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LET Professional Education12
1. Whichguideline must be observed in the use of prompting to
shape the correct performance of your students?
A. Use the least intrusive prompt first.
B. Use all prompts available.
C. Use the most intrusive prompt first.
D. Refrainfrom using prompts.
2. At the highschool level, Kohlberg's advice to teachers is for them
to begindiscussing with students about abstract principles such as
justice and humanrights. On the average, inwhich moral
development stage are highschool students supposed to be?
A. post conventional stage
B. conventional stage
C. inbetween conventional and post conventional stage
D. this depends on the school culture
3. Student M obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates
that _____.
A. he surpassedin performance 80% of her fellowexaminees
B. he got a score of 80
C. he surpassedinperformance 20% of her fellowexaminees
D. he answered80 items correctly
4. The following functions are done by the brain’s right hemisphere
A. Nonverbal functions
B. Intuitive functions
C. Detail- orientedfunction
D. Visual function
5. Whichstatement on test result interpretation is CORRECT?
A. A raw score by itself is meaningful.
B. A student’s score is a final indicationof his ability.
C. The use of statistical technique gives meaning topupil’s score.
D. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness.
6. On whose teaching is the performance of rituals or ceremonies in
schools rooted?
A. Lao tzu's
B. Buddha's
C. Confucius's
D. Mohammed's
7. Whichtype of report refers toon-the-spot description of some
incident, episode or occurrence that is being observed andrecorded
as being of possible significance?
A. Autobiographical report
B. Biographical report
C. Value andinterest report
D. Anecdotal report
8. To encourage introspection, which is most appropriate?
A. process
B. cognitive
C. reflective
D. cooperative learning
9. Withthe passage of R.A. 9155, the school head is givenmore
power and authority over his school. That power is for the school
head to _____.
A. transform his school into a high-performing one
B. make his student facultyfeel his authority over them
C. set aside standardhiring procedures in order to get those whom
he believes are most capable
D. introduce changes as fast as he can
10. The theory where in associationbetween a conditioned stimulus
a response is strengthened by repeated presentationwith the
unconditional stimulus.
A. Connectionism theory
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Operant conditioning
D. Social Learning theory
11. Gardner (1999) states: "There are manygreat teachers - but the
lackof coordination among classes andthe absence of accountability
to those 'outside the door' is lamentable." What does Gardner's
statement imply?
A. need for mentors
B. need for coaches
C. need for cooperation
D. need for collaboration
12. Studies inthe area of neurosciences disclosed that the human
brain has limitless capacity. What does this imply?
A. Pupils can possiblyreach a point where they have learned
B. Every child is a potential genius.
C. Some pupils are admittedlynot capable of learning.
D. Every pupil has his own native abilityand his learning is limitedto
this native ability.
13. All learning shouldcenter on the child's interests and needs. The
school should be a pleasant place for learning. Its emphasis is onthe
child as the learner and not on subject matter, on activities and
experience than on textbook. Which philosophy is described?
A. progressivism
B. reconstructionism
C. perennialism
D. pragmantism
14. What does a Table of Specificationestablish?
A. construct validity
B. content relatedvalidityand criterion reference
C. content validityand construct validity
D. content validityand content related validity
15. Marking on a normative basis means that _____.
A. the normal curve of distribution should be followed
B. some students must fail
C. fewer students must get high marks
D. grades show how a student achieves relative to other students
16. After reading and paraphrasing R. Frost's Stopping by the Woods
on a Snowy Evening, Teacher M askedthe class toshare any insight
derived from this poem. On which assumptionabout the learner is
Teacher M's act of asking the class to share their insight based?
A. Learners are producers of knowledge, not only passive recipients
of information.
B. Learners are meant to interact with one another.
C. Learners are like empty receptacles waiting tobe filledup.
D. Learners have multiple intelligence andvariedlearning styles.
17. According to Erickson, what years are critical for the development
of self-confidence?
A. high school years
B. elementar school years
C. preschool years
D. college years
18. Stage in cognitive development was children begin to learn
symbols system andconcepts, acquire concepts and learn to addand
A. Formal OperationStage
B. Pre-operation Stage
C. Concrete Operation Stage
D. Sensory Motor Stage
19. Teacher B engages her students with informationfor thorough
understanding for meaning and for competent application. Which
principle governs Teacher B’s practice?
A. Constructivist
B. Gestalt
C. Behaviorist
D. Cognitivist
20. It is an act to strengthen the regulationand supervisionof the
practice of teaching in the Philippines andprescribing a Licensure
Examinationfor Teachers.
A. RA 7836
B. RA 9293
C. RA 7722
D. RA 9155
21. In their desire tomake schools perform, the DepEd then
published the ranking of schools in NAT results nationwide. As an
effect of this practice, what did schools tend to do?
I. Taught at the expense of NAT
II. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching
III. Practiced the so-calledteaching tothe test
A. II and III
B. II only
C. I and III
D. III only
22. Whichof the following is most likelyto be a characteristic of the
teacher who is a good implementer of the curriculum?
A. Teacher sticks to standardset by the subject content.
B. Teacher emphasizes pupil discussionon varied topics.
C. Teaching controls classroom activities andinteraction.
D. Teaching provides differentiatedactivities for the students.
23. How canyou make students intrinsicallymotivatedto work?
A. Give them tasks that are too easy.
B. Help them in everything that they do.
C. Give varied, novel, and complex tasks.
D. Tell them that their taskis too difficult, therefore they should to
their best.
24. To give everyone ina big class a chance to participate, which one
should you employ?
A. simulation
B. class game
C. panel discussion
D. small groupdiscussion
25. Whichtype of parenting style is most beneficial tothe
development of children, according to research?
A. authoritarian
B. permissive
C. authoritative
D. uninvolved
26. Askto do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw
ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Is it possible
to motivate this type of student?
A. Yes, he can do something withhis ability.
B. Yes, he canchange the nature of the job.
C. No, it is impossible tomotivate a student who himself is not
D. No, motivationis totallydependent on the student. No person
outside him caninfluence him.
27. Whichpractice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction?
A. employ a reactive approach to discipline
B. maximize discipline time
C. avoid classroom routine
D. minimize discipline time
28. In a Muslim area, what will a teacher refrainfrom doing as she
teaches how to cook adobo to her class?
A. exclude pork from the adobo lesson
B. leadthe class ina prayer before meals
C. exempt the Muslim childrenfrom the adobo lesson
D. differentiate the taskof the boys from the girls
29. Rubrics are used for rating performance and scoring guides to
describr the _____ qualities of student outcomes.
A. tested
B. accomplished
C. distinguished
D. desired
30. The facilityindex of a test item is .50. This means that the test
item is _____.
A. valid
B. moderate in difficulty
C. very easy
D. reliable
31. In a social studies class, Teacher P presents a morallyambiguous
situationand asks students what they would do. On whose theory is
Teacher P's technique based?
A. Bruner
B. Piaget
C. Kohlberg
D. Bandura
32. Test norms are establishedsothat they have basis for _____.
A. computing grades
B. establishing learning goals
C. identifying pupil’s
D. interpreting test results
33. Whichis a graphic representation of numerical data?
A. histogram
B. attribute wheel
C. Venn diagram
D. spider map
34. A parent regarding the grades of his son confronted you. If you
are the teacher, what will be the best thing for you to do?
A. Send them to the principal,
B. Show all the records of the child.
C. Compare the results of the childto other students.
D. Tell the parents that your computation is correct and final.
35. Whichare the desiredoutcomes of a CFSS?
I. Children who are healthy, free from exploitation, and violence
II. Children who are aware of their rights and have opportunities to
realize them
III. Children who are able to protect themselves anddevelop their full
A. I only
B. III only
C. I, II, and III
D. II and III
36. Teacher C teaches elementaryina rural communitynot reached
by the electricityyet, but she has some tapes which can be useful to
teach the topics on weather. What practical audio-visual material
should she use instead?
A. pictures
B. powerpoint presentation
C. films
D. transparencies
37. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive
to iconic andsymbolic stages. Applying Bruner's how should you
A. Begin with the concrete.
B. Beginwith the abstract.
C. Be interactive in approach.
D. Do direct instruction.
38. If the student is encouraged to develop himself tothe fullest,
which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs should be satisfied?
