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Clever, Humorous & Entertaining.
Matt_Layden28 March 2012
Two separate bank robberies go down at the same time, at the same bank. The hi-tech wizard robberies go for the vault and the redneck hick robbers go for the ATM machines. Things get more complicated when a Rain Man like character is stuck inside and believes that there is something else going down as well.

Flypaper is an under the radar flick that surprises those who give it a chance. It stars Patrick Dempsy in the Rain Man role, he plays a character obsessed with every little detail and he thinks that there is something more sinister going down than the two bank robberies. He enters into detective mode to figures things out, which makes for hilarious situations between the two groups of robbers and the hostages. Dempsy has a crush on one of the bank tellers, played by Ashley Judd in a pretty forgettable performance. Two comedic highlights belong to the redneck robbers played by the always reliable Tim Blake Nelson and the larger than life Pruitt Taylor Vince, better known as Otis from Walking Dead. They play well off each other and the other actors. They are the more eccentric of the characters who run into problems every turn they take.

The film plays out like a mystery, as the audience has to piece together who shot who and why. Are the bank robberies related? Coincidence? Are people who they say they are? All these questions keep us intrigued in the story and the humour keeps us entertained throughout. It kind of plays out like a modern version of the 1985 comedy Clue, as people die and characters are running around trying to figure out the who and why.

There are twists and turns and the film isn't as predictable as one would think. Just when you think you know what's going on, it pulls the rug out from under you. I managed to predict one twist before the revelation and gave myself a pat on the back for it. Others managed to surprise me. As a bank heist film, it places a nice spin on things. Usually when bank robberies go awry it turns into a hostage situation with police, yet Flypaper isn't interested in that aspect. It chooses to stay inside the bank the whole time.

Flypaper works and it never confuses the viewer despite the amount of information it throws across the screen. Dempsy is convincing as the oddball whose good with numbers and the supporting characters are seem to be having a good time. The film isn't afraid to poke fun at itself, which gives the film a light hearted tone. Flypaper is a wonderful surprise.
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A crime comedy that's unique and messy and nowhere near realistic
napierslogs2 January 2012
There comes a time in every criminal's life when he has to make sacrifices. "Flypaper" takes place in a bank where two criminal groups have simultaneously arrived to rob the place. But this is not a crime drama; it's a dark comedy revolving around some very unlikely characters. Namely, Tripp (Patrick Dempsey), an autistic hero of sorts who is super-observant but unable to behave appropriately.

Tripp enters the bank at closing time but calculating the movements of everyone around him he guesses what is about to occur and jumps over the counter to save the pretty teller (Ashley Judd). In the scramble that ensues, there is one dead body, a room full of huddled bank employees-turned-hostages, and then Tripp, standing there, trying to negotiate a peace accord. It should be made very clear at this point that this is a comedy and is far from realistic.

The film really does seem like it was trying to be a funny, comedic, chaotic mess. And that's exactly what it is. The characterizations, although unique in some cases, are messy. The many twists and turns, perhaps a half-dozen too many, are messy. But is it really necessary to fault a film when it accomplishes exactly what it set out to do?

What "Flypaper" really accomplishes is a low-budget indie version of "Ocean's Eleven" but with a "who done it" mystery angle. Sometimes slapstick, frequently zany, but also sometimes clever, it's comedy first, crime second, and realism nowhere to be found.
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Worth watching, but some cringe worthy jokes.
adrianjgomez-1188328 October 2019
I liked this movie. Good acting, a decent scripts, and at times it made me laugh out loud. And who doesn't like Ashley Judd. I good movie to spend a couple of hours on a raining night, but probably not one you'll watch multiple times.
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How many thieves does it take to rob a bank?
PhantomAgony24 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers

Flypaper is essentially about a bank robbery where 2 sets of thieves stumble into the same bank at the same time causing a dilemma and confusion between everyone. One group is comprised of 3 professionals that come prepared with high tech equipment and skill, Darrien, Gates & Weinstein & the other consists of 2 goofy hicks who go by the nicknames Peanut Butter & Jelly who lack the intelligence & experience that the other group possesses. Hilarity and hijinks ensue as the 2 sets of criminals need to work together to control the hostages as they simultaneously try to steal money from the bank. However, all is not as it seems as people, including the robbers end up dying & it is revealed that it's no coincidence that those 2 sets of thieves showed up at the same bank at the same time - they were set up by another bank robber who is also in the bank and there might be other robbers hidden amongst the group as well who were planning on stealing money.

