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Building Android apps with Parse
Parse Core Parse Push Parse Analytics
Building Android apps with Parse
Parse Core
Your data in the cloud
Key Value
title “Getting Started with Parse
track “Track 1”
time September 5, 2013 12:45 PM +0700
Parse Data
talk.put(“title”, “Getting Started with Parse”);!
talk.put(“track”, “Track 1”);!
talk.put(“time”, talkDate); // Date
ParseObject talk = new ParseObject(”Talk”);
Key Value
title “Getting Started with Parse
track “Track 1”
time September 5, 2013 12:45 PM +0700
Creating and Saving an Object
Building Android apps with Parse
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery(”Talk”);
query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseObject>(){!
public void done(List<ParseObject> talkList, ParseException e) {!
if (e == null) {!
// We have a list of all the Basic track talks!
} else {!
// Something went wrong; check the ParseException!
// Find only the talks that are in the Basic track!
Getting a List of Objects
byte[] data = myPhotoObject.toByteArray();
ParseFile image = new ParseFile(”Parse-2.jpg”, data);!
ParseObject picture = new ParseObject(”Picture”);!
picture.put(“title”, “Red Hot Chili Peppers concert”);!
picture.put(“image”, image);!
Saving Files
Easy User Management
Parse Social
•ParseUsers make it simple to:

• Sign up

• Log in

• Manage user session with “currentUser”

• Create Roles in your app

• Improve app security with ACLs

• Integrate with Facebook and Twitter
ParseUser.logInInBackground( “janedoe”, !
“mypassword123”, new LogInCallback() {!
public void done(ParseUser user, ParseException e) {!
if (user != null) {!
// The user is logged in!
} else {!
// Something went wrong; check the ParseException!
Sign up
Log in
ParseUser user = new ParseUser();!
ParseTwitterUtils.link(user, this, new SaveCallback() {!
public void done(ParseException e) {!
if (ParseTwitterUtils.isLinked(user)) {!
// The user added their Twitter account!
Link to Social Networks
ParseFacebookUtils.link(user, this, new SaveCallback() {!
public void done(ParseException e) {!
if (ParseFacebookUtils.isLinked(user)) {!
// The user added their Facebook account!
•Background Jobs

•For long running jobs

•Can be scheduled

Run custom app code in the Parse Cloud
Cloud Code
•Running Code when Objects are Saved or Deleted

•Cloud functions & custom webhooks
A Simple Background Job
Parse.Cloud.job(“userMigration”, function (request, status) {!
// Set up to modify user data	

// Query for all users!
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);!
query.each(function(user) {!
// Set and save the change!
user.set(“plan”, request.params.plan);!
return user.save();	

   }).then(function() {!
// Set the job’s success status!
status.success(“Migration completed successfully.”);	

   }, function(error) {	

     // Set the job’s error status	

     status.error(“Uh oh, something went wrong.”);	


Building Android apps with Parse
Integrate with virtually any third-party service
•Parse Image Module

• Resize, crop, scale

• Change image format
•User Session Module

• For server-side apps 

• Manage user session
across pages
Cloud Modules
•Send text messages, emails, or accept payments

•Connect to services with Parse.Cloud.httpRequest
Building Android apps with Parse
Building Android apps with Parse
Parse Local Datastore
Parse Push
• Pushes are sent to Installations

•1 device + 1 install of your app = 1 Installation

• Add relationships to objects of interest, e.g. current User
Push Notifications
ParsePush push = new ParsePush();!
push.setMessage(“The game starts in 5!”);!
Push to a Channel
Subscribe users by interest or category
Find users who match particular criteria
Push to a Query
ParseQuery pushQuery = ParseInstallation.getQuery();!
pushQuery.whereEqualTo(“isFacebookEmployee”, true);!
ParsePush push = new ParsePush();!
push.setMessage(“Good afternoon, Facebook!”);!
Building Android apps with Parse
Parse Analytics
Parse Analytics
Measure App Usage

• API calls

• App open rates

• Push campaigns

• Custom events
Track Any Data Point In Real Time
The Basics: Requests
event: "signedUp"!
dimensions: {!
gender: "f",!
source: "web",!
friendsUsingApp: "35",!
wasReferred: "true"!
• Note: 

•Each event can have a maximum of 4 dimensions

•Dimensions must be strings
Dive Deeper: Custom Analytics
•Save a free-form event with dimensions for segmenting results
Building Android apps with Parse
Understanding Growth
Understanding Retention
Understanding Retention
Understanding Retention
2011 2012 2013 2014
140,000new developers this year
New Parse Customers
Building Android apps with Parse
Parse Core Parse Push Parse Analytics
up to 30 requests/sec
up to 1,000,000 recipients
data points
Thanks - Questions?

