         Expressive: speaker expresses opinion about state of
         the world.
         Declarations: speaker creates something with
Intentional Causation
    Intend to move body  body moves:
    Example of intentional causation.
    Differs from billiard ball or Humean causation.

    Self-referential: intend to move body, body moves
    because I intended  then intentional causation.
    Critical to distinguishing natural versus social
    Intentional explanations not deterministic: Could
    have done otherwise  gap is free will.
Good Stuff from Intentionality

    Searle goes on to talk about language and
    institutional facts (money, college degrees,
    Disappointment with LCS is it can’t get to
    the good stuff.
    Can’t do language.

    Can’t form contracts.

    Can’t create new institutional fact.
Construction of Social Reality

    Need to clarify observer-independent &
    observer-dependent features of the world.
    Need 3 new elements:

        Collective intentionality.

        Assignment of function.

        Constitutive rules
Observer Independent v. Dependent

       Many features of the world independent of
       our observations of them: observer
       Many observer dependent: Something a
       characteristic because of observer
       judgment, but not relative to others.
       OI vs. OD more important than mind-body.

       DEG aside: Isn’t it dualism in the back door
Collective Intentionality
    Need the notion of “we intend together.”

    Attempts to reduce to individual intention are
    Existence of biological organisms with collective
    intentionality suggests CI is a primitive.
    DEG aside: Are social insects intentional in Searlean
    sense? Could be that social affiliation is primitive,
    certain behaviors hard wired. Then, CI results from
    (a) naming the group, (b) attributing intention to it
    (as-if intentionality), and (c) treating the as-if as
Assignment of Function

    Use of objects as tools:

        Monkey uses stick to get banana.

        Man sits on rock.

    Physical existence facilitates function, but
    function is observer relative.
    All function assignment is observer relative.
Constitutive Rules

    How to distinguish between brute facts and

    institutional facts.
    Types of rules:

        Some rules regulate: “Drive on right side of road.”

        Some rules regulate and constitute: Rules of chess
        both regulate conduct of game and create it.
    Constitutive rules have form: X counts as Y in C.

    “Move two and over one” counts as a knight’s

    move in Chess.”
Simple Model of Construction of Social Reality

        Strong thesis: All institutional reality explained by 3
            Collective intentionality.
            Assigned function  wall keeps people out
            physically, but low fence or boundary marker keeps
            people out by convention.
            Constitutive rules.
        Money example: Evolution from valuable
        commodity to fiat currency.
        Institutional reality powerful: X counts as Y in C can
        be iterated and stacked forming powerful network
        of institutional facts.
What Are We Missing?

    Do not have C-machines.

    Searle’s 10:

          Ontological subjectivity.
          C comes in unified form.
          C connects us to world.
          C states come in moods.
          Always structured.
          Varying degrees of attention.
          C is situated.
          Varying degrees of familiarity.
          Refer to other things
          Always pleasurable or unpleasurable
Unity Missing

    Can argue that we have vertical unity in
    message board.
    Do not have horizontal unity.

    My first proposal recommended
    modifications to permit time series.
    Modifications to rules.

    Modification to the boards.
Moods & Pleasant/Unpleasant Missing

      This is big.

      Emotions are “engagement with the world”
      Necessary for judgment and values.

      Don’t want a simulation.


          Physiological component

          Judgmental component
Other Things Missing


    Gestalt structure

    Situatedness & familiarity

    Refer to other things (may have this)
What Should We Do?

    Stuff we’ve gotten right: Sensors, association,
    models (anticipation), learning
    Can’t continue to work on same thing.

    No serious architectural changes proposed to LCS.

        Emotions: As judgments, source of values, and
        arbiter of attention.
        Multiple boards: As source of difference and
        similarity. Main hope of quality of consciousness &
        Center of intention rooted in “biological needs.”
How Do We Break This Down?

    Tough problem.

    If C is complex building block,
    what are minimal essential
    elements to achieve.
    How do we know we’ve achieved
    it (first person ontology, third
    person epistomology)?
    Sets of tests and experiments.

