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Culture Deck
The Handy culture has undergone several drafts and
revisions, as we’ve scaled from 5 to 50 to about 100
This is our attempt to write it down in a culture deck.
It represents part what we practice today and part what
we aspire to be.
We’ll continue to improve our culture and update this deck
as we learn more.
Always a work in progress
We are Handy, and we’re on a Mission.
OUR MISSION is to deliver Every Service
to Every Home.
What We Do (So Far…)
Handy is disrupting the $400b home services market by connecting
customers with independent, local service professionals in a fast,
convenient and reliable way - at the tap of a button.
We seek to create value for both customers
and professionals; and in return we earn a piece
of the transaction.
Customers Professionals
So, if that’s WHAT we do,
the question is, HOW do we do it…
and how do we do it in a way that’s
never been done before?
Is the set of basic assumptions, beliefs,
learned behaviors, values and norms
shared among a company’s employees.
Describes the uniquely “Handy way”
of doing things, which is necessarily
different than other companies where
you’ve previously worked. The very fact
of what we do shapes who we are.
Need to be
You mean it’s not about the foosball table, the
company retreats, and the snacks?
Not really, but we like those things too.
THE HANDY WAY is defined by these eight
1. Embrace challenges
2. Support smart & passionate people
3. Today not tomorrow
4. Build for love
5. Growth always
6. Data beats opinion
7. Do more with less
8. Enjoy the journey
Things We Believe At Handy
We believe we should be stretched to hit big goals.
To build something great, we will have to be
aggressive, and willing to make tough decisions.
Nothing worth doing is easy.
this value
● You say “yes” to new challenges and
make tough decisions without agonizing.
● You are inspired by big goals to think and
act big in order to achieve them.
● You break down complex problems into
manageable pieces and develop simple,
scalable solutions.
– The internet disagrees on who said this first
One of the ways we embrace challenges
is by setting BIG goals.
We set big goals not to be mean or impractical,
but because:
● Big goals force us to find ways to make radical and
significant improvements rather than incremental ones.
● If we are solving hard problems, that creates a competitive
advantage. If what we are doing is easy, a less talented
competitor can do the same and catch up to us.
But challenging problems ≠ complicated solutions.
Simple, elegant, user-friendly solutions are often the best answer,
even if they don’t solve 100% of the problem.
And we’d rather solve 80% of a really hard problem,
than 100% of easy problems.
We also know that in order to solve challenging
problems, we need to create the right environment
to succeed by:
● Providing better context for the decisions that are being made.
● Making sure we’re solving the right problems, not just the ones in
front of us.
● Communicating that failure is acceptable, and not to be feared,
if you recognize it fast, pick yourself up and learn from it.
We like new mistakes, not old ones.
These are all areas
where we are working
to improve.
We believe in constantly raising the bar by hiring,
developing and supporting the smartest, most
passionate people in the world.
this value
● You care deeply about Handy’s success, and
inspire your team(mates) with your hard work,
excellence, enthusiasm and thirst for winning.
● You refer, and help recruit, other extraordinary
people who are excited by Handy’s mission, and
will live and breath Handy’s values all the way to
the finish line.
● You invest in your team(mates) and help them
succeed by being collaborative, asking questions
that stretch their thinking, and providing direct
and constructive feedback.
When we first started Handy, we had the value:
“Recruit Smarter (than You).”
and set about
recruiting the 5
smartest people who
believed in what we
were doing.
- Jim Rohn
We kept doing that.
And now, we’ve built an amazing team.
Today, we strive to not only recruit,
but also Support, empower, develop
and retain Smart & Passionate People.
To us, Support smart & passionate people
doesn’t mean tons of free shit, zero conflict,
and short work hours.
The reality is: a) marketplace margins don’t support tons of
free shit, b) some conflict is good, and c) aggressive work hours help
us get more accomplished.
Instead, by Support smart & passionate people,
we mean that we strive to:
Help Each Other Be Great.
We strive to support smart & passionate people by
doing 4 things:
● Creating the context for greatness.
● Rewarding above & beyond.
● Direct feedback.
● Intolerance for mediocrity.
We are always looking
to improve in these
Creating the context
for greatness.
By setting vision, defining big goals,
and giving lots of ownership, freedom
and trust, we strive to create the context
for smart & passionate people to do their
best work and achieve amazing results.
> micro-management
Sometimes, we mess up
and forget this equation.
We’re working on it ;-)
Rewarding above & beyond.
We reward extraordinary performers by surrounding them with amazing
people, as well as providing them with new challenges, more responsibility,
and higher compensation.
Unlike many companies, we don’t have set career paths. We have incredibly
high standards and when those are exceeded, unexpected paths open up.
“But at some times and in some groups, there may not be enough growth
opportunity for everyone. In which case, we should celebrate someone for
leaving Handy for a bigger job we didn’t have available for them.”*
*This sentiment is borrowed from Netflix because it resonated with us, and didn’t think we could say it better.
Direct feedback.
