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Hubert Cheung, AWS Solutions Architect
Infrastructure Continuous
Delivery Using AWS
Aboot Me
Hubert Cheung hubertc@amazon.com
Solutions Architect
@ AWS 4.5 Years
- AWS Support
- AWS Solutions Architecture
What to expect from this session
• We’ll show you how to:
• Architect your infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation
• Use AWS CloudFormation to set up AWS CodePipeline
• Continuously deliver changes to stacks as you make
changes to your templates
• Demo
Let’s look at release
• Integration
tests with
other systems
• Load testing
• UI tests
• Penetration
Release processes have four major phases
Source Build Test Production
• Check-in
source code
such as .java
• Peer review
new code
• Compile code
• Unit tests
• Style checkers
• Code metrics
• Create
• Deployment
to production
Release Process Levels
Source Build Test Production
Continuous integration
Continuous delivery
Continuous deployment
Release Process Levels
Source Build Test Production
Continuous integration
Continuous deployment
Continuous delivery
Our focus today
What about continuous delivery tools and
processes for infrastructure?
What do we need for infrastructure continuous
• A way to treat infrastructure as code.
• Tools to manage the workflow that creates and updates
infrastructure resources.
• Tools to properly test and inspect your changes for
defects and potential issues
What do we need for infrastructure continuous
Infrastructure as code
A practice in which infrastructure
is provisioned and managed using
code and software development
techniques, such as version
control and continuous
Build, test, and deploy your code
every time there is a code
change, based on the release
process models you define,
enabling you to rapidly and
reliably deliver changes.
Infrastructure as Code
We need
AWS CodePipelineAWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation
• Create templates of your infrastructure
• Version control /code review /update
templates like code
• CloudFormation provisions AWS resources
based on dependency needs
• Integrates with development, CI/CD,
management tools
• No additional charge to use
Author templates in JSON or YAML
Use change sets to preview your changes
Continuous delivery workflows for stacks
Support for AWS Serverless App Model
Enable cross-stack references with exports
Key new features
Author CloudFormation templates in JSON or YAML.
Syntax enhancements
YAML with enhancements
! function short form
Fn::Sub function
substitutes variables
Preview the set of actions that CloudFormation will take on your
behalf before you create or update stacks.
CloudFormation Change Sets
Change sets show you what resources will be created, updated
or replaced. This ensures that only expected operations are
Cross Stack References (Exports)
Network Stack
Description: reference VPC
Value: !Ref VPC
Name: ProdVPC
App Stack
Type: AWS::ELBV2::TargetGroup
Fn::ImportValue: ProdVPC
• Allows you to share information between independent stacks.
• Export a stack’s output values. Other stacks in the same account and region
can import the exported values.
Nested stacks
Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
Network Resources
Type: AWS::EC2::VPC
ECS Service
Type: AWS::ECS::Service
• Create a stack composed of multiple
• Compose and re-use templates with
frequently used resources
Considerations for Exports and Nested Stacks
Nested Stacks Cross Stack References
uses cases
• Template reuse
• Use multiple templates but
manage as single stack
• Sharing common resources
• Allows for independent stacks based
on resource lifecycle or ownership.
• Convenient management.
One stack manages all
resources and nested stacks.
• Creation order and
dependencies are managed
• Separation of concern
• Share databases and VPCs
• Lets you limit blast radius with
• Updates and rollbacks have
a wide surface area
• Reusing templates that have
custom resource names
• Replacing updates requires
changes to the importing stacks to
• Does not manage creation order
Use case
Let’s examine a sample application
Deconstruct the application into the necessary AWS resources
Create CloudFormation templates based your management needs
Model your continuous delivery pipeline
Continuously deliver infrastrucure changes as you iterate on your architecture
Use CloudFormation to model, provision, and manage changes to your pipeline
Microservices Application Based on Amazon
Two interconnecting microservices deployed as ECS
services (website-service and product-service).
