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Data-Intensive Computing for
Competent Genetic Algorithms:
A Pilot Study using Meandre

Xavier Llorà

National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois, 61801


•   Data-intensive computing and HPC?
•   Is this related at all to evolutionary computation?
•   Data-intensive computing with Meandre
•   GAs and competent GAs
•   Data-intensive computing for GAs
2 Minute HPC History

• The eighties and early nineties picture
   •   Commodity hardware rare, slow, and costly
   •   Supercomputers were extremely expensive
   •   Most of them hand crafted and only few units
   •   Two competing families
        • CISC (e.g. Cray C90 with up to 16 processors)
        • RISC (e.g. Connection Machine CM-5 with up 4,096 processors)
• Late nineties commodity hardware hit main stream
   • Start becoming popular, cheaper, and faster
   • Economy of scale
   • Massive parallel computers build from commodity components become a
     viable option
Two Visions

• C90 like supercomputers were like a comfy pair of trainers
   •   Oriented to scientific computing
   •   Complex vector oriented supercomputers
   •   Shared memory (lots of them)
   •   Multiprocessor enabled via some intercommunication networks
   •   Single system image
• CM5 like computers did not get massive traction, but a bit
   •   General purpose (as long as you can chop the work in simple units)
   •   Lots of simple processors available
   •   Distributed memory pushed new programming models (message passing)
   •   Complex interconnection networks
• NCSA have shared memory, distributed memory, and gpgpu based
Miniaturization Building Bridges

• Multicores and gpgpus are reviving the C90 flavor
• The CM-5 flavor now survives as distributed clusters of not so
  simple units
Control Models of Parallelization in EC

Run 1   Run 5        Run 9                 Master

                              Individual            Evaluation
Run 2   Run 6        Run 10

Run 3   Run 7        Run 11
                              Slave         Slave         Slave

But Data is also Part of the Equation

• Google and Yahoo! revived an old route
• Usually refers to:
   • Infrastructure
   • Programming techniques/paradigms
• Google made it main stream after their MapReduce model
• Yahoo! provides and open source implementation
   • Hadoop (MapReduce)
   • HDFS (Hadoop distributed filesystem)
• Store petabytes reliably on commodity hardware (fault tolerant)
• Programming model
   • Map: Equivalent to the map operation on functional programming
   • Reduce: The reduction phase after maps are computed
A Simple Example

           x → reduce(map(x, sqr), sum)

    x              x               x                     x

         map           map             map                   map

    x2             x2             x2                     x2

          reduce         reduce        reduce   reduce

Is This Related to EC?

• How can we easily benefit of the current core race painlessly?
• NCSA’s Blue Waters estimated may top on 100K
• Yes on several facets
   • Large optimization problems need to deal with large population sizes
     (Sastry, Goldberg & Llorà, 2007)
   • Large-scale data mining using genetic-based machine learning (Llorà et
     al. 2007)
   • Competent GAs model building extremely costly and data rich (Pelikan
     et al. 2001)
• The goal?
   • Rethink parallelization as data flow processes
   • Show that traditional models can be map to data-intensive computing
   • Foster you curiosity
Data-Intensive Computing with Meandre
The Meandre Infrastructure Challenges

• NCSA infrastructure effort on data-intensive computing
• Transparency
   • From a single laptop to a HPC cluster
   • Not bound to a particular computation fabric
   • Allow heterogeneous development
• Intuitive programming paradigm
   • Modular Components assembled into Flows
   • Foster Collaboration and Sharing
• Open Source
• Service Orientated Architecture (SOA)
Basic Infrastructure Philosophy

•   Dataflow execution paradigm
•   Semantic-web driven
•   Web oriented
•   Facilitate distributed computing
•   Support publishing services
•   Promote reuse, sharing, and collaboration
•   More information at http://seasr.org/meandre
Data Flow Execution in Meandre

• A simple example c ← a+b
• A traditional control-driven language

        a = 1
        b = 2
        c = a+b

• Execution following the sequence of instructions
• One step at a time
      • a+b+c+d requires 3 steps
      • Could be easily parallelized
Data Flow Execution in Meandre

• Data flow execution is driven by data
• The previous example may have 2 possible data flow versions

