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                                       COLLEGE OF EDUCATION

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

    1.   This intelligence test was first developed in 1905 following the request by the Minister of Public
         Instruction in Paris, France, to devise a method of differentiating between normal children and those
         with mental retardation. This test is considered the grandfather of all intelligence tests. What is the
         name of this test?
                  a. Wechsler Intelligence scales
                  b. Standford-Binet Intelligence Scales
                  c. Slosson Intelligence Test
                  d. D. McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities

    2.   The bell-shaped curve does not mean this:
                  a. Many human learning characteristics are distributed in a bell-shaped curve.
                  b. Normal distribution of intelligence is illustrated by bell-shaped curve.
                  c. There will always be persons with disability in a normal distribution, as there are gifted.
                  d. The incidence of a disability, at one time, may influence the distribution of characteristics
                      like intelligence, in the bell-shaped curve.

    3.   Sarah’s IQ based on Wechsler Intelligence scale for children is 84, which is between one and two
         standard deviations below the mean of 100. In 1973, the American Association of Mental Retardation
         moved to two standard deviations as the upper limit on IQ in defining mental retardation. Which
         statement best answer whether Sarah is qualified for special education service?
                  a. Sarah will most likely have academic deficits.
                  b. Sarah deserves to be in a special class.
                  c. Sarah is a slow learner
                  d. The regular teacher will not accept Sarah.

    4.   The following statements refer to norm-referenced measures EXCEPT:
                  a. It is also referred to as interindividual assessment
                  b. A mean or average score is determined from a large sample size.
                  c. A student’s performance is described statistically by comparing hi/her with others of the
                      same chronological age.
                  d. An analysis of individual student’s score is made to determine strength and weaknesses.

    5.   One of the following statements does NOT refer to criterion-reference testing. What statement is this?
                 a. It is also referred to as curriculum-based assessment.
                 b. It uses standardized tests to make evaluation valid.
                 c. An assessment of differences between performance areas is made.
                 d. The average score is based on the individual student’s performance in several areas.

    6.   The Individualized Educational Program (IEP) is designed to meet the needs of the student with special
         need. What statement says IEP is otherwise?
                  a. IEP is a curriculum for the child with special needs
                  b. IEP promotes better communication between the school and parents.
                  c. IEP indicates the amount of time in the regular class.
                  d. IEP indicates the beginning and ending dates in special education.
    7.   Which description does NOT explain correctly what standard deviation means?
                  a. A measure of the amount that an individual score differs from the average.
                  b. Percentage of difference between the average score of a group of people and how the
                       individual performed in comparison with that average.
                  c. the measure of how different the scores are from one another
                  d. a statistic that is constant, regardless of standardized tests used
    8.   The American association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) recommends using IQ levels below 70 on the
         Wechsler Intelligence scale for Children-Revised a the criterion for “significantly sub average general
         intellectual functioning.” An IQ of 70 is 2 standard deviations below the average or mean What does
         the mean when defining mental retardation?
                  a. A child with an IQ of 80, who is academically failing in class, does not meet the criterion of
                       mental retardation.
                  b. In a group of 100 students that is normally distributed, approximately 2 students score
                       above this level.
                  c. The IQ score of 70 or below is the major criterion for mental retardation.
                  d. At the opposite extreme, an IQ that falls at 2 standard deviation above the mean would be
                       that of the gifted.
9.   The American association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) divides the intelligence Quotient (IQ) based
     on the WISC-R into 4 levels of retardation. The standard deviations and range of IQs for successive
     levels of mental retardation are as follows:

     Standard             IQ Levels           Percentage            Educability          Severity of
     Deviation                                                      Expectation          condition
     -2.01 to – 3.00      65 -55              2.3                   Educable             Mild
     -3.01 to - 4.00      54 - 40             0.1                   Trainable            Moderate
     -4. 01 to -5.00      35 - 20                                   Custodial            Severe
     Below – 5.00         Below 25                                  Custodial            Profound

     Look at the table above. Which statement below is not implied from the table?

