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Cop Kills Dog ... for Barking at Him Boomer wouldn't have attacked, says distraught son
By Evann Gastaldo,  Newser Staff

Posted Dec 22, 2010 12:01 PM CST
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(Newser) – A Georgia family’s golden retriever barked at the wrong cop, and paid for it with his life, ABC News reports. “Boomer” barked and approached the officer, who was walking through the King family’s yard while investigating a disturbance, and ignored the officer’s commands to stop. What the officer didn’t know was that the dog was behind an invisible fence—so he shot, says 19-year-old Jonathan King: “My neighbor told me it happened so quick that he was speechless.” (Need some comfort now? Click for a more uplifting dog story.)

A golden retriever, not Boomer, is shown.
A golden retriever, not Boomer, is shown.   (AP Photo/Aberdeen American News, John Davis)
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An ABC News report on the incident.   (ABC News)

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Showing 3 of 67 comments
Dec 23, 2010 11:32 AM CST
The dog does the job expected of him by his humans (to bark at strangers; to guard the house), and gets shot. This cop isn't smart enough to "protect the public"; and he should have his badge removed immediately. His actions not only show bad judgement, but lack of heart. Is he going to kill any human being that happens to "irritate" him, as well?
Dec 23, 2010 6:44 AM CST
Having a large dog rush at you is a threat. A dog's behavior is 100% the responsibility of "the owner," at all times, in all instances, on any plot of land the dog is on, inside any building. The dog should've been trained by "the owner" that rushing at someone is unacceptable behavior. Human males in their late teens and early 20s think it's humorous to have dog act dangerously towards others. All dogs must be trained. If this owner doesn't know that much about dogs, he should've paid to hire a trainer or don't have a dog. You can go to PetSmart, Petco and any number of pet stores to get a dog the minimum of training and to learn THAT DOGS ARE A DIFFERENT SPECIES AND OFTENTIMES ACT IN UNEXPLAINABLE WAYS UNLESS THEY ARE TAUGHT NOT TO. NO "TRAINED" DOG ACTS AGGRESSIVELY LIKE THIS DOG DID. I feel the officer had evidence that his life was in danger and did what he needed to! The officer did nothing wrong. If this dog had been properly trained, the dog would NOT have acted aggressively like he did. The following is my response to barking, but it applies to all behaviors of dogs: This era dogs are used as passive-aggressive, anti-social weapons: what bullets are to guns, barking is to dogs. Barking kills--a slow, painful death from a million bee stings. Communities should focus on the root cause of the conflict between barking dog and innocent human: the barking is the root cause. It's the BARKING that's the source of the conflict. The source of the conflict is not the barking-sufferer's REACTION to barking, whatever that reaction may be. Chronic barking is molestation. The party at fault is the household with the barker(s). It doesn't matter what the sufferer-of-barking does to try to get the barking to stop--they feel desperate because they're not getting support from the outlying community to get the barking stopped. I'm not talking about partial-barking stopped--I mean 100%. The barking-sufferer has a right to enjoy his or her patch of real estate unmolested by barking. The barker needs to get gone. In a conflict between one person and a dog, the human should win out every time. Human rights trump dog rights. Who is it who pays the mortgage or rent? Not dogs. Why do dogs have more rights than people? Barking is a serious offense: barking makes people--literally--insane. Chronic barking causes the barking-sufferer to not be able to meet his obligations in paying the mortgage or rent and put food on the table. People, obtaining dogs, who like to have their "own petty egos stroked," are clueless as to what it takes to truly care for a dog. Being the guardian of a dog is a lifelong commitment--it is similar as caring for a human infant--dogs cost money and take time--done properly--lots of both. Leaving dog(s) in a yard unattended and unloved is a hazard to anyone not the owner who is within earshot of the barking. A barker is a menace. A barker is a health hazard. A barker is an "ignored" dog--it's time we see chronic barking for what it is: ANIMAL NEGLECT. Animal neglect has serious consequences! Things have to be done, by the community, on behalf of the barking-sufferer, in its laws, fines, punishments, jail-time, impounding dog, or seizure of dog-owner's vehicles. Communities should give power to law enforcement to seize yard barkers without the dog owner's knowledge, impound the dog(s). Or 6 months in jail. Or a US$1,000 (GBP£700) fine. Dog-haters are made, not born. Residents become hostile after years of their communities having more sympathy for barkers than for barking-sufferers, communities who spit on human need for peace and quiet where they live. Having dogs growing up, I used to like dogs. No more. I now loathe dogs. Barkers are REALLY, REALLY bad public-relations for canines in general. Barking gives the whole canine species a bad reputation. Responsible dog owners should pressure "arrant dog owners who condone chronic barking" to STOP THE BARKING. You know, how would you feel if you went to poop in your own toilet, the next-door neighbor's dog heard you from outside, barked continuously 5 feet from where you're doing your business? How would you feel if you put a dish in the microwave oven, the other next-door neighbor's dog heard you from outside, barked continuously 5 feet from where you're trying to eat a pleasant meal? How would you feel if the phone rings, answer it, the next-door neighbor's dog heard you from outside, barked continuously 5 feet from where you're trying to have a conversation where you yell into the phone "I can't hear you. What'd you say?" How would you feel if the only place you could sleep was on the floor in a closet located on the other side of the house? (This really happened.) And finally, how would you feel if this went on, day and night, for five years? Answer honestly, because you would not have had a good night's sleep in five years. How would YOU feel? Mediation implies there is something to mediate, as if with chronic barking there is middle-ground or compromise. Dogs have no business around human dwelling areas. Sorry, but I'm not going to compromise my physical need for a safe and sane soundscape around my home. The dog leaves. Dogs are "guests" and as such, must behave. If dogs don't behave, banish them.
Dec 23, 2010 5:58 AM CST
This is not the first story of cop abuse against animals in there own yards. It really makes me sick ,again to here another story like this! How can you replace a friend that has died a senseless murder? Its sicking cops rights in america. They do wrong. and get by with it!
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