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[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버
네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기
솔루션즈 아키텍트
삼성전자 Health서비스팀
• Container Service Overview
• EKS Tenets and Core Concept
• Samsung Health Use Case
• EKS Best Practices & Sample Deploy Architecture
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
We’re making AWS the best place to run contain
ers and Kubernetes
AWS container services landscape
Deployment, Scheduling,
Scaling & Management of
containerized applications
Where the containers run
Amazon Elastic
Container Service
Amazon Elastic
Kubernetes Service
Amazon EC2 AWS Fargate
Image Registry
Container Image Repository
Amazon Elastic
Container Registry
Balancing flexibility and simplicity:
Flexibility focused
Low level of opinion
Low level of abstraction
Focus on infrastructure
and configuration
Installing, configuring, and
managing my compute environment
is critical to achieving my goals
Value simplicity
High level of opinion
High level of abstraction
Focus only on app
and primitive
Having a standardized and
on-demand compute environment
is critical to achieving my goals
We give you the power to choose
Amazon ECS Amazon EKS
1. Choose your
orchestration tool
2. Choose your
launch type
on it #32
EKS tenets
1. Amazon EKS is a platform to run production-grade workloads. Security and reliability are
our first priority. After that we focus on doing the heavy lifting for you in the control
plane, including life cycle-related things like version upgrades.
2. Amazon EKS provides a native and upstream Kubernetes experience. Amazon EKS
provides vanilla, un-forked Kubernetes. In keeping with our first tenant, we ensure the
Kubernetes versions we run have security-related patches, even for older, supported
versions as quickly as possible. But there’s no special sauce and no lock in.
3. If you want to use additional AWS services, integrations are as seamless as possible.
4. The Amazon EKS team in AWS actively contributes to the upstream Kubernetes project
and the wider CNCF activities, both on the technical level as well as community, from
communicating good practices to participation in SIGs and working groups.
How are customer using Amazon EKS?
Platform as a service Enterprise App
Machine Learning
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Your AWS account
Kubernetes control plane
Highly available and single
tenant infrastructure
All “native AWS” components
Fronted by a Network Load
Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3
API Servers
Kubernetes architecture
eksctl - a CLI for Amazon EKS
• Single command cluster creation
eksctl create cluster --nodes=4
• Open source and on GitHub
• Built by Weave and AWS
• Official Amazon EKS CLI
Standard EC2 compute instance types
P and G type accelerated instances
i3 bare metal
Spot Instances
Bring your own instances
Instance flexibility
Bring your own OS
Amazon EKS AMI build scripts
Windows containers
Run Windows containers and Windows Server nodes with Amazon EKS
Supports heterogeneous (mixed) clusters.
Kubernetes version 1.11+
Available in all Amazon EKS Regions
Developer preview:
Provisioning worker nodes
AWS CloudFormation eksctl Partners
Now supporting P3dn.24xlarge instances
CUDA 10 with NVIDIA v410 coming soon!
Amazon EKS-optimized GPU AMI
Support Kubernetes version
Latest Kubernetes: 1.14
Amazon EKS will support up to three versions of Kubernetes at once
Deprecation in line with the community stopping support for older
Version 1.11 deprecation on Nov 4th, 2019
Amazon EKS platform version
Platform version revisions represent API server configuration
changes or Kubernetes patches
Platform versions increment within a Kubernetes version only
Amazon EKS update life cycle
May 21, 2019
Blog: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/updates-to-amazon-eks-version-lifecycle/
Amazon EKS support sophisticated and scalable infrastructure
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Auto Scaling group for m4.large Spot Instances
Auto Scaling group for t2.medium Spot Instances
Auto Scaling group for On-Demand Instances
Cluster Autoscaler Daemonset
Spot Interruption handler
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 25
Lee Sang Ho, 삼성전자
AWS EKS on Samsung Health Server
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 26
1.Why Samsung Health choose AWS EKS
2.AWS EKS on Samsung Health Server
3.Little things that need to be improved
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 27
Who am I
 Lee Sang Ho
 삼성전자, 무선 사업부, Health Service Team
 2016 ~ Present : Health Service Team
 2014 ~ 2016 : Big Data Center
 randomday222@gmail.com
 Server Developer
 Samsung Health Server Development
 Health Care B2B Project Server Development
 AWS Cloud System Architecture
 DevOps Engineering
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 28
Why Samsung Health choose AWS EKS
 Inefficiency of Infra CI/CD
 Difficulties in Communication with Oversea Research Center (in charge or service operation)
 Frequent operational issues due to human error
 Docker!
 Now is the time
 Too much cost when we get huge legacy infra migrated.
 So, we started using Kubernetes on new B2B Project.
