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• Chapter 3 Verse 1 Kundalini is the support of yoga practices
• As the serpent (Sheshnaga) upholds the earth and its mountains and woods, so kundalini is the support of all the
yoga practices.
• Chapter 3 Verse 2 Guru’s grace and opening of the chakras
• Indeed, by guru's grace this sleeping kundalini is awakened, then all the lotuses (chakras) and knots (granthis) are
• Chapter 3 Verse 3 Sushumna becomes the path of prana and deceives death
• Then indeed, sushumna becomes the pathway of prana, mind is free of all connections and death is averted.
• Chapter 3 Verse 4 Names of sushumna
• Sushumna, shoonya padavi, brahmarandhra, maha patha, shmashan, shambhavi, madhya marga, are all said to be
one and the same.
• Chapter 3 Verse 5 Sleeping goddess is awakened by mudra
• Therefore, the goddess sleeping at the entrance of Brahma’s door should be constantly aroused with all effort by
performing mudra thoroughly.
• (Verse 6 & 7) Ten Mudras destroy old age - Maha Mudra, Maha Bandha, Maha Vedha, Khechari, Uddiyana, Moola
Bandha and jalandhara bandha, Vipareeta karani mudra, vajroli and shakti chalana.
Mahāmudrā mahābandho mahāvedhaścha khecharī/
Uddīyānam mūlabandhaś cha bandho jālandharābhidhah//(Chapter -3, Verse 6).
Maha mudra, maha bandha, maha vedha, khechari, uddiyana, moola bandha and jalandhara bandha. (Chapter -3, Verse 6).
Karanī viparītākhyā vajrolī śaktichālanam/
Idam hi mudrādaśakam jarāmarananāśanam//(Chapter -3, Verse 7).
Vipareeta karani mudra, vajroli and shakti chalana, verily, these are the ten mudras which destroy old age and death.
(Chapter -3, Verse 7).
• Chapter 3 Verse 8 Eight major siddhis obtained by mudra
• Adinath said they are the bestowers of the eight divine powers. They are held in high esteem by all the siddhas and are
difficult for even the gods to attain.
• Chapter 3 Verse 9 Mudras must be kept secret
• These must remain secret just like precious stones, and not be talked about to anyone, just as one does not tell others
about his intimate relations with his wife.
Maha Mudra (The Great Attitude)
Pādamūlena vāmena yonim sampīdya dakshinām/
Prasāritam padam krtvā karābhyām dhārayeddrdham//(Chapter -3, Verse 10).
• Press the left heel into the perineum (or vagina), straighten the right leg, and with the hands, firmly take hold of the
outstretched foot. (Chapter -3, Verse 10).
Kanthe bandham samāropya dhārayed vāyum ūrdhvatah /
Yathā dandahatah sarpo dandākārah prajāyate//(Chapter -3, Verse 11).
By locking the throat and retaining the breath, the prana rises straight, just like a snake beaten with a stick becomes straight.
(Chapter -3, Verse 11).
Rjvībhūtā tathā śaktih kundalī sahasā bhavet/
Tadā sā maranāvasthā jāyate dviputāśrayā//(Chapter -3, Verse 12).
• So the kundalini shakti becomes straight at once. Then the two (ida and pingala) become lifeless as the shakti enters
sushumna. (Chapter -3, Verse 12).
Tatah śanaih śanaireva rechayennaiva veghatah/
Mahāmudrām cha tenaiva vadanti vibudhottamāh//(Chapter -3, Verse 13).
• Then exhale slowly and gradually, not quickly. Indeed this is described as maha mudra by the great siddhas. (Chapter -
3, Verse 13).
• Chapter 3 Verse 14 Power of maha mudra
• Maha mudra removes the worst afflictions (the five kleshas) and the cause of death. Therefore it is called ‘the great
attitude’ by the ones of highest knowledge.
• Chapter 3 Verse 15 Maha mudra done an equal number of times on alternate sides
• After practicing on the left side, practice on the right side. When the number of rounds is even, discontinue and
release the mudra.
• Chapter 3 Verse 16 Nothing is toxic for the practitioner of maha mudra
• For one who practices maha mudra, there is nothing wholesome or unwholesome. Anything can he consumed, even
the deadliest of poisons is digested like nectar.
• Chapter 3 Verses 17 Curative effects of maha mudra
• Abdominal disorders, constipation, indigestion and leprosy, are alleviated by the practice of maha mudra.
• Verse 18 Maha mudra must be kept secret
• Thus maha mudra has been described as the giver of great siddhis. It must be kept secret and not disclosed to anyone.
Maha Bandha (Great Lock)
Pārshnim vāmasya pādasya yonisthāne niyojayet/
Vāmorūpari samsthāpya dakshinam charanam tathā//
• Press the heel of the left foot in the perineum/vagina and place the right foot on the left thigh. (Chapter -3, Verse 19).
Pūrayitvā tato vāyum hrdaye chubukam drdham/
Nishpīdya yonimākuñchya manomadhye niyojayet//
• Thus breathing in, bring the chin to the chest (jalandhara bandha), contract the perineal/cervical region (moola bandha)
and concentrate on the eyebrow center (shambhavi mudra). (Chapter -3, Verse 20).
Dhārayitvā yathāśakti rechayedanilam śanaih /
Savyāngghe tu samabhyasya dakshāngghe punarabhyaset//
• Having retained the breath as long as comfortable, exhale slowly. Once completing the practice on the left side, practice
again on the right side.(Chapter -3, Verse 21).
Matamatra tu keshāmchitkanthabandham vivarjayet/
Rājadantasthajihvāyā bandhah śasto bhavediti//
• Some are of the opinion that the throat lock (jalandhara bandha) is unnecessary and it is sufficient to keep the tongue
against the front teeth. (Chapter -3, Verse 22).
• Verse 23 Maha bandha stops leakage from nadis
• This stops the upward movement of energy in the nadis. Verily this maha bandha is the
bestower of great siddhis. (23)
Trivenīsangghamam dhatte kedāram prāpayenmanah//
• Maha bandha frees one from the bonds of death, makes the three nadis unite in ajna chakra
and enables the mind to reach the sacred seat of Shiva, Kedara. (Chapter -3, Verse 24).
• Chapter 3 Verse 25 Necessity of maha vedha mudra for maha mudra and maha bandha
• Just as an extremely beautiful woman is nothing without a husband, so maha mudra and
maha bandha are unfruitful without maha vedha mudra.
Maha Vedha Mudra (Great Piercing Attitude)
Atha mahāvedhah
Mahābandhasthito yogī krtvā pūrakam ekadhīh/
Vāyūnām ghatimāvrtya nibhrtam kanthamudrayā//
The yogi, in the position of maha bandha, should inhale, make the mind steady and stop the movement of prana by
performing the throat lock. (Chapter -3, Verse 26).
Samahastayugho bhūmau sphichau sanādayechchanaih/
Putadvayam atikramya vāyuh sphurati madhyaghah//
• Placing the palms of the hands on the ground, he should slowly beat the buttocks gently on the ground. The prana
(then) leaves the two nadis (ida and pingala) and enters into the middle channel (sushumna). (Chapter -3, Verse 27).
• Ida, Pingala and sushumna become united and verily, immortality is attained. A death-like state occurs; then the
breath should be exhaled. (28)
• Verse 29, 30 Benefits of maha vedha mudra
• Mahāvedhoa yam abhyāsān mahāsiddhipradāyakah/
• Valīpalitavepaghnah sevyate sādhakottamaih//
• This is maha vedha, and its practice bestows great perfections. Wrinkles, grey hair and the trembling of old age are
evaded, thus the best of practitioners devote themselves to it. (Chapter -3, Verse 29).