A. safelyneeds
B. Physiological needs
C. Belongingness
D. Self- actualization
39. What characterizes the formative developmental nature of PAST?
A. non-supportive
B. innovative
C. rewarding
D. self-directed
40. Whichof the following could produce more than one value?
A. mean
B. mode
C. median
D. meanof grouped data
41. Here are raw scores ina quiz: 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2,
1. What would be the median?
A. 75
B. 52.72
C. 76
D. 77
42. Teacher B requested an older, brighter, and more cooperative
member in a group to teach the other members. What is her
rationale inemploying this methodology?
A. The tutor is better equipped and close to the rest.
B. They know one another, learning is faster.
C. The tutor is older and con commandthem to understand.
D. The members can relyon a brighter tutor.
43. The adoption of a national language bythe 1987 Constitution is
designedprimarilyto ______.
A. do away with colonial mentality
B. officiallyadopt Tagalog as a national language
C. facilitate communicationamong diverse linguistic groups
D. counteract elitism
44. Whichdevelopmental principle is not true?
A. Children's development is a function of environment and heredity.
B. Children develop at different rates.
C. Children develop in a predictable manner.
D. Children develop skills andabilities inanunpredictable manner.
45. What teaching method can best be taught by the use of
A. role playing
B. debate
C. panel discussion
D. individualizedinstruction
46. As a community leader, whicb one may a teacher not do?
A. solicits donation from philanthropists inthe community
B. plays an active part inthe activities of the community
C. support effort of the communityto improve their status in life
D. makes herself aloof toensure that her decisions will not be
influenced by communitypolitics
47. Assuming that the following are possible, which activitywill be
most appropriate if the teacher wants to have a first-handknowledge
of a marine community?
A. educational trip
B. viewing exhibits
C. film viewing
D. still pictures
48. In preparing instructional materials, what is the primaryfactor to
be considered?
A. the objectives of the lesson
B. the diversityof the learners
C. the methods and techniques
D. the technology available inthe classroom
49. What is the implicationof using a method that focuses on the
why rather than the how?
A. There is best method
B. Typical one will be good for any subject
C. These methods should be standardizedfor different subjects.
D. Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving.
50. If you decide to develop a lessonthe constructivist's way, what
kind of learning environment must you create for you to succeed?
A. open andflexible
B. structured
C. authoritarian
D. laissez faire
51. A young boy exhibits fear response to freelyroaming dogs but
does not show fear when a dog is on a leashor confined to a pen.
Which conditioning process is illustrated?
A. discrimination
B. extinction
C. generalization
D. acquisition
52. Whichof the following measures is more affectedby anextreme
A. Semi-interquartile range
B. Median
C. mode
D. Mean
53. What does Gagne's hierarchical theorypropose for effective
A. Sequence instruction.
B. Reward good behavior.
C. Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate inthe classroom.
D. Teachbeginning with the concrete.
54. The use of mother tongue-based multi-lingual education(MTB-
MLE) in the curriculum of basic education means that learners _____.
A. continue to use the local dialect all throughout schooling
B. shifts onlyto the second language after the masteryof the first
C. are not allowed to learnthe second or the third language
D. should immediatelymaster the secondlanguage
55. Whichof the following statements onclassroom climates canbe
considered true?
I. Classroom climate is affectedbythe type of leadershipexhibited by
a teacher.
II. Classroom climate is not affectedby the type of leadership
exhibited by a teacher.
III. Democratic leadershipproduces more taskorientation and more
sociallyacceptable behavior than does autocratic leadership.
IV. When environmental conditions are appropriate for learning, the
likelihood of disruptive behavior is minimized.
A. II and III
B. I, III, and IV
C. III only
D. I only
56. The difficultyindex of a test item is 1.0. This means that the test is
A. a quality item
B. very difficult
C. very easy
D. missedbyeverybody
57. The learner can choose what he canbecome despite his
environment. You deny the concept of _____.
A. existentialism
B. progressivism
C. behaviorism
D. cognitivism
58. Whicheducational issue canbe clarifiedby understanding
Maslow's Needs Theory?
A. sex education issues inschool
B. delinquency in the public schools
C. the effects of different classroom structures
D. the effect of poverty on academic achievement
59. Teachers often complainof numerous non-teaching assignments
that adversely, affect their teaching. Does this meanthat teachers
must be preoccupied only with teaching?
A. Yes, if they are givenother assignments, justice demands that
they be properly compensated.
B. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to
leading communityactivities.
C. NO, because every teacher is expected to provide leadershipand
initiative inactivities for betterment of communities
D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.
60. The result of the item analysis showedthat item no. 4 has a
discriminationindex of 0.67. What characteristic couldbe true about
this item?
A. Difficult
B. Valid
C. Easy
D. Average
61. Teacher R asserts that he needs to make his students get
interestedin the subject whether they like it or not. This is more the
thinking of a/an _____.
A. reconstructionist
B. essentialist
C. perennialist
D. behaviorist
62. Devices can make a lecture more understandable and
meaningful. What is the most important thing a teacher should
consider in the selectionand utilizationof instructional materials?
A. Objectives of the lesson
B. Availabilityof instructional materials
C. Attractiveness of instructional materials
D. Degree of interest on the part of the students
63. When you use the overhead projector (OHP) for topic
presentation, point tothe _____.
A. OHP slide
B. projection wall
C. OHP screen
D. OHP light
64. Whichof the following materials does not belong to the group?
A. LCD projector
B. laptop
C. opaque projector
D. realia
65. Audio-visual aids are used primarily_____.
A. to discipline children by focusing their attentionto the lesson
B. as a motivational tool for learning
C. to reward children for outstanding achievement
D. as part of a planned lesson
66. The discriminationindex of a test item is +0.48. What does this
A. An equal number from the lower and upper group got the item
B. More from the upper group got the item wrongly.
C. More from the lower group got the item correctly.
D. More from the upper group got the item correctly.
67. The use of drills inthe classroom is rooted on Thorndike’s lawof
A. belongingness
B. readiness
C. exercise
D. effect
68. How mayeducation and guidance support and complement each
other to the learner’s advantage?
A. Designating teachers to guidance position
B. Assigning guidance responsibilities toteachers
C. Consulting students in guidance program planning
D. Integrating guidance and counseling indaily lessons
69. Professor B once said: "We talkof developing critical thinking
among our students, but when they disagree withus, we get
offended." To which Filipinotrait does this point?
A. inquisitiveness of the FilipinoYouth
B. the lackof seriousness among Filipinos
C. extreme authoritarianism
D. lackof subjectivity
70. Whichmethod has been proven to be effective incourses that
stress acquisitionof knowledge?
A. Socratic method
B. Cooperative learning
C. Masterylearning
D. Indirect instruction
71. It is an approach that makes students "think about their thinking".
Students get conscious of their thought processes while they are
engagedin their cognitive tasks.
A. cognitive
B. constructivist
C. metacognitive
D. reflectivist
72. In what developmental stage is the pre-school child?
A. infancy
B. babyhood
C. earlychildhood
D. late childhood
73. Whichof the illustrative verbs instating objectives does not
belong to the group?
A. define
B. cite
C. realize
D. explain
74. Like a TV, the computer has a _____.
A. disk drive
B. keyboard
C. screen
75. As provided for in Article II, Sec. 17 of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution, "to foster patriotism, accelerate social progress, and
promote total human liberation, the state shall give priority" to the
following except for _____.
A. education
B. science and technology
C. arts, culture, and sports
D. value formation
76. Nita doesn't enjoy writing but can't escape from it. She has to
finishit in order to graduate. Greta has always liked to write. She
reallylikes to become a writer because she wants to be a journalist
someday. Who is more likelyto be more focused on the writing
activityand why?
A. Greta, because she is intrinsicallymotivated.
B. Nita because she is extrinsicallymotivated.
C. Both, because they are both motivatedanyway.
D. It cannot be determined. Motivationfluctuates.
77. Whichone should teacher B use if he wants to teach to pupils the
relationshipamong details?