 Multi-tier support
 Dev, Stg, Stg-2,Pre-Prod, Prod
 Too many tier, too much cost
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 29
Migration with Kubernetes
Node Port : 30700Node Port : 30700Target Group : 8070Target Group : 8070 Target Port : 8080 - H ServerTarget Port : 8080 - H Server
Node Port : 30800Node Port : 30800Target Group : 8080Target Group : 8080 Target Port : 8080 - I ServerTarget Port : 8080 - I Server
Node Port : 30000Node Port : 30000Target Group : 8000Target Group : 8000 Target Port : 8080 - A ServerTarget Port : 8080 - A Server
Node Port : 30100Node Port : 30100Target Group : 8010Target Group : 8010 Target Port : 8080 - B ServerTarget Port : 8080 - B Server
Node Port : 30200Node Port : 30200Target Group : 8020Target Group : 8020 Target Port : 8080 - C ServerTarget Port : 8080 - C Server
Node Port : 30300Node Port : 30300Target Group : 8030Target Group : 8030 Target Port : 8080 - D ServerTarget Port : 8080 - D Server
Node Port : 30400Node Port : 30400Target Group : 8040Target Group : 8040 Target Port : 8080 - E ServerTarget Port : 8080 - E Server
Node Port : 30500Node Port : 30500Target Group : 8050Target Group : 8050 Target Port : 8080 - F ServerTarget Port : 8080 - F Server
Node Port : 30600Node Port : 30600Target Group : 8060Target Group : 8060 Target Port : 8080 - G ServerTarget Port : 8080 - G Server
core dns
Node Port : 30000Node Port : 30000Target Group : 443Target Group : 443 Target Port : 8080 - J ServerTarget Port : 8080 - J Server
Kubernetes DomainAws Domain
Amazon API Gateway
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 30
What else
 Kube2Iam
 Cluster Autoscaler
iam.amazonaws.com/role: data-ec2-role
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 31
Secure Agent
Secure Agent
Samsung Health
Samsung Health
AWS Infra Metric
(API GW, RDS, DynamoDB)
K8S Metric Integrated Dashboard
Log Monitoring
Monitoring Flow
K8S Metric
Infra Metric
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 32
Log Monitoring
 EFK + AWS Cloudwatch
Set ES Index Name by
Service name, date
add Some Fields
fluentd agent
fluentd agent
fluentd agent
fluentd agent
elasticsearch stream
configure & set up fluentd by kubernetes
specific error pattern
CloudWatch Logs
Amazon Cognito
Reverse Proxy with ES
 in case of vpc access
② if no authentication then 302 redirect_to_cognito
① kibana access via nginx
③ sign up then redirect to kibana
with redirect_uri
proxy_redirect https://{cognito_host} https://$host;
proxy_redirect https://{kibana_host} https://$host;
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 34
AWS Xray
 APM tool
 Analyze and debug production, distributed applications like MSA
 Review request behavior
 Discover application issues
 Improve performance
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 35
 Continuous Delivery Platform
 Open source Powered by Netflix
 Support Multi-cloud (AWS, Google Cloud, MS Azure)
 Orchestration Pipeline
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 36
Overall architecture
Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02
Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02
Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02
Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02
Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02
Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02
Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02
Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02
① build and upload
docker image to
aws ecr repository
② trigger k8s
③ deploy on k8s
④ log monitoring
⑤ k8s cluster
K8S Control Plane
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 37
 When deploy
 Before
 Now
What’s better? #1
javajava tomcattomcat
external libraryexternal library
javajava tomcattomcat
external libraryexternal library
deploy war(jar)
& configure setenv
deploy docker image to cluster
external libraryexternal library
it took so long
and caused many
human errors.
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 38
 When operation
 Self-healing, HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler)
What’s better? #2
K8S MasterK8S Master
SchedulerScheduler ControllerController
App AApp A App BApp B
App AApp A
App AApp A App BApp B
App AApp A App BApp B
App BApp B
K8S MasterK8S Master
SchedulerScheduler ControllerController
App AApp A App BApp B
App AApp A
App AApp A App BApp B
App AApp A
App BApp BApp BApp B
When certain app breaks down,
k8s scheduler notices situation.
Then, restarts and replaces the app.
Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 39
Little things that need to be improved
 NLB Multi Port Support
 Fargate + EKS
 Totally Managed Kubernetes Node
 When??
 Parameter Store + EKS
 Like ECS + SSM.ParameterStore
Challenges in Using & Deploying Containers
As cloud native technologies change the way companies are designing an
d building applications, challenges are inevitable. The top challenges that
respondents face are:
• Cultural Changes with Development Team (41%)
• Complexity (40% up from 35%)
• Lack of Training (40%)
• Security (38% down from 43%)
• Monitoring (34% down from 38%)
• Storage (30% down from 41%)
• Networking (30% down from 38%)
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
Container security onion model: Defense in depth
• full blown distro (Ubuntu, AL) vs. minimal
environment (container-optimized
• multi-tenancy requirements
• gotchas: Linux packages/CVEs,
leaks, GDPR (in Europe)
• runtime/standards (OCI)
• immutability of images
• all containers share a kernel (mitigation: Firecracker)
• gotchas: unnecessary privileged users, no scans, trust
• code analysis
• source available?
• gotchas: big surface,
many languages
• sanitizing user input
• static code analysis
• gotchas: log-leaking }
• sensitive config (passwords,
API keys, etc.)
• gotchas: commits-to-source,
non-separated access (dev has
cleartext password)
• business core data
• Personal Identifiable
Information (PII)
• gotchas: leaks, GDPR
(in Europe)
user data
Security tooling
Secrets Manager
Security Hub
Certificate Manager
AWS CloudTrail
user data
PKI configuration
public/private keys
Kubelet installs
server cert
Kubelet issues CSR
Certificate rotation
Amazon EKS API serverEKS worker
Each Amazon EKS cluster is a unique CA
API-server endpoint access control
Worker VPC (your account)
Master VPC (AWS account)
AZ 1
API Server
API Server
EKS-owned ENI
AZ 1
EKS-owned ENI
AZ 2
Public == true
AZ 2
Kube-proxy Kube-proxy
API-server endpoint access control
Worker VPC (your account)
Master VPC (AWS account)
AZ 1
AZ 2
API Server
API Server
EKS-owned ENIs
Public == true
Private == true
Private hosted zone
AZ 1
AZ 2
API-server endpoint access control
Worker VPC (your account)
Master VPC (AWS account)
AZ 1 AZ 2
API Server
API Server
EKS-owned ENIs
Public == false
Private == true
Private hosted zone
AZ 1
AZ 2
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Aut
3) Authorizes AWS identity with RBAC
1) Passes AWS identity
2) Verifies AWS identity
4) K8s action
Great integration responsibility – IAM roles
Frontend pod
Backend pod
Amazon S3
UI customization
Billing reports
