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Review of Flypaper

Flypaper (2011)
More silly than dumb, but not exactly a smart caper comedy. Some good laughs.
28 September 2013
Flypaper (2011)

Rather than a spoof of a bank heist, this is pure silly comedy that uses bank heist clichés for its main jokes. And by silly I mean zany and childish--which is often very funny, if not exactly making it a great movie.

In fact, this is sometimes a really bad movie, or it will be to anyone who doesn't get into the humor and the characters. Even the end, which is meant to be a huge twisty (and typical heist comedy) surprise ends up a bit of a dud. While still being fun.

There are a lot of well known if not legendary actors here, including the attractive and fun leading man, Patrick Dempsey and the apparently leading woman (whose role is small at first), Ashley Judd. But it is the whole array of character actors who make this movie what it is, types and stereotypes playing clichés and counter-clichés. Most fun of all is the fact that two separate teams of bank robbers swoop in at closing time on the same bank. And with very different styles, to say the least.

It gets silly from here--and I mean comic book kind of silly, though people really do get hurt and die as it carries merrily along.

Don't expect much except some high energy escapism--and then you might enjoy the ride. I managed to watch it to the end without flagging. For the final big twist.
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