The application runs on a highly available ECS cluster
deployed across multiple Availability Zones with auto
Available at github.com/awslabs/ecs-refarch-cloudformation
Reference architecture
Public Subnet
Private Subnet
Availability Zone
Public Subnet
Private Subnet
Availability Zone
Load Balancer
NAT GatewayNAT Gateway
ECS Cluster
CloudWatch Logs (Container Logs)
ECS Host ECS Host ECS Host ECS HostAuto Scaling Group
Decompose into AWS resource types
Elastic IP
Public Route
Public Subnet 1Private Subnet 1
Elastic IP
Public Subnet 2Private Subnet 2
Route Table
Load Balancer
Security Group
ECS Host
Security Group
Load Balancer
Load Balancer
Load Balancer
Default TargetGroup
ECS Cluster
Auto Scaling
Auto Scaling
Launch Configuration
ECS (IAM) Role
Instance Profile
ECS Service
ECS Task Definition
Log Group
Listener Rule
Service Role
ECS Service
ECS Task Definition
Log Group
Listener Rule
Service Role
Network Security
Front End
Back End
Build CloudFormation templates based on this
logical grouping
Template Description
VPC, Availability Zones, subnets, routing, NAT and
internet gateways
Security groups Security groups for the application
Load balancers ALBs that are deployed to the public subnets
ECS cluster ECS cluster deployed to private subnets
Back end service ECS service and task definition for the back end app
Front end service ECS service and task definition for the webpage
Set up your template to flow configuration to
each other
Load Balancing
Front End svc
ECS Cluster
Back End Svc
Load Balancer
Load Balancer
DNS Name
ECS Cluster
Load Balancer
Security Group
ECS Host
Security Group
Load Balancing
ECS Cluster
Front End
Back End
with nested stacks
Use these templates to build your stacks
with cross-stack references
ECS Cluster
Front End
Back End
Parent Template Microservices
Templates Individual Stacks
Applying continuous delivery
Applying continuous delivery for your
Continuous delivery service for fast and reliable
application and infrastructure updates
Builds, tests and deploys your code each time there is a
code change.
Built in actions for AWS CloudFormation
How does this align with release phases?
Source Test Deploy
Source stage for
templates can be
AWS CodeCommit,
S3, or GitHub
Use CloudFormation
change sets to ensure
to verify deployments
prior to execution
Create, update or
delete stacks, or
change sets.
Model your pipelines
 Iterate more often on your application
and infrastructure code
 Launch new versions in dev and
promote to prod
 Manage your network resources
separately per its own cadence.
 Maintain separate, mirror sandbox, and
production network environments.
VPC, Security Groups,
Load Balancing
VPC, Security Groups,
Load Balancing
ECS Cluster, Application
Front & Back Ends
ECS Cluster, Application
Front & Back Ends
Application PipelineNetwork Resources Pipeline
Create and manage your pipeline using
Pipeline artifact store
S3 bucket
Pipeline notifications
SNS email notifications
Pipeline IAM roles
CloudFormation template to set up your pipeline
Could be provisioned
in a separate stack
with IAM resources –
with cross-stack refs
Create and manage your pipeline using
Choose ‘deploy’ action with CloudFormation
as the provider
CloudFormation has enabled several action modes
– REPLACE_ON_FAILURE creates a new stack if one
doesn’t exist, updates it if it does, or replaces it if
its in a failed state
You can use template configuration files or
specify parameter overrides within the template
that defines your pipeline
Name of your CloudFormation template
Pipeline for network resources
Source repo
Networking resources for
sandbox/dev environments
Individual stacks. Ordered to
account for dependencies.
Change sets to preview changes to prod
Manual approval before you
changes are applied to prod
Apply changes to Prod
Pipeline for your application
Pipeline triggered as soon as new
versions are posted
Run your tests and clean up
your dev environment when
done, so you aren’t charged
for the instances you don’t
Review to ensure resource modification
or replacement is what you expect
Continuously deliver changes to Prod
Template walkthrough – model your pipeline
We’ve seen how to compose and continuously deliver your
infrastructure as code on our software release process:
• Different ways to decompose your infrastructure into
templates and stacks
• Create and provision your continuous delivery pipeline
for your infrastructure
• Deliver changes to your environments with speed and
re:Invent 2016 sessions on Continuous Delivery:
• DEV201 - DevOps on AWS: Accelerating Software Delivery with the AWS Developer
• CON302 - Development Workflow with Docker and Amazon ECS
• DEV403 - DevOps on AWS: Advanced Continuous Delivery Techniques
Resources to learn more:
• Continuous delivery: https://aws.amazon.com/devops/continuous-delivery/
• Continuous delivery for CloudFormation stacks -
• CodePipeline - https://aws.amazon.com/documentation/codepipeline/
But wait, there’s more!