     A. A child who obtains a Percentile Rank of 2.3 means than that about 98% of the students obtains
        higher scores than this child.
     B. If the average IQ is between 90 to 110, the student who falls below this range is already called a
        “person with mental retardation.”
     C. There are actually very few students whose mental retardation would require separate special
        education programs.
     D. Students who obtain an IQ of 69 and above but below the average IQ may need special education
        on part-time basis.

10. In the above table, which statement is NOT implied?
             A. It is estimated that 1 to 3% of the total population has mental retardation.
             B. Those with mild retardation bigger percentage of the population with mental disability.
             C. Individual with moderate, severe and profound retardation constitute a much smaller
                 percentage of the general population.
             D. Regardless of the severity of retardation, even those with profound retardation on can
                 profit from special education classes.
11. The following are the purposes of case-finding, EXCEPT:
             A. to make initial contact with target population
             B. to increase public awareness of services
             C. to determine treatment and program placement
             D. to locate children in the community in need of services
12. Which of the following reasons about the importance of assessment is NOT correct?
             A. Discrepancies in learning are usually measured from a standard measure.
             B. Results of assessment that suggest that extra or specialized intervention is necessary.
             C. Assessment results represent the bases of which we make referrals.
             D. Instruction cannot be started without an assessment.
13. One of the following objectives is NOT necessary in screening or sorting out children needing further
             A. to identify those children needing special services
             B. to review a large number of children for a particular disability
             C. to identify children with moderate to severe disabilities
             D. to identify children who need further diagnoses

14. Which of this information is NOT necessary in case-finding?
           A. Source of referral
           B. Child’s name, date of birth, name of parent(s) or guardian
           C. Address telephone
           D. School history

15. We seek first a diagnosis of physical functioning:
           A. To involve medical personnel in the interdisciplinary assessment team
           B. To rule out specific organic impairments
           C. To abstain pertinent antecedent data
           D. To gather an in-depth history of the child

16. Which of the following descriptions is functional and instructionally useful?
            A. The student receives resource room service because he has a reading disability.
            B. The student has a learning disability, particularly in reading comprehension and
            C. The student is a Third-Grade student with a reading vocabulary of a preschooler.
            D. The student has difficulty with reading books for the grade level.

17. Prior to referral, the regular classroom teacher may be expected to do the following EXCEPT:
              A. Use informal assessment methods to monitor daily progress
              B. Apply curriculum-based assessment
              C. Use observation to monitor behaviors
              D. Identify diagnosis of specific disability
18. Three of the following questions are usually asked by a special education assessment team about a
    child suspected of having learning disability and referred for special education services by regular
    classroom teachers. Which question is irrelevant?
             A. Is there a large discrepancy between ability and achievement?
             B. Are sensory, physical and mental disabilities ruled out?
             C. Is performance fleeting or consistent? Does the student have average or above- average
19. Curriculum-based assessment believes in the following practices, EXCEPT:
             A. Assessment of students in terms of their acquisition and knowledge included in the school
             B. Concern with students’ progress in the curriculum
             C. Concern with the degree to which students differ from the normative score of all children
                 in physical attributes or learning characteristics
             D. Curriculum-based assessment that helps teacher identifies “who can be taught in what
20. Assumption must be met for assessment to be valid. These assessment are the following, EXCEPT:
             A. The test administrator is skilled.
             B. Errors would have been prevented.
             C. Acculturation is comparable.
             D. Behavior sampling is adequate

21. In assessment, when we say that “acculturation is comparable,” we mean that:
             A. Students test have identical characteristics with those whom the test was standardized.
             B. Students have similar experiential background with those students in
                 the normative sample.
             C. The student assessed has the same ethnic background as the students in the normative
             D. We use The Peabody Picture Vocabulary test with Filipino school children because we
                speak English.

22. When we say that “behavior sampling” of a test is adequate, we mean the following, EXCEPT:
          A. A test on computation in the four basic operations would be an adequate measure of
               overall math skills.
          B. If we want to test the students’ spelling skills, we give a representative number of words
               to spell.
          C. A test must have an adequate sampling of behavior to assist in decision-making process.
          D. There is an assumption that a test measures what its authors claim it measures.

