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A Whole New Mind:
Why Right-Brainers
Will Rule The Future
  by Daniel H. Pink

   Discussion Leaders:
     Kirsten Baesler
    Konnie Wightman
       Kathy Berg
Do You Agree?
         Why or Why Not?

We are moving from an economy and a
 society built on the logical, linear,
 computer-like capabilities of the
 Information Age to an economy and a
 society build on the inventive, empathic,
 big-picture capabilities of the
 Conceptual Age (pg 1-2).
Chapter 1: Right Brain Rising
         Two Half Brains...
    Designed to Work Together
          LEFT                           RIGHT

  Understands the Words            Sees the Picture
  Hears what is said (text)   Hears how it is said (context)
Comprehends literal meaning    Comprehends metaphors
        See details              Constructs big picture
         Analyzes                    Synthesizes
        Converges                      Diverges
     Sees categories              Sees relationships
Are You a Right-Brainer
           a Left-Brainer?

     Take this quiz and find out!

For instance: "Junella has
a heart as big as Montana."

Left hemisphere         Right hemisphere

assesses:               gets the metaphor!
 • who Junella is

 • what a heart is

 • how big montana is
A Slam on How We Educate
 Knowledge workers and their L-directed thinking
 have shaped our society:

 "most developed nations have devoted
 considerable time and treasure to produce left
 brain knowledge workers"


 "These tests have become important gate-
 keepers for entry into meritocratic, middle-class

   We have created a SAT-ocracy.
   (pg 29)
Chapter 2:
Abundance, Asia, and Automation
Our society is shifting from a focus on L-
 directed thinking to one of R-directed




         Designer Toilet Brushes?
Powered by knowledge workers, the information
economy has produced a standard of living
unlike anything in the past (32).

Even though people have their basic needs met,
their life satisfaction have remained the same…
People are craving transcendence (35).

Businesses must now produce not only a
product that is reasonably priced and functional,
but also beautiful, unique, and meaningful (33).
         Technology Jobs $$$
Many L-directed American jobs are being shipped
overseas to Asia where workers earn much less
for the same job.

We are not all going to lose our jobs
tomorrow. Outsourcing is overhyped in the short
term. But it's underhyped in the long term.

The US workers need to do what workers abroad
cannot do equally well for much less money -
using R-Directed abilities.
Hot Spot for Technology Growth
      TurboTax & EZ Divorce

Computer technology is able to duplicate
(quicker and cheaper) the process of many
L-directed jobs.

Any job that depends of routines - that can
be reduced to a set of rules, or broken
down into a set of repeatable steps –
is at risk.
          SIX SENSES
In the Conceptual Age, we will need to complement
 our L-Directed reasoning by mastering 6 essential
            R-Directed aptitudes(65-67).

1.   Not just function but also DESIGN
2.   Not just argument but also STORY
3.   Not just focus but also SYMPHONY
4.   Not just logic but also EMPATHY
5.   Not just seriousness but also PLAY
6.   Not just accumulation but also MEANING
"The wealth of nations and the well-being of
individuals now depend on having artists in
the room. In a world enriched by
abundance but disrupted by the automation
and outsourcing of white-collar work,
everyone, regardless of profession must
cultivate an artistic sensibility" (69).

Design has become Democratized
           Match the font on the left
     with the font name of the right (75).
Improving a school's physical
environment could increase test scores
    by as much as 11 percent (82).
With Design in Mind…

•   Keep a Design Notebook
•   Channel Your Annoyance
•   Read Design Magazines
•   Be Like Karim
•   Become a Design Detective
•   Participate in the "Third Industrial
•   Visit a Design Museum
•   C-R-A-P-ify Your Graphic Design
•   Put It on a Table
•   Be Choosy
We are our stories!
Personal narrative has become more
prevalent, and perhaps more urgent, in a
time of abundance, when many of us are
freer to seek a deeper understanding of
ourselves and our purpose.

Context enriched by emotion, a deeper
understanding of how we fit in and why that
matters. (pg. 115)
Stories Versus Statistics
Going to our School Board,
Administrators, etc., with facts &
figures is not nearly as effective as
sharing real stories that show how
your library program has transformed
your students’ lives.
      Kevin A. R. King
         “Give ‘Em What They Want…”
         Sept. 24, 2008, NDLA Conference
Create a Story Portfolio

Write a Mini-Saga

Enlist in StoryCorps

Get One Story

Visit a Storytelling Festival

Riff on Opening Lines

Experiment with Digital Storytelling

•   lips
•   eyes
•   nose
•   ears
Seeing the Big Picture

"The guy who invented the wheel was an
idiot. The guy who invented the other
three, he was a genius."

