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DevOps at Wayin
Orchestration with AWS Cloud Formation
David M. Johnson
Software Developer - Wayin, Inc.
Friday, June 21, 13
•What is Cloud Orchestration
• Quick intro to Wayin Hub
• Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture
• How we scale, deploy and do backups
• About Cloud Formation Templates
• About vendor lock-in
• Designing for orchestration
Friday, June 21, 13
“Orchestration describes the
automated arrangement,
coordination, and management
of complex computer systems,
middleware, and services.
It is often discussed as having
an inherent intelligence or even
implicitly autonomic control, but
those are largely aspirations or
analogies rather than technical
Friday, June 21, 13
“cloud orchestration =
+ integration
+ best practices”
Friday, June 21, 13
Cloud Orchestration is...
Automating the infrastructure
needed to provide a computing
service so that resources are
automatically allocated and de-
allocated to meet changing demand
Friday, June 21, 13
The Orchestra Analogy
Friday, June 21, 13
•Saves money
•Saves time
•Repeatable, version-able process
•Less human intervention
•Fewer stupid mistakes
Friday, June 21, 13
• What is Cloud Orchestration
•Quick intro to Wayin Hub
• Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture
• How we scale, deploy and do backups
• About Cloud Formation Templates
• About vendor lock-in
• Designing for orchestration
Friday, June 21, 13
Friday, June 21, 13
Friday, June 21, 13
Friday, June 21, 13
Friday, June 21, 13
Friday, June 21, 13
Friday, June 21, 13
Friday, June 21, 13
• What is Cloud Orchestration
• Quick intro to Wayin Hub
•Wayin Hub deployment & app architecture
• How we scale, deploy and do backups
• About Cloud Formation Templates
• About vendor lock-in
• Designing for orchestration
Friday, June 21, 13
• EC2 - server virtualization
• EBS - mountable block storage
• ELB - load balancer
• R53 - domain name services (DNS)
• S3 - file / bucket storage service
• CloudFront - content distribution network (CDN)
• Autoscale - automatically stop & start servers
• CloudWatch / Cloud Alarms - monitoring & triggering
• Security Group - restrict port access on group of instances
• SQS - Simple Queuing Service
Friday, June 21, 13
Application Architecture
Java, Jetty
Queue Service
Twitter Feeds
Other Soc.
Friday, June 21, 13
API Security Group
DB Security Group
Tracker Security Group
Deployment Architecture
Cloud Formation
// CFN template
"Parameters": {
"Mappings": {
"Resources": {
Friday, June 21, 13
Cloud Formation
“An easy way to create and manage a collection of related
AWS resources, provisioning and updating them in an orderly
and predictable fashion.
You can use AWS CloudFormation’s sample templates or create
your own. Once deployed, you can modify and update the AWS
resources in a controlled and predictable way allowing you to
version control your AWS infrastructure in the same way as
you version control your software.
You can deploy and update a template and its associated collection
of resources (called a stack) via the AWS Management Console,
CloudFormation command line tools or APIs. CloudFormation is
available at no additional charge, and you pay only for the
AWS resources needed to run your applications.”