23. The school psychologist and the special education teacher would likely recommend the use of the
    Vineland adaptive Behavior Scale in the diagnosis of___________________
            A. Emotional disorders in children
            B. ADHD
            C. Mental retardation
            D. Conduct disorder
24. Which of the following assessment results is generally the most useful when making decisions about
    what to teach and how to teach a student with mild mental retardation?
             A. Scores from standardized tests
             B. Intelligence tests
             C. teacher observations
             D. curriculum-based assessment

25. Three educators, in separate works, regrouped the subtests of WISC-R results to make interpretation
    useful for instruction. Which regrouping of WISC-R subtests are NOT correct?
             A. Spatial organization abilities, Picture Completion, Block Design, Object assembly
             B. Sequencing abilities: Digit Span, Coding, Arithmetic
             C. Conceptual abilities: General Block Design, Similarities, Vocabulary
             D. Freedom from distractibility: Arithmetic, Digit Span

26. Which Standardized test defines intelligence in terms of an individual’s style of solving problems and
    processing paradigm derived from both neuropsychological and cognitive theories?
            A. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children-Revised (WISC-R)
            B. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC)
            C. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
            D. Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT)

27. Some intelligence test items ask the student to find the one (item) that is different from all the others.
    What behavior is sampled by this test?
            A. Generalization
B. Discrimination
             C. Motor behavior
             D. General information
28. This involves intelligence test items that require students to answer specific factual questions.
             A. Generalization
             B. Discrimination
             C. Motor behavior
             D. General information
29. This involves intelligence test items that require examinees to demonstrate a pincer grasp in
    Picking up objects, build block towers, trace paths through a maze, reconstruct designs from memory,
    or copy geometric designs.
             A. Generalization
             B. Discrimination
             C. Motor behavior
             D. General information

30. This involves intelligence test items that that ask the student to identify which of several response
    options goes with the stimulus; the student may be asked to do simple matching or do classification
    with items that are either figural, symbolic, or semantic in content.
             A. Generalization
             B. Discrimination
             C. Motor behavior
             D. General information

31. This involves intelligence test items that that ask the student to name pictures or point to objects in
    responses to words read by the examiner; in some tests, the students required to produce oral
    definitions of words or select one of several words to match the definition.

             A.   General information
             B.   Vocabulary
             C.   induction
             D.   comprehension

32. In this type of test, the student is asked to note the progressive relationship among the items. The
    student must identify a response that continues the relationship.
             A. Induction
             B. Comprehension
             C. Sequencing
             D. Detail recognition

33. The Stanford –Bineth Intelligence Scale tests this ability by asking students to identify the absurdity
    inverbal statements and pictures.
             A. Abstract reasoning
             B. Pattern completion
             C. Analogies
             D. Induction

34. The Snellen Wall Chart is the most commonly used and also the least expensive. Which description is
    not true about this test?
             A. The chart evaluates only central visual acuity at a distance of 20 feet.
             B. The test can be used with preschool children and those who are unable to read.
             C. The test also screens visual-motor perception problems.
             D. The test provides limited information

35. Raw score earned by the student with special needs in a standardized test are not as important as
    knowing his/her relative standing compared to the normative sample or norm group. Thus, the test
    administrator s these raw scores into comparable units.What do you call these comparison score?
             A. Extrapolated scores
             B. Derived scores
             C. Mean scores
             D. Standard scores
36. Suppose the average performance of a ten year-old childrenin an intelligence test was 31 correct
    answers. Suppose further thart Rogelio, who was 14 years and 2 months old, answered 31 items
    correctly. The following are correct interpretations of the assessment result, EXCEPT:
             A. Rogelio answered as many questions as correctly as the average of 10 year-old children.
             B. Rogelio earned a mental average og 10 years.
             C. An age equivalent means that Rogelio’s raw score is the average/meadian or mean
                 performance for the age group.
             D. As a result of assessment, Rogelio could be placed class of 10-year-old students.
37. These are derived scores that indicate the percentage of people or scores that occur at or below a
    given raw score. What do you call this derived score?
            A. Percentage correct
            B. Developmental score
            C. Percentile rank
            D. Relative standing

38. “Using a technically adequate test for the wrong purpose is using the wrong test.” Which of the
    following malpractices in assessment does NOT apply to this quotation?
             A. Using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary test to measure global intelligence of a child with
                 learning disabilities.
             B. Using an achievement test that does not reflect the content of the cuerriculum.
             C. Administering a test designed for children with chronological ages of 3 to 8 to a child who
                 is 12 years old but who has a mental age og 5.
             D. Academic progress of children is decided by a technically good achievement test that
                 follows the general standard curriculum.