Log DaemonSet
Kinesis Data
ElastiCache for
Great integration responsibility – IAM roles
Frontend pod
Backend pod
Amazon S3
UI customization
Billing reports
IAM Kinesis
Kinesis Data
Log DaemonSet
ElastiCache for
Service type LoadBalancer
ELB Users
Pod selector
(app = frontend)
Frontend pod 1
Frontend pod 2
Frontend pod 3
Service type LoadBalancer
ELB Users
Pod selector
(type = nodejs)
Frontend pod 1
Frontend pod 2
Frontend pod 3
Backend pod 1
Generic pod selector
Great responsibility – Service type LoadBalancer
ELB Users
Pod selector
(app = frontend)
Frontend pod 1
Frontend pod 2
Frontend pod 3
Backend pod 1
Pod selector
(app = backend)
ELB Users
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights
Gives you complete visibility into your cloud resources and applications
so you can monitor, troubleshoot, and remediate issues
Collect logs &
troubleshoot &
set alarms
Act AnalyzeAmazon
 Collects, aggregates, and summarizes
 Reliable, secure metrics and logs collection
 Automated dashboards and analysis
 Observability experience across metrics, logs, traces
 Ad hoc analytics
CloudWatch Container Insights
A fully managed observability service for monitoring, troubleshooting
, and alarming on your containerized applications and microservices
Images on DockerHub
Performance Metrics – CloudWatch Agent: https://hub.docker.com/r/
• Tag: latest
Logs – FluentBit:
• Tag: latest
Logs – Fluentd:
• Tag: v1.3.3-debian-cloudwatch-1.4
Container Insights available now
1. Fully managed, AWS native observability service providing autom
ated summary and analysis of compute capacity
2. Reliable and secure collection of application logs with built-in an
alytics capabilities
3. Prebuilt visualization to summarize cluster and node errors
4. Application & microservice tracing - Troubleshoot and debug ap
plication & microservice
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
Container storage interface (CSI)
A flexible standard for orchestration
and storage provider connections
We support the CSI standard through following drivers:
Amazon Elastic Block Store: Amazon EBS CSI Driver
Amazon Elastic File System: Amazon EFS CSI Driver
Amazon FSx for Lustre: Amazon FSx CSI Driver
Storage volume lifecycle
Provisioning Binding Using Reclaiming
• Static
• Dynamic*
• Control loop watches
for PVC requests and
satisfies if PV is
• For Dynamic, PVC will
provision PV
• PVC to PV binding is
one-to-one mapping
• Cluster mounts
volume based on
• Retain (default)
• Recycle
• Delete
What if I need specific volume type?
gp2 io1 sc1 encrypted
1) Admin pre-provisions
StorageClass based
on workload needs
2) End user requests for
specific volume types
(e.g., encrypted io1
3) Control loop watches
PVC request and
allocates volume if PV
MySQL Pods
4) User creates stateful
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
Amazon VPC CNI plugin
Secondary IPs:
Secondary IPs:
VPC Subnet –
Instance 1 Instance 2
Load balancing
All three Elastic Load Balancing products are supported
NLB and CLB supported by Kubernetes Service
Internal and External Load Balancer support
• Exposes the service externally using a cloud
provider’s load balancer
• NodePort and ClusterIP services (to which LB
will route) automatically created
• Each service exposed with a LoadBalancer (ELB
or NLB) will get its own IP address
• Exposes L4 (TCP) or L7 (HTTP) services
Kubernetes ServiceType: LoadBalancer
Load balancing
Want to use an Internal Load Balancer? Use annotation:
Want to use an NLB? Use annotation:
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: nlb
Service load balancer: Network Load Balancer
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
namespace: default
app: nginx
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: "nlb"
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
- name: http
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
app: nginx
type: LoadBalancer
Service load balancer: Network Load Balancer (NLB)
• NLB supports forwarding the client’s IP through to the node
.spec.externalTrafficPolicy = Local  client ip passed to pod
• Nodes with no matching pods will be removed by specified NLB’s health check
• Use DaemonSet or pod anti-affinity to verify even traffic split
• exposes HTTP/HTTPS routes
to services within the cluster
• Many implementations: ALB,
NGINX, F5, HAProxy etc.
• Default service type: ClusterIP
Kubernetes Ingress object
ALB Ingress controller
AWS Resources
Kubernetes Cluster
Node Node
API Server ALB Ingress
HTTP ListenerHTTPS Listener
Rule: /cheesesRule: /charcuterie
Green (IP Mode)
Blue (Instance
NodePort NodePort
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
Amazon EKS logging
EKS managedCustomer account
Implementing logging with EFK
fluentd is an open source
data collector providing a
unified logging layer
elasticsearch is a
distributed, RESTful search
and analytics engine
kibana lets you visualize
your Elasticsearch data
Implementing logging with EFK
EKS Worker
Logging with FluentBit
• New AWS FluentBit container
• Optimize costs. Route logs fr
om Amazon EKS and Amazon
ECS clusters directly to Amaz
on S3 and query with Amazo
n Athena
• Open source
• More resource-efficient than
Fluentd. Tests show Fluentd u
ses 4x more CPU and 6x more
Logging performance compare
Log Lines Per second Data Out Fluentd CPU Fluent Bit CPU Fluentd Memory Fluent Bit Memory
100 25 KB/s 0.013 vCPU 0.003 vCPU 146 MB 27 MB
1000 250 KB/s 0.103 vCPU 0.03 vCPU 303 MB 44 MB
10000 2.5 MB/s 1.03 vCPU 0.19 vCPU 376 MB 65 MB
Log Lines Per second Data Out Fluentd CPU Fluent Bit CPU Fluentd Memory Fluent Bit Memory
100 25 KB/s 0.006 vCPU 0.003 vCPU 84 MB 27 MB
1000 250 KB/s 0.073 vCPU 0.033 vCPU 102 MB 37 MB
10000 2.5 MB/s 0.86 vCPU 0.13 vCPU 438 MB 55 MB
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
Why AWS App Mesh?
team A
team B
Common need: Manage interservice traffic
• How to observe (logs, metrics, traces)
• How to load balance E/W traffic
• How to shift traffic between deployments
• How to decouple service teams
• How to minimize impact to app code
App Mesh uses Envoy proxy
OSS community project
Wide community support, numerous integrations
Stable and production-proven
Graduated Project in Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Started at Lyft in 2016
Why App Mesh?
team A
team B
Control plane
Translates logical intent to proxy config
Distributes proxy config
Sits between all services
Manages and observes traffic
Control plane
App Mesh: App-level communication across AWS
Amazon ECS
AWS Fargate
Amazon EKS
Amazon EC2
AWS App Mesh
Kubernetes on EC2
App Mesh: Application observability
HTTP access logging
Amazon CloudWatch Logs
Available as container logs on
Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, AWS Fargate
CloudWatch metrics
StatsD (with tags)
Other Envoy tracing drivers
App Mesh: Client-side traffic management
Traffic shaping
Load balancing
Weight targets
Service discovery (DNS + AWS Cloud Map)
Health checks
Circuit breakers*
Routing controls
Protocols support (HTTP, TCP, gRPC*)
*coming soon
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
How does X-Ray help?