---Sid Caesar
Seeing &
Symphony Portfolio

•   Listen to Great Symphonies
•   Keep a Metaphor Log
•   Look for Solutions in Search of Problems
     o Where else would it work?
     o Would flipping it work? www.whynot.net
•   Create an Inspiration Board
•   Read “Symphonic” Books
o   Encourage Wild Ideas
o   Be Visual
•   Celebrate Your Amateurness
The ability to imagine yourself in someone else's position
and to intuit what that person is feeling (159).

Allows us to see the other side of an argument, comfort
someone in distress, and bit our lip instead of muttering
something under our breath (160).

Builds self-awareness, bonds parent to child, allows us to
work together, and provides the scaffolding for our morality

The one aptitude that's proven impossible for
computers to reproduce*, and very difficult for faraway
workers connected by electron to match (161).
Customer Service

Which sign would YOU respond to?
1) Please clean up after your dog.
2) Our children play here. Please clean up after
your dog.

 "Empathy is neither a deviation from intellegence nor
the single route to it. Sometimes we need detachment;
many other times we need attunement. And the people
who will thrive will be those who can toggle between
the two" (174).

Small groups of people who come together early
each morning at parks, village greens, and
shopping centers to spend a half hour laughing.

Today about 2,500 laugh clubs exist.

Acceptance of laugh clubs reveals an important
dimension of the Conceptual Age - a move away
from sober seriousness (Ford Motor Company)
as a measure of ability.

 Our fundamental drive, the
motivational engine that powers
human existence, is the pursuit of

"man's main concern is not to gain
pleasure or to avoid pain but rather to
see a meaning in his life." Victor Frankl
The "Fourth Great Awakening"

 "Spiritual (or immaterial) inequity is
 now as great a problem as material
 inequity, perhaps even greater.“
 Robert William Fogel
  58 percent of Americans say they think
 often about the meaning and purpose of
Mental and physical health
better when attending to the
      spiritual life.(222)

..awhole minded approach--L-Directed
reason combined with R-Directed spirit-
-can be effective.
Contribute to Happiness

•   Engaging in satisfying work
•   Avoiding negative events and
•   Being married
•   Having a rich social network
•   Gratitude
•   Forgiveness
•   Optimism
Meaning Portfolio

•   Say Thanks
•   Take the 20-10 Test
•   Measure Your Spirit
•   Read These Books
•   Visit a Labyrinth
•   Picture Yourself at Ninety

1. Can someone overseas do it cheaper?

2. Can a computer do it faster?

3. Am I offering something that satisfies the nonmaterial,
transcendent desires of an abundant age?

These three questions will mark the fault
line between who gets ahead and who gets
left behind.

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Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future