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Infrastructure Continuous Delivery Using AWS CloudFormation

  • 1. © 2017, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Hubert Cheung, AWS Solutions Architect Infrastructure Continuous Delivery Using AWS CloudFormation
  • 2. Aboot Me Hubert Cheung hubertc@amazon.com Solutions Architect Canuck @ AWS 4.5 Years - AWS Support - AWS Solutions Architecture
  • 3. What to expect from this session • We’ll show you how to: • Architect your infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation • Use AWS CloudFormation to set up AWS CodePipeline pipelines • Continuously deliver changes to stacks as you make changes to your templates • Demo
  • 4. Let’s look at release processes https://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/5201796697/
  • 5. • Integration tests with other systems • Load testing • UI tests • Penetration testing Release processes have four major phases Source Build Test Production • Check-in source code such as .java files. • Peer review new code • Compile code • Unit tests • Style checkers • Code metrics • Create container images • Deployment to production environments
  • 6. Release Process Levels Source Build Test Production Continuous integration Continuous delivery Continuous deployment
  • 7. Release Process Levels Source Build Test Production Continuous integration Continuous deployment Continuous delivery Our focus today
  • 8. What about continuous delivery tools and processes for infrastructure?
  • 9. What do we need for infrastructure continuous delivery? • A way to treat infrastructure as code. • Tools to manage the workflow that creates and updates infrastructure resources. • Tools to properly test and inspect your changes for defects and potential issues
  • 10. What do we need for infrastructure continuous delivery? Infrastructure as code A practice in which infrastructure is provisioned and managed using code and software development techniques, such as version control and continuous integration. Workflow Build, test, and deploy your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you define, enabling you to rapidly and reliably deliver changes.
  • 11. Infrastructure as Code We need Workflow AWS CodePipelineAWS CloudFormation
  • 12. AWS CloudFormation • Create templates of your infrastructure • Version control /code review /update templates like code • CloudFormation provisions AWS resources based on dependency needs • Integrates with development, CI/CD, management tools • No additional charge to use
  • 13. Author templates in JSON or YAML Use change sets to preview your changes Continuous delivery workflows for stacks Support for AWS Serverless App Model Enable cross-stack references with exports Key new features
  • 15. Syntax enhancements JSON YAML with enhancements ! function short form Fn::Sub function substitutes variables
  • 16. Preview the set of actions that CloudFormation will take on your behalf before you create or update stacks. CloudFormation Change Sets Change sets show you what resources will be created, updated or replaced. This ensures that only expected operations are executed.
  • 17. Cross Stack References (Exports) Network Stack Outputs: VPC Description: reference VPC Value: !Ref VPC Export: Name: ProdVPC App Stack Resources: myTargetGroup: Type: AWS::ELBV2::TargetGroup Properties: VpcId: Fn::ImportValue: ProdVPC • Allows you to share information between independent stacks. • Export a stack’s output values. Other stacks in the same account and region can import the exported values.
