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© 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Building a web application without servers
Raymond Lai
Solutions Architect
Running servers makes me sad
Photo by Justin Veenema
It’s easier than ever to build web applications that are:
• Massively scalable
• Highly available and fault-tolerant
• Easily secured
• Cost-aligned with usage
• Managing a single server or container orchestration system
• Patching operating systems
• Monitoring operating system metrics to control scaling
With serverless
No infrastructure provisioning,
no management
Automatic scaling
Pay for value Highly available and secure
Exploring a basic web application technology stack
Web apps
Exploring a basic web application technology stack
Web apps
Frontend servers
• Serve mostly static contents
• JavaScript
• Image, video, etc.
• Might generate dynamic contents with
languages like PHP
• Reactive Web Framework
• Non-blocking and event-driven
• Using declarative approach
• With interface library and data request
• Easier to support multiple platforms
Two options for serverless hosting of static content
Roll your own with Amazon Simple
Storage Service (Amazon S3)
Amazon S3
AWS Amplify CLI &
Amplify Console
AWS Amplify
Amazon S3
Amazon S3
• Can host static websites
• Supports fine-grained
permission control
• Acts as a logging endpoint for
Web services
• Supports encryption at transit and
at rest
• Lifecycle capabilities to rotate data
across tiers and even delete them
if needed
Amazon CloudFront
• Cache static content at the edge
for faster delivery
• Dynamic and static content
• Custom SSL certificates
• Low TTLs (as short as 0 seconds)
No CDN CDN for
static content
CDN for static
and dynamic
AWS Amplify
makes it easy to create, configure, and implement
scalable mobile and web apps powered by AWS
• Framework
• Cloudservices
• Developertools
• Continuousdeployment
• Hosting
AWS Amplify
Step 1:
“amplify init”
AWS Amplify
Step 2:
“amplify add hosting”
& define repository
AWS Amplify
Hosting for static web applications
• Integrated with Git
• Built-in CI/CD workflows (supports Git branches)
• Host a friendly URL with CDN
• Support for auth controls
• Built-in rewrites and redirects of URL
• Deploy SPA with popular frontend frameworks such as Vue, Angular,
and React
AWS Amplify
Exploring a basic web application technology stack
?DatabaseAWS Amplify
AWS Amplify
Exploring a basic web application technology stack
APIs are the
front door
of modern
To put it simply: Amazon API Gateway
makes it easy to host serverless APIs
Amazon API Gateway: Types of APIs
Amazon API Gateway
API Gateway
Fully managed
• Utilizes CloudFront to
reduce TLS connection
overhead (reduces
roundtrip time)
• Designed for a globally
distributed set of clients
• Recommended API
type for general
use cases
• Designed for building
APIs for clients in the
same region
• Only accessible
from within VPC
(and networks
connected to VPC)
• Designed for building
APIs used internally
or by private
AWS Lambda
Any other
AWS service
Secure with your Amazon API Gateway
Several mechanisms for adding authorization/authentication
and restricting API access
• IAM permissions – use IAM policies and AWS credentials to
grant access
• Lambda authorizers – use Lambda to validate a bearer token
(e.g., OAuth or SAML) or request parameters and grant access
• Amazon Cognito user pools – create a completely managed
user management system
• Resource policies – can restrict based on IP, VPC, and AWS Account ID
AWS Amplify
Exploring a basic web application technology stack
?DatabaseAmazon API
Event-driven compute
Functions as a service
Serverless FaaS
AWS Lambda
Serverless applications
Services (anything)
Changes in
data state
Requests to
Changes in
resource state
Event source Function
Runtime API
Serverless applications
Services (anything)
Changes in
data state
Requests to
Changes in
resource state
Event source Function
Runtime API
Serverless applications
Services (anything)
Changes in
data state
Requests to
Changes in
resource state
Event source Function
Runtime API
Lambda execution model
Amazon API
AWS Lambda
Smart resource allocation
Stats for Lambda function that calculates 1000 times all prime numbers
<= 1000000
128 MB 11.722965 sec $0.024628
256 MB 6.678945 sec $0.028035
512 MB 3.194954 sec $0.026830
1024 MB 1.465984 sec $0.024638
Lambda exposes only a memory control, with the % of CPU core and network
capacity allocated to a function proportionally
Match resource allocation (up to 3 GB) to logic
Lambda permissions model
Function policies
• “Actions on bucket X can
invoke Lambda function Z"
• Resource policies allow
for cross-account access
• Used for sync and
async invocations
Execution role
• “Lambda function A can read from
DynamoDB table users”
• Define what AWS resources / API
calls this function can access
via IAM
• Used in streaming invocations
Event source ServicesFunction
AWS Amplify
Exploring a basic web application technology stack
?DatabaseAmazon API
AWS Lambda
AWS Amplify
Exploring a basic web application technology stack
Amazon API
AWS Lambda
© 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Common data categories
Relational Key value Document In memory Graph Time series Ledger
Aurora, RDS DynamoDB Amazon
ElastiCache Neptune Timestream QLDBAWS
Amazon DynamoDB
Fast and flexible NoSQL database service for any scale
ACID transactions
Encryption at rest
On-demand backup and restore
Performance at scale
Handles millions of requests
per second
Delivers microsecond latency
Automated global replication
Auto scaling
On-demand capacity mode
Why we choose DynamoDB?