At one point, the two sets of robbers are arguing about who has better street cred and to settle the score go on a website that ranks the most wanted bank robbers. This is where we are shown the names of some top thieves, thieves whose profiles conveniently don't have pictures attached (just a missing photo question mark). Two top robbers, Vicellus Drum (#1) & Alexis Black (#3) are mentioned aloud which of course had me immediately assuming they were in the bank masquerading as hostages - whether I was supposed to pick up on that or not I don't know. I'll just say that I figured out right away who Alexis Black was so when that twist about her was revealed, I saw it coming a mile away. The identity of Vicellus Drum, however, was a solid mystery. By the way, why would I assume there were more robbers in the bank than the initial ones? It's revealed early on that the system was down for about 2 minutes & someone said aloud that they were surprised that more criminals didn't show up to rob the place after it was revealed that the tech man who controls the bank's security system was selling the information about it being down around. It was a big red flag.

Overall, the movie is funny and clever and most definitely entertaining but my main gripe, a huge hole I just couldn't suspend my belief for.. was the fact that no matter what went on inside the bank, no one outside seemed to be aware and certainly no one called the police. At the very beginning when the robbers first storm the bank, the silent alarm is hit but doesn't work. This is said clearly on screen by the employee trying to set it off. However, throughout the course of the movie there were numerous, loud, bombastic gun fights - no less than 200 bullets were fired from all different types of guns: rifles, shotguns, handguns, etc.. which of course incited lots of screaming. There were also four humongous blasts that created fireballs & did major structural damage to the bank (2, maybe 3 of which were detonated with C-4 / 1 a big gas explosion) yet apparently NO ONE on the street outside or in the surrounding buildings called the cops or heard anything which is just so moronic that it makes my head hurt. This was not a bank in the middle of a rural farmland in Kansas with the closest town being a mile away. This was a bank on a normal city street with a sidewalk full of people right outside the front door and neighboring businesses right next to the bank. How did no one hear the earth shattering bombs that were going off inside the bank? How did no one hear the gunfire that was booming inside? I kept waiting for someone from law enforcement to at the very least knock on the front doors & was wondering how the robbers would deal with it but that never came. I'm willing to suspend belief for a movie but this was just impossible to ignore & definitely downgraded the film for me.

6/10 It wasn't fantastic but it was worth one watch. Lastly, I want to point out that the acting is very strong from everyone in the movie especially Pruitt Taylor Vince & Tim Blake Nelson's bumbling, doofy Peanut Butter & Jelly & Patrick Dempsey's Tripp who is a neurotic, overly stimulated, gifted man with lots of quirks. The characters are fun to watch.
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Fun Movie,
pradhyoth22 September 2011
If the other reviews dint convince you to watch the movie then I would strongly suggest you go ahead and watch this movie, its a fun movie, not the kind of high rated mystery thriller movie. I was kinda reluctant to watch it at first as it wasn't really high rated but once I started watching, I couldn't stop. It was very engrossing and felt like it was going to be a great movie, even though the ending does fall down a little but still it was good. May be with all the twist and all I expected more from the ending nevertheless it was one of those absorbing movies which you get completely involved into. The acting was decent. I was kinda expecting the characters would have more involvement at the end but they weren't really much involved. At the end I thought something was not smart about this movie, the way it ended and all perhaps. Anyway its a good watch with friends, family etc.
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Watchable exactly one time
Maleplatypus5 October 2011
It is really a tough task to review a movie that actually should be a classic theater performance. Not a movie. Ever. It has all the elements of a classic "who dunnit?" crime/comedy plot, perfect for theater stages. It's really funny, too, but not movie-sort-of-funny (like, for instance, "Hangover"). These are classic theater dialogue/situation comedy and should be treated as such. Therefore, making a movie out of it was a total miss. Give it to a good theater director and you'll have a hit. Nobody there will wonder how come no police is involved (or alarmed, for that matter), everybody is suspicious and has something to hide, and it should all end as a classic Poirot: everybody gathered in a room where a good detective deducts who's the "criminal mastermind". Five stars for trying to transfer this into a movie. Next time leave theater shows where they belong.
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thank Goodness for the internet
spamzz17 July 2012
its a shame that gems like this are not given any promotion, and sent straight to DVD. if it weren't for the internet and services like netflix or which ever medium chosen to find movies i would have missed out on a lot of great entertainment. and that is exactly what this movie does, it entertains.