  • 18. Nested stacks Application Resources: NetworkResources: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Network Resources Resources: MyVPC Type: AWS::EC2::VPC ECS Service Resources: MyService: Type: AWS::ECS::Service • Create a stack composed of multiple templates. • Compose and re-use templates with frequently used resources
  • 19. Considerations for Exports and Nested Stacks Nested Stacks Cross Stack References Recommended uses cases Advantages Considerations • Template reuse • Use multiple templates but manage as single stack • Sharing common resources • Allows for independent stacks based on resource lifecycle or ownership. • Convenient management. One stack manages all resources and nested stacks. • Creation order and dependencies are managed • Separation of concern • Share databases and VPCs • Lets you limit blast radius with safeguards • Updates and rollbacks have a wide surface area • Reusing templates that have custom resource names • Replacing updates requires changes to the importing stacks to execute. • Does not manage creation order
  • 21. Let’s examine a sample application Deconstruct the application into the necessary AWS resources Create CloudFormation templates based your management needs Model your continuous delivery pipeline Continuously deliver infrastrucure changes as you iterate on your architecture Use CloudFormation to model, provision, and manage changes to your pipeline
  • 22. Microservices Application Based on Amazon ECS Two interconnecting microservices deployed as ECS services (website-service and product-service). The application runs on a highly available ECS cluster deployed across multiple Availability Zones with auto scaling Available at github.com/awslabs/ecs-refarch-cloudformation
  • 23. Reference architecture Public Subnet Private Subnet Availability Zone Internet Gateway Public Subnet Private Subnet Availability Zone Application Load Balancer NAT GatewayNAT Gateway ECS Cluster CloudWatch Logs (Container Logs) ECS Host ECS Host ECS Host ECS HostAuto Scaling Group github.com/awslabs/ecs-refarch-cloudformation
  • 24. Decompose into AWS resource types NAT Gateway Elastic IP Default Public Route Public Subnet 1Private Subnet 1 Default Private Route Private Route Table NAT Gateway Elastic IP Public Subnet 2Private Subnet 2 Default Private Route Private Route Table AvailabilityZone1AvailabilityZone2 VPC Internet Gateway Public Route Table Load Balancer Security Group ECS Host Security Group Application Load Balancer Load Balancer Listener Load Balancer Default TargetGroup ECS Cluster Auto Scaling Group Auto Scaling Launch Configuration ECS (IAM) Role IAM Instance Profile ECS Service ECS Task Definition CloudWatch Log Group TargetGroup Listener Rule Service Role ECS Service ECS Task Definition CloudWatch Log Group TargetGroup Listener Rule Service Role Network Security Load Balancing Front End Service ECS Cluster Back End Service
  • 25. Build CloudFormation templates based on this logical grouping Template Description Network VPC, Availability Zones, subnets, routing, NAT and internet gateways Security groups Security groups for the application Load balancers ALBs that are deployed to the public subnets ECS cluster ECS cluster deployed to private subnets Back end service ECS service and task definition for the back end app Front end service ECS service and task definition for the webpage
  • 26. Set up your template to flow configuration to each other Network Template Security Template Load Balancing Template Front End svc Template ECS Cluster Template Back End Svc Template Outputs Load Balancer Listener Load Balancer DNS Name ECS Cluster Load Balancer Security Group ECS Host Security Group VPC Public Subnets Private Subnets
  • 27. Network Security Load Balancing ECS Cluster Front End Back End with nested stacks Use these templates to build your stacks with cross-stack references Network Security Load Balancing ECS Cluster Front End Back End Parent Template Microservices Stack Nested templates Templates Individual Stacks
  • 29. Applying continuous delivery for your infrastructure Continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates Builds, tests and deploys your code each time there is a code change. Built in actions for AWS CloudFormation AWS CodePipeline
  • 30. How does this align with release phases? Source Test Deploy Source stage for CloudFormation templates can be AWS CodeCommit, S3, or GitHub Use CloudFormation change sets to ensure to verify deployments prior to execution Create, update or delete stacks, or change sets.
  • 31. Model your pipelines  Iterate more often on your application and infrastructure code  Launch new versions in dev and promote to prod  Manage your network resources separately per its own cadence.  Maintain separate, mirror sandbox, and production network environments. Production VPC, Security Groups, Load Balancing Sandbox VPC, Security Groups, Load Balancing Production ECS Cluster, Application Front & Back Ends Dev ECS Cluster, Application Front & Back Ends Application PipelineNetwork Resources Pipeline
  • 32. Create and manage your pipeline using CloudFormation Pipeline artifact store S3 bucket Pipeline notifications SNS email notifications Pipeline IAM roles CloudFormation template to set up your pipeline Could be provisioned in a separate stack with IAM resources – with cross-stack refs
  • 33. Create and manage your pipeline using CloudFormation Choose ‘deploy’ action with CloudFormation as the provider CloudFormation has enabled several action modes – REPLACE_ON_FAILURE creates a new stack if one doesn’t exist, updates it if it does, or replaces it if its in a failed state You can use template configuration files or specify parameter overrides within the template that defines your pipeline Stage Action Action config Name of your CloudFormation template
  • 34. Pipeline for network resources Source repo Networking resources for sandbox/dev environments Individual stacks. Ordered to account for dependencies. Change sets to preview changes to prod Manual approval before you changes are applied to prod Apply changes to Prod 1 2 3 4 5
  • 35. Pipeline for your application Pipeline triggered as soon as new versions are posted Run your tests and clean up your dev environment when done, so you aren’t charged for the instances you don’t use. Review to ensure resource modification or replacement is what you expect Continuously deliver changes to Prod 1 2 3 4
  • 36. Template walkthrough – model your pipeline
  • 37. DEMO!
