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Baghdad stories: 226 news summaries

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New in Iraq's Green Zone:
Iranian Ice Cream

Fast-expanding chain symbolizes changing balance of power

New in Iraq's Green Zone: Iranian Ice Cream

Fast-expanding chain symbolizes changing balance of power
(Newser) - An Iranian ice cream parlor being built yards from the US Embassy in Baghdad's "Green Zone" symbolizes the shifting balance of power in Iraq, the Washington Post finds. Ice Pack—an Iranian chain that says it wants to challenge American fast food's worldwide dominance—already has other branches in... More »

 Series of Blasts 
 Kill 76 in Baghdad 

180 wounded; France grants asylum to Christians

Series of Blasts Kill 76 in Baghdad

180 wounded; France grants asylum to Christians
(Newser) - At least 13 separate attacks pounded Baghdad's Shiite neighborhoods today, killing 76 and wounding nearly 200, the AP reports. The assault was highly organized, with mortar attacks coordinated with bomb-rigged cars and roadside mines. Coming just two days after a hostage crisis at a Catholic church that left 58 dead,... More »


 Your Guide 
 to Wikileaks' 
 Next Bombshell 

Docs may touch on secret prisons, IEDS, Iran

Your Guide to Wikileaks' Next Bombshell

Docs may touch on secret prisons, IEDS, Iran
(Newser) - Wikileaks is prepping for the biggest leak of military intelligence ever: A trove of documents from the toughest years of the Iraq war. The leak will include up to 400,000 reports from 2004-2009, notes Wired , and may shape America's tenuous relationship with the Iraqi people. Here's what to... More »

 Twin Baghdad Bombs Kill 31 

Post-Ramadan quiet shatters with 2 car bombs

Twin Baghdad Bombs Kill 31

Post-Ramadan quiet shatters with 2 car bombs
(AP) - Two car bombs exploded in Baghdad this morning, killing at least 31 people, breaking what has been a period of relative calm since the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The biggest blasts in the Iraqi capital in a month occurred as commuters were starting their work week,... More »

 US Troops Sucked Into 
 New Iraq Skirmish 

7 militants launch assault on Iraq military HQ

US Troops Sucked Into New Iraq Skirmish

7 militants launch assault on Iraq military HQ
(Newser) - A week after President Obama declared an end to fighting by US troops in Iraq, American soldiers battled attackers at Baghdad's military headquarters yesterday. Dozens of people were injured and 12 killed. No Americans were injured. It was the first fighting involving US troops since the formal declaration of the... More »


 Attack on Iraqi 
 Recruits Kills 60 

Suicide bomber strikes outside Baghdad military headquarters

Attack on Iraqi Recruits Kills 60

Suicide bomber strikes outside Baghdad military headquarters
(Newser) - At least 60 people were killed and more than 100 injured when a suicide bomber blew himself up amid of crowd of military recruits in Baghdad today, officials say. The bomber joined recruits waiting outside a central Baghdad military headquarters where they were being admitted in small groups. The attack—... More »

 US Hands Over 
 Last Iraq Prison 

A milestone for sovereignty, challenge for the government

US Hands Over Last Iraq Prison

A milestone for sovereignty, challenge for the government
(Newser) - The last American-run prison in Iraq will be handed over to the Iraqis today, marking the end of a massive US prison system that has processed more than 100,000 Iraqis since the fall of Baghdad. Tariq Aziz and other former high-ranking members of Saddam Hussein's regime were handed over... More »

 Baghdad Kills 
 58K Stray Dogs 

Improving conditions in the Iraqi capital lead to population boom

Baghdad Kills 58K Stray Dogs

Improving conditions in the Iraqi capital lead to population boom
(Newser) - Animal lovers may want to stop reading now: Over the past three months, 20 teams of vets and policemen have killed some 58,000 stray dogs in and around Baghdad. The effort, first announced in 2008, was intended to curb the 1.25 million-strong population of strays, who have been... More »

 Army 'WikiLeaker' 
 Faces 8 Federal Charges 

Bradley Manning accused of espionage for downloading video

Army 'WikiLeaker' Faces 8 Federal Charges

Bradley Manning accused of espionage for downloading video
(Newser) - An Army intelligence analyst who has acknowledged providing classified material to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks was charged with eight criminal offenses yesterday, Wired reports . Pfc. Bradley Manning violated the Espionage Act by giving classified material to a nongovernment third party, the government alleges. Manning, 22, is in custody in Kuwait,... More »

22-Year-Old Gave Classified Materials to Wikileaks

Army analyst leaked 'collateral murder' video

22-Year-Old Gave Classified Materials to Wikileaks

Army analyst leaked 'collateral murder' video
(Newser) - The government has detained a 22-year-old Army intelligence analyst who boasted of leaking videos and diplomatic messages to watchdog site Wikileaks. Bradley Manning had been stationed at a base outside Baghdad, where he gained access to classified materials—some of which he deemed too important not to share. Two big... More »