Friday, June 21, 13
• What is Cloud Orchestration
• Quick intro to Wayin Hub
• Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture
•How we scale, deploy and do backups
• About Cloud Formation Templates
• About vendor lock-in
• Designing for orchestration
Friday, June 21, 13
Separate auto-scale groups
API server
API server
API server
Min: 3
Max: 9
Scale up (quickly):
CPU > X% forY minutes
Scale down (slowly):
CPU < A% for B minutes
DB serverUbuntu
DB server
Min: 2
Max: 2
We decide when to scale
up and scale down our
DB server instances
Min: 2
Max: 20
Scale up (quickly):
Queue has > X
messages forY minutes
Scale down (slowly):
Queue has < X message
forY minutes
Friday, June 21, 13
CFN Launches
new API server
Self-configuring API servers
DB Security Group
CloudInit script
downloads the
deployment bundle
CloudInit scripts
find DB servers by
Security Group,
starts Jetty
scripts put
server into
ELB rotation
API Security Group
Friday, June 21, 13
Self-configuring DB servers
DB Security Group
CloudInit scripts finds other
DB servers by Server Group
CloudInit scripts
download latest
deployment bundle
2Human runs the
command to increase
DB servers by one
New DB server
New Cassandra node joins
cluster when ready
CloudInit scripts write
Memcache config, start it
MemcacheCloudInit scripts write Redis config,
assume first server is master, start it
CloudInit scripts write
Cassandra config, start it
Friday, June 21, 13
Automated deployment
API Security Group
GitDeveloper merges code
into deployment branch
Developer kicks off
Jenkins build
Jenkins copies
bundle to S3 bucket
Developer kicks off
deployment build
Jenkins runs
deploy command
via SSH
On each server the script
runs locally, downloads
and installs the bundle
Tracker Security Group
Friday, June 21, 13
Incremental backups
copied to S3 bucket
Automated Backups
Jenkins runs
daily backup job
Backup script
creates EBS snapshot 3
DB Security Group
Cronjob kicks off
incremental backups
Cassandra snapshot
backups happen
Friday, June 21, 13
• What is Cloud Orchestration
• Quick intro to Wayin Hub
• Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture
• How we scale, deploy and do backups
•About Cloud Formation Templates
• About vendor lock-in
• Designing for orchestration
Friday, June 21, 13
CFN Template skeleton
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "Example stack",
"Parameters": {
"Mappings": {
"Resources": {
Friday, June 21, 13
CFN Parameters
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "WayinHub Three Server-type Prod Stack",
"Parameters": {
"DnsName" : {
"Description" : "DNS name to be created",
"Type" : "String",
"Default": "stack-test"
"DnsDomain" : {
"Description" : "DNS domain to be used",
"Type" : "String",
"Default": "twt.pl"
"KeyPair" : {
"Description" : "EC2 Key Pair to allow SSH...",
"Type" : "String",
"Default": "wayin"
Friday, June 21, 13
CFN Parameters
"ReleaseBucket" : {
"Description" : "S3 Bucket of release bundle",
"Type" : "String",
"Default": "hub-deployment-release"
"ApiMinServers" : {
"Description" : "Minimum number of API servers",
"Type" : "Number",
"Default": "2",
"MinValue": "2"
"ApiMaxServers" : {
"Description" : "Maximum number API servers",
"Type" : "Number",
"Default": "5",
"MinValue": "2"
"ApiInstanceType": {
"Description": "EC2 instance type for API servers",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "m1.large",
"AllowedValues": ["m1.xlarge", "m3.xlarge"],
"ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid EC2 type."
Friday, June 21, 13
CFN Mappings
"Mappings": {
"AWSRegionArch2AMI": {
"us-east-1": { "64": "ami-e864da81" },
"us-west-2": { "64": "ami-50f97060" }
"TwoAZs": {
"us-east-1": {
"AZ1" : "us-east-1a", "AZ2" : "us-east-1b" },
"us-west-2": {
"AZ1" : "us-west-2a", "AZ2" : "us-west-2b" }
Friday, June 21, 13
CFN Resources
"Resources": {
"DbAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
"DbAutoScalingGroup": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup",
"ApiAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling:: LaunchConfiguration",
"ApiAutoScalingGroup": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup",
"ApiServerScaleUpPolicy" : {
"Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy",
"ApiServerScaleDownPolicy" : {
"Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy",
