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Google’s $1.9 Billion Chelsea Office Building Sits on a Fiber-Optic Highway

Back in 2000, Google's New York outpost consisted of one salesperson working out of a Starbucks on 86th Street. Today, the company announced that it closed the deal to buy an eighteen-story office building at 111 Eighth Avenue, otherwise known as Googleplex East, for $1.9 billion, paid in cash. Taxes on the sale will net $7 million for the state and $46,462,500 for New York City, as well as over a billion dollars in profit for the sellers, Jamestown, New York State Common Retirement Fund and Taconic Partners. Bonus backlash, the real estate edition? The 2,000 Google employees (Facebook prefers to think of them as future hires) working in the 550,000-square-foot space the company currently occupies work in both sales and engineering. What justifies this kind of deal in a down economy? Google has plenty of cash to burn, but the appeal probably lies in the fiber-optic cables transmitting high-speed data that lie under the former Port Authority building, primarily the "fiber highway" along Eighth Avenue/Hudson Street and Ninth Avenue that's considered one of the most vital connection points to the world's telecommunications networks. It's the same reason that high-tech companies like Verizon, Sprint, and Level 3 Communications, the company that streams Netflix to your laptop, also have offices in the building — and can probably expect a rent hike from their new landlord.

Google's Christmas Gift to NYC Real Estate: $1.9 Billion in Cash [Curbed]
Investing In New York [Official Google Blog]

So, What Is Jon Stewart, Exactly?

Jon Stewart was revisiting some ancient history, his 2004 spat with CNN’s Tucker Carlson, who had accused Stewart of evading responsibility by hiding behind a pose that he was “just a comedian” — something Stewart had never said. Six years later, the larger point still bugged him. “What’s been misconstrued there is the idea that I’m saying I’m just a comedian,” he told me. “I’m not saying I’m just a comedian. I’m a —" That’s when our food arrived. And in a display of attention deficit or plain old bad reporting, I never went back and made Stewart specify just what he thinks he is these days.

After helping to save the Zadroga bill, what is he? »

Not Surprisingly, Rex Ryan Declines to Discuss His Foot-Fetish Videos

If someone asks you whether you have starred in a series of Internet foot-fetish videos, and you have not, your answer is going to be something along the lines of, "No." So, in case there were any doubts before about whether Jets head coach Rex Ryan and his wife, Michelle Ryan, were the people in the videos discovered by Deadspin, Ryan's uncharacteristically subdued press conference this afternoon should put them to rest. His standard answer to reporters: a solemn "this is a personal matter." You have to feel bad for him, having his private sexual fetishes aired out in public, except, also, how could you put those online and not expect someone to notice?

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Marcus Samuelsson Doesn’t Agree With the Term Panhandlers

Name: Marcus Samuelsson
Age: 40
Neighborhood: Harlem
Occupation: Chef, Restaurant Owner, Cookbook Author

Who's your favorite New Yorker, living or dead, real or fictional?
Somebody who inspires me a lot and I've gotten to know over the course of opening Red Rooster is filmmaker Albert Maysles. He's been in the creative field all his life, he tells amazing, multifaceted stories about people, and he is open to sharing his knowledge for Harlem.

What's the best meal you've eaten in New York?
Back when I didn't own my own suit, I borrowed a jacket and tie from one of the front waiters at Aquavit and ate at Gray Kunz's Lespinasse. I had no reference point for Southeast Asian flavors in such an elegant setting before then.

In one sentence, what do you actually do all day in your job?
With Red Rooster Harlem now open, it's all about cooking and daily growth — whether it's working with Andrea on how to improve the previous night's dinner service, or coaching our cooks and waitstaff.

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New START Passes

The final vote was 71–26, and the lame-duck session continues to be surprisingly productive for the Democrats. Thirteen Republicans voted for the treaty. [NYT]

Former Fat Person Mike Huckabee Doesn’t Think Michelle Obama Is a Dessert Tyrant

This is what Mike Huckabee used to look like.Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images

In the warped reality in which Sarah Palin resides, when Michelle Obama says that children should not eat dessert every day because they are all obese and will grow up to get the diabetus, this really means that America "should not have dessert" and that she doesn't "trust parents to make decisions for their own children." Mike Huckabee is actually an expert on eating dessert — he used to be 300 pounds — and said yesterday that Palin is just wrong.

With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin I thinks she's misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do. Michelle Obama is not trying to tell people what to eat or not trying to force the government's desires on people. But she's stating the obvious, that we do have an obesity crisis in this country, and if you don't believe it, I always tell people, walk into any third grade class, and look around, and then go back pick up your third grade school class picture if you're an adult, look at that picture and tell me what you see that looks starkly different than what you see today in the third grade. It will shock you.

Good idea, Mike Huckabee! Spending some time in a third-grade classroom would be especially educational for Palin.

Huckabee takes Michelle Obama's side over Palin [Political Ticker/CNN]

Another Reason to Fear China: They Have Way More Pigs

This is what China looks like, probably.