Pinpoint specific
service issues
Identify impact to
X-Ray concepts
Frontend API
DynamoDB table
Amazon Simple
Queue Service
(Amazon SQS)
App instrumentation (Node.js)
//Add aws-xray-sdk package to package.json
const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');
const xrayExpress = require('aws-xray-sdk-express’);
app.get('/', function(req, res)
app.get(‘/static', function(req, res)
//Add aws-xray-sdk package to package.json
const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');
const xrayExpress = require('aws-xray-sdk-express’);
app.get('/', function(req, res)
app.get(‘/static', function(req, res)
Adding business data (Node.js)
//Example showing how to add business data to traces
app.use(function(req, res, next){
if (req.session !== undefined) {
let segment = AWSXRay.getSegment()
// User sessionID as userID
segment.addAnnotation(‘userID', req.sessionID);
//Example showing how to add business data to traces
app.use(function(req, res, next){
if (req.session !== undefined) {
let segment = AWSXRay.getSegment()
// User sessionID as userID
segment.addAnnotation(‘userID', req.sessionID);
What it should look like
• Trace List
• Trace Detail
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
Amazon EKS: https://aws.amazon.com/eks/
AWS X-Ray: https://aws.amazon.com/xray/
Amazon CloudWatch: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/
To conclude…
Clearly understand managed systems’ ownership boundaries and your sys
tems to build the own K8s Platform.
“With great power
comes great responsibility.”
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임
여러분의 피드백을 기다립니다!

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애플리케이션 최적화를 위한 컨테이너 인프라 구축
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소프트웨어 개발 트랜드 및 MSA (마이크로 서비스 아키텍쳐)의 이해
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금융 서비스 패러다임의 전환 가속화 시대, 신한금융투자의 Cloud First 전략  - 신중훈 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트 / 최성봉 클라우...금융 서비스 패러다임의 전환 가속화 시대, 신한금융투자의 Cloud First 전략  - 신중훈 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트 / 최성봉 클라우...
금융 서비스 패러다임의 전환 가속화 시대, 신한금융투자의 Cloud First 전략 - 신중훈 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트 / 최성봉 클라우...
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AWS를 활용한 리테일,이커머스 워크로드와 온라인 서비스 이관 사례::이동열, 임혁용:: AWS Summit Seoul 2018 AWS를 활용한 리테일,이커머스 워크로드와 온라인 서비스 이관 사례::이동열, 임혁용:: AWS Summit Seoul 2018
AWS를 활용한 리테일,이커머스 워크로드와 온라인 서비스 이관 사례::이동열, 임혁용:: AWS Summit Seoul 2018
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[오픈소스컨설팅] 서비스 메쉬(Service mesh)
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[오픈소스컨설팅] 서비스 메쉬(Service mesh)
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[AWS Container Service] Getting Started with Cloud Map, App Mesh and Firecracker
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Amazon Web Services Korea
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Amazon Web Services
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Manish Kumar
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Amazon Web Services
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Amazon Web Services
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Amazon Web Services
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Bruce Chen
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Amazon Web Services
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Amazon Web Services
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Kristana Kane
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Amazon Web Services
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Amazon Web Services
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Amazon Web Services LATAM

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[AWS Container Service] Getting Started with Cloud Map, App Mesh and Firecracker
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Amazon Webservices Introduction And Core Modules
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Modernizing applications with Amazon EKS - MAD304 - Santa Clara AWS Summit.pdf
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AWS Summit Singapore - More Containers, Less Operations
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Advanced Container Security
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AWS Core Services Overview, Immersion Day Huntsville 2019
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Aws 101 garage+
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From Docker Straight to AWS
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Comparing Compute Options for Microservices - AWS Summti Sydney 2018
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Fast-Track Your Application Modernisation Journey with Containers - AWS Summi...
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Deep Dive on Microservices and Docker
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Workshop: Deploy a Deep Learning Framework on Amazon ECS
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사례로 알아보는 Database Migration Service : 데이터베이스 및 데이터 이관, 통합, 분리, 분석의 도구 - 발표자: ...사례로 알아보는 Database Migration Service : 데이터베이스 및 데이터 이관, 통합, 분리, 분석의 도구 - 발표자: ...
사례로 알아보는 Database Migration Service : 데이터베이스 및 데이터 이관, 통합, 분리, 분석의 도구 - 발표자: ...
Amazon DocumentDB - Architecture 및 Best Practice (Level 200) - 발표자: 장동훈, Sr. ...
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Amazon Elasticache - Fully managed, Redis & Memcached Compatible Service (Lev...
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[Keynote] 슬기로운 AWS 데이터베이스 선택하기 - 발표자: 강민석, Korea Database SA Manager, WWSO, A...
Demystify Streaming on AWS - 발표자: 이종혁, Sr Analytics Specialist, WWSO, AWS :::...
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Amazon EMR - Enhancements on Cost/Performance, Serverless - 발표자: 김기영, Sr Anal...
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Amazon OpenSearch - Use Cases, Security/Observability, Serverless and Enhance...
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Enabling Agility with Data Governance - 발표자: 김성연, Analytics Specialist, WWSO,...