39. Only present behavior is observed on scores obtained from standardized tests of interests, abilities, and
    achievement. When using a technically adequate test, this assumption is _________
            A. True
            B. Sometimes true
            C. False
            D. Not sure; it depends on the type of test

40. Even when tests are properly administered and scored, testing can still go wrong in the interpretation
    of results. In interpreting the test performance, we shoud remember the following advice, EXCEPT:
             A. A good norm-referenced test can rank students only in terms of their current relative
                   performance of certain behaviors.
             B. A goo-criterion referenced test can show only what skills and knowledge a student has
             C. Teachers can observe mental retardation or giftedness using an intelligence test.
             D. Teachers cannot observe performance that are not tested or the reasons why a student
                   performed in a certain way.

41. This scoring system was developed in the early 1950s to measure the effect of various complications of
    labor and delivery on the heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, gag reflex, and body color of the
    new born infant.
             A. Neuroimaging
             B. Electroencephalogram
             C. Apgar score
             D. Asphyxia scoring system
42. A person was assessed to have a visual acuity of 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses. Which
    statement does NOT necessarily follow when referring to this assessment result?
             A. The person is blind according as defined by the American Medical Association.
             B. The individualreads at 20 feet what a normal vision reads at 200 feet.
             C. The individual has also a limited central field of vision with a diameterno greater than20
             D. With this visual acuity, the students are most likely to be placed in a special class.

43. The following questions must be answered before determining that a child has a learning disability,
             A. Does the child have auditory or visual acuity?
             B. Can the student be integrated in a regular class?
             C. Does the child have the level of intellectual ability needed to perform at the expected
             D. At what level is the child performing in reading, spelling, writing and math?

44. Applying a process analysis in spychoeducational evaluation, differences among students may be
    determined by comparing one’s student’s performance with that of other members of the population
    who are of the same age. What do you call this comparison?
            A. Intraindividual differences
            B. Interindividual differences
            C. Ultraindividual differences
            D. Standard score differences

45. Intraindividual dofferences are variations that exist within a single individual’s performance in a
    standardized test. The term intraindividual differences would mean the following, EXCEPT:
             A. Result shows the unique patterns of stregnth and weaknesses in the student’s personal
B. It is demonstrated by a student who processes the visual stimul subtest easily, but
                   experiences difficulty processing auditory stimuli.
                C. Profile provides certification tha a student deviates sufficiently from that of his peers, so
                   that inclusion in a special program is justified.
                D. Profile shows the academic areas that needed remediation.

    46. Why is prenatal diagnosis important?
                  A. The procedure ensures a healthy baby.
                  B. It can detect the presence of a specific disorder.
                  C. The procedure can predict if there is a serious medical problem.
                  D. It can provide reassurance that the fetus is unlikely to be affected.
    47. This assessment strategy is used for the purpose of providing a picture of the student’s presenting
        problems as perceived by the informant. The strategy uses a list of specific questions resented by an
        interviewer to elicit information from an informant.
                  A. Parent, teacher, and student rating scales
                  B. Interviews with paren, teacher, and student
                  C. Examination of student’s records
                  D. Medical evaluations
    48. This assessment strategy focuses in student performance and the outcomes of learning. It evaluates
        meaningful, real-wold tasks using multiple performance indicators such as work or writing samples,
        speeches, artwork, videotapes, etc.
                  A. Observation in natural settings
                  B. Examination of student records
                  C. Functional behavioral assessment
                  D. Portfolio assessment
    49. What standardized intelligence test was normed on different groups of white, Hispanic, African-
        American, Native American, and Asian-American children in addition to a population of individuals with
        disabilities? This test also minimizes a student’s verbal skills in reponding to test items.
                  A. Wechsler Intelligence scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R)
                  B. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC).
                  C. Stanford-Benit Intelligence Scales
                  D. Slosson Intelligence Test
    50. The following questions can be answered from the administration of criterion-referenced tests, EXCEPT:
                  A. Has the student mastered the required math skills?
                  B. Are the instructional materials effective in developing the target skills?
                  C. Which students have reading at grade level?
                  D. Which students have mastered a given skills?