Everyone will struggle at one time or another in their role at Handy.
Duh! That’s because we are constantly being stretched to hit big goals.
To help people course-correct
and excel, we believe in
providing direct, honest and
actionable feedback. Feedback
comes real-time in meetings, in
annual reviews, and in 1 on 1s
with your managers. We do this
even at the risk of creating
conflict or hurting feelings
because it’s in the best interest
of personal and company
This is where
we’re aiming
Intolerance for mediocrity.
To win, we need stars in every position. Handy’s leaders hire, develop and fire
on the basis of our values. Keeping team members around who are just
adequate, aka “B” players, risks driving away “A” players.
“A” players want to be surrounded by “A” players.
The catch is that…
As a manager, if you have any humanity at all, this is muuuuch easier said
than done. When you hire and invest in someone, and they are not working out,
it’s difficult to swallow.
But keeping people around who are underperforming doesn’t do them, you or
their teammates any favors.
Instead, think about the success that person could be having elsewhere in the
right role and company for them, and then imagine the new, amazing person
you can recruit to fill their position at Handy.
We work with urgency and believe moving fast is
one of our key advantages with the end goal of
always moving forward.
this value
● You make the hard decisions, find a path
forward, and repeat.
● You understand what is most impactful for our
business, and work intensely on moving those
projects forward.
● You strive to make things better today than they
were yesterday, not necessarily perfect in one
● You gain as much information as possible, but
avoid paralysis by recognizing when you have
sufficient data to move forward, and take
calculated risks.
In this business,
speed matters.
We’re not a biotech and
we’re not a government agency
- our horizons for change are
much shorter.
Today not tomorrow is an
attitude that compels you to act
before it’s too late. It’s about
having a sense of urgency and
desire to get shit done.
Compounding effect => the more we do
and grow today, the more we can accomplish
and grow tomorrow.
It can wait til tomorrow =>
Simple growth
Today not tomorrow
=> Compound growth
survival today—not tomorrow.
What this means daily in practice:
If an email comes in and you’re about to enter the
elevator to go home, if you can answer at that
moment and unblock a junior team member or
make an important decision, take action then and
there. Avoid the mindset that “this email will still be
in my inbox tomorrow, so it can wait a day.”
If you can push yourself a bit more on a Thursday to
push code, knowing on Fridays we don’t push, then
do it. Don’t wait until Monday. Customers and pros
will be better off 3 days earlier.
If you are working on an data analysis, and can get it
done today rather than tomorrow, that means your
business partner can make a decision earlier which
can drive a policy or process change sooner.
We recognize that at times there are projects that require
longer arcs, that sometimes there are scenarios with
downside risk where a more measured approach is necessary.
However, we continue to believe, where possible, we should accomplish as much
as we can today.
Tomorrow is a new day, which promises even more new things we need to get
done. Our mission is enormous - the only way we’ll shrink the time it takes to get
there is by accomplishing more every day.
Today not tomorrow doesn’t mean:
Quality doesn’t matter. We should take pride in the quality of our output and
strive for creating an amazing product and service experience. But if what you’ve
completed so far is better than what’s on the site right now, push it. Don’t wait for
perfect. Over time, user feedback, iteration and course-correction will help us get
to perfect.
All tasks are equally urgent. Focus and prioritization are still required. We need
to prioritize working on those things that have the largest impact first, rather than
treating all tasks at the margin with equal urgency. This requires having proper
context and knowing what’s most important, self-discipline, and at times,
pushing back on your manager.
We put heart into our work and strive to create an
experience that enhances customers’ and
professionals’ lives, while having a positive impact
on local communities around the world.
this value
● You empathize with our customers and pros,
and work hard to continually delight and
empower them.
● You listen to, and believe that, all user feedback
presents an opportunity to be a better company;
no feedback should be discounted.
● You represent the voice of our customers and
pros, and have the courage to speak up when
you feel their voice is being drowned out by
louder interests.
We exist for our users: both customers and professionals.
If we don’t take care of them, someone else will.
Build for love means striving to create an amazing service experience that enhances our users’ lives by
solving a real need in a new way that’s materially better than how things used to be done.
Build for love is a call to action that refers to every important
aspect of the entire Handy experience, not just the product.
● Customer journey: discovery → booking → payments → in-home service → customer
support → communications → ongoing bookings management.
● Pro journey: discovery → application → platform orientation → scheduling → performing the
service → professional support → communications → payments.
Customer support handling Email communications
Engineering Craftsman Wall
Many companies delude themselves
into thinking they are loved.
SurveyMonkey surveyed 1,500
consumers and businesses to find
there’s a big disconnect between
how businesses perceive the
experience they’re building and how
consumers perceive the experience
they’re receiving.
At Handy, we understand we have a
long way to go to earning our
customers’ and pros’ love. We are just
scratching the surface of “useful.”
“Love” is where we’re headed.
In other words, we don’t get it right every time.