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Building Android apps with Parse

  • 5. Parse Core Parse Push Parse Analytics
  • 8. Your data in the cloud Title Time Track Key Value title “Getting Started with Parse track “Track 1” time September 5, 2013 12:45 PM +0700 Talk Parse Data
  • 9. talk.saveInBackground(); talk.put(“title”, “Getting Started with Parse”);! talk.put(“track”, “Track 1”);! talk.put(“time”, talkDate); // Date ParseObject talk = new ParseObject(”Talk”); Key Value title “Getting Started with Parse track “Track 1” time September 5, 2013 12:45 PM +0700 Talk Creating and Saving an Object
  • 11. ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery(”Talk”); query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseObject>(){! public void done(List<ParseObject> talkList, ParseException e) {! if (e == null) {! // We have a list of all the Basic track talks! } else {! // Something went wrong; check the ParseException! }! } } // Find only the talks that are in the Basic track! query.whereEqualTo(”track”,”basic”); Getting a List of Objects
  • 12. byte[] data = myPhotoObject.toByteArray(); ParseFile image = new ParseFile(”Parse-2.jpg”, data);! image.saveInBackground(); ParseObject picture = new ParseObject(”Picture”);! picture.put(“title”, “Red Hot Chili Peppers concert”);! picture.put(“image”, image);! picture.saveInBackground(); Saving Files
  • 13. Easy User Management Parse Social •ParseUsers make it simple to: • Sign up • Log in • Manage user session with “currentUser” • Create Roles in your app • Improve app security with ACLs • Integrate with Facebook and Twitter
  • 14. ParseUser.logInInBackground( “janedoe”, ! “mypassword123”, new LogInCallback() {! public void done(ParseUser user, ParseException e) {! if (user != null) {! // The user is logged in! } else {! // Something went wrong; check the ParseException! }! }! }); Sign up Log in ParseUser ParseUser user = new ParseUser();! user.setUsername(“janedoe”);! user.setPassword(“mypassword123”);! user.setEmail(“janedoe@fb.com”);! user.signUpInBackground();
  • 15. ParseTwitterUtils.link(user, this, new SaveCallback() {! @Override! public void done(ParseException e) {! if (ParseTwitterUtils.isLinked(user)) {! // The user added their Twitter account! }! }! }; Twitter Link to Social Networks ParseFacebookUtils.link(user, this, new SaveCallback() {! @Override! public void done(ParseException e) {! if (ParseFacebookUtils.isLinked(user)) {! // The user added their Facebook account! }! }! }; Facebook
  • 16. •Background Jobs •For long running jobs •Can be scheduled Run custom app code in the Parse Cloud Cloud Code •Running Code when Objects are Saved or Deleted •Cloud functions & custom webhooks
  • 17. A Simple Background Job Parse.Cloud.job(“userMigration”, function (request, status) {! // Set up to modify user data    Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey();! // Query for all users! var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);! query.each(function(user) {! // Set and save the change! user.set(“plan”, request.params.plan);! return user.save();    }).then(function() {! // Set the job’s success status! status.success(“Migration completed successfully.”);    }, function(error) {      // Set the job’s error status      status.error(“Uh oh, something went wrong.”);    }); });
  • 19. Integrate with virtually any third-party service •Parse Image Module • Resize, crop, scale • Change image format •User Session Module • For server-side apps • Manage user session across pages Cloud Modules •Send text messages, emails, or accept payments •Connect to services with Parse.Cloud.httpRequest
  • 24. ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation().saveInBackground(); • Pushes are sent to Installations •1 device + 1 install of your app = 1 Installation • Add relationships to objects of interest, e.g. current User Push Notifications Installations
  • 25. ParsePush push = new ParsePush();! push.setChannel(“Giants”);! push.setMessage(“The game starts in 5!”);! push.sendInBackground(); Push to a Channel Subscribe users by interest or category
  • 26. Find users who match particular criteria Push to a Query ParseQuery pushQuery = ParseInstallation.getQuery();! pushQuery.whereEqualTo(“isFacebookEmployee”, true);! ! ! ParsePush push = new ParsePush();! push.setQuery(pushQuery);! push.setMessage(“Good afternoon, Facebook!”);! push.sendInBackground();
  • 29. Parse Analytics Measure App Usage • API calls • App open rates • Push campaigns • Custom events Track Any Data Point In Real Time
  • 31. event: "signedUp"! dimensions: {! gender: "f",! source: "web",! friendsUsingApp: "35",! wasReferred: "true"! } • Note: •Each event can have a maximum of 4 dimensions •Dimensions must be strings Dive Deeper: Custom Analytics •Save a free-form event with dimensions for segmenting results
  • 41. Parse Core Parse Push Parse Analytics UNLIMITED up to 30 requests/sec UNLIMITED up to 1,000,000 recipients UNLIMITED data points