• These are the three great secrets which destroy old age and death, increase the digestive fire and bestow the siddhis of
anima, etc. (30)
• Verse 31 Regulations for maha vedha mudra
• They should be done daily at every yama (three hour period). They bring out the virtues and destroy vices. Those who
have perfect instructions should practice them gradually. (31)
• Verse 32-36 Khechari mudra (attitude of dwelling in supreme consciousness)
• Khechari mudra is turning the tongue backwards into the cavity of the cranium and turning the eyes inwards towards
the eyebrow center. (32)
• The tongue should be exercised and milked and the underneath part cut away in small degrees. Indeed khechari is
perfected when the tongue touches the eyebrow center. (33)
• With a clean thin blade, gently cut away the membrane under the tongue. Cut it by a fine hair’s breadth each time. (34)
• Then rub in a mixture of powdered rock salt and turmeric. After seven days, again cut a hair’s breadth. (35)
• One should continue doing this regularly for six months, then the membrane at the root of the tongue will be
completely severed. (36)
• Chapter 3 Verse 37 Technique of khechari mudra, the center of ether
• Having turned, the tongue back, the three channels of ida, pingala and sushumna are controlled. This is khechari mudra
and it is called the center of ether.
• Verse 38-40 Benefits of khechari mudra
• The yogi who remains with the tongue going upwards for even half a second is freed from toxins, disease, death, old
age, etc. (38)
• One who accomplishes this khechari mudra is neither troubled by diseases, nor death, lassitude, sleep, hunger, thirst or
unconsciousness. (39)
• One who knows khechari mudra is unafflicted by disease, unaffected by the laws of cause and effect (karma) and free
from the bands of time (death). (40)
• Verse 41 Khechari mudra means mind moving in Brahman
• Mind moves in Brahman (khe) because the tongue moves in space (khe). Therefore, the perfected ones have named this
mudra khechari, moving in space or Brahman. (41)
• Verse 42 Khechari enables control of semen
• When the upper cavity of the palate is sealed by khechari mudra, the bindu or semen cannot be lost even if one embraces
a beautiful woman. (42)
Khecharyā mudritam yena vivaram lambikordhvatah/
Na tasya ksharate binduh kāminyāśleshitasya cha//
• Even when there is movement of the bindu and it enters the genitals, it is seized by closing the perineum and is taken
upward. (Chapter -3, Verse 43).
• Verse 44 Through khechari the fluid of the moon is drunk and physical death conquered
• With the tongue directed upwards, the knower of yoga drinks the fluid of the moon. Within fifteen days physical death
is conquered. (44)
• Verse 45 Poison does not affect one who practices khechari
• The yogi’s body is forever full of the moon’s nectar. Even if he is bitten by the king of snakes (Takshaka), he is not
poisoned. (45)
• Verse 46 Khechari maintains prana in the body
• Just as fuel kindles fire and oil a lamp, so the indweller of the body does not vacate while the body is full of the moon’s
nectar. (46)
• Verse 47 Drinking the amaravaruni through khechari
• By constant swallowing of the tongue he can drink amaravaruni. I consider him of high lineage (heritage). Others
destroy the heritage. (47)
• Verse 48 Meaning of eating ‘cow’s meat’ in hatha yoga
• The word ‘go’ means tongue (and also means cow). When it enters into the upper palate, it is ‘eating the flesh of the
cow.’ It (khechari) destroys the great sins.
• Verse 49 Khechari produces heat, allowing nectar to flow
• When the tongue enters the cavity, indeed heat is produced and the man’s nectar flows.
• By practicing khechari mudra, heat is produced in the physical and subtle bodies. This is the same type of heat as that
discussed previously in relation to pranayama. This heat is extremely important for the release of the ‘nectar from the
moon.’ Just as metal becomes liquid when it is heated, ice becomes water and paraffin wax becomes liquid paraffin; so
the nectar in the body which has ‘solidified’ begins to run like a fluid when it is heated. The release of this fluid within
the body is extremely important for arousing a higher state of consciousness.
• Verse 50 Nectar wards off old age and manifests siddhis
• When the tongue constantly presses the cavity, the moon’s nectar (flows and) has a saline, pungent and acidic flavor. It is
like (the consistency of) milk, ghee, honey. Fatal diseases, old age and weapons are warded off. From that, immortality
and the eight siddhis or perfections manifest.
• Verse 51 Nectar fluid releases kundalini, gives longevity, makes body as soft as a lotus and has effect on vishuddhi
• Fluid drips into the sixteen petalled lotus (vishuddhi chakra) when the tongue is inserted into the upper throat cavity;
the paramshakti (kundalini) is released and one becomes concentrated in that (experience which ensues). The yogi who
drinks the pure stream of nectar is freed from disease, has longevity, and has a body as soft and as beautiful as a lotus
• Verse 52 Khechari mudra preserves nectar for perfection of body
• The nectar is secreted from the topmost part of the Meru (Sushumna), the
fountainhead of the nadis. He who has pure intellect can know the Truth therein.
The nectar, which is the essence of the body, flows out from the moon and hence
death ensues. Therefore khechari mudra should be practiced, otherwise perfection
of the body cannot be attained.
Sushiram jñānajanakam pañchasrotah samanvitam/
Tishthate khecharī mudrā tasminśūnye nirañjane//
• Five nadis convene in this cavity and it is the source of knowledge. Khechari should
be established in that void, untainted (by ignorance). (Chapter -3, Verse 53).
• Verse 54 Experience of oneness
• There is only one seed of creation and one mudra – khechari; one deva independent of everything and one state –
• Bindu is the seed of creation and khechari mudra maintains bindu in the brain center. This leads to the expansion of finite
consciousness and realization of Shiva, Brahman, Atman. This is a state that transcends the mind; it is samadhi.
• Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Retraction Lock)
• Atha uddīyānabandhah
Baddho yena sushumnāyām prānastūddīyate yatah/
Tasmād uddīyanākhyoa yam yoghibhih samudāhrtah//
• Uddiyana bandha is so-called by the yogis because through its practice the prana (is concentrated at one point and)
rises through sushumna. (Chapter -3, Verse 55).
Uddīnam kurute yasmādaviśrāntam mahākhaghah/
Uddīyānam tadeva syāttatra bandho abhidhīyate//
• The bandha described is called the rising or flying bandha, because through its practice, the great bird (shakti) flies
upward with ease. (Chapter -3, Verse 56).
Udare paśchimam tānam nābherūrdhvam cha kārayet /
Uddīyāno hyasau bandho mrtyumātangghakesarī//
• Pulling the abdomen back in and making the navel rise is uddiyana bandha. It is the lion which conquers the
elephant, death. (Chapter -3, Verse 57).
• Verse 58, 59 Benefits of uddiyana bandha
• Uddiyana is easy when practiced as told by the guru. Even an old person can become young when it is done regularly. (58)
• The region above and below the navel should be drawn backward with effort. There is no doubt that after six months of
practice, death is conquered. (59)
• Verse 60 Uddiyana bandha leads to mukti
• Of all the bandhas, uddiyana is the best. Once it is mastered, mukti or liberation occurs spontaneously.
• Moola Bandha(Perineum/Cervix Retraction Lock)
Atha mūlabandhah
Pārshnibhāghena sampīdya yonim ākuñchayed ghudam/
Apānam ūrdhvam ākrshya mūlabandho abhidhīyate//
• Pressing the perineum/vagina with the heel and contracting the rectum so that the apana vayu moves upward is moola
bandha. (Chapter -3, Verse 61).