"CPUAlarmHigh": {
"CPUAlarmLow": {
Friday, June 21, 13
CFN Resources
"ApiAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
"Properties": {
"UserData": {
"Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join": [ "", [
"#!/bin/bash -exn",
"# Log all output from this scriptn",
"exec >/var/log/wayin-bootstrap.log 2>&1n",
"# Expose various environmental variables, etc.n",
"cat >/etc/profile.d/wayin-env.sh <<EOFn",
"export ELB_NAME=", { "Ref" : "ApiElasticLoadBalancer" }, "n",
"export EC2_REGION=", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "n",
"export DNS_NAME=", { "Ref" : "DnsName" }, "n",
"export DNS_DOMAIN=", { "Ref" : "DnsDomain" }, "n",
"# Install various packagesn",
"apt-get updaten",
"apt-get -y install s3cmdn",
"# Download our application filesn",
"cd /usr/share/wayinhubn",
"s3cmd --config=/etc/s3cfg get s3://",{"Ref":"ReleaseBucket"},"/twithub.tgzn",
"tar xf twithub.tgzn",
"rm -fr twithub.tgzn",
"cd ./init_instancen",
"sh ./init_api_server.shn"
Friday, June 21, 13
CFN Console
Friday, June 21, 13
• What is Cloud Orchestration
• Quick intro to Wayin Hub
• Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture
• How we scale, deploy and do backups
• About Cloud Formation Templates
•About vendor lock-in
• Designing for orchestration
Friday, June 21, 13
Lock-in in automation
• Cloud Formation itself is lock-in
• Plenty of AWS dependencies in our:
• Instance init scripts
• Deployment scripts
• Backup scripts
Friday, June 21, 13
No lock-in in app code
• Bulk of our code is in our application
• AWS dependencies are pluggable
Friday, June 21, 13
• What is Cloud Orchestration
• Quick intro to Wayin Hub
• Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture
• How we scale, deploy and do backups
• About Cloud Formation Templates
• About vendor lock-in
•Designing for orchestration
Friday, June 21, 13
Choose right components
• Good
• Peer-to-peer
• Linear scalability
• Bad
• Master-slave
• “Special” servers
• Single point-of-failure
Friday, June 21, 13
Bootstrap everything
• Every instance must self-configure
• Make services easy to discover
Friday, June 21, 13
Keep it simple
• Minimize number of different...
• Server types
• External services
• Learning curves
Friday, June 21, 13
Friday, June 21, 13

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Wayin devops-2013

  • 1. DevOps at Wayin Orchestration with AWS Cloud Formation David M. Johnson Software Developer - Wayin, Inc. Friday, June 21, 13
  • 2. Agenda •What is Cloud Orchestration • Quick intro to Wayin Hub • Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture • How we scale, deploy and do backups • About Cloud Formation Templates • About vendor lock-in • Designing for orchestration Friday, June 21, 13
  • 3. “Orchestration describes the automated arrangement, coordination, and management of complex computer systems, middleware, and services. It is often discussed as having an inherent intelligence or even implicitly autonomic control, but those are largely aspirations or analogies rather than technical descriptions.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchestration_(computing) Friday, June 21, 13
  • 4. “cloud orchestration = automation + integration + best practices” https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/9e696bfa-94af-4f5a-ab50- c955cca76fd0/entry/orchestrating_the_cloud_to_simplify_and_accelerate_service_delivery1 Friday, June 21, 13
  • 5. Cloud Orchestration is... Automating the infrastructure needed to provide a computing service so that resources are automatically allocated and de- allocated to meet changing demand Friday, June 21, 13
  • 7. Benefits •Saves money •Saves time •Repeatable, version-able process •Less human intervention •Fewer stupid mistakes Friday, June 21, 13
  • 8. Agenda • What is Cloud Orchestration •Quick intro to Wayin Hub • Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture • How we scale, deploy and do backups • About Cloud Formation Templates • About vendor lock-in • Designing for orchestration Friday, June 21, 13
  • 16. Agenda • What is Cloud Orchestration • Quick intro to Wayin Hub •Wayin Hub deployment & app architecture • How we scale, deploy and do backups • About Cloud Formation Templates • About vendor lock-in • Designing for orchestration Friday, June 21, 13