        Mercedes P. Adorio, Ph. D. LET Primer and Reviewer on Special Education

Prepared by: Encarnacion T. Francisco
             Faculty, College of Education

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  • 1. TRINITY UNIVERSITY OF ASIA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION LET REVIEWER ON ASSESSMENT IN SPECIAL EDUCATION Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. This intelligence test was first developed in 1905 following the request by the Minister of Public Instruction in Paris, France, to devise a method of differentiating between normal children and those with mental retardation. This test is considered the grandfather of all intelligence tests. What is the name of this test? a. Wechsler Intelligence scales b. Standford-Binet Intelligence Scales c. Slosson Intelligence Test d. D. McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities 2. The bell-shaped curve does not mean this: a. Many human learning characteristics are distributed in a bell-shaped curve. b. Normal distribution of intelligence is illustrated by bell-shaped curve. c. There will always be persons with disability in a normal distribution, as there are gifted. d. The incidence of a disability, at one time, may influence the distribution of characteristics like intelligence, in the bell-shaped curve. 3. Sarah’s IQ based on Wechsler Intelligence scale for children is 84, which is between one and two standard deviations below the mean of 100. In 1973, the American Association of Mental Retardation moved to two standard deviations as the upper limit on IQ in defining mental retardation. Which statement best answer whether Sarah is qualified for special education service? a. Sarah will most likely have academic deficits. b. Sarah deserves to be in a special class. c. Sarah is a slow learner d. The regular teacher will not accept Sarah. 4. The following statements refer to norm-referenced measures EXCEPT: a. It is also referred to as interindividual assessment b. A mean or average score is determined from a large sample size. c. A student’s performance is described statistically by comparing hi/her with others of the same chronological age. d. An analysis of individual student’s score is made to determine strength and weaknesses. 5. One of the following statements does NOT refer to criterion-reference testing. What statement is this? a. It is also referred to as curriculum-based assessment. b. It uses standardized tests to make evaluation valid. c. An assessment of differences between performance areas is made. d. The average score is based on the individual student’s performance in several areas. 6. The Individualized Educational Program (IEP) is designed to meet the needs of the student with special need. What statement says IEP is otherwise? a. IEP is a curriculum for the child with special needs b. IEP promotes better communication between the school and parents. c. IEP indicates the amount of time in the regular class. d. IEP indicates the beginning and ending dates in special education. 7. Which description does NOT explain correctly what standard deviation means? a. A measure of the amount that an individual score differs from the average. b. Percentage of difference between the average score of a group of people and how the individual performed in comparison with that average. c. the measure of how different the scores are from one another d. a statistic that is constant, regardless of standardized tests used e. 8. The American association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) recommends using IQ levels below 70 on the Wechsler Intelligence scale for Children-Revised a the criterion for “significantly sub average general intellectual functioning.” An IQ of 70 is 2 standard deviations below the average or mean What does the mean when defining mental retardation? a. A child with an IQ of 80, who is academically failing in class, does not meet the criterion of mental retardation. b. In a group of 100 students that is normally distributed, approximately 2 students score above this level. c. The IQ score of 70 or below is the major criterion for mental retardation. d. At the opposite extreme, an IQ that falls at 2 standard deviation above the mean would be that of the gifted.
  • 2. 9. The American association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) divides the intelligence Quotient (IQ) based on the WISC-R into 4 levels of retardation. The standard deviations and range of IQs for successive levels of mental retardation are as follows: Standard IQ Levels Percentage Educability Severity of Deviation Expectation condition -2.01 to – 3.00 65 -55 2.3 Educable Mild -3.01 to - 4.00 54 - 40 0.1 Trainable Moderate -4. 01 to -5.00 35 - 20 Custodial Severe Below – 5.00 Below 25 Custodial Profound Look at the table above. Which statement below is not implied from the table? A. A child who obtains a Percentile Rank of 2.3 means than that about 98% of the students obtains higher scores than this child. B. If the average IQ is between 90 to 110, the student who falls below this range is already called a “person with mental retardation.” C. There are actually very few students whose mental retardation would require separate special education programs. D. Students who obtain an IQ of 69 and above but below the average IQ may need special education on part-time basis. 