That Chinese professor video was right. The United States is doomed to be a footnote in history. A Chinese footnote! Manufactured in China! Their iPad factories employ more people than the entire population of Detroit. Their children's probably fake test scores demolish our children's definitely fake test scores. And now it appears they're also saddling us with a Pig Gap to go along with our trade deficit. Intel was first alerted to this by Business Insider's Henry Blodget, who tweeted, "There are 446 million pigs in China ... [That's 7X the US, which has the next-most-pigs]." Ugh, who wants to be the country with the next-most-pigs? World historical losers, that's who. Blodget's tweet led us to this slideshow listing seventeen superlatives about our communist rival, another standout from the blog's "Facts That Will Blow Your Mind" series. There we learned that "China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries combined." Truly. Devastating. Pigs are the best! Here we are, in New York City's Golden Age of Pork, and China's supply puts ours to shame. Actually, how good does a roast pork dumpling sound right now? Dammit, China! Must you always win?

17 Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind [Business Insider]
Related: Everything But the Oink [NYM]

Elie Wiesel Won the Holocaust, Says Fox News

Best (worst?) ... chyron ... blunder ... ever. [Mediaite]

Deal Reached on 9/11 Health-Care Bill [Update: It Passed]

Under intense pressure from the media, 9/11 first responders, and fellow Republican politicians, Senator Tom Coburn has apparently backed off pretty much the least popular political stand imaginable — blocking the passage of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act over concerns about its funding and the process by which it was ushered through the Senate. After negotiations with senators Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Harry Reid today, Coburn has agreed not to stall the bill in exchange for various tweaks. Instead of $6.2 billion over ten years, the bill was cut to $4.2 billion and, according to Coburn, now "doesn't allow double-dipping" or "exorbitant lawyer fees." The legislation is now expected to pass both the House and Senate by the end of the day. What's going to be interesting is seeing how many Republican senators suddenly decide that they support the bill after all, after filibustering it two weeks ago.

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Strikes Deal on 9/11 First Responders Bill [ABC News]

Update: Never mind about that last point — the Senate just passed the bill on a voice vote, meaning no actual vote tally was taken.

Craigslist Leaves Global Pervs in Limbo, Shuts Down ‘Adults Services’ Worldwide

Craigslist shuttered its "Adult Services" (née "Erotic Services") section in the U.S. back in September after Philip Markoff, the 24-year-old "Craigslist Killer," committed suicide in jail. Now, Connecticut attorney general Richard Blumenthal has confirmed that the site is doing so worldwide. Wait, does the guy offering "some happy holidays???" in "Casual Encounters" right now not count as "adult services"? [Mashable]

Here’s Your Iconic ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal Image

Photo: Jewel Samad/Getty Images

We're not exactly sure who he is [Update: It appears to be UPenn law professor Tobias Wolff, an adviser to President Obama on gay rights], but he was pretty moved by the scene unfolding in front of him in the Department of the Interior this morning: President Obama signing the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Before striking the policy from the books — or, more accurately, allowing the military to do so — Obama told this story:

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President Obama’s Fake Evolution on Gay Marriage Is Still Ongoing

Nearly two months ago, President Obama told a blogger that his position on gay marriage — he publicly supports only civil unions — was something that he was "wrestling" with. He even strongly hinted that he would reverse his stance in the future. Of course, since Obama was actually for gay marriage all the way back in 1996, until he ostensibly wasn't, and since he opposed Prop. 8 and is for gay equality in every other aspect, it's fairly obvious that his position right now is that he supports gay marriage. But, from the looks of a new interview with the Advocate, Obama is going to just keep pretending he has yet to be converted, even as he teases an impending announcement of such a conversion.

"I'm wrestling with this. My attitudes are evolving on this." »

Banks to Homeowners: We’re In Ur Houses, Changin’ Ur Lockz

Bank of America might be on edge about what would happen if BrianMoynihanSucks.com gets into the wrong hands, but they're not afraid to look like the bad guy. According to a federal lawsuit, Bank of America not only wrongfully foreclosed on Mimi Ash's ski home, but they also broke in, changed the locks, and threw out all her possessions, including a wooden box inscribed with the words Together Forever that held the ashes of her late husband, Robert. Alan Jaffa, chief executive of a company that inspects foreclosed properties, admits that mistakes can happen, telling the Times, “There is a stigma that we go in, kick the door in and throw grandma out head first and board up the windows." Turns out, it's just grandma's ashes. It's not just Bank of America; Chase Bank has also been named in similar lawsuits. The paper has plenty of examples of the fundamentally flawed foreclosure process, where banks locked homeowners out illegally without proper notification, in some cases where they were up-to-date on their mortgage. Take Alan Schroit’s second home in Galveston, Texas, for example. Court papers allege that even though his mortgage was paid off, Bank of America changed the locks and shut off the power, which caused the 75 pounds of salmon and halibut in his freezer to spoil, spreading "reeking melt water" through the property.

