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CEFS 521 Quiz -5, Liberty University_3 Version
answer, secure HIGHSCORE
can be classified as affective and cognitive. general and
specific. individual and group. ability and processing.
QUESTION 2 According to Cattell, a test of verbal
comprehension would draw on _____________, whereas
a test involving memory span and spatial thinking would
reflect ____________. verbal-numerical intelligence;
general ability intelligence. linguistic intelligence; spatial-
perceptual abilities. specific factors; general ability
intelligence. crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence.
QUESTION 3 Thurston particularly challenged the notion
of multiple ability factors the general intelligence factor
primary mental abilities intelligence as a product of the
environment QUESTION 4 How did Vernon’s model
come to be viewed as a way to reconcile Spearman’s and
Thurston’s theories? It is both cognitive and affective. It
accounts for both a general intelligence factor and other
specific factors. It can be said to measure both fluid and
crystallized intelligence. Test scores are expressed in
various ways. QUESTION 5 1. Which of the following is
not one of the five indexes on the WPPSI-IV? Perceptual
Organization Index (PCI) Verbal comprehension Index
(VCI) Working Memory Index (WMI) Processing Speed
Index (PSI) QUESTION 6Using the WJ III COG and the
WJ III ACH together would allow a professional to make
accurate comparisons among an individual’s cognitive
abilities, oral language ability, and achievement scores.
screen for potential behaviors that may impede learning.
apply both Luria’s theory and the CHC perspective.
consider the impact of processing speed on performance.
QUESTION 7 Spearman defined intelligence as
comprised of two factors, including a general intelligence
factor, and specific factors. the ability to judge, reason,
and think abstractly. adaptability and assimilation.
cognitive processing ability. QUESTION 8 Which
statement concerning the Stanford-Binet Intelligence
Scale is true? The FSIQ, VIQ, and NVIQ have composite
scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 1.
The subtests are organized into five cognitive factors in
both the verbal and nonverbal domains. The test was
normed on a small, nonstratified group of individuals. The
test is appropriate for individuals aged 18 and older.
QUESTION 9 Unlike individual intelligence tests, group
tests of intelligence are useful for assessing many
individuals quickly and inexpensively. used mostly to
assess for suspected learning disabilities or other
cognitive disorders. required to be administered by
specially trained, highly qualified examiners. often made
up of items which require oral responses from the
examinee. QUESTION 10 According to Stern, a child
with a mental age of 10 and a chronological age of 10
would have a mental quotient of 75. 95. 100. 120.
QUESTION 11 The primary function of feedback
sessions is to? develop Individualized Educational Plans
communicate assessment results develop clinical
treatment plans diagnose mental disorders or learning
disabilities QUESTION 12 According to the text, in
which section of the assessment report is it particularly
important for the assessor to remember that other
individuals, such as parents/spouses of the examinee, case
managers, attorneys, and even the examinee themselves,
may read the report? Assessment Procedures Reason for
Referral Behavioral Observations Background
Information QUESTION 13 Counselor John is discussing
test results with examinee Jessica. During the feedback
session John inquires about Jessica’s values, interests,
expectations, and goals, and also examines Jessica’s
performance on previous tests to determine whether her
current scores are typical. What “Problem Area” is John
most likely addressing? Motivation and Attitude
Acceptance Negative Results Flat Profiles QUESTION 14
What is the primary area of concern regarding the
advancement of computer technology in assessment?
