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Review of Flypaper

Flypaper (2011)
Flypaper, good movie? hardly possible
15 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had some high hope for this film. What's not to like about Patrick Dempsy in a bank robbery movie? I mean when i read the plot summary, i thought it seemed cunning and ingenious, but much to my despair, it didn't live up to anything I had hoped for.

Unrealistic, crappy acting from some of the characters, and an ongoing obsession with..


.... The guy killed at the very start. I mean, who cares who killed him? Patrick Dempsy was obsessed with finding the culprit to his death, when really, the main moral of the movie was to rob a bank. He was too much of a wannabe Sherlock Holmes.

Realistically, the explosives would've had to have been heard out side of the bank right? What, there was really no-one who was intrigued to why the bank's windows and doors were padlocked and spray painted black?

A poor movie for the dull and easily-amused viewer. I really don't see why people are rating this 10/10, it barely scrapes past a 3/10 for me......
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