When building the future, it’s rare to get it right the first time around. As a result,
there are bound to be unhappy customers and pros. Our aim is to make the most
important aspects of the customer and pro experience a bit better everyday.
We do this by working tirelessly and iteratively (Today not tomorrow), and by
listening to our customers and pros through: CX contacts, ratings, product usage,
social media, surveys, and feedback sessions.
But, Build for love doesn’t mean build every
requested feature.
Customers and pros will ask for lots of things. It’s our job to
prioritize building the most impactful things. Customers and pros
will only give you feedback on the old way of doing things or on
what you’ve already built. It’s our job to listen to their “need,”
not their “want,” and to build the future.
Build for love also doesn’t
mean give more away for free.
While over time we seek to be the most affordable, efficient and flexible marketplace for
pros and customers, we recognize that bankrupt companies don’t delight and
empower customers or pros.
We also know it’s our responsibility to set policies that help govern the marketplace in
order to mitigate harmful user behavior. For example, we charge fees on late
cancellations. We do this not to make money, but because those behaviors harm the
experience for the other market participants.
So we build for love within the constraints of building
a long-term viable business and balancing the needs of
customers and pros, which are not always aligned.
When faced with tough choices we will choose the
path that allows us to serve the most people in a
responsible way over the long term.
this value
● You understand that by building a bigger
platform we build a better platform for both our
customers and pros; because pros value bookings
and customers value availability, scale is the key
to a better experience for everyone.
● You take responsibility for Handy’s growth,
regardless of your role or department.
● You make decisions aimed toward
step-change, rather than incremental growth;
You do things that scale.
To be successful in a marketplace
business, growth is a biological
imperative. Pros will go where there are
more customers. Customers will go where
there are more pros. At this stage in our
lifecycle, we should always be doing the
most impactful thing to achieve a step
change in our growth rather than polishing
what already exists at the margin.
Handy Flywheel →
When it comes to the Handy platform,
we believe BIGGER is BETTER.
Wait a tick: Isn’t growth just
Marketing’s responsibility?
Nope: Every person on every
team at Handy is responsible
for Growth.
But Growth always doesn’t mean:
Growth without love. We understand that growing too fast at the cost of hurting the
customer or pro experience does not equate to a long term, viable business. Build for
love should ultimately be our long term growth strategy.
Growth at all costs. We don’t throw money away needlessly to acquire customers who
are not right for the platform; we look at cost of acquisition relative to customer lifetime
value. And we pay attention to our burn rate to ensure we are growing sustainably.
Over-expansion. Launching new markets or services too aggressively adds complexity
that is hard to manage at our current stage - new languages, new payment methods,
new use cases, etc. We know scale and liquidity in a given market is what benefits
customers and pros most. So for now, we want to go deeper in the markets we
currently serve, rather than spread ourselves too thin. Ultimately, however, we believe
an amazing service experience crosses verticals and borders, and will opportunistically
expand our scope.
In the spirit of Growth Always, use this coupon code
to get 30% off your first home cleaning by Handy.
Go to handy.com to book a home cleaning, and
enter CULTURE in the promo code section on the
checkout page.
We focus on the details and make decisions based
on analysis and data, not anecdotes.
this value
● You understand Handy’s core business metrics
and goals you are working toward.
● You use data, where possible, to inform your decisions
or build a case for any new process, feature, etc.
● You seek out learning opportunities to build the
capabilities needed to access data and conduct
analyses required to perform your job.
● You understand that data integrity is critical and
make an extra effort to record accurate data
(whether automated or manual).
They tell us where we are succeeding and where we need to be better.
They give us a competitive advantage over upstarts who have zero data
to inform their decisions.
They represent the revealed needs and preferences of our customers
and pros at scale. Anecdotes help bring context to data, but taken
alone, it’s hard to know if they are representative of the many.
It doesn’t have to be big data...
The early days of Handy’s
“Counter Culture” →
Where data and metrics can go wrong.
Too much data → Lack of focus on key metrics. Tracking lots of metrics for the sake
of it is not helpful. Focus on actionable metrics, not the quantity of metrics.
Analysis paralysis. Too much data and analysis can hold up progress. Get to the core
analysis needed to make a decision, and don’t get held up by “nice to know” data.
Garbage in. Garbage out. Data integrity is key, so make sure you are making decisions
off of data you understand and have sense-checked.
Sometimes data is not available. This is particularly so when pursuing new
opportunities. The absence of data should not stall decision making. Either figure out
how to get the data quickly through an experiment, or acknowledge the lack of data,
move on, and take a calculated risk.
Once upon a time, this is where
it felt like all of our data was
stored →
But over the last couple of years we’ve
made significant improvements in enabling
users to access our data to inform
We overhauled our data warehouse,
created robust automated business critical
reporting, built out a Data & Analytics team,
and have invested significantly in tools that
allow us to do quick data investigations to
power our decision making.
We know we still have
work to do here.
By being resourceful, innovative and disciplined,
we can outrun any competition.
this value
● You are scrappy, prioritize effectively, avoid fake
work, and use experimentation to achieve
outsized results from limited time and resources.
