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NEWS ABOUT: Pakistan

Pakistan stories: 828 news summaries

1 - 20 of 828 Stories | 1 2 3 4 5 ... 42 Next >>

Militants' Coordinated Attacks Kill 11 Soldiers in Pakistan

150 militants hit five security posts

Militants' Coordinated Attacks Kill 11 Soldiers in Pakistan

150 militants hit five security posts
(AP) - Some 150 Islamist militants attacked five security posts today in an unusually large and coordinated assault close to the Afghan border, sparking hours of fighting that killed 11 soldiers and wounded 12, officials said; 24 insurgents died. Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants often stage attacks in northwest Pakistan, but the overnight... More »

2 Top Cops Busted in
Benazir Bhutto Assassination

Police officials 'failed to protect' former prime minister

2 Top Cops Busted in Benazir Bhutto Assassination

Police officials 'failed to protect' former prime minister
(Newser) - Two top Pakistani police officials have been arrested in connection with the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. She was killed three years ago by a 15-year-old suicide bomber as she campaigned for reelection after an eight-year exile."No one believes this boy acted alone," a recent... More »

Pentagon Presses for
Special-Ops Raids in Pakistan

But some in administration fear political fallout will be too great

Pentagon Presses for Special-Ops Raids in Pakistan

But some in administration fear political fallout will be too great
(Newser) - Frustrated US military commanders in Afghanistan are pushing for a series of Special Ops ground raids in Pakistan, sources tell the New York Times , in essence opening up a new front in the war. The raids would likely need approval from President Obama himself, and the wary administration fears political... More »

Pakistan: We Didn't Blow
CIA Spy's Cover

Calls accusation that it did so 'totally unsubstantiated'

Pakistan: We Didn't Blow CIA Spy's Cover

Calls accusation that it did so 'totally unsubstantiated'
(Newser) - Pakistan is none too pleased with the finger pointing that began after the cover of the top CIA spy in the country was blown . Pakistan's own top spy organization angrily denied today that it was behind the release of the spy's name. “We absolutely deny this accusation, which is... More »

New Wave of Drone Attacks Scorch Khyber

Almost 60 killed in Pakistan

New Wave of Drone Attacks Scorch Khyber

Almost 60 killed in Pakistan
(Newser) - Nearly 60 people have been killed in Pakistan’s Khyber district in a sudden onslaught from CIA drones. Three strikes in the Tirah Valley killed at least 50, while another nearby killed seven more, the BBC reports. Security officials say all those killed were militants, but that hasn’t been... More »

CIA's Top Spy in Pakistan Forced to Flee

Terrorist threat leads to decision that could complicate war effort

CIA's Top Spy in Pakistan Forced to Flee

Terrorist threat leads to decision that could complicate war effort
(Newser) - The CIA’s top spy in Pakistan left the country yesterday, after a lawsuit blew his cover and terrorists threatened to kill him. The lawsuit, filed earlier this month, accused the Islamabad station chief by name of ordering missile strikes that killed civilians. That name has been oft-repeated by Pakistani... More »

New Hygiene Ad:
'WikiLeaks, Butterfly Doesn't'

Pakistani agency makes a viral splash with topical ad

New Hygiene Ad: 'WikiLeaks, Butterfly Doesn't'

Pakistani agency makes a viral splash with topical ad
(Newser) - Images of a new sanitary pad billboard have been flying around the Internet, with bloggers smirking at its topical slogan. “WikiLeaks,” it reads, “Butterfly Doesn’t.” It’s the type of edgy, funny campaign you’d expect out of Madison Avenue, but the ad is actually... More »

Troops on Course to Leave
Afghanistan in July: Report

White House cites 'fragile' gains in region

Troops on Course to Leave Afghanistan in July: Report

White House cites 'fragile' gains in region
(Newser) - The US is “setting conditions” to begin an Afghanistan troop withdrawal in July as planned, says a White House report. While President Obama’s strategy in the region is “showing progress,” the document says, “the challenge remains to make our gains durable and sustainable,” the... More »

Afghan Intelligence Report: We're Screwed

Reports contradict military's more upbeat view

Afghan Intelligence Report: We're Screwed

Reports contradict military's more upbeat view
(Newser) - The US is faring poorly in the Afghan war, with large areas of the country on the verge of falling to the Taliban, according to the latest National Intelligence Estimates on Afghanistan and Pakistan. The classified reports, which represent the collective wisdom of a dozen intelligence agencies, also say that... More »

Pakistani Papers Publish Fake WikiLeak Cables Bashing India

Claim that US diplomats called India's generals genocidal

Pakistani Papers Publish Fake WikiLeak Cables Bashing India

Claim that US diplomats called India's generals genocidal
(Newser) - State Department diplomats are convinced that India is up to no good, Pakistan’s top newspapers declared today. Nearly identical stories in four Pakistani papers claimed that WikiLeaks’ cable cache contained communiqués from US diplomats saying they had evidence that India was allied with both Hindu fundamentalists and Islamist... More »

