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NEWS ABOUT: Joint Chiefs of Staff

Joint Chiefs of Staff stories: 31 news summaries

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Expect More Military Suicides: Mullen

Four take lives over weekend
(Newser) - Expect more servicemen and women to take their own lives in the months ahead, Admiral Mike Mullen warned today, in the wake of four such suicides over the weekend. “I think we are going to see a significant increase in the challenges that we have in terms of our... More »

 US Military Boss: 
 We've Got a Plan 
 to Attack Iran 

Will be launched 'if necessary to stop nukes'

US Military Boss: We've Got a Plan to Attack Iran

Will be launched 'if necessary to stop nukes'
(Newser) - The US has a detailed plan ready to attack Iran if necessary to prevent it from making nuclear weapons, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff revealed yesterday. “I hope we don’t get to that, but it’s an important option, and it’s one that’s... More »

 Pentagon Holds 
 Secret Afghan 
 War Games 

Mullen leads exercise to assess effects of troop surge

Pentagon Holds Secret Afghan War Games

Mullen leads exercise to assess effects of troop surge
(Newser) - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, led a secret war game earlier this month to assess the Obama administration's options in Afghanistan, including a 44,000-troop surge. A team of military leaders used Gen. Stanley McChrystal's analysis to examine how Taliban insurgents and the Afghan... More »

Joint Chiefs Chair: Afghan War Needs More Troops

(Newser) - The drumbeat for more US troops in Afghanistan goes on: The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told senators today that a "properly resourced counter-insurgency probably means more forces." Adm. Mike Mullen said he hasn't yet received a formal request from Gen. Stanley McChrystal but expects one... More »

US Military Review Calls for Afghan Prison Changes

(Newser) - Afghanistan’s prison system, including the American-run Bagram facility, needs a complete overhaul, according to a new US military review. The current system, which has a dreadful reputation with both human rights advocates and Afghan civilians, houses radical inmates with more moderate prisoners. The offensive in the southern part of... More »

Al-Qaeda Militants Leaving Pakistan for Yemen, Somalia

Dozens have left, US officials say

Al-Qaeda Militants Leaving Pakistan for Yemen, Somalia

Dozens have left, US officials say
(Newser) - Al-Qaeda fighters from Pakistan have started leaving isolated tribal areas and moving far afield to Somalia and Yemen, the New York Times reports. Some US officials point to stepped up drone attacks against militants in Pakistan for the development, which involves relatively small numbers so far. But the growth of... More »

Military's New Afghanistan Chief Gets Free Rein

Allowed to choose own team as Obama prioritizes effort

Military's New Afghanistan Chief Gets Free Rein

Allowed to choose own team as Obama prioritizes effort
(Newser) - With Afghanistan a priority for the administration, officials have given the new US commander there free rein to select his team, the New York Times reports. Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s job “is that important. Afghanistan is the main effort right now,” said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs.... More »

Generals Puzzle Through Surge in Army Suicides

(Newser) - Top Army brass are meeting monthly to figure out the disturbing rise in soldier suicides, the Washington Post reports. The generals pore through case studies and examine factors such as solitude, multiple tours of duty, and interactions between anti-depressants and high-caffeine drinks like Rip It popular among soldiers. “It's... More »

Rumsfeld Denies He Put Bible
in Briefings

GQ writer, anonymous sources better suited to gossip beat, he says

Rumsfeld Denies He Put Bible in Briefings

GQ writer, anonymous sources better suited to gossip beat, he says
(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld didn't decorate the president’s World Intelligence Update cover slides with biblical quotes, a spokesman says, and GQ reporter Robert Draper should've known better than to use anonymous sources "with an axe to grind." The slides, the spokesman says in an email to Marc Ambinder... More »

New Afghanistan Commander Is Warrior-Scholar

Workaholic McChrystal has shadowy past, links to spy agencies

New Afghanistan Commander Is Warrior-Scholar

Workaholic McChrystal has shadowy past, links to spy agencies
(Newser) - Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the designated new American commander in Afghanistan, has a reputation for hard work and self-denial: He sleeps for just a few hours and eats only one meal a day. Colleagues describe McChrystal, the current director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as an ideal combination of... More »