  Stateless data flow

                               +                     value(c)

  State-based data flow

   value(b)    value(a)        +                     value(c)
The Basic Building Blocks: Components


      RDF descriptor of the         The component
      components behavior           implementation
Go with the Flow: Creating Complex Tasks

• Directed multigraph of components creates a flow

                 Concatenate          To Upper      Print
                    Text              Case Text     Text
Automatic Parallelization:
Speed and Robustness
• Meandre ZigZag language allow automatic parallelization

                                      To Upper
                                      Case Text
 Text                                 To Upper
               Concatenate            Case Text             Print
                  Text                                      Text

                                       To Upper
                                       Case Text
GAs and Competent GAs
Selectorecombinative GAs

1. Initialize the population with random individuals
2. Evaluate the fitness value of the individuals
3. Select good solutions by using s-wise tournament selection
   without replacement (Goldberg, Korb & Deb, 1989)
4. Create new individuals by recombining the selected population
   using uniform crossover (Sywerda, 1989)
5. Evaluate the fitness valueof all offspring
6. Repeat steps 3-5 until convergence criteria are met
Extended Compact Genetic Algorithm

• Harik et al. 2006
• Initialize the population (usually random initialization)
• Evaluate the fitness of individuals
• Select promising solutions (e.g., tournament selection)
• Build the probabilistic model
   • Optimize structure & parameters to best fit selected individuals
   • Automatic identification of sub-structures
• Sample the model to create new candidate solutions
   • Effective exchange of building blocks
• Repeat steps 2–7 till some convergence criteria are met
eCGA Model Building Process

• Use model-building procedure of extended compact GA
   • Partition genes into (mutually) independent groups
   • Start with the lowest complexity model
   • Search for a least-complex, most-accurate model

               Model Structure
  [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4] [X5] [X6] [X7] [X8] [X9] [X10] [X11]
  [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4X5] [X6] [X7] [X8] [X9] [X10] [X11]
  [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4X5X7] [X6] [X8] [X9] [X10] [X11]
  [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4X5X6X7] [X8] [X9] [X10] [X11]
  [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4X5X6X7] [X8X9X10X11]
  [X0X1X2X3] [X4X5X6X7] [X8X9X10X11]
Data-Intensive Flows for Competent GAs
Selectorecombinative GA
sGAs Execution Profile and Parallelization

         • Intel 2.8Ghz QuadCore, 4Gb RAM. Average of 20 runs.
  sbp                                                  soed
  eps                                          eps/paralell/3
twrops                                        ucbps/mapper









eCGA Model Model building
eCGA Execution Profile and Parallelization

          • Intel 2.8Ghz QuadCore, 4Gb RAM. Average of 20 runs.
        init_ecga                                                update_partitions/mapper

















eCGA Model Building Speedup

• Intel 2.8Ghz QuadCore, 4Gb RAM. Average of 20 runs.
• Speedup against original eCGA model building
                                                       5                                 ●
            Speedup vs. Original eCGA Model Building





                                                           1   2                     3   4

                                                                   Number of cores
Scalability on NUMA Systems

•   Run on NCSA’s SGI Altix Cobalt
•   1,120 processors and up to 5 TB of RAM
•   SGI NUMAlink
•   NUMA architecture
•   Test for speedup behavior
•   Average of 20 independent runs
•   Automatic parallelization of the partition evaluation
•   Results still show the linear trend (despite the NUMA)
    • 16 processors, speedup = 14.01
    • 32 processors, speedup = 27.96
Wrapping Up

• Evolutionary computation is data rich
• Data-intensive computing can provide to EC:
   •   Tap into parallelism quite painless
   •   Provide a simple programming and modeling
   •   Boost reusability
   •   Tackle otherwise intractable problems
• Shown that equivalent data-intensive computing versions of
  traditional algorithms exist
• Linear parallelism can be tap transparently
Data-Intensive Computing for
Competent Genetic Algorithms:
A Pilot Study using Meandre

Xavier Llorà

National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois, 61801


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Data-Intensive Computing for Competent Genetic Algorithms: A Pilot Study using Meandre