Adhogatim apānam vā ūrdhvagam kurute balāt/
Ākuñchanena tam prāhur mūlabandham hi yoginah//
• By contracting the perineum the downward moving apana vayu is forced to go upward. Yogis call this moola bandha.
(Chapter -3, Verse 62).
Gudam pārshnyā tu sampīdya vāyumākuñchayed balāt/
Vāram vāram yathā chordhvam samāyāti samīranah//
• Press the heel firmly against the rectum and contract forcefully and repeatedly, so that the vital energy rises. (Chapter -
3, Verse 63).
Prānāpānau nādabindū mūlabandhena chaikatām/
Gatvā yogasya samsiddhim yachchato nātra samśayah//
• There is no doubt that by practicing moola bandha, prana/apana and nada/bindu are united, and total perfection
• Verse 65 Physical effects of moola bandha
• With constant practice of moola bandha, prana and apana unite, urine and stool are decreased and even an old person
becomes young.
• Verse 66, 67 Union of prana and apana intensifies heat in the body
• Apana moves up into the region of fire (manipura chakra, the navel center), then the flames of the fire grow, being
fanned by apana vayu. (66)
• Then, when apana and the fin meet with prana, which is itself hot, the heat in the body is intensified.
• Verse 68, 69 Kundalini is aroused
• Through this, the sleeping kundalini is aroused by the extreme heat and it straightens itself just as a serpent
beaten with a stick straightens and hisses. (68)
• Just as a snake enters its hole, so kundalini goes into brahma nadi. Therefore the yogi must always perform moola
bandha. (69)
Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock)
Atha jalandharabandhah
Kanthamākuñchya hrdaye sthāpayechchibukam drdham/
Bandho jālandharākhyoayam jarāmrtyuvināśakah//
• Contracting the throat by bringing the chin to the chest is the bandha called jalandhara.
It destroys old age and death. (Chapter -3, Verse 70).
Badhnāti hi sirājālamadhoghāmi nabhojalam/
Tato jālandharo bandhah kanthaduhkhaughanāśanah//
• That is jalandhara bandha which catches the flow of nectar in the throat. It destroys all
throat ailments. (Chapter -3, Verse 71).
Jālandhare krte bandhe kanthasamkochalakshane/
Na pīyūsham patatyaghnau na cha vāyuh prakupyati//
• Having done jalandhara bandha by contracting the throat, the nectar does not fall into the gastric fire and the prana is
not agitated. (Chapter -3, Verse 72).
Kanthasamkochanenaiva dve nādyau stambhayed drdham/
Madhyachakramidam jñeyam shodaśādhārabandhanam//
• By firmly contracting the throat, the two nadis, ida and pingala are paralyzed and the sixteen adharas of the middle chakra
are locked. (Chapter -3, Verse 73).
• Verse 74 Moola, jalandhara, uddiyana bandhas
• By contracting the perineum, performing uddiyana and locking ida and pingala with jalandhara, sushumna becomes
• Verse 75 Benefits of the three bandhas
• By this means the prana and breath become still. Thus death, old age and sickness are conquered. (75)
• Verse 76 The great siddhas practice these bandhas
• The great siddhas practice these three best bandhas. Of all the sadhanas in hatha yoga and tantra, the yogis know this
practice (maha bandha).
• Verse 77 The ambrosia or nectar is consumed
• That nectar which flows from the moon has the quality of endowing enlightenment, but it is completely consumed
by the sun, incurring old age.
• Verse 78, 79 Vipareeta karani mudra (reversing attitude)
• There is a wonderful means by which the nectar is averted from falling into the opening of the sun. This is obtained by
the guru’s instructions and not from the hundreds of shastras (treatises).(78)
Ūrdhvanābheradhastālorūrdhvam bhānuradhah śaśī /
Karanī viparītākhā ghuruvākyena labhyate//
• With the navel region above and the palate below, the sun is above and the moon below. It is called vipareeta karani,
the reversing process. When given by the guru’s instructions it is fruitful tecchnique. (Chapter -3, Verse 79).
• Verse 80, 81 Vipareeta karani mudra, diet and practice
• Digestion is strengthened by continual, regular practice and therefore, the practitioner
should always have sufficient food. (80)
• If one takes only a little food, the heat produced by the digestion will destroy the
system. Therefore, on the first day, one should only stay a moment with the feet up
and head down. (81)
Valitam palitam chaiva shanmāsordhvam na drśyate /
Yāmamātram tu yo nityamabhyasetsa tu kālajit//
• The practice should be done daily, gradually increasing the duration. After six months of practice, grey hairs and wrinkles
become inconspicuous. One who practices it for yama (three hours) conquers death.(Chapter -3, Verse 82).
• Verse 83 Anyone who practices vajroli mudra becomes a recipient of siddhis
• Even anyone living a free lifestyle without the formal rules of yoga, if he practices vajroli well, that yogi becomes a recipient
of siddhis (perfections).
• Verse 84 Two requisites are difficult to obtain for vajroli mudra
• There are two things hard to obtain, one is milk and the second is a woman who can act according to your will.
• Verse 85 A man or woman can achieve perfection of vajroli mudra
• By practicing gradual upward contractions during the emission in intercourse, any man or woman achieves
perfection of vajroli.
• Verse 86 Vajroli mudra with a catheter
• By slowly drawing in air through a prescribed tube inserted into the urethra of the penis, gradually air and prana
traverse into the vajra kanda.
• Verse 87 Bindu (semen) should not fall into the yoni
• The bindu (semen) that is about to fall into the woman’s vagina should be made to move upwards with practice. And if
it falls, the semen and the woman’s fluid should be conserved by drawing it up.
• Verse 88 Preservation of the bindu is life
• Therefore, the knower of yoga conquers death by preserving the bindu (semen). Release of the bindu means death;
conservation of semen is life.
• Verse 89 Body becomes fragrant through preservation of bindu
• As long as the bindu/semen is steady in the body, then where is the fear of death? The yogi’s body smells pleasant by
conserving the bindu/semen.
• Verse 90 Semen and mind must be controlled
• A man’s semen can be controlled by the mind and control of semen is life giving. Therefore, his semen and mind should be
controlled and conserved.
• Verse 91 Conserving the bindu and rajas
• The knower of yoga, perfect in the practice, conserves his bindu and the woman’s rajas by drawing it up through the
generative organ.
• Sahajoli Mudra- Attitude of Spontaneous Arousing)
Sahajoliśchāmarolirvajrolyā bheda ekatah/
Jale subhasma nikshipya daghdhaghomayasambhavam//
• Sahajoli and amaroli are separate techniques of vajroli. The ashes of burnt cow manure should be mixed with water.
(Chapter -3, Verse 92).
Vajrolīmaithunādūrdhvam strīpumsoh svāngghalepanam/
Āsīnayoh sukhenaiva muktavyāpārayoh kshanāt//
• After performing vajroli during intercourse, (being in a comfortable position), the man and woman should wipe the ashes on
specific parts of their bodies during the leisure time. (Chapter -3, Verse 93).
Sahajoliriyam proktā śraddheyā yoghibhih sadā /
Ayam śubhakaro yogho bhoghayuktoapi muktidah//
• It is called sahajoli and the yogis have complete faith in it. This is very beneficial and enables enlightenment through the
combination of yoga and bhoga (sensual involvement). (Chapter -3, Verse 94).