● You spend Handy’s money responsibly, and use
your craftiness over cash, where possible.
● You do not aim to expand your team for the
sake of empire-building - instead, you build
David teams that deliver Goliath performance.
It’s easy to do
As a platform business - we make money by taking
a cut of the fee between customers and pros. To
ensure we continue to add more value than we
extract, our goal should be to take a smaller and smaller
and smaller cut, lots and lots and lots of times. In other
words, we need to be lean to grow big.
● customers in terms of
lower pricing
● pros in the form of
higher payments
● employees and investors
through higher salaries
or equity value.
By serving more
customers and
pros with less, it
allows us to return
more to our:
Doing more with less manifests at Handy in four primary areas.
1. Lower costs. We relentlessly lower our costs - both fixed and variable.
We seek to serve each customer and pro by being the most efficient and
innovative marketplace.
2. Continuous improvement. We try to stop bugs from traveling downstream,
and take it as an article of faith that allowing bugs to “travel down the line”
is expensive.
3. Automation. We automate as much as possible, where product and algorithms
can solve problems or deliver consistent, delightful experiences. When we
cannot fully automate a task, we build simple and intuitive processes.
4. Small teams. Empire building is not tolerated. Instead, we reward lean teams
that work efficiently together to deliver outsized performance.
Some examples in practice:
For two years, we packed our own supply bags. We use Ikea desks (and apparently, computer
monitors as post-it boards).
We run a Banana Stand initiative each year - because there’s
always money in the banana stand...
Banana Stand projects aim to reduce monthly
expenses in meaningful ways.
Banana Stand project examples
Cash out now
Pro premium
Replace salesforce
Automated CL posting
Banana Stand savings tracker
We believe work should be fun, and aim to create
meaningful friendships throughout the company.
this value
● You develop the best ideas and products when you
look forward to coming to work.
● You are yourself at work, and people look forward
to working with you.
● You build strong, meaningful friendships with your
Handy colleagues; not just those limited
to your immediate team.
● You understand that while embracing challenges is
good, it is also exhausting, exhilarating and exciting,
so it’s important not to take yourself too seriously.
Some of the tangible things happening
around Handy to foster community...
Better Communication
● Bi-Weekly All Hands
● Regular 1:1s
● TV monitors
● Employee recognition
● People & culture
Office Atmosphere
● Daily catered meals
● Couches
● Foosball table
● Glass conference rooms
● Open seating
● Monthly team outings
● Company retreats
● Holiday Parties
● Charity Events
● Community Advisor
● Speaker Series
And now for
the intangibles...
THE HANDY WAY is defined by these eight
1. Embrace challenges
2. Support smart & passionate people
3. Today not tomorrow
4. Build for love
5. Growth always
6. Data beats opinion
7. Do more with less
8. Enjoy the journey
Things We Believe At Handy
To recap...
At times, our values will conflict. Build for love vs.
Today not tomorrow. Growth always vs. Do more with less.
That’s ok.
And not every value will be as important or helpful in every
decision or at all times. That’s expected.
What’s important is that we understand why we value these
things, and that we use them, where possible, to guide our
actions and decisions. Moreover, that we feel empowered to
call out tensions where they exist or acknowledge what
tradeoffs we are making and why.
Our culture is not for
(on purpose)
Why? Wouldn’t you want
everyone to be happy
working at Handy?
Remember, we’re attempting to
build the sort of company that has
never been built before, and that
means doing things in a way that hasn’t
necessarily been done before.
So, these 8 things define the Handy Culture.
Meaning, they are things we believe and value
collectively at Handy, for Handy; not necessarily other
companies or every individual who passes through Handy.
And they are (/should be) the basis for our small daily
actions, our big strategic decisions, and any hiring,
rewarding and organizational changes made at Handy.
If we tried to appeal to everyone, we’d revert
to the average. And we’re not interested in
building an average company.
Good enough for everyone is great for no one.
We opt for greatness.
Some of what’s in this deck is already
happening in reality. And some of it is
But we’re still at the very beginning.
One last thing. Big shout out to the companies we
researched and were inspired by in our creation
of this deck.

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Handy culture deck v2.0

  • 2. The Handy culture has undergone several drafts and revisions, as we’ve scaled from 5 to 50 to about 100 employees. This is our attempt to write it down in a culture deck. It represents part what we practice today and part what we aspire to be. We’ll continue to improve our culture and update this deck as we learn more. Always a work in progress 2
  • 3. 3 We are Handy, and we’re on a Mission.
  • 4. 4
  • 5. OUR MISSION is to deliver Every Service to Every Home. 5
  • 6. What We Do (So Far…) Handy is disrupting the $400b home services market by connecting customers with independent, local service professionals in a fast, convenient and reliable way - at the tap of a button. 6
  • 7. We seek to create value for both customers and professionals; and in return we earn a piece of the transaction. 7 Customers Professionals
  • 8. 8 So, if that’s WHAT we do, the question is, HOW do we do it… and how do we do it in a way that’s never been done before?