this movie was hilarious. the dialog was great, and the silly moments just pulled me into the movie even more. there were even some "holy carp" moments where i had to ask myself while laughing... did that just happen?. its like a murder mystery. like the game "who dun it" with guns and explosions, silly characters, and plot twists. all i can say is it was a fun ride.

i thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and am planning on buying it to watch with friends, family, whoever.
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More silly than dumb, but not exactly a smart caper comedy. Some good laughs.
secondtake28 September 2013
Flypaper (2011)

Rather than a spoof of a bank heist, this is pure silly comedy that uses bank heist clichés for its main jokes. And by silly I mean zany and childish--which is often very funny, if not exactly making it a great movie.

In fact, this is sometimes a really bad movie, or it will be to anyone who doesn't get into the humor and the characters. Even the end, which is meant to be a huge twisty (and typical heist comedy) surprise ends up a bit of a dud. While still being fun.

There are a lot of well known if not legendary actors here, including the attractive and fun leading man, Patrick Dempsey and the apparently leading woman (whose role is small at first), Ashley Judd. But it is the whole array of character actors who make this movie what it is, types and stereotypes playing clichés and counter-clichés. Most fun of all is the fact that two separate teams of bank robbers swoop in at closing time on the same bank. And with very different styles, to say the least.

It gets silly from here--and I mean comic book kind of silly, though people really do get hurt and die as it carries merrily along.

Don't expect much except some high energy escapism--and then you might enjoy the ride. I managed to watch it to the end without flagging. For the final big twist.
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A really fun and quite clever spin on the bank heist gone wrong
Thrill_KillZ17 September 2011
I wasn't expecting that much from this going in, but grew interested very early as we were introduced to Patrick Dempsey's character as a strange man with a very gifted, sort of neurotic mind. It does start with two sets of robbers with very different backgrounds and techniques. One a very professional veteran crew of highly skilled robbers with a well laid out plan. The other was a pair of absolute complete idiots without the slightest clue of what they are doing. One team is after the vault the others after the ATM's. So a loose pact is made between them. As for what comes next, let's say there are a lot of very entertaining high jinx between the hostages and the robbers, there is twists and turns and even more twists and turns as Dempsey's character leads viewers all around with his witty and neurotic behavior, he is the glue to the film and acts as the glue to the "flypaper" as everyone gets stuck one by one, You won't be figuring out what is happening next and the surprise ending is sure to leave you with a smirk............
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some fun weirdness
SnoopyStyle2 November 2020
Tripp (Patrick Dempsey) walks into a bank and is talking to bank teller Kaitlin (Ashley Judd) when he notices the bank robbers. He can be overwhelmed with mental perception especially when he doesn't have his medicine. Two different sets of robbers have descended on the bank but there is more to the story. Tripp is driven to solve the mystery.

I like the weirdness and the non-sense. Much of this is screwball silliness. I find myself drawn into the mystery despite being a lot of non-sense. The main drawback is the filmmaking and the rushed writing. There is good fun in here but it often stumbles over itself. I like this more than I dislike it.
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Flypaper, good movie? hardly possible
samc199415 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had some high hope for this film. What's not to like about Patrick Dempsy in a bank robbery movie? I mean when i read the plot summary, i thought it seemed cunning and ingenious, but much to my despair, it didn't live up to anything I had hoped for.

Unrealistic, crappy acting from some of the characters, and an ongoing obsession with..


.... The guy killed at the very start. I mean, who cares who killed him? Patrick Dempsy was obsessed with finding the culprit to his death, when really, the main moral of the movie was to rob a bank. He was too much of a wannabe Sherlock Holmes.