  • 38. FIN, ACK We’ve seen how to compose and continuously deliver your infrastructure as code on our software release process: • Different ways to decompose your infrastructure into templates and stacks • Create and provision your continuous delivery pipeline for your infrastructure • Deliver changes to your environments with speed and quality.
  • 39. re:Invent 2016 sessions on Continuous Delivery: • DEV201 - DevOps on AWS: Accelerating Software Delivery with the AWS Developer Tools • CON302 - Development Workflow with Docker and Amazon ECS • DEV403 - DevOps on AWS: Advanced Continuous Delivery Techniques Resources to learn more: • Continuous delivery: https://aws.amazon.com/devops/continuous-delivery/ • Continuous delivery for CloudFormation stacks - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/continuous- delivery-codepipeline.html • CodePipeline - https://aws.amazon.com/documentation/codepipeline/ But wait, there’s more!

Editor's Notes

  1. And together we will take next one hour to focus more on “how” and less on “what”. We will show you how to architect your infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation. Then, we will see how to setup up a continuous delivery workflow using CloudFormation and AWS CodePipeline, and finally we will see how to use this workflow to update a CloudFormation stack and continuously deliver changes to this stack. Also, we will follow up with a demo. But before doing all this, we will take a look at software release processes. If you have any questions, we are happy to answer them after our session. After the session, Dominic and I will hang around a bit off stage. So, please come and find us. You can also visit our AWS management tools booth if you want to interact with us further.
  2. https://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/5201796697/ - Let’s take a step back and see all the phases involved in the software release process.
  3. I want to take a moment to talk about different release processes. Each team’s release process takes a different shape to accommodate the needs of each team. Nearly all release processes can be simplified down to four stages – source, build, test and production. Each phase of the process provides increase confidence that the code being made available to customers will work in the way that was intended. During the source phase, developers check changes into a source code repository. Many teams require peer feedback on code changes before shipping code into production. Some teams use code reviews to provide peer feedback on the quality of code change. Others use pair programming as a way to provide real time peer feedback. During the Build phase an application’s source code is built and the quality of the code is tested on the build machine. The most common type of quality check are automated tests that do not require a server in order to execute and can be initiated from a test harness. Some teams extend their quality tests to include code metrics and style checks. There is an opportunity for automation any time a human is needed to make a decision on the code. The goal of the test phase is to perform tests that cannot be done on during the build phase and require the software to be deployed to a production like stages. Often these tests include testing integration with other live systems, load testing, UI testing and penetration testing. At Amazon we have many different pre-production stages we deploy to. A common pattern is for engineers to deploy builds to a personal development stage where an engineer can poke and prod their software running in a mini prod like stage to check that their automated tests are working correctly. Teams deploy to pre-production stages where their application interacts with other systems to ensure that the newly changed software work in an integrated environment. Finally code gets deployed to production. Different teams have different deployment strategies though we all share a goal of reducing risk when deploying new changes and minimizing the impact if a bad change does get out to production. Each of these steps can be automated without the entire release process being automated. There are several levels of release automation that I’ll step through.