    What theory needed to set
    parameters of C?
    Not unlike approach that cracked
Summary & Conclusions

    Have accomplished quite a bit in classifier
    Many of our questions are technical.

    Deeper questions about whether we’re
    attacking the right questions.
    Need consciousness and intention to get
    the “good stuff” of intelligent behavior.
    Wrestling with Searle’s categories not a bad
    place to start.

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Searle, Intentionality, and the Future of Classifier Systems

  • 1. Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory Department of General Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801. Searle, Intentionality, and the Future of Classifier Systems David E. Goldberg Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801 deg@uiuc.edu
  • 2. 1980 v. Now Remember thinking how cool LCSs  were. Just apply them to gas pipelines  and voila, all AI problems of Western Civilization would be solved. Started to ask John for examples  of successful application. Found out that I was in the  middle of an interesting idea, not a working computer program. John H. Holland (b. 1929)
  • 3. Roadmap Are we happy with LCSs?  What’s Searle got to do with it.  Revisiting the Chinese room.  Art Burkes had it right.  Designing a conscious computer.  Searlean program for LCSs:  Computational consciousness not impossible. – From consciousness to intentionality. – Intentionality and beyond. – What are we missing?  What should we do? 
  • 4. Are We Happy With LCSs? Have made progress:  Increasingly competent, solve hard problems – quickly reliably and accurately. Principled manner. – But don’t seem very intelligent:  Do what we tell them. – Not autonomous in any serious sense. – Our discussions are largely technical. – Are we focused on right problems? –
  • 5. What’s Searle Got to Do With It? Mill Prof of Philosophy of Berkeley.  Philosopher of language and mind.  Early work took off from Austin’s work on  speech acts. Searle is Darth Vader of artificial  intelligence. Notorious Chinese Room argument has  always puzzled me. In many ways, Searle is high philosophical  priest of emergence. John R. Searle (b. 1932) Rejects dualism & materialism.  Couldn’t understand how he could miss  possibility of more than mere systactical translation.
  • 6. The Chinese Room Argument Strong AI is not possible on a computer.  Monolingual English speaker in a room with  Chinese writing (story) – 2nd Chinese symbols (questions) – Instructions in English for relating first set of symbols – to second. 3rd set of Chinese symbols (answers) – English speaker does not understand Chinese even  if answers are indistinguishable from those of Chinese speaker.
  • 7. Cracks in the Chinese Room Mind, Language & Society,  Basic Books, 1998, p. 53. “When I say that the brain  is a biological organ and consciousness a biological process, I do not, of course, say or imply that it would be impossible to produce an artificial brain out of nonbiological materials.”
  • 8. More Searle “The heart is also a biological organ, and the  pumping of blood a biological process, but it is possible to build an artificial heart that pumps blood. There is no reason, in principle, why we could not similarly make an artificial brain that causes consciousness.” Searle was complaining about direct approach to  intelligence. Without consciousness and intentionality there  cannot be intelligence. How do we create an intelligent, conscious being? 
  • 9. Arthur Burks Had Interesting Take Robots and Free  Minds, University of Michigan, 1986. “Tonight I will  advocate the thesis: A FINITE DETERMINISTIC AUTOMATON CAN PERFORM ALL NATURAL HUMAN FUNCTIONS.”
  • 10. Chapter 5: Evolution and Intentionality “The course of biological evolution from cells  to Homo sapiens has been a gradual development of intentional systems from direct-response systems.” “The [intentional] system contains a model of  its present status in relation to its goal and regularly updates that model on the basis of the information it receives. Finally, it decides what to do after consulting a strategy, which has value assessments attached in to various alternative courses of action.”
  • 11. CS-1 Had Bio/Psycho Roots CS-1 had reservoirs for  hunger and thirst (Holland & Reitman, 1978). Schemata processors  paper had reservoirs, too (Holland, 1971). CS-1 worked in maze  running task. But design was Lockean.  Tabula rasa for everything  except rule firing, apportionment of credit, and rule discovery. Is this enough?  Thesis: Can’t take shortcut  around consciousness and intentionality.