Realistically, the explosives would've had to have been heard out side of the bank right? What, there was really no-one who was intrigued to why the bank's windows and doors were padlocked and spray painted black?

A poor movie for the dull and easily-amused viewer. I really don't see why people are rating this 10/10, it barely scrapes past a 3/10 for me......
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Bright,Light & Funny ... This movie was a balanced Mix & a lot of Fun
ajit-jake17 January 2012
This is a crime comedy which really delivers the comedy.Small scenes acted out perfectly and the movie had a bright feel to it which made it more interesting to watch.

Casting was nice.The actors really fit to the roles they were given and the mystery remains a mystery till the very end.Again, the humor in this movie was really good.There was all kinds of comedy based on situations that fit the style perfectly.

Very often you see a movie with such good understanding of the Characters. The plot is very simple and movie seems a bit predictable in the beginning BUT of-course its not.The story is very original and Patrick Dempsey's character "Tripp Kennedy" is which i liked the most.He's interesting,really.

So, its a bank robbery with two robbery-teams that plan to rob the same bank at the same time (this is funny already).There's a little feel of black comedy and also a bit of "Stupid-eh-ism" which really is fun.

Its a movie you can just watch (with the more the merrier) for a lot of laughs and a few great laughs and have a great time and also relax all in all.

I rate it 7.7/10

Hope This Helps. Thank You for reading my review.HAPPY VIEWING

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A surprisingly good movie!
wlevyiii23 July 2022
I stumbled onto this and wasn't going to watch it. But I saw it had a 6+ rating so I decided to give it a try because I also like several of the cast. Had decent humor, great little plot, and the cast was EXCELLENT. It's a movie a couple can watch as well as one guys will like watching alone. Highly recommend it in the sea of CRAP that abounds.
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Neither funny nor clever
estebangonzalez1020 February 2013
¨It's like extra sad when a hot chick dies. When an ugly chick dies, it 's like, their life probably sucked anyway, so it's no big deal.¨

The only thing Flypaper had going for it (beside my love for Ashley Judd) was that it was written by the screenwriters who brought us The Hangover, Jon Lucas and Scott Moore. Despite my love for The Hangover, I really hated the script here. I found the film incredibly stupid; the performances extremely over the top and the jokes didn't really work. Flypaper is a terrible comedy that makes any Adam Sandler movie look like a masterpiece. I thought the entire film was ridiculous and a mess from the very opening scene. The comedy just felt too forced and it was a shame because the premise was kind of interesting on paper. You have these characters assembled inside a closed space with several twists and surprises, but none of them ever feel authentic or funny. In trying to be clever Flypaper ends up being pretty stupid. I really couldn't understand how such a talented cast would accept to work in a movie like this. Ashley Judd and Patrick Dempsey can do much better than this. The jokes and gags were absolutely terrible and I didn't even smile during any moment of the movie. Rob Mincoff's (The Haunted Mansion and The Forbidden Kingdom) film failed tremendously. I wasn't expecting much from this film, but it was way worse than I thought it would be. Lucas and Moore proved with The Hangover that they can write clever and funny comedies, but I don't know what happened to them here.

The film takes place almost entirely inside a bank where we are introduced to Tripp (Patrick Dempsey) who happens to be there changing a hundred dollar bill. He begins hitting on the teller, Kaitlin (Ashley Judd), but she's engaged and not amused. When Tripp is about to exit the bank he realizes that a heist is about to take place as two red necks nicknamed Peanut Butter (Tim Blake Nelson) and Jelly (Pruitt Taylor Vince) begin pulling out their guns. Tripp jumps over the counter and protects Kaitlin from the robbers, but almost at the same exact time another bank robber team is present. Darrien (Mekhi Phifer), Gates (Matt Ryan), and Weinstein (John Ventimiglia) seem to have planned out their heist with much more professionalism than the red neck Peanut Butter and Jelly duo. In middle of the confrontation the two teams open gunfire until Tripp convinces them to stop as they both seem to have come for different heists, the pros for the vault and the amateurs for the ATM machines. Several twists begin to take place from this point on as Tripp tries to solve the mystery as to why two heist teams happened to arrive at the exact time. Could there be an informant inside the bank?