10. In the above table, which statement is NOT implied? A. It is estimated that 1 to 3% of the total population has mental retardation. B. Those with mild retardation bigger percentage of the population with mental disability. C. Individual with moderate, severe and profound retardation constitute a much smaller percentage of the general population. D. Regardless of the severity of retardation, even those with profound retardation on can profit from special education classes. 11. The following are the purposes of case-finding, EXCEPT: A. to make initial contact with target population B. to increase public awareness of services C. to determine treatment and program placement D. to locate children in the community in need of services 12. Which of the following reasons about the importance of assessment is NOT correct? A. Discrepancies in learning are usually measured from a standard measure. B. Results of assessment that suggest that extra or specialized intervention is necessary. C. Assessment results represent the bases of which we make referrals. D. Instruction cannot be started without an assessment. 13. One of the following objectives is NOT necessary in screening or sorting out children needing further study. A. to identify those children needing special services B. to review a large number of children for a particular disability C. to identify children with moderate to severe disabilities D. to identify children who need further diagnoses 14. Which of this information is NOT necessary in case-finding? A. Source of referral B. Child’s name, date of birth, name of parent(s) or guardian C. Address telephone D. School history 15. We seek first a diagnosis of physical functioning: A. To involve medical personnel in the interdisciplinary assessment team B. To rule out specific organic impairments C. To abstain pertinent antecedent data D. To gather an in-depth history of the child 16. Which of the following descriptions is functional and instructionally useful? A. The student receives resource room service because he has a reading disability. B. The student has a learning disability, particularly in reading comprehension and vocabulary. C. The student is a Third-Grade student with a reading vocabulary of a preschooler. D. The student has difficulty with reading books for the grade level. 17. Prior to referral, the regular classroom teacher may be expected to do the following EXCEPT: A. Use informal assessment methods to monitor daily progress B. Apply curriculum-based assessment C. Use observation to monitor behaviors D. Identify diagnosis of specific disability
  • 3. 18. Three of the following questions are usually asked by a special education assessment team about a child suspected of having learning disability and referred for special education services by regular classroom teachers. Which question is irrelevant? A. Is there a large discrepancy between ability and achievement? B. Are sensory, physical and mental disabilities ruled out? C. Is performance fleeting or consistent? Does the student have average or above- average intelligence? 19. Curriculum-based assessment believes in the following practices, EXCEPT: A. Assessment of students in terms of their acquisition and knowledge included in the school curriculum B. Concern with students’ progress in the curriculum C. Concern with the degree to which students differ from the normative score of all children in physical attributes or learning characteristics D. Curriculum-based assessment that helps teacher identifies “who can be taught in what way.” 20. Assumption must be met for assessment to be valid. These assessment are the following, EXCEPT: A. The test administrator is skilled. B. Errors would have been prevented. C. Acculturation is comparable. D. Behavior sampling is adequate 21. In assessment, when we say that “acculturation is comparable,” we mean that: A. Students test have identical characteristics with those whom the test was standardized. B. Students have similar experiential background with those students in the normative sample. C. The student assessed has the same ethnic background as the students in the normative sample. D. We use The Peabody Picture Vocabulary test with Filipino school children because we speak English. 22. When we say that “behavior sampling” of a test is adequate, we mean the following, EXCEPT: A. A test on computation in the four basic operations would be an adequate measure of overall math skills. B. If we want to test the students’ spelling skills, we give a representative number of words to spell. C. A test must have an adequate sampling of behavior to assist in decision-making process. D. There is an assumption that a test measures what its authors claim it measures. 