Confidentiality of test data Accuracy of computer-
generated test reports Cultural and gender biases in the
new technology Equal access to the technology
QUESTION 15 Assessment results are of direct interest
to? school personnel (i.e., teachers, principals, school
counselors, etc.) potential employers of the examinee the
examinee or parents of a minor examinee the practitioner
who conducted the clinical assessment QUESTION 16
What is the critical factor in the examinee’s acceptance of
test results? The manner in which the examiner delivers
the results Whether or not the results meet the examinee’s
expectations The examinee’s readiness to hear the results
The examinee’s previous experiences with the process of
testing & assessment QUESTION 17 What can an
examiner do that may be helpful if parents do not
understand the test results after the examiner initially
presents them? Repeat the information, as many times as
it takes, until the parents understand it There is no need to
do anything because the information will eventually sink-
in Use visual presentation of results, such as graphs,
charts, and profiles Disregard the original test scores,
administer additional tests to the child, and report the
results of those tests instead QUESTION 18 What is an
important factor for the examiner to remember when
writing the “Test Results and Interpretation” section? The
focus of this section is on the individual being assessed,
not the test scores The examiner’s personal opinions and
hypotheses are irrelevant to the assessment–only objective
information should be analyzed The focus of this section
is on the test scores, not the individual being assessed
This section of the report should be quite brief, as more
important issues are addressed in the following section
QUESTION 19 According to the text, all of the following
are potential “hazards” for highly- motivated examinees
in the process of interpreting and communicating test
results EXCEPT: Discrediting the validity of the test and
credibility of the examiner Negative test results having a
particularly strong impact on their self-concept Using test
results to escape from their problems and feelings
Becoming overly dependent on test data to solve their
problems QUESTION 20 Within the context of writing
assessment reports, the use of “understandable language”
refers to? Ensuring that an interpreter is available to
communicate test results if the examinee is not fluent in
English Writing the report using simple terms so that the
child being assessed is able to read and understand it
Avoiding the use of overly-technical jargon and providing
logical explanations of results Failing to integrate
information about methods and sources of data used
during the assessment into the report == CEFS 521 QUIZ
5, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY • Question 1 1.5 out of 1.5
points Overall intelligence test scores are usually
converted to standard scores with a mean of _______ and
a standard deviation of __________. • Question 2 1.5 out
of 1.5 points Intelligence tests can be classified as •
Question 3 1.5 out of 1.5 points Unlike individual
intelligence tests, group tests of intelligence are •
Question 4 1.5 out of 1.5 points According to early
psychometric research, ___________ is the concept that
governs performance on all tasks and abilities. • Question
5 1.5 out of 1.5 points Which statement concerning the
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale is true? • Question 6 1.5
out of 1.5 points Spearman defined intelligence as
comprised of • Question 7 1.5 out of 1.5 points According
to Cattell, a test of verbal comprehension would draw on
_____________, whereas a test involving memory span
and spatial thinking would reflect ____________. •
Question 8 1.5 out of 1.5 points The WAIS-IV would be
appropriate to assess the cognitive abilities of a • Question
9 1.5 out of 1.5 points Thurston particularly challenged
the notion of • Question 10 1.5 out of 1.5 points Which
test might an examiner choose if he or she wishes to
include the broadest IQ range and chronological age? •
Question 11 1.5 out of 1.5 points Which of the following
statements about feedback sessions is TRUE? • Question
12 1.5 out of 1.5 points Within the context of writing
assessment reports, the use of “understandable language”
refers to? • Question 13 1.5 out of 1.5 points What is the
critical factor in the examinee’s acceptance of test results?
• Question 14 1.5 out of 1.5 points According to the text,
in which section of the assessment report is it particularly
important for the assessor to remember that other
individuals, such as parents/spouses of the examinee, case
managers, attorneys, and even the examinee themselves,
may read the report? • Question 15 1.5 out of 1.5 points
According to the text, all of the following are potential
“hazards” for highly- motivated examinees in the process
of interpreting and communicating test results EXCEPT: •
Question 16 1.5 out of 1.5 points Sally’s parents are upset
about her performance on a battery of tests. The examiner
explains to the parents that tests measure only a sample of
behavior at a particular time, that scores are not fixed–
they can go up or down from year to year, and that Sally’s
score may be low because she is simply not skilled in the
area measured by the particular tests. What important area
of understanding does this particular discussion address? •
Question 17 1.5 out of 1.5 points After a successful
feedback session, the client should ultimately be able to? •
Question 18 1.5 out of 1.5 points What can an examiner
do that may be helpful if parents do not understand the
test results after the examiner initially presents them? •
Question 19 1.5 out of 1.5 points What is the primary area
of concern regarding the advancement of computer
technology in assessment? • Question 20 1.5 out of 1.5
points What is an important factor for the examiner to
remember when writing the “Test Results and
Interpretation” section? CEFS 521 QUIZ 5, LIBERTY
UNIVERSITY QUESTION 1 1. Which statement
concerning the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale is true?