 US: Iran Has Enough 
 Uranium for a Bomb 

Iran's step forward worries Mullen, many others

US: Iran Has Enough Uranium for a Bomb

Iran's step forward worries Mullen, many others
(Newser) - Iran has enriched enough uranium to make a nuclear bomb, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen told State of the Union today. "Iran having nuclear weapons, is a very very bad outcome—for the region and for the world," Mullen said. A recent report by the IAEA... More »

Obama Challenges Troop Surge in Afghanistan

Asks for clear strategy before sending more troops

Obama Challenges Troop Surge in Afghanistan

Asks for clear strategy before sending more troops
(Newser) - President Obama has called for a review of the planned deployment of up to 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, a nation that some fear will become his “Vietnam,” the Times of London reports. Some 17,000 more troops were poised to head there last week, but defense... More »

New Releases Show How Vietnam Weighed on Nixon

Defense secretary urges against plan that would become 'Christmas bombing'

New Releases Show How Vietnam Weighed on Nixon

Defense secretary urges against plan that would become 'Christmas bombing'
(Newser) - Newly declassified documents and tapes from the Nixon era show how conflicted the administration was over public dissatisfaction with the war in Vietnam, the AP reports. One October 1969 memo from Defense Secretary Melvin Laird advises the president against adopting a proposal for a massive assault on North Vietnam, noting... More »

Joint Chiefs Head Calls for Wider PTSD Screening

Post Traumatic Stress a 'bigger problem than we realize,' says chief

Joint Chiefs Head Calls for Wider PTSD Screening

Post Traumatic Stress a 'bigger problem than we realize,' says chief
(Newser) - Every member of the US military should undergo screening for post-traumatic stress disorder upon returning from combat in Iraq, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has recommended. As many as 1 of every 5 returning combat vets suffers from mental health problems, USA Today reports. "I think... More »

White House Lambastes Woodward

Denies book's claims; author unveils shocker on death teams

White House Lambastes Woodward

Denies book's claims; author unveils shocker on death teams
(Newser) - The White House has angrily rejected Bob Woodward's claim that the administration was riven by dissent ahead of the surge in Iraq, CNN reports. Woodward wrote in his new book that President Bush pushed troop levels past the Joint Chiefs, ignoring their worries about over-extending the military. The War Within... More »

Bush Pulled Rank on Military Over Surge

Joint Chiefs were pushed aside, new Woodward book says

Bush Pulled Rank on Military Over Surge

Joint Chiefs were pushed aside, new Woodward book says
(Newser) - In the months leading up to the Iraq surge, President Bush faced a revolt by frustrated Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward writes in a new book, The War Within. Bush dumped the military leaders’ advice as Iraq spun out of control in fall of 2006,... More »


McCain Adopts Obama's Afghanistan Position

Stance on US vs. NATO troops appears to soften

McCain Adopts Obama's Afghanistan Position

Stance on US vs. NATO troops appears to soften
(Newser) - John McCain suddenly switched both schedule and policy today, transforming a speech about jobs into one on Afghanistan, and echoing Barack Obama's argument for sending in new brigades. Obama has long said more troops are needed in Afghanistan, but McCain has repeatedly contended that NATO should pick up the slack,... More »

Afghan War Hamstrung by Troop Shortage

But Joint Chiefs chair
says that Iraq's needs
limit US options

Afghan War Hamstrung by Troop Shortage

But Joint Chiefs chair says that Iraq's needs limit US options
(Newser) - The US needs more troops in Afghanistan but lacks the available forces because of the Iraq war, the nation’s top military officer said yesterday. In his most pointed remarks to date, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen said that countering the country's resurgent Taliban and booming... More »


Washington's War Drums Beating Loudly

Amid US, Israeli, Iran saber-rattling, 'all options on the table'

Washington's War Drums Beating Loudly

Amid US, Israeli, Iran saber-rattling, 'all options on the table'
(Newser) - Is Washington, or its Israeli allies, really ready to attack Iran? "The threats, counterthreats, and counter-counterthreats … have reached new levels of hysteria in recent days," Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Rumblings of an Israeli strike prompted Tehran threats to close oil-shipping lanes. That would be... More »

Let's Not Push War With Iran: Top Admiral

Joint Chiefs head prefers non-military pressure on Tehran

Let's Not Push War With Iran: Top Admiral

Joint Chiefs head prefers non-military pressure on Tehran
(Newser) - With wars still raging in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US would be hard-pressed to start a new one with Iran, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Michael Mullen said today. “I actually am very hopeful that we don't have to get into a conflict,” Mullen told Israeli TV, though... More »

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