• Verse 95 Yoga is attained by virtuous and not selfish people
• Verily this yoga is perfected by virtuous and well-conducted men who have seen the truth and not those who are selfish.
• Amaroli Mudra (Attitude Arousing Immortality)
Atha amarolī
Pittolbanatvāt prathamāmbudhārām Vihāya nihsāratayāntyadhārām/ Nishevyate śītalamadhyadhārā Kāpālike
khandamate amarolī//
• According to the Kapalika sect, amaroli is practiced by drinking the cool midstream of urine. The first part of the urine is left
as it contains bile, and the last part is left as it does not contain goodness. (Chapter -3, Verse 96).
Amarīm yah pibennityam nasyam kurvandine dine/
Vajrolīm abhyaset samyak sāmarolīti kathyate//
• One who drinks amari, takes it through the nose and practices vajroli, is said to be practicing amaroli. (Chapter -3, Verse 97).
• Verse 98 After vajroli mudra, wiping a mixture of ash and semen on the body
• The practitioner should mix the semen with the ashes of burnt cow manure and wipe it on the upper parts of the body, it
bestows divya drishti (clairvoyance or divine sight).
• Verse 99 A yogini is one who practices Vajroli
• If a woman practices vajroli and saves her rajas and the man’s bindu by thorough contraction, she is a yogini.
• Verse 100 By preserving rajas, bindu and nada unite
• Without doubt, not even a little rajas is wasted through vajroli, the nada and bindu in the body become one.
• Verse 101 Union of bindu and rajas bestows siddhis by vajroli
• The bindu and that rajas in one’s own body unite through the union by practice of vajroli, thus bestowing all perfections or
• Verse 102 A yogini conserving her rajas attains khechari
• She is verily a yogini who conserves her rajas by contracting and raising it. She knows past, present and future and becomes
fixed in khechari (i.e. consciousness moves into the higher realm).
• Verse 103 Vajroli brings liberation with bhoga
• By the yoga of vajroli practice, perfection of the body fructifies. This auspicious yoga even brings liberation alongside with
sensual involvement (bhoga).
• Verse 104 Names of kundalini shakti
• Kutilangi, kundalini, bhujangi, shakti, ishwari, kundali, arundhati are all synonymous terms.
• Verse 105 Kundalini is the key to liberation
• Just as a door is opened with a key, similarly the yogi opens the door to liberation with kundalini. Without generating
kundalini shakti there is no possibility of transcending empirical existence.
• Verse 106-107 The sleeping shakti is the means of release from bondage
• The sleeping Parameshwari rests with her mouth closing that door, through which is the path to the knot of brahmasthana,
the place beyond suffering. (106)
• The kundalini shakti sleeps above the kanda. This shakti is the means of liberation to the yogi and bondage for the ignorant.
One who knows this is the knower of yoga. (107)
• Verse 108 Kundalini is coiled like a snake
• Kundalini is said to be coiled like a snake. Without a doubt, one who makes that shakti flow obtains liberation.
• Verse 109, 110 Kundalini is in the middle of ida and Pingala
• Between Ganga and Yamuna is the young widowed, Balarandam practicing austerity. She should be seized forcibly, then
one can reach the supreme state of Vishnu. (109)
• Ida is the holy Ganga, pingala the river Yamuna. Between ida and pingala in the middle is this young widow, kundalini. (110)
• Verse 111 Kundalini when excited, rises up
• By seizing the tail of kundalini serpent, she becomes very excited. Abandoning sleep that shakti is released and rises up.
• Shakti Chalana Mudra (attitude of moving the energy)
Avasthitā chaiva phanāvatī sā Prātaścha sāyam praharārdhamātram /Prapūrya sūryātparidhānayuktyā
Praghrhya nityam parichālanīyā//
• Breathing in through the right nostril (pingala) the serpent (shakti) should be seized through kumbhaka and rotated
constantly for an hour and a half, morning and evening. (Chapter -3, Verse 112).
• Verse 113 Placement of the kanda
• The kanda, situated above the anus, one hand span high and four fingers breath wide, is soft and white as if enveloped in
• Verse 114 Kanda should be squeezed in vajrasana
• Firmly seated in vajrasana, holding the ankles, one should squeeze the kanda close to the anus.
• The position of practice is vajrasana. The left big toe lies over the right big toe, heels are by the sides of the buttocks,
hands are on the knees. Perform moola bandha or ashwini mudra or both. When moola bandha is performed
correctly the muscles around the perineal body tighten. The perineal body is located exactly in the base of the kanda,
so that when the contraction is performed, the base of the kanda is grasped and squeezed.
• Verse 115 Kundalini is aroused in vajrasana with bhastrika pranayama practice
• In the position of vajrasana, the yogi should move the kundalini. Having done bhastrika pranayama the kundalini is
soon aroused.
• Verse 116 Contractions of the ‘sun’ in manipura
• Contracting the sun in manipura, kundalini should be moved. Even if such a person should be on the verge of death,
where is the need to fear death?
• Verse 117 Moving kundalini for an hour and a half, she enters and rises into sushumna
• By moving the kundalini fearlessly for an hour and a half, it is drawn into sushumna and rises up a little.
• Verse 118 By practice, prana proceeds through sushumna of its own accord
• In this way, it is easy for kundalini to issue from the opening of sushumna. Thus the prana proceeds through sushumna of
its own accord.
• Verse 119 Freedom from disease through moving the kundalini regularly
• In that way the sleeping kundalini should be regularly moved. By her regular movement, the yogi is freed from disease.
• Verse 120 Benefits of moving kundalini regularly
• The yogi who moves the shakti regularly, enjoys perfection or siddhi. He easily conquers time and death. What more is
there to say?
• Verse 121 Method of perfection in forty days
• One who enjoys being brahmacharya and always takes moderate diet and practices arousal of kundalini, achieves
perfection in forty days.
• Verse 122 No fear of death if bhastrika pranayama is also practiced
• Bhastrika pranayama with kumbhaka should specifically be practiced to activate kundalini. From where will the fear of
death arise for a self- restrained practitioner who practices daily with regularity?
• Verse 123 What other methods purify the nadis?
• What other methods are there to cleanse the 72,000 nadis of dirt besides the practice of arousing kundalini?
• Verse 124 Sushumna is straightened through asana, pranayama, mudra and concentration
• This middle nadi, sushumna, easily becomes established, (straight) by the yogi’s persistent practice of
asana, pranayama, mudra and concentration.
• Verse 125 Shambhavi is the greatest mudra for bestowing perfection
• For those who are alert and the mind one-pointed (disciplined) in samadhi, rudrani or shambhavi mudra
is the greatest mudra for bestowing perfection.
• Verse 126 There is nothing beautiful without raja yoga
• The earth without raja yoga, night without raja yoga, even the various mudras without raja yoga are
useless, i.e. not beautiful.
• Verse 127 Pranayama must be done with a concentrated mind
• All the pranayama methods are to be done with a concentrated mind. The wise man should not let his
mind be involved in the modifications (vrittis).
• Verse 128 The ten mudras told by Adinath bring perfection
• Thus the ten mudras have been told by Adinath, Shambhu. Each one is the bestower of perfection to the
• Verse 129 One who instructs mudra in the tradition of guru, is Ishwara
• One who instructs mudra in the tradition of guru/disciple is the true guru and form of Ishwara.
• Verse Verse 130 The ashta siddhi are attained through mudra and through following the guru’s
• By following explicitly his (guru’s) words, and practicing mudra; one obtains the qualities of anima, etc., and
overcomes death/time.