  4. Continuous Integration Continuous Integration is the practice of checking in your code to the continuously and verifying each change with an automated build and test process. Over the past 10 years Continuous Integration has gained popularity in the software community. In the past developers were working in isolation for an extended period of time and only attempting to merge their changes into the mainline of their code once their feature was completed. Batching up changes to merge back into the mainline made not only merging the business logic hard, but it also made merging the test logic difficult. Continuous Integration practices have made teams more productive and allowed them to develop new features faster. Continuous Integration requires teams to write automated tests which, as we learned, improve the quality of the software being released and reduce the time it takes to validate that the new version of the software is good. There are different definitions of Continuous Integration, but the one we hear from our customers is that CI stops at the build stage, so I’m going to use that definition. Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery extends Continuous Integration to include testing out to production-like stages and running verification testing against those deployments. Continuous Delivery may extend all the way to a production deployment, but they have some form of manual intervention between a code check-in and when that code is available for customers to use. Continuous Delivery is a big step forward over Continuous Integration allowing teams to be gain a greater level of certainty that their software will work in production. Continuous Deployment Continuous Deployment extends continuous delivery and is the automated release of software to customers from check in through to production without human intervention. Many of the teams at Amazon have reached a state of continuous deployment. Continuous Deployment reduces the time for your customers to get value from the code your team has just written, with the team getting faster feedback on the changes you’ve made. This fast customer feedback loop allow you to iterate quickly, allowing you to deliver more valuable software to your customers, quicker.
  5. Continuous Integration Continuous Integration is the practice of checking in your code to the continuously and verifying each change with an automated build and test process. Over the past 10 years Continuous Integration has gained popularity in the software community. In the past developers were working in isolation for an extended period of time and only attempting to merge their changes into the mainline of their code once their feature was completed. Batching up changes to merge back into the mainline made not only merging the business logic hard, but it also made merging the test logic difficult. Continuous Integration practices have made teams more productive and allowed them to develop new features faster. Continuous Integration requires teams to write automated tests which, as we learned, improve the quality of the software being released and reduce the time it takes to validate that the new version of the software is good. There are different definitions of Continuous Integration, but the one we hear from our customers is that CI stops at the build stage, so I’m going to use that definition. Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery extends Continuous Integration to include testing out to production-like stages and running verification testing against those deployments. Continuous Delivery may extend all the way to a production deployment, but they have some form of manual intervention between a code check-in and when that code is available for customers to use. Continuous Delivery is a big step forward over Continuous Integration allowing teams to be gain a greater level of certainty that their software will work in production. Continuous Deployment Continuous Deployment extends continuous delivery and is the automated release of software to customers from check in through to production without human intervention. Many of the teams at Amazon have reached a state of continuous deployment. Continuous Deployment reduces the time for your customers to get value from the code your team has just written, with the team getting faster feedback on the changes you’ve made. This fast customer feedback loop allow you to iterate quickly, allowing you to deliver more valuable software to your customers, quicker.
  6. So what about tools that can help us implement continuous delivery for creating and updating infrastructure.
  7. Let’s start at a high level and then we will filter down to specific AWS Services that you can make use of to implement continuous delivery for creating and updating infrastructure on AWS. The first thing is that you have to start treating Infrastructure as code. Then you need a tool or a service to manage the workflow that binds all the different phases that I talked about earlier. Lastly, you should be in a position to test or preview your changes for any potential issues. In few minutes Dominic will show you how you can use a feature to preview proposed changes before executing them. Ok, let’s distill this further.
  8. We have to use code and software development techniques to provision and manage infrastructure. Once you have something in a codified format you enjoy a number of benefits: you can version it, you can share with your colleagues for review, you can create and codify standards, you can re-use it and use it to replicate environments rapidly. And then we need a workflow. On every code commit your workflow should be able to build, test and deploy changes. Build test and deploy Infrastructure changes.
  9. You can use AWS CloudFormation - our Infrastructure as code service and AWS CodePipeline – our continuous delivery workflow service to achieve all this. You can use these two service together to continuously deliver fast and reliable infrastructure updates.
  10. We’ve assumed that most of you are pretty familiar with CloudFormation, but lets start off with a quick overview of the basics CloudFormation is an Infrastructure as code service by AWS. It helps you model and set up your AWS resources. You use declarative ways to describe all the AWS resources that you need in a template and CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring those resources for you. CloudFormation figures out all the dependencies and execution order, provisions and configures all your resources. You can update your templates and version control them as you make incremental changes to your infrastructure. CloudFormation integrates with popular CI/CD and management tools including AWS CodePipleine.