"Hide your dead husband's ashes, hide your salmon." »

Jets Coach Rex Ryan and His Wife May Star in Online Foot-Fetish Videos

Just as the story about their trainer intentionally tripping an opposing player during a game was dying down, the Jets now have another distraction to deal with as they head toward the playoffs. Deadspin has come across some foot-fetish videos that were originally posted on YouTube from the user "ihaveprettyfeet" and may feature coach Rex Ryan's wife, Michelle. The evidence?

• The woman looks exactly like Michelle.
• An off-screen voice in one of the videos — "You mind if I touch them? ... Can I smell 'em?" — sounds like Rex Ryan.

And a lot of other stuff!

They also might be on a BDSM website. »

Dead Woman Found in a Suitcase on 114th Street

A passerby discovered a dead woman's body in a suitcase on East 114th Street last night after "spotting a leg sticking out of the luggage." It's official: Law & Order: New York picked the worst time to go off the air. [NYDN]

The Director of National Intelligence Stares Blankly When Asked About Major International Counterterrorism Operation

One would think — nay, hope — that Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano's assurances that her department is working "364 days a year" to combat terrorism would be the most embarrassing part of Diane Sawyer's three-way interview with Napolitano, Chief Counterterrorism Advisor John Brennan, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, which was taped Monday but aired on ABC World News last night. But look, that was just a slip of the tongue. Napolitano briefly forgot how many days are in a year. Sometimes we forget how old we are. It happens.

Much worse though was when Sawyer asked Clapper about the arrests of twelve terror suspects in London (and, she didn't mention, other British cities) earlier that morning — the country's largest terror sweep since April of 2009. His answer consisted of a confused side-glance and a few uncomfortable moments of silence before being bailed out by Brennan. Later in the interview, Clapper offers no explanation for how he could have been unaware of such a significant and widely reported development. His office later released a statement calling Sawyer's question "ambiguous" and insisting that "the DNI's knowledge of the threat streams in Europe is profound and multi-dimensional, and any suggestion otherwise is inaccurate." Oh, okay.

Watch the awkwardness »

Bank of America Prepares to Get WikiLeaked by Buying Up Negative Domain Names

Bank of America isn't waiting around for the media to confirm whether or not it's the target of WikiLeaks's next leak. The company has been trying to hoover up negative domain names about its CEO, Brian Moynihan, registering BrianMoynihanBlows.com, BrianMoynihanSucks.com, BrianTMoynihanBlows.com, and BrianTMoynihanSucks.com — in some case, the .net and .org versions as well, all in the last month. Oh, Bank of America, you vastly underestimate the Internet's creativity. In addition to giving the hacktivists a handy "To Hack" list, you've also shown your hand. What exactly does Bank of America think is in these documents, which WikiLeaks said will expose “flagrant violations” and “unethical practices," that would make the public want to launch websites about their leader sucking and blowing? Maybe the CIA's WikiLeaks Task Force (known around headquarters by its initials) has some idea.

Just to keep things interesting, Gorbachev is also involved. »

We Said They’d Be Famous: What Actually Happened?

Photo: Sasha Eisenman for New York Magazine

Five years ago, we assembled 27 New Yorkers — actors, musicians, chefs, dancers, and even a surfer — and proclaimed that one of the Reasons to Love New York was that at least one of them would be famous by 2010. We hit the mark and then some, but when we tracked down our up-and-comers, what we found was even more interesting. There are a few boldfaced names like Donald Glover of Community, but ever more people on the list are thriving in relative obscurity at the top of their chosen fields, from science to jewelry design to fashion photography. For most of the people on this list, doing what you love trumps being famous every time.

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Times Sues NYPD

The New York Times is suing the New York Police Department for repeatedly failing to obey a state law requiring it to provide information to the press and public. The lawsuit, filed yesterday, recounts four instances this year in which access to information by the paper was denied or delayed. “Information that was once released is now withheld. Disclosures that could be made quickly are put on hold for months,” said David McCraw, the Times' vice-president and assistant general counsel. The lawsuit asks that the police department be required to turn over information that is being illegally withheld and be barred from ignoring the Freedom of Information Law. According to Paul Browne, the NYPD's chief spokesman, “none of the FOIL requests about which The Times complains, is, in our view, ripe for litigation.”

Times Sues City Police, Saying Information Has Been Illegally Withheld [NYT]

Newark Asks Citizens How to Spend Zuckerberg Grant

Newark is determined to put Mark Zuckerberg's $100 million challenge grant to good use and is asking all of its citizens for their input. Since September volunteers have knocked on nearly 50,000 doors and made countless calls trying to find out how Newark residents think the money can best be spent to help resuscitate the city's struggling school system. Despite reportedly spending $22,000 per student, only half those who come through Newark's school system graduate.

Plan "can't be dictated to the community, it has to come from the community." »

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