  • 17. Glossary • EC2 - server virtualization • EBS - mountable block storage • ELB - load balancer • R53 - domain name services (DNS) • S3 - file / bucket storage service • CloudFront - content distribution network (CDN) • Autoscale - automatically stop & start servers • CloudWatch / Cloud Alarms - monitoring & triggering • Security Group - restrict port access on group of instances • SQS - Simple Queuing Service Friday, June 21, 13
  • 19. Ubuntu Jenkins API Security Group S3 R53CloudFront ELB EC2 Browser Front end DB Security Group EBS SQS TwitterFeeds Tracker Security Group Deployment Architecture Cloud Formation // CFN template { "Parameters": { }, "Mappings": { }, "Resources": { } } Friday, June 21, 13
  • 20. Cloud Formation “An easy way to create and manage a collection of related AWS resources, provisioning and updating them in an orderly and predictable fashion. You can use AWS CloudFormation’s sample templates or create your own. Once deployed, you can modify and update the AWS resources in a controlled and predictable way allowing you to version control your AWS infrastructure in the same way as you version control your software. You can deploy and update a template and its associated collection of resources (called a stack) via the AWS Management Console, CloudFormation command line tools or APIs. CloudFormation is available at no additional charge, and you pay only for the AWS resources needed to run your applications.” Friday, June 21, 13
  • 21. Agenda • What is Cloud Orchestration • Quick intro to Wayin Hub • Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture •How we scale, deploy and do backups • About Cloud Formation Templates • About vendor lock-in • Designing for orchestration Friday, June 21, 13
  • 22. Separate auto-scale groups Ubuntu API server WAR Jetty Ubuntu API server WAR Jetty Ubuntu API server WAR Jetty Min: 3 Max: 9 Scale up (quickly): CPU > X% forY minutes Scale down (slowly): CPU < A% for B minutes Ubuntu Cassandra Redis Memcache DB serverUbuntu Cassandra Redis Memcache DB server Min: 2 Max: 2 We decide when to scale up and scale down our DB server instances Ubuntu Tracker WAR Jetty Ubuntu Tracker WAR Jetty Ubuntu Tracker WAR Jetty Min: 2 Max: 20 Scale up (quickly): Queue has > X messages forY minutes Scale down (slowly): Queue has < X message forY minutes Friday, June 21, 13
  • 23. CFN Launches new API server instances 1 Self-configuring API servers DB Security Group S3 ELB CloudInit script downloads the deployment bundle 2 CloudInit scripts find DB servers by Security Group, starts Jetty 3 CloudInit scripts put server into ELB rotation 4 API Security Group CFN Cloud Watch Friday, June 21, 13
  • 24. Self-configuring DB servers DB Security Group S3 CloudInit scripts finds other DB servers by Server Group 3 CloudInit scripts download latest deployment bundle 2Human runs the command to increase DB servers by one 1 Ubuntu New DB server New Cassandra node joins cluster when ready 7 CFN CloudInit scripts write Memcache config, start it 4 MemcacheCloudInit scripts write Redis config, assume first server is master, start it 5 Redis CloudInit scripts write Cassandra config, start it 6 Cassandra Friday, June 21, 13
  • 25. Automated deployment API Security Group GitDeveloper merges code into deployment branch 1 Developer kicks off Jenkins build 2 S3 Jenkins copies bundle to S3 bucket 3 Developer kicks off deployment build 4 Jenkins runs deploy command via SSH 5 On each server the script runs locally, downloads and installs the bundle 6 Ubuntu Jenkins Tracker Security Group Friday, June 21, 13
  • 26. Incremental backups copied to S3 bucket 5 Automated Backups S3 Jenkins runs daily backup job 1 Backup script creates EBS snapshot 3 DB Security Group Cronjob kicks off incremental backups 4 Cassandra snapshot backups happen simultaneously 2 Ubuntu Jenkins EBS Friday, June 21, 13
  • 27. Agenda • What is Cloud Orchestration • Quick intro to Wayin Hub • Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture • How we scale, deploy and do backups •About Cloud Formation Templates • About vendor lock-in • Designing for orchestration Friday, June 21, 13
  • 28. CFN Template skeleton { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "Example stack", "Parameters": { }, "Mappings": { }, "Resources": { } } Friday, June 21, 13