The premise might look interesting on paper because the concept is pretty interesting and original, but the execution is just terrible. From the very opening scene I didn't buy any of the characters or could take any of them seriously because the performances were really over the top. The script was terribly delivered and the actors had nothing to work with really. The entire detective story seemed pretty pointless and I really didn't care whether or not the mystery would be solved. At times I felt like I was watching a quirky staged play. I really hated this movie despite the fact that Ashley Judd had a lead role here. The only good thing I can say about this movie is that it only lasted about 85 minutes so it was over pretty quickly. By any means possible please stay away from this movie.

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A very very funny and exciting bank robbery movie that plays like a updated action filled "Clue". Fun to watch. I say B+
cosmo_tiger4 October 2011
"Are you seriously suggesting that we rob the same bank?" While talking to a teller (Judd) about change (Dempsey) a bank robbery begins to take place. When signals get mixed Tripp realizes that there are two groups of robbers. After explaining to them they can rob the same bank right now he tries to figure out why two groups are there and who tipped them off. This is a very surprising movie. Full of action and very funny. The cast is great and for a little movie it pulls in some really big names. This is the most fun I've had watching a movie in a while and while it's not an amazing Oscar worthy movie it is very much worth watching. An updated action version of "Clue". Equal parts action, comedy & mystery with a great twist at the end. I recommend this highly. Overall, a very very exciting and fun way to spend an hour and a half. I give it a B+.

Would I watch again? - I think I would.

*Also try - Clue & Henry's Crime
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Great Soundtrack
splambo10010 August 2013
The soundtrack for this film, constructed by John Swihart is genius! Fits the film perfectly. For me it was the best part of the production. Looking at his work, the most famous film he has tracked is Napolean Dynamite. I hope to hear more from this great composer. Check out this mans work! Fine performances from the cast. Octavia Spencer is used simply for comic relief which she does well here. The balance of the cast also do well. Some of the dialog on this film gets a bit dry and even stale at times. The pair of rednecks were intended for comic relief, but the way they played the roles became very tiresome and easily predictable. They could have used catharsis to great effect and made the story line much better. One of the things the entire cast did well was increase the pace of the action consistently-all the way to the climax, which can be attributed to great direction as well. Its definitely worth the watch.
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nice piece of black comedy
dgkhatwani16 January 2012
nice piece of work from director Minkoff.. didn't expect this movie to have such a twist and turn that would even make Hitchcock smile from his grave... really brings a smile and a some laughs and the here and there. scene the duo peanut butter and jelly are entertaining to watch. will go down and watch it the 2nd time around just to make sure watched everything. Ashley and Patrick makes good chemistry together. dialogs are witty crisp and sharp although usage of the foul words could be toned down. an absolutely nice movie. would recommend it to anyone. actually did not plan to watch this movie, but since it has been laying around so decided to kill time off with this one. turns out to be a good decision.
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Great film, holes in plottwist make for lower score
severens-martijn23 March 2012
I started watching this movie with not too much expectations. But I started to enjoy it quite easily. The film isn't the most humoristic in it's genre, but it has some good jokes and good scenes. And it's filled with a lot of great, though a bit cliché, characters. It's a nice movie you should pick up sooner or later.

Then the downside: halfway you start creating an idea about the plot, but afterwards the movie integrated multiple twists.. A few to many in my opinion. The ending is still a nice find and the film is a must-see. But due to the multiple plot twists creating a lot of holes, you just can't help but feel some things just don't add up in this story, I gave it an honest 6/10.

Quite enjoyable movie nonetheless
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Monk with guns and swearing
FiveHundredFlicks23 January 2012
Patrick Dempsey plays Tripp Kennedy, a savant with a liking for small change. A still hot Ashley Judd plays Kaitlin, a bank teller. But not all is as it seems and as the story progresses the action heats up, the story, and the film, begins to fall apart.

Once the thought "Monk" entered my head I couldn't get rid of it, like one of those annoying songs you get stuck on your internal jukebox. There were couple of laugh out loud moments but those were few and far between and the movie seemed to drag on and on and the holes in the plot got bigger and the script was stretched to cover the holes, mostly with lots of pointless swearing.