  • 1. Data-Intensive Computing for Competent Genetic Algorithms: A Pilot Study using Meandre Xavier Llorà National Center for Supercomputing Applications University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois, 61801 xllora@ncsa.illinois.edu http://www.ncsa.illinois.edu/~xllora
  • 2. Outline • Data-intensive computing and HPC? • Is this related at all to evolutionary computation? • Data-intensive computing with Meandre • GAs and competent GAs • Data-intensive computing for GAs
  • 3. 2 Minute HPC History • The eighties and early nineties picture • Commodity hardware rare, slow, and costly • Supercomputers were extremely expensive • Most of them hand crafted and only few units • Two competing families • CISC (e.g. Cray C90 with up to 16 processors) • RISC (e.g. Connection Machine CM-5 with up 4,096 processors) • Late nineties commodity hardware hit main stream • Start becoming popular, cheaper, and faster • Economy of scale • Massive parallel computers build from commodity components become a viable option
  • 4. Two Visions • C90 like supercomputers were like a comfy pair of trainers • Oriented to scientific computing • Complex vector oriented supercomputers • Shared memory (lots of them) • Multiprocessor enabled via some intercommunication networks • Single system image • CM5 like computers did not get massive traction, but a bit • General purpose (as long as you can chop the work in simple units) • Lots of simple processors available • Distributed memory pushed new programming models (message passing) • Complex interconnection networks • NCSA have shared memory, distributed memory, and gpgpu based
  • 5. Miniaturization Building Bridges • Multicores and gpgpus are reviving the C90 flavor • The CM-5 flavor now survives as distributed clusters of not so simple units
  • 6. Control Models of Parallelization in EC Run 1 Run 5 Run 9 Master Individual Evaluation Run 2 Run 6 Run 10 Run 3 Run 7 Run 11 Slave Slave Slave Migration
  • 7. But Data is also Part of the Equation • Google and Yahoo! revived an old route • Usually refers to: • Infrastructure • Programming techniques/paradigms • Google made it main stream after their MapReduce model • Yahoo! provides and open source implementation • Hadoop (MapReduce) • HDFS (Hadoop distributed filesystem) • Store petabytes reliably on commodity hardware (fault tolerant) • Programming model • Map: Equivalent to the map operation on functional programming • Reduce: The reduction phase after maps are computed
  • 8. A Simple Example n 2 x → reduce(map(x, sqr), sum) i=0 x x x x map map map map x2 x2 x2 x2 reduce reduce reduce reduce sum
  • 9. Is This Related to EC? • How can we easily benefit of the current core race painlessly? • NCSA’s Blue Waters estimated may top on 100K • Yes on several facets • Large optimization problems need to deal with large population sizes (Sastry, Goldberg & Llorà, 2007) • Large-scale data mining using genetic-based machine learning (Llorà et al. 2007) • Competent GAs model building extremely costly and data rich (Pelikan et al. 2001) • The goal? • Rethink parallelization as data flow processes • Show that traditional models can be map to data-intensive computing models • Foster you curiosity
  • 11. The Meandre Infrastructure Challenges • NCSA infrastructure effort on data-intensive computing • Transparency • From a single laptop to a HPC cluster • Not bound to a particular computation fabric • Allow heterogeneous development • Intuitive programming paradigm • Modular Components assembled into Flows • Foster Collaboration and Sharing • Open Source • Service Orientated Architecture (SOA)
  • 12. Basic Infrastructure Philosophy • Dataflow execution paradigm • Semantic-web driven • Web oriented • Facilitate distributed computing • Support publishing services • Promote reuse, sharing, and collaboration • More information at http://seasr.org/meandre
  • 13. Data Flow Execution in Meandre • A simple example c ← a+b • A traditional control-driven language a = 1 b = 2 c = a+b • Execution following the sequence of instructions • One step at a time • a+b+c+d requires 3 steps • Could be easily parallelized
  • 14. Data Flow Execution in Meandre • Data flow execution is driven by data • The previous example may have 2 possible data flow versions Stateless data flow value(a) + value(c) value(b) State-based data flow value(b) value(a) + value(c) ?