A. Journal entries
B. Story frame
C. Graphic organizers
D. Learning log
78. Whichdomain inthe National Competency-Based Teacher
Standard (NCBTS) upholds gender sensitivity?
A. Social Regardfor Learning
B. Learning Environment
C. Diversityof Learners
D. CommunityLinkages
79. Teacher Y does norm-referenced interpretation of scores. Which
of the following does she do?
A. She describes group performance in relationto a level of mastery
B. She uses a specifiedcontent as its frame of reference.
C. She compares every individual students' scores with others'
D. She describes what should be their performance.
80. You want to present the characteristic features o a constructivist
approach. Which of the following should you use?
A. attribute wheel
B. fishbone diagram
C. venn diagram
D. narrative frame
81. Teacher B wanted her students to learnthe electoral process in
action. So, they stimulate a copy of the real thing completedwith
coming up with their own qualificationof candidates, manner of
campaigning, andcanvassing of votes. With this, the students learned
from _____.
A. contrived experiences
B. direct experiences
C. purposeful experience
D. demonstration
82. Whichillustrates the principle that rights and duties are
I. The right to educationon the part of a child corresponds to the
obligationon the part of parents to educate their children.
II. The right tospeak carries with it a duty to speakonly what is true.
III. The right to a good name demands a duty from every person not
to destroy that name.
A. I only
B. II and III
C. II only
D. I and II
83. What is an applicationof B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning
A. use of ICT in the classroom
B. constructivist teaching
C. computer-basedself instruction
D. actionresearch
84. When a failing student comes to you for help andasks you for
extra work so he canpass, what is ethical for you to do?
A. Findout why he is delinquent and extend the needed assistance in
solving his difficulties.
B. Make the extra work that he is asking extremelydifficult for him
to learna lesson.
C. Give him the extra work he is asking then if he passes quality
work, give him a passing mark.
D. Give aneasy extra work sohe can reallybe helped to pass.
85. When teachers are convinced that it is best to teach students the
skill to adapt to change since change is the only thing permanent in
this world, they subscribe to the philosophy of _____.
A. realism
B. existentialism
C. pragmatism
D. idealism
86. From the existentialist point of view, schools exist for children to
A. develop their cognitive and metacognitive powers to the fullest
B. know themselves andtheir place insociety
C. re-engineer society
D. acquire productive skills
87. In a multiple choice test item withfour options and out of 50
examinees, which was the most effective distracter?
A. the correct answer that was chosen by 6 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
D. the option that was chosen by 12 examinees
88. Whichrefers to the trait of practicing conflicting values in
different venues and with different social groups?
A. procastination
B. "kanya-kanya" mentality
C. crab mentality
D. split personality
89. In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made todrink an
alcoholic beverage and then made to ingest a drug that produces
nausea. Eventually, he was nauseatedat the sight and smell of
alcohol andstopped drinking alcohol. Whichtheory explains this?
A. Operant conditioning
B. Social Learning Theory
C. Associative Learning
D. AttributionTheory
90. When the schools take the responsibilities for developing high
qualityperformance, teachers develop a/an _____ ethic and
standards of practice.
A. responsibility
B. accountability
C. assessment
D. work
91. What should you do if a parent who is concerned about a grade
his child received compared toanother student’s grade, demands to
see both students’ grades?
A. Refuse toshow either record.
B. Show both records to him.
C. Refuse to show any record without expressing permissionfrom
D. Show only his child's records.
92. The State sees to it that the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels is protected and promoted. This statement
A. Philippine education grants university status to qualifiedcolleges.
B. Philippine education strives to be of high quality.
C. Philippine education recognizes the complementaryroles of public
and private educational institutions.
D. Philippine education is financedby public and private funds
93. In which philosophy is moral education emphasized?
A. Confucianism
B. Taoism
C. Shintoism
D. Hinduism
94. Student B was asked toreport to the Guidance Office. Student B
and his classmates at once remarked: "What's wrong?" What does
this imply?
A. Reporting to a Guidance Office is oftenassociatedwith
B. Student B is a "problem" student.
C. Guidance counselors are perceived tobe "almightyand
D. The parents of Student B must be of the delinquent type.
95. A Grade I pupil likes to playwith his friends, but gets angrywhen
defeated. Piaget’s theory states that this pupil is under what
developmental stage?
A. Concrete operation
B. Formal operation
C. Sensorimotor
D. Pre-operation
96. The collgeial process of developing ad evaluating performance
assessments helpteachers tounderstand the _____ needed to
produce highquality performance.
A. tests
B. information
C. materials
D. scaffolding
97. To teachstudents to explore, which should you use?
A. problem solving
B. project
C. discovery
D. reflection
98. Whichwas perceived to be contrary to the democratizedaccess
to education?
A. the granting of scholarships to a selected few
B. the "Study-Now-Pay-Later" plan
C. the giving of the National College Entrance Examination(NCEE)
D. the impositionon moratorium on pro-poor courses
99. Whichmust go with self-assessment for it tobe effective?
A. external monitor
B. consensus of evaluationresults from teacher and student
C. scoring rubric
D. public display of results of self-evaluation
100. Educational objectives are arrangedfrom simple tocomplex.
Why is this?
A. Eachlevel is built upon and assumes acquisitionof skills from the
previous level.
B. Objectives are broad andvalue-ladenstatements that leadto the
philosophy of education.
C. Be idealistic andambitious tobeginwith grandiose scheme for
using taxonomy in all levels.
D. These are guidelines to be taught and learnedwhere teachers and
students evaluate learning.
101. Central to the designapproach inUnderstanding by Design
(UBD) is the need to _____ that evoke in-depthunderstanding.
A. focus on alternative methods of assessing
B. use alternative methods of teaching
C. goagainst traditional testing
D. designlessons andassessment
102. If the difficultyindex of your test item is 0.98, what should you
do with this item?
A. Revise it.
B. Reject it.
C. Retainit.
D. Reserve it for another group of pupils.
103. Teachers use a lot of problem and thinking skills inteaching and
learning. These are exemplifiedthrough the following practices:
reflective thinking, intuitive thinking, and discovery learning. What is
the basis of these practices?
A. cognitive psychology
B. behaviorist psychology
C. humanistic psychology
D. social psychology
104. Whichone should teacher AVOIDto produce an environment
conducive for learning?
A. Tests
B. Seat plan
C. Individual competition
D. Games
105. An entering student in college would like to determine which
vocation is best suitedfor him. Whichof the following tests is most
appropriate for his purpose?
A. intelligence test
B. readiness test
C. achievement test
D. aptitude test
106. There are several reasons why problem-solving is taught in
Math. Whichis the LEAST important?
A. It is the maingoal for the study of Math
B. It provides the content inwhich concepts and skills are learned
and applied
C. It provides an opportunity to develop critical and analytical
D. It provides pupils anopportunity to relate Math in the real world
107. Piagetiantasks state that thinking becomes more logical and
abstract as children reach the formal operations stage. What is an
educational implicationof this finding?
A. Expect hypothetical reasoning from learners between 12 to 15
years of age.
B. Engage childrenin analogical reasoning as earlyas preschool to
trainthem for HOTS.
C. Learners who are not capable of logical reasoning from ages 8 to
11 lag behind intheir cognitive development.
D. Let children be children.
108. Knowledge of procedure in writing a report is an example of a
_____ rubric.
A. specific
B. generic
C. standard
D. performance
109. What do the school campus expressions "promdi" and
"barriotic" indicate?
A. the powerlessness of the poor
B. low literacyrate of the country
C. the power of the rich
D. the prevalence of ethnocentrism
110. Whichof the following statements is/are not true about
I. Feedbackis the most importannt factor in assessment.
II. Onlythose that can be objectively measuredshould be taught.
III. Assessment shouldfollow a developmental pattern.
IV. Identifying systematic errors committedby students should be the
basis of remedial instruction.
A. II only
B. IV only
C. III and IV
D. I and II
111. In constructing test items the teacher considers the alignment of
_____ with assessment.
A. content andprocess
B. monitoring and evaluation
C. instructional objectives
D. instructional materials
112. The basic policy of the Batas Pambansa Big. 232 is to establish
and maintaina complete, adequate, and integratedsystem of
education relevant to the goals of national development. Which of
the following is not covered by this act?