The FSIQ, VIQ, and NVIQ have composite scores with a
mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 1. The subtests
are organized into five cognitive factors in both the verbal
and nonverbal domains. The test was normed on a small,
nonstratified group of individuals. The test is appropriate
for individuals aged 18 and older. 1.5 points QUESTION
2 1. A test used by a school to measure skills learned over
the course of a year would be classified as a(n)
intelligence test. achievement test. aptitude test.
cumulative ability test. 1.5 points QUESTION 3 1.
According to Piaget’s theory, a 10-year-old child would
be in the _____________ stage of cognitive development.
sensorimotor preoperational concrete operational formal
operational 1.5 points QUESTION 4 1. Overall
intelligence test scores are usually converted to standard
scores with a mean of _______ and a standard deviation
of __________. 100; 1 1; 10 100; 15 1; 15 1.5 points
QUESTION 5 1. An individual with a composite score of
118 on the Wechsler scales would have a level of
intelligence classified as Low Average. Average. High
Average. Superior. 1.5 points QUESTION 6 1. How did
Vernon’s model come to be viewed as a way to reconcile
Spearman’s and Thurston’s theories? It is both cognitive
and affective. It accounts for both a general intelligence
factor and other specific factors. It can be said to measure
both fluid and crystallized intelligence. Test scores are
expressed in various ways. 1.5 points QUESTION 7 1.
The WAIS-IV would be appropriate to assess the
cognitive abilities of a preschool child. 10 year old child.
25 year old. group of individuals of a wide range of ages.
1.5 points QUESTION 8 1. Which of the following is not
one of the five indexes on the WPPSI-IV? Perceptual
Organization Index (PCI) Verbal comprehension Index
(VCI) Working Memory Index (WMI) Processing Speed
Index (PSI) 1.5 points QUESTION 9 1. According to
early psychometric research, ___________ is the concept
that governs performance on all tasks and abilities. ego
development ability factor general ability general
intelligence factor 1.5 points QUESTION 10 1. Thurston
particularly challenged the notion of multiple ability
factors the general intelligence factor primary mental
abilities intelligence as a product of the environment 1.5
points QUESTION 11 1. Counselor John is discussing
test results with examinee Jessica. During the feedback
session John inquires about Jessica’s values, interests,
expectations, and goals, and also examines Jessica’s
performance on previous tests to determine whether her
current scores are typical. What “Problem Area” is John
most likely addressing? Motivation and Attitude
Acceptance Negative Results Flat Profiles 1.5 points
QUESTION 12 1. What is the critical factor in the
examinee’s acceptance of test results? The manner in
which the examiner delivers the results Whether or not
the results meet the examinee’s expectations The
examinee’s readiness to hear the results The examinee’s
previous experiences with the process of testing &
assessment 1.5 points QUESTION 13 1. According to the
text, in which section of the assessment report is it
particularly important for the assessor to remember that
other individuals, such as parents/spouses of the
examinee, case managers, attorneys, and even the
examinee themselves, may read the report? Assessment
Procedures Reason for Referral Behavioral Observations
Background Information 1.5 points QUESTION 14 1.
The primary function of feedback sessions is to? develop
Individualized Educational Plans communicate
assessment results develop clinical treatment plans
diagnose mental disorders or learning disabilities 1.5
points QUESTION 15 1. Sally’s parents are upset about
her performance on a battery of tests. The examiner
explains to the parents that tests measure only a sample of
behavior at a particular time, that scores are not fixed–
they can go up or down from year to year, and that Sally’s
score may be low because she is simply not skilled in the
area measured by the particular tests. What important area
of understanding does this particular discussion address?