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[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 이상호 삼성전자 Health서비스팀 선임

  • 2. DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버 네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 정영준 솔루션즈 아키텍트 AWS 이상호 선임 삼성전자 Health서비스팀
  • 3. Agenda • Container Service Overview • EKS Tenets and Core Concept • Samsung Health Use Case • EKS Best Practices & Sample Deploy Architecture
  • 5. We’re making AWS the best place to run contain ers and Kubernetes
  • 6. AWS container services landscape Management Deployment, Scheduling, Scaling & Management of containerized applications Hosting Where the containers run Amazon Elastic Container Service Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Amazon EC2 AWS Fargate Image Registry Container Image Repository Amazon Elastic Container Registry
  • 7. Balancing flexibility and simplicity: Workload-by-workload Flexibility focused Low level of opinion Low level of abstraction Focus on infrastructure and configuration Installing, configuring, and managing my compute environment is critical to achieving my goals Value simplicity High level of opinion High level of abstraction Focus only on app and primitive Having a standardized and on-demand compute environment is critical to achieving my goals
  • 8. We give you the power to choose Amazon ECS Amazon EKS Amazon EC2 AWS Fargate Amazon EC2 AWS Fargate 1. Choose your orchestration tool 2. Choose your launch type We’re working on it #32
  • 9. EKS tenets 1. Amazon EKS is a platform to run production-grade workloads. Security and reliability are our first priority. After that we focus on doing the heavy lifting for you in the control plane, including life cycle-related things like version upgrades. 2. Amazon EKS provides a native and upstream Kubernetes experience. Amazon EKS provides vanilla, un-forked Kubernetes. In keeping with our first tenant, we ensure the Kubernetes versions we run have security-related patches, even for older, supported versions as quickly as possible. But there’s no special sauce and no lock in. 3. If you want to use additional AWS services, integrations are as seamless as possible. 4. The Amazon EKS team in AWS actively contributes to the upstream Kubernetes project and the wider CNCF activities, both on the technical level as well as community, from communicating good practices to participation in SIGs and working groups.
  • 10. How are customer using Amazon EKS? Microservices PaaS Platform as a service Enterprise App Migration Machine Learning
  • 13. VPC Kubernetes control plane Highly available and single tenant infrastructure All “native AWS” components Fronted by a Network Load Balancer NLB Amazon EKS Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3 Etcd API Servers
  • 15. eksctl - a CLI for Amazon EKS • Single command cluster creation eksctl create cluster --nodes=4 • Open source and on GitHub • Built by Weave and AWS • Official Amazon EKS CLI
  • 16. Standard EC2 compute instance types P and G type accelerated instances i3 bare metal Spot Instances Bring your own instances Instance flexibility
  • 17. Bring your own OS Amazon EKS AMI build scripts https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami Amazon Amazon Amazon
  • 18. Windows containers Run Windows containers and Windows Server nodes with Amazon EKS Supports heterogeneous (mixed) clusters. Kubernetes version 1.11+ Available in all Amazon EKS Regions Developer preview: https://github.com/aws/containers-roadmap
  • 19. Provisioning worker nodes AWS CloudFormation eksctl Partners …more Terraform Pulumi Rancher
  • 20. Now supporting P3dn.24xlarge instances CUDA 10 with NVIDIA v410 coming soon! Amazon EKS-optimized GPU AMI
  • 21. Support Kubernetes version Latest Kubernetes: 1.14 Amazon EKS will support up to three versions of Kubernetes at once Deprecation in line with the community stopping support for older versions Version 1.11 deprecation on Nov 4th, 2019
  • 22. Amazon EKS platform version Platform version revisions represent API server configuration changes or Kubernetes patches Platform versions increment within a Kubernetes version only
  • 23. Amazon EKS update life cycle May 21, 2019 Blog: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/updates-to-amazon-eks-version-lifecycle/
  • 24. Amazon EKS support sophisticated and scalable infrastructure [mycluster].eks.amazonaws.com Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3 Kubectl VPC Instance Auto Scaling group for m4.large Spot Instances Auto Scaling group for t2.medium Spot Instances Auto Scaling group for On-Demand Instances Cluster Autoscaler Daemonset Spot Interruption handler Daemonset https://eksworkshop.com/spot/ managespot/deployhandler
  • 25. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 25 Lee Sang Ho, 삼성전자 AWS EKS on Samsung Health Server
  • 26. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 26 Contents 1.Why Samsung Health choose AWS EKS 2.AWS EKS on Samsung Health Server 3.Little things that need to be improved
  • 27. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 27 Who am I  Lee Sang Ho  삼성전자, 무선 사업부, Health Service Team  2016 ~ Present : Health Service Team  2014 ~ 2016 : Big Data Center  randomday222@gmail.com  Server Developer  Samsung Health Server Development  Health Care B2B Project Server Development  AWS Cloud System Architecture  DevOps Engineering
  • 28. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 28 Why Samsung Health choose AWS EKS  Inefficiency of Infra CI/CD  Difficulties in Communication with Oversea Research Center (in charge or service operation)  Frequent operational issues due to human error  Docker!  Now is the time  Too much cost when we get huge legacy infra migrated.  So, we started using Kubernetes on new B2B Project.  Multi-tier support  Dev, Stg, Stg-2,Pre-Prod, Prod  Too many tier, too much cost