A. private schools
B. literacyclasses
C. Sunday schools
D. multi-grade classes
113. The philosophical doctrine that emphasizes the role of
experience rather thanthe role of reason as the source of
A. Pragmatism
B. Empiricism/Pragmatism
C. Progressivism
D. Functionalism
114. When using instructional material, what shouldthe teacher
A. The material must be new and skilfullymade.
B. It must be suited to the lessonobjective.
C. The material must stimulate andmaintainstudents' interest
D. It must be updated and relevant to Filipinosetting.
115. Whichis a type of graph in which lines represent eachscore or
set of scores?
A. Scattergram
B. Histogram
C. Frequency polygon
D. Scatterplot
116. The more informationteachers obtain about how students
perform, the more capacitythey have to rethink their pedagogy, and
the more opportunities they create for student success. Which
statement best explains the text above?
A. Teachers should keep track of learning outcomes.
B. Teachers should keep records of familybackground.
C. Teachers should file information.
D. Teachers should teachto test.
117. Teacher D openly criticizes before her class the school's policy
on school uniform. Which ethical principle is violated?
A. respect for authority
B. respect for colleagues
C. respect for the learners
D. respect for the institution
118. Whichcharacteristic of a good test will pupils will assuredof
when a teacher constructs a table of specificationfor test
construction purpose?
A. Scorability
B. Reliability
C. Economy
D. Content validity
119. Among the components of the learner's marks/ratings, behavior
is reflectedin _____.
A. Values Education (CERC)
B. Technology and Livelihood Education
C. Filipino
D. outputs/projects
120. Ian’s raw of score in the Filipinoclass is 23 which is equal to the
70th percentile. What does this imply?
A. 70% of Ian’s classmates got a score lower than 23.
B. Ian’s score is higher than 23% of his classmates.
C. 70% of Ian’s classmate got a score of above 23.
D. Ian’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates.
121. "What conclusions can you draw from the case involving a taxi
driver and three members of the VFA team?" is anexample of which
type of question?
A. descriptive
B. explanatory
C. synthesizing
D. judgmental
122. Upon prior consent of parents and school authorities, religion
maybe taught in Philippine schools _____.
A. within regular class hours
B. after class
C. during vacant period
D. after recess
123. Whichpolicy of the State does the National Secondary
Assessment Test (NSAT) enhance?
A. the coordination of functions and activities of education
B. the evaluationof the graduates of secondary schools
C. the offering of scholarships to deserving students
D. the maintenance of the highest qualityof education
124. ExperimentationinScience laboratoryclasses is anexample of
A. cognitive learning
B. sensory motorlearning
C. affective learning
D. associationlearning
125. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set masterylevel.
This means that NSAT andNEAT fall under __________.
A. intelligence test
B. aptitude test
C. criterion-referencedtest
D. norm-referencedtest
126. The collaborative approach includes the major behaviors of
listening, clarifying, presenting, problem-solving, and_____.
A. negotiating
B. evaluating
C. feedbacking
D. assessing
127. When a student clarifies informationfrom conclusion, what
cognitive domain is involved?
A. analysis
B. evaluation
C. application
D. synthesis
128. "Once a teacher, forever a student." What does the statement
implyabout qualitypersonal and professional development for
A. The teacher is able to teachtheir students.
B. The teacher learns from their students.
C. It is continuing.
D. Personal and professional development calls for teacher's
exposure to students.
129. Whichobjective in the affective domainis inthe highest level?
A. To resist alcoholism
B. To approve of rules agreedupon
C. To listentothe narration of identifiedmodels
D. Torelinquish membershipina gang
130. The present values education program is basedon the
philosophy of "understanding the human person." This philosophy is
best illustratedby a curriculum that is _____.
A. learner centered
B. driven by spirituality
C. focused on social needs
D. prescribed by teachers
131. A pre­school child says: “That tree pushed the leaf off, andit fell
down.” This shows that the pre­ school childbelieves that inanimate
objects have lifelike qualities andare capable of action. This belief is
A. symbolism
B. animation
C. realism
D. animism
132. The pre-school curriculum focuses on children's physical and
mental growth, development of good habits, and attitudes via
informal activities. Whichof the following are emphasizedinthe first
eight weeks?
I. Aesthetic ideas
II. Religious instruction
III. Social relationship
IV. Physical training
A. I, II, and III
B. I, III, and IV
C. III only
D. I only
133. Study this group of tests which was administeredwith the
following results, then answer the question.
In which subject(s) didRonnel perform most poorly in relationto the
group’s performance?
A. English
B. EnglishandMath
C. Math
D. Physics
134. Askto do a learning task, Joe hesitates andsays "Mahirap. Ayaw
ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Towhich
factor can you attribute his perceived inabilityto perform the task?
To a factor _____.
I. withinhim
II. outside his control
III. which is stable
IV. within his control
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I only
D. IV only
135. Whichis the ideal stage of moral development?
A. social contract
B. universal ethical principle
C. lawand order
D. good boy/ good girl
136. Why should negative terms be avoided in the stem of multiple
choice items?
A. They maybe overlooked
B. It increases the difficultyof scoring
C. It increase the length of the stem
D. They make the construction of alternatives more difficult
137. Teacher G does not wait for the end of the term to find out how
much the students learn. With which does Teacher G agree?
A. formative evaluation
B. authentic evaluation
C. summative evaluation
D. norm-reference evaluation
138. An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the development
of learning inthe affective domainis through _____.
A. reading of journal entries
B. performance assessment
C. product assessment
D. self-assessment
139. _____ is/are usedas medium/media of instruction inschools
during the Spanishera.
A. The vernacular
B. English
C. Spanish
D. Spanishand the vernacular
140. Between the child and the teacher, who is more accountable for
learning and why?
A. The teacher and the child are equally accountable because both
have a role inthe teaching-learning process.
B. The child is held more accountable because learning ultimately
depends on the child.
C. The teacher is more accountable because the teacher has more
D. Nobody can be claimedtobe more accountable because we are
not given a concrete situation.
141. Teacher G’s lessonobjective has something to do with the skill
of synthesizing? Whichbehavioral term is most appropriate?
A. Test
B. Assess
C. Appraise
D. Theorize
142. In which order does cognitive development proceed, according
to Piaget?
I. Formal Operationstage
II. Sensorimotor stage
III. Pre-operational stage
IV. Concrete operational stage
C. II, i, III, IV
143. As an effective classroom manager, what shoulda teacher do?
I. She uses instructional time wisely.
II. She uses her power to punish students for the sake of discipline.
III. She puts touse the available andappropriate materials.
IV. She manipulates colleagues and students soshe can meet her
A. I and III
B. II, III, and IV
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, III, and IV
144. For aneffective presentationof Article XIV of the Philippine
Constitution, which is most appropriate?
A. team game
B. direct instruction
C. independent study
D. learning circles
145. To determine your pupil's entry knowledge and skills, which
should you employ?
A. interview
B. focus group discussion
C. post-test
D. pre-test
146. After scoring, Teacher G got the difference of the highest and
lowest scores in eachclass. What did she compute?
A. standard deviation
B. mean
C. range
D. median
147. Whichof the following maynot be adequately assessedbya
paper-and-pencil test?
A. Subject-verb agreement
B. Vocabulary
C. Multiplicationskills inMath
D. Sight reading in Music
148. If a childis bitten by a large, black dog, the child mayfear not
only that blackdog but alsoother large dogs. Whichconditioning
process is illustrated?
A. discrimination
B. extinction
C. acquisition
D. generalization
149. Whichof the following belongs to non-projected media?
A. realias
B. flannel boards
C. filmstrips
D. fieldtrips
150. Whichimprovement should be done on this test item: An
example of a mammal is _____.
A. The question should have only one acceptable answer.
B. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence.