  • 12. So You Want a Conscious Computer What does this mean?  Consciousness is complex, emergent  phenomenon. How can we design it?  Don’t throw pieces together and hope for  the best. My experience: Emergent phenomena  emerge when (a) key elements are present and (b) system tuned properly. Consider more Searle. 
  • 13. Shooting for C Not Crazy Shooting for GA competence was crazy.  Have accomplished.  How:  Considered essential elements. – Built qual/quant theories of how they worked. – Designed until limits of performance achieved. – Can do the same for  consciousness/intentionality!!
  • 14. Searle’s Greatest Hits Mind as biological phenomenon.  Function of consciousness.  Features of consciousness.  How the mind works: Intentionality.  The good stuff comes from intentionality:  Language & other institutional fact. What are we missing? 
  • 15. Mind as Biology Consciousness is the primary feature of  minds. 3 features of consciousness:  Inner: in body and in sequence of events. – Qualitative: certain way they feel. – Subjective: first person ontology (does not – preclude objective epistemology). Enormous variety of consciousness: smell a  rose, worry about income taxes, sudden rage about driver, etc.
  • 16. Functions of Consciousness What does it do? What is survival value?  What doesn’t it do for our species?  Consciousness is central to our survival.  All actions a result of conscious thought  followed by action.
  • 17. Consciousness, Intentionality, & Causation Represent world, and act on representations.  Intentional causation: Not billiard ball causation.  Not all consciousness intentionally causal, but much  is. Should be best understood; are we not in touch  with it always? Descartes’s error. Yet difficult to describe: Can describe objects,  moods, thoughts, but not C itself. Problems:  Not itself an object of observation (consciousness – observes but is not observed). Tradition of separating mind/body: dualism. –
  • 18. Features of C Ontological subjectivity. 1. C comes in unified form. Thinking and feeling go on 2. at same time in same field of C: Vertical & horizontal. C connects us to world (Tie to intentionality). 3. C states come in moods. 4. Always structured. 5. Varying degrees of attention. 6. C is situated. 7. Varying degrees of familiarity. 8. Refer to other things 9. Always pleasurable or unpleasurable 10.
  • 19. How the Mind Works: Intentionality Primary evolutionary role of C is to relate  us to environment. Cannot eliminate intentionality of mind by  appealing to language; already intentionality of the mind. Searle: Urge to reduce it to something else  is faulty. DEG: As designers we need to reduce it to  something and then find conditions of emergence among those things.
  • 20. Intentionality as Biology Thirst, hunger as basic, causing desire to  drink or eat. Once this granted, camel nose under the  tent, intentions based on other sensory. Isn’t reality “confirmed” by our “success” in  achieving intentional goals over and over again.
  • 21. Structure of Intentional States Intentionality as way mental states are directed at  objects & states of affairs. Can be directed at things that don’t exist?  How can this be?  Distinguish between type of intentional state and  content. Content: rain; Types: hope, believe, fear rain.  Structural features:  Direction of fit – Conditions of satisfaction –
  • 22. Direction of Fit Term: from Austin, foreshadowed by Wittgenstein,  examples Anscombe. Anscombe’s lists:  Shopping list: Beer, butter, bacon. Husband matches – world to list. Detective’s list: Follows shopper, “beer, butter, – bacon,” matches list to world. Not all intentional states like this: e.g. when you  are sorry, assume match between mind and world. Intentional state is null.
  • 23. Conditions of Satisfaction Beliefs can be true or false.  Goals can be achieved or not.  Easier to understand in terms of speech acts.  Have 5 illocutionary points or types:  Assertive: commit to the truth. – Directive: direct hearer to do something. – Commissive: speaker promises to do something. – Expressive: speaker expresses opinion about state of – the world. Declarations: speaker creates something with – utterance.
  • 24. Intentional Causation Intend to move body  body moves:  Example of intentional causation. Differs from billiard ball or Humean causation.  Self-referential: intend to move body, body moves  because I intended  then intentional causation. Critical to distinguishing natural versus social  sciences. Intentional explanations not deterministic: Could  have done otherwise  gap is free will.