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HATHA YOGA MUDRA AND BANDHA- gesture & neuromuscular lock

  • 2. CHAPTER THREE: MUDRA AND BANDHA • Chapter 3 Verse 1 Kundalini is the support of yoga practices • As the serpent (Sheshnaga) upholds the earth and its mountains and woods, so kundalini is the support of all the yoga practices. • Chapter 3 Verse 2 Guru’s grace and opening of the chakras • Indeed, by guru's grace this sleeping kundalini is awakened, then all the lotuses (chakras) and knots (granthis) are opened. • Chapter 3 Verse 3 Sushumna becomes the path of prana and deceives death • Then indeed, sushumna becomes the pathway of prana, mind is free of all connections and death is averted. • Chapter 3 Verse 4 Names of sushumna • Sushumna, shoonya padavi, brahmarandhra, maha patha, shmashan, shambhavi, madhya marga, are all said to be one and the same. • Chapter 3 Verse 5 Sleeping goddess is awakened by mudra • Therefore, the goddess sleeping at the entrance of Brahma’s door should be constantly aroused with all effort by performing mudra thoroughly.
  • 3. • (Verse 6 & 7) Ten Mudras destroy old age - Maha Mudra, Maha Bandha, Maha Vedha, Khechari, Uddiyana, Moola Bandha and jalandhara bandha, Vipareeta karani mudra, vajroli and shakti chalana. Mahāmudrā mahābandho mahāvedhaścha khecharī/ Uddīyānam mūlabandhaś cha bandho jālandharābhidhah//(Chapter -3, Verse 6). Maha mudra, maha bandha, maha vedha, khechari, uddiyana, moola bandha and jalandhara bandha. (Chapter -3, Verse 6). Karanī viparītākhyā vajrolī śaktichālanam/ Idam hi mudrādaśakam jarāmarananāśanam//(Chapter -3, Verse 7). Vipareeta karani mudra, vajroli and shakti chalana, verily, these are the ten mudras which destroy old age and death. (Chapter -3, Verse 7). • Chapter 3 Verse 8 Eight major siddhis obtained by mudra • Adinath said they are the bestowers of the eight divine powers. They are held in high esteem by all the siddhas and are difficult for even the gods to attain. • Chapter 3 Verse 9 Mudras must be kept secret • These must remain secret just like precious stones, and not be talked about to anyone, just as one does not tell others about his intimate relations with his wife.
  • 4. Maha Mudra (The Great Attitude) Pādamūlena vāmena yonim sampīdya dakshinām/ Prasāritam padam krtvā karābhyām dhārayeddrdham//(Chapter -3, Verse 10). • Press the left heel into the perineum (or vagina), straighten the right leg, and with the hands, firmly take hold of the outstretched foot. (Chapter -3, Verse 10). Kanthe bandham samāropya dhārayed vāyum ūrdhvatah / Yathā dandahatah sarpo dandākārah prajāyate//(Chapter -3, Verse 11). By locking the throat and retaining the breath, the prana rises straight, just like a snake beaten with a stick becomes straight. (Chapter -3, Verse 11). Rjvībhūtā tathā śaktih kundalī sahasā bhavet/ Tadā sā maranāvasthā jāyate dviputāśrayā//(Chapter -3, Verse 12). • So the kundalini shakti becomes straight at once. Then the two (ida and pingala) become lifeless as the shakti enters sushumna. (Chapter -3, Verse 12). Tatah śanaih śanaireva rechayennaiva veghatah/ Mahāmudrām cha tenaiva vadanti vibudhottamāh//(Chapter -3, Verse 13).
  • 5. • Then exhale slowly and gradually, not quickly. Indeed this is described as maha mudra by the great siddhas. (Chapter - 3, Verse 13). • Chapter 3 Verse 14 Power of maha mudra • Maha mudra removes the worst afflictions (the five kleshas) and the cause of death. Therefore it is called ‘the great attitude’ by the ones of highest knowledge. • Chapter 3 Verse 15 Maha mudra done an equal number of times on alternate sides • After practicing on the left side, practice on the right side. When the number of rounds is even, discontinue and release the mudra. • Chapter 3 Verse 16 Nothing is toxic for the practitioner of maha mudra • For one who practices maha mudra, there is nothing wholesome or unwholesome. Anything can he consumed, even the deadliest of poisons is digested like nectar. • Chapter 3 Verses 17 Curative effects of maha mudra • Abdominal disorders, constipation, indigestion and leprosy, are alleviated by the practice of maha mudra. • Verse 18 Maha mudra must be kept secret • Thus maha mudra has been described as the giver of great siddhis. It must be kept secret and not disclosed to anyone. (18)
  • 6. Maha Bandha (Great Lock) Pārshnim vāmasya pādasya yonisthāne niyojayet/ Vāmorūpari samsthāpya dakshinam charanam tathā// • Press the heel of the left foot in the perineum/vagina and place the right foot on the left thigh. (Chapter -3, Verse 19). Pūrayitvā tato vāyum hrdaye chubukam drdham/ Nishpīdya yonimākuñchya manomadhye niyojayet// • Thus breathing in, bring the chin to the chest (jalandhara bandha), contract the perineal/cervical region (moola bandha) and concentrate on the eyebrow center (shambhavi mudra). (Chapter -3, Verse 20). Dhārayitvā yathāśakti rechayedanilam śanaih / Savyāngghe tu samabhyasya dakshāngghe punarabhyaset// • Having retained the breath as long as comfortable, exhale slowly. Once completing the practice on the left side, practice again on the right side.(Chapter -3, Verse 21). Matamatra tu keshāmchitkanthabandham vivarjayet/ Rājadantasthajihvāyā bandhah śasto bhavediti// • Some are of the opinion that the throat lock (jalandhara bandha) is unnecessary and it is sufficient to keep the tongue against the front teeth. (Chapter -3, Verse 22).
  • 7. • Verse 23 Maha bandha stops leakage from nadis • This stops the upward movement of energy in the nadis. Verily this maha bandha is the bestower of great siddhis. (23) Kālapāśamahābandhavimochanavichakshanah/ Trivenīsangghamam dhatte kedāram prāpayenmanah// • Maha bandha frees one from the bonds of death, makes the three nadis unite in ajna chakra and enables the mind to reach the sacred seat of Shiva, Kedara. (Chapter -3, Verse 24). • Chapter 3 Verse 25 Necessity of maha vedha mudra for maha mudra and maha bandha • Just as an extremely beautiful woman is nothing without a husband, so maha mudra and maha bandha are unfruitful without maha vedha mudra. Maha Vedha Mudra (Great Piercing Attitude) Atha mahāvedhah Mahābandhasthito yogī krtvā pūrakam ekadhīh/ Vāyūnām ghatimāvrtya nibhrtam kanthamudrayā// The yogi, in the position of maha bandha, should inhale, make the mind steady and stop the movement of prana by performing the throat lock. (Chapter -3, Verse 26).