Parents realize the importance encouraging the child to do
their best, because placement decisions often depend upon
test results Parents understand the potential for bias in the
testing process, despite considerable procedures to reduce
it Parents understand the dynamics of testing and refrain
from making hasty value judgments based on their child’s
test results Parents understand that they may not be
reimbursed by the school district if they choose to have
the child re-evaluated by an independent source 1.5 points
QUESTION 16 1. Within the context of writing
assessment reports, the use of “understandable language”
refers to? Ensuring that an interpreter is available to
communicate test results if the examinee is not fluent in
English Writing the report using simple terms so that the
child being assessed is able to read and understand it
Avoiding the use of overly-technical jargon and providing
logical explanations of results Failing to integrate
information about methods and sources of data used
during the assessment into the report 1.5 points
QUESTION 17 1. On aptitude and achievement tests, a
flat profile indicates? Similar levels of performance in all
areas being measured Similar levels of performance to
those of other test-takers Low levels of test reliability
Low levels of test validity 1.5 points QUESTION 18 1. In
written reports, _____________ is usually addressed in
both school and mental health settings with regard to the
examinee? behavioral concerns current level of
functioning instructional strategies psychological
concerns 1.5 points QUESTION 19 1. What can an
examiner do that may be helpful if parents do not
understand the test results after the examiner initially
presents them? Repeat the information, as many times as
it takes, until the parents understand it There is no need to
do anything because the information will eventually sink-
in Use visual presentation of results, such as graphs,
charts, and profiles Disregard the original test scores,
administer additional tests to the child, and report the
results of those tests instead 1.5 points QUESTION 20 1.
Counselor Karen is communicating negative assessment
results to Jill that are potentially damaging to Jill’s self-
concept. What might Karen need to do in this situation?
Work with Jill on extending her level of acceptance prior
to the feedback session Focus on Jill, rather than the test
itself, during the feedback session Keep the rationale for
cutoff scores and validity of the test confidential because
they will overwhelm Jill Communicate results by using
clinical terms, such as “deviant,” so that Jill accepts the
test results as valid

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CEFS 521 Quiz -5, Liberty University_3 Version answer, secure HIGHSCORE

  • 1. CEFS 521 Quiz -5, Liberty University_3 Version answer, secure HIGHSCORE CEFS 521 QUIZ 5, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY, COMPLETE ANSWER QUESTION 1 Intelligence tests can be classified as affective and cognitive. general and specific. individual and group. ability and processing. QUESTION 2 According to Cattell, a test of verbal comprehension would draw on _____________, whereas a test involving memory span and spatial thinking would reflect ____________. verbal-numerical intelligence; general ability intelligence. linguistic intelligence; spatial- perceptual abilities. specific factors; general ability intelligence. crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence. QUESTION 3 Thurston particularly challenged the notion of multiple ability factors the general intelligence factor primary mental abilities intelligence as a product of the environment QUESTION 4 How did Vernon’s model come to be viewed as a way to reconcile Spearman’s and Thurston’s theories? It is both cognitive and affective. It accounts for both a general intelligence factor and other specific factors. It can be said to measure both fluid and crystallized intelligence. Test scores are expressed in various ways. QUESTION 5 1. Which of the following is not one of the five indexes on the WPPSI-IV? Perceptual Organization Index (PCI) Verbal comprehension Index (VCI) Working Memory Index (WMI) Processing Speed Index (PSI) QUESTION 6Using the WJ III COG and the WJ III ACH together would allow a professional to make