23. The school psychologist and the special education teacher would likely recommend the use of the Vineland adaptive Behavior Scale in the diagnosis of___________________ A. Emotional disorders in children B. ADHD C. Mental retardation D. Conduct disorder E. 24. Which of the following assessment results is generally the most useful when making decisions about what to teach and how to teach a student with mild mental retardation? A. Scores from standardized tests B. Intelligence tests C. teacher observations D. curriculum-based assessment 25. Three educators, in separate works, regrouped the subtests of WISC-R results to make interpretation useful for instruction. Which regrouping of WISC-R subtests are NOT correct? A. Spatial organization abilities, Picture Completion, Block Design, Object assembly B. Sequencing abilities: Digit Span, Coding, Arithmetic C. Conceptual abilities: General Block Design, Similarities, Vocabulary D. Freedom from distractibility: Arithmetic, Digit Span 26. Which Standardized test defines intelligence in terms of an individual’s style of solving problems and processing paradigm derived from both neuropsychological and cognitive theories? A. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children-Revised (WISC-R) B. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) C. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale D. Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) 27. Some intelligence test items ask the student to find the one (item) that is different from all the others. What behavior is sampled by this test? A. Generalization
  • 4. B. Discrimination C. Motor behavior D. General information E. 28. This involves intelligence test items that require students to answer specific factual questions. A. Generalization B. Discrimination C. Motor behavior D. General information 29. This involves intelligence test items that require examinees to demonstrate a pincer grasp in Picking up objects, build block towers, trace paths through a maze, reconstruct designs from memory, or copy geometric designs. A. Generalization B. Discrimination C. Motor behavior D. General information 30. This involves intelligence test items that that ask the student to identify which of several response options goes with the stimulus; the student may be asked to do simple matching or do classification with items that are either figural, symbolic, or semantic in content. A. Generalization B. Discrimination C. Motor behavior D. General information 31. This involves intelligence test items that that ask the student to name pictures or point to objects in responses to words read by the examiner; in some tests, the students required to produce oral definitions of words or select one of several words to match the definition. A. General information B. Vocabulary C. induction D. comprehension 32. In this type of test, the student is asked to note the progressive relationship among the items. The student must identify a response that continues the relationship. A. Induction B. Comprehension C. Sequencing D. Detail recognition 33. The Stanford –Bineth Intelligence Scale tests this ability by asking students to identify the absurdity inverbal statements and pictures. A. Abstract reasoning B. Pattern completion C. Analogies D. Induction 34. The Snellen Wall Chart is the most commonly used and also the least expensive. Which description is not true about this test? A. The chart evaluates only central visual acuity at a distance of 20 feet. B. The test can be used with preschool children and those who are unable to read. C. The test also screens visual-motor perception problems. D. The test provides limited information 35. Raw score earned by the student with special needs in a standardized test are not as important as knowing his/her relative standing compared to the normative sample or norm group. Thus, the test administrator s these raw scores into comparable units.What do you call these comparison score? A. Extrapolated scores B. Derived scores C. Mean scores D. Standard scores 36. Suppose the average performance of a ten year-old childrenin an intelligence test was 31 correct answers. Suppose further thart Rogelio, who was 14 years and 2 months old, answered 31 items correctly. The following are correct interpretations of the assessment result, EXCEPT: A. Rogelio answered as many questions as correctly as the average of 10 year-old children. B. Rogelio earned a mental average og 10 years. C. An age equivalent means that Rogelio’s raw score is the average/meadian or mean performance for the age group. D. As a result of assessment, Rogelio could be placed class of 10-year-old students.
  • 5. 37. These are derived scores that indicate the percentage of people or scores that occur at or below a given raw score. What do you call this derived score? A. Percentage correct B. Developmental score C. Percentile rank D. Relative standing 38. “Using a technically adequate test for the wrong purpose is using the wrong test.” Which of the following malpractices in assessment does NOT apply to this quotation? A. Using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary test to measure global intelligence of a child with learning disabilities. B. Using an achievement test that does not reflect the content of the cuerriculum. C. Administering a test designed for children with chronological ages of 3 to 8 to a child who is 12 years old but who has a mental age og 5. D. Academic progress of children is decided by a technically good achievement test that follows the general standard curriculum. 