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Scribewise cultureoct2016
Inside this deck
•  Our approach to culture
•  Our values
•  Responsibilities + expectations
•  The quest
•  mission, vision, what we stand for
Our approach to culture
Our approach to culture
We begin with a simple formula:
talent + culture = excellence
In order to achieve excellence, we must have a culture
that attracts talent and allows that talent to thrive.
What we’re trying to do
Minimize rules so we can focus on the work.
Distribute responsibility while maintaining flexibility.
Encourage smart risk-taking.
Because talented people just need to know where the
guardrails are.
They don’t need backseat drivers.
Making this work requires:
•  Clear communication.
•  Open conversation.
(This means everybody is responsible for calling
anybody out when it’s warranted.)
•  A commitment to excellence
We don’t accept the default settings
Just because that’s what we’ve always done for a
client, or just because that’s what they hired us to,
doesn’t mean that’s what we should do.
Always search for a better solution to reach the goal.
And if you screw up?
It’s okay.
But we need to talk about why the screw up happened,
and see if we can learn from it.
So…here’s a thing
The work we do – a whole lot of writing – is quiet work.
It’s work we do with earbuds in.
We need to operate as a team. We must collaborate.
Our values
Company values are the best behaviors of our best
employees on their best days.
These are the behaviors we value and reward.
These are the values we think matter most.
(Which means we hire, promote and reward people
who demonstrate these values.)
This is about more than book smarts, although that’s important.
It extends to intellectual curiosity, lateral thinking, creativity and mental
It includes business savvy – an understanding of key principles and the
ability to apply those principles.
We must embody a “growth mindset.”
Our people are curious.
Our people exercise good judgment for Scribewise and our clients.
Our people never mail it in.
We are committed to making an impact.
We bring joy and enthusiasm to work.
We are tenacious.
A strong work ethic is important. This does not mean hours logged at a desk,
but rather an energy and commitment to having an impact.
As Thomas Edison said, innovation is one percent inspiration and 99 percent
Our goal is to thrill our clients.
We want them to feel as if they’re always getting great value from our
That means over-performing. It means going beyond our scope of work.
It requires digging in deep to not only be able keep up with our clients, but to
lead them.
It means having the courage to always doing what’s best for the client’s
business – even if it reduces our billings.
All of us are responsible for ensuring we live our
Every day.
Responsibilities +
We want “A” players
•  A players are self-motivating, self-aware, self-
disciplined and self-improving.
•  People who have impact.
•  No passengers.
•  Mission-driven people.
What we’re trying to build
a culture of creativity and self-discipline, freedom and
•  No timesheets
•  No clock-punching
•  High expectations
Expectation: know the client’s business
•  We need to be able to talk the talk.
•  We need to lead them.
•  Know the competition, know the industry press,
know the gossip.
•  Have a point of view.
[We also must know when to do what no one else in the
industry is doing.]
Expectation: be responsive
•  Respond to emails and other client requests as
quickly as possible.
•  Within 15 minutes whenever possible (even if it’s
just to acknowledge receiving the email).
•  “Common sense on fast forward.”
•  Always beat the deadline.
Expectation: be organized
•  The goal is to give the client confidence that you
have a plan of attack.
•  Be prepared for client calls. Have everything you
might need at your fingertips.
•  Keep good notes.
•  Know what’s coming next.
Expectation: bring energy
•  “Meeting with the agency” should be the best part of
the client’s day.
•  Interact with colleagues, clients and others with
enthusiasm and joy.
[you don’t have to agree with everything, or be a
“pollyanna” … but you do have to be energetic.]
Expectation: care on a personal level
•  Be human.
•  Know about people’s families, hobbies and other
things that makes them “them.”
•  Show empathy.
The quest
Defining the quest
We’re on a quest.
A quest to make a difference for our clients, to do great
work, and to have great fun while we are doing it.
Defining the quest
The Quest is the framework in which we operate. It
influences everything we do – who we hire, how we
work, and the work we choose to do.
We want to be challenged because we believe deeply
that we will succeed.
Defining the quest
It also means we’re always striving and pushing
ourselves and our clients to think big and execute with
The quest never ends
This is really important.
It’s about the happiness of pursuit.
The quest never ends
The Quest is not for everyone.
Sometimes, talented people will not have the right
mindset for the Quest. The Quest demands a high level
of performance.
The quest never ends
However, for those willing to commit to the Quest, we
promise the opportunity to work with stunning
colleagues and the freedom to do amazing work.
to strengthen the connection between our clients and
their customers.
to be a content-first digital agency that succeeds by
helping our clients succeed.
What we stand for
Trust through storytelling
This is the end of this deck
but we don’t consider it a finished product. so speak up
and say what you think. suggest additions or changes.
after all, that’s kinda the point.
[in fact, if you don’t, well… maybe that’s a sign
scribewise isn’t right for you.]