C. The items should give more cues.
D. The blank should be longer toaccommodate all possible answers.
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. A
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. D
23. C
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. D
30. B
31. C
32. C
33. A
34. B
35. C
36. A
37. A
38. D
39. D
40. B
41. A
42. A
43. C
44. D
45. D
46. D
47. A
48. A
49. D
50. A
51. A
52. D
53. A
54. B
55. B
56. C
57. C
58. D
59. C
60. D
61. B
62. A
63. A
64. D
65. D
66. D
67. C
68. D
69. C
70. C
71. C
72. C
73. C
74. C
75. D
76. A
77. C
78. B
79. C
80. A
81. A
82. A
83. C
84. A
85. A
86. B
87. B
88. D
89. C
90. B
91. C
92. B
93. A
94. A
95. D
96. D
97. C
98. C
99. C
100. A
101. D
102. B
103. A
104. C
105. D
106. A
107. A
108. B
109. D
110. A
111. C
112. C
113. B
114. B
115. B
116. A
117. A
118. D
119. A
120. A
121. C
122. A
123. B
124. B
125. C
126. C
127. A
128. C
129. D
130. A
131. D
132. C
133. A
134. A
135. B
136. D
137. A
138. A
139. D
140. C
141. D
142. A
143. A
144. B
145. D
146. C
147. D
148. D
149. C
150. A

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Reviewer LET professional education 12

  • 1. LET Professional Education12 1. Whichguideline must be observed in the use of prompting to shape the correct performance of your students? A. Use the least intrusive prompt first. B. Use all prompts available. C. Use the most intrusive prompt first. D. Refrainfrom using prompts. 2. At the highschool level, Kohlberg's advice to teachers is for them to begindiscussing with students about abstract principles such as justice and humanrights. On the average, inwhich moral development stage are highschool students supposed to be? A. post conventional stage B. conventional stage C. inbetween conventional and post conventional stage D. this depends on the school culture 3. Student M obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that _____. A. he surpassedin performance 80% of her fellowexaminees B. he got a score of 80 C. he surpassedinperformance 20% of her fellowexaminees D. he answered80 items correctly 4. The following functions are done by the brain’s right hemisphere except: A. Nonverbal functions B. Intuitive functions C. Detail- orientedfunction D. Visual function 5. Whichstatement on test result interpretation is CORRECT? A. A raw score by itself is meaningful. B. A student’s score is a final indicationof his ability. C. The use of statistical technique gives meaning topupil’s score. D. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness. 6. On whose teaching is the performance of rituals or ceremonies in schools rooted? A. Lao tzu's B. Buddha's C. Confucius's D. Mohammed's 7. Whichtype of report refers toon-the-spot description of some incident, episode or occurrence that is being observed andrecorded as being of possible significance? A. Autobiographical report B. Biographical report C. Value andinterest report D. Anecdotal report 8. To encourage introspection, which is most appropriate? A. process B. cognitive C. reflective D. cooperative learning 9. Withthe passage of R.A. 9155, the school head is givenmore power and authority over his school. That power is for the school head to _____. A. transform his school into a high-performing one B. make his student facultyfeel his authority over them C. set aside standardhiring procedures in order to get those whom he believes are most capable D. introduce changes as fast as he can 10. The theory where in associationbetween a conditioned stimulus a response is strengthened by repeated presentationwith the unconditional stimulus. A. Connectionism theory B. Classical Conditioning C. Operant conditioning D. Social Learning theory 11. Gardner (1999) states: "There are manygreat teachers - but the lackof coordination among classes andthe absence of accountability to those 'outside the door' is lamentable." What does Gardner's statement imply? A. need for mentors B. need for coaches C. need for cooperation D. need for collaboration 12. Studies inthe area of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What does this imply? A. Pupils can possiblyreach a point where they have learned everything. B. Every child is a potential genius. C. Some pupils are admittedlynot capable of learning. D. Every pupil has his own native abilityand his learning is limitedto this native ability. 13. All learning shouldcenter on the child's interests and needs. The school should be a pleasant place for learning. Its emphasis is onthe child as the learner and not on subject matter, on activities and experience than on textbook. Which philosophy is described? A. progressivism B. reconstructionism C. perennialism D. pragmantism 14. What does a Table of Specificationestablish? A. construct validity B. content relatedvalidityand criterion reference C. content validityand construct validity D. content validityand content related validity 15. Marking on a normative basis means that _____. A. the normal curve of distribution should be followed B. some students must fail C. fewer students must get high marks D. grades show how a student achieves relative to other students 16. After reading and paraphrasing R. Frost's Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening, Teacher M askedthe class toshare any insight derived from this poem. On which assumptionabout the learner is Teacher M's act of asking the class to share their insight based? A. Learners are producers of knowledge, not only passive recipients of information. B. Learners are meant to interact with one another. C. Learners are like empty receptacles waiting tobe filledup. D. Learners have multiple intelligence andvariedlearning styles. 17. According to Erickson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence? A. high school years B. elementar school years C. preschool years D. college years 18. Stage in cognitive development was children begin to learn symbols system andconcepts, acquire concepts and learn to addand subtract. A. Formal OperationStage B. Pre-operation Stage C. Concrete Operation Stage D. Sensory Motor Stage 19. Teacher B engages her students with informationfor thorough understanding for meaning and for competent application. Which principle governs Teacher B’s practice? A. Constructivist B. Gestalt C. Behaviorist D. Cognitivist
  • 2. 20. It is an act to strengthen the regulationand supervisionof the practice of teaching in the Philippines andprescribing a Licensure Examinationfor Teachers. A. RA 7836 B. RA 9293 C. RA 7722 D. RA 9155 21. In their desire tomake schools perform, the DepEd then published the ranking of schools in NAT results nationwide. As an effect of this practice, what did schools tend to do? I. Taught at the expense of NAT II. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching III. Practiced the so-calledteaching tothe test A. II and III B. II only C. I and III D. III only 22. Whichof the following is most likelyto be a characteristic of the teacher who is a good implementer of the curriculum? A. Teacher sticks to standardset by the subject content. B. Teacher emphasizes pupil discussionon varied topics. C. Teaching controls classroom activities andinteraction. D. Teaching provides differentiatedactivities for the students. 23. How canyou make students intrinsicallymotivatedto work? A. Give them tasks that are too easy. B. Help them in everything that they do. C. Give varied, novel, and complex tasks. D. Tell them that their taskis too difficult, therefore they should to their best. 24. To give everyone ina big class a chance to participate, which one should you employ? A. simulation B. class game C. panel discussion D. small groupdiscussion 25. Whichtype of parenting style is most beneficial tothe development of children, according to research? A. authoritarian B. permissive C. authoritative D. uninvolved 26. Askto do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Is it possible to motivate this type of student? A. Yes, he can do something withhis ability. B. Yes, he canchange the nature of the job. C. No, it is impossible tomotivate a student who himself is not motivated. D. No, motivationis totallydependent on the student. No person outside him caninfluence him. 27. Whichpractice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction? A. employ a reactive approach to discipline B. maximize discipline time C. avoid classroom routine D. minimize discipline time 28. In a Muslim area, what will a teacher refrainfrom doing as she teaches how to cook adobo to her class? A. exclude pork from the adobo lesson B. leadthe class ina prayer before meals C. exempt the Muslim childrenfrom the adobo lesson D. differentiate the taskof the boys from the girls 29. Rubrics are used for rating performance and scoring guides to describr the _____ qualities of student outcomes. A. tested B. accomplished C. distinguished D. desired 30. The facilityindex of a test item is .50. This means that the test item is _____. A. valid B. moderate in difficulty C. very easy D. reliable 31. In a social studies class, Teacher P presents a morallyambiguous situationand asks students what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher P's technique based? A. Bruner B. Piaget C. Kohlberg D. Bandura 32. Test norms are establishedsothat they have basis for _____. A. computing grades B. establishing learning goals C. identifying pupil’s D. interpreting test results 33. Whichis a graphic representation of numerical data? A. histogram B. attribute wheel C. Venn diagram D. spider map 34. A parent regarding the grades of his son confronted you. If you are the teacher, what will be the best thing for you to do? A. Send them to the principal, B. Show all the records of the child. C. Compare the results of the childto other students. D. Tell the parents that your computation is correct and final. 35. Whichare the desiredoutcomes of a CFSS? I. Children who are healthy, free from exploitation, and violence II. Children who are aware of their rights and have opportunities to realize them III. Children who are able to protect themselves anddevelop their full potential A. I only B. III only C. I, II, and III D. II and III 36. Teacher C teaches elementaryina rural communitynot reached by the electricityyet, but she has some tapes which can be useful to teach the topics on weather. What practical audio-visual material should she use instead? A. pictures B. powerpoint presentation C. films D. transparencies 37. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic andsymbolic stages. Applying Bruner's how should you teach? A. Begin with the concrete. B. Beginwith the abstract. C. Be interactive in approach. D. Do direct instruction. 38. If the student is encouraged to develop himself tothe fullest, which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs should be satisfied? A. safelyneeds B. Physiological needs C. Belongingness D. Self- actualization 39. What characterizes the formative developmental nature of PAST? A. non-supportive B. innovative C. rewarding D. self-directed
