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Learning Classifier Systems
   for Class Imbalance

           Ester Bernadó-Mansilla

    Research Group in Intelligent Systems
      Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle
          Universitat Ramon Llull
             Barcelona, Spain

                         Enhance the applicability of LCSs
                       to knowledge discovery from datasets

                                        Classification problems
                                         Real-world domains

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems          Ester Bernadó-Mansilla

       • Representativity of the target
                                                            • Evolutionary pressures

                                                            • Interpretability
       • Geometrical complexity

                                                            • Domain of applicability
       • Class imbalance

       • Noise
Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                  Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Class Imbalance

     When one class is represented by a small number of
     examples, compared to other class/es.

     Usually the class of that describes the circumscribed
     concept (positive class) is the minority class

            Rare medical diagnoses
            Fraud detection
            Oil spills in satellite images

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems   Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Class Imbalance and Classifiers

     Is there a bias towards the majority class?

     Probably, because…
            Most classifier schemes are trained to minimize the global error

     As a result
            They classify accurately the examples from the majority class
            They tend to misclassify the examples of the minority class,
            which are often those representing the target concept.

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems        Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Measures of Performance

                                                       Confusion matrix

                                                           A                   B
          Actual            A              true positive (TP)         false negative (FN)
                            B              false positive (FP)         true negative (TN)

                                Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+FN+FP+TN)

                                TN rate = TN / (TN + FP)

                                TP rate = TP / (FN + TP)

                                ROC curves

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                             Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
The Higher Class Imbalance: the
                    Higher Bias?

                          Dataset 1                          Dataset 2

                       concept:      15                    concept:     15
                       counterpart: 150                    counterpart: 45
                       ratio:       10:1                   ratio:       3:1

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                 Ester Bernadó-Mansilla


                      input                                Set of


                                          Genetic                   Reinforcement
                                         Algorithms                   Learning




Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                                     Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Our Approach with XCS

     Bounding XCS’s parameters for unbalanced datasets

     Online identification of small disjuncts

     Adaptation of parameters for the discovery of small

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems   Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
XCS’s Behavior in Unbalanced

                       Unbalanced 11-multiplexer problem

                                                    ir=16:1   ir=32:1   ir=64:1

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                          Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
XCS’s Population

                                        Most numerous rules, ir=128:1

            Classifier                    P                Error         F          Num
         ###########:0                  1000                0.12       0.98         385
                                       1.2 10-4
         ###########:1                                     0.074       0.98         366

                                        estimated          estimated                   too high
          overgeneral                                        error:                   numerosity
          classifiers                                        15.38

          Test examples are classified as belonging to the majority class

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                                  Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
How Imbalance Affects XCS

         Classifier’s error

         Stability of prediction and error estimates

         Occurrence-based reproduction

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems   Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Classifier’s Error in Unbalanced

        Will an overgeneral classifier be detected as inaccurate if the
        imbalance ratio is high?

         Bound for inaccurate classifier:                       !quot;!0
          Given the estimated prediction and error:

                                          P = Pc (cl ) Rmax + (1 ! Pc (cl )) Rmin
                                          quot;=| P ! Rmax | Pc (cl )+ | P ! Rmin | (1 ! Pc (cl ))
          We derive:

                     # quot;o p 2 + 2 p ( Rmax # quot;0 )# quot;0 ! 0
          where                                                                                  !quot;!0
                               p =!C / C
                        Rmax = 1000 !0 = 1
          we get maximum imbalance ratio:

                        irmax = 1998
Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                                            Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Prediction and Error Estimates and
                     Learning Rate
                 ir=128:1, ###########:0

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems   Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Occurrence-based Reproduction

        Probability of occurrence (pocc)

        Given ir=maj/min:

           Classifier            poccB            poccI
                                  1/2             1/2
       ########### :0

                                                              probability of occurrence
                                  1/2             1/2
       ########### :1                                                                     0,4

       0000#######:0             1/32

       0001#######:1             1/32                                                     0,1

                                                                                                1    2    4   8    16   32   64   128   256

                                                                                                             imbalance ratio
                                                     p occB                                     00001######:1             00000######:0
                                              ir + 1                                            ###########:0             ###########:1