Scribewise cultureoct2016

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Scribewise cultureoct2016

  • 2. 2 Inside this deck •  Our approach to culture •  Our values •  Responsibilities + expectations •  The quest •  mission, vision, what we stand for
  • 3. Our approach to culture 3
  • 4. 4 Our approach to culture We begin with a simple formula: talent + culture = excellence In order to achieve excellence, we must have a culture that attracts talent and allows that talent to thrive.
  • 5. 5 What we’re trying to do Minimize rules so we can focus on the work. Distribute responsibility while maintaining flexibility. Encourage smart risk-taking.
  • 6. 6 Because talented people just need to know where the guardrails are. They don’t need backseat drivers.
  • 7. 7 Making this work requires: •  Clear communication. •  Open conversation. (This means everybody is responsible for calling anybody out when it’s warranted.) •  A commitment to excellence
  • 8. 8 We don’t accept the default settings Just because that’s what we’ve always done for a client, or just because that’s what they hired us to, doesn’t mean that’s what we should do. Always search for a better solution to reach the goal.
  • 9. 9 And if you screw up? It’s okay. But we need to talk about why the screw up happened, and see if we can learn from it. Cool?
  • 10. 10 So…here’s a thing The work we do – a whole lot of writing – is quiet work. It’s work we do with earbuds in. But… We need to operate as a team. We must collaborate.
  • 12. 12 Company values are the best behaviors of our best employees on their best days. These are the behaviors we value and reward.
  • 13. 13 These are the values we think matter most. (Which means we hire, promote and reward people who demonstrate these values.)
  • 14. 14 Intelligence This is about more than book smarts, although that’s important. It extends to intellectual curiosity, lateral thinking, creativity and mental agility. It includes business savvy – an understanding of key principles and the ability to apply those principles. We must embody a “growth mindset.” Our people are curious. Our people exercise good judgment for Scribewise and our clients.
  • 15. 15 Passion Our people never mail it in. We are committed to making an impact. We bring joy and enthusiasm to work. We are tenacious. A strong work ethic is important. This does not mean hours logged at a desk, but rather an energy and commitment to having an impact. As Thomas Edison said, innovation is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
  • 16. 16 Clientcentricity Our goal is to thrill our clients. We want them to feel as if they’re always getting great value from our services. That means over-performing. It means going beyond our scope of work. It requires digging in deep to not only be able keep up with our clients, but to lead them. It means having the courage to always doing what’s best for the client’s business – even if it reduces our billings.
  • 17. 17 All of us are responsible for ensuring we live our values. Every day.
  • 19. 19 We want “A” players •  A players are self-motivating, self-aware, self- disciplined and self-improving. •  People who have impact. •  No passengers. •  Mission-driven people.
  • 20. 20 What we’re trying to build a culture of creativity and self-discipline, freedom and responsibility. •  No timesheets •  No clock-punching •  High expectations
  • 21. 21 Expectation: know the client’s business •  We need to be able to talk the talk. •  We need to lead them. •  Know the competition, know the industry press, know the gossip. •  Have a point of view. [We also must know when to do what no one else in the industry is doing.]
  • 22. 22 Expectation: be responsive •  Respond to emails and other client requests as quickly as possible. •  Within 15 minutes whenever possible (even if it’s just to acknowledge receiving the email). •  “Common sense on fast forward.” •  Always beat the deadline.
  • 23. 23 Expectation: be organized •  The goal is to give the client confidence that you have a plan of attack. •  Be prepared for client calls. Have everything you might need at your fingertips. •  Keep good notes. •  Know what’s coming next.
  • 24. 24 Expectation: bring energy •  “Meeting with the agency” should be the best part of the client’s day. •  Interact with colleagues, clients and others with enthusiasm and joy. [you don’t have to agree with everything, or be a “pollyanna” … but you do have to be energetic.]
  • 25. 25 Expectation: care on a personal level •  Be human. •  Know about people’s families, hobbies and other things that makes them “them.” •  Show empathy.
  • 27. 27 Defining the quest We’re on a quest. A quest to make a difference for our clients, to do great work, and to have great fun while we are doing it.
  • 28. 28 Defining the quest The Quest is the framework in which we operate. It influences everything we do – who we hire, how we work, and the work we choose to do. We want to be challenged because we believe deeply that we will succeed.
  • 29. 29 Defining the quest It also means we’re always striving and pushing ourselves and our clients to think big and execute with excellence.
  • 30. 30 The quest never ends This is really important. It’s about the happiness of pursuit.
  • 31. 31 The quest never ends The Quest is not for everyone. Sometimes, talented people will not have the right mindset for the Quest. The Quest demands a high level of performance. Always.
  • 32. 32 The quest never ends However, for those willing to commit to the Quest, we promise the opportunity to work with stunning colleagues and the freedom to do amazing work.
  • 33. 33 Mission to strengthen the connection between our clients and their customers.
  • 34. 34 Vision to be a content-first digital agency that succeeds by helping our clients succeed.
  • 35. 35 What we stand for Trust through storytelling
  • 36. 36 This is the end of this deck but we don’t consider it a finished product. so speak up and say what you think. suggest additions or changes. after all, that’s kinda the point. [in fact, if you don’t, well… maybe that’s a sign scribewise isn’t right for you.]