  • 2. accurate comparisons among an individual’s cognitive abilities, oral language ability, and achievement scores. screen for potential behaviors that may impede learning. apply both Luria’s theory and the CHC perspective. consider the impact of processing speed on performance. QUESTION 7 Spearman defined intelligence as comprised of two factors, including a general intelligence factor, and specific factors. the ability to judge, reason, and think abstractly. adaptability and assimilation. cognitive processing ability. QUESTION 8 Which statement concerning the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale is true? The FSIQ, VIQ, and NVIQ have composite scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 1. The subtests are organized into five cognitive factors in both the verbal and nonverbal domains. The test was normed on a small, nonstratified group of individuals. The test is appropriate for individuals aged 18 and older. QUESTION 9 Unlike individual intelligence tests, group tests of intelligence are useful for assessing many individuals quickly and inexpensively. used mostly to assess for suspected learning disabilities or other cognitive disorders. required to be administered by specially trained, highly qualified examiners. often made up of items which require oral responses from the examinee. QUESTION 10 According to Stern, a child with a mental age of 10 and a chronological age of 10 would have a mental quotient of 75. 95. 100. 120. QUESTION 11 The primary function of feedback
  • 3. sessions is to? develop Individualized Educational Plans communicate assessment results develop clinical treatment plans diagnose mental disorders or learning disabilities QUESTION 12 According to the text, in which section of the assessment report is it particularly important for the assessor to remember that other individuals, such as parents/spouses of the examinee, case managers, attorneys, and even the examinee themselves, may read the report? Assessment Procedures Reason for Referral Behavioral Observations Background Information QUESTION 13 Counselor John is discussing test results with examinee Jessica. During the feedback session John inquires about Jessica’s values, interests, expectations, and goals, and also examines Jessica’s performance on previous tests to determine whether her current scores are typical. What “Problem Area” is John most likely addressing? Motivation and Attitude Acceptance Negative Results Flat Profiles QUESTION 14 What is the primary area of concern regarding the advancement of computer technology in assessment? Confidentiality of test data Accuracy of computer- generated test reports Cultural and gender biases in the new technology Equal access to the technology QUESTION 15 Assessment results are of direct interest to? school personnel (i.e., teachers, principals, school counselors, etc.) potential employers of the examinee the examinee or parents of a minor examinee the practitioner who conducted the clinical assessment QUESTION 16
  • 4. What is the critical factor in the examinee’s acceptance of test results? The manner in which the examiner delivers the results Whether or not the results meet the examinee’s expectations The examinee’s readiness to hear the results The examinee’s previous experiences with the process of testing & assessment QUESTION 17 What can an examiner do that may be helpful if parents do not understand the test results after the examiner initially presents them? Repeat the information, as many times as it takes, until the parents understand it There is no need to do anything because the information will eventually sink- in Use visual presentation of results, such as graphs, charts, and profiles Disregard the original test scores, administer additional tests to the child, and report the results of those tests instead QUESTION 18 What is an important factor for the examiner to remember when writing the “Test Results and Interpretation” section? The focus of this section is on the individual being assessed, not the test scores The examiner’s personal opinions and hypotheses are irrelevant to the assessment–only objective information should be analyzed The focus of this section is on the test scores, not the individual being assessed This section of the report should be quite brief, as more important issues are addressed in the following section QUESTION 19 According to the text, all of the following are potential “hazards” for highly- motivated examinees in the process of interpreting and communicating test results EXCEPT: Discrediting the validity of the test and
  • 5. credibility of the examiner Negative test results having a particularly strong impact on their self-concept Using test results to escape from their problems and feelings Becoming overly dependent on test data to solve their problems QUESTION 20 Within the context of writing assessment reports, the use of “understandable language” refers to? Ensuring that an interpreter is available to communicate test results if the examinee is not fluent in English Writing the report using simple terms so that the child being assessed is able to read and understand it Avoiding the use of overly-technical jargon and providing logical explanations of results Failing to integrate information about methods and sources of data used during the assessment into the report == CEFS 521 QUIZ 5, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY • Question 1 1.5 out of 1.5 points Overall intelligence test scores are usually converted to standard scores with a mean of _______ and a standard deviation of __________. • Question 2 1.5 out of 1.5 points Intelligence tests can be classified as • Question 3 1.5 out of 1.5 points Unlike individual intelligence tests, group tests of intelligence are • Question 4 1.5 out of 1.5 points According to early psychometric research, ___________ is the concept that governs performance on all tasks and abilities. • Question 5 1.5 out of 1.5 points Which statement concerning the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale is true? • Question 6 1.5 out of 1.5 points Spearman defined intelligence as comprised of • Question 7 1.5 out of 1.5 points According
