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NEWS ABOUT: Gen. George Casey

Gen. George Casey stories: 11 news summaries

 Top Service Generals 
 Challenge DADT Repeal 

Army, Marines, Air Force leaders warn of 'disruption' among troops

Top Service Generals Challenge DADT Repeal

Army, Marines, Air Force leaders warn of 'disruption' among troops
(Newser) - Top generals of the Army, Marines, and Air Force testified today that a quick repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell could cause “stress” and “disruption”—despite a Pentagon study that found a repeal posed little risk, the Hill reports. “Assimilating” openly gay troops could... More »


 Your Guide 
 to Wikileaks' 
 Next Bombshell 

Docs may touch on secret prisons, IEDS, Iran

Your Guide to Wikileaks' Next Bombshell

Docs may touch on secret prisons, IEDS, Iran
(Newser) - Wikileaks is prepping for the biggest leak of military intelligence ever: A trove of documents from the toughest years of the Iraq war. The leak will include up to 400,000 reports from 2004-2009, notes Wired , and may shape America's tenuous relationship with the Iraqi people. Here's what to... More »

Army Official:
Go Slow on Don't Ask,
Don't Tell

Says Congress shouldn't intervene

Army Official: Go Slow on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Says Congress shouldn't intervene
(Newser) - Army Chief of Staff George Casey doesn't support a congressional moratorium on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" while the Defense Department studies the issue. Casey also told a Senate panel he had "serious concerns" over the effects of allowing gay troops to serve openly while the nation's forces fight... More »


 Send More 
 Troops to 

Lieberman to probe Fort Hood shootings as 'attack' on US troops

Casey: Send More Troops to Afghanistan

Lieberman to probe Fort Hood shootings as 'attack' on US troops
(Newser) - President Obama would do well to give Stanley McChrystal more troops in Afghanistan, Army chief of staff George Casey said on Meet the Press today. "We have already made progress, and I would look for that progress to continue,” Casey said, without saying how many troops he thought... More »

Army Sends 'John Doe'
Letter to Slain Soldiers' Kin

Gen. Casey writes apology to 7,000

Army Sends 'John Doe' Letter to Slain Soldiers' Kin

Gen. Casey writes apology to 7,000
(Newser) - The Army had good intentions in mind when it sent a letter to families of soldiers killed in Iraq to inform them of available services. Problem is, the letters to ease the most personal of sacrifices all began the same way: "Dear John Doe." Now Army chief of... More »

Bush Pulled Rank on Military Over Surge

Joint Chiefs were pushed aside, new Woodward book says

Bush Pulled Rank on Military Over Surge

Joint Chiefs were pushed aside, new Woodward book says
(Newser) - In the months leading up to the Iraq surge, President Bush faced a revolt by frustrated Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward writes in a new book, The War Within. Bush dumped the military leaders’ advice as Iraq spun out of control in fall of 2006,... More »

 US 'Spied on Iraqi Leaders'

Woodward book reveals finds 'detached' Bush 'often failed to lead' on Iraq

US 'Spied on Iraqi Leaders'

Woodward book reveals finds 'detached' Bush 'often failed to lead' on Iraq
(Newser) - The Bush administration conducted an extensive spying operation on Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and other Iraqi leaders even while seeking to win their trust, according to a new book from the Washington Post's Bob Woodward. The book portrays an administration hamstrung by indecision as its Iraq strategy fell apart in... More »

 Combat Tours to Be Cut 

Tours of duty to be cut back to 12 months; Congress to hear troop cut proposals

Combat Tours to Be Cut

Tours of duty to be cut back to 12 months; Congress to hear troop cut proposals
(Newser) - American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are to have their combat tours cut from 15 months to 12 beginning late this summer. The White House plans a formal announcement next week, an insider told the AP. Tours were lengthened last year to boost troop levels in Iraq, and the Army... More »

Army to Shorten Combat Tours

Three years between deployments

Army to Shorten Combat Tours

Three years between deployments
(Newser) - The Pentagon aims to trim tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan from 15 months to a year with an eventual three years between deployments, the Army's top general told the Senate Committee on Armed Services yesterday. The change will be made after the military reduces troop levels this summer,... More »

Iraq Tours to Cut by 3 Months This Summer

Top Army general
plans to return to
yearlong stints

Iraq Tours to Cut by 3 Months This Summer

Top Army general plans to return to yearlong stints
(Newser) - American soldiers deployed to Iraq this summer will likely serve shorter tours, the AP reports. Soldiers at war today are serving 15 months and coming home for a year before going back to Iraq for another tour. War tours are expected to be shortened to 12 months for units leaving... More »

Army Seeks to Shorten Tours

As security improves, military leaders push
to cut 15-month tours
to 12 by summer

Army Seeks to Shorten Tours

As security improves, military leaders push to cut 15-month tours to 12 by summer
(Newser) - With violence slowing in Iraq, many Army leaders want to drop the 15-month tours of duty imposed on soldiers earlier this year to sustain the surge, the AP reports. “We can’t sustain that,” says Army Chief of Staff George Casey, the former top commander in Iraq who... More »

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