Coordinated Iraq Attacks Kill 84 in Year's Deadliest Day

Sunni insurgents show off deadly power

Coordinated Iraq Attacks Kill 84 in Year's Deadliest Day

Sunni insurgents show off deadly power
(Newser) - The death toll is climbing in Iraq following this morning's coordinated gun-and-bomb attacks, with the AP putting the number at 84, making it the deadliest day this year. A police spokesman said a suicide bomber detonated himself outside a textile factory south of Baghdad where a crowd was trying to... More »

'Abu Ghraib Was a Picnic'

Prisoners Raped, Tortured
in Secret Baghdad Prison

Human Rights Watch details abuses

Prisoners Raped, Tortured in Secret Baghdad Prison

Human Rights Watch details abuses
(Newser) - They were hung by their feet and whipped, suffocated with plastic bags. If they passed out, they were revived with electrical shocks to the genitals. That's just a taste of the horrors prisoners describe in Human Rights Watch's report on the recently revealed Iraqi-run secret prison in Baghdad, where suspected... More »

 Wave of Bombings 
 Kills 61 in Iraq 

Shiites, Muqtada al-Sadr's office targeted

Wave of Bombings Kills 61 in Iraq

Shiites, Muqtada al-Sadr's office targeted
(Newser) - Bombs exploded throughout Baghdad today, targeting Shiite mosques and neighborhoods, including the office of anti-US cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. A neighborhood in Anbar province was also hit with six roadside bombs. At least 61 people have been killed and nearly 112 wounded, CNN reports. More »

 Prez Hit With 

Gary Jackson, 4 others allegedly stockpiled arms

Ex-Blackwater Prez Hit With Federal Weapons Charges

Gary Jackson, 4 others allegedly stockpiled arms
(AP) - The former president of Blackwater Worldwide and four other former officials at the embattled security firm were indicted today on federal weapons charges, partially the result of a raid 2 years ago by agents that rounded up 22 weapons, including AK-47s. The indictment charges Gary Jackson, who left the company... More »

 Baghdad Blasts Kill 34; 
 al-Qaeda Blamed 

Explosions rock apartment buildings across city

Baghdad Blasts Kill 34; al-Qaeda Blamed

Explosions rock apartment buildings across city
(AP) - Baghdad's top military spokesman is blaming al-Qaeda in Iraq for a series of massive explosions at apartment buildings across Baghdad that killed at least 34 people. Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, a spokesman for Baghdad's operations command center, told state-owned TV after the blasts today, "we are in a state... More »

 Baghdad Suicide Blasts 
 Target Embassies, Kill 31 

Car bombs explode near Iranian, German, Egyptian embassies

Baghdad Suicide Blasts Target Embassies, Kill 31

Car bombs explode near Iranian, German, Egyptian embassies
(AP) - Police say the death toll from three car bombs in Baghdad has reached 31. Suicide attackers detonated the bombs within minutes of each other today. One exploded near the Iranian embassy, and the two others went off in an area that houses several foreign embassies, including those from Egypt and... More »

Uniformed Men Execute
24 Sunnis in Baghdad

Victims were members of anti-Qaeda Awakening Councils

Uniformed Men Execute 24 Sunnis in Baghdad

Victims were members of anti-Qaeda Awakening Councils
(AP) - Gunmen wearing Iraqi military uniforms raided homes in a Sunni village south of Baghdad, killing at least 24 people, including five women, in execution-style attacks. Many of the dead were members of local Sahwa, or Awakening Councils—one of several names for the Sunni fighters who changed the course of... More »


 Dozens Dead in 
 Iraq Election 

Bombs, mortar and grenade attacks foil beefed-up security

Dozens Dead in Iraq Election Violence

Bombs, mortar and grenade attacks foil beefed-up security
(Newser) - The death toll in Iraq climbed to at least 35 today as violence marred the second round of parliamentary elections since the US-led invasion in 2003. Hundreds of thousands of security forces stood guard as Iraqis flocked to the polls, but insurgents attempted to interrupt the process using mortars, grenades,... More »

 Bombers Hit Baghdad 
 as Early Voting Starts 

Voters casting ballots in parliamentary elections are targets

Bombers Hit Baghdad as Early Voting Starts

Voters casting ballots in parliamentary elections are targets
(AP) - A string of blasts across Baghdad targeting voters killed at least 17 people today, ratcheting up fear as many Iraqis cast early ballots ahead of Sunday's nationwide parliamentary elections. The blasts hit voters outside polling stations. "Terrorists wanted to hamper the elections, thus they started to blow themselves up... More »

Suicide Blast Kills 18 at Baghdad Crime Lab

Victims believed to be officers

Suicide Blast Kills 18 at Baghdad Crime Lab

Victims believed to be officers
(Newser) - A suicide bomb blast has killed at least 17 people and injured 80 at a Baghdad crime lab run by the Interior Ministry. Many of the dead and wounded were believed to be police officers, reports AP . The attack occurred a day after triple bombings at Baghdad hotels killed 41... More »

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