  11. Here are some of the key features that we've added this year: We’ve added the capability to author templates in YAML. YAML provides for concise, readable templates that you can comment. You can also use new shorthands for functions and a new Sub function to substitute variables in an string. Change sets provides you with a preview of the actions CloudFormation will take on your behalf when you create or update a stack Cross Stack references lets use output values from another stack that are given an export name You can now build continuous delivery workflows for CloudFormation stacks using CodePipeline. AWS CodePipeline has built-in integration with AWS CloudFormation, so you can specify AWS CloudFormation-specific actions, such as creating, updating, or deleting a stack and Change Sets, within a pipeline We launched newer abstractions for serverless architectures. CloudFormation now supports the AWS Serverless Application Model with special resource types that simplify expression of Lambda functions, APIs, mappings and IAM resources to create Serverless applications. It’s little bit our of scope for this session, but please meet us after the session if you need more details on this.
  12. Based on customer feedback we launched support for YAML ver 1.1 YAML is more concise and readable with a lot less punctuation. YAML allows you to add comment blocks to your templates. YAML supports all the functionality that is available with JSON.
  13. 1. We have not only added the YAML support but we have enhanced some syntaxes to further improve the template authoring experience. 2. We have introduced short forms. Using these short forms you can express CloudFormation intrinsic functions (such as Fn::Join, Fn::FindInMap, Fn::GetAtt, Fn::GetAZs) in a more readable and concise manner in CloudFormation YAML templates. 3. Also, we have introduced a new intrinsic Function called Fn::Sub for conducting basic string interpolations within a CloudFormation template. This intrinsic function Fn::Sub substitutes variables in an input string with values that you specify.  4. Here is an arbitrary user data section in CloudFormation JSON template. And here is how you can express the same thing in YAML using these new enhancements. …and here’s the same user data section in YAML with a new Sub function that can substitute variables & in this case pseudo parameters in a string. There’s another enhancement - you can use YAML tag directive and then the CloudFormation intrinsic function name as a short form.
  14. 1. Many customers asked for insight into the changes or preview the changes that CloudFormation is planning to perform when it creates or updates a stack based on whatever is present in the CloudFormation template and parameter values. Previewing the changes, can help verify if they are in line with the expectations. 2. Change sets lets you preview and approve the set of actions CloudFormation will take on your behalf when you create or update a stack. You can view exactly what resources will get created, modified or replaced, so you can ensure only expected operations are executed. 3. What I am showing you here is a basic flow involving change sets during stack update. Suppose you have your original stack, and you want to update it. Next step is to provide updated template and create change sets Change Set is generated. It provides blow by blow information of what is going to be created , modified and deleted. You can review this and make sure that the changes are in line with your expectation, and if you’re happy you can go ahead and execute the changes sets to update the stack.