  • 8. Samahastayugho bhūmau sphichau sanādayechchanaih/ Putadvayam atikramya vāyuh sphurati madhyaghah// • Placing the palms of the hands on the ground, he should slowly beat the buttocks gently on the ground. The prana (then) leaves the two nadis (ida and pingala) and enters into the middle channel (sushumna). (Chapter -3, Verse 27). • Ida, Pingala and sushumna become united and verily, immortality is attained. A death-like state occurs; then the breath should be exhaled. (28) • Verse 29, 30 Benefits of maha vedha mudra • Mahāvedhoa yam abhyāsān mahāsiddhipradāyakah/ • Valīpalitavepaghnah sevyate sādhakottamaih// • This is maha vedha, and its practice bestows great perfections. Wrinkles, grey hair and the trembling of old age are evaded, thus the best of practitioners devote themselves to it. (Chapter -3, Verse 29). • These are the three great secrets which destroy old age and death, increase the digestive fire and bestow the siddhis of anima, etc. (30) • Verse 31 Regulations for maha vedha mudra • They should be done daily at every yama (three hour period). They bring out the virtues and destroy vices. Those who have perfect instructions should practice them gradually. (31)
  • 9. • Verse 32-36 Khechari mudra (attitude of dwelling in supreme consciousness) • Khechari mudra is turning the tongue backwards into the cavity of the cranium and turning the eyes inwards towards the eyebrow center. (32) • The tongue should be exercised and milked and the underneath part cut away in small degrees. Indeed khechari is perfected when the tongue touches the eyebrow center. (33) • With a clean thin blade, gently cut away the membrane under the tongue. Cut it by a fine hair’s breadth each time. (34) • Then rub in a mixture of powdered rock salt and turmeric. After seven days, again cut a hair’s breadth. (35) • One should continue doing this regularly for six months, then the membrane at the root of the tongue will be completely severed. (36) • Chapter 3 Verse 37 Technique of khechari mudra, the center of ether • Having turned, the tongue back, the three channels of ida, pingala and sushumna are controlled. This is khechari mudra and it is called the center of ether. • Verse 38-40 Benefits of khechari mudra • The yogi who remains with the tongue going upwards for even half a second is freed from toxins, disease, death, old age, etc. (38)
  • 10. • One who accomplishes this khechari mudra is neither troubled by diseases, nor death, lassitude, sleep, hunger, thirst or unconsciousness. (39) • One who knows khechari mudra is unafflicted by disease, unaffected by the laws of cause and effect (karma) and free from the bands of time (death). (40) • Verse 41 Khechari mudra means mind moving in Brahman • Mind moves in Brahman (khe) because the tongue moves in space (khe). Therefore, the perfected ones have named this mudra khechari, moving in space or Brahman. (41) • Verse 42 Khechari enables control of semen • When the upper cavity of the palate is sealed by khechari mudra, the bindu or semen cannot be lost even if one embraces a beautiful woman. (42) Khecharyā mudritam yena vivaram lambikordhvatah/ Na tasya ksharate binduh kāminyāśleshitasya cha// • Even when there is movement of the bindu and it enters the genitals, it is seized by closing the perineum and is taken upward. (Chapter -3, Verse 43).
  • 11. • Verse 44 Through khechari the fluid of the moon is drunk and physical death conquered • With the tongue directed upwards, the knower of yoga drinks the fluid of the moon. Within fifteen days physical death is conquered. (44) • Verse 45 Poison does not affect one who practices khechari • The yogi’s body is forever full of the moon’s nectar. Even if he is bitten by the king of snakes (Takshaka), he is not poisoned. (45) • Verse 46 Khechari maintains prana in the body • Just as fuel kindles fire and oil a lamp, so the indweller of the body does not vacate while the body is full of the moon’s nectar. (46) • Verse 47 Drinking the amaravaruni through khechari • By constant swallowing of the tongue he can drink amaravaruni. I consider him of high lineage (heritage). Others destroy the heritage. (47) • Verse 48 Meaning of eating ‘cow’s meat’ in hatha yoga • The word ‘go’ means tongue (and also means cow). When it enters into the upper palate, it is ‘eating the flesh of the cow.’ It (khechari) destroys the great sins.
  • 12. • Verse 49 Khechari produces heat, allowing nectar to flow • When the tongue enters the cavity, indeed heat is produced and the man’s nectar flows. • By practicing khechari mudra, heat is produced in the physical and subtle bodies. This is the same type of heat as that discussed previously in relation to pranayama. This heat is extremely important for the release of the ‘nectar from the moon.’ Just as metal becomes liquid when it is heated, ice becomes water and paraffin wax becomes liquid paraffin; so the nectar in the body which has ‘solidified’ begins to run like a fluid when it is heated. The release of this fluid within the body is extremely important for arousing a higher state of consciousness. • Verse 50 Nectar wards off old age and manifests siddhis • When the tongue constantly presses the cavity, the moon’s nectar (flows and) has a saline, pungent and acidic flavor. It is like (the consistency of) milk, ghee, honey. Fatal diseases, old age and weapons are warded off. From that, immortality and the eight siddhis or perfections manifest. • Verse 51 Nectar fluid releases kundalini, gives longevity, makes body as soft as a lotus and has effect on vishuddhi • Fluid drips into the sixteen petalled lotus (vishuddhi chakra) when the tongue is inserted into the upper throat cavity; the paramshakti (kundalini) is released and one becomes concentrated in that (experience which ensues). The yogi who drinks the pure stream of nectar is freed from disease, has longevity, and has a body as soft and as beautiful as a lotus stem.
  • 13. • Verse 52 Khechari mudra preserves nectar for perfection of body • The nectar is secreted from the topmost part of the Meru (Sushumna), the fountainhead of the nadis. He who has pure intellect can know the Truth therein. The nectar, which is the essence of the body, flows out from the moon and hence death ensues. Therefore khechari mudra should be practiced, otherwise perfection of the body cannot be attained. Sushiram jñānajanakam pañchasrotah samanvitam/ Tishthate khecharī mudrā tasminśūnye nirañjane// • Five nadis convene in this cavity and it is the source of knowledge. Khechari should be established in that void, untainted (by ignorance). (Chapter -3, Verse 53). • Verse 54 Experience of oneness • There is only one seed of creation and one mudra – khechari; one deva independent of everything and one state – manonmani. • Bindu is the seed of creation and khechari mudra maintains bindu in the brain center. This leads to the expansion of finite consciousness and realization of Shiva, Brahman, Atman. This is a state that transcends the mind; it is samadhi.
  • 14. • Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Retraction Lock) • Atha uddīyānabandhah Baddho yena sushumnāyām prānastūddīyate yatah/ Tasmād uddīyanākhyoa yam yoghibhih samudāhrtah// • Uddiyana bandha is so-called by the yogis because through its practice the prana (is concentrated at one point and) rises through sushumna. (Chapter -3, Verse 55). Uddīnam kurute yasmādaviśrāntam mahākhaghah/ Uddīyānam tadeva syāttatra bandho abhidhīyate// • The bandha described is called the rising or flying bandha, because through its practice, the great bird (shakti) flies upward with ease. (Chapter -3, Verse 56). Udare paśchimam tānam nābherūrdhvam cha kārayet / Uddīyāno hyasau bandho mrtyumātangghakesarī// • Pulling the abdomen back in and making the navel rise is uddiyana bandha. It is the lion which conquers the elephant, death. (Chapter -3, Verse 57).
  • 15. • Verse 58, 59 Benefits of uddiyana bandha • Uddiyana is easy when practiced as told by the guru. Even an old person can become young when it is done regularly. (58) • The region above and below the navel should be drawn backward with effort. There is no doubt that after six months of practice, death is conquered. (59) • Verse 60 Uddiyana bandha leads to mukti • Of all the bandhas, uddiyana is the best. Once it is mastered, mukti or liberation occurs spontaneously. • Moola Bandha(Perineum/Cervix Retraction Lock) Atha mūlabandhah Pārshnibhāghena sampīdya yonim ākuñchayed ghudam/ Apānam ūrdhvam ākrshya mūlabandho abhidhīyate// • Pressing the perineum/vagina with the heel and contracting the rectum so that the apana vayu moves upward is moola bandha. (Chapter -3, Verse 61). Adhogatim apānam vā ūrdhvagam kurute balāt/ Ākuñchanena tam prāhur mūlabandham hi yoginah// • By contracting the perineum the downward moving apana vayu is forced to go upward. Yogis call this moola bandha. (Chapter -3, Verse 62).