  • 15. The Basic Building Blocks: Components Component RDF descriptor of the The component components behavior implementation
  • 16. Go with the Flow: Creating Complex Tasks • Directed multigraph of components creates a flow Push Text Concatenate To Upper Print Text Case Text Text Push Text
  • 17. Automatic Parallelization: Speed and Robustness • Meandre ZigZag language allow automatic parallelization To Upper Case Text Push Text To Upper Concatenate Case Text Print Text Text Push Text To Upper Case Text
  • 19. Selectorecombinative GAs 1. Initialize the population with random individuals 2. Evaluate the fitness value of the individuals 3. Select good solutions by using s-wise tournament selection without replacement (Goldberg, Korb & Deb, 1989) 4. Create new individuals by recombining the selected population using uniform crossover (Sywerda, 1989) 5. Evaluate the fitness valueof all offspring 6. Repeat steps 3-5 until convergence criteria are met
  • 20. Extended Compact Genetic Algorithm • Harik et al. 2006 • Initialize the population (usually random initialization) • Evaluate the fitness of individuals • Select promising solutions (e.g., tournament selection) • Build the probabilistic model • Optimize structure & parameters to best fit selected individuals • Automatic identification of sub-structures • Sample the model to create new candidate solutions • Effective exchange of building blocks • Repeat steps 2–7 till some convergence criteria are met
  • 21. eCGA Model Building Process • Use model-building procedure of extended compact GA • Partition genes into (mutually) independent groups • Start with the lowest complexity model • Search for a least-complex, most-accurate model Model Structure Metric [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4] [X5] [X6] [X7] [X8] [X9] [X10] [X11] 1.0000 [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4X5] [X6] [X7] [X8] [X9] [X10] [X11] 0.9933 [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4X5X7] [X6] [X8] [X9] [X10] [X11] 0.9819 [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4X5X6X7] [X8] [X9] [X10] [X11] 0.9644 … [X0] [X1] [X2] [X3] [X4X5X6X7] [X8X9X10X11] 0.9273 … [X0X1X2X3] [X4X5X6X7] [X8X9X10X11] 0.8895
  • 22. Data-Intensive Flows for Competent GAs
  • 24. sGAs Execution Profile and Parallelization • Intel 2.8Ghz QuadCore, 4Gb RAM. Average of 20 runs. sbp sbp soed eps/mapper eps/paralell/0 soed eps/paralell/1 eps/paralell/2 eps eps/paralell/3 eps/reducer twrops twrops ucbps/mapper ucbps/paralell/0 ucbps/paralell/1 noit ucbps/paralell/2 ucbps/paralell/3 ucbps/reducer ucbps noit 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000
  • 25. eCGA Model Model building
  • 26. eCGA Execution Profile and Parallelization • Intel 2.8Ghz QuadCore, 4Gb RAM. Average of 20 runs. init_ecga init_ecga update_partitions/mapper update_partitions/mapper update_partitions/mapper update_partitions update_partitions/paralell/0 update_partitions/paralell/1 update_partitions/paralell/2 greedy_ecga_mb update_partitions/paralell/3 update_partitions/reduce greedy_ecga_mb print_model print_model 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
  • 27. eCGA Model Building Speedup • Intel 2.8Ghz QuadCore, 4Gb RAM. Average of 20 runs. • Speedup against original eCGA model building 5 ● Speedup vs. Original eCGA Model Building 4 ● 3 ● 2 ● 1 1 2 3 4 Number of cores
  • 28. Scalability on NUMA Systems • Run on NCSA’s SGI Altix Cobalt • 1,120 processors and up to 5 TB of RAM • SGI NUMAlink • NUMA architecture • Test for speedup behavior • Average of 20 independent runs • Automatic parallelization of the partition evaluation • Results still show the linear trend (despite the NUMA) • 16 processors, speedup = 14.01 • 32 processors, speedup = 27.96
  • 30. Summary • Evolutionary computation is data rich • Data-intensive computing can provide to EC: • Tap into parallelism quite painless • Provide a simple programming and modeling • Boost reusability • Tackle otherwise intractable problems • Shown that equivalent data-intensive computing versions of traditional algorithms exist • Linear parallelism can be tap transparently
  • 31. Data-Intensive Computing for Competent Genetic Algorithms: A Pilot Study using Meandre Xavier Llorà National Center for Supercomputing Applications University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois, 61801 xllora@ncsa.illinois.edu http://www.ncsa.illinois.edu/~xllora