  • 3. 40. Whichof the following could produce more than one value? A. mean B. mode C. median D. meanof grouped data 41. Here are raw scores ina quiz: 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1. What would be the median? A. 75 B. 52.72 C. 76 D. 77 42. Teacher B requested an older, brighter, and more cooperative member in a group to teach the other members. What is her rationale inemploying this methodology? A. The tutor is better equipped and close to the rest. B. They know one another, learning is faster. C. The tutor is older and con commandthem to understand. D. The members can relyon a brighter tutor. 43. The adoption of a national language bythe 1987 Constitution is designedprimarilyto ______. A. do away with colonial mentality B. officiallyadopt Tagalog as a national language C. facilitate communicationamong diverse linguistic groups D. counteract elitism 44. Whichdevelopmental principle is not true? A. Children's development is a function of environment and heredity. B. Children develop at different rates. C. Children develop in a predictable manner. D. Children develop skills andabilities inanunpredictable manner. 45. What teaching method can best be taught by the use of computers? A. role playing B. debate C. panel discussion D. individualizedinstruction 46. As a community leader, whicb one may a teacher not do? A. solicits donation from philanthropists inthe community B. plays an active part inthe activities of the community C. support effort of the communityto improve their status in life D. makes herself aloof toensure that her decisions will not be influenced by communitypolitics 47. Assuming that the following are possible, which activitywill be most appropriate if the teacher wants to have a first-handknowledge of a marine community? A. educational trip B. viewing exhibits C. film viewing D. still pictures 48. In preparing instructional materials, what is the primaryfactor to be considered? A. the objectives of the lesson B. the diversityof the learners C. the methods and techniques D. the technology available inthe classroom 49. What is the implicationof using a method that focuses on the why rather than the how? A. There is best method B. Typical one will be good for any subject C. These methods should be standardizedfor different subjects. D. Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving. 50. If you decide to develop a lessonthe constructivist's way, what kind of learning environment must you create for you to succeed? A. open andflexible B. structured C. authoritarian D. laissez faire 51. A young boy exhibits fear response to freelyroaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leashor confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated? A. discrimination B. extinction C. generalization D. acquisition 52. Whichof the following measures is more affectedby anextreme score? A. Semi-interquartile range B. Median C. mode D. Mean 53. What does Gagne's hierarchical theorypropose for effective instruction? A. Sequence instruction. B. Reward good behavior. C. Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate inthe classroom. D. Teachbeginning with the concrete. 54. The use of mother tongue-based multi-lingual education(MTB- MLE) in the curriculum of basic education means that learners _____. A. continue to use the local dialect all throughout schooling B. shifts onlyto the second language after the masteryof the first language C. are not allowed to learnthe second or the third language D. should immediatelymaster the secondlanguage 55. Whichof the following statements onclassroom climates canbe considered true? I. Classroom climate is affectedbythe type of leadershipexhibited by a teacher. II. Classroom climate is not affectedby the type of leadership exhibited by a teacher. III. Democratic leadershipproduces more taskorientation and more sociallyacceptable behavior than does autocratic leadership. IV. When environmental conditions are appropriate for learning, the likelihood of disruptive behavior is minimized. A. II and III B. I, III, and IV C. III only D. I only 56. The difficultyindex of a test item is 1.0. This means that the test is _____. A. a quality item B. very difficult C. very easy D. missedbyeverybody 57. The learner can choose what he canbecome despite his environment. You deny the concept of _____. A. existentialism B. progressivism C. behaviorism D. cognitivism 58. Whicheducational issue canbe clarifiedby understanding Maslow's Needs Theory? A. sex education issues inschool B. delinquency in the public schools C. the effects of different classroom structures D. the effect of poverty on academic achievement 59. Teachers often complainof numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely, affect their teaching. Does this meanthat teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching? A. Yes, if they are givenother assignments, justice demands that they be properly compensated. B. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to leading communityactivities. C. NO, because every teacher is expected to provide leadershipand initiative inactivities for betterment of communities D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.
  • 4. 60. The result of the item analysis showedthat item no. 4 has a discriminationindex of 0.67. What characteristic couldbe true about this item? A. Difficult B. Valid C. Easy D. Average 61. Teacher R asserts that he needs to make his students get interestedin the subject whether they like it or not. This is more the thinking of a/an _____. A. reconstructionist B. essentialist C. perennialist D. behaviorist 62. Devices can make a lecture more understandable and meaningful. What is the most important thing a teacher should consider in the selectionand utilizationof instructional materials? A. Objectives of the lesson B. Availabilityof instructional materials C. Attractiveness of instructional materials D. Degree of interest on the part of the students 63. When you use the overhead projector (OHP) for topic presentation, point tothe _____. A. OHP slide B. projection wall C. OHP screen D. OHP light 64. Whichof the following materials does not belong to the group? A. LCD projector B. laptop C. opaque projector D. realia 65. Audio-visual aids are used primarily_____. A. to discipline children by focusing their attentionto the lesson B. as a motivational tool for learning C. to reward children for outstanding achievement D. as part of a planned lesson 66. The discriminationindex of a test item is +0.48. What does this mean? A. An equal number from the lower and upper group got the item correctly. B. More from the upper group got the item wrongly. C. More from the lower group got the item correctly. D. More from the upper group got the item correctly. 67. The use of drills inthe classroom is rooted on Thorndike’s lawof _____. A. belongingness B. readiness C. exercise D. effect 68. How mayeducation and guidance support and complement each other to the learner’s advantage? A. Designating teachers to guidance position B. Assigning guidance responsibilities toteachers C. Consulting students in guidance program planning D. Integrating guidance and counseling indaily lessons 69. Professor B once said: "We talkof developing critical thinking among our students, but when they disagree withus, we get offended." To which Filipinotrait does this point? A. inquisitiveness of the FilipinoYouth B. the lackof seriousness among Filipinos C. extreme authoritarianism D. lackof subjectivity 70. Whichmethod has been proven to be effective incourses that stress acquisitionof knowledge? A. Socratic method B. Cooperative learning C. Masterylearning D. Indirect instruction 71. It is an approach that makes students "think about their thinking". Students get conscious of their thought processes while they are engagedin their cognitive tasks. A. cognitive B. constructivist C. metacognitive D. reflectivist 72. In what developmental stage is the pre-school child? A. infancy B. babyhood C. earlychildhood D. late childhood 73. Whichof the illustrative verbs instating objectives does not belong to the group? A. define B. cite C. realize D. explain 74. Like a TV, the computer has a _____. A. disk drive B. keyboard C. screen D. CPU 75. As provided for in Article II, Sec. 17 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, "to foster patriotism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation, the state shall give priority" to the following except for _____. A. education B. science and technology C. arts, culture, and sports D. value formation 76. Nita doesn't enjoy writing but can't escape from it. She has to finishit in order to graduate. Greta has always liked to write. She reallylikes to become a writer because she wants to be a journalist someday. Who is more likelyto be more focused on the writing activityand why? A. Greta, because she is intrinsicallymotivated. B. Nita because she is extrinsicallymotivated. C. Both, because they are both motivatedanyway. D. It cannot be determined. Motivationfluctuates. 77. Whichone should teacher B use if he wants to teach to pupils the relationshipamong details? A. Journal entries B. Story frame C. Graphic organizers D. Learning log 78. Whichdomain inthe National Competency-Based Teacher Standard (NCBTS) upholds gender sensitivity? A. Social Regardfor Learning B. Learning Environment C. Diversityof Learners D. CommunityLinkages 79. Teacher Y does norm-referenced interpretation of scores. Which of the following does she do? A. She describes group performance in relationto a level of mastery set. B. She uses a specifiedcontent as its frame of reference. C. She compares every individual students' scores with others' scores. D. She describes what should be their performance.