Pointless in two respects. Rob Minkoff is no Quentin Tarantino and all the cast added together will never be Samuel L Jackson. The storyline was so vague at times, so off plot, that I got the impression the someone on set shouted "MORE SWEARING" to cover up the rubbish dialogue and acting in pointless scenes which should have been sent to the floor of the edit suite, metaphorically speaking.

Calling the film absolute garbage is a bit harsh and calling it toilet paper is funny but ultimately unfair.

Take the swearing out and Flypaper would make a good slapstick movie.
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Funny just got funnier!!
mel_vishal10 December 2011
The moment the fun started in the movie, I was laughing out loud till the very end. Its got intelligent, witty and sarcasm type of humor and never fails to make your belly hurt. If anyone ever actually did a ROFL, it would be while watching this movie.

Its got a plot inside a plot, which makes it a very clever piece of entertainment. Not for once, would you confused about the state of events. Its depicted in a clear manner, which would be understood to all.

I don't believe I've seen a similar plot in any movie which makes this very original and different. With all the humor, twists and the whodunit, its a definite watch.

If you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for..
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Echoes of 'Clue' with a slow start.
taita15 March 2017
I came into this knowing nothing about it apart from a brief on-screen description. The opening credits gave a clue as to the tone of the story with the cartoons of odd bodies and strange happenings which reminded me a lot of the Pink Panther opening credits. The start was a bit confusing and didn't grab straight away. But as the story evolved I was reminded very much of the movie Clue with all the different characters with who knows what secrets. Its silly, black and funny, and although I wasn't rolling in the aisle it was still an entertaining little movie recommended for light relief.
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Total waste of time
jackmbselway3 December 2019
Lasted about seven minutes. Dumb. Ah, my review is too short. Well, guess what? The movie was much too long.
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Sometimes the best films are ones you know nothing about
bowmanblue24 May 2014
All the way through Flypaper I couldn't help but think of another film - Botched. I knew nothing about it before I saw it and only watched it because there was nothing else. It was one of the most amusingly entertainingly silly films I've seen - until now.

I also didn't know anything about Flypaper, but watched it anyway. Like Botched, it's about a bank robbery that goes wrong. This time, two sets of gangs try to rob a bank. That, in itself, is a recipe for disaster. However, the hostages are a bunch of misfits and there might even be a deeper conspiracy going on here.

I'm not going to say too much about it as I don't want to give anything away. All I'll say is that Flypaper has more humour than most comedies. More twists than most thrillers and a better story than most high-budget blockbusters (oh, and it does all that with less famous faces than the majority of Hollywood's output).

Flypaper is not to be taken seriously. It certainly doesn't set out to be so. It is, however, a great chuckle. A rare and cheap gem among faceless giants of films.

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Great movie ruined by excessive bad language
Louisejjames18 March 2012
As a fan of Ashley Judd I rented this movie not quite knowing what to expect, bearing in mind that I can't even remember the last new film of hers I saw... Much to my surprise it turned out to be a witty, well scripted bank heist gone badly wrong movie, with a lot of twists and turns along the way. Judd is excellent (not to mention gorgeous) in her role, and the 2 dim-witted robbers are extremely entertaining. However... and this is a big however... if I'd have known how much bad language there was in this film I would have probably given it a major swerve. At some points in the film it seems to me that the scriptwriters have decided that the characters need to be more "street" and thus chuck in a large dose of the F word, along with the C word for good measure. There seriously is no need for this and I really don't understand why this has been done, other than possibly for "effect". It's something that seems to be becoming more common, for me that is to the detriment of the movie industry. If you're thinking of renting this movie you need to be aware not to watch it in front of anyone that would be offended. A good film overall, major dialogue editing needed.
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Decent at start,shallow and prolix at the end
Saltyskid18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Patrick dempsey on a comedy movie. Curtis Armstrong,Ashley Judd Promising but failed. Tripp and Kaitlin talking like they known each other for so long. There are a few things that I just can't explain.

This movie Looks extractly like an indie movie in 2011 would looks like. Kinna cheap backstage tho.

Overall : lame but worth something.
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