Majority of World Muslims:
Islam Belongs in Politics

Majority of world's Muslims say Islam has place in politics

Majority of World Muslims: Islam Belongs in Politics

Majority of world's Muslims say Islam has place in politics
(Newser) - A majority of the world’s Muslims want their religion to influence politics, a Pew Research poll finds. In Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, and Nigeria, majorities would back the legalization of stoning to punish adultery, the amputation of thieves’ hands, and the death penalty for converts from Islam to other religions,... More »

Suicide Bombers Kill 50
in Pakistan

Massive casualties attributed to bullets in bombers' jackets

Suicide Bombers Kill 50 in Pakistan

Massive casualties attributed to bullets in bombers' jackets
(AP) - A pair of suicide bombers disguised as policemen killed 50 people today in an attack targeting a tribal meeting called to discuss the formation of an anti-Taliban militia in northwest Pakistan, officials said. The attack occurred on the grounds of the main government compound in Mohmand, part of Pakistan's militant-infested... More »

 Germany Hunts for 
 Pair of Suicide 

Authorities still fear impending attacks

Germany Hunts for Pair of Suicide Bombers

Authorities still fear impending attacks
(Newser) - From vague warning to a more detailed threat: German authorities are on the hunt for two suspected suicide bombers who are thought to have arrived in Berlin from Pakistan’s Waziristan region some 6 weeks ago, hiding out and wearing Western clothes in an effort to avoid detection. Police are... More »

Pakistan Freed Captors of NYT Reporter

It's more evidence
of ties between government, Taliban

Pakistan Freed Captors of NYT Reporter

It's more evidence of ties between government, Taliban
(Newser) - An investigative piece by the Nation about what happened in the aftermath of an American reporter's escape from his captors demonstrates yet again that Pakistan's secretive ISI agency maintains close ties with the Taliban. The case revolves around New York Times reporter David Rohde, who was kidnapped and held 7... More »

 Pakistan Blast 
 Kills 15 in 

Gunmen stage attack on largest city, Karachi

Pakistan Blast Kills 15 in Karachi

Gunmen stage attack on largest city, Karachi
(AP) - Militants attacked a police compound in the heart of Pakistan's largest city today with a hail of gunfire and a massive car bomb, leveling the building and killing at least 15 people. The gang of around six gunmen managed to penetrate a high-security area of Karachi that is home to... More »

 Pakistan Sentences 
 Christian to Death 
 for Blasphemy 

Mother of 5 says she was persecuted because of religion

Pakistan Sentences Christian to Death for Blasphemy

Mother of 5 says she was persecuted because of religion
(Newser) - Pakistan has sentenced a Christian woman to death for blasphemy against Islam, the Telegraph reports. Asia Bibi, a farmworker and mother of five, made derogatory remarks about Mohammed while arguing about religion with Muslim colleagues, say prosecutors. "Essentially the blasphemy law is used as a tool of persecution and... More »

 Suicide Bomber Kills 50 
 at Pakistani Mosque 

Mosque was gathering place for anti-Taliban militia leaders

Suicide Bomber Kills 50 at Pakistani Mosque

Mosque was gathering place for anti-Taliban militia leaders
(Newser) - At least 50 people were killed and another 80 wounded in a suicide bombing at a popular mosque in Northwestern Pakistan today, in one of the year’s deadliest attacks. The mosque was probably targeted because it is a frequent meeting place for the leaders of the local anti-Taliban militia,... More »

Pakistan Demands Role in Afghan Peace Talks

If they're even happening at all...

Pakistan Demands Role in Afghan Peace Talks

If they're even happening at all...
(Newser) - Pakistani security officials say they’re frustrated that they haven’t been invited to participate in Afghan/Taliban peace talks, warning that no peace deal will succeed without their involvement. In interviews with the Washington Post ISI officials say the US hasn’t even told them which Taliban leaders are involved... More »

US Plans $2B
in Military Aid
to Pakistan

It will complement
$7.5 billion in civilian assistance

US Plans $2B in Military Aid to Pakistan

It will complement $7.5 billion in civilian assistance
(AP) - The United States today laid out a five-year, $2 billion military aid package for Pakistan as it pressed the Islamabad government to step up the fight against extremists there and in neighboring Afghanistan. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the plan at the end of the latest round US-Pakistani strategic... More »

 Bin Laden 
 in House, 
 Not Cave: 

Al-Qaeda bosses living comfortably in Pakistan, says NATO insider

Bin Laden in House, Not Cave: Official

Al-Qaeda bosses living comfortably in Pakistan, says NATO insider
(Newser) - “Nobody in al-Qaeda is living in a cave”—instead, Osama bin Laden and other top figures are likely to be living rather comfortably in houses in Pakistan, under the protection of locals and some Pakistani intelligence, a NATO official tells CNN . Bin Laden has likely been roaming from... More »

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