  • 5. 80. You want to present the characteristic features o a constructivist approach. Which of the following should you use? A. attribute wheel B. fishbone diagram C. venn diagram D. narrative frame 81. Teacher B wanted her students to learnthe electoral process in action. So, they stimulate a copy of the real thing completedwith coming up with their own qualificationof candidates, manner of campaigning, andcanvassing of votes. With this, the students learned from _____. A. contrived experiences B. direct experiences C. purposeful experience D. demonstration 82. Whichillustrates the principle that rights and duties are correlative? I. The right to educationon the part of a child corresponds to the obligationon the part of parents to educate their children. II. The right tospeak carries with it a duty to speakonly what is true. III. The right to a good name demands a duty from every person not to destroy that name. A. I only B. II and III C. II only D. I and II 83. What is an applicationof B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning theory? A. use of ICT in the classroom B. constructivist teaching C. computer-basedself instruction D. actionresearch 84. When a failing student comes to you for help andasks you for extra work so he canpass, what is ethical for you to do? A. Findout why he is delinquent and extend the needed assistance in solving his difficulties. B. Make the extra work that he is asking extremelydifficult for him to learna lesson. C. Give him the extra work he is asking then if he passes quality work, give him a passing mark. D. Give aneasy extra work sohe can reallybe helped to pass. 85. When teachers are convinced that it is best to teach students the skill to adapt to change since change is the only thing permanent in this world, they subscribe to the philosophy of _____. A. realism B. existentialism C. pragmatism D. idealism 86. From the existentialist point of view, schools exist for children to _____. A. develop their cognitive and metacognitive powers to the fullest B. know themselves andtheir place insociety C. re-engineer society D. acquire productive skills 87. In a multiple choice test item withfour options and out of 50 examinees, which was the most effective distracter? A. the correct answer that was chosen by 6 examinees B. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees C. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees D. the option that was chosen by 12 examinees 88. Whichrefers to the trait of practicing conflicting values in different venues and with different social groups? A. procastination B. "kanya-kanya" mentality C. crab mentality D. split personality 89. In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made todrink an alcoholic beverage and then made to ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseatedat the sight and smell of alcohol andstopped drinking alcohol. Whichtheory explains this? A. Operant conditioning B. Social Learning Theory C. Associative Learning D. AttributionTheory 90. When the schools take the responsibilities for developing high qualityperformance, teachers develop a/an _____ ethic and standards of practice. A. responsibility B. accountability C. assessment D. work 91. What should you do if a parent who is concerned about a grade his child received compared toanother student’s grade, demands to see both students’ grades? A. Refuse toshow either record. B. Show both records to him. C. Refuse to show any record without expressing permissionfrom principal. D. Show only his child's records. 92. The State sees to it that the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels is protected and promoted. This statement means: A. Philippine education grants university status to qualifiedcolleges. B. Philippine education strives to be of high quality. C. Philippine education recognizes the complementaryroles of public and private educational institutions. D. Philippine education is financedby public and private funds 93. In which philosophy is moral education emphasized? A. Confucianism B. Taoism C. Shintoism D. Hinduism 94. Student B was asked toreport to the Guidance Office. Student B and his classmates at once remarked: "What's wrong?" What does this imply? A. Reporting to a Guidance Office is oftenassociatedwith misbehavior. B. Student B is a "problem" student. C. Guidance counselors are perceived tobe "almightyand omniscient". D. The parents of Student B must be of the delinquent type. 95. A Grade I pupil likes to playwith his friends, but gets angrywhen defeated. Piaget’s theory states that this pupil is under what developmental stage? A. Concrete operation B. Formal operation C. Sensorimotor D. Pre-operation 96. The collgeial process of developing ad evaluating performance assessments helpteachers tounderstand the _____ needed to produce highquality performance. A. tests B. information C. materials D. scaffolding 97. To teachstudents to explore, which should you use? A. problem solving B. project C. discovery D. reflection
  • 6. 98. Whichwas perceived to be contrary to the democratizedaccess to education? A. the granting of scholarships to a selected few B. the "Study-Now-Pay-Later" plan C. the giving of the National College Entrance Examination(NCEE) D. the impositionon moratorium on pro-poor courses 99. Whichmust go with self-assessment for it tobe effective? A. external monitor B. consensus of evaluationresults from teacher and student C. scoring rubric D. public display of results of self-evaluation 100. Educational objectives are arrangedfrom simple tocomplex. Why is this? A. Eachlevel is built upon and assumes acquisitionof skills from the previous level. B. Objectives are broad andvalue-ladenstatements that leadto the philosophy of education. C. Be idealistic andambitious tobeginwith grandiose scheme for using taxonomy in all levels. D. These are guidelines to be taught and learnedwhere teachers and students evaluate learning. 101. Central to the designapproach inUnderstanding by Design (UBD) is the need to _____ that evoke in-depthunderstanding. A. focus on alternative methods of assessing B. use alternative methods of teaching C. goagainst traditional testing D. designlessons andassessment 102. If the difficultyindex of your test item is 0.98, what should you do with this item? A. Revise it. B. Reject it. C. Retainit. D. Reserve it for another group of pupils. 103. Teachers use a lot of problem and thinking skills inteaching and learning. These are exemplifiedthrough the following practices: reflective thinking, intuitive thinking, and discovery learning. What is the basis of these practices? A. cognitive psychology B. behaviorist psychology C. humanistic psychology D. social psychology 104. Whichone should teacher AVOIDto produce an environment conducive for learning? A. Tests B. Seat plan C. Individual competition D. Games 105. An entering student in college would like to determine which vocation is best suitedfor him. Whichof the following tests is most appropriate for his purpose? A. intelligence test B. readiness test C. achievement test D. aptitude test 106. There are several reasons why problem-solving is taught in Math. Whichis the LEAST important? A. It is the maingoal for the study of Math B. It provides the content inwhich concepts and skills are learned and applied C. It provides an opportunity to develop critical and analytical thinking D. It provides pupils anopportunity to relate Math in the real world 107. Piagetiantasks state that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the formal operations stage. What is an educational implicationof this finding? A. Expect hypothetical reasoning from learners between 12 to 15 years of age. B. Engage childrenin analogical reasoning as earlyas preschool to trainthem for HOTS. C. Learners who are not capable of logical reasoning from ages 8 to 11 lag behind intheir cognitive development. D. Let children be children. 108. Knowledge of procedure in writing a report is an example of a _____ rubric. A. specific B. generic C. standard D. performance 109. What do the school campus expressions "promdi" and "barriotic" indicate? A. the powerlessness of the poor B. low literacyrate of the country C. the power of the rich D. the prevalence of ethnocentrism 110. Whichof the following statements is/are not true about assessment? I. Feedbackis the most importannt factor in assessment. II. Onlythose that can be objectively measuredshould be taught. III. Assessment shouldfollow a developmental pattern. IV. Identifying systematic errors committedby students should be the basis of remedial instruction. A. II only B. IV only C. III and IV D. I and II 111. In constructing test items the teacher considers the alignment of _____ with assessment. A. content andprocess B. monitoring and evaluation C. instructional objectives D. instructional materials 112. The basic policy of the Batas Pambansa Big. 232 is to establish and maintaina complete, adequate, and integratedsystem of education relevant to the goals of national development. Which of the following is not covered by this act? A. private schools B. literacyclasses C. Sunday schools D. multi-grade classes 113. The philosophical doctrine that emphasizes the role of experience rather thanthe role of reason as the source of knowledge. A. Pragmatism B. Empiricism/Pragmatism C. Progressivism D. Functionalism 114. When using instructional material, what shouldthe teacher primarilyconsider? A. The material must be new and skilfullymade. B. It must be suited to the lessonobjective. C. The material must stimulate andmaintainstudents' interest D. It must be updated and relevant to Filipinosetting. 115. Whichis a type of graph in which lines represent eachscore or set of scores? A. Scattergram B. Histogram C. Frequency polygon D. Scatterplot