  • 9. CULTURE. Is the set of basic assumptions, beliefs, learned behaviors, values and norms shared among a company’s employees. 9
  • 10. OUR CULTURE. Describes the uniquely “Handy way” of doing things, which is necessarily different than other companies where you’ve previously worked. The very fact of what we do shapes who we are. Need to be
  • 11. You mean it’s not about the foosball table, the company retreats, and the snacks? Not really, but we like those things too. 11
  • 12. THE HANDY WAY is defined by these eight 1. Embrace challenges 2. Support smart & passionate people 3. Today not tomorrow 4. Build for love 5. Growth always 6. Data beats opinion 7. Do more with less 8. Enjoy the journey Things We Believe At Handy 12
  • 13. 1. EMBRACE CHALLENGES We believe we should be stretched to hit big goals. To build something great, we will have to be aggressive, and willing to make tough decisions. Nothing worth doing is easy.
  • 14. You represent this value when: ● You say “yes” to new challenges and make tough decisions without agonizing. ● You are inspired by big goals to think and act big in order to achieve them. ● You break down complex problems into manageable pieces and develop simple, scalable solutions. 14 1. EMBRACE CHALLENGES
  • 15. 15 – The internet disagrees on who said this first
  • 16. 16 One of the ways we embrace challenges is by setting BIG goals.
  • 17. 17 We set big goals not to be mean or impractical, but because: ● Big goals force us to find ways to make radical and significant improvements rather than incremental ones. ● If we are solving hard problems, that creates a competitive advantage. If what we are doing is easy, a less talented competitor can do the same and catch up to us.
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 19 But challenging problems ≠ complicated solutions. Simple, elegant, user-friendly solutions are often the best answer, even if they don’t solve 100% of the problem. And we’d rather solve 80% of a really hard problem, than 100% of easy problems.
  • 20. 20 We also know that in order to solve challenging problems, we need to create the right environment to succeed by: ● Providing better context for the decisions that are being made. ● Making sure we’re solving the right problems, not just the ones in front of us. ● Communicating that failure is acceptable, and not to be feared, if you recognize it fast, pick yourself up and learn from it. We like new mistakes, not old ones. These are all areas where we are working to improve.
  • 21. 2. SUPPORT SMART & PASSIONATE PEOPLE We believe in constantly raising the bar by hiring, developing and supporting the smartest, most passionate people in the world.
  • 22. You represent this value when: ● You care deeply about Handy’s success, and inspire your team(mates) with your hard work, excellence, enthusiasm and thirst for winning. ● You refer, and help recruit, other extraordinary people who are excited by Handy’s mission, and will live and breath Handy’s values all the way to the finish line. ● You invest in your team(mates) and help them succeed by being collaborative, asking questions that stretch their thinking, and providing direct and constructive feedback. 22 2. SUPPORT SMART & PASSIONATE PEOPLE
  • 23. 23 When we first started Handy, we had the value: “Recruit Smarter (than You).” #wedidthemath, ← and set about recruiting the 5 smartest people who believed in what we were doing. - Jim Rohn
  • 24. 24 We kept doing that. And now, we’ve built an amazing team.
  • 25. 25 Today, we strive to not only recruit, but also Support, empower, develop and retain Smart & Passionate People.
  • 26. 26 To us, Support smart & passionate people doesn’t mean tons of free shit, zero conflict, and short work hours. The reality is: a) marketplace margins don’t support tons of free shit, b) some conflict is good, and c) aggressive work hours help us get more accomplished. Instead, by Support smart & passionate people, we mean that we strive to: Help Each Other Be Great.
  • 27. 27 We strive to support smart & passionate people by doing 4 things: ● Creating the context for greatness. ● Rewarding above & beyond. ● Direct feedback. ● Intolerance for mediocrity. We are always looking to improve in these areas.
  • 28. 28 Creating the context for greatness. By setting vision, defining big goals, and giving lots of ownership, freedom and trust, we strive to create the context for smart & passionate people to do their best work and achieve amazing results. MACRO-management > micro-management Sometimes, we mess up and forget this equation. We’re working on it ;-)
  • 29. 29
  • 30. 30 Rewarding above & beyond. We reward extraordinary performers by surrounding them with amazing people, as well as providing them with new challenges, more responsibility, and higher compensation. Unlike many companies, we don’t have set career paths. We have incredibly high standards and when those are exceeded, unexpected paths open up. “But at some times and in some groups, there may not be enough growth opportunity for everyone. In which case, we should celebrate someone for leaving Handy for a bigger job we didn’t have available for them.”* *This sentiment is borrowed from Netflix because it resonated with us, and didn’t think we could say it better.