  • 6. to Cattell, a test of verbal comprehension would draw on _____________, whereas a test involving memory span and spatial thinking would reflect ____________. • Question 8 1.5 out of 1.5 points The WAIS-IV would be appropriate to assess the cognitive abilities of a • Question 9 1.5 out of 1.5 points Thurston particularly challenged the notion of • Question 10 1.5 out of 1.5 points Which test might an examiner choose if he or she wishes to include the broadest IQ range and chronological age? • Question 11 1.5 out of 1.5 points Which of the following statements about feedback sessions is TRUE? • Question 12 1.5 out of 1.5 points Within the context of writing assessment reports, the use of “understandable language” refers to? • Question 13 1.5 out of 1.5 points What is the critical factor in the examinee’s acceptance of test results? • Question 14 1.5 out of 1.5 points According to the text, in which section of the assessment report is it particularly important for the assessor to remember that other individuals, such as parents/spouses of the examinee, case managers, attorneys, and even the examinee themselves, may read the report? • Question 15 1.5 out of 1.5 points According to the text, all of the following are potential “hazards” for highly- motivated examinees in the process of interpreting and communicating test results EXCEPT: • Question 16 1.5 out of 1.5 points Sally’s parents are upset about her performance on a battery of tests. The examiner explains to the parents that tests measure only a sample of behavior at a particular time, that scores are not fixed–
  • 7. they can go up or down from year to year, and that Sally’s score may be low because she is simply not skilled in the area measured by the particular tests. What important area of understanding does this particular discussion address? • Question 17 1.5 out of 1.5 points After a successful feedback session, the client should ultimately be able to? • Question 18 1.5 out of 1.5 points What can an examiner do that may be helpful if parents do not understand the test results after the examiner initially presents them? • Question 19 1.5 out of 1.5 points What is the primary area of concern regarding the advancement of computer technology in assessment? • Question 20 1.5 out of 1.5 points What is an important factor for the examiner to remember when writing the “Test Results and Interpretation” section? CEFS 521 QUIZ 5, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY QUESTION 1 1. Which statement concerning the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale is true? The FSIQ, VIQ, and NVIQ have composite scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 1. The subtests are organized into five cognitive factors in both the verbal and nonverbal domains. The test was normed on a small, nonstratified group of individuals. The test is appropriate for individuals aged 18 and older. 1.5 points QUESTION 2 1. A test used by a school to measure skills learned over the course of a year would be classified as a(n) intelligence test. achievement test. aptitude test. cumulative ability test. 1.5 points QUESTION 3 1. According to Piaget’s theory, a 10-year-old child would
  • 8. be in the _____________ stage of cognitive development. sensorimotor preoperational concrete operational formal operational 1.5 points QUESTION 4 1. Overall intelligence test scores are usually converted to standard scores with a mean of _______ and a standard deviation of __________. 100; 1 1; 10 100; 15 1; 15 1.5 points QUESTION 5 1. An individual with a composite score of 118 on the Wechsler scales would have a level of intelligence classified as Low Average. Average. High Average. Superior. 1.5 points QUESTION 6 1. How did Vernon’s model come to be viewed as a way to reconcile Spearman’s and Thurston’s theories? It is both cognitive and affective. It accounts for both a general intelligence factor and other specific factors. It can be said to measure both fluid and crystallized intelligence. Test scores are expressed in various ways. 1.5 points QUESTION 7 1. The WAIS-IV would be appropriate to assess the cognitive abilities of a preschool child. 10 year old child. 25 year old. group of individuals of a wide range of ages. 1.5 points QUESTION 8 1. Which of the following is not one of the five indexes on the WPPSI-IV? Perceptual Organization Index (PCI) Verbal comprehension Index (VCI) Working Memory Index (WMI) Processing Speed Index (PSI) 1.5 points QUESTION 9 1. According to early psychometric research, ___________ is the concept that governs performance on all tasks and abilities. ego development ability factor general ability general intelligence factor 1.5 points QUESTION 10 1. Thurston