  • 29. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 29 Migration with Kubernetes Internal NLB-1 Internal NLB-2 aws vpc link aws vpc link Node Port : 30700Node Port : 30700Target Group : 8070Target Group : 8070 Target Port : 8080 - H ServerTarget Port : 8080 - H Server Node Port : 30800Node Port : 30800Target Group : 8080Target Group : 8080 Target Port : 8080 - I ServerTarget Port : 8080 - I Server aws vpc link aws vpc link Node Port : 30000Node Port : 30000Target Group : 8000Target Group : 8000 Target Port : 8080 - A ServerTarget Port : 8080 - A Server Node Port : 30100Node Port : 30100Target Group : 8010Target Group : 8010 Target Port : 8080 - B ServerTarget Port : 8080 - B Server Node Port : 30200Node Port : 30200Target Group : 8020Target Group : 8020 Target Port : 8080 - C ServerTarget Port : 8080 - C Server Node Port : 30300Node Port : 30300Target Group : 8030Target Group : 8030 Target Port : 8080 - D ServerTarget Port : 8080 - D Server Node Port : 30400Node Port : 30400Target Group : 8040Target Group : 8040 Target Port : 8080 - E ServerTarget Port : 8080 - E Server Node Port : 30500Node Port : 30500Target Group : 8050Target Group : 8050 Target Port : 8080 - F ServerTarget Port : 8080 - F Server Node Port : 30600Node Port : 30600Target Group : 8060Target Group : 8060 Target Port : 8080 - G ServerTarget Port : 8080 - G Server core dns . . . Admin ALB Node Port : 30000Node Port : 30000Target Group : 443Target Group : 443 Target Port : 8080 - J ServerTarget Port : 8080 - J Server Kubernetes DomainAws Domain Amazon API Gateway
  • 30. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 30 What else  Kube2Iam  HPA  Cluster Autoscaler template: metadata: annotations: iam.amazonaws.com/role: data-ec2-role
  • 31. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 31 PrometheusPrometheus CloudwatchCloudwatch In-House Secure Agent In-House Secure Agent GrafanaGrafana ElasticsearchElasticsearch KibanaKibana SlackSlack AWS SESAWS SES Samsung Health Cloud Samsung Health Cloud AWS Infra Metric (API GW, RDS, DynamoDB) K8S Metric Integrated Dashboard Logging Log Monitoring Notification Monitoring Flow K8S Metric Infra Metric
  • 32. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 32 Log Monitoring  EFK + AWS Cloudwatch Cloudwatch (Aggregator) Cloudwatch (Aggregator) Set ES Index Name by Service name, date & add Some Fields Node-01Node-01 Pod-01Pod-01 fluentd agent (Daemonset) fluentd agent (Daemonset) Pod-02Pod-02 Std-OutStd-Out ElasticsearchElasticsearch KibanaKibana Node-02Node-02 Pod-03Pod-03 fluentd agent (Daemonset) fluentd agent (Daemonset) Pod-04Pod-04 Std-OutStd-Out elasticsearch stream configure & set up fluentd by kubernetes ex) specific error pattern Amazon CloudWatch Logs Alarm Amazon Cognito
  • 33. Reverse Proxy with ES  in case of vpc access NGINXNGINX KIBANAKIBANA COGNITOCOGNITO ② if no authentication then 302 redirect_to_cognito ?redirect_uri={vpc_kibana_domain} ① kibana access via nginx ③ sign up then redirect to kibana with redirect_uri proxy_redirect https://{cognito_host} https://$host; proxy_redirect https://{kibana_host} https://$host; user
  • 34. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 34 AWS Xray  APM tool  Analyze and debug production, distributed applications like MSA  Review request behavior  Discover application issues  Improve performance
  • 35. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 35 Spinnaker  Continuous Delivery Platform  Open source Powered by Netflix  Support Multi-cloud (AWS, Google Cloud, MS Azure)  Orchestration Pipeline
  • 36. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 36 AWS ECR Overall architecture Node-01Node-01 Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02 Node-02Node-02 Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02 Node-03Node-03 Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02 Node-04Node-04 Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02 Node-05Node-05 Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02 Node-06Node-06 Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02 Node-07Node-07 Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02 Node-08Node-08 Pod-01Pod-01 Pod-02Pod-02 SpinnakerSpinnaker Aws CloudWatch Jenkins ① build and upload docker image to aws ecr repository ② trigger k8s deployment pipeline ③ deploy on k8s cluster ④ log monitoring ⑤ k8s cluster monitoring K8S Control Plane
  • 37. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 37  When deploy  Before  Now What’s better? #1 Jenkins OSOS javajava tomcattomcat external libraryexternal library OSOS javajava tomcattomcat external libraryexternal library applicationapplication deploy war(jar) & configure setenv OSOS configuration OSOS deploy docker image to cluster OSOS javajava tomc at tomc at external libraryexternal library appapp config map config map it took so long and caused many human errors.
  • 38. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 38  When operation  Self-healing, HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler) What’s better? #2 K8S MasterK8S Master SchedulerScheduler ControllerController Node-01Node-01 App AApp A App BApp B App AApp A Node-02Node-02 App AApp A App BApp B Node-03Node-03 App AApp A App BApp B App BApp B K8S MasterK8S Master SchedulerScheduler ControllerController Node-01Node-01 App AApp A App BApp B App AApp A Node-02Node-02 App AApp A App BApp B Node-03Node-03 App AApp A App BApp BApp BApp B When certain app breaks down, k8s scheduler notices situation. Then, restarts and replaces the app.