  • 29. CFN Parameters { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "WayinHub Three Server-type Prod Stack", "Parameters": { "DnsName" : { "Description" : "DNS name to be created", "Type" : "String", "Default": "stack-test" }, "DnsDomain" : { "Description" : "DNS domain to be used", "Type" : "String", "Default": "twt.pl" }, "KeyPair" : { "Description" : "EC2 Key Pair to allow SSH...", "Type" : "String", "Default": "wayin" }, Friday, June 21, 13
  • 30. CFN Parameters "ReleaseBucket" : { "Description" : "S3 Bucket of release bundle", "Type" : "String", "Default": "hub-deployment-release" }, "ApiMinServers" : { "Description" : "Minimum number of API servers", "Type" : "Number", "Default": "2", "MinValue": "2" }, "ApiMaxServers" : { "Description" : "Maximum number API servers", "Type" : "Number", "Default": "5", "MinValue": "2" }, "ApiInstanceType": { "Description": "EC2 instance type for API servers", "Type": "String", "Default": "m1.large", "AllowedValues": ["m1.xlarge", "m3.xlarge"], "ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid EC2 type." }, Friday, June 21, 13
  • 31. CFN Mappings "Mappings": { "AWSRegionArch2AMI": { "us-east-1": { "64": "ami-e864da81" }, "us-west-2": { "64": "ami-50f97060" } }, "TwoAZs": { "us-east-1": { "AZ1" : "us-east-1a", "AZ2" : "us-east-1b" }, "us-west-2": { "AZ1" : "us-west-2a", "AZ2" : "us-west-2b" } } }, Friday, June 21, 13
  • 32. CFN Resources "Resources": { "DbAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", }, "DbAutoScalingGroup": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup", }, "ApiAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling:: LaunchConfiguration", }, "ApiAutoScalingGroup": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup", }, "ApiServerScaleUpPolicy" : { "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy", }, "ApiServerScaleDownPolicy" : { "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy", }, "CPUAlarmHigh": { }, "CPUAlarmLow": { }, Friday, June 21, 13
  • 33. CFN Resources "ApiAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "Properties": { "UserData": { "Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join": [ "", [ "#!/bin/bash -exn", "# Log all output from this scriptn", "exec >/var/log/wayin-bootstrap.log 2>&1n", "# Expose various environmental variables, etc.n", "cat >/etc/profile.d/wayin-env.sh <<EOFn", "export ELB_NAME=", { "Ref" : "ApiElasticLoadBalancer" }, "n", "export EC2_REGION=", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "n", "export DNS_NAME=", { "Ref" : "DnsName" }, "n", "export DNS_DOMAIN=", { "Ref" : "DnsDomain" }, "n", "EOFn", "# Install various packagesn", "apt-get updaten", "apt-get -y install s3cmdn", "n", "# Download our application filesn", "cd /usr/share/wayinhubn", "s3cmd --config=/etc/s3cfg get s3://",{"Ref":"ReleaseBucket"},"/twithub.tgzn", "tar xf twithub.tgzn", "rm -fr twithub.tgzn", "cd ./init_instancen", "sh ./init_api_server.shn" ]]} }, Friday, June 21, 13
  • 35. Agenda • What is Cloud Orchestration • Quick intro to Wayin Hub • Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture • How we scale, deploy and do backups • About Cloud Formation Templates •About vendor lock-in • Designing for orchestration Friday, June 21, 13
  • 36. Lock-in in automation • Cloud Formation itself is lock-in • Plenty of AWS dependencies in our: • Instance init scripts • Deployment scripts • Backup scripts Friday, June 21, 13
  • 37. No lock-in in app code • Bulk of our code is in our application • AWS dependencies are pluggable Friday, June 21, 13
  • 38. Agenda • What is Cloud Orchestration • Quick intro to Wayin Hub • Wayin Hub deployment & application architecture • How we scale, deploy and do backups • About Cloud Formation Templates • About vendor lock-in •Designing for orchestration Friday, June 21, 13
  • 39. Choose right components • Good • Peer-to-peer • Linear scalability • Bad • Master-slave • “Special” servers • Single point-of-failure Friday, June 21, 13
  • 40. Bootstrap everything • Every instance must self-configure • Make services easy to discover Friday, June 21, 13
  • 41. Keep it simple • Minimize number of different... • Server types • External services • Learning curves Friday, June 21, 13