  • 31. 31 Direct feedback. Everyone will struggle at one time or another in their role at Handy. Duh! That’s because we are constantly being stretched to hit big goals. To help people course-correct and excel, we believe in providing direct, honest and actionable feedback. Feedback comes real-time in meetings, in annual reviews, and in 1 on 1s with your managers. We do this even at the risk of creating conflict or hurting feelings because it’s in the best interest of personal and company growth. This is where we’re aiming
  • 32. 32
  • 33. 33 Intolerance for mediocrity. To win, we need stars in every position. Handy’s leaders hire, develop and fire on the basis of our values. Keeping team members around who are just adequate, aka “B” players, risks driving away “A” players. “A” players want to be surrounded by “A” players.
  • 34. 34 The catch is that… As a manager, if you have any humanity at all, this is muuuuch easier said than done. When you hire and invest in someone, and they are not working out, it’s difficult to swallow. But keeping people around who are underperforming doesn’t do them, you or their teammates any favors. Instead, think about the success that person could be having elsewhere in the right role and company for them, and then imagine the new, amazing person you can recruit to fill their position at Handy.
  • 35. 35
  • 36. 3. TODAY NOT TOMORROW We work with urgency and believe moving fast is one of our key advantages with the end goal of always moving forward.
  • 37. You represent this value when: 3. TODAY NOT TOMORROW ● You make the hard decisions, find a path forward, and repeat. ● You understand what is most impactful for our business, and work intensely on moving those projects forward. ● You strive to make things better today than they were yesterday, not necessarily perfect in one shot. ● You gain as much information as possible, but avoid paralysis by recognizing when you have sufficient data to move forward, and take calculated risks. 37
  • 38. 38 In this business, speed matters. We’re not a biotech and we’re not a government agency - our horizons for change are much shorter. Today not tomorrow is an attitude that compels you to act before it’s too late. It’s about having a sense of urgency and desire to get shit done.
  • 39. 39 Compounding effect => the more we do and grow today, the more we can accomplish and grow tomorrow. It can wait til tomorrow => Simple growth Today not tomorrow => Compound growth Time Bookings
  • 40. 40
  • 41. 41 survival today—not tomorrow. What this means daily in practice: If an email comes in and you’re about to enter the elevator to go home, if you can answer at that moment and unblock a junior team member or make an important decision, take action then and there. Avoid the mindset that “this email will still be in my inbox tomorrow, so it can wait a day.” — If you can push yourself a bit more on a Thursday to push code, knowing on Fridays we don’t push, then do it. Don’t wait until Monday. Customers and pros will be better off 3 days earlier. — If you are working on an data analysis, and can get it done today rather than tomorrow, that means your business partner can make a decision earlier which can drive a policy or process change sooner. Our
  • 42. 42 We recognize that at times there are projects that require longer arcs, that sometimes there are scenarios with downside risk where a more measured approach is necessary. However, we continue to believe, where possible, we should accomplish as much as we can today. Tomorrow is a new day, which promises even more new things we need to get done. Our mission is enormous - the only way we’ll shrink the time it takes to get there is by accomplishing more every day.
  • 43. Today not tomorrow doesn’t mean: Quality doesn’t matter. We should take pride in the quality of our output and strive for creating an amazing product and service experience. But if what you’ve completed so far is better than what’s on the site right now, push it. Don’t wait for perfect. Over time, user feedback, iteration and course-correction will help us get to perfect. All tasks are equally urgent. Focus and prioritization are still required. We need to prioritize working on those things that have the largest impact first, rather than treating all tasks at the margin with equal urgency. This requires having proper context and knowing what’s most important, self-discipline, and at times, pushing back on your manager. 43
  • 44. 4. BUILD FOR LOVE We put heart into our work and strive to create an experience that enhances customers’ and professionals’ lives, while having a positive impact on local communities around the world.
  • 45. You represent this value when: 4. BUILD FOR LOVE 45 ● You empathize with our customers and pros, and work hard to continually delight and empower them. ● You listen to, and believe that, all user feedback presents an opportunity to be a better company; no feedback should be discounted. ● You represent the voice of our customers and pros, and have the courage to speak up when you feel their voice is being drowned out by louder interests.
  • 46. 46 We exist for our users: both customers and professionals. If we don’t take care of them, someone else will. Build for love means striving to create an amazing service experience that enhances our users’ lives by solving a real need in a new way that’s materially better than how things used to be done.
  • 47. 47 Build for love is a call to action that refers to every important aspect of the entire Handy experience, not just the product. ● Customer journey: discovery → booking → payments → in-home service → customer support → communications → ongoing bookings management. ● Pro journey: discovery → application → platform orientation → scheduling → performing the service → professional support → communications → payments. Customer support handling Email communications Engineering Craftsman Wall
  • 48. 48 Many companies delude themselves into thinking they are loved. SurveyMonkey surveyed 1,500 consumers and businesses to find there’s a big disconnect between how businesses perceive the experience they’re building and how consumers perceive the experience they’re receiving. At Handy, we understand we have a long way to go to earning our customers’ and pros’ love. We are just scratching the surface of “useful.” “Love” is where we’re headed.