All Amazon database services have:
• Easy scale controls + ability to handle massive scale
• High availability and durability
• Backup/restore capabilities
• Billing options that can scale with your business need
But in sticking with the theme of serverless, DynamoDB wins out:
• Pay-for-what-you-use billing
• Dynamic scaling without the need to preconfigure capacity
Again, most of this will depend on what your use case is
AWS Amplify
Exploring a basic web application technology stack
Amazon API
AWS Lambda
By combining these services, we can build a completely serverless
application stack
• No servers to manage
• Automatic scalability to handle most workloads
• High availability and fault tolerance out of the box
• Numerous security controls throughout the stack
• Aligned costs to consumption
Thank you!
© 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Raymond Lai

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Building a web application without servers

  • 1. © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Building a web application without servers Raymond Lai Solutions Architect raymlai@amazon.com
  • 2. Running servers makes me sad Photo by Justin Veenema
  • 3. <start> It’s easier than ever to build web applications that are: • Massively scalable • Highly available and fault-tolerant • Easily secured • Cost-aligned with usage Without: • Managing a single server or container orchestration system • Patching operating systems • Monitoring operating system metrics to control scaling
  • 5. With serverless No infrastructure provisioning, no management Automatic scaling Pay for value Highly available and secure
  • 6. Exploring a basic web application technology stack InternetMobile/ Web apps ?Frontend ?Backend ?Database
  • 7. Exploring a basic web application technology stack InternetMobile/ Web apps ?Backend ?Database ?Frontend
  • 8. Frontend servers • Serve mostly static contents • HTML • CSS • JavaScript • Image, video, etc. • Might generate dynamic contents with languages like PHP • Reactive Web Framework • Non-blocking and event-driven applications • Using declarative approach • With interface library and data request capabilities • Easier to support multiple platforms PastPresent
  • 9. Two options for serverless hosting of static content Roll your own with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Amazon S3 AWS Amplify CLI & Amplify Console AWS Amplify
  • 10. Amazon S3 Amazon S3 • Can host static websites • Supports fine-grained permission control • Acts as a logging endpoint for Web services • Supports encryption at transit and at rest • Lifecycle capabilities to rotate data across tiers and even delete them if needed Amazon CloudFront • Cache static content at the edge for faster delivery • Dynamic and static content • Custom SSL certificates • Low TTLs (as short as 0 seconds) Responsetime Serverload Response time Server load Response time Server load No CDN CDN for static content CDN for static and dynamic content
  • 11. AWS Amplify makes it easy to create, configure, and implement scalable mobile and web apps powered by AWS • Framework • Cloudservices • Developertools • Continuousdeployment • Hosting
  • 13. AWS Amplify Step 2: “amplify add hosting” & define repository
  • 14. AWS Amplify Hosting for static web applications • Integrated with Git • Built-in CI/CD workflows (supports Git branches) • Host a friendly URL with CDN • Support for auth controls • Built-in rewrites and redirects of URL • Deploy SPA with popular frontend frameworks such as Vue, Angular, and React AWS Amplify
  • 15. InternetMobile/Web apps Exploring a basic web application technology stack ?Backend ?DatabaseAWS Amplify
  • 16. AWS Amplify Exploring a basic web application technology stack ?InternetMobile/Web apps ?Database ?Backend
  • 17. APIs are the front door of modern applications
  • 18. To put it simply: Amazon API Gateway makes it easy to host serverless APIs
  • 19. Amazon API Gateway: Types of APIs Amazon API Gateway API Gateway cache Amazon CloudWatch monitoring Fully managed CloudFront distribution Edge-optimizedRegionalPrivate Edge-optimized • Utilizes CloudFront to reduce TLS connection overhead (reduces roundtrip time) • Designed for a globally distributed set of clients Regional • Recommended API type for general use cases • Designed for building APIs for clients in the same region Private • Only accessible from within VPC (and networks connected to VPC) • Designed for building APIs used internally or by private microservices AWS Lambda functions Any other AWS service
  • 20. Secure with your Amazon API Gateway Several mechanisms for adding authorization/authentication and restricting API access • IAM permissions – use IAM policies and AWS credentials to grant access • Lambda authorizers – use Lambda to validate a bearer token (e.g., OAuth or SAML) or request parameters and grant access • Amazon Cognito user pools – create a completely managed user management system • Resource policies – can restrict based on IP, VPC, and AWS Account ID
  • 21. AWS Amplify InternetMobile/Web apps Exploring a basic web application technology stack ?DatabaseAmazon API Gateway ?