  • 16. Gudam pārshnyā tu sampīdya vāyumākuñchayed balāt/ Vāram vāram yathā chordhvam samāyāti samīranah// • Press the heel firmly against the rectum and contract forcefully and repeatedly, so that the vital energy rises. (Chapter - 3, Verse 63). Prānāpānau nādabindū mūlabandhena chaikatām/ Gatvā yogasya samsiddhim yachchato nātra samśayah// • There is no doubt that by practicing moola bandha, prana/apana and nada/bindu are united, and total perfection attained.64 • Verse 65 Physical effects of moola bandha • With constant practice of moola bandha, prana and apana unite, urine and stool are decreased and even an old person becomes young. • Verse 66, 67 Union of prana and apana intensifies heat in the body • Apana moves up into the region of fire (manipura chakra, the navel center), then the flames of the fire grow, being fanned by apana vayu. (66) • Then, when apana and the fin meet with prana, which is itself hot, the heat in the body is intensified.
  • 17. • Verse 68, 69 Kundalini is aroused • Through this, the sleeping kundalini is aroused by the extreme heat and it straightens itself just as a serpent beaten with a stick straightens and hisses. (68) • Just as a snake enters its hole, so kundalini goes into brahma nadi. Therefore the yogi must always perform moola bandha. (69)
  • 18. Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock) Atha jalandharabandhah Kanthamākuñchya hrdaye sthāpayechchibukam drdham/ Bandho jālandharākhyoayam jarāmrtyuvināśakah// • Contracting the throat by bringing the chin to the chest is the bandha called jalandhara. It destroys old age and death. (Chapter -3, Verse 70). Badhnāti hi sirājālamadhoghāmi nabhojalam/ Tato jālandharo bandhah kanthaduhkhaughanāśanah// • That is jalandhara bandha which catches the flow of nectar in the throat. It destroys all throat ailments. (Chapter -3, Verse 71). Jālandhare krte bandhe kanthasamkochalakshane/ Na pīyūsham patatyaghnau na cha vāyuh prakupyati// • Having done jalandhara bandha by contracting the throat, the nectar does not fall into the gastric fire and the prana is not agitated. (Chapter -3, Verse 72). Kanthasamkochanenaiva dve nādyau stambhayed drdham/ Madhyachakramidam jñeyam shodaśādhārabandhanam//
  • 19. • By firmly contracting the throat, the two nadis, ida and pingala are paralyzed and the sixteen adharas of the middle chakra are locked. (Chapter -3, Verse 73). • Verse 74 Moola, jalandhara, uddiyana bandhas • By contracting the perineum, performing uddiyana and locking ida and pingala with jalandhara, sushumna becomes active.(74) • Verse 75 Benefits of the three bandhas • By this means the prana and breath become still. Thus death, old age and sickness are conquered. (75) • Verse 76 The great siddhas practice these bandhas • The great siddhas practice these three best bandhas. Of all the sadhanas in hatha yoga and tantra, the yogis know this practice (maha bandha). • Verse 77 The ambrosia or nectar is consumed • That nectar which flows from the moon has the quality of endowing enlightenment, but it is completely consumed by the sun, incurring old age. • Verse 78, 79 Vipareeta karani mudra (reversing attitude) • There is a wonderful means by which the nectar is averted from falling into the opening of the sun. This is obtained by the guru’s instructions and not from the hundreds of shastras (treatises).(78)
  • 20. VIPAREETA KARANI MUDRA (REVERSING ATTITUDE) Ūrdhvanābheradhastālorūrdhvam bhānuradhah śaśī / Karanī viparītākhā ghuruvākyena labhyate// • With the navel region above and the palate below, the sun is above and the moon below. It is called vipareeta karani, the reversing process. When given by the guru’s instructions it is fruitful tecchnique. (Chapter -3, Verse 79).
  • 21. • Verse 80, 81 Vipareeta karani mudra, diet and practice • Digestion is strengthened by continual, regular practice and therefore, the practitioner should always have sufficient food. (80) • If one takes only a little food, the heat produced by the digestion will destroy the system. Therefore, on the first day, one should only stay a moment with the feet up and head down. (81) Valitam palitam chaiva shanmāsordhvam na drśyate / Yāmamātram tu yo nityamabhyasetsa tu kālajit// • The practice should be done daily, gradually increasing the duration. After six months of practice, grey hairs and wrinkles become inconspicuous. One who practices it for yama (three hours) conquers death.(Chapter -3, Verse 82). • Verse 83 Anyone who practices vajroli mudra becomes a recipient of siddhis • Even anyone living a free lifestyle without the formal rules of yoga, if he practices vajroli well, that yogi becomes a recipient of siddhis (perfections).
  • 22. • Verse 84 Two requisites are difficult to obtain for vajroli mudra • There are two things hard to obtain, one is milk and the second is a woman who can act according to your will. • Verse 85 A man or woman can achieve perfection of vajroli mudra • By practicing gradual upward contractions during the emission in intercourse, any man or woman achieves perfection of vajroli. • Verse 86 Vajroli mudra with a catheter • By slowly drawing in air through a prescribed tube inserted into the urethra of the penis, gradually air and prana traverse into the vajra kanda. • Verse 87 Bindu (semen) should not fall into the yoni • The bindu (semen) that is about to fall into the woman’s vagina should be made to move upwards with practice. And if it falls, the semen and the woman’s fluid should be conserved by drawing it up. • Verse 88 Preservation of the bindu is life • Therefore, the knower of yoga conquers death by preserving the bindu (semen). Release of the bindu means death; conservation of semen is life.