  • 7. 116. The more informationteachers obtain about how students perform, the more capacitythey have to rethink their pedagogy, and the more opportunities they create for student success. Which statement best explains the text above? A. Teachers should keep track of learning outcomes. B. Teachers should keep records of familybackground. C. Teachers should file information. D. Teachers should teachto test. 117. Teacher D openly criticizes before her class the school's policy on school uniform. Which ethical principle is violated? A. respect for authority B. respect for colleagues C. respect for the learners D. respect for the institution 118. Whichcharacteristic of a good test will pupils will assuredof when a teacher constructs a table of specificationfor test construction purpose? A. Scorability B. Reliability C. Economy D. Content validity 119. Among the components of the learner's marks/ratings, behavior is reflectedin _____. A. Values Education (CERC) B. Technology and Livelihood Education C. Filipino D. outputs/projects 120. Ian’s raw of score in the Filipinoclass is 23 which is equal to the 70th percentile. What does this imply? A. 70% of Ian’s classmates got a score lower than 23. B. Ian’s score is higher than 23% of his classmates. C. 70% of Ian’s classmate got a score of above 23. D. Ian’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates. 121. "What conclusions can you draw from the case involving a taxi driver and three members of the VFA team?" is anexample of which type of question? A. descriptive B. explanatory C. synthesizing D. judgmental 122. Upon prior consent of parents and school authorities, religion maybe taught in Philippine schools _____. A. within regular class hours B. after class C. during vacant period D. after recess 123. Whichpolicy of the State does the National Secondary Assessment Test (NSAT) enhance? A. the coordination of functions and activities of education institutions B. the evaluationof the graduates of secondary schools C. the offering of scholarships to deserving students D. the maintenance of the highest qualityof education 124. ExperimentationinScience laboratoryclasses is anexample of _____. A. cognitive learning B. sensory motorlearning C. affective learning D. associationlearning 125. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set masterylevel. This means that NSAT andNEAT fall under __________. A. intelligence test B. aptitude test C. criterion-referencedtest D. norm-referencedtest 126. The collaborative approach includes the major behaviors of listening, clarifying, presenting, problem-solving, and_____. A. negotiating B. evaluating C. feedbacking D. assessing 127. When a student clarifies informationfrom conclusion, what cognitive domain is involved? A. analysis B. evaluation C. application D. synthesis 128. "Once a teacher, forever a student." What does the statement implyabout qualitypersonal and professional development for teachers? A. The teacher is able to teachtheir students. B. The teacher learns from their students. C. It is continuing. D. Personal and professional development calls for teacher's exposure to students. 129. Whichobjective in the affective domainis inthe highest level? A. To resist alcoholism B. To approve of rules agreedupon C. To listentothe narration of identifiedmodels D. Torelinquish membershipina gang 130. The present values education program is basedon the philosophy of "understanding the human person." This philosophy is best illustratedby a curriculum that is _____. A. learner centered B. driven by spirituality C. focused on social needs D. prescribed by teachers 131. A pre­school child says: “That tree pushed the leaf off, andit fell down.” This shows that the pre­ school childbelieves that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities andare capable of action. This belief is called_____. A. symbolism B. animation C. realism D. animism 132. The pre-school curriculum focuses on children's physical and mental growth, development of good habits, and attitudes via informal activities. Whichof the following are emphasizedinthe first eight weeks? I. Aesthetic ideas II. Religious instruction III. Social relationship IV. Physical training A. I, II, and III B. I, III, and IV C. III only D. I only 133. Study this group of tests which was administeredwith the following results, then answer the question. SubjectMathPhysicsEnglishMean564180SD10916Student′sScore4331 109 In which subject(s) didRonnel perform most poorly in relationto the group’s performance? A. English B. EnglishandMath C. Math D. Physics
  • 8. 134. Askto do a learning task, Joe hesitates andsays "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Towhich factor can you attribute his perceived inabilityto perform the task? To a factor _____. I. withinhim II. outside his control III. which is stable IV. within his control A. I and IV B. II and III C. I only D. IV only 135. Whichis the ideal stage of moral development? A. social contract B. universal ethical principle C. lawand order D. good boy/ good girl 136. Why should negative terms be avoided in the stem of multiple choice items? A. They maybe overlooked B. It increases the difficultyof scoring C. It increase the length of the stem D. They make the construction of alternatives more difficult 137. Teacher G does not wait for the end of the term to find out how much the students learn. With which does Teacher G agree? A. formative evaluation B. authentic evaluation C. summative evaluation D. norm-reference evaluation 138. An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the development of learning inthe affective domainis through _____. A. reading of journal entries B. performance assessment C. product assessment D. self-assessment 139. _____ is/are usedas medium/media of instruction inschools during the Spanishera. A. The vernacular B. English C. Spanish D. Spanishand the vernacular 140. Between the child and the teacher, who is more accountable for learning and why? A. The teacher and the child are equally accountable because both have a role inthe teaching-learning process. B. The child is held more accountable because learning ultimately depends on the child. C. The teacher is more accountable because the teacher has more power. D. Nobody can be claimedtobe more accountable because we are not given a concrete situation. 141. Teacher G’s lessonobjective has something to do with the skill of synthesizing? Whichbehavioral term is most appropriate? A. Test B. Assess C. Appraise D. Theorize 142. In which order does cognitive development proceed, according to Piaget? I. Formal Operationstage II. Sensorimotor stage III. Pre-operational stage IV. Concrete operational stage A. II, III, IV, I B. II, III, I, IV C. II, i, III, IV D. II, I, IV, III 143. As an effective classroom manager, what shoulda teacher do? I. She uses instructional time wisely. II. She uses her power to punish students for the sake of discipline. III. She puts touse the available andappropriate materials. IV. She manipulates colleagues and students soshe can meet her goals. A. I and III B. II, III, and IV C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III, and IV 144. For aneffective presentationof Article XIV of the Philippine Constitution, which is most appropriate? A. team game B. direct instruction C. independent study D. learning circles 145. To determine your pupil's entry knowledge and skills, which should you employ? A. interview B. focus group discussion C. post-test D. pre-test 146. After scoring, Teacher G got the difference of the highest and lowest scores in eachclass. What did she compute? A. standard deviation B. mean C. range D. median 147. Whichof the following maynot be adequately assessedbya paper-and-pencil test? A. Subject-verb agreement B. Vocabulary C. Multiplicationskills inMath D. Sight reading in Music 148. If a childis bitten by a large, black dog, the child mayfear not only that blackdog but alsoother large dogs. Whichconditioning process is illustrated? A. discrimination B. extinction C. acquisition D. generalization 149. Whichof the following belongs to non-projected media? A. realias B. flannel boards C. filmstrips D. fieldtrips 150. Whichimprovement should be done on this test item: An example of a mammal is _____. A. The question should have only one acceptable answer. B. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence. C. The items should give more cues. D. The blank should be longer toaccommodate all possible answers.
  • 9. AnswerKey: 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. A 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. B 41. A 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. D 46. D 47. A 48. A 49. D 50. A 51. A 52. D 53. A 54. B 55. B 56. C 57. C 58. D 59. C 60. D 61. B 62. A 63. A 64. D 65. D 66. D 67. C 68. D 69. C 70. C 71. C 72. C 73. C 74. C 75. D 76. A 77. C 78. B 79. C 80. A 81. A 82. A 83. C 84. A 85. A 86. B 87. B 88. D 89. C 90. B 91. C 92. B 93. A 94. A 95. D 96. D 97. C 98. C 99. C 100. A 101. D 102. B 103. A 104. C 105. D 106. A 107. A 108. B 109. D 110. A 111. C 112. C 113. B 114. B 115. B 116. A 117. A 118. D 119. A 120. A 121. C 122. A 123. B 124. B 125. C 126. C 127. A 128. C 129. D 130. A 131. D 132. C 133. A 134. A 135. B 136. D 137. A 138. A 139. D 140. C 141. D 142. A 143. A 144. B 145. D 146. C 147. D 148. D 149. C 150. A