  • 39. Copyright © 2019 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 39 Little things that need to be improved  NLB Multi Port Support  Fargate + EKS  Totally Managed Kubernetes Node  When??  Parameter Store + EKS  Like ECS + SSM.ParameterStore
  • 40. Challenges in Using & Deploying Containers As cloud native technologies change the way companies are designing an d building applications, challenges are inevitable. The top challenges that respondents face are: • Cultural Changes with Development Team (41%) • Complexity (40% up from 35%) • Lack of Training (40%) • Security (38% down from 43%) • Monitoring (34% down from 38%) • Storage (30% down from 41%) • Networking (30% down from 38%) https://www.cncf.io/blog/2018/08/29/cncf-survey-use-of-cloud-native-technologies-in-production-has-grown-over-200-percent/
  • 42. Container security onion model: Defense in depth • full blown distro (Ubuntu, AL) vs. minimal environment (container-optimized distribution) • multi-tenancy requirements • gotchas: Linux packages/CVEs, leaks, GDPR (in Europe) • runtime/standards (OCI) • immutability of images • all containers share a kernel (mitigation: Firecracker) • gotchas: unnecessary privileged users, no scans, trust • code analysis • source available? • gotchas: big surface, many languages {} } • sanitizing user input • static code analysis • gotchas: log-leaking } • sensitive config (passwords, API keys, etc.) • gotchas: commits-to-source, non-separated access (dev has cleartext password) { • business core data • Personal Identifiable Information (PII) • gotchas: leaks, GDPR (in Europe) { host container dependencies code config user data
  • 43. Security tooling Amazon Inspector AWS KMS AWS Secrets Manager AWS WAF AWS IAM Amazon GuardDuty Amazon Macie AWS Security Hub AWS CloudHSM AWS Certificate Manager AWS CloudTrail host container dependencies code config user data
  • 44. PKI configuration Kubelet Generates public/private keys Kubelet installs server cert Kubelet issues CSR Certificate rotation Amazon EKS API serverEKS worker Each Amazon EKS cluster is a unique CA
  • 45. API-server endpoint access control Worker VPC (your account) Kubectl Master VPC (AWS account) etcd AZ 1 API Server etcd API Server prod-cluster-123.eks.amazonaws.com EKS-owned ENI Kubelet AZ 1 Worker node EKS-owned ENI Kubelet AZ 2 Worker node Public == true AZ 2 Kube-proxy Kube-proxy
  • 46. API-server endpoint access control Worker VPC (your account) Kubectl Master VPC (AWS account) etcd AZ 1 AZ 2 API Server etcd API Server prod-cluster-123.eks.amazonaws.com EKS-owned ENIs Public == true Private == true prod-cluster-123.eks.amazonaws.com Private hosted zone Kubelet AZ 1 Worker node Kube-proxy Kubelet AZ 2 Worker node Kube-proxy
  • 47. API-server endpoint access control Worker VPC (your account) Kubectl Master VPC (AWS account) etcd AZ 1 AZ 2 API Server etcd API Server EKS-owned ENIs Public == false Private == true prod-cluster-123.eks.amazonaws.com Private hosted zone Kubelet AZ 1 Worker node Kube-proxy Kubelet AZ 2 Worker node Kube-proxy
  • 48. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Aut hentication Kubectl 3) Authorizes AWS identity with RBAC K8s API 1) Passes AWS identity 2) Verifies AWS identity 4) K8s action allowed/denied
  • 49. Great integration responsibility – IAM roles Frontend pod Node Backend pod Amazon S3 UI customization bucket Billing reports bucket Role IAM Log DaemonSet Kinesis Kinesis Data Streams ElastiCache ElastiCache for Redis
  • 50. Great integration responsibility – IAM roles Frontend pod Node Backend pod Amazon S3 UI customization bucket Billing reports bucket IAM Kinesis Kinesis Data Streams Log DaemonSet ElastiCache ElastiCache for RedisCredential Credential Credential
  • 51. Service type LoadBalancer Service (LoadBalancer) ELB Users Pod selector (app = frontend) Frontend pod 1 Node NodePort Frontend pod 2 Node NodePort Frontend pod 3 Node NodePort
  • 52. Service type LoadBalancer Service (LoadBalancer) ELB Users Pod selector (type = nodejs) Frontend pod 1 Node NodePort Frontend pod 2 Node NodePort Frontend pod 3 Node NodePort Backend pod 1 Node NodePort Generic pod selector
  • 53. Great responsibility – Service type LoadBalancer Service (LoadBalancer) ELB Users Pod selector (app = frontend) Frontend pod 1 Node NodePort Frontend pod 2 Node NodePort Frontend pod 3 Node NodePort Backend pod 1 Node NodePortService (LoadBalancer) Pod selector (app = backend) ELB Users
  • 55. Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights Gives you complete visibility into your cloud resources and applications so you can monitor, troubleshoot, and remediate issues Collect logs & metrics Monitor, troubleshoot & set alarms Act AnalyzeAmazon CloudWatch
  • 56.  Collects, aggregates, and summarizes  Reliable, secure metrics and logs collection  Automated dashboards and analysis  Observability experience across metrics, logs, traces  Ad hoc analytics CloudWatch Container Insights A fully managed observability service for monitoring, troubleshooting , and alarming on your containerized applications and microservices
  • 57. Images on DockerHub Performance Metrics – CloudWatch Agent: https://hub.docker.com/r/ amazon/cloudwatch-agent • Tag: latest Logs – FluentBit: https://hub.docker.com/r/amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit • Tag: latest Logs – Fluentd: https://hub.docker.com/r/fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset • Tag: v1.3.3-debian-cloudwatch-1.4
  • 58. Container Insights available now 1. Fully managed, AWS native observability service providing autom ated summary and analysis of compute capacity 2. Reliable and secure collection of application logs with built-in an alytics capabilities 3. Prebuilt visualization to summarize cluster and node errors 4. Application & microservice tracing - Troubleshoot and debug ap plication & microservice
  • 60. Container storage interface (CSI) A flexible standard for orchestration and storage provider connections We support the CSI standard through following drivers: Amazon Elastic Block Store: Amazon EBS CSI Driver Amazon Elastic File System: Amazon EFS CSI Driver Amazon FSx for Lustre: Amazon FSx CSI Driver
  • 61. Storage volume lifecycle Provisioning Binding Using Reclaiming • Static • Dynamic* • Control loop watches for PVC requests and satisfies if PV is available. • For Dynamic, PVC will provision PV • PVC to PV binding is one-to-one mapping • Cluster mounts volume based on PVC • Retain (default) • Recycle • Delete
  • 62. What if I need specific volume type? StorageClass gp2 io1 sc1 encrypted io1 st1 1) Admin pre-provisions StorageClass based on workload needs 2) End user requests for specific volume types (e.g., encrypted io1 volume) 3) Control loop watches PVC request and allocates volume if PV exists MySQL Pods 4) User creates stateful workload