39. Only present behavior is observed on scores obtained from standardized tests of interests, abilities, and achievement. When using a technically adequate test, this assumption is _________ A. True B. Sometimes true C. False D. Not sure; it depends on the type of test 40. Even when tests are properly administered and scored, testing can still go wrong in the interpretation of results. In interpreting the test performance, we shoud remember the following advice, EXCEPT: A. A good norm-referenced test can rank students only in terms of their current relative performance of certain behaviors. B. A goo-criterion referenced test can show only what skills and knowledge a student has acquired. C. Teachers can observe mental retardation or giftedness using an intelligence test. D. Teachers cannot observe performance that are not tested or the reasons why a student performed in a certain way. 41. This scoring system was developed in the early 1950s to measure the effect of various complications of labor and delivery on the heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, gag reflex, and body color of the new born infant. A. Neuroimaging B. Electroencephalogram C. Apgar score D. Asphyxia scoring system 42. A person was assessed to have a visual acuity of 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses. Which statement does NOT necessarily follow when referring to this assessment result? A. The person is blind according as defined by the American Medical Association. B. The individualreads at 20 feet what a normal vision reads at 200 feet. C. The individual has also a limited central field of vision with a diameterno greater than20 degrees. D. With this visual acuity, the students are most likely to be placed in a special class. 43. The following questions must be answered before determining that a child has a learning disability, EXCEPT: A. Does the child have auditory or visual acuity? B. Can the student be integrated in a regular class? C. Does the child have the level of intellectual ability needed to perform at the expected leve? D. At what level is the child performing in reading, spelling, writing and math? 44. Applying a process analysis in spychoeducational evaluation, differences among students may be determined by comparing one’s student’s performance with that of other members of the population who are of the same age. What do you call this comparison? A. Intraindividual differences B. Interindividual differences C. Ultraindividual differences D. Standard score differences 45. Intraindividual dofferences are variations that exist within a single individual’s performance in a standardized test. The term intraindividual differences would mean the following, EXCEPT: A. Result shows the unique patterns of stregnth and weaknesses in the student’s personal performance.
  • 6. B. It is demonstrated by a student who processes the visual stimul subtest easily, but experiences difficulty processing auditory stimuli. C. Profile provides certification tha a student deviates sufficiently from that of his peers, so that inclusion in a special program is justified. D. Profile shows the academic areas that needed remediation. 46. Why is prenatal diagnosis important? A. The procedure ensures a healthy baby. B. It can detect the presence of a specific disorder. C. The procedure can predict if there is a serious medical problem. D. It can provide reassurance that the fetus is unlikely to be affected. 47. This assessment strategy is used for the purpose of providing a picture of the student’s presenting problems as perceived by the informant. The strategy uses a list of specific questions resented by an interviewer to elicit information from an informant. A. Parent, teacher, and student rating scales B. Interviews with paren, teacher, and student C. Examination of student’s records D. Medical evaluations 48. This assessment strategy focuses in student performance and the outcomes of learning. It evaluates meaningful, real-wold tasks using multiple performance indicators such as work or writing samples, speeches, artwork, videotapes, etc. A. Observation in natural settings B. Examination of student records C. Functional behavioral assessment D. Portfolio assessment 49. What standardized intelligence test was normed on different groups of white, Hispanic, African- American, Native American, and Asian-American children in addition to a population of individuals with disabilities? This test also minimizes a student’s verbal skills in reponding to test items. A. Wechsler Intelligence scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) B. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC). C. Stanford-Benit Intelligence Scales D. Slosson Intelligence Test 50. The following questions can be answered from the administration of criterion-referenced tests, EXCEPT: A. Has the student mastered the required math skills? B. Are the instructional materials effective in developing the target skills? C. Which students have reading at grade level? D. Which students have mastered a given skills? Reference: Mercedes P. Adorio, Ph. D. LET Primer and Reviewer on Special Education Prepared by: Encarnacion T. Francisco Faculty, College of Education