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                                                                     Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Occurrence-based Reproduction

      Probability of reproduction (pGA)

                      pGA =
                                                  if Tocc < % GA
                                  #% GA
                      where TGA $ quot;
                                  !Tocc           otherwise

      With θGA=20:
        T (# # # # # # # # # # #: 0) ! quot;
         GA                              GA
       T (0000# # # # # # #: 0) ! T 1
        GA                         occ
1 Assuming   non-overlapping

 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                                   Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Guidelines for Parameter Tuning

     Rmax and є0 determine the threshold between negligible noise and
     imbalance ratio

     β determines the size of the moving window. The window should be
     high enough to allow computing examples from both classes:
                                                                 f min
                                                       ! =k
                                                                 f maj
     θGA can counterbalance the reproduction opportunities of most frequent
     (majority) and least frequent niches (minority):

                                                    ! GA = k '
                                                                 f min

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                 Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
XCS with Parameters Tuning

                                                                     XCS with parameter tuning
              XCS with standard settings

ir=16:1           ir=32:1               ir=64:1                ir=64:1        ir=256:1

    Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                       Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
XCS Tuning for Real-world Datasets

     How we can estimate the niche frequency?

            Estimate from the ratio of majority class instances and minority
            class instances


               • This may not be related to the distribution of niches in the feature

            Take the approach to the small disjuncts problem

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                 Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Online Identification of Small Disjuncts

     We search for regions that promote
     overgeneral classifiers

     Estimate ircl based on the classifier’s
     experience on each class:

                                        exp max
                               ircl =
                                        exp min

     Adapt β and θGA according to ircl

                                                           ircl = 20 / 4

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                   Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Online Parameter Adaptation


Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems       Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
What about UCS?

             Supervised XCS:
                   Needs less exploration

             Avoids XCS’s fitness dilemma

             More robust to parameter settings

             Overgeneral classifiers also tend to overcome the
                   Their probability of occurrence depends on the imbalance ratio
                   Partially minimized with fitness sharing

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems               Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
What about UCS?


Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems       Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Are LCSs more error-prone to class imbalance
                        than other classifier schemes?
                                             C4.5                            SMO                      XCS
TP rate          Bal2c1              0,00%   ±             0,00%    0,00%     ±    0,00%     0,00%     ±         0,00%

                 Bal2c2             81,65%   ±             6,83%    93,72%    ±    4,64%     81,96%    ±         6,00%

                 Bal2c3             81,90%   ±             6,04%    93,77%    ±    5,59%     83,99%    ±         6,88%

                 bpa                42,95%   ±         14,09%       0,00%     ±    0,00%     61,38%    ±         9,10%

                 gls2c1             80,00%   ±         42,16%       0,00%     ±    0,00%     50,00%    ±        52,70%

                 gls2c2             35,00%   ±         47,43%       15,00%    ±    33,75%    55,00%    ±        49,72%

                 gls2c3             30,00%   ±         42,16%       0,00%     ±    0,00%     5,00%     ±        15,81%

                 gls2c4             75,00%   ±         32,63%       81,67%    ±    25,40%    81,67%    ±        25,40%

                 gls2c5             77,14%   ±         16,77%       10,00%    ±    9,64%     84,29%    ±        14,21%

                 gls2c6             59,82%   ±         15,13%       0,00%     ±    0,00%     81,79%    ±        13,95%

                 h-s                75,83%   ±         13,29%       80,00%    ±    7,03%     80,00%    ±         9,78%

                 pim                55,37%   ±         13,27%       53,38%    ±    6,42%     55,93%    ±         9,75%

                 tao                95,23%   ±             2,14%    84,11%    ±    6,17%     92,58%    ±         5,72%

                 thy2c1             90,00%   ±         16,10%       76,67%    ±    22,50%    90,00%    ±        16,10%

                 thy2c2             94,17%   ±         12,45%       54,17%    ±    24,92%    90,83%    ±        14,93%

                 thy2c3             90,95%   ±         10,34%       33,81%    ±    21,35%    90,71%    ±         8,05%