  • 9. particularly challenged the notion of multiple ability factors the general intelligence factor primary mental abilities intelligence as a product of the environment 1.5 points QUESTION 11 1. Counselor John is discussing test results with examinee Jessica. During the feedback session John inquires about Jessica’s values, interests, expectations, and goals, and also examines Jessica’s performance on previous tests to determine whether her current scores are typical. What “Problem Area” is John most likely addressing? Motivation and Attitude Acceptance Negative Results Flat Profiles 1.5 points QUESTION 12 1. What is the critical factor in the examinee’s acceptance of test results? The manner in which the examiner delivers the results Whether or not the results meet the examinee’s expectations The examinee’s readiness to hear the results The examinee’s previous experiences with the process of testing & assessment 1.5 points QUESTION 13 1. According to the text, in which section of the assessment report is it particularly important for the assessor to remember that other individuals, such as parents/spouses of the examinee, case managers, attorneys, and even the examinee themselves, may read the report? Assessment Procedures Reason for Referral Behavioral Observations Background Information 1.5 points QUESTION 14 1. The primary function of feedback sessions is to? develop Individualized Educational Plans communicate assessment results develop clinical treatment plans
  • 10. diagnose mental disorders or learning disabilities 1.5 points QUESTION 15 1. Sally’s parents are upset about her performance on a battery of tests. The examiner explains to the parents that tests measure only a sample of behavior at a particular time, that scores are not fixed– they can go up or down from year to year, and that Sally’s score may be low because she is simply not skilled in the area measured by the particular tests. What important area of understanding does this particular discussion address? Parents realize the importance encouraging the child to do their best, because placement decisions often depend upon test results Parents understand the potential for bias in the testing process, despite considerable procedures to reduce it Parents understand the dynamics of testing and refrain from making hasty value judgments based on their child’s test results Parents understand that they may not be reimbursed by the school district if they choose to have the child re-evaluated by an independent source 1.5 points QUESTION 16 1. Within the context of writing assessment reports, the use of “understandable language” refers to? Ensuring that an interpreter is available to communicate test results if the examinee is not fluent in English Writing the report using simple terms so that the child being assessed is able to read and understand it Avoiding the use of overly-technical jargon and providing logical explanations of results Failing to integrate information about methods and sources of data used during the assessment into the report 1.5 points
  • 11. QUESTION 17 1. On aptitude and achievement tests, a flat profile indicates? Similar levels of performance in all areas being measured Similar levels of performance to those of other test-takers Low levels of test reliability Low levels of test validity 1.5 points QUESTION 18 1. In written reports, _____________ is usually addressed in both school and mental health settings with regard to the examinee? behavioral concerns current level of functioning instructional strategies psychological concerns 1.5 points QUESTION 19 1. What can an examiner do that may be helpful if parents do not understand the test results after the examiner initially presents them? Repeat the information, as many times as it takes, until the parents understand it There is no need to do anything because the information will eventually sink- in Use visual presentation of results, such as graphs, charts, and profiles Disregard the original test scores, administer additional tests to the child, and report the results of those tests instead 1.5 points QUESTION 20 1. Counselor Karen is communicating negative assessment results to Jill that are potentially damaging to Jill’s self- concept. What might Karen need to do in this situation? Work with Jill on extending her level of acceptance prior to the feedback session Focus on Jill, rather than the test itself, during the feedback session Keep the rationale for cutoff scores and validity of the test confidential because they will overwhelm Jill Communicate results by using
  • 12. clinical terms, such as “deviant,” so that Jill accepts the test results as valid https://www.stuvia.com/doc/696275/cefs-521-quiz-5-liberty-university_3-version-answer-secure- highscore https://www.stuvia.com/bundle/46684/cefs-521-quiz-1-to-quiz-8-liberty-university_different-versions- answer-secure-highscore