  • 25. Good Stuff from Intentionality Searle goes on to talk about language and  institutional facts (money, college degrees, etc.). Disappointment with LCS is it can’t get to  the good stuff. Can’t do language.  Can’t form contracts.  Can’t create new institutional fact. 
  • 26. Construction of Social Reality Need to clarify observer-independent &  observer-dependent features of the world. Need 3 new elements:  Collective intentionality. – Assignment of function. – Constitutive rules –
  • 27. Observer Independent v. Dependent Many features of the world independent of  our observations of them: observer independence. Many observer dependent: Something a  characteristic because of observer judgment, but not relative to others. OI vs. OD more important than mind-body.  DEG aside: Isn’t it dualism in the back door  though?
  • 28. Collective Intentionality Need the notion of “we intend together.”  Attempts to reduce to individual intention are  complex. Existence of biological organisms with collective  intentionality suggests CI is a primitive. DEG aside: Are social insects intentional in Searlean  sense? Could be that social affiliation is primitive, certain behaviors hard wired. Then, CI results from (a) naming the group, (b) attributing intention to it (as-if intentionality), and (c) treating the as-if as real.
  • 29. Assignment of Function Use of objects as tools:  Monkey uses stick to get banana. – Man sits on rock. – Physical existence facilitates function, but  function is observer relative. All function assignment is observer relative. 
  • 30. Constitutive Rules How to distinguish between brute facts and  institutional facts. Types of rules:  Some rules regulate: “Drive on right side of road.” – Some rules regulate and constitute: Rules of chess – both regulate conduct of game and create it. Constitutive rules have form: X counts as Y in C.  “Move two and over one” counts as a knight’s  move in Chess.”
  • 31. Simple Model of Construction of Social Reality Strong thesis: All institutional reality explained by 3  things: Collective intentionality. – Assigned function  wall keeps people out – physically, but low fence or boundary marker keeps people out by convention. Constitutive rules. – Money example: Evolution from valuable  commodity to fiat currency. Institutional reality powerful: X counts as Y in C can  be iterated and stacked forming powerful network of institutional facts.
  • 32. What Are We Missing? Do not have C-machines.  Searle’s 10:  Ontological subjectivity. 1. C comes in unified form. 2. C connects us to world. 3. C states come in moods. 4. Always structured. 5. Varying degrees of attention. 6. C is situated. 7. Varying degrees of familiarity. 8. Refer to other things 9. Always pleasurable or unpleasurable 10.
  • 33. Unity Missing Can argue that we have vertical unity in  message board. Do not have horizontal unity.  My first proposal recommended  modifications to permit time series. Modifications to rules.  Modification to the boards. 
  • 34. Moods & Pleasant/Unpleasant Missing This is big.  Emotions are “engagement with the world”  (Solomon). Necessary for judgment and values.  Don’t want a simulation.  Emotions:  Physiological component – Judgmental component –
  • 35. Other Things Missing Attention  Gestalt structure  Situatedness & familiarity  Refer to other things (may have this) 
  • 36. What Should We Do? Stuff we’ve gotten right: Sensors, association,  models (anticipation), learning Can’t continue to work on same thing.  No serious architectural changes proposed to LCS.  Why? Need:  Emotions: As judgments, source of values, and – arbiter of attention. Multiple boards: As source of difference and – similarity. Main hope of quality of consciousness & unity. Center of intention rooted in “biological needs.” –
  • 37. How Do We Break This Down? Tough problem.  If C is complex building block,  what are minimal essential elements to achieve. How do we know we’ve achieved  it (first person ontology, third person epistomology)? Sets of tests and experiments.  What theory needed to set  parameters of C? Not unlike approach that cracked  innovation
  • 38. Summary & Conclusions Have accomplished quite a bit in classifier  systems. Many of our questions are technical.  Deeper questions about whether we’re  attacking the right questions. Need consciousness and intention to get  the “good stuff” of intelligent behavior. Wrestling with Searle’s categories not a bad  place to start.