                 wav2c1             75,74%   ±             4,06%    88,51%    ±    3,20%     87,24%    ±         3,43%

                 wav2c2             72,34%   ±             3,89%    84,57%    ±    4,05%     78,72%    ±         2,57%

                 wab2c3             77,64%   ±             2,38%    89,97%    ±    3,48%     87,86%    ±         3,65%

                 wbdc               92,95%   ±             3,42%    95,42%    ±    5,36%     95,83%    ±         5,89%

                 wdbc               92,47%   ±             5,09%    94,81%    ±    2,71%     93,83%    ±         6,37%

                 wine2c1            89,00%   ±         16,63%      100,00%    ±    0,00%    100,00%    ±         0,00%

                 wine2c2            95,00%   ±             8,05%    98,33%    ±    5,27%     98,33%    ±         5,27%

                 wine2c3            90,18%   ±         11,70%       97,14%    ±    6,02%     98,57%    ±         4,52%
Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                                               Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
                 wpbc               41,00%   ±         12,87%       9,50%     ±    17,07%    30,50%    ±        24,99%
How can we Minimize the Effects of
                     Small Disjuncts?

     Resampling the dataset:
                                                          Addresses small
            Classical methods:
               • Random oversampling
               • Random undersampling                          Assumes that
                                                               clusterization will
            Heuristic methods:
                                                               find small
               •   Tomek links
                                                               disjuncts and
               •   CNN                                         match classifier’s
               •   One-sided selection                         approximation
               •   Smote
            Cluster-based oversampling
                                                                 Could XCS
                                                                  benefit from the
     Cost-sensitive classifiers
                                                                  identification of
                                                                  small disjuncts?
Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems               Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Domains of Applicability

                   Should we use some counterbalancing scheme?

                   Which learning scheme should we use?

                   Is there a combination of counterbalancing
                   scheme+learner that beats all others?

                   How can we know the presence of small

                   Are there other complexity factors mixed up with
                   the small disjuncts problem?
Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems   Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Domains of Applicability

                                              Learn it!    Classifier/
                                                                                     Where are

          Dataset                  Dataset

                                                Type of dataset:
                                       Geometrical distribution of classes
                                      Possible presence of small disjuncts
                                           Other complexity factors

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems                       Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Future Directions

                   Potential benefit of XCS to discover small disjuncts
                     …and learn from it online

                   Further analyze UCS

                   How do LCSs perform w.r.t. other classifiers for unbalanced

                   Measures for small disjuncts identification
                     … and other possible complexity factors

                   What is noise and what is a small disjunct?

                   In which cases a LCS is applicable?

Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems            Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Learning Classifier Systems
   for Class Imbalance

           Ester Bernadó-Mansilla

    Research Group in Intelligent Systems
      Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle
          Universitat Ramon Llull
             Barcelona, Spain

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Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems

  • 1. Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla Research Group in Intelligent Systems Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle Universitat Ramon Llull Barcelona, Spain
  • 2. Aim Enhance the applicability of LCSs to knowledge discovery from datasets Classification problems Real-world domains Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 3. Framework model LCS Dataset + estimated performance • Representativity of the target • Evolutionary pressures concept • Interpretability • Geometrical complexity • Domain of applicability • Class imbalance • Noise Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 4. Class Imbalance When one class is represented by a small number of  examples, compared to other class/es. Usually the class of that describes the circumscribed  concept (positive class) is the minority class Where?  Rare medical diagnoses  Fraud detection  Oil spills in satellite images  Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 5. Class Imbalance and Classifiers Is there a bias towards the majority class?  Probably, because…  Most classifier schemes are trained to minimize the global error  As a result  They classify accurately the examples from the majority class  They tend to misclassify the examples of the minority class,  which are often those representing the target concept. Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 6. Measures of Performance Confusion matrix Prediction A B Actual A true positive (TP) false negative (FN) B false positive (FP) true negative (TN) Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+FN+FP+TN) TN rate = TN / (TN + FP) TP rate = TP / (FN + TP) ROC curves Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 7. The Higher Class Imbalance: the Higher Bias? Dataset 1 Dataset 2 concept: 15 concept: 15 counterpart: 150 counterpart: 45 ratio: 10:1 ratio: 3:1 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 8. XCS XCS class input Set of Rules update search Genetic Reinforcement Algorithms Learning reward Environment Dataset Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 9. Our Approach with XCS Bounding XCS’s parameters for unbalanced datasets  Online identification of small disjuncts  Adaptation of parameters for the discovery of small  disjuncts Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 10. XCS’s Behavior in Unbalanced Datasets Unbalanced 11-multiplexer problem ir=16:1 ir=32:1 ir=64:1 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 11. XCS’s Population Most numerous rules, ir=128:1 Classifier P Error F Num ###########:0 1000 0.12 0.98 385 1.2 10-4 ###########:1 0.074 0.98 366 estimated estimated too high high prediction: overgeneral error: numerosity fitness 992.24 classifiers 15.38 7.75 Test examples are classified as belonging to the majority class Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 12. How Imbalance Affects XCS Classifier’s error  Stability of prediction and error estimates  Occurrence-based reproduction  Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 13. Classifier’s Error in Unbalanced Datasets Will an overgeneral classifier be detected as inaccurate if the  imbalance ratio is high? Bound for inaccurate classifier: !quot;!0 Given the estimated prediction and error: P = Pc (cl ) Rmax + (1 ! Pc (cl )) Rmin quot;=| P ! Rmax | Pc (cl )+ | P ! Rmin | (1 ! Pc (cl )) We derive: # quot;o p 2 + 2 p ( Rmax # quot;0 )# quot;0 ! 0 where !quot;!0 p =!C / C For Rmax = 1000 !0 = 1 we get maximum imbalance ratio: irmax = 1998 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 14. Prediction and Error Estimates and Learning Rate ir=128:1, ###########:0 Error Prediction β=0.2 β=0.002 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 15. Occurrence-based Reproduction Probability of occurrence (pocc) Given ir=maj/min: 0,6 Classifier poccB poccI 0,5 1/2 1/2 ########### :0 probability of occurrence 1/2 1/2 ########### :1 0,4 0,3 0000#######:0 1/32 0,2 0001#######:1 1/32 0,1 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 imbalance ratio 22ir p occB 00001######:1 00000######:0 ir + 1 ###########:0 ###########:1 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 16. Occurrence-based Reproduction Probability of reproduction (pGA)  1 pGA = TGA if Tocc < % GA #% GA where TGA $ quot; !Tocc otherwise With θGA=20:  GA Tocc … T (# # # # # # # # # # #: 0) ! quot; GA GA θGA Tocc GA … T (0000# # # # # # #: 0) ! T 1 GA occ θGA 1 Assuming non-overlapping Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 17. Guidelines for Parameter Tuning Rmax and є0 determine the threshold between negligible noise and  imbalance ratio β determines the size of the moving window. The window should be  high enough to allow computing examples from both classes: f min ! =k f maj θGA can counterbalance the reproduction opportunities of most frequent  (majority) and least frequent niches (minority): 1 ! GA = k ' f min Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 18. XCS with Parameters Tuning XCS with parameter tuning XCS with standard settings ir=16:1 ir=32:1 ir=64:1 ir=64:1 ir=256:1 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 19. XCS Tuning for Real-world Datasets How we can estimate the niche frequency?  