  • 64. Amazon VPC CNI plugin Elastic network interface Secondary IPs: Elastic network interface Secondary IPs: ec2.associateaddress() VPC Subnet – Instance 1 Instance 2 VPC https://github.com/aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s
  • 65. Load balancing All three Elastic Load Balancing products are supported NLB and CLB supported by Kubernetes Service type=LoadBalancer Internal and External Load Balancer support https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/network-load-balancer-nginx-ingress-controller-eks/
  • 66. • Exposes the service externally using a cloud provider’s load balancer • NodePort and ClusterIP services (to which LB will route) automatically created • Each service exposed with a LoadBalancer (ELB or NLB) will get its own IP address • Exposes L4 (TCP) or L7 (HTTP) services Kubernetes ServiceType: LoadBalancer
  • 67. Load balancing Want to use an Internal Load Balancer? Use annotation: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-internal: Want to use an NLB? Use annotation: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: nlb
  • 68. Service load balancer: Network Load Balancer apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nginx namespace: default labels: app: nginx annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: "nlb" spec: externalTrafficPolicy: Local ports: - name: http port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 80 selector: app: nginx type: LoadBalancer
  • 69. Service load balancer: Network Load Balancer (NLB) • NLB supports forwarding the client’s IP through to the node .spec.externalTrafficPolicy = Local  client ip passed to pod • Nodes with no matching pods will be removed by specified NLB’s health check .spec.healthCheckNodePort • Use DaemonSet or pod anti-affinity to verify even traffic split
  • 70. • exposes HTTP/HTTPS routes to services within the cluster • Many implementations: ALB, NGINX, F5, HAProxy etc. • Default service type: ClusterIP Kubernetes Ingress object
  • 71. ALB Ingress controller AWS Resources Kubernetes Cluster Node Node Kubernetes API Server ALB Ingress Controller Node HTTP ListenerHTTPS Listener Rule: /cheesesRule: /charcuterie TargetGroup: Green (IP Mode) TargetGroup: Blue (Instance Mode) NodePort NodePort https://docs.aws.amazon.com/en_pv/eks/latest/userguide/alb-ingress.html
  • 73. Amazon EKS logging EKS managedCustomer account Internet Amazon CloudWatch AWS CloudTrail
  • 74. Implementing logging with EFK fluentd is an open source data collector providing a unified logging layer elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine kibana lets you visualize your Elasticsearch data
  • 75. Implementing logging with EFK EKS Worker pod fluentd daemonset
  • 76. Logging with FluentBit • New AWS FluentBit container plugin • Optimize costs. Route logs fr om Amazon EKS and Amazon ECS clusters directly to Amaz on S3 and query with Amazo n Athena • Open source • More resource-efficient than Fluentd. Tests show Fluentd u ses 4x more CPU and 6x more memory https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/centra lized-container-logging-fluent-bit/
  • 77. Logging performance compare Log Lines Per second Data Out Fluentd CPU Fluent Bit CPU Fluentd Memory Fluent Bit Memory 100 25 KB/s 0.013 vCPU 0.003 vCPU 146 MB 27 MB 1000 250 KB/s 0.103 vCPU 0.03 vCPU 303 MB 44 MB 10000 2.5 MB/s 1.03 vCPU 0.19 vCPU 376 MB 65 MB Log Lines Per second Data Out Fluentd CPU Fluent Bit CPU Fluentd Memory Fluent Bit Memory 100 25 KB/s 0.006 vCPU 0.003 vCPU 84 MB 27 MB 1000 250 KB/s 0.073 vCPU 0.033 vCPU 102 MB 37 MB 10000 2.5 MB/s 0.86 vCPU 0.13 vCPU 438 MB 55 MB
  • 79. Why AWS App Mesh? http/tcp Service team A Service team B Common need: Manage interservice traffic • How to observe (logs, metrics, traces) • How to load balance E/W traffic • How to shift traffic between deployments • How to decouple service teams • How to minimize impact to app code
  • 80. App Mesh uses Envoy proxy OSS community project Wide community support, numerous integrations Stable and production-proven Graduated Project in Cloud Native Computing Foundation Started at Lyft in 2016
  • 81. Why App Mesh? HTTP / TCP Service team A Service team B Control plane Translates logical intent to proxy config Distributes proxy config Proxy Sits between all services Manages and observes traffic Control plane
  • 82. App Mesh: App-level communication across AWS Amazon ECS AWS Fargate Amazon EKS Amazon EC2 AWS App Mesh Kubernetes on EC2
  • 83. App Mesh: Application observability Logging HTTP access logging Amazon CloudWatch Logs Available as container logs on Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, AWS Fargate Metrics CloudWatch metrics StatsD (with tags) Prometheus Tracing AWS X-Ray Other Envoy tracing drivers
  • 84. App Mesh: Client-side traffic management Traffic shaping Load balancing Weight targets Service discovery (DNS + AWS Cloud Map) Health checks Retries* Timeouts* Circuit breakers* Routing controls Protocols support (HTTP, TCP, gRPC*) Path-based Header-based* Cookie-based* Host-based* *coming soon
  • 86. Identify performance bottlenecks How does X-Ray help? Pinpoint specific service issues Identify errors Identify impact to users
  • 87. X-Ray concepts user Frontend API Amazon DynamoDB table Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)
  • 88. App instrumentation (Node.js) //Add aws-xray-sdk package to package.json const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk'); AWSXRay.config([AWSXRay.plugins.EC2Plugin,AWSXRay.plugins.ECSPlugin]); const xrayExpress = require('aws-xray-sdk-express’); app.use(xrayExpress.openSegment('Frontend’)); app.get('/', function(req, res) … app.get(‘/static', function(req, res) app.use(xrayExpress.closeSegment()); //Add aws-xray-sdk package to package.json const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk'); AWSXRay.config([AWSXRay.plugins.EC2Plugin,AWSXRay.plugins.ECSPlugin]); const xrayExpress = require('aws-xray-sdk-express’); app.use(xrayExpress.openSegment('Frontend’)); app.get('/', function(req, res) … app.get(‘/static', function(req, res) app.use(xrayExpress.closeSegment());
  • 89. Adding business data (Node.js) //Example showing how to add business data to traces app.use(function(req, res, next){ if (req.session !== undefined) { let segment = AWSXRay.getSegment() // User sessionID as userID segment.addAnnotation(‘userID', req.sessionID); } next(); }) //Example showing how to add business data to traces app.use(function(req, res, next){ if (req.session !== undefined) { let segment = AWSXRay.getSegment() // User sessionID as userID segment.addAnnotation(‘userID', req.sessionID); } next(); })
  • 90. What it should look like
  • 94. Links Amazon EKS: https://aws.amazon.com/eks/ AWS X-Ray: https://aws.amazon.com/xray/ Amazon CloudWatch: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/
  • 95. To conclude… Clearly understand managed systems’ ownership boundaries and your sys tems to build the own K8s Platform. “With great power comes great responsibility.”