  • 49. 49 In other words, we don’t get it right every time. When building the future, it’s rare to get it right the first time around. As a result, there are bound to be unhappy customers and pros. Our aim is to make the most important aspects of the customer and pro experience a bit better everyday. We do this by working tirelessly and iteratively (Today not tomorrow), and by listening to our customers and pros through: CX contacts, ratings, product usage, social media, surveys, and feedback sessions.
  • 50. 50
  • 51. But, Build for love doesn’t mean build every requested feature. Customers and pros will ask for lots of things. It’s our job to prioritize building the most impactful things. Customers and pros will only give you feedback on the old way of doing things or on what you’ve already built. It’s our job to listen to their “need,” not their “want,” and to build the future. 51
  • 52. 52
  • 53. 53 Build for love also doesn’t mean give more away for free. While over time we seek to be the most affordable, efficient and flexible marketplace for pros and customers, we recognize that bankrupt companies don’t delight and empower customers or pros. We also know it’s our responsibility to set policies that help govern the marketplace in order to mitigate harmful user behavior. For example, we charge fees on late cancellations. We do this not to make money, but because those behaviors harm the experience for the other market participants. So we build for love within the constraints of building a long-term viable business and balancing the needs of customers and pros, which are not always aligned.
  • 54. 5. GROWTH ALWAYS When faced with tough choices we will choose the path that allows us to serve the most people in a responsible way over the long term.
  • 55. You represent this value when: 5. GROWTH ALWAYS 55 ● You understand that by building a bigger platform we build a better platform for both our customers and pros; because pros value bookings and customers value availability, scale is the key to a better experience for everyone. ● You take responsibility for Handy’s growth, regardless of your role or department. ● You make decisions aimed toward step-change, rather than incremental growth; You do things that scale.
  • 56. 56 Demand Supply To be successful in a marketplace business, growth is a biological imperative. Pros will go where there are more customers. Customers will go where there are more pros. At this stage in our lifecycle, we should always be doing the most impactful thing to achieve a step change in our growth rather than polishing what already exists at the margin. Handy Flywheel → When it comes to the Handy platform, we believe BIGGER is BETTER.
  • 57. 57
  • 58. 58 Wait a tick: Isn’t growth just Marketing’s responsibility? Nope: Every person on every team at Handy is responsible for Growth.
  • 59. But Growth always doesn’t mean: Growth without love. We understand that growing too fast at the cost of hurting the customer or pro experience does not equate to a long term, viable business. Build for love should ultimately be our long term growth strategy. Growth at all costs. We don’t throw money away needlessly to acquire customers who are not right for the platform; we look at cost of acquisition relative to customer lifetime value. And we pay attention to our burn rate to ensure we are growing sustainably. Over-expansion. Launching new markets or services too aggressively adds complexity that is hard to manage at our current stage - new languages, new payment methods, new use cases, etc. We know scale and liquidity in a given market is what benefits customers and pros most. So for now, we want to go deeper in the markets we currently serve, rather than spread ourselves too thin. Ultimately, however, we believe an amazing service experience crosses verticals and borders, and will opportunistically expand our scope. 59
  • 60. 60 In the spirit of Growth Always, use this coupon code to get 30% off your first home cleaning by Handy. Code: CULTURE Go to handy.com to book a home cleaning, and enter CULTURE in the promo code section on the checkout page.
  • 61. 6. DATA BEATS OPINION We focus on the details and make decisions based on analysis and data, not anecdotes.
  • 62. You represent this value when: ● You understand Handy’s core business metrics and goals you are working toward. ● You use data, where possible, to inform your decisions or build a case for any new process, feature, etc. ● You seek out learning opportunities to build the capabilities needed to access data and conduct analyses required to perform your job. ● You understand that data integrity is critical and make an extra effort to record accurate data (whether automated or manual). 62 6. DATA BEATS OPINION
  • 63. WE LOVE DATA AND METRICS. Here’s why. They tell us where we are succeeding and where we need to be better. They give us a competitive advantage over upstarts who have zero data to inform their decisions. They represent the revealed needs and preferences of our customers and pros at scale. Anecdotes help bring context to data, but taken alone, it’s hard to know if they are representative of the many. 63
  • 64. 64 It doesn’t have to be big data... The early days of Handy’s “Counter Culture” →
  • 65. 65
  • 66. Where data and metrics can go wrong. Too much data → Lack of focus on key metrics. Tracking lots of metrics for the sake of it is not helpful. Focus on actionable metrics, not the quantity of metrics. Analysis paralysis. Too much data and analysis can hold up progress. Get to the core analysis needed to make a decision, and don’t get held up by “nice to know” data. Garbage in. Garbage out. Data integrity is key, so make sure you are making decisions off of data you understand and have sense-checked. Sometimes data is not available. This is particularly so when pursuing new opportunities. The absence of data should not stall decision making. Either figure out how to get the data quickly through an experiment, or acknowledge the lack of data, move on, and take a calculated risk. 66
  • 67. 67 Once upon a time, this is where it felt like all of our data was stored → But over the last couple of years we’ve made significant improvements in enabling users to access our data to inform decision-making. We overhauled our data warehouse, created robust automated business critical reporting, built out a Data & Analytics team, and have invested significantly in tools that allow us to do quick data investigations to power our decision making. We know we still have work to do here.