  15. There was this need for making configuration values flow from one independent stack to another independent stack. You can tackle some the bits using customer resources but a native CloudFormation feature would just making things easier, standardized and improve overall experience with CloudFormation. 2. So we launched a feature called cross stack references : Cross stack reference feature can help you do things such as share IAM roles, VPC information, and security groups across CloudFormation stacks in a standard way. You can export values from one stack and use them in another Let’s take a short example: In this case the Network stack is exporting its VPC with an export name of ProdVPC The App stack is consuming this value using a new function Fn::ImportValue Just considering this example, using this feature you can manage your network resources separately from the application resources that support your application. Any stack within the account and region can consume the exported value You can view your available exports using the console, API or CLI
  16. I wanted to talk little bit about Nested stacks. Its not a new CloudFormation concepts at all . It has been there for years, but its worth recapping as this concept is later used later in this session. The Nested stacks feature lets you create stacks using multiple templates. You can describe nested templates within a parent template using the AWS::CloudFormation::Stack resource type and a pointer to the S3 URL where the template is located. When you use CloudFormation to create a stack using the parent template, CloudFormation creates all the resources in the template including nested stacks with its resources that are described in the nested templates. Nested stacks provides a way to break up and organize templates that are too large. It allows you to separate commonly used infrastructure components into their own templates
  17. Lets recap the use cases, advantages and considerations for Nested Stacks and Cross Stack References. Its important to remember that these are not alternative approaches but rather tools that can be used together! If you like to separate and re-use templates that contain descriptions of commonly used infrastructure resources, nested stacks gives you a good way to provision and manage them together as a single unit When you use nested stacks CloudFormation manages all the dependencies and creation order including your nested templates to provisions all of your resources. However, you do need to consider that all the resources in the stack are subject to updates and rollbacks….and if you are looking to reuse generic templates you’ll want to make sure you don’t have any custom names for resources. Cross stack references is a great way to share common resources like networking or database resources that may need to used by several applications. It allows you to manage stacks of resources independently. The folks that own network and security can manage those resources independent of the instances, containers or functions. However, you do need to consider that CloudFormation will prevent you from deleting or replacing a resource that is being imported by another stack. Nested stacks is a convenient way to deploy using a library of common/ shared templates. Cross stack references is a convenient way to share resources across stacks. Again, its important to remember that these are not alternative approaches but rather tools that can be used together!
  18. Consider a simple micro services based application. Deconstruct the application into the necessary AWS resources Create CloudFormation templates based your management needs – determine if you need to structure your resources in nested stacks for convenience or cross stack references so they may be managed independently Use CloudFormation to model your continuous delivery pipeline as code and version control it like you would your application code CodePipeline uses CloudFormation to continuously deliver changes you make to your infrastructure code
  19. The sample application we’ve picked to examine is available at github at awslabs under ecs-refarch-cloudformation. The application consists of two interconnecting microservices deployed as ECS services The application runs on a highly available ECS cluster deployed across multiple availability zones with auto scaling
  20. Lets look at the published reference architecture for this application. A tiered VPC with public and private subnets, spanning an AWS region. A highly available ECS cluster NAT gateways (1 per Zone) to handle outbound traffic. An Application Load Balancer (ALB) to the public subnets to handle inbound traffic. ALB path-based routes for each ECS service to route the inbound traffic to the correct service. Centralized container logging with Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
  21. Lets look at the AWS resource types that are needed to support this application. Decomposing the requisite elements by category we will need: VPC A pair of public and private subnets split across two zones A pair of private route tables, default routes and associations that tie them together A pair of NAT gateways and an EIP for each public subnet A public route table, default route and an internet gateway
  22. Create templates based on the logical grouping
  23. The Network template outputs the VPC, and subnets that are consumed by all other templates Security groups are managed and exported out of the security template. The loadbalancer is launched in the public subnets and outputs the DNS name and Listener ARN The ECS cluster exports the ARN of the ECS cluster
  24. Different ways to compose infrastructure Single stack supporting the application per region One parent stack and several nested stacks leveraging standard templates Multiple standalone stacks, loosely coupled together with cross stack references Combination of nested stacks and cross stack references For the rest of this demo lets examine using Cross Stack references within a continuous delivery workflow
  25. Integrate your infrastructure with your Continuous Delivery framework. Lets review modeling a release pipeline for this infrastrucure. To automate the rollout of infrastructure changes lets use CodePipeline to trigger deployments using CloudFormation
  26. Lets look at incorporating continuous delivery for your infrastructure AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. CodePipeline builds, tests and deploys your code each time there is a code change, based on the release process you define. We’ve added new built-in actions for CloudFormation that let you create, update or delete stacks and create and execute change sets
  27. Take a common scenario for many customers. Network resources are managed by a separate team with separate policies and update needs than the resources that support applications. Lets model an example for this pipeline with two separate VPCs
  28. Use a CloudFormation template to setup and manage your pipeline This particular example creates: an S3 bucket as an artifact store for the pipeline SNS Topic to subscribe to email notifications for approvals The pipeline with its various stages IAM roles that CloudFormation will use to provision resources and CodePipeline will need too call CloudFormation on your behalf. A best practice for this would be to model this in a separate
  29. https://secure.flickr.com/photos/dullhunk/202872717/