Estimate from the ratio of majority class instances and minority  class instances Problem:  • This may not be related to the distribution of niches in the feature space Take the approach to the small disjuncts problem  Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 20. Online Identification of Small Disjuncts We search for regions that promote  overgeneral classifiers Estimate ircl based on the classifier’s  experience on each class: exp max ircl = exp min Adapt β and θGA according to ircl  ircl = 20 / 4 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 21. Online Parameter Adaptation ir=256:1 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 22. What about UCS? Supervised XCS:  Needs less exploration  Avoids XCS’s fitness dilemma  More robust to parameter settings  Overgeneral classifiers also tend to overcome the  population Their probability of occurrence depends on the imbalance ratio  Partially minimized with fitness sharing  Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 23. What about UCS? ir=256:1 ir=512:1 Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 24. Are LCSs more error-prone to class imbalance than other classifier schemes? C4.5 SMO XCS TP rate Bal2c1 0,00% ± 0,00% 0,00% ± 0,00% 0,00% ± 0,00% Bal2c2 81,65% ± 6,83% 93,72% ± 4,64% 81,96% ± 6,00% Bal2c3 81,90% ± 6,04% 93,77% ± 5,59% 83,99% ± 6,88% bpa 42,95% ± 14,09% 0,00% ± 0,00% 61,38% ± 9,10% gls2c1 80,00% ± 42,16% 0,00% ± 0,00% 50,00% ± 52,70% gls2c2 35,00% ± 47,43% 15,00% ± 33,75% 55,00% ± 49,72% gls2c3 30,00% ± 42,16% 0,00% ± 0,00% 5,00% ± 15,81% gls2c4 75,00% ± 32,63% 81,67% ± 25,40% 81,67% ± 25,40% gls2c5 77,14% ± 16,77% 10,00% ± 9,64% 84,29% ± 14,21% gls2c6 59,82% ± 15,13% 0,00% ± 0,00% 81,79% ± 13,95% h-s 75,83% ± 13,29% 80,00% ± 7,03% 80,00% ± 9,78% pim 55,37% ± 13,27% 53,38% ± 6,42% 55,93% ± 9,75% tao 95,23% ± 2,14% 84,11% ± 6,17% 92,58% ± 5,72% thy2c1 90,00% ± 16,10% 76,67% ± 22,50% 90,00% ± 16,10% thy2c2 94,17% ± 12,45% 54,17% ± 24,92% 90,83% ± 14,93% thy2c3 90,95% ± 10,34% 33,81% ± 21,35% 90,71% ± 8,05% wav2c1 75,74% ± 4,06% 88,51% ± 3,20% 87,24% ± 3,43% wav2c2 72,34% ± 3,89% 84,57% ± 4,05% 78,72% ± 2,57% wab2c3 77,64% ± 2,38% 89,97% ± 3,48% 87,86% ± 3,65% wbdc 92,95% ± 3,42% 95,42% ± 5,36% 95,83% ± 5,89% wdbc 92,47% ± 5,09% 94,81% ± 2,71% 93,83% ± 6,37% wine2c1 89,00% ± 16,63% 100,00% ± 0,00% 100,00% ± 0,00% wine2c2 95,00% ± 8,05% 98,33% ± 5,27% 98,33% ± 5,27% wine2c3 90,18% ± 11,70% 97,14% ± 6,02% 98,57% ± 4,52% Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla wpbc 41,00% ± 12,87% 9,50% ± 17,07% 30,50% ± 24,99%
  • 25. How can we Minimize the Effects of Small Disjuncts? Resampling the dataset:  Addresses small disjuncts Classical methods:  • Random oversampling • Random undersampling Assumes that clusterization will Heuristic methods:  find small • Tomek links disjuncts and • CNN match classifier’s • One-sided selection approximation • Smote Cluster-based oversampling  Could XCS benefit from the online Cost-sensitive classifiers  identification of small disjuncts? Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 26. Domains of Applicability Should we use some counterbalancing scheme?  Which learning scheme should we use?  Is there a combination of counterbalancing  scheme+learner that beats all others? How can we know the presence of small  disjuncts? Are there other complexity factors mixed up with  the small disjuncts problem? Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 27. Domains of Applicability Resampling/ Learn it! Classifier/ Resampling+classifier Where are LCSs placed? Dataset Dataset Suggested Prediction characterization approach Type of dataset: Geometrical distribution of classes Possible presence of small disjuncts Other complexity factors Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 28. Future Directions Potential benefit of XCS to discover small disjuncts  …and learn from it online Further analyze UCS  How do LCSs perform w.r.t. other classifiers for unbalanced  datasets? Measures for small disjuncts identification  … and other possible complexity factors What is noise and what is a small disjunct?  In which cases a LCS is applicable?  Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
  • 29. Learning Classifier Systems for Class Imbalance Problems Ester Bernadó-Mansilla Research Group in Intelligent Systems Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle Universitat Ramon Llull Barcelona, Spain