  • 23. • Verse 89 Body becomes fragrant through preservation of bindu • As long as the bindu/semen is steady in the body, then where is the fear of death? The yogi’s body smells pleasant by conserving the bindu/semen. • Verse 90 Semen and mind must be controlled • A man’s semen can be controlled by the mind and control of semen is life giving. Therefore, his semen and mind should be controlled and conserved. • Verse 91 Conserving the bindu and rajas • The knower of yoga, perfect in the practice, conserves his bindu and the woman’s rajas by drawing it up through the generative organ. • Sahajoli Mudra- Attitude of Spontaneous Arousing) Sahajoliśchāmarolirvajrolyā bheda ekatah/ Jale subhasma nikshipya daghdhaghomayasambhavam// • Sahajoli and amaroli are separate techniques of vajroli. The ashes of burnt cow manure should be mixed with water. (Chapter -3, Verse 92). Vajrolīmaithunādūrdhvam strīpumsoh svāngghalepanam/ Āsīnayoh sukhenaiva muktavyāpārayoh kshanāt//
  • 24. • After performing vajroli during intercourse, (being in a comfortable position), the man and woman should wipe the ashes on specific parts of their bodies during the leisure time. (Chapter -3, Verse 93). Sahajoliriyam proktā śraddheyā yoghibhih sadā / Ayam śubhakaro yogho bhoghayuktoapi muktidah// • It is called sahajoli and the yogis have complete faith in it. This is very beneficial and enables enlightenment through the combination of yoga and bhoga (sensual involvement). (Chapter -3, Verse 94). • Verse 95 Yoga is attained by virtuous and not selfish people • Verily this yoga is perfected by virtuous and well-conducted men who have seen the truth and not those who are selfish. • Amaroli Mudra (Attitude Arousing Immortality) Atha amarolī Pittolbanatvāt prathamāmbudhārām Vihāya nihsāratayāntyadhārām/ Nishevyate śītalamadhyadhārā Kāpālike khandamate amarolī// • According to the Kapalika sect, amaroli is practiced by drinking the cool midstream of urine. The first part of the urine is left as it contains bile, and the last part is left as it does not contain goodness. (Chapter -3, Verse 96). Amarīm yah pibennityam nasyam kurvandine dine/ Vajrolīm abhyaset samyak sāmarolīti kathyate//
  • 25. • One who drinks amari, takes it through the nose and practices vajroli, is said to be practicing amaroli. (Chapter -3, Verse 97). • Verse 98 After vajroli mudra, wiping a mixture of ash and semen on the body • The practitioner should mix the semen with the ashes of burnt cow manure and wipe it on the upper parts of the body, it bestows divya drishti (clairvoyance or divine sight). • Verse 99 A yogini is one who practices Vajroli • If a woman practices vajroli and saves her rajas and the man’s bindu by thorough contraction, she is a yogini. • Verse 100 By preserving rajas, bindu and nada unite • Without doubt, not even a little rajas is wasted through vajroli, the nada and bindu in the body become one. • Verse 101 Union of bindu and rajas bestows siddhis by vajroli • The bindu and that rajas in one’s own body unite through the union by practice of vajroli, thus bestowing all perfections or siddhis. • Verse 102 A yogini conserving her rajas attains khechari • She is verily a yogini who conserves her rajas by contracting and raising it. She knows past, present and future and becomes fixed in khechari (i.e. consciousness moves into the higher realm).
  • 26. • Verse 103 Vajroli brings liberation with bhoga • By the yoga of vajroli practice, perfection of the body fructifies. This auspicious yoga even brings liberation alongside with sensual involvement (bhoga). • Verse 104 Names of kundalini shakti • Kutilangi, kundalini, bhujangi, shakti, ishwari, kundali, arundhati are all synonymous terms. • Verse 105 Kundalini is the key to liberation • Just as a door is opened with a key, similarly the yogi opens the door to liberation with kundalini. Without generating kundalini shakti there is no possibility of transcending empirical existence. • Verse 106-107 The sleeping shakti is the means of release from bondage • The sleeping Parameshwari rests with her mouth closing that door, through which is the path to the knot of brahmasthana, the place beyond suffering. (106) • The kundalini shakti sleeps above the kanda. This shakti is the means of liberation to the yogi and bondage for the ignorant. One who knows this is the knower of yoga. (107) • Verse 108 Kundalini is coiled like a snake • Kundalini is said to be coiled like a snake. Without a doubt, one who makes that shakti flow obtains liberation.
  • 27. • Verse 109, 110 Kundalini is in the middle of ida and Pingala • Between Ganga and Yamuna is the young widowed, Balarandam practicing austerity. She should be seized forcibly, then one can reach the supreme state of Vishnu. (109) • Ida is the holy Ganga, pingala the river Yamuna. Between ida and pingala in the middle is this young widow, kundalini. (110) • Verse 111 Kundalini when excited, rises up • By seizing the tail of kundalini serpent, she becomes very excited. Abandoning sleep that shakti is released and rises up. • Shakti Chalana Mudra (attitude of moving the energy) Avasthitā chaiva phanāvatī sā Prātaścha sāyam praharārdhamātram /Prapūrya sūryātparidhānayuktyā Praghrhya nityam parichālanīyā// • Breathing in through the right nostril (pingala) the serpent (shakti) should be seized through kumbhaka and rotated constantly for an hour and a half, morning and evening. (Chapter -3, Verse 112). • Verse 113 Placement of the kanda • The kanda, situated above the anus, one hand span high and four fingers breath wide, is soft and white as if enveloped in cloth.
  • 28. • Verse 114 Kanda should be squeezed in vajrasana • Firmly seated in vajrasana, holding the ankles, one should squeeze the kanda close to the anus. • The position of practice is vajrasana. The left big toe lies over the right big toe, heels are by the sides of the buttocks, hands are on the knees. Perform moola bandha or ashwini mudra or both. When moola bandha is performed correctly the muscles around the perineal body tighten. The perineal body is located exactly in the base of the kanda, so that when the contraction is performed, the base of the kanda is grasped and squeezed. • Verse 115 Kundalini is aroused in vajrasana with bhastrika pranayama practice • In the position of vajrasana, the yogi should move the kundalini. Having done bhastrika pranayama the kundalini is soon aroused. • Verse 116 Contractions of the ‘sun’ in manipura • Contracting the sun in manipura, kundalini should be moved. Even if such a person should be on the verge of death, where is the need to fear death? • Verse 117 Moving kundalini for an hour and a half, she enters and rises into sushumna • By moving the kundalini fearlessly for an hour and a half, it is drawn into sushumna and rises up a little.
  • 29. • Verse 118 By practice, prana proceeds through sushumna of its own accord • In this way, it is easy for kundalini to issue from the opening of sushumna. Thus the prana proceeds through sushumna of its own accord. • Verse 119 Freedom from disease through moving the kundalini regularly • In that way the sleeping kundalini should be regularly moved. By her regular movement, the yogi is freed from disease. • Verse 120 Benefits of moving kundalini regularly • The yogi who moves the shakti regularly, enjoys perfection or siddhi. He easily conquers time and death. What more is there to say? • Verse 121 Method of perfection in forty days • One who enjoys being brahmacharya and always takes moderate diet and practices arousal of kundalini, achieves perfection in forty days. • Verse 122 No fear of death if bhastrika pranayama is also practiced • Bhastrika pranayama with kumbhaka should specifically be practiced to activate kundalini. From where will the fear of death arise for a self- restrained practitioner who practices daily with regularity? • Verse 123 What other methods purify the nadis? • What other methods are there to cleanse the 72,000 nadis of dirt besides the practice of arousing kundalini?
  • 30. • Verse 124 Sushumna is straightened through asana, pranayama, mudra and concentration • This middle nadi, sushumna, easily becomes established, (straight) by the yogi’s persistent practice of asana, pranayama, mudra and concentration. • Verse 125 Shambhavi is the greatest mudra for bestowing perfection • For those who are alert and the mind one-pointed (disciplined) in samadhi, rudrani or shambhavi mudra is the greatest mudra for bestowing perfection. • Verse 126 There is nothing beautiful without raja yoga • The earth without raja yoga, night without raja yoga, even the various mudras without raja yoga are useless, i.e. not beautiful. • Verse 127 Pranayama must be done with a concentrated mind • All the pranayama methods are to be done with a concentrated mind. The wise man should not let his mind be involved in the modifications (vrittis).
  • 31. • Verse 128 The ten mudras told by Adinath bring perfection • Thus the ten mudras have been told by Adinath, Shambhu. Each one is the bestower of perfection to the self-restrained. • Verse 129 One who instructs mudra in the tradition of guru, is Ishwara • One who instructs mudra in the tradition of guru/disciple is the true guru and form of Ishwara. • Verse Verse 130 The ashta siddhi are attained through mudra and through following the guru’s instructions • By following explicitly his (guru’s) words, and practicing mudra; one obtains the qualities of anima, etc., and overcomes death/time.