  • 22. Event-driven compute Functions as a service Serverless FaaS AWS Lambda
  • 23. Serverless applications Services (anything) Changes in data state Requests to endpoints Changes in resource state Event source Function Node.js Python Java C# Go Ruby Runtime API Serverless applications Services (anything) Changes in data state Requests to endpoints Changes in resource state Event source Function Node.js Python Java C# Go Ruby Runtime API Serverless applications Services (anything) Changes in data state Requests to endpoints Changes in resource state Event source Function Node.js Python Java C# Go Ruby Runtime API
  • 24. Lambda execution model Synchronous (push) Asynchronous (event) Stream (poll-based) /order Amazon API Gateway Lambda function Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Kinesis changes AWS Lambda service Lambda function Amazon SNS Amazon S3 reqs Lambda function
  • 25. Smart resource allocation Stats for Lambda function that calculates 1000 times all prime numbers <= 1000000 128 MB 11.722965 sec $0.024628 256 MB 6.678945 sec $0.028035 512 MB 3.194954 sec $0.026830 1024 MB 1.465984 sec $0.024638 Best Worst Lambda exposes only a memory control, with the % of CPU core and network capacity allocated to a function proportionally Match resource allocation (up to 3 GB) to logic
  • 26. Lambda permissions model Function policies • “Actions on bucket X can invoke Lambda function Z" • Resource policies allow for cross-account access • Used for sync and async invocations Execution role • “Lambda function A can read from DynamoDB table users” • Define what AWS resources / API calls this function can access via IAM • Used in streaming invocations Event source ServicesFunction
  • 27. AWS Amplify InternetMobile/Web apps Exploring a basic web application technology stack ?DatabaseAmazon API Gateway AWS Lambda
  • 28. Mobile/Web apps Internet AWS Amplify Exploring a basic web application technology stack Amazon API Gateway AWS Lambda ?Database
  • 29. © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  • 30. Common data categories Relational Key value Document In memory Graph Time series Ledger Aurora, RDS DynamoDB Amazon DocumentDB ElastiCache Neptune Timestream QLDBAWS Service(s)
  • 31. Amazon DynamoDB Fast and flexible NoSQL database service for any scale Enterprise-ready ACID transactions Encryption at rest On-demand backup and restore Performance at scale Handles millions of requests per second Delivers microsecond latency Automated global replication Serverless Maintenance-free Auto scaling On-demand capacity mode
  • 32. Why we choose DynamoDB? All Amazon database services have: • Easy scale controls + ability to handle massive scale • High availability and durability • Backup/restore capabilities • Billing options that can scale with your business need But in sticking with the theme of serverless, DynamoDB wins out: • Pay-for-what-you-use billing • Dynamic scaling without the need to preconfigure capacity Again, most of this will depend on what your use case is
  • 33. AWS Amplify Exploring a basic web application technology stack Amazon API Gateway AWS Lambda Amazon DynamoDB Mobile/Web apps Internet
  • 34. </end> By combining these services, we can build a completely serverless application stack • No servers to manage • Automatic scalability to handle most workloads • High availability and fault tolerance out of the box • Numerous security controls throughout the stack • Aligned costs to consumption
  • 35. Thank you! © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Raymond Lai raymlai@amazon.com