  • 1. A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future by Daniel H. Pink Discussion Leaders: Kirsten Baesler Konnie Wightman Kathy Berg
  • 2. Do You Agree? Why or Why Not? We are moving from an economy and a society built on the logical, linear, computer-like capabilities of the Information Age to an economy and a society build on the inventive, empathic, big-picture capabilities of the Conceptual Age (pg 1-2).
  • 3. Chapter 1: Right Brain Rising Two Half Brains... Designed to Work Together LEFT RIGHT Understands the Words Sees the Picture Hears what is said (text) Hears how it is said (context) Comprehends literal meaning Comprehends metaphors See details Constructs big picture Analyzes Synthesizes Converges Diverges Sees categories Sees relationships
  • 4. Are You a Right-Brainer OR a Left-Brainer? Take this quiz and find out! http://mindmedia.com/brainworks/profiler
  • 5. For instance: "Junella has a heart as big as Montana." Left hemisphere Right hemisphere assesses: gets the metaphor! • who Junella is • what a heart is • how big montana is
  • 6. A Slam on How We Educate Knowledge workers and their L-directed thinking have shaped our society: "most developed nations have devoted considerable time and treasure to produce left brain knowledge workers" PSAT, SAT, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT "These tests have become important gate- keepers for entry into meritocratic, middle-class society" We have created a SAT-ocracy. (pg 29)
  • 7. Chapter 2: Abundance, Asia, and Automation Our society is shifting from a focus on L- directed thinking to one of R-directed thinking. Reasons: Abundance Asia Automation
  • 8. Abundance Designer Toilet Brushes? Powered by knowledge workers, the information economy has produced a standard of living unlike anything in the past (32). Even though people have their basic needs met, their life satisfaction have remained the same… People are craving transcendence (35). Businesses must now produce not only a product that is reasonably priced and functional, but also beautiful, unique, and meaningful (33).
  • 9. Asia Technology Jobs $$$ Many L-directed American jobs are being shipped overseas to Asia where workers earn much less for the same job. We are not all going to lose our jobs tomorrow. Outsourcing is overhyped in the short term. But it's underhyped in the long term. The US workers need to do what workers abroad cannot do equally well for much less money - using R-Directed abilities.
  • 10. Hot Spot for Technology Growth
  • 11. Automation TurboTax & EZ Divorce Computer technology is able to duplicate (quicker and cheaper) the process of many L-directed jobs. Any job that depends of routines - that can be reduced to a set of rules, or broken down into a set of repeatable steps – is at risk.
  • 12. INTRODUCING THE SIX SENSES In the Conceptual Age, we will need to complement our L-Directed reasoning by mastering 6 essential R-Directed aptitudes(65-67). 1. Not just function but also DESIGN 2. Not just argument but also STORY 3. Not just focus but also SYMPHONY 4. Not just logic but also EMPATHY 5. Not just seriousness but also PLAY 6. Not just accumulation but also MEANING
  • 13. DESIGN "The wealth of nations and the well-being of individuals now depend on having artists in the room. In a world enriched by abundance but disrupted by the automation and outsourcing of white-collar work, everyone, regardless of profession must cultivate an artistic sensibility" (69). WE MUST ALL BE DESIGNERS!
  • 14. Design has become Democratized Match the font on the left with the font name of the right (75).
  • 15. Improving a school's physical environment could increase test scores by as much as 11 percent (82).
  • 16. With Design in Mind… • Keep a Design Notebook • Channel Your Annoyance • Read Design Magazines • Be Like Karim • Become a Design Detective • Participate in the "Third Industrial Revolution" • Visit a Design Museum • C-R-A-P-ify Your Graphic Design • Put It on a Table • Be Choosy
  • 17. Story We are our stories! Personal narrative has become more prevalent, and perhaps more urgent, in a time of abundance, when many of us are freer to seek a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose. Context enriched by emotion, a deeper understanding of how we fit in and why that matters. (pg. 115)
  • 18. Stories Versus Statistics Going to our School Board, Administrators, etc., with facts & figures is not nearly as effective as sharing real stories that show how your library program has transformed your students’ lives. Kevin A. R. King “Give ‘Em What They Want…” Sept. 24, 2008, NDLA Conference
  • 19. Create a Story Portfolio Write a Mini-Saga Enlist in StoryCorps Get One Story Visit a Storytelling Festival Riff on Opening Lines Experiment with Digital Storytelling
  • 20. Symphony • lips • eyes • nose • ears
  • 21. Seeing the Big Picture "The guy who invented the wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was a genius." ---Sid Caesar
  • 23. Symphony Portfolio • Listen to Great Symphonies • Keep a Metaphor Log • Look for Solutions in Search of Problems o Where else would it work? o Would flipping it work? www.whynot.net • Create an Inspiration Board • Read “Symphonic” Books o Encourage Wild Ideas o Be Visual • Celebrate Your Amateurness
  • 24. Empathy The ability to imagine yourself in someone else's position and to intuit what that person is feeling (159). Allows us to see the other side of an argument, comfort someone in distress, and bit our lip instead of muttering something under our breath (160). Builds self-awareness, bonds parent to child, allows us to work together, and provides the scaffolding for our morality (160). The one aptitude that's proven impossible for computers to reproduce*, and very difficult for faraway workers connected by electron to match (161).
  • 25. Customer Service Which sign would YOU respond to? 1) Please clean up after your dog. 2) Our children play here. Please clean up after your dog. "Empathy is neither a deviation from intellegence nor the single route to it. Sometimes we need detachment; many other times we need attunement. And the people who will thrive will be those who can toggle between the two" (174).
  • 26. Play Small groups of people who come together early each morning at parks, village greens, and shopping centers to spend a half hour laughing. Today about 2,500 laugh clubs exist. Acceptance of laugh clubs reveals an important dimension of the Conceptual Age - a move away from sober seriousness (Ford Motor Company) as a measure of ability.
  • 27. Meaning Our fundamental drive, the motivational engine that powers human existence, is the pursuit of meaning. "man's main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain but rather to see a meaning in his life." Victor Frankl
  • 28. The "Fourth Great Awakening" "Spiritual (or immaterial) inequity is now as great a problem as material inequity, perhaps even greater.“ Robert William Fogel 58 percent of Americans say they think often about the meaning and purpose of life.
  • 29. Mental and physical health better when attending to the spiritual life.(222) ..awhole minded approach--L-Directed reason combined with R-Directed spirit- -can be effective.
  • 30. Contribute to Happiness • Engaging in satisfying work • Avoiding negative events and emotions • Being married • Having a rich social network • Gratitude • Forgiveness • Optimism
  • 31. Meaning Portfolio • Say Thanks • Take the 20-10 Test • Measure Your Spirit • Read These Books • Visit a Labyrinth • Picture Yourself at Ninety
  • 32. AFTERWORD 1. Can someone overseas do it cheaper? 2. Can a computer do it faster? 3. Am I offering something that satisfies the nonmaterial, transcendent desires of an abundant age? These three questions will mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who gets left behind.