  • 68. 7. DO MORE WITH LESS By being resourceful, innovative and disciplined, we can outrun any competition.
  • 69. You represent this value when: 7. DO MORE WITH LESS 69 ● You are scrappy, prioritize effectively, avoid fake work, and use experimentation to achieve outsized results from limited time and resources. ● You spend Handy’s money responsibly, and use your craftiness over cash, where possible. ● You do not aim to expand your team for the sake of empire-building - instead, you build David teams that deliver Goliath performance.
  • 71. 71
  • 72. 72 As a platform business - we make money by taking a cut of the fee between customers and pros. To ensure we continue to add more value than we extract, our goal should be to take a smaller and smaller and smaller cut, lots and lots and lots of times. In other words, we need to be lean to grow big.
  • 73. 73 ● customers in terms of lower pricing ● pros in the form of higher payments ● employees and investors through higher salaries or equity value. By serving more customers and pros with less, it allows us to return more to our:
  • 74. 74 Doing more with less manifests at Handy in four primary areas. 1. Lower costs. We relentlessly lower our costs - both fixed and variable. We seek to serve each customer and pro by being the most efficient and innovative marketplace. 2. Continuous improvement. We try to stop bugs from traveling downstream, and take it as an article of faith that allowing bugs to “travel down the line” is expensive. 3. Automation. We automate as much as possible, where product and algorithms can solve problems or deliver consistent, delightful experiences. When we cannot fully automate a task, we build simple and intuitive processes. 4. Small teams. Empire building is not tolerated. Instead, we reward lean teams that work efficiently together to deliver outsized performance.
  • 75. 75 Some examples in practice: For two years, we packed our own supply bags. We use Ikea desks (and apparently, computer monitors as post-it boards).
  • 76. 76 We run a Banana Stand initiative each year - because there’s always money in the banana stand... Banana Stand projects aim to reduce monthly expenses in meaningful ways. Banana Stand project examples Cash out now Pro premium Replace salesforce Automated CL posting Banana Stand savings tracker
  • 77. 8. ENJOY THE JOURNEY We believe work should be fun, and aim to create meaningful friendships throughout the company.
  • 78. You represent this value when: ● You develop the best ideas and products when you look forward to coming to work. ● You are yourself at work, and people look forward to working with you. ● You build strong, meaningful friendships with your Handy colleagues; not just those limited to your immediate team. ● You understand that while embracing challenges is good, it is also exhausting, exhilarating and exciting, so it’s important not to take yourself too seriously. 78 8. ENJOY THE JOURNEY
  • 79. 79
  • 80. 80 Some of the tangible things happening around Handy to foster community... Better Communication ● Bi-Weekly All Hands ● Regular 1:1s ● TV monitors ● Employee recognition awards ● People & culture surveys Office Atmosphere ● Daily catered meals ● Couches ● Foosball table ● Glass conference rooms ● Open seating Events ● Monthly team outings ● Company retreats ● Holiday Parties ● Charity Events ● Community Advisor Programs ● Speaker Series
  • 81. 81 And now for the intangibles...
  • 82. 82
  • 83. THE HANDY WAY is defined by these eight 1. Embrace challenges 2. Support smart & passionate people 3. Today not tomorrow 4. Build for love 5. Growth always 6. Data beats opinion 7. Do more with less 8. Enjoy the journey Things We Believe At Handy 83 To recap...
  • 84. 84 At times, our values will conflict. Build for love vs. Today not tomorrow. Growth always vs. Do more with less. That’s ok. And not every value will be as important or helpful in every decision or at all times. That’s expected. What’s important is that we understand why we value these things, and that we use them, where possible, to guide our actions and decisions. Moreover, that we feel empowered to call out tensions where they exist or acknowledge what tradeoffs we are making and why.
  • 85. Our culture is not for everyone. (on purpose) 85 Why? Wouldn’t you want everyone to be happy working at Handy?
  • 86. Remember, we’re attempting to build the sort of company that has never been built before, and that means doing things in a way that hasn’t necessarily been done before. 86
  • 87. So, these 8 things define the Handy Culture. Meaning, they are things we believe and value collectively at Handy, for Handy; not necessarily other companies or every individual who passes through Handy. And they are (/should be) the basis for our small daily actions, our big strategic decisions, and any hiring, rewarding and organizational changes made at Handy. 87
  • 88. If we tried to appeal to everyone, we’d revert to the average. And we’re not interested in building an average company. Good enough for everyone is great for no one. We opt for greatness. 88
  • 89. Some of what’s in this deck is already happening in reality. And some of it is aspirational. But we’re still at the very beginning. 89
  • 90. 90
  • 91. One last thing. Big shout